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NAME: Abdulmunim Al Kindy

TITLE: Executive Director PT&CS


All parties consent to this document being signed electronically -PT&CS/GP/INT/2021/18407

ADNOC Classification: Restricted


CUSTODIAN Group Projects & Engineering / PT&CS

ADNOC Specification applicable to ADNOC & ADNOC Group Companies



DATE (Designation / (Designation / (Designation / (Designation /
Initial) Initial) Initial) Initial)
30-Sep-21 1 Ravi Chandra Mahmoud Abdel Najem Qambar / Ebraheem
Dahagam, Hakim / HOD VP Group Eng. - AlRomaithi / SVP-
/ Sr. Rotating Pipelines Eng. - GPE GPE
Equip. Eng.
Digitally signed by Ravi Mahmoud Digitally signed by
Mahmoud Abdel Hakim
Ravi DN: cn=Ravi Chandra,
o=AGP, ou=TER2SERE1,
Abdel Hakim Date: 2021.10.11
08:35:37 +04'00'

Chandra, c=AE
Date: 2021.10.06 23/11/2021
09:15:40 +04'00'

Ranjan Kumar Reuben Ali AlBreiki/ VP

Ravate, Yagambaram/ Mgr, Upstream Projects 23/11/2021
/ Sr. Rotating Offshore Portfolio - – GPE
Equip. Eng. GP&E

Digitally signed by
Reuben Digitally signed by
Ranjan Kumar
Ranjan Kumar Ravate
Date: 2021.10.06 Reuben Yagambaram
Ravate 07:55:17 +04'00' Date: 2021.10.12
12:07:27 +04'00'

Shaaban Kamal/
Mgr. Eng. 23/11/2021
Digitally signed
by Shaaban
07:17:11 +04'00'

Group Projects & Engineering is the owner of this Specification and responsible for its custody,
maintenance and periodic update.

In addition, Group Projects & Engineering is responsible for communication and distribution of any changes
to this Specification and its version control.

This specification will be reviewed and updated in case of any changes affecting the activities described in
this document

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The following are inter-relationships for implementation of this Specification:

i. ADNOC Upstream and ADNOC Downstream Business Units Industry, Marketing & Trading
ii. ADNOC Onshore, ADNOC Offshore, ADNOC Sour Gas, ADNOC Gas Processing. ADNOC
LNG, ADNOC Refining, Borouge, Al Dhafra Petroleum, Al Yasat
The following are stakeholders for the purpose of this Specification:
iii. ADNOC PT&CS Directorate
This Specification has been approved by the ADNOC PT&CS is to be implemented by each
ADNOC Group company included above subject to and in accordance with their Delegation of
Authority and other governance-related processes in order to ensure compliance.
Each ADNOC Group company must establish/nominate a Technical Authority responsible for
compliance with this Specification.


“ADNOC” means Abu Dhabi National Oil Company.

“ADNOC Group” means ADNOC together with each company in which ADNOC, directly or indirectly,
controls fifty percent (50%) or more of the share capital.

“Approving Authority” means the decision-making body or employee with the required authority to
approve Policies & Procedures or any changes to it.

“Business Line Directorates” or “BLD” means a directorate of ADNOC which is responsible for one or
more Group Companies reporting to, or operating within the same line of business as, such directorate.

“Business Support Directorates and Functions” or “Non- BLD” means all the ADNOC functions and the
remaining directorates, which are not ADNOC Business Line Directorates.

“CEO” means chief executive officer.

“Group Company” means any company within the ADNOC Group other than ADNOC.

“Specification” means this Water Treatment and Chemical Injections Specification.


The intranet copy of this document located in the section under Group Policies on One ADNOC is the only
controlled document. Copies or extracts of this document, which have been downloaded from the intranet,
are uncontrolled copies and cannot be guaranteed to be the latest version.

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SECTION A – GENERAL ............................................................................................................................ 6
GENERAL ....................................................................................................................................... 6
REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .......................................................................................................... 8
DOCUMENT PRECEDENCE ....................................................................................................... 10
SPECIFICATION DEVIATION / CONCESSION CONTROL ....................................................... 10
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................... 10
ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................... 12
CIVIL STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................... 12
QUALITY CONTROL AND ASSURANCE ................................................................................... 12
INSPECTION AND TESTING REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................ 13
MATERIAL CERTIFICATION ....................................................................................................... 13
SPARE PARTS ............................................................................................................................. 13
SPECIAL TOOLS ......................................................................................................................... 13
TRAINING ..................................................................................................................................... 13
UNIT RESPONSIBILITY ............................................................................................................... 13
SUPPLIER SUPERVISION AT SITE ............................................................................................ 13
APPENDIX A – WATER TREATMENT PACKAGES ............................................................................... 14
SECTION A – GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 15
GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................... 15
DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS / MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ...................................... 15
SECTION B – TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................... 17
FEATURES OF WATER TREATMENT PACKAGES .................................................................. 17
MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................. 21
MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ....................................................................................................... 28
PIPING AND LAYOUT DESIGN REQUIREMENTS .................................................................... 29
INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................... 36
QUALITY REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................ 39
INSPECTION AND TESTING ....................................................................................................... 39
GUARANTEE AND WARRANTY ................................................................................................ 40
APPENDIX B – CHEMICAL INJECTION PACKAGES ............................................................................ 41
SECTION A – GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 42
GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................... 42
DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS / MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ...................................... 42
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MATERIAL SELECTION FOR INJECTION PACKAGE .............................................................. 48

MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ....................................................................................................... 49
PIPING REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................ 51
ELECTRICAL ............................................................................................................................... 52
INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL........................................................................................53
STRUCTURAL SKID / BASE PLATE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................ 54
SAFETY ........................................................................................................................................ 54
MISCELLANEOUS ....................................................................................................................... 55
CHEMICAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................................... 55
INSTALLATION AND INSPECTION AND TESTING .................................................................. 55
GUARANTEE AND WARRANTY ................................................................................................56
TYPICAL CHEMICAL INJECTION SERVICES ........................................................................... 61

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This AGES Document contains provisions and requirements that apply to the design, construction,
installation, operation, inspection, testing, maintenance, and use of the below listed Water
Treatment and Chemical Injection Packages in petroleum, petrochemical, and natural gas
industries used in ADNOC Business Units and Projects.
x Water treatment Packages – Appendix A
x Chemical Injection Package – Appendix B
This shall be read in conjunction with AGES-SP-05-006 Rotating Equipment Minimum General
Requirements and System Integration and the listed relevant equipment data sheets, COMPANY
specifications and the international standards referenced in paragraph 2 “Reference Documents”
and the relevant Appendices of this specification.

The SUPPLIER shall notify

The PURCHASER of any apparent conflict between material requisition, the related data sheets,
the codes and standards and any other specifications noted herein. Resolution and/or
interpretation precedence shall be obtained from the COMPANY in writing before proceeding with
the design/manufacture.

Definitions and Abbreviations

The following defined terms are used throughout this specification:
‘[PSR]’ indicates a mandatory Process Safety Requirement
“COMPANY” means ADNOC, ADNOC Group or an ADNOC Group Company, and includes any
agent or consultant authorized to act for, and on behalf of the COMPANY.
“CONTRACTOR” means the parties that carry out all or part of the design, engineering,
procurement, construction, commissioning or management for ADNOC projects. CONTRACTOR
includes its approved MANUFACTURER(s), SUPPLIER(s), SUB-SUPPLIER(s) and SUB-
“MANUFACTURER” means the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or MANUFACTURER
of one or more of the component(s) which make up a sub-assembly or item of equipment
assembled by the main SUPPLIER or his nominated SUB-SUPPLIER.
‘may’ means a permitted option
‘shall’ indicates mandatory requirements
‘should’ means a recommendation
“SUB-CONTRACTOR” means any party engaged by the CONTRACTOR to undertake any
assigned work on their behalf. COMPANY maintains the right to review all proposed SUB-
CONTRACTORs; this right does not relieve the CONTRACTOR of their obligations under the
Contract, nor does it create any contractual relationship between COMPANY and the SUB-
“SUPPLIER” means the party entering into a Contract with COMPANY to provide the materials,
equipment, supporting technical documents and/or drawings, guarantees, warranties and/or
agreed services in accordance with the requirements of the purchase order and relevant
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specification(s). The term SUPPLIER includes any legally appointed successors and/or
nominated representatives of the SUPPLIER.
“SUB-SUPPLIER” means the sub-contracted SUPPLIER of equipment sub-components software
and/or support services relating to the equipment / package, or part thereof, to be provided by
the SUPPLIER. COMPANY maintains the right to review all proposed SUB-SUPPLIERS, but this
right does not relieve the SUPPLIER of their obligations under the Contract, nor does it create
any contractual relationship between COMPANY and any individual SUB-SUPPLIER.

1.3.1 Abbreviations
The abbreviations used throughout this specification are shown in the following table.

Abbreviations Description

AOC Accidentally Oil Contaminated

API American Petroleum Institute
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
BEDD Basic Engineering Design Data
COC Continuously Oil Contaminated
CR Criticality Rating
DCS Distributed Control System
DM De-mineralised
ESD Emergency Shut-down
FAT Factory Acceptance Testing
HEI Heat Exchange Institute
IBC Intermediate Bulk Containers
ICSS Integrated Control and Safety System
IRCD Injection Rate Control Devices
LP Low Pressure
MBP Mixed Bed Polisher
MCM Machine Condition Monitoring
MED Multi Effect Distillation
MMS Machine Monitoring System
MSF Multi Stage Flash
QAQC Quality Assurance and Quality Control
RTD Resistance Temperature Detector
SAT Site Acceptance Test
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
TEMA Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association
TSS Total Suspended Solids

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TTV Triple Throttling Valve

TVC Thermal Vapour Compressor
VPRV / PVRV Vacuum Pressure Relief Valve


International Codes and Standards

The following Codes and Standards shall form a part of this specification (common for both
appendices). When an edition date is not indicated for a Code or Standard, the latest edition in
force at the time of the contract award just after the agreed Exceptions and Deviations are signed
off shall apply.

&2'(12 '(6&5,37,21

Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas

API 610
General Purpose and Utility Pumps
ANSI B 73.1 / B73.2 / ISO 5199

API 520 (Part I & II) Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-relieving Devices

API 521 Pressure-relieving and Depressuring Systems

ASME B1.1 Unified Screw Threads

ASME B16.5 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings

ASME B31.3 Process Piping

ASME Section Ϭ Nondestructive Examination

ASME Sec. ϯDiv. 1 Pressure Vessels

ASME Sec. ϯDiv. 2 Pressure Vessels Alternative Rules

ASME Sec. ϰ Welding and Brazing Qualifications

Metallic products. Types of inspection documents

BSEN 10204

IEC 60034-30 Rotating Electrical Machines

ADNOC Specifications

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AGES-SP-05-006 Rotating Equipment Minimum General Requirements and System
Integration Specification
AGES-SP-05-001 Centrifugal Pumps (API 610) Specification

AGES-SP-05-008 Centrifugal Pumps for General (Utility) & Fire Water Service Specification
Positive Displacement Pumps – Reciprocating (API674) and Controlled
Volume (API 675) Specification
AGES-SP-06-002 Pressure Vessel Specification

AGES-SP-06-003 Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Specification

AGES-SP-06-013 Plate and Frame Heat Exchangers

AGES-SP-13-002 Minimum Shop Inspection and Certification Requirements

AGES-SP-13-001 Criticality Rating Specification

AGES-SP-07-004 Painting and Coating Specification

AGES-SP-07-009 Galvanizing

AGES-SP-07-007 Welding and NDE of pressure vessels and heat exchangers

AGES-SP-05-013 Positive Material Identification of Equipment and Piping

AGES-SP-01-003 Structural Design Basis - Onshore Application

AGES-SP-01-024 Marine and Coastal Structure Design Basis

AGES-SP-01-023 Marine and Coastal Structures: General Requirements

AGES-SP-02-007 Induction Motor Specification

AGES-SP-02-014 Electrical Items on Packaged Equipment

AGES-SP-02-011 Electrical Power, Control and Earthing Cables

AGES-GL-02-001 Electrical Design Guide

AGES-SP-02-006 Low Voltage Switchgear and Control gear Specification

AGES-PH-03-002 Fire & Gas Detection and Fire Protection System Philosophy

AGES-SP-04-007 Instrumentation for Packaged Equipment Specification

AGES-SP-04-006 Instrument & Control Cable Specification

AGES-PH-04-001 Instrumentation Numbering and Tagging

AGES-SP-04-002 Control Valves Specification

AGES-SP-04-005 Emergency Shutdown and On/Off Valves Specification

AGES-SP-09-003 Piping & Pipeline Valves Specification

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AGES-SP-09-002 Piping Materials Specification

AGES-SP-09-013 Pipe Fittings and Flanges Specification

AGES-SP-09-008 Insulation

HSE-GA-ST07 Equipment Noise Control

The specifications and codes referred to in this specification shall, unless stated otherwise, be
the latest approved issue at the time of contract award.
It shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to be, or to become, knowledgeable of the
requirements of the referenced Codes and Standards.
The CONTRACTOR shall notify the COMPANY of any apparent conflict between this
specification, the related data sheets, the Codes and Standards and any other specifications
noted herein.
Resolution and/or interpretation precedence shall be obtained from the COMPANY in writing
before proceeding with the design/manufacture.
In case of conflict, the order of document precedence shall be:
UAE Statutory requirements
ADNOC HSE Standards
Equipment datasheets and drawings
Project Specifications and standard drawings
Company Specifications
National / International Standards


Deviations from this specification are only acceptable where the SUPPLIER has listed in their
quotation the requirements they cannot, or do not wish to, comply with, and the COMPANY /
CONTRACTOR has accepted in writing the deviations before the order is placed.
In the absence of a list of deviations, it will be assumed that the SUPPLIER complies fully with
this specification.
Any technical deviations to the Purchase Order [or Sub-contract] and its attachments including,
but not limited to, the COMPANY’s General Specifications shall be sought by the CONTRACTOR
only through technical deviation request format. Technical deviation requests require
COMPANY’S review/approval, prior to the proposed technical changes being implemented.
Technical changes implemented prior to COMPANY approval are subject to rejection.

Equipment and piping layout shall be designed in a practical and orderly manner to ensure safe
operating conditions, accessibility and ease of maintenance. Isolation valves shall have free and
safe access.

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All pipework/electrical and instrumentation terminations shall be at skid edge with flanges/junction
SUPPLIER shall provide lifting points and any special equipment (e.g. lifting frames) to allow safe
lifting and site installation. Individual equipment items on the skid shall be fitted with lifting points
or attachments to allow for removal or site maintenance.
Vents shall be directed to safe location and not toward access-ways and must be fitted with
silencers, if required, to meet specified noise limit.

Accessories and Special Equipment

Accessories and Special Equipment including Drivers, Gears, Couplings and Guards etc shall be
in accordance with AGES-SP-05-006 Rotating Equipment Minimum General Requirements and
system integration specification.

Noise Control
Noise control shall be in accordance with specifications AGES-SP-05-006. Enclosures over the
equipment requires Company approval and such enclosures SHALL [PSR] require additional
F&G detection as required.

SUPPLIER shall comply with the requirements defined in specification AGES-SP-05-006.

Welding Requirements
Welding and NDT requirements shall be per specification AGES-SP-05-006. All structural welding
shall conform to the requirements of AWS D1.1. Project specific weld procedures and quality
documents approval shall be sought.

Painting Requirements
Surface preparation and painting shall be in accordance with specifications SUPPLIER shall
comply with the requirements as per AGES-SP-05-006 and AGES-SP-07-004 Painting and
Coating Specification.
Painting on SS / alloys piping, Equipment is not required if installation is in non-coastal area.
Painting on SS applies if packages are installed on coastal areas, offshore platform and offshore
island applications. However, if EPC contractor provides any inter-skid piping, then those shall
be painted as per AGES-SP-07-004. In case Company AGES cannot be followed in totality by
equipment supplier, Supplier's standard painting procedures which meet minimum C4/C5
classification as per ISO 12499-2 is considered acceptable however such deviation shall be
requested during bidding and granted by COMPANY in writing. Galvanizing shall be in
accordance with Specification AGES-SP-07-009.

Insulation Requirements
Insulation shall be in accordance with specifications AGES-SP-05-006 and AGES-SP-09-008.
Where practical, insulation material shall be supplied prefabricated prior to delivery to site.

Identification and Tagging

Nameplates shall be in accordance with AGES-SP-05-006. All tag plates shall be in SS316L.

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Instruments and control valves tagging shall be in accordance with specification AGES-PH-04-
001. All items shipped loose shall be identified with its PO Number and Item Number. Tags shall
be corrosion resistant metal (not aluminium) and impression stamped with PO No., package Item
No., equipment tag No
Tags shall be attached to each component with stainless steel wire. Equipment shipped in fully
enclosed containers also shall include the above information marked on the outside of the
container. Markings on containers shall include equipment description.

MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER shall submit recommended lubrication schedule and lubrication
material for each tag item in accordance with Lubrication Requirements Specification AGES-SP-
05-006. ADNOC lubricating oils (mineral oils) and greases shall be utilized for various equipment
within packages.

SUPPLIER and CONTRACTOR shall comply with ADNOC HSE OS HT19 safety standard
guideline. SUPPLIER shall make allowance on his design for the forces and moments induced in
equipment and structure steelwork during lifting, transportation and installation. All items of
equipment weight over 25kg shall be provided with appropriately sized lifting lug. Necessary lifting
equipment, spreader bars shall be supplied either by CONTRACTOR or by equipment supplier
based on scope split agreed between them.

Preparation for Shipment

Preservation, Packaging, Shipping and Storage shall be in accordance with specification AGES-

Supplier drawings, data requirements

Contractor shall prepare detailed drawings, document deliverables register with each package
requisition, in format similar to rotating equipment AGES. These formats shall be extended to
water treatment and chemical injection packages.


All electrical equipment shall comply with specification AGES-SP-02-014 ‘Specification for
Electrical Items on Packaged Equipment’. Motors shall comply with the requirements of AGES-
SP-02-007 ‘Induction Motors Specification’.


The design and fabrication of Structural steel framework, ladders and platforms, shall be in
accordance with the following Project Specifications:

AGES-SP-01-003 Structural Design Basis - Onshore Application

AGES-SP-01-024. Marine and Coastal Structure Design Basis

AGES-SP-01-023 Marine and Coastal Structures: General Requirements


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SUPPLIER shall comply with the requirements within specification AGES-SP-05-006.


SUPPLIER shall comply with the requirements defined in specification AGES-SP-05-006 and

SUPPLIER shall comply with the requirements defined in specification AGES-SP-05-006.

SUPPLIER shall comply with the requirements defined in specification AGES-SP-05-006.
Insurance spares requirements if any shall be identified during DEFINE phase of project and shall
be included in SUPPLIER’s scope.

SUPPLIER shall comply with the requirements defined in specification AGES-SP-05-006.

Training shall be in accordance with AGES-SP-05-006.

SUPPLIER shall have the final and total responsibility for design, performance and material of all
equipment supplied and covered by this Requisition and utility consumption proposed by


SUPPLIER shall assist CONTRACTOR with installation, pre-commissioning and commissioning
supervision and support. SUPPLIER shall ensure the timely presence of all necessary specialists.
SUPPLIER shall quote for the site supervision service with per-diem rate, as required and
CONTRACTOR shall make necessary provisions to seek support.

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This specification describes the minimum requirements for the design, fabrication, assembly,
inspection, testing and handling of Demineralized Water Systems, Polished water systems,
desalination packages such as brine recycle Thermal Desalination Unit (Multi Stage Flash (MSF)
or Multi Effect Distillation (MED), complete with all associated auxiliaries and instrumentation, as
specified herein. Water treatment systems features shall be defined further during each project
DEFINE phase for specific treatment based on inlet and outlet conditions and required water
quality. Scope of supply and services shall be clearly defined.

The Demineralized Water System is required typically to deliver demineralized water of the
specified quality to meet the boiler feed water quality or for process uses requirements.


Environmental / Site Data

Refer to the equipment datasheet and project specific BEDD.

Area Classification
Hazardous area classifications for all equipment are specified in the equipment data sheets.

Available Utilities
For details of the site conditions and available utilities, refer to AGES-GL-16-003 Addendum-
Basic Engineering Design Data [BEDD]. SUPPLIER shall advise utility consumptions and power
requirements in his proposal in response to the query.

The package including auxiliaries shall be designed and constructed for a minimum service life
30 years and at least 5 years of uninterrupted operation.
The water treatment packages shall have an on-stream availability of 98%. The SUPPLIER shall
define the expected and guaranteed package availability values. To achieve the same, reliability
of supplied equipment shall be minimum 99%.
The water treatment packages shall consist of 2x100% trains or 3x50% trains based on specific
project location, criticality for process / production. Configuration shall be finalized during the
DEFINE phase of the project.

General Requirements
SUPPLIER shall advise dimensions and weight of package. SUPPLIER shall submit calculation
sheets and catalogue of selected resins, chemicals, catalysts proposed for specific water
treatment. For chemical injection skids used as part of water treatment, they shall comply
requirements specified in Annexure-B of this specification.

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SUPPLIER shall advise of any special handling or storage requirements for the selected chemical
and provide material safety datasheets. Method of loading and unloading resin / catalysts shall
be advised by package SUPPLIER. Any special tools required shall be provided by SUPPLIER.
For the standby equipment, pumps, filters and coolers in auxiliary services (such as lubrication
and shaft sealing) shall have full capacity standby units installed.
Platforms and ladders shall be provided as required allowing access to all major items of
equipment, all field instruments and control valves. Equipment and piping layout shall be
designed in a practical and orderly manner to ensure safe operating conditions, accessibility and
ease of maintenance. Isolation valves shall have free and safe access.
All pipework/electrical and instrumentation terminations shall be at skid edge with flanges/junction
boxes. SUPPLIER shall provide lifting points and any special equipment (e.g. lifting frames) to
allow safe lifting and site installation and maintenance.
Individual equipment items on the skid shall be fitted with lifting points or attachments to allow for
removal or site maintenance.
Vents shall be directed to safe location and not toward access-ways and must be fitted with
Configuration of Water treatment Packages shall be decided during DEFINE stage of project
based on actual process conditions.

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Operation and Equipment Description of Typical Water Treatment Packages

DM water treatment packages

3.2.1 Design Feed Characteristics

a. For flow rate, design pressure, design temperature, operating pressure and operating
temperature, refer to project specific DM water package data sheet.
b. For the composition and analysis of utility water arriving at DM water package battery limit,
refer to DM water package datasheet.
c. Supplier’s design to ensure the proposed resin is suitable for this service or a suitable method
of chlorine removal is installed upstream of the ion exchange beds. (e.g. filtration, chemical
Conductivity of the water shall be monitored. A sudden increase in conductivity will indicate that
the unit needs regenerating and the flow should be switched between trains. Typically the
exchange beds will require regeneration once every eight hours. The MBPs will typically require
regeneration once every seven (7) days. Package SUPPLIER to confirm regeneration period.
The regenerating steps shall be follows
• Backwash.

• Air hold-down (Cation exchanger units only)

• Regenerant introduction
• Displacement
• Rinse
Backwash - The function of the backwash phase shall remove any suspended matter
accumulated on the anion resin bed during the service cycle. Backwashing shall be accomplished
by reversing the flow through the unit. The backwash shall be performed using decationised water
from the cation exchanger vessels. The backwash water shall enter the bottom of the vessel and
leave through the top. This process also has the effect of expanding and regarding the resin bed.
The cation exchanger units shall be backwashed once every 15 regenerations, using
dematerialized water from the regeneration water pumps. SUPPLIER to advice backwashing
Air Hold Down - Air hold down shall only be used in the cation exchanger in order to keep the
resin bed in place as it is contacted with a counter current flow of regenerant solution. The anion
exchanger shall be regenerated with flow in the normal direction and therefore air hold down is
not required.

3.2.2 Regenerant Introduction

When the ion exchange beds become exhausted, they shall be regenerated to restore them to
full operating capacity. The cation exchanger bed shall be restored with a solution of sulphuric
acid. The anion exchanger bed shall be restored with a solution of caustic.
The dilution rate shall be fully adjustable so that the acid or caustic is of the proper concentration
when it enters the exchanger vessel. Analysers shall measure the acid and caustic concentrations
to ensure correct dilution rates.
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The acid regenerant shall be injected in two separate steps in order to prevent calcium sulphate
precipitation. In the first step, acid concentration shall be controlled at 2%. This first injection
flushes out most of the calcium as a very dilute solution of calcium sulphate. The second step
follows with 4% acid that can be used without the risk of calcium sulphate precipitation.
Displacement - After the appropriate amount of regenerant has been introduced, the dilution
water flow shall be continued for that period of time necessary to displace the last portion of
regenerant completely from the exchanger vessel. Displacement allows for a uniform regenerant-
resin contact time. Following the displacement step, the cation exchanger vessel shall be refilled
with utility water prior to the rinse step.
Rinse - Following the displacement phase, the unit shall be rinsed to clear it of excess regenerant
and the salts formed during the regeneration process. The cation bed shall be ready to return to
service immediately after the rinse step. Before the anion vessel returns to service, the effluent
conductivity shall be checked to ensure that adequate rinsing has taken place.

3.2.3 Demineralizer Train

The Demineralized Water System shall be designed based on the process design basis furnished
to the SUPPLIER separately. SUPPLIER shall add to the net demand additional capacity for
demineralized water required during regeneration.
The Demineralized Water System shall be supplied complete with regeneration system and all
necessary interconnecting piping, valves, controls and instrumentation.
Each demineralizer train shall consist of one cation exchanger and one anion exchanger, followed
by a mixed bed polishing unit. A set of three cartridge filters shall be supplied upstream of the
demineralizer trains. Filter effluent shall be combined (common header) to be able to feed either
of the three demineralizer trains. Similarly, the two-bed (cation-anion) effluent to be combined to
be able to feed either of the three mixed bed polishers.
SUPPLIER design shall permit simultaneous operation of any two demineralizer trains each
operating at 50% of the plant design capacity. In addition the unit shall be capable to operate
between 20% and 100% of its design capacity.
Two bed ionization (cation exchange and anion exchange) followed by mixed-bed polisher is
used in case inlet water stream is raw water / sea water. Demineralizer package with 'mixed-bed
polisher only' may be acceptable if inlet water stream is desalinated water and if process
guarantee for outlet water quality is met with mixed bed polisher.
The cation and anion exchangers design shall be based on high efficiency packed bed concept.
SUPPLIER may propose alternate cost-effective schemes for COMPANY consideration.
Regeneration (end of the service cycle) of a train shall be initiated based on first occurrence of
any one of the following:
High sodium content in the effluent water of the cation exchanger
High conductivity or high silica measured in the effluent of the anion exchanger
Pre-set volume of product water has been reached (minimum 12 hours operation)
High differential pressure across any ion exchange column
Regeneration (end of the service cycle) of the mixed bed polisher shall be initiated based on first
occurrence of any one of the following:
• High silica in the effluent
• High conductivity in the effluent
• Preset volume or time has been reached

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• High differential pressure across the resin bed

3.2.4 Regeneration and Neutralization Systems

The regeneration system shall include all necessary piping, valves, instrumentation and
accessories required for preparation and injection of chemicals at the required concentration
and quantity. Also sampling points shall be provided for manual sampling of the diluted
Chemical dosages shall be selected to ensure minimum possible total chemical consumption per
unit volume of demineralized water produced. SUPPLIER is allowed to make the necessary
adjustments in the chemical dosages to produce theoretically neutral waste upon completion of
each regeneration cycle. SUPPLIER shall submit chemical consumption data for
CONTRACTOR’S evaluation. SUPPLIER shall also submit volume of wastewaters that will be
generated during each regeneration. This data shall be submitted separately for the two-bed and
the mixed bed units.
Acid Storage and caustic Tank shall be of minimum capacity based on 15 days dosing
requirements in size. SUPPLIER shall submit proposed storage tanks size and configuration.
Tank capacity shall be based on 15 days dosing requirements. Three acid regeneration dosing
pumps (one for cation, one for mixed bed and one common spare) and two acid neutralization
dosing pumps shall be provided all pre-piped, prewired and skid mounted.
Three caustic regeneration dosing pumps (one for anion, one for mixed bed and one common
spare) and two caustic neutralization dosing pumps shall be provided all pre-piped, prewired and
skid mounted.
Two dilution water feed pumps shall be supplied, one in service and other one spare. SUPPLIER
shall supply the caustic dilution water heater(s) if required to introduce warm caustic during
regeneration of anion resins. Two x 100% mixed bed resin mix blowers shall be supplied, one in
service and the other one spare.
Back wash pumps shall be provided on a separate skid for supply of rinse water from
demineralization water storage tank to exchanger vessels. An alternative arrangement of
supplying rinse water from demineralized water outlet header within the package may also be
used. SUPPLIER shall state preference.
The neutralization basin will be by CONTRACTOR based on design provided by SUPPLIER.
Neutralization process will be carried out automatically. Regenerant wastewater will be mixed
(circulated) using the neutralization pumps and necessary amount of acid or caustic will be added
to reach acceptable pH level. SUPPLIER shall supply necessary controls for automatic operation
of neutralization process and to be able to monitor its status from CONTRACTOR furnished DCS.
Operating capacity of the neutralization basin shall be a minimum of 200% of the maximum
expected regeneration waste volume per regeneration of one train and the mixed bed. Mixing,
neutralization and disposal of the neutralized waste shall complete well within available time
between regeneration cycles. SUPPLIER shall recommend basin size in accordance with the
above criteria and may also propose alternate sizing based on SUPPLIER’s other sizing criteria
that offers savings in installed and operating costs while providing the necessary operating
flexibility. Water conservation is important and essential in plant design. SUPPLIER design may
include an option for reusing final rinse from Cation/Anion/Mixed bed Exchanger to produce
demineralized water instead of draining to the neutralization sump.

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3.2.5 Process Control

Package shall require minimum operator supervision and maintenance. Package shall be
controlled and safeguarded in Plant ICS and unit control panel approach shall be strictly avoided.
The system shall be designed for three modes of operation, as follows:
Automatic mode shall permit normal service cycle with automatic shutdown and switchover.
Automatic shutdown shall be initiated when set limits for throughput, service time, effluent
quality and differential pressure across each vessel is reached. Also, regeneration of the
exhausted column is initiated automatically during this mode.
In the supervised manual mode (Semiautomatic) of operation, initiation and termination of
each step within the regeneration/backwash sequence shall be manual by pressing step
advance buttons/keys at CRT or panel.
Override manual mode shall permit for the operator to override via override switches for all
automatic valves and pumps.

Polished Water Package

3.3.1 Design features for Activated carbon filter

Intervals between Activated Carbon replacements shall not be less than 5 years.
Oil: Max. 5.0 ppmw, (Normal Value (ppmw) for Design
Linear velocity: Max. 20 m3/m2/h. (SUPPLIER to recommend / specify)
Bed contact time: Min. 10 minutes. (SUPPLIER to recommend / specify)
Type of Activated Carbon shall be no silica elution type. SUPPLIER to specify silica leakage
concentration at normal operating condition (at 99°C). The material and coating/ lining of activated
carbon filter shall be suitable at design temperature (130°C).

Multistage Flash packages (MSF)

The equipment shall be sized and designed in accordance with the individual project specific
Equipment Data Sheets.
Performance Ratio shall be 8.5 kg of distillate per 2326 kJ of energy at fouled up condition (i.e.
after 16,000 hrs. operation) in case of MSF unit. These values shall be confirmed at DEFINE
stage of project.
The brine recycle pumps shall be equipped with a variable speed control system complete where
required with all necessary special control equipment thus allowing the step less control of the
recirculated brine flow rate by automatic speed adjustment of the brine recycle pumps. In case of
a shutdown of one brine recycle pump operation of the MSF unit shall still be possible with a
minimum tube velocity of the recirculation brine.
The cooling water recirculation pump shall be designed according to the maximum cooling water
demand of one desalination unit (without cooling water to vacuum system) at the minimum
seawater temperature and design seawater salinity.
A cooling water inlet temperature at the heat rejection section of not below 25°C shall be possible
with cooling water recirculation. SUPPLIER shall state in his bid documents what will be the
lowest cooling water inlet temperature with regard to the size of the last stages (chamber length
and demister area).

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Multi effect Distillation (MED) Packages

Each MED unit shall include observation windows located on the brine side of the heat transfer
surface. Each MED TVC unit shall be capable of at least 50% turndown for quantity of distillate
produced compared to the maximum design throughput. Lower turndown ratios than 50% are
Differential pressure shall be continually measured across heat exchangers to ascertain rate of
fouling. Seawater, brine and condensate flow distribution shall be designed such that no uneven
flow distribution is witnessed. Brine distribution around evaporation tubes shall be equally
distributed and designs shall be engaged that encourage even flow distribution.
A heat transfer coefficient of no less than 6 kW/m2 °C shall be provided for the first Effect. The
vendor shall state the heat transfer coefficients for all Effects. The vendor shall confirm the
number of Effects and stages per unit.
Gained output ratio (GOR), performance ratio (PR) and Recovery (defined as quantity of
seawater required meeting design distillate output and maintaining distillate at below 40°C and
brine at 45°C, shall be confirmed by vendor.

3.5.1 Operating Philosophy

The Unit shall be able to function in fully automatic mode. The manual operation of certain
particular aspects of the DESALINATION process unit are allowed for start-up, shutdown and
maintenance, but these manual functions shall be in addition to automatic operational control.
The DESALINATION Unit will run continuous, intended uninterrupted operation for a period of at
least five years at the specified operating conditions.
Contractor shall produce a General Process operating philosophy including operator and
automated control system responses associated with:
x Changes in seawater temperature to meet guaranteed distillate output
x Fouling of tubes, and associated operator/ automated response to maintain distillate output

x Distillate conductivity beyond guarantee conditions

x Start up and Shutdown procedures

x Cleaning procedures
x Variations in steam flow or pressure feeding DESALINATION and TVC units
x Unit Turn down capability (maximum to minimum stated in m3/h, and % of maximum design

x A noticeable steady increase in distillate conductivity over time

x A noticeable steady decline in distillate productivity over time.

Where materials are not specified SUPPLIER shall select based on proven experience and
subject to purchaser review and approval. SUPPLIER to confirm materials and corrosion
allowances for all equipment within the package. Grey cast iron shall not be used for any pressure
containing part. Materials of construction for various package components require COMPANY
In this specification and referenced specifications and standards various components are
required to be provided in stainless steel SS316L as a minimum.
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All pressure retaining castings shall have the material designation embossed or engraved on
each part. Cooper and cooper alloys shall not be used in the presence of hydrocarbons containing
H2S, acetylene, ammonia or ammonium chloride. The minimum quality bolting material for
pressure joints shall be ASTM A193, Grade B7 for carbon steel and A193 Grade B8M for stainless

Piping Materials
All water service and dilute regenerant piping, fittings and valves within the demineralizer and the
neutralization systems shall be PPL lined carbon steel or 316 / 316L stainless steel. Tank vents
and other non-pressure type vent and drain piping may be glass reinforced vinyl ester (GRV) /
Glass Reinforced Epoxy (GRE). Cast iron fittings in the lined piping system are not acceptable.
Acid piping material shall be selected based on final selection of type of acid to be used for
regeneration and neutralization. SUPPLIER shall propose regenerant piping material based on
the following guide lines:
x Concentrated caustic piping shall be carbon steel. Carbon steel caustic piping shall be post
weld heat treated in accordance with specification AGES-SP-07-007. Wall thickness shall be
sch.80 for up to 1.5” lines and sch.40 for 2” and larger. SUPPLIER shall propose sch.40 316L
stainless steel piping for concentrated caustic as an alternate.

x For hydrochloric acid regenerated units, the piping in contact with concentrated and dilute
acid, the material shall be PP/PTFE lined carbon steel and/or Hastelloy-C.
x Concentrated sulfuric acid piping shall be PP / PTFE lined carbon steel and/or Alloy 20.

Vessel Materials
Materials of construction shall be as follows:

Plate A-516 Gr. 60

Forgings A-105B Normalized

Castings A-216 WCB

4.2.1 Vessel Internals

Vessel internals shall be 316L stainless steel construction except for hydrochloric acid
regenerated units, sea water services shall have Hastelloy-C internals.
Vessel internals shall be designed to accomplish even distribution of all flows across the cross
section of the bed. Header-laterals type distributors are preferred. Other proven designs will be
considered. Any correction in the internals design that may become necessary to meet system
performance guarantee shall be the responsibility of the SUPPLIER. Supports for the internals
shall be designed to maintain complete rigidity during service and the regeneration cycles. Loss
of resin due to damage of the internals and/or the resin trap will become the responsibility of the
The SUPPLIER shall install all internals prior to shipment.

4.2.2 Vessel/Tank Lining

All ion exchange vessels and the acid/caustic storage tanks shall be internally lined with 5mm
thick vulcanized natural rubber. Lining shall be steam cured to required hardness (80-90 shore,

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scale D) and shall be spark tested at 12000 volts minimum. Cartridge filters shall be internally
coated with epoxy as per the requirements of specification.
SUPPLIER shall submit lining application and testing procedures for COMPANY/
CONTRACTOR’s review and approval prior to commencement of work.
SUPPLIER shall advise of any special handling or storage requirements for the selected chemical
and provide material safety datasheets.
x Sulfuric acid tank shall be CS with 6mm corrosion allowance or high grade material.
x Caustic Soda tank shall be CS with 3mm corrosion allowance or high grade material.

Pump Materials
Sulfuric acid pump shall be Alloy 20 or high grade material. Caustic Soda pump shall be Allow
400 or high grade material. For pump materials selection, refer AGES-SP-05-001 or AGES-SP-
05-008 as applicable.

Materials for Specific Components

Specific materials requirements will be shown on the Data Sheet(s). The choice of materials in
this specification is given as a minimum requirement. It will be VENDOR’S responsibility to verify
that all materials are suitable for their service. Material Certificates shall be in accordance with
Specification AGES-SP-13-002 and General Specification AGES-SP-05-011. All metallic
materials require 3.1 certification (including structural steel) and non-metallic materials require
2.2 certification. High end alloys such as Titanium, super duplex stainless steel, Hastelloy etc.
require 3.2 certification. Asbestos or asbestos filled materials shall not be used for any component.
In general, the selection of materials and the corrosion allowances (when applicable) shall
consider a unit lifetime of minimum 30 years with a high availability and low requirements for
maintenance. Suitability of material selection, with regards to chlorine levels / chlorination
program, shall be confirmed by SUPPLIER and approved by COMPANY.
The design and the construction shall be performed, so as to avoid crevice corrosion as well as
galvanic corrosion. All material selections/combinations shall have a proven track record with
Arabian Gulf water.

4.4.1 Evaporator
The evaporator shell shall be constructed of carbon steel. As protection against corrosion, the
flash chambers of both the heat reject section and the heat recovery section shall be fully clad
internally with Copper Nickel 90/10 per ASTM B122-C70600. The cladding shall have a minimum
thickness of 2.5 mm. Only integrally clad plates shall be used (e.g. cladding by hot roll bonding).
Applied lining is not acceptable.

4.4.2 Internals
All other internals in the flash chambers (e.g. brine orifices, weirs, splash plates, partitions,
intermediate tube support plates, distillate troughs, demisters with framing and supports, guiding
baffles etc.) and the access doors to the stages (manholes) shall be made of a suitable copper-
nickel alloy. Fastening bolts shall be made of Monel 400 or 500. The demisters shall be made of
Monel or alternate subject to approval by COMPANY.

4.4.3 Water Boxes

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Material for the evaporator water boxes shall be carbon steel with an internal cladding of Copper
Nickel 90/10 per ASTM B122-C70600. The cladding shall have a minimum thickness of 2.5 mm.
Only integrally clad plates shall be used. Applied lining is not acceptable.

4.4.4 Tubes and Tube sheets

The tubes in the heat recovery section shall be made of:
x Cu-Ni-Fe-Mn 66/30/2/2 per ASTM B111-C71640, for the high temperature stages in which
the vapor temperature may reach or exceed 80 °C (at TBT = 105°C)

x Copper Nickel 90/10 per ASTM B111-C70600, for all other stages in which the vapor
temperature is below 80 °C (at TBT = 105 °C).

x The minimum wall thickness of the tubes in the heat recovery section shall be 1.0 mm and
the inner tube diameter shall be at least 17 mm.
The tubes in the heat reject section shall be made of Cu-Ni-Fe-Mn 66/30/2/2 per ASTM B111-
C71640, with a minimum wall thickness of 1.0 mm. The inner tube diameter shall be at least 17
mm. Inner tube diameter sizing shall be subject to approval by COMPANY.
All tube sheets shall be made of solid plates of a suitable copper-nickel alloy which shall be
approved by the COMPANY (e.g. Copper Nickel 70/30 per ASTM B171-C71500, for the high
temperature stages and Copper Nickel 90/10 per ASTM B171-C70600, for the remaining stages
of the heat recovery section and Copper Nickel 70/30 per ASTM B171-C71500 for the stages of
the heat reject section). The tube sheets will be welded into each side of the evaporator shell.
VENDOR must show in the design phase that VENDOR has extensive experience with expanding
of the tubes into the tube sheets and the connecting of the tube sheets to the evaporator shell
with the specified materials. Tubes and tube sheet material selection shall allow for welding (e.g.
in case of repair work).
The following shall also apply:
x tubes shall be seamless
x tubes and tube sheet minimum iron content shall be 1.4% for Copper Nickel 90/10 and 0.6%
for Copper Nickel 70/30
x tubes shall be eddy current tested

x Tubes shall be annealed to keep iron in solution. Iron precipitation, detectable as magnetic
permeability greater than 1.1 is not acceptable
x Tubes shall be tested to ensure freedom from any carbon residues and other harmful films
after manufacturing/heat treatment. Test method shall subject to approval by COMPANY.

4.4.5 Miscellaneous Evaporator Items

Vents, drains, fittings and valves shall be made of a suitable copper alloy. The gaskets of the
evaporator manhole covers shall be made of a suitable elastomer.

4.4.6 Brine Heater

The brine heater vessel shall be made of carbon steel. The corrosion allowance shall not be less
than 3 mm. The tube material shall be Cu-Ni-Fe-Mn 66/30/2/2 per ASTM B111-C71640 with a
minimum wall thickness of 1.0 mm. The inner diameter of the tubes shall match with the diameter
of the heat recovery tubes because of the common sponge ball cleaning system.

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The tube sheets shall be made of solid sheets of a suitable copper-nickel alloy, which shall be
approved by the COMPANY (e.g. Copper Nickel 70/30 per ASTM B171-C71500). SUPPLIER
must show in his bid documents that extensive experience with the chosen material is available,
in particular reference shall be drawn to the expanding of the tubes into the tube sheets and the
welding of the tube sheets to the heater vessel. Tubes and tube sheet material selection shall
allow for welding (e.g. in case of repair work).
The water boxes shall be made of carbon steel clad with Copper Nickel 90/10 per ASTM B122-
C70600. The cladding shall have a minimum thickness of 2.5 mm. Only integrally clad plates shall
be used. Applied lining is not acceptable.
Intermediate tube support plates and steam impingement plates shall be in accordance with the
requirements stated for the evaporator.
The materials for drains, vents and fittings in contact with brine shall be in accordance with the
requirements specified for the evaporator. Drains, vents, and fittings in contact with steam or
condensate can be carbon steel.
The additional material requirements for tubes and tube sheets shall apply as specified for the

4.4.7 Deaerator
The deaerator vessel shall be made of carbon steel with an internal cladding of Copper Nickel
90/10 per ASTM B122-C70600. The cladding shall have a minimum thickness of 3 mm. Only
integrally clad plates shall be used. Applied lining is not acceptable.
Trays shall be made of a suitable copper-nickel alloy. Demisters are to be made of Monel. For
gratings, fibre-reinforced plastic or ceramic material is to be used. The packing shall be made of
Seawater pipes and/or distributors shall be made of stainless steel with min. 6% Mo or a suitable
copper-nickel alloy or reinforced thermosetting resin (RTR) material. Stripping steam pipes and/or
distributors shall be made of stainless steel with min. 6% Mo.
Stubs and flanges of drain connections, all vent connections and the associated isolating valves
shall be made of a suitable copper-nickel alloy.
Any seawater strainers in the feed line to the deaerator shall be made of carbon steel clad with
Copper Nickel 90/10 per ASTM B122-C70600. The mesh screen will be made of Monel or high
alloy stainless steel with min. 6% Mo.

4.4.8 Vacuum System

The pre-condenser vessels and the jet condenser vessels shall be made of stainless steel with a
minimum of 6.0 % Mo, or of an equivalent approved by COMPANY. They shall be protected
against pressures higher than the set pressure of the safety valve in the medium pressure steam
pipe. Only well-reputed manufacturers will be accepted. The seawater distribution pipes shall be
made of stainless steel with a minimum content of 6.0% Mo or equivalent approved by COMPANY.
The material for the ejector nozzles and steam chest shall be stainless steel ASTM A744 grade
CN-7M. The diffuser shall be of high grade stainless steel with min. 6% Mo. Fittings, valves, steam
supply strainer and priming ejector silencer shall be made of stainless steel with a minimum
content of 6.0 % Mo.
The vent piping from the deaerator to the pre-condenser shall be made of stainless steel with a
minimum content of 6.0 % Mo or of an equivalent approved by COMPANY. Valves within the
venting system shall be made of cast stainless steel grade CN-7M as per ASTM A744, or of an
equivalent approved by COMPANY.

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The condenser vessel drain lines and the vent piping for temperatures below 90°C shall be made
of RTR protected against ultraviolet radiation. The vent piping for temperatures above 90°C shall
be made of 317L stainless steel except vent pipework between ejectors and condenser vessels.
This latter pipework shall be made either of a suitable high grade alloy resistant against bromine
corrosion, or of 316L stainless steel lined with PTFE (minimum lining thickness 4 mm). The
ejectors and condensers shall be arranged in such a way that these connecting pipes will be as
short as possible.

4.4.9 Pumps
Pump casing corrosion allowance shall be in accordance with Specification AGES-SP-05-001 or
AGES-SP-056-008. Bearings for shafts of submerged vertical pumps shall be water-lubricated
preferably with the pumped medium. The piping for bearing cooling etc. shall be also be in pump
casing materials by default.

4.4.10 Seawater and Brine Pumps

For pumps handling seawater and brine, Hastelloy or SSDS or Monel shall be used:
As an alternate, Pump Material Group (PMG) 13 or 16 per AGES-SP-05-008 may be used with
COMPANY approval. The CONTRACTOR may propose alternate materials with proven
metallurgy other than indicated above. All proposed alternate materials shall be submitted to
COMPANY for approval.

4.4.11 Distillate Pumps

For the Distillate Pumps, materials shall be in accordance with PMG 12 per AGES-SP-05-008.

4.4.12 Condensate Pumps

For the Condensate Pumps, materials shall be in accordance with PMG 12 per AGES-SP-05-
008, with the exception that the casing be made of ASTM A216 (cast steel) with C max = 0.25%.

4.4.13 Acidified Water Recirculation

For recirculation of the acidified water in the relevant sections, the cooling water recirculation
pump or the blow down pump may be used. For this purpose, a suitable selection of materials
shall be made for the pumps chosen for this service, and approved by COMPANY.

4.4.14 Deaerated Water Sampling Pump

Nickel-chromium-iron alloy (e.g. UNS 8020) or 317L stainless steel.

4.4.15 Chemical Dosing Systems

Materials of construction for the Chemical Dosing System tanks shall be 316L stainless steel.

4.4.16 Sponge Ball Cleaning System

Materials for the various components of the Sponge Ball Cleaning System shall be at least
equivalent to stainless steel with min. 6% Mo. Final material selection to be approved by

4.4.17 Pipework Including Fittings And Valves

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The isolating valves and all the brine pipe downstream of the brine recycle control valve up to the
1st flash chamber shall be made of high-alloy stainless steel with min. 6% Mo, 70-30 Cu-Ni, or
Ni-Al-bronze (e.g. alloy UNS No. C95500).
For all butterfly valves in seawater and brine lines which may be used for throttling, i.e. which
during operation may be in other positions than "fully closed" or "fully opened", the following
requirements shall apply:
x Heavy throttling duty: preferably seat less valves.
x Body and disc: stainless steel, higher alloyed with min. 6% Mo, at least equivalent to Avesta
254 SMO.
x Shafts and internal fasteners, seats where necessary: Monel.

x Downstream of these valves a pipe section with a length of 2 m shall be made of high alloy
stainless steel with min. 6% Mo or of Ni-Al-bronze (e.g. alloy UNS C95500). If there are
reducers, the upstream and the downstream reducers shall be also made of high alloy
stainless steel or of Ni-Al-bronze.
The exterior of stainless steel parts shall be painted as per specification AGES-SP-07-004. Where
possible, welds inside of pipe sections made of stainless steel shall be ground and pickled. Field
welds involving Ni-Al-bronze should be avoided.
Material Selection and corrosion control requirements of equipment and piping shall be defined
based on 30-year design life or as defined by project design life. Materials in desalination plants
are subject to uniform attack, galvanic corrosion, crevice-corrosion, pitting and erosion-corrosion.
The materials shall be in accordance with the applicable specifications and shall meet the
requirements set forth in the applicable code(s). Specific material requirements will be shown on
the Data Sheet(s).
The materials listed in this specification is given as a minimum requirement. It will be VENDOR’S
responsibility to verify that all materials are suitable for their service. Positive Material
identification of Equipment and Piping shall be done as per AGES-SP-13-003.
Materials of Construction of the main equipment of MED package are as follows:

4.4.18 Effects:

Component Material
Shell Plate Super Duplex SS
Tube Sheets Super Duplex SS
Tubes (Top 4 rows) Titanium
Tubes (Remaining Rows) Aluminium brass

NOTE: No. of Top Rows will be decided based on Vendor’s design

4.4.19 FEED Water Pre-Heaters:

Component Material
Shell Super Duplex SS
Tubes Titanium

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Tube Plates Super Duplex SS

Water box Super Duplex SS

4.4.20 Steam Transformer

Component Material
Shell 6% Molybdenum Stainless Steel
Tubes Titanium
Tube Plates 6% Molybdenum Stainless Steel
Water box 6% Molybdenum Stainless Steel

4.4.21 Thermo Vapor Compressor (TVC)

Component Material
Nozzles 316L SS with 2.5% minimum molybdenum
Steam Chest 316L SS with 2.5% minimum molybdenum
Steam Connection 316L SS with 2.5% minimum molybdenum or 316L SS with 2.5%
minimum molybdenum lined carbon steel
Diffuser 316L SS with 2.5% minimum molybdenum

4.4.22 Final Condenser

Component Material
Shell 6% Molybdenum Stainless Steel
Tubes Titanium Grade 2
Tube Plates 6% Molybdenum Stainless Steel
Water box 6% Molybdenum Stainless Steel

Material Certificates shall be in accordance with Specification AGES-SP-13-002.

Parts welded directly to a pressure part, such as stiffeners, brackets, reinforcing pads etc. shall
be fabricated from the same material as the material of the pressure part.

The demineralization and equipment specified within shall be designed and constructed for a
minimum service of 30 years excluding ion exchange resin.
Noise level as measured at 1 meter from equipment shall not exceed 85 dBA at any operating
point. Equipment enclosure or other sound attenuation materials shall be provided by SUPPLIER
if required to achieve the specified noise level in line with Specification DGS-MU-009 for other
requirements of equipment noise control.

Pressure Vessels and heat exchangers

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Pressure vessels and heat exchangers shall be designed, fabricated, inspected and tested in
accordance with specifications:

AGES-SP-06-002 Pressure Vessel Specification

AGES-SP-06-003 Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Specification

AGES-SP-06-013 Plate and Frame Heat Exchangers

Pumps shall be supplied in accordance with the following applicable specifications:

AGES-SP-05-006 Rotating Equipment Minimum General Requirements and System

Integration Specification

AGES-SP-05-001 Centrifugal Pumps (API 610) Specification

AGES-SP-05-008 Centrifugal Pumps for General (Utility) & Fire Water Service
AGES-SP-05-013 Positive Displacement Pumps – Controlled Volume
(Amendments/Supplements to API 675)

Relief valves shall be provided on pump discharge at a location to protect downstream system
against overpressure due to blocked discharge.
With regard to pump redundancy, the following philosophy shall apply unless otherwise specified.
Type and duty of pumps for one unit: (refer to the Project data sheets for the specific requirements)

Brine recirculation pumps Two centrifugal pumps with 50-80% capacity each,
with speed-control (both operating).
Blowdown pump Two 100% centrifugal pumps, preferably with speed
control (one operating, one stand-by).
Distillate pumps Two 100% centrifugal pumps (one operating, one
Condensate pumps Two 100% centrifugal pumps (one operating, one
Deaerated sampling pump One 100% canned motor / magnetic drive glandless
pump. One warehouse spare shall be supplied
Cooling water recirculation pump Two 100% 100% horizontal centrifugal pump.
Cooling water booster pumps Two 100% horizontal centrifugal pumps (one
operating, one stand-by).


All piping shall meet the requirements of the following COMPANY Specifications and Standards:

AGES-SP-04-005 Emergency Shutdown and On/Off Valves Specification

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AGES-SP-09-003 Piping & Pipeline Valves Specification

AGES-SP-09-002 Piping Materials Specification
AGES-SP-09-013 Pipe Fittings and Flanges Specification

Non-metallic material shall conform to specification AGES-GL-07-001. Threaded fittings are not
acceptable except for the instrument hook-up connections.
Pipe size shall be based on liquid velocity of less than 2.5 m/s during normal operation.
Switching valves 6” and smaller shall be Saunder’s patent diaphragm type or equal with spring
loaded diaphragm type pneumatic actuators. Butterfly valves with elastomer lining (seats) are
acceptable for size 8” and larger. Butterfly valves shall have piston type spring loaded actuators.
Use of diaphragm type switching valves shall be maximized. SUPPLIER must give full
consideration to using 6” or smaller valves where ever design permits in order to be able to use
the diaphragm valves.
Concentrated chemical lines shall be supplied with double block and bleed valving. Switching /
changeover valves shall be furnished with limit switches for indication of valve positions at DCS.

The supporting structure and the evaporator are to be of a rigid design capable of withstanding
the loads produced when the flash chambers and condenser tubing are completely filled with
The evaporator shall be at least 3m above ground level with the supporting steel structure starting
at ground level. The supporting structure shall be high enough to provide sufficient headroom e.g.
for piping and for the chemical dosing stations.
The evaporator shell shall be supplied in the minimum practical number of modules for field
assembly. It is preferred that the number of field welds be kept as low as possible. VENDOR shall
supply factory assembled tube bundles.
The inter stage brine flow shall be self-regulating through all flash stages within the specified
operating range. Orifices and weirs shall be designed and arranged so that dead spaces with
stagnant flow are avoided.
The operation of the MSF unit and the distillate production shall be continuous and stable without
the necessity of orifice or weir adjustment over the total production range as guaranteed by
The orifices of the brine gates and of the distillate gates shall be suitable for internal and external
adjustment, enabling small corrections to be made during the trial and normal operation,
respectively. External adjustment devices shall be provided with a special sealing device for each
spindle to secure tightness against air ingress.
Suitable splash plates shall be placed above the brine gates, orifices, and weirs such that no jets
of water will reach the demisters or the tube bundle.
In the evaporator flash chambers, the specific chamber load (flashing brine flow) shall not exceed
1,000 t/h per each meter of chamber width.
Each stage shall have an internal baffle on the condenser tube bundle, to direct the flow of the
non-condensable gases through the coolest section of the tube bundle, before the non-
condensable gases are exhausted through the vent connection. The vents from each stage shall
be external and fitted with flow control orifices.

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Demisters of suitable area and density shall be provided to assure the specified purity of the
distillate in all stages over the full range of operation. The demister pads shall be easily accessible,
detachable and shall allow for easy examination, cleaning, handling and replacement. The
demister height in all stages shall be at least 2.9 m from the stage floor (to avoid brine carry-over
to the demisters).
The design of the vapour space above the demisters and of the entrance zones to the condenser
tube bundle shall consider that there are no zones with stagnant flow and no zones with high
vapour velocities leading to high pressure losses and/or vibration of the tube bundle etc.
At each stage facilities shall be provided to allow dumping of the distillate produced in this stage
without affecting the distillate production of the other stages and the distillate flow in the distillate
channel through the respective stage. Actuation of the distillate dumping facility shall be possible
from outside the distiller without interruption of operation.
The evaporator shall be equipped with a drain connection at every fourth stage or otherwise as
needed to empty all chambers within one hour. All drain connections shall be flush with the distiller
floor. All protrusions which would allow retention of brine or seawater shall be removed. All
internal structural parts shall be arranged to be self-draining. The water from all drains shall be
collected in such a way that the water flows off into the blow down outlet system by gravity.
Means shall be provided to observe the process in the flash chambers. A sight glass shall be
provided in each chamber to observe the flashing brine. Each sight glass shall consist of two
ports, one for a light source, the other for viewing.
In the last stage of the heat reject section a plenum of adequate volume shall be provided in
which the level shall be controlled by means of the brine blowdown pump. The plenum shall also
provide surge capacity for the brine recirculation pumps.
Access from the outside to the interior of each stage shall be provided by leak-proof manholes of
such dimensions that the internals can be passed through them. The manholes shall have a
minimum diameter of 32”. All manhole covers shall be of the hinged type or shall be provided with
davits, which shall be sturdy enough to permit opening of the manholes without any means of
external lifting equipment.
All water boxes shall be constructed such that they can be removed from the stages. Each water
box shall be provided with a manhole to enable an overall inspection of the tube plate and the
inside of the water box. The water box manholes shall have a minimum diameter of 24”.
The design of the water box brine flow pattern shall avoid abnormally high velocities at the
entrance zone of the condenser tubes. The design shall provide even distribution of brine to the
condenser tubes. For start-up a seawater filling system shall be provided enabling the shell to be
filled within one hour. Measures are to be taken to protect the evaporator against overpressure.
A connection from the common distillate line (product water) shall be provided to the distillate
trough of the flash chambers for flushing the evaporator after shut down. The brine recycle pump
shall be used for circulation of the flushing water during this operation. Connections shall also be
provided to the heat reject section for flushing the heat reject section and the deaerator.
The design of the condenser bundles shall be such that re-tubing on site is possible without
dismantling more than the water boxes. Tools for field re-tubing shall be provided.
Intermediate tube support plates shall be provided. The distance of the tube support plates shall
be chosen such that vibration problems on the tube bundles will not occur. The borings in the
tube support plates shall be so shaped to avoid damage to the tubes (e.g. due to vibration).


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The vent lines of the first four stages are to be connected individually (i.e. in parallel) to the
vacuum system. The vent gases of the remaining stages shall be cascaded down to the vent at
the last chamber in the heat reject section with intermediate draw-off lines to the various stages
of the vacuum system. At least three venting connections per stage shall be provided.
Enough vents shall be installed on the evaporator for venting off all air in order to conduct
pressure tests by filling up the shell with product water.
Vents to expel any remaining air and a sufficient number of drains for emptying the water boxes,
shall be provided on the water boxes. The vent and drain valves for the water boxes must be
capable of being operated from the same platform.
All vents and drains shall be collected to a common drainage header in such a way, that any
water spillage will be avoided.

Brine Heater
Minimum heat exchanger surfaces shall be specified based on the performance ratio and fouling
resistance figures shown on the Data Sheets.
The design and construction of the brine heater shall be in accordance with TEMA standard class
C and section VIII of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or equivalent.
The shell side of the brine heater shall be designed for full vacuum and for a pressure at least
equal to the set pressure of the safety valves in the supply lines to the heater under the maximum
steam temperature that may occur.
The brine heater shall be of the horizontal straight tube type with fixed tubesheets and suitable
for outdoor installation.
Heating steam around the tubes shall be equally distributed by multiple admission lines, properly
designed entry nozzles and flow directing baffles. Impingement baffles shall be installed to avoid
damage to the tubes due to excessive erosion caused by droplets and/or wet steam entering the
tube bundle.
Air vents with air removal baffles shall be installed to extract the non-condensable gases during
start-up and normal operation. Connections to the vacuum system and to the atmosphere shall
be provided.
Evaporator water boxes shall be removable and provided with a drain, a vent and a manhole.
Field re-tubing of the brine heater shall be possible without dismantling any part other than the
water boxes.
Means shall be provided to compensate for unacceptable thermal stresses in vessel and tube
bundle during start-up and under normal operation.
The brine heater shall be mounted as near to ground level as possible consistent with design
Between the brine heater outlet and the first flash chamber a minimum pressure drop in the brine
flow must be established in order to avoid any flashing of the brine in the brine heater.
Below the heater tubes a hot well shall be provided with a surge capacity at least equal to 3
minutes retention time of the condensate at maximum steam flow rate. The brine heater
condensate sampling point shall be equipped with a sample cooler with suitable instrumentation
and monitoring equipment.
To improve the accessibility to the internal and external parts of the heater, means such as
ladders, catwalks and manholes shall be provided. Lifting lugs shall be provided to move the
heater for installation and repair.

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A vacuum deaerator shall be installed in the feed line to the evaporator.
The deaerator shall be designed, fabricated, inspected and tested in accordance with AGES-SP-
The remaining O2 at the deaerator outlet shall be less than 20 ppb and the CO2 content shall not
exceed 4 ppm. The specific requirements shall be stated on the CONTRACTOR’S data sheets.
The deaerator shall be of vertical design capable of continuous de-aeration of seawater under
vacuum conditions by counter current stripping with steam if necessary.
The deaerator shall be of the packed type and shall be capable of operating at any possible feed
load without danger of flooding.
The deaerator shall be installed at such a level that no additional booster pumps are required for
feeding the deaerated seawater into the last stage of the heat reject section.
A connection shall be provided for sodium sulphite injection to the deaerated feed water
downstream of the deaerator.
Sampling points shall be provided in the feed pipeline upstream and downstream of the deaerator.
The sampling point downstream of the deaerator shall be equipped with a sampling pump to be
used for continuous oxygen detection in the deaerated feed.
The deaerator shall be equipped with a seawater distributor and stripping steam distributor.
Stripping steam shall be supplied from a suitable stage of the heat recovery section or of the heat
reject section to the bottom of the deaerator at a point above the liquid level in the tower. The
stripping steam line will be equipped with a motorized shut-off valve which can be operated from
the control room.
Adequate drainage facilities shall be provided. All internal structural parts shall be arranged to be
self-draining. The water from the drains shall be collected in a pit or vessel from where it shall be
discharged to the discharge system.
Adequate means are to be provided for access to the deaerator interior, together with door(s),
ladders, manholes and platforms to facilitate maintenance, repair and inspection.

Vacuum System
The vacuum system for the evaporator shall consist of a multi-stage ejector set with associated
direct contact condensers (mixed condensers, spray type). The ejectors shall be installed in pairs.
The capacity of the vacuum system shall be such that with one of the two ejectors installed per
stage it will be possible to provide 150% of the respective nominal duty required.
The vacuum set assembly shall be mounted together on one common, rigid and vibration free
supporting structure which shall be self-supporting and shall be fitted with all necessary auxiliaries
to ensure proper operation from a single level.
The vacuum system shall be designed to allow the water collecting in the condenser vessels to
discharge into the blow down outlet channel by gravity, even at the maximum possible working
vacuum, and at the same time to ensure an adequate safeguard against ingress of air through
the condenser vessel drain lines. In addition, it must be ensured that no water can enter from the
spray condenser into the suction line of ejectors. The nozzles of the steam jet air ejector shall be
The ejectors and condensers shall be arranged in such a way that their connecting pipes will be
as short as possible.

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As an alternate, a vacuum pump system may be proposed. This alternate system shall have
adequate pump redundancy and shall be configured to provide optimum and reliable operation.

Start-up Ejector
In addition to the vacuum system, one start-up ejector, discharging to atmosphere, shall be
installed for start-up purposes, capable of producing an initial vacuum below 180 mm Hg absolute
in the evaporator within a period of one hour. It shall be fitted with an effective silencer designed
to be self-draining. The vent to atmosphere shall be fitted with a light flap to prevent the ingress
of dirt and moisture from the atmosphere.

Sponge Ball Cleaning Systems

The heat recovery section and the brine heater shall be equipped with a common remote
controlled automatic sponge ball cleaning system with automatic sorting and counting of the
cleaning balls.
The heat reject section shall be equipped also with a remote controlled automatic sponge ball
cleaning system. On-site changeover to manual operation shall be possible.
All piping shall be self-draining during shut-downs. Flushing of the drained equipment with product
water shall be possible.

Chemical Dosing Systems

Where defined in the material Requisition, the desalination unit shall include brine circuit and
make-up treatment systems complete in every respect and suitable for satisfactory operation of
the distiller at the specified range of operation conditions.
The brine and make-up water shall be conditioned for satisfactory operation by adding:
x Anti-scaling additive
x antifoaming agent
x sodium sulphite
The chemical dosing systems shall be located below the evaporator.
Proportioning/buffer tanks (service tanks) shall be installed for the following services:
x Anti-scaling additive: Storage capacity 1.5 m3 (minimum)

x Sulphite solution: Storage capacity 1.5 m3 (minimum)

x Antifoaming agent: Storage capacity 1.5 m3 (minimum).
Each tank shall be provided with a filling and outlet connection, temperature and level indicator,
electrical agitator, vent and drain and all accessories.
Suitable flushing connections shall be installed.
The dosing pumps for anti-scaling additive, sulphite solution, and antifoaming agent shall be
complete with automatic flow control, pulsation dampeners and all other necessary accessories.
The design capacity of each pump shall meet the maximum requirements of the evaporator unit.
Two pumps for anti-scaling additive, two pumps for sulphite solution, and two pumps for
antifoaming agent shall be installed, one pump in each case acting as full stand-by.
Suggested pump type: Positive displacement pump with capacity control by stroke adjustment.

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In the vicinity of hazardous chemical dosing and storage equipment an appropriate number of
emergency showers, eye baths, first aid kits, protection clothes, gloves, goggles etc. shall be
provided in accordance with Project Specifications and local regulations.

Acid Cleaning System

Provisions shall be made for separate acid cleaning of the brine heater, the heat recovery section
and the heat reject section of the evaporator. VENDOR shall supply all internal fixed piping and
tight closing valves for hook-up to the mobile system.
The system shall circulate acid solution adequately diluted keeping the pH-value within
acceptable limits for efficient and safe cleaning in accordance with equipment manufacturer’s
To prevent corrosion of pipes, tubes, etc., a suitable corrosion inhibitor shall be dosed into the
circulating diluted acid.
The acid dosing shall maintain a pH-value of the circulated solution at approximately two (2).
For recirculation of the acidified water in the relevant sections the cooling water recirculation
pump or the blow down pump may be used.
The system shall control velocity, pH-value and temperature of the circulated acid solution. The
cleaning process shall be monitored by sampling and testing. The safe and reliable operation
shall be ensured at all times and precipitation of insoluble compounds must be prevented.
Corrosion hazards shall be excluded.

Conservation Equipment
VENDOR shall make appropriate arrangements in the design of the unit and provide all necessary
equipment, piping connections and means to conserve the unit against downtime corrosion when
the unit is kept out of service for a long period.
As a minimum system shall include a permanent arrangement to flush all the unit surfaces.
Flushing should be done by the product water obtained from the product water line.
The system shall permit thorough cleaning and draining of the unit and ensure that the unit is
completely free from dirt and salt.
Complete filling of the evaporator with corrosion inhibited product water shall be possible, and
the necessary connection shall be included.

Piping Layout
Piping around the equipment shall be so arranged to allow access to all components during
normal operation and maintenance. Valve operators and electrical boxes on the skid shall be
located within the skid boundary to avoid damage to the equipment and to avoid hazardous
conditions for the operating personnel.
Assembled piping system shall be adequately supported to prevent damage during shipment,
installation and normal operation and maintenance. Piping supports shall be neatly located and
shall in no way present hazardous obstruction for operating personnel.
A resin trap must be installed at the outlet of each ion exchanger to prevent passage of resin
particles into the downstream units. Each resin trap shall be designed to withstand the maximum
system pressure, must retain all particles larger than 50 mesh and shall be constructed of 316L
stainless steel body and the screen material. The maximum allowable clean pressure drop across
each trap at rated flow shall be 0.35 kg/cm2.

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Platforms and ladders shall be provided as required allowing access to all major items of
The SUPPLIER’s design of piping systems shall achieve the following:
The SUPPLIER shall provide an isolation valve around each process equipment that has an
installed spare to allow servicing and maintenance of equipment without interruption of plant
The SUPPLIER shall provide flushing, drainage and venting connection for all equipment.
Complete drainage through low points without disassembly of piping shall be provided.
Safe and clear access for operation, maintenance and thorough cleaning without the need
to climb over piping, skids or equipment and access to valves or appurtenances shall not be
above normal working height from ground level unless provided with an access platform.
Elimination of air pockets by piping configuration or SUPPLIER furnished valved vents at
high points.
On skid piping shall preferably be fabricated by bending and welding to minimize the use of
flanges and fittings. Flanges shall be required at equipment connection, at the edge of skid
& plant, for interconnecting piping between the skids within the plant and where required for
The SUPPLIER shall provide flange guards for flanges in acid and caustic service.
As a minimum, the SUPPLIER shall provide sample taps with shut off valve at the outlet of
each vessel and for the neutralized effluent to check the process parameters.
Fit-up tests shall be performed at the SUPPLIER’s works. Inter-skid spools/Pipes and
manifolds shall be supplied with allowance for “field fit” welds to ensure correct fit and
alignment at site.
A minimum of 1.5m of free standing clearance space shall be provided at the panels and gauge


All instrumentation and control systems shall comply with the requirements defined in the
following COMPANY Specifications: All packages shall be designed for operating and
safeguarding from Plant ICS. Unit control panels approach shall not be used unless approved by
COMPANY and particularly at remote locations where ICS systems are not available.

AGES-SP-04-007 Instrumentation for Packaged Equipment Specification

AGES-SP-04-002 Control Valves Specification

AGES-SP-04-005 Emergency Shutdown and On/Off Valves Specification

The Vendor shall provide the following instruments as minimum.

A differential pressure gauge across inlet & outlet of each ion exchanger vessel and resin
Analysers for monitoring conductivity and pH of the demineralized water at outlet of each
Analysers for monitoring Silica on the demineralized water outlet of the plant.
A pH analyser on neutralized effluent outlet of neutralization sump.

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Transmitters for measurement of service flow, pressures, temperatures, conductivity, pH and

Silica and other process parameters.
Local gauge board for mounting local indicating instruments like gauges etc.
Safety relief valves as per applicable ASME code requirements.
Level gauges and transmitters for the Acid and Caustic Storage Tanks.
The philosophy of the desalination unit start-up, shut-down and normal operation shall be based
on controlling and monitoring the major desalination unit equipment and services from the plant
The preparatory work for the start-up as well as the finalizing of the shut-down will be performed
locally. VENDOR shall supply the unit with all provisions to allow for safe automatic start-up, safe
automatic shut-down, and safe automatic emergency shut-down.
Although normal monitoring of the system will be from plant ICS and it is required that SUPPLIER
shall include necessary local instrumentation for monitoring of pressures, temperatures, flows,
conductivity and chemical concentration during start-up, occasional local monitoring and the
troubleshooting periods.
Pressure vessels shall be supplied with suitable safety relief valve per applicable ASME code
requirements. 1W+1S arrangement shall be provided to enable field testing and meeting
HSECES requirements
Acid and caustic storage tanks shall be provided with level gauge and level transmitter.
For each pressure, level, dosing flowrate to individual locations shall be manually adjustable via
a needle valve with reference to an adjacent flowmeter (in SUPPLIER’s scope of supply).
SUPPLIER may suggest an alternative method for flow distribution such as multi-head pumps.
The basic engineering of the control and monitoring systems shall be done by SUPPLIER. The
detail design and supply of in-line instrumentation and control parameters related to the
mechanical portions of control equipment shall be done by SUPPLIER.
SUPPLIER shall coordinate with the CONTRACTOR for the erection of control and monitoring
components in the field, in the clarification of interfaces, and in the commissioning and optimizing
Furthermore, SUPPLIER shall provide recommendations, control narratives and logic diagrams
about the man/machine interface (operation interface) and shall actively support the design of the
interface working in conjunction with the CONTRACTOR and ICS supplier.

7.1.1 Control Valves and Actuators

Control Valves shall be in accordance with Specification AGES-SP-04-002. For seawater, brine,
and distillate services, the use of butterfly valves is acceptable when the size of the valve exceeds
NPS 10”, but the design of the butterfly valves must ensure an acceptable control characteristic.

7.1.2 Controlled Systems

The design of the desalination unit controls shall include, but not be limited to, the following

7.1.3 Brine Recycle

During normal operation, the flow shall be controlled by the speed controlled brine recycle pumps
(operated in parallel).

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A brine recycle pressure control valve shall be installed between the brine heater outlet and the
first evaporator stage.
The pressure control valve will maintain pre-set differential pressure across the valve to avoid
any flashing of the brine in the brine heater.

7.1.4 Distillate Production Control

An automatic distillate production control system, based on the control of brine recirculation flow
and brine temperature shall be provided.

7.1.5 Steam and Condensate

The temperature of the steam to the brine heater shall be controlled by injecting condensate. A
temperature control valve shall be installed in the condensate injection line which draws its
condensate from the condensate return line.

7.1.6 Chemical Treatment Controls

For scale prevention, additive solution shall be dosed continuously into the feed flow downstream
of the brine recycle pumps, by means of the dosing pumps equipped with an electronic pump
stroke adjustment. The additive feed rate shall be automatically controlled proportional to the feed
This is also valid for the sulphite solution to be dosed downstream of the deaerator and for the
antifoam agent to be dosed upstream of the deaerator.

7.1.7 Remote and Logic Controls

All valves, motors and other equipment which have to be operated during start-up, operation and
shut-down (excluding preparatory startup and shutdown finalization requirements), have to be
electrically remote controlled from the central control room, via individual drive control logic.

7.1.8 Special Remarks on Mode of Operation

Both brine recirculation pumps equipped with a speed controller shall normally be in operation. It
shall be possible to continue distillate production (at the lower limit of the specified operating
range) with one pump, in the case of failure of one of the two installed brine recirculation pumps
or if part load of the evaporator is desired.
The blowdown pump shall be capable of a wide range of operation, because it must follow the
feed rate in order to maintain a constant brine level in the evaporator. It is for this reason speed
controlled blowdown pump is preferred. As an alternate, modulating control valve will be required
on discharge of the pump.
A minimum flow through the blowdown pump shall be maintained by recycling a part of the
blowdown back to the last chamber of the heat reject section.
A bypass and two isolating valves shall be provided for the brine recycle control valve.
Cooling water for the condensers of the vacuum system shall be taken from the main cooling
water stream, boosted by separate pumps if needed.
In order to have the possibility of a separate intermittent chlorination (Hypochlorite solution with
a content of active chlorine up to 2000 mg/kg) suitable flange connections shall be provided for
the heat reject section as well as for the condensers of the vacuum system.

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Condensate Polishing Package 3

Activated Carbon Filters 3

Basket Strainers 3
Filter Backwashing Pumps 3
Demineralization Package 3
Cartridge Filters 3
Cation Exchanger Vessels 3
Anion Exchanger Vessels 3
Mixed Bed Polishers 3
Acid Dosing Package 3
Caustic Dosing Package 3
De-chlorine Dosing Package 3
Regeneration / Backwash Pumps 3

The minimum inspection requirements are assigned an “Inspection Class” of 1 through 4, directly
related to that of the Criticality Rating (CR) 1 through 4 as outlined in AGES-SP-13-001.’Criticality
Rating Specification’


Hydro testing and NDE

All pressure retaining items, pumps, tanks, vessels etc. and, skid piping shall be subjected to
hydro test for at least 30 minutes or time taken for inspection.
NDE requirements shall follow AGES-SP-05-006 requirements.
o All butt welds of pressure containing parts shall be 100 percent radiographically inspected per
UW- 51 of the ASME Pressure Vessel Code.
o The edges of the opening in all Category D Joints (for nozzle attachment) located in the end
covers shall be ultrasonically inspected per Appendix U of the ASME Pressure Vessel Code.

Performance Testing
The complete units shall be performance tested at vendor works as well as at site to demonstrate
achievement of guaranteed performances as specified in equipment data sheets attached with
this specification. Performance test at shop shall be for minimum of 4 hours and at site, it shall
be minimum of 72 hours followed by reliability run for 720 hours (30 days). The guarantee
parameters for the performance of the water treatment systems Package shall be:
a. Water quality at outlet based on inlet quality
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b. Utility consumption
c. Turn down Ratio.
d. Operation, control and safeguarding
e. After commissioning, the plant shall be subjected to a running test through five complete
regenerations per unit. Performance shall be checked with regard to water quality and
quantity as specified in Contractor datasheet, pressure at outlet of plant, regenerant usage,
utility consumption, and regeneration time and rinse water usage against proposal
information. If the result of the test is not satisfactory SUPPLIER shall take necessary
remedial action and retest to demonstrate the guarantee is met.
The pumps and other rotating equipment shall be tested for performance in accordance with
applicable AGES and International Standards. All instrumentation shall be calibrated and loop
All alarms and control functions shall be tested by reproducing the relevant condition or by
simulation and observing the system response.
All electrical equipment shall be tested in accordance with applicable AGES and IEC standards.


Supplier shall provide complete guarantee for the design, material selection and performance of
the equipment in accordance with the design condition given in the datasheets, this specification
and requisition. Supplier shall guarantee all work and material in his supply against defective
material, poor workmanship, improper design, improper packing and/or failure in normal use.
The equipment shall be warranted against design/manufacturing defects for a period from the
date of commissioning as specified in the contract.

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This document defines the minimum requirements for the design, engineering, manufacture,
procurement, assembly, inspection & testing, packing and delivery of the Chemical Injection
Package for oil and gas production for onshore and offshore installation.
Type of chemical injection system, type of chemicals, chemical dosing quantities, operation
modes (automated or manual controls) shall be established during DEFINE Stage of project.

Chemical injection facilities are required for oil and gas production for vide verities of application
such as corrosion inhibition, treatment, production applications, dosing to columns, reactors,
water treatment and all other production related services.
Key components of chemical injection system are:
1. Storage and delivery of chemicals (load / unload containers) safely in the required quantity
and quality
2. To accommodate changes in dosage rates and chemicals used where required;
3. To satisfy the availability requirements of the facilities being served;
4. To allow verification of the injection rates
5. For critical applications, to generate an alerts if the injection rate goes outside limits.
The chemical injection hardware shall be provided as described in this specification, and
appropriate operational procedures shall be developed in order to ensure that the chemical
injection goals are met. The selected chemicals and injection dose rates, procedures, operator
training, and monitoring and inspection data shall be analysed to optimize the chemical injection
This document shall be complementary to the individual datasheets, project specifications and


Environmental / Site Data

Refer to the equipment datasheet and project specific BEDD. Special considerations may be
required for certain operating environments. Ambient temperatures in hot desert, saline, offshore
environments together with strong sunlight, affect non-metallic components.
Any drainage, chemical spill or accidental overflow shall be safely routed in accordance with the
COMPANY’S Hazardous Substance Management Control Procedures. A facility to clean and
flush the drainage system with large amounts of water shall be designed either as part of the
chemical injection package or as part of the module design.

Area Classification
Hazardous area classifications for all equipment are specified in the equipment data sheets.

Available Utilities

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For details of the site conditions and available utilities, refer to AGES-GL-16-003 and its project
specific Addendums - Basic Engineering Design Data [BEDD]
SUPPLIER shall advise utility consumptions and power requirements in his proposal in response
to the query.

The package including auxiliaries shall be designed and constructed for a minimum service life
30 years and at least 5 years of uninterrupted operation.
The chemical injection packages shall have an on-stream availability of 98%. The SUPPLIER
shall define the expected and guaranteed package availability values. To achieve the same,
reliability of supplied equipment shall be minimum 99%.
Rotating equipment (such as pumps) shall be configured with 2*100% capacity unless otherwise
specified. As “high availability” is required for remote operating locations, more sophisticated
equipment shall be envisaged and these shall be identified during DEFINE stage of project.
Operating levels may vary by installed location. In some locations, manual monitoring of pump
performance and injection rates is practicable, whereas in other locations the number of staff
visiting a location has to be strictly limited, e.g., NNM (Normally not Manned) platforms where
automated monitoring shall be decided at each specific project.

The selection of Chemical Injection and other Chemical Injection system hardware including
control system application for a designed availability shall consider the following factors:
Remoteness / harshness of the location and supply chain (to define storage volumes)
Risk of loss of integrity if availability is not met
Power supply suitability and availability.
Availability, storage and delivery of chemicals safely in the required quantity.
Bulk storage requirements for each site shall be defined based on availability and turnaround
time (procurement, delivery etc.) of chemicals and during DEFINE stage, such requirements shall
be finalized.

General System Requirements

The Chemical injection package shall be a rigid structural skid suitable for a single lift. The skid
including all equipment, piping, instrumentation and electrical systems shall be designed and
furnished by the SUPPLIER as a complete and operational system in compliance with this
specification, P&IDs and the referenced documentation. Supplier shall consider maximum
preassembly for the package skid.
The SUPPLIER shall be responsible for integrating all components on the skid. All instrumentation
and components with moving parts shall be easily and safely accessible for regular operational
checks and running maintenance without any disassembly or other preparation.
Overhaul maintenance and removal access shall be safe, adequate in terms of clearances to
permit needed disassembly.
The chemical injection package shall include the following major components:
Chemical Injection Pumps with suction and discharge pulsation dampers (as required) and
diaphragm rupture detection transmitters.

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Chemical storage tank.

Unloading Pump (Pneumatic or electric based on specific location) for filling the tank from
the chemical drums, provision for filling the tank directly from the supply vessel and hose
assembly of suitable length with NRVs, discharge piping to tank, mounting structure etc.
When AODP type Pneumatic pumps are supplied necessary FRL (Filter regulator lubricator)
units shall be provided on air connection. Discharge of pumps shall be piped and adequately
Suitable Flow transmitters based on the functional requirement.
Mixer (If applicable where chemicals need to be in suspension).
Piping, fittings, valves, within the package.
Calibration pots for each pump
The package shall be provided with all control & monitoring instrumentation with necessary
interface to the facilities Control, to guarantee reliable operation of the system where specified.
Automatic stroke control shall be defined based on specific application for controlling the dosing
quantities from DCS or based on some analyser inputs etc. in specific process. Otherwise,
manual control shall be provided for adjusting dosing rates as required from minimum to
maximum rates as specified.
Jackscrews, lifting lugs, eyebolts, or the equivalent shall be provided to facilitate alignment,
disassemble and re-assembly. Lifting lugs or eyebolts shall also be provided for equipment and
maintainable components, which have a weight in excess of 25 kg. Screw-in eyebolts are only
acceptable for internal components where other lifting arrangements are impractical.
The package shall be provided with adequately sized chemical storage tank for each type of
chemical. Supplier shall furnish the size of the offered tank along with the offer.
The chemical flow shall be metered (flow transmitters) before being manifolded to the discharge
If the chemical to be injected is likely to solidify or become highly viscous making it difficult to be
pumped or become ineffective (either due to falling below their pour point or crystallization point)
at the specified minimum ambient temperature, the tank shall be insulated and either heat-traced
or fitted with an immersion heater. The pipe work and instrumentation shall be electrically traced
and insulated.
The health, safety, and environmental properties of chemicals shall be considered to meet all
requirements for intrinsic safety in the design. This selection shall include minimizing fire hazards,
occupational hazards and hazards to the environment.

Chemical Injection system Details

Details indicated under this section are not generally applicable for skid package supplier but for
overall system design. Necessary design features shall be identified and accordingly constructed.
Chemicals may be injected at various Oil and Gas production locations such as:
Into onshore/offshore piping,
Down hole into production tubing,
Into the kill wing of a wellhead,
Via an umbilical to a subsea wellhead or manifold,
Into an onshore/offshore vessel.

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If injection into a vessel is required, the requirements should be specified as part of the overall
vessel design. Down hole injection shall be accomplished by means of side-pockets in the
completion tubing, into which a mandrel for chemical dosing is placed.
The specification for subsea injection facilities at wellheads or manifolds is covered by the
wellhead or manifold specifications. Certain well head Suppliers offer proprietary fittings to enable
chemical injection into the wellhead.
If more than one chemical is to be injected at a single injection point, consideration shall be given
to chemical compatibility. Advice shall be sought from the COMPANY’s Production Chemistry
Each injection point shall be provided with a block valve, a non-return valve and a valved and
blanked connection for flushing services. Side pockets shall be specified during design of the
downhole well completion equipment. Mandrels inserted in the side pockets for chemical injection
shall be wire line-retrievable.
The injection branch, non-return valve and block valve shall meet the requirements of the injection
line pipe work and the main line into which the chemical is being injected.
Quills shall not be fitted to any line that requires pigging on a regular basis; hence, injection for
pipelines is often carried out in an upstream piping system.
Injection into a pipe shall be accomplished by means of injection quills located at the pipe centre-
line in a location of turbulent mixing, e.g., upstream of bends, valves or pumps, and generally as
far upstream as possible. The length of pipe over which full mixing is expected to occur depends
on the flow regime.
Injection quills and nozzles of proprietary design shall be as per Project specific P&ID and
specification, as applicable, to inject into both gas and liquid lines to ensure uniform dispersion.
The nozzle spray characteristics should be a 60° full cone pattern for gas line injection. An
injection quill does not require a nozzle when injecting into a liquid line. All quills shall be flanged
and screwed type designs are not acceptable.
Injection quills shall be retrievable without a full shutdown of the associated process. This can be
achieved by means of a high pressure access fittings plus the appropriate retrieval tool. The
design must also allow for retrieval by providing sufficient head height for operation of the retrieval
Care shall be taken when selecting quills; the design shall account for all flow conditions including
flow induced vibration. The injection quill Manufacturer shall specify the exact pressure differential
across the injection quill.

Chemical Selection, Duty and Properties

Chemical injection facilities shall be both accurate and flexible. SUPPLIER shall provide the
following features to ensure these qualities:
The pump sizing and storage volume shall be suitable for each chemical which shall be
identified during DEFINE phase of project. If the type of chemical is changed during
EXECUTE phase, same shall be approved by COMPANY.
The full range of possible operational conditions, and not just the maximum flowrates, shall
be considered and the equipment shall be designed accordingly.
The material(s) selection shall be compatible with all the chemical(s) indicated
The health, safety, and environmental properties of chemicals shall be considered to meet
all requirements for intrinsic safety in the design. This selection shall include minimizing fire
hazards, occupational hazards and hazards to the environment.

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Only chemicals for which there is a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) shall be used. New
chemicals shall only be used after testing, screening and approval by COMPANY. All proprietary
chemicals require COMPANY approval commercially available chemicals shall be used as first
preference. Minimum two equivalent suppliers and the trade names shall be included to avoid
procurement and logistics challenges in the design life.

System Arrangement (For Offshore Facilities)

At offshore facilities, package dimensions shall be optimized to achieve lowest possible weights
without compromising on operability and maintainability. “Subsea developments” normally use
the facilities of a nearby platform and so are supplied by pipeline (or umbilical) directly into the
well stream or process facility.
For Normally not Manned (NNM) facilities or platforms, the required tanks and pumps shall be
minimized as far as reasonably practicable. Thus for chemical injection on NNM facilities or
platforms, the use of pipelines (or umbilical) from manned installations should be considered.
Similarly, chemicals requiring dilution should be supplied to NNM facilities or platforms in diluted
form, with any required mixing preferably being done onshore to avoid additional field equipment.

Requirements Based on Environmental Conditions

In general, chemicals which crystallize or drop below their pour point in their undiluted state at
the specified minimum ambient temperature should be avoided, because they are usually
transportation methods employed.
If any chemicals become non-pump-able or ineffective (either due to falling below their pour point
or crystallization point) at the specified minimum ambient temperature, the tank shall be lagged
and either heat-traced or fitted with an immersion heater, and the pipe work and instrumentation
shall be electrically traced and insulated.

Injection Monitoring
A chemical injection system shall be closely monitored to ensure the effectiveness of the
treatment and allow optimization of injection rates. If harmful effects can be of a fast and
irreversible nature, monitoring shall be online and automatic. Dosing of chemicals shall be
automated based on specific analysis downstream of package.
If effects take place over the longer term or are reversible, monitoring shall be by routine sampling
or by inspection.

Hypochlorite / biocide generation package Requirements

The Hypochlorite generator is typically required to produce sodium hypochlorite liquid from utility
seawater. The hypo-chlorination dosing shall prevent fouling and growth development of algae,
bacteria etc.
The electro chlorination package shall be designed to ensure the continuous injection of sodium
Hypochlorite liquid at operating seawater lift pumps caisson, water disposal pumps manifold and
stated shock injection at fire water pumps/stand-by seawater lift pump caissons, etc. and so on.
The unit capacity shall provide hypochlorite liquid to meet the various demands. Hypochlorite
generation unit shall provide continuous dosing of free chlorine (with turn down of up to 10% of
the design flow) and shall also provide shock dosing of free chlorine.
The electro chlorination package shall be designed for continuous production of hypochlorite
solution of 350ppmv concentration and shall operate at a flow rate to generate required (refer
process data sheet and mechanical datasheet) free chlorine. At some project locations, generator

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is not required and the solution itself available ready for usage / injection and the design shall
follow as typical chemical injection package defined in other paragraphs of this specification.
Where specified, the unit shall produce sodium hypochlorite concentrate by electrolysis of
seawater. The by-product hydrogen gas shall remain entrained in hypochlorite solution through
the electrolysis cells and shall release only at H2 disengagement tank. Unit design shall enable
additional production for shock dosing where specified. The hypochlorite generator unit shall be
supplied with a pressure regulators PCVs/FCVs to control the inlet pressure and avoid over
pressurization of the skid equipment/piping.
The unit shall comprise of electrolyser with required number of cells for design capacity. Controls
shall be provided to allow unit operation with turndown and for shock-dosing, when specified.
Coarse filtered seawater will be fed to unit.
The hypochlorite unit shall include fine filtration, duplex filters with differential pressure
transmitters. Unit shall be monitored for inlet and outlet flows with transmitters and necessary
alarms shall be provided.
The unit shall be designed for safe operation and hydrogen disengagement shall not create
hazardous area around the unit. Product from the electrolyser shall flow to a hydrogen
disengagement tank, to allow hydrogen to disengage. Separated hydrogen shall be diluted with
air prior to being exhausted to safe area. The degassing tank shall be designed for unit effluent
retention time of minimum 5 minutes.
The electrolytic generator shall consist of a number of cells connected hydraulically in series with
two groups electrically in parallel. Cell flanges shall be bounded to earth to prevent stray current
corrosion of external equipment. The electrolytic cells shall be concentric tubular alternative must
be approved by COMPANY. The electrolytic cells shall be in titanium material.
The anode surfaces shall be platinum coated for guaranteed life of a minimum 5 years at all
operating conditions. Cells shall be designed for service life of minimum 30 years with re-plating.
The flow of sea water through the cells shall be highly turbulent to prevent formation of
magnesium hydroxide and calcareous deposits which would cause cell blockage. This flow shall
also reduce the extent of electrode surface polarisation and increase the Faraday current
efficiency. The unit shall be designed for once through flow arrangement with the seawater
passing through an annular space between two concentric titanium tubular electrodes.
The electrical arrangement shall ensure maximum rectification efficiency and prevent any
possible strong current corrosion. The cell assembly shall be designed for design pressure in
accordance with equipment data sheet and tested in accordance with code requirement.
The sea water flow through the generator cell module(s) shall be monitored by a flow indication
and flow transmitters, in the event of a low flowrate unit power shall be tripped for safety and
alarm shall be activated. The hypochlorite generator cells shall be protected with cell leak
detectors and controls.
The electrolyser cells shall be housed in a minimum IP54 stainless steel SS316L enclosure to
provide personnel protection, all electrode connections shall be inside the enclosure.
Hydrogen Removal System
The hydrogen removal / disengagement tank shall be provided to release the hydrogen gas
generated as a by-product during sea water electrolysis process. The hydrogen disengagement
tank shall be GRP or any other suitable material. The tank shall be provided with all required
nozzle connections includes inlet, outlet, drain, siphon breaker and a vent point to enable the gas
to be ducted to atmosphere in safe area.

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The tank shall be provided with level transmitters to monitor and safeguard the system. The
hydrogen removal system shall also include blowers (minimum one duty blower + one stand-by)
to dilute the released hydrogen by air.
The level of hydrogen after mixing with air shall not exceed 1% v/v. The system pressure shall
enable safe disposal of air/gas mixture ducted to a safe disposal point. The fan / blower
construction shall be explosion proof and non-sparking type.
The fan/blower shall be provided with pressure transmitters to monitor inlet and outlet pressures
and provide unit shut down in the event of blower failure. All safety interlocks and devices shall
be provided for protection as required to comply with NFPA 496. The unit shall not operate unless
the air blower is operational.
Safety features in System [PSR]
The unit shall incorporate the following safety features and monitor the unit operation for
operational safety.
a. Flow transmitters for low, high flows.
b. Electrical over current, overload, over voltage protection
c. The unit safety feature shall incorporate an interlock between air blower and the
hypochlorite generator. This shall prevent energization of the generator unless the air
blower is operational.
d. The hypochlorite generator shall provide secondary protection to avoid any shock hazards
due to leakage of electrically charged seawater, to prevent this secondary metal baffles or
Supplier standard protective construction shall be offered.
e. The electrolyser design shall incorporate centre feed so that seawater could leave the
electrolyser cell without a voltage charge. Design feature shall incorporate modules in pair
with two positive terminals at the centre and inlet and out let grounded.
f. For increased safety, leak detection electrodes shall be installed at strategic locations and
provide hazard free operation of the unit.

Bulk Transfer to Storage

Flexible hoses shall be used to connect the IBCs to the storage tanks (or inlet piping). A common
hose, fitted with a suitable IBC connection coupling and a hose connector, may be used for non-
hazardous chemicals if the consequences of contamination are negligible.
To facilitate safe handling and to prevent contamination, dedicated hoses shall be provided for
hazardous chemicals. Each shall be fitted with a suitable IBC connector and a unique and colour
coded male/female snap connector or flange for connection to the storage tank (or inlet piping).
All hoses and flexible connectors shall be color-coded and clearly labelled. An alarm system shall
be put in place to alert the operator to overfilling of the chemical storage tanks.


All materials shall be complied and selected in accordance with Project specific “Corrosion control
and material selection philosophy”. Materials of construction shall be specified on data sheets.
Should the Vendor consider that the specified material is not suitable for the service then Vendor
may offer alternate superior materials as an option with the appropriate technical justification for
the proposed material for Company acceptance.
Pump liquid end construction shall be SS316L unless otherwise specified in relevant mechanical

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On-skid Piping, tubing, valves and fittings shall be SS316L unless otherwise specified in the
relevant mechanical data sheet, and in compliance with the project piping material specification.
In all cases, the compatibility of the chemicals with the selected pump, piping, tanks and other
materials shall be verified / confirmed by the chemical Vendor.
Material of Construction for corrosion inhibitors and other chemicals shall be as per below table;
unless specified otherwise in the package specific data sheet. While selecting the material, both
conditions i.e. internal (chemical) and the external (atmospheric) environment shall be considered
for offshore, coastal and desert conditions. Below is the general guideline for material selection;
unless otherwise is specified in the package relevant data sheet. When specified in data
sheet/Requisition, for sodium hypochlorite materials selection, CPVC can be used for diluted
sodium hypochlorite. PVDF can be used for high concentration and high temperatures of this
service with Company approval.

* Austenitic stainless steel (316L type) shall meet the chemical requirements of X3CrNiMo17-3-
3 as per BS10088, with a minimum PREN number of 27.5.


Storage Tanks
The storage tanks shall be designed as per relevant International standards (ASME/UL etc.).
Tank shall be cylindrical or rectangular, vertical or horizontal with sloped bottom. Tank roof shall
be flat, fixed type and tank roof shall be welded to tank shell except for the small diameter which
shall be bolted to the tank shell. Where agitator / mixer is required, nozzles shall be adequately
strengthened / stiffened.
Each chemical injection package shall include one chemical storage tank with minimum capacity
of 15 days consumption or 1m3 (whichever is greater). Where higher volumes are required based
on logistics of chemical loading, same shall be finalized during DEFINE stage of project
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Tank shall be provided with:

f. Overflow nozzles sized to the maximum filling rate.
g. Outlet connection that will feed the pump suction header and inlet nozzle for unloading.
h. Vent routed to a safe location. Drain connection.
i. Manholes (NPS 24”) to allow internal inspection as applicable.
j. Valved utility connection to permit washout and purging.
k. PSV return connections (separate for each pump).
l. Level gauges and level transmitters connection.
Minimum nozzle sizes shall be NPS 2, Sch. 160 and shall be stiffened by 2 Nos. of stiffeners at
ÛDSDUW The material of construction of the tank shall be compatible with the chemicals to be
stored, the environmental conditions, and the installation and operational loads (mechanical and
thermal) to which they will be exposed. Tank minimum thickness shall be 4mm for corrosion
resistance materials and 5mm (excluding corrosion allowance) for carbon steel materials.
Use of composite materials for tank construction shall meet all design loading and environment
conditions. Material grade and specification shall be subject to COMPANY review and approval.
Vents on the tank shall be sized for the sufficient capacity to allow air or blanketing gas to escape
at the maximum chemical filling rate. Tank vents shall be provided with suitable safety equipment
e.g. flame arrestors, detonation arrestors, etc.
Tanks shall [PSR] be provided with suitable PVRVs (pressure and vacuum relief valves) to avoid
collapse during filling or draining or pumping. Where required, flame arrestors shall [PSR] be
Tank fill connection shall be complete with necessary, Isolation valves, check valves etc.
terminating with quick connecting coupling matching with chemical unloading pump discharge
hose connection. Tank and the frame shall be provided with individual earthing bosses.

Pressure Vessels and Tanks

Pressure Vessels and Tanks in GRP construction shall be designed and fabricated in accordance
with BS 4994 or ASME Section X or an equivalent Pressure Vessel Design Code approved by
COMPANY. Metallic Pressure Vessels shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with
AGES-SP-06-002 ‘Pressure Vessel’ Specification’.

Blowers and Fans

As a minimum, one operating and one stand-by duty blowers shall be provided where required.
Blower components shall be in non- sparking construction and complete blower unit shall be in
explosion proof construction. Blowers are specifically used in chlorinator applications. Fans and
blowers shall be in accordance with API-673 and AGES-SP-05-016.

Pumps shall be selected to suit the service and specified duty condition. Pumps shall be supplied
in accordance with the following applicable specifications:

AGES-SP-05-006 Rotating Equipment Minimum General Requirements and System

Integration Specification

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AGES-SP-05-008 Centrifugal Pumps for General (Utility) & Fire Water Service

AGES-SP-05-013 Positive Displacement Pumps – Controlled Volume (Amendments /

Supplements to API 675)

Chemical injection pumps shall be positive displacement type, in accordance with AGES-SP-05-
013. The pump suction line shall be equipped with a block valve, a Y-type strainer with 40- mesh
screen, and integral drain valve. Pump discharge line shall be equipped with a pressure
transmitter, line mounted relief valve (apart from internal hydraulic circuit relief valve), a check
valve and isolation valves.
Pump suction and discharge piping shall also have a valved connection with hose connector for
flushing the pump with potable water prior to removal.
Suction and discharge pulsation dampers shall be provided as required. At battery limits, the
piping shall be anchored to avoid transferring any vibrations to downstream piping. Flow
calibration pots shall be laid out so that it is readily accessible and easily operated.
A portable pneumatic or motor driven progressive cavity pump of adequate capacity and pressure
shall be supplied for unloading the chemical drums into the tanks. The material of the pump shall
be suitable for the handled liquid. The drums are located as close as possible to the package
(within safety distances). Hoses shall be metallic braided and at least 6m.
Wherever specified in the project data sheet, multi-head pumps shall be provided with the below
minimum design features:
x One pump head per injection point shall be considered; unless otherwise is specified in the
package specific data sheet.
x Number of heads per multi head pump shall not exceed eight (8) heads.
x Vendor shall submit optimized multi head pump arrangement with number of heads, number
of pumps to cater the total number of injection points for COMPANY review and approval.

Injection Rate Control Devices (IRCD)

The chemical flow shall be metered before being injected. This can be manual or automated
based on project specific requirements. The use of Injection Rate Control Device (IRCD) systems
should be considered for chemicals that need to be injected at many locations or for which the
injection rates vary significantly.
IRCD systems comprise a main pressurized header from which multiple IRCD (flow control) units
draw off chemical dosages at the correct pressure for the individual injection points. A constant
injection rate shall always be maintained during any backpressure fluctuations. These systems
may reduce the number of injection pumps required (in exchange for flow controllers).

System Cleanliness / Filtration

Chemical injection systems (storage tanks, pumps, piping, control valves and injection points)
shall be designed, constructed, and commissioned to the level of cleanliness that the system will
not clog. Pumps shall have necessary strainers.

All piping shall meet the requirements of the following COMPANY Specifications and Standards:

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AGES-SP-04-005 Emergency Shutdown and On/Off Valves Specification

AGES-SP-09-003 Piping & Pipeline Valves Specification

AGES-SP-09-002 Piping Materials Specification

AGES-SP-09-013 Pipe Fittings and Flanges Specification

All chemical injection pipe work shall be designed in accordance with ASME B31.3. In addition,
all piping shall be equipped with sufficient flanges to permit easy removal of the piping when
performing maintenance functions. All necessary piping and valves shall be included in the
package pre-piped, pre-tested, adequately supported and ready for operation. All drains and
vents are to be manifolded, flanged and valved. All the battery limit connection flanges shall
conform to ASME B16.5 standard.
Distribution pipe work shall be sized so that pipe diameters are as small as possible to minimize
the chemical inventory. The supports for small-bore injection piping require special consideration.
Small-bore piping may be used for local off takes to injection points, or where individual
distribution lines from a common manifold tend to be long, but shall be continuously supported
and protected from mechanical damage. Tubing acceptable for injection points only with
Company approval. Minimum tube size shall be 19mm. All drain, vent and utility connections
shall be manifolded, flanged and brought to a common point for hook-ups to the COMPANY
The injection pipe work shall be protected against over pressurization (due to pump or thermal
effects). Isolation philosophy shall be followed as per Company standard. Chemical injection
isolation valves shall be tight shut off ball valves or integral mono block and bleed valves
(DBB/SBB) in accordance with the appropriate piping class. The chemical injection pipe work for
future pumps shall be installed and blanked off.
Direct contact between metallic pipe and structural steel and use of un-shielded U-bolts are not
allowed, use of protection shields shall be adopted. U-bolts shall be shielded type for metallic or
non-metallic pipe supports.
Where cold chemical dosing streams are injected into hot process streams, the effects of metal
fatigue should be taken into account in the piping and/or injection nozzle design. All the required
utilities (with the exception of electrical cables to the motors) shall be supplied at one location
close to the skid edge. Further distribution within the package shall be by Supplier.
Piping and fittings shall be as per the referenced P&ID and appropriate piping class attached with
the requisition. Other items or equipment required for safe and normal operation of the package
shall also be supplied by the SUPPLIER. All vents and drains shall be terminated with flanged
Minimum size of any connection or piping shall be 3/4”. All interconnecting piping and fitting shall
be SS 316L as a minimum. Skid piping and layout shall be routed to provide clear access for
operation and inspection and for necessary maintenance or removal of the equipment. High point
vents and low point drain shall be provided at suitable location. Pipework shall be hydro tested to
1.5 times MAWP.

All electrical equipment to be supplied shall comply with the requirements of AGES-SP-02-014.
Electrical motors shall fully conform with AGES-SP-02-007 ‘Induction Motor Specification’.
Motor rating shall be suitable for 110% of power at safety relief valve set pressures.

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If specified, DC motor’s starting torque capability and power rating shall exceed the torque-speed
and power requirement of pump including gear & transmission losses, under PSV set pressure
condition at pump maximum flow rate. Absorber power shall be minimized where the DC power
is produced from a solar energy power system. If solar systems are specified, refer specification
for solar power supply systems as applicable for the requirement of solar power panels. Main
incoming 24 VDC power cable shall be sized and supplied by vendor. The starter terminal box
shall be suitable for terminating the incoming cables in satisfactory manner. Local Motor Control
Panel shall be with Manual / off / auto position selector switch and start / stop push buttons, signal
lamps, motor starter (suitably sized MCCBs + Contactor+ thermal overload relays) and relevant
JBs. If specified, Solar Power Systems shall be installed in safe area (i.e.: minimum 10 meters
horizontal distance from the main chemical skid).
Optimised and improved design features of solar powered chemical injection packages at remote
flow line applications.


All instrumentation and control systems shall comply with the requirements defined in the
following COMPANY Specifications:

AGES-SP-04-007 Instrumentation for Packaged Equipment Specification

AGES-SP-04-002 Control Valves Specification

AGES-SP-04-005 Emergency Shutdown and On/Off Valves Specification

Specific instrumentation requirements depend on the specific operational requirements and will
vary from installation to installation. This section provides general guidelines on the
instrumentation requirements for the chemical injection system and specific recommendations for
each type of instrument. Control Valves shall be in accordance with Specification AGES-SP-04-
Suitable flow transmitters based on the functional requirement and fluid properties shall be
provided subject to COMPANY approval. Positive displacement meters are not recommended for
small volumes. Some applications may require a flow rate as low as 1 litre/day. Such low flows
will be generally measured by a Coriolis flow meter. When the chemical injection pumps and relief
valve are selected, consideration shall be given to the potentially large pressure drops across
flow sensors.
Each tank shall be fitted with level transmitters for level indication and alarm. Low level alarm that
shall trip the associated injection pump. All the instruments provided shall be interfaced to ICS as
per the functional requirement.
For offshore installation, high level audible alarm shall be provided for the tanks with direct filling
connection from supply boat to alert the operator to stop the supply from the boat or stop pneumatic
loading pump as applicable.
Relief valves shall be designed and installed in accordance with the requirements of equipment
design codes and with API STD 520 and API STD 521. The relief valve outlet shall be
independently connected back to the tank to minimize losses when the valve opens.

No Flow / Pump Stroke Monitoring

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Where automatic stroke control is specified, an automatic alarm to detect no flow or low flow to
an individual injection point shall be provided. Pneumatic or electrical stroke control mechanism
or variable speed of pump shall be decided based on application and availability of utilities and
shall be approved by COMPANY.


System structural design, where applicable, shall be in accordance with specifications:

AGES-SP-01-003 Structural Design Basis - Onshore Application

AGES-SP-01-024 Marine and Coastal Structure Design Basis

AGES-SP-01-023 Marine and Coastal Structures: General Requirements

The chemical injection package shall be a single skid mounted unit with all equipment, tanks,
instrumentation, accessories, access platforms, ladders, stair cases, drip pan, lifting lugs, earthing
lugs/bars etc. completely prefabricated & preassembled on the skid ready for installation. The
base plate shall be designed to ensure the integrity of the mounted equipment under the inertial
loads generated during transportation of the package.
The base plate shall be equipped with a sloped drip pan and a 2” flanged drain connection. The
Supplier shall submit the GA drawing of the proposed skid indicating dimensions, weights, centre
of gravity and interconnecting details.
Supplier shall monitor and control the weight and centre of gravity of the equipment as per the
international codes and standards and specifically for offshore applications where weight control
is crucial. The skid base and equipment shall be designed for maximum loads imposed during
transportation from the place of manufacturing to site. The skid shall be designed for the single
point lift.
The skid shall be provided with lifting lugs located such that the centre of gravity of the package
is preferably at midway between opposite lugs, to allow for a single point lift. Lifting lugs shall be
designed for load factor of 1.5. Spreader beam arrangement if required shall be provided for the
ease of lifting. Skids shall be provided with jacking bolts for levelling.
The skid shall be provided with drip pan to collect all leakage. The drip pan shall be brought to
the edge of the skid and terminated with a pipe and flange to ASME B16.5 for further connection
to the drain header/system.
The skid shall be provided with two earthing bars located diagonally opposite for further connection
with plant/platform earthing system.


Fire Protection
Appropriate protection requirements shall be developed for use where chemical injection facilities
may contain low flash point/flammable and/or toxic chemicals as per COMPANY HSE Standards.

Safety Showers
Safety Shower and eyewash facilities shall be provided in close proximity to each chemical
injection package and in any other locations where contact with the chemicals may take place.
Warning signs at these locations shall be provided and shall be clearly visible.

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Quick connectors on flexible hoses shall be color-coded, and keyed, to be non-interchangeable,

for each chemical type.


Winterization Requirements
Chemicals which crystallize or drop below their pour point in their undiluted state at the specified
minimum ambient temperature should be avoided. If any chemicals become un-pump-able or
ineffective (either due to falling below their pour point or crystallization point) at the specified
minimum ambient temperature, the tank shall be insulated and either heat-traced or fitted with an
immersion heater, and the pipe work and instrumentation shall be electrically traced and insulated.

Tracing and Heating

If any chemical requires heating when envisaged for on-shore facilities, either tank tracing or an
immersion heater (minimum of 2 kW capacity) shall be provided. Heaters shall be equipped with
on/off thermostatic control and shall trip on low level in the tank. A paddle mixer / agitator, usually
top-entry vertical, is used if a heater is provided or mixing/dilution is required. Consideration shall
be given to the mixer nozzle size and to the accessibility required for paddle withdrawal and

Tank Blanketing
A tank blanketing system shall be provided if flammable vapours can accumulate in a tank or if
the chemical decomposes. Tanks requiring blanketing shall be supplied with inert gas. Blanketed
vessels shall be provided with a vacuum pressure relief valve. Tank blanketing gas shall be
supplied and tanks shall be vented by means of self-regulating control valves, including a local
pressure gauge. The vent shall be routed to a safe location. In systems where the presence of
oxygen has a negative impact on the process, tanks shall be blanketed by use of high quality
Tank vents shall be provided with suitable safety equipment e.g. flame arrestors, detonation
arrestors, etc.

The chemical Supplier shall provide all available safety data on MSDS”s (Material safety data
sheet). Chemical MSDSs provide basic product information and information on hazard
identification, first-aid measures, firefighting measures, accidental release measure, handling and
storage, exposure controls/personal protection, disposal considerations, transport information,
regulatory and other information. Chemical MSDSs should be in accordance with ISO 11014-1.
This shall also include CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) registry number, percentage in the
composition etc.
The Chemical supplier, upon request from COMPANY, shall furnish all information necessary for
protecting the health of employees and/or any other requests for protecting the health of
employees from these chemicals.


Hydro testing and NDE

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All pressure retaining items, pumps, tanks, vessels etc. and, skid piping shall be subjected to
hydro test for at least 30 minutes or time taken for inspection.
NDE requirements shall follow AGES-SP-05-006 requirements.
o All butt welds of pressure containing parts shall be 100 percent radiographically inspected per
UW- 51 of the ASME Pressure Vessel Code.
o The edges of the opening in all Category D Joints (for nozzle attachment) located in the end
covers shall be ultrasonically inspected per Appendix U of the ASME Pressure Vessel Code.

Performance Testing
The complete unit shall be performance tested at vendor works as well as at site to demonstrate
achievement of guaranteed performances as specified in equipment data sheets attached with
this specification. Performance test at shop shall be for minimum of 4 hours and at site, it shall
be minimum of 72 hours. The guarantee parameters for the performance of the Chemical Injection
Package shall be:
m. Steady State Accuracy at Rated flow and discharge pressure for two consecutive capacity
n. Absorbed Power at Relief Valve setting.
o. Turn down Ratio.
p. Calibration
The pump shall be tested for performance in accordance with applicable AGES and International
Standards. All instrumentation shall be calibrated and loop tested.
All alarms and control functions shall be tested by reproducing the relevant condition or by
simulation and observing the system response.
All electrical equipment shall be tested in accordance with applicable AGES and IEC standards.


Supplier shall provide complete guarantee for the design, material selection and performance of
the equipment in accordance with the design condition given in the datasheets, this specification
and requisition. Supplier shall guarantee all work and material in his supply against defective
material, poor workmanship, improper design, improper packing and/or failure in normal use.
The equipment shall be warranted against design/manufacturing defects for a period from the
date of commissioning as specified in the contract.

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[NOTE. When requested / ordered by EPC Contractor, vendor shall supply these items]

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[NOTE. When requested / ordered by EPC Contractor, vendor shall supply these items]


1. Slot shall be made in protective


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The following list is intended purely as a guide to the types of major injection services. The COMPANY
shall be consulted for specialist advice on chemical selection, usage and dose rate.
System Chemical Purpose
A. Oil Process Demulsifier Breaks down oil emulsions to aid oil/water separation.
Reverse emulsion Will coalesce oil droplets in produced water systems.
breaker/ de-oiler
Anti-foam Prevents or minimises build-up of foam in
production/test separators (prevents possible carry-
over, improves separation efficiency).
Pour point depressant Reduces crude pour point to improve/maintain crude
fluid characteristics.
Wax formation inhibitor Modifies wax crystal structure and minimises wax
build-up in oil systems.
Anti-scale To prevent scale build-up in oil lines/equipment.
Corrosion inhibitor To prevent/minimise corrosion in oil systems.
H2S scavenger To reduce H2S content.
Asphalting dispersant To treat/prevent asphaltenes
Drag Reducer To reduce flowing back pressure
Hydrate formation Inhibits formation of hydrates.
B. Gas Process Hydrate formation Inhibits formation of hydrates.
Glycol Eliminates potential of hydrates.
Corrosion inhibitor To prevent/minimise corrosion in gas and oil system.
Biocide To prevent algae / bacteria growth
C. Water Anti-foam To prevent foaming in deaerator (thereby maintaining
Process efficient operation).
Oxygen scavenger To reduce oxygen content of water to be injected to
near zero.
Filter aid To assist in final filtration of water prior to injection.
(e.g. ferric chloride)
Biocide To complete biological treatment of water prior to
Scale inhibitor To minimise formation of scale in reservoir.

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Optimised and improved design features of solar powered chemical injection packages at remote flow
line applications (Single oil Producer, single injection):

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Continuous injection of corrosion Inhibitor (dosing rate of 20 to 30 ppm and 50 ppm for 1-2 days for initial
phase) on flow line has been considered for the above application. In all other applications such as gas
producers, well pad configuration, downhole injection, multipoint injection, chemical injection for biocide,
oxygen scavenger, wax inhibitor, demulsifier, scale Inhibitor, water treatment, etc., shall be reviewed
specifically to each application.

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