Kessler 2024 06 Homelessness

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Predicting Homelessness Among Transitioning U.S.

Army Soldiers
Jack Tsai, PhD,1,2 Dorota Szymkowiak, PhD,1 Dina Hooshyar, MD,1,3 Sarah M. Gildea, BS,4
Irving Hwang, MS,4 Chris J. Kennedy, PhD,5 Andrew J. King, MS,4 Katherine A. Koh, MD,5,6
Alex Luedtke, PhD,7,8 Brian P. Marx, PhD,9,10 Ann E. Montgomery, PhD,1,11,12
Robert W. O’Brien, PhD,13 Maria V. Petukhova, PhD,4 Nancy A. Sampson, BA,4
Murray B. Stein, MD,14,15,16 Robert J. Ursano, MD,17 Ronald C. Kessler, PhD4

Introduction: This study develops a practical method to triage Army transitioning service
members (TSMs) at highest risk of homelessness to target a preventive intervention.

Methods: The sample included 4,790 soldiers from the Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in
Servicemembers-Longitudinal Study (STARRS-LS) who participated in 1 of 3 Army STARRS
2011−2014 baseline surveys followed by the third wave of the STARRS-LS online panel surveys
(2020−2022). Two machine learning models were trained: a Stage-1 model that used administrative
predictors and geospatial data available for all TSMs at discharge to identify high-risk TSMs for initial
outreach; and a Stage-2 model estimated in the high-risk subsample that used self-reported survey data
to help determine highest risk based on additional information collected from high-risk TSMs once
they are contacted. The outcome in both models was homelessness within 12 months after leaving active
Results: Twelve-month prevalence of post-transition homelessness was 5.0% (SE=0.5). The
Stage-1 model identified 30% of high-risk TSMs who accounted for 52% of homelessness. The
Stage-2 model identified 10% of all TSMs (i.e., 33% of high-risk TSMs) who accounted for 35% of
all homelessness (i.e., 63% of the homeless among high-risk TSMs).
Conclusions: Machine learning can help target outreach and assessment of TSMs for homeless
prevention interventions.
Am J Prev Med 2024;66(6):999−1007. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Journal of Preventive

From the 1National Center on Homelessness among Veterans, VA Home- Alabama; 12VA Birmingham Health Care System, Birmingham, Alabama;
less Programs Office, Washington, District of Columbia; 2School of Public 13
VA Health Services Research and Development Service, Washington, Dis-
Health, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, trict of Columbia; 14Department of Psychiatry, University of California San
Texas; 3Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Diego, La Jolla, California; 15School of Public Health, University of California
Center, Dallas, Texas; 4Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical San Diego, La Jolla, California; 16VA San Diego Healthcare System, San
School, Boston, Massachusetts; 5Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts Diego, California; and 17Department of Psychiatry, Center for the Study of
General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; 6Boston Health Care for the Traumatic Stress, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences,
Homeless Program, Boston, Massachusetts; 7Department of Statistics, Uni- Bethesda, Maryland
versity of Washington, Seattle, Massachusetts; 8Vaccine and Infectious Dis- Address correspondence to: Jack Tsai, PhD, University of Texas
ease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Health Science Center at Houston, 1200 Pressler Street, Houston, TX,
Washington; 9National Center for PTSD, VA Boston Healthcare System, 78240. E-mail:
Boston, Massachusetts; 10Department of Psychiatry, Boston University Cho- 0749-3797/$36.00
banian and Avedisian School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts; 11School
of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham,

Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Am J Prev Med 2024;66(6):999−1007 999

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1000 Tsai et al / Am J Prev Med 2024;66(6):999−1007

omelessness among veterans is a major public Study Sample
health issue that has taken considerable federal STARRS-LS is a longitudinal epidemiological-neurobio-
and local healthcare, social services, and com- logical study designed to evaluate risk and protective
munity resources to address.1,2 Prior research, although factors for behavioral health problems among Army
furthering understanding of risk factors,3,4 was limited soldiers.11 Field procedures have been detailed
in two ways. First, it was for the most part based on elsewhere.12,13 There were three baseline Army STARRS
retrospective rather than prospective data. Second, it surveys: (1) New Soldier Study (2011−2012, n=38,733
focused largely on individual-level risk factors (e.g., soldiers); (2) All Army Study (AAS, 2011−2013,
socio-demographics, clinical diagnoses) rather than n=25,088); and (3) Pre-Post Deployment Study (2012
including additional information about community-level −2014, n=8,566 soldiers). All participants provided writ-
risk factors.5 ten informed consent. The Human Subjects Committees
Both the Department of Defense (DoD) and the of the University of Michigan, the Uniformed Services
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) help service mem- University of the Health Sciences, and the Army Medical
bers transition out of the military back into civilian life Research and Materiel Command approved all recruit-
when their term of service ends. The VA operates a ment, consent, and field procedures. The n=72,387 sur-
National Call Center for Homeless Veterans that is avail- vey respondents who consented to link their deidentified
able 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help veterans pre- survey data with Army administrative data were the
vent homelessness and is an important resource for focus of this study. As detailed elsewhere,14 calibration
connecting veterans with needed healthcare and social weights were applied to these cases to adjust for differen-
services.6 However, most callers are already homeless or ces in survey responses between respondents who did
at imminent risk of homelessness and so the Call Center versus did not agree to administrative linkage between
is mostly focused on secondary prevention. More the population and the sample on a wide range of
upstream interventions focused on primary prevention administrative variables.
are needed. Recent legislation—the Solid Start Act of As described in Appendix A and elsewhere,15 three
20227—requires DoD and VA to coordinate efforts to subsequent STARRS Longitudinal Surveys (LS) were
assist transitioning service members (TSMs) in accessing carried out in 2016−2018 (LS1), 2018−2019 (LS2), and
benefits. This is critical to do early in the transition pro- 2020−2022 (LS3) in a probability subsample of baseline
cess given data, quite different from earlier service eras,8 STARRS survey respondents. LS1 (n=14,508, 35.6%
that TSMs who served during the Iraq/Afghanistan con- response rate in the baseline sample of STARRS
flicts often experience homelessness within one year of respondents weighted to adjust for baseline nonresponse
military discharge.9,10 This highlights the great potential with respect to known Army administrative variables)
value of identifying TSMs at highest risk for homeless- oversampled soldiers in the baseline surveys with a his-
ness for early prevention efforts. tory of either mental disorder or suicidality, those with
The Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Service- special operations duty assignments, those who self-
members Longitudinal Study (STARRS-LS) extends the identified as female, and members of the activated Army
efforts of the original Army STARRS project to follow National Guard and Army Reserve. The LS1 data were
soldiers after leaving active service.11 A model developed reweighted to adjust for this differential sampling. LS1
with STARR-LS data accessed before leaving active respondents were then resurveyed in LS2 (n=12,156,
service had good accuracy predicting subsequent self- 83.7% conditional response rate among LS1 respond-
reported homelessness.10 However, this model only ents) and LS3 (n=11,119, 76.7% conditional response
included a few geographic and community variables from rate among LS1 respondents).
the STARR-LS database and did not specifically examine The analyses described in the current report focused
homelessness within 12 months after leaving service. on the 4,790 LS3 respondents in the Regular Army at
Nonetheless, the success of the initial STARRS-LS baseline who reported at LS3 no longer being in active
model led to a collaboration with the VA Homeless Pro- service or in a Reserve or National Guard Component,
grams to implement a homelessness prevention inter- on orders, or activated. A 70% randomly selected train-
vention with TSMs. This intervention, known as ing sample (n=3,352) was selected to build the Stage-1
HEARTH (Help with Employment, Agency, Risk, Tran- model using Army administrative data available for all
sitions, and Housing), is currently in operation and uses soldiers at the time of leaving active service.
the targeting models described in the current report to The rarity of homelessness raised a concern about
determine which TSMs to reach out to. possible model bias toward the majority class. Numerous

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Tsai et al / Am J Prev Med 2024;66(6):999−1007 1001
relatively equivalent methods have been proposed to characteristics, information about adverse childhood
address this problem.16 One of the most common of experiences and other stressors, self-injurious thoughts
these methods was used: a case-control subsampling and behaviors, physical disorders, and mental disorders.
scheme that included 100% of the n=227 respondents in A detailed listing is available from the corresponding
the training sample who became homeless plus a proba- author.
bility sample of controls 5 times as large (n=1,135). Each
respondent who became homeless was assigned a weight Statistical Analysis
of 5 and each control a weight of 1 so that exactly 50% The Random Forest (RF) algorithm18 was used to train
of weighted observations experienced homelessness. The the Stage-1 model. RF is an ensemble regression tree
number of controls per case was set at 5 based on the method that estimates many trees (2,000 in the current
fact that there is little gain in statistical power when the study) based on random subsets of predictors applied to
control to case ratio is greater than 5:1.17 random subsets of cases and pooled estimates across the
Based on Stage-1 model results, a subsample of TSMs ensemble to arrive at a stable prediction of an outcome.
in the original sample was defined as high-risk for home- RF was implemented in the ranger R program.19 Key
lessness. A Stage-2 model was then estimated in that hyperparameter values (minimum node size, maximum
subsample using a composite predicted probability of depth, number of predictors) were varied to optimize
homelessness from the Stage-1 model in addition to area under the receiver operating curve (AU-ROC). A
STARRS survey variables. The rationale for this was that simple lasso penalized regression model20 was also esti-
a brief survey could be administered to the high-risk mated as a benchmark to evaluate how much the addi-
TSMs contacted by HEARTH social workers to offer tion of nonlinear and nonadditive information in RF
transitional assistance as a way of distinguishing between improves predictions over a simple linear-additive
highest-risk and other high-risk TSMs. The Stage-2 model. No more complex algorithms than RF were used
model was designed to select the variables for that brief in Stage-1, given the minimum set of VADIR predictors
survey. available for estimating the Stage-1 model.
All 92 potential survey predictors along with a com-
Measures posite predicted probability of homelessness developed
LS3 respondents were asked if they had ever been home- from the Stage-1 model were used to train the Stage-2
less since leaving Regular Army service. Homelessness model in the entire high-risk sample (i.e., combining the
was defined as “not having stable housing that you either training and test samples). Analysis began by estimating
own, rent, or stay in as part of a household.” Follow-up a univariable 5-fold cross-validated (CV) AU-ROC for
questions gathered information about episodes and tim- each of the 92 potential Stage-2 predictors. Further anal-
ing of homelessness. ysis then focused on the subset of these variables that
A total of 38 potential predictors were selected from had univariable CV-AU-ROCs with a lower bound 95%
the VA/DoD Identity Repository (VADIR) for use in the CI of 0.51 or greater. Many of these variables were
Stage-1 model. VADIR is a database provided by the multi-item scales. Rather than use these scales as predic-
DoD to VA for all TSMs within 1 week of leaving active tors in the Stage-2 model, the items in the scales were
service. VADIR includes basic information about socio- entered as separate predictors, with the goal of develop-
demographics and career characteristics (e.g., age of ing a brief survey that used only the most important of
enlistment, rank, military occupational specialty, deploy- these predictors.
ments, disability rating) along with TSMs’ postmilitary Although the Stage-2 model, like the Stage-1, used RF,
contact information (e.g., phone numbers, addresses). more complex algorithms were also considered for Stage-
In addition, the zip codes of TSMs were linked to 2 with the Super Learner (SL) ensemble machine learning
community-level data at the zip code-level and aggre- method. SL pools estimates across multiple algorithms
gated county-level data using a block group to zip code (“ensemble”) using a weight guaranteed in expectation to
crosswalk. This resulted in 171 geospatial variables char- generate a pooled prediction at least as accurate as the
acterizing the area where each TSM moved after leaving best component algorithm in the ensemble.21 Consistent
active service. with recommendations,22 a diverse set of algorithms was
Building on the Stage-1 model, STARRS survey varia- used in the SL ensemble to capture nonlinearities and
bles were used to develop the Stage-2 model. A total of interactions and reduce risk of misspecification (Appen-
92 variables hypothesized to be potential predictors of dix Table 1, available online).23 A parallel lasso model
homelessness were extracted from the LS survey data- was estimated as a benchmark.
base for this purpose. These included socio-demo- As it would be difficult to compute a Stage-2 model
graphics, Army career characteristics, personality prediction in real time for a single respondent if the

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1002 Tsai et al / Am J Prev Med 2024;66(6):999−1007
model was anything other than linear-additive, an as important in that model are displayed in Figure 1.
attempt was made to fit a lasso model with the predictors The bee swarms show that most predictors have domi-
that emerged as important from the more complex mod- nant directions, but that two (time in service and County
els along with all possible 2-way interactions among child food insecurity rate) have mixed signs depending
those variables. on individual TSM characteristics. Proportional SHAPs
Predictor importance in estimating the ranger was sum to more than 100% because of strong inter-correla-
examined using the kernel Shapley Additive Explana- tions among some predictors. The county unemploy-
tions (SHAP) method24 implemented in the fastshap R ment rate where the TSM resided, age of the TSM,
package.25 This method estimates the effect of changing duration of service in the Army, and percentage of adults
a predictor from its observed score to the sample mean 75 years or older in the county were the most important
averaged across all logically possible permutations of predictors. Geospatial characteristics constituted 6 of the
other predictors. Proportional mean absolute SHAP val- 10 predictors.
ues (SHAPP) were calculated by dividing mean absolute The model was evaluated in the test sample (Table 1),
SHAP values of important predictors by the mean abso- which found high proportional homelessness concen-
lute SHAP value of the entire model. A bee swarm plot trated in the top 30% of the sample (first, third, fifth,
was used to identify dominant directions and distribu- and sixth ventiles) accounting for 51.9% of all homeless-
tions of associations. ness. Based on this result, the 30% of TSMs with highest
Data management and calculation of prevalence and predicted risk in the Stage-1 model were designated
AU-ROCs were implemented in SAS version 9.4. The “high risk.”
ranger, lasso, and SHAP value analyses were imple- The Stage-2 model was then estimated within this
mented in R version 3.6.3. 30% high-risk sample. Analysis began by calculating uni-
variable 5-fold CV-AU-ROC for each of the 92 potential
predictors with homelessness. Twenty-five of these pre-
RESULTS dictors had CV-AU-ROCs with lower bound 95% CI
In the total study sample (n= 4,790), the prevalence of greater than or equal to 0.51 (Appendix Table 3, avail-
homelessness within 12 months of leaving active service able online). Ten of these 25 were multi-item scales.
was 5.0% (standard error=0.5). Appendix Table 2 (avail- After disaggregating those scales into items, a total of 54
able online) shows the demographic and background survey variables plus the composite predicted probability
characteristics of the study sample. of homelessness from the Stage-1 model were entered as
For the Stage-1 model (VADIR plus geospatial predic- potential predictors in the Stage-2 model.
tors), the best model in the training sample had an AU- The best Stage-2 model was a ranger with the same
ROC of 0.65 in the test sample. The optimal hyperpara- hyperparameters as the Stage-1 model (i.e., minimum
meters for that model were minimum node size=30, node size=30, maximum depth=3, and number of pre-
maximum depth=3, and number of predictors=unres- dictors=unrestricted). CV-AU-ROC was 0.72. The Super
tricted. The dominant direction, proportional SHAP, Learner had a lower CV-AU-ROC (0.71) than the
and bee swarm plot (to concretize information about ranger, indicating that all stable nonlinearities and non-
dominant direction) for the 10 predictors that emerged additivities in the data were captured by ranger. A total

Figure 1. SHAP values and bee swarm plots from the Stage-1 Random Forest model predicting homelessness Note: The mean
absolute value SHAP for all predictors was 0.058531. SHAP values were derived from a Random Forest prediction model. Abbrevia-
tions: SHAP, Shapley Additive Explanations
The predictors include 6 geospatial variables and 4 VADIR (Veterans Affairs/Department of Defense Identity Repository) variables.

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Tsai et al / Am J Prev Med 2024;66(6):999−1007 1003
Table 1. Stage-1 Random Forest Model of Homelessness in the 30% Test Sample (n=1,438, cases=97)

Sensitivity (SN)b Positive predictive value (PPV)c

Within-ventile Cumulative Within-ventile Cumulative
Risk ventile SN (SE) SN (SE) PPV (SE) PPV (SE)
1 - Top 5% 10.8 (4.0) 10.8 (4.0) 14.9 (5.3) 10.8 (4.0)
2 4.0 (2.2) 14.8 (4.4) 5.6 (3.4) 10.2 (3.4)
3 10.3 (5.7) 25.2 (6.3) 13.9 (8.1) 11.5 (3.5)
4 4.2 (3.0) 29.3 (6.7) 5.9 (4.2) 10.1 (2.9)
5 12.1 (5.2) 41.5 (6.8) 16.8 (6.9) 11.5 (2.7)
6 10.4 (4.3) 51.9 (6.7) 14.7 (5.7) 12.0 (2.5)
7 3.9 (1.6) 55.8 (6.7) 5.2 (2.2) 11.0 (2.2)
8 7.0 (2.4) 62.7 (6.4) 10.0 (3.6) 10.9 (2.0)
9 2.1 (1.3) 64.8 (6.4) 2.9 (1.5) 10.0 (1.7)
10 6.4 (4.7) 71.2 (5.2) 8.3 (6.2) 9.8 (1.7)
11 6.7 (1.3) 77.9 (4.8) 10.0 (2.0) 9.8 (1.6)
12 2.0 (1.0) 79.9 (4.8) 2.7 (1.4) 9.2 (1.5)
13 3.4 (2.8) 83.3 (3.9) 4.6 (3.8) 8.9 (1.3)
14 2.4 (0.3) 85.7 (3.8) 3.4 (0.5) 8.5 (1.2)
15 6.5 (2.9) 92.2 (2.7) 8.9 (4.0) 8.5 (1.2)
16 1.0 (0.9) 93.2 (2.5) 1.4 (1.3) 8.1 (1.1)
17 2.4 (1.7) 95.5 (1.9) 3.3 (2.4) 7.8 (1.1)
18 2.4 (1.4) 98.0 (1.5) 3.4 (2.1) 7.5 (1.0)
19 1.3 (1.3) 99.3 (0.7) 1.8 (1.8) 7.2 (1.0)
20 - Bottom 5% 0.7 (0.7) 100.0 (0.0) 1.0 (1.0) 6.9 (0.9)
See Figure 1 for a listing of the 10 predictors in the Stage-1 model, which was estimated in the 70% training case-control sample and tested in the
30% test sample. The n=1,438 respondents in the test sample included n=97 of the n= 324 total-sample respondents who reported homelessness
12 months after separating or retiring from the Regular Army. Area under the receiver operating curve (AU-ROC) of the model in the test sample was
Percent of all observed homelessness within or cumulative up through a given ventile of the sample.
The proportion of respondents within or cumulative up through a given ventile who were homeless in the first 12 months after separating or retiring
from the Regular Army.
SE, standard error of SN or PPV.

of 10 survey predictors plus the composite predicted interactions captured by the ranger model led to over-fit-
probability were important features in the Stage-2 ranger ting. The 17 predictors that emerged in the lasso model
model (Appendix Table 4, available online). It was an included the composite predicted probability of homeless-
easy matter to create a brief survey to administer these ness from the Stage-1 model, 8 of the 10 survey variables,
questions in initial contacts with Stage-1 high-risk and 8 two-way interactions (Table 2). Predictors with the
TSMs. largest coefficients included the composite predicted proba-
It was more challenging to determine how to implement bility, any lifetime suicide attempt prior to leaving active
real-time scoring of the brief survey results to distinguish service, the interaction between lifetime suicidal ideation
between highest-risk and other high-risk TSMs given that before leaving service and the composite predicted proba-
the ranger was based on 2,000 decision trees, each with bility, and the interaction between having any young
numerous terminal nodes. As noted in the section on anal- dependent children with being moderately/very religious.
ysis methods, this problem was addressed by estimating a An evaluation of lasso model performance showed
lasso model using the 10 identified survey predictors, the that the top 2 ventiles of the total sample (i.e., the top
composite variable for predicted probability of homeless- 33.3% of the 30% of TSMs defined by the Stage-1 model
ness from the Stage-1 model (which could be created prior as high-risk) had elevated risk and accounted for 67.2%
to contacting the high-risk TSM and preloaded into the of all homelessness in the high-risk subsample (Table 3).
brief survey software), and all possible 2-way interactions This means that the 10% of the total sample (i.e., 33.3%
among these predictors. This lasso model had a CV-AU- of 30%) identified in the Stage-2 model accounted for
ROC of 0.71, which was comparable to the CV-AU-ROC 34.9% (i.e., 67.2% of 51.9%) of all the homelessness in
of the ranger model, suggesting that the higher-order the total sample.

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1004 Tsai et al / Am J Prev Med 2024;66(6):999−1007
Table 2. Cross-Validated Stage-2 Lasso Model in the 30% DISCUSSION
High-Risk Sample (n=1,567, cases=251)a
The analysis found that 5% of TSMs experienced home-
Predictors Lasso coefficients lessness within one year of leaving active service (com-
Composite quartile 2 or aboveb 1.01519 pared to 0.18% in the entire U.S. population).5 Through
1+ lifetime suicide attemptc 0.81041 a series of machine learning models applied to a compre-
Lifetime suicidal ideationd x composite 0.21410 hensive dataset of individual- and community-level
quartile 3 or aboveb characteristics of TSMs, parsimonious models were
Any dependents ages 0-5 x moderately 0.79338 developed that could identify the highest-risk group of
or very religiouse
Lifetime passive suicidal ideationc 0.17385 these TSMs. Although the AU-ROCs of these models
Any dependents ages 0-17 x 0.22485 were in the range typically thought of as modest,26 the
moderately or very religiouse top 30% of high-risk TSMs identified in the Stage-1
Any dependents ages 0-17 x felt sad or 0.07199 model nonetheless accounted for the majority (52%) of
depressed some of the time or moref all homelessness experienced in the sample and the 33%
Lifetime active suicidal ideationc x 0.03428
of the high-risk TSMs identified in the Stage-2 model as
composite quartile 3 or aboveb
Lifetime suicidal ideationd 0.22460 highest risk accounted for two-thirds of all homeless in
Any dependents ages 0-5 x composite 0.02940 the high-risk subsample.
quartile 4b Based on these results, the Stage-1 model is currently
Any dependents ages 0-5 x very 0.24666 being used to determine which TSMs to contact in the
VA HEARTH intervention, a wrap-around intervention
1+ lifetime suicide attemptc x Felt sad 0.36282
or depressed a lot of the time or moref
based on the validated Critical Time Intervention model
Felt sad or depressed some of the time 0.05275 for homelessness prevention.27,28 VA social workers are
or moref x Very religiouse contacting these high-risk TSMs within one month of
2+ lifetime suicide attemptsc x 0.42686 leaving service to offer help with a wide range of transi-
moderately or very religiouse tional services focused on preventing homelessness. The
1+ lifetime suicide attemptc x very 1.04589
religiouse brief survey used to generate predictions based on the
Felt sad or depressed a lot of the time 0.15159 Stage-2 model is administered as part of the first contact.
or moref x Very religiouse Results are scored in real time and used by the social
Any dependents ages 0-17 x lifetime 0.05071 workers to determine the intensity of recontacts to pro-
active suicidal ideationc pose to the TSM before closing the first contact. The
The composite predicted probability of homelessness converted to
nested dichotomies plus 8 survey variables (5 dichotomies and 3 cate-
STARRS-LS prediction models, incorporating as they do
gorical variables converted to nested dichotomies). All variables were community-level factors, are an important improvement
defined as of separation or retirement from the Regular Army (e.g., on previous models.3,4,29−34 At the community-level,
administrative or medical discharge or retirement, fulfilled service obli-
gation, reached retired pay eligibility age or 20+ years of qualifying ser- higher unemployment rates, proportion of aging adults,
vice, released from obligation, transferred to Individual Ready Reserve, and proportion of widowed adults in the region are asso-
Inactive National Guard, or Standby Reserve). ciated with increased risk for homelessness. At the indi-
Quartiles of the composite are defined within the top 30% of the
composite. vidual level, history of suicidality is a major predictor of
homelessness, which is consistent with findings from
At any survey up to and including the last STARRS survey the Soldier
took before they separated or retired from the Regular Army, either a
baseline STARRS survey (i.e., All Army Study, New Soldier Study, or Pre- past studies.35,36
Post Deployment Study survey) or a STARRS-Longitudinal Study (LS)
Either active (had thoughts of killing self) or passive (wanted to be
dead or go to sleep and never wake up) suicidal ideation at any survey
This study had several noteworthy limitations. First, the
up to and including the last STARRS survey the Soldier took before they sample was restricted to soldiers who participated in the
separated or retired from the Regular Army, either a baseline STARRS third wave of STARRS-LS, so there is a possibility of
survey or a STARRS-LS survey.
Soldiers were asked to indicate how religious they consider them- sample bias despite the use of adjustment weights. Sec-
selves, with response options of very, moderately, slightly, and not at all. ond, the coding of geospatial variables relied on the
Soldiers were asked to focus on the 1 month in their life when they had accuracy of addresses in the Army administrative data
the most problems with feeling sad, depressed, or hopeless. They were
then asked how often during that month they had each of a series of system. These addresses are not always accurate. Third,
symptoms. One of those symptoms was “feeling sad or depressed.” analysis focused on developing a parsimonious assess-
Response categories were none of the time, a little of the time, some of
the time, most of the time, and all or almost all the time. This item was ment tool for the highest-risk soldiers, but broader mod-
taken from their last survey before separating/retiring from the Regular els could be developed to target a wider range of risk if
Army. adequate resources were provided. Fourth, the

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Tsai et al / Am J Prev Med 2024;66(6):999−1007 1005
Table 3. Cross-Validated Stage-2 Lasso Model in the 30% High-Risk Sample (n=1,567, cases=251)

Sensitivity (SN)b Positive predictive value (PPV)c

Within-sextile Cumulative Within-sextile Cumulative
Risk sextile % (SE) % (SE) % (SE) % (SE)
1 - Top 16.66% 19.7 (2.1) 19.7 (2.1) 44.1 (4.2) 44.1 (4.2)
2 15.2 (2.2) 34.9 (3.0) 30.3 (4.5) 36.8 (3.1)
3 7.6 (1.4) 42.5 (3.3) 19.7 (3.7) 31.8 (2.5)
4 5.6 (1.5) 48.1 (3.6) 15.4 (3.9) 28.3 (2.2)
5 3.7 (1.0) 51.9 (3.8) 4.9 (1.3) 21.0 (1.6)
6 - Bottom 16.66% 0.0 (0.0) 51.9 (3.8) 0.1 (0.1) 20.4 (1.6)
See Table 2 for a list of the predictors in the Stage-2 model, which was estimated in the 70% training case-control sample and tested in the 30% test
sample. The n=1,567 respondents in the total sample defined as high-risk by the Stage-1 model were the sample considered here. This sample
included n=251 respondents who reported homelessness 12 months after separating or retiring from the Regular Army. Given the small size of the
high-risk sample, cross-validation was used rather than separate training and test samples to estimate SN and PPV.
Percent of all observed homelessness within or cumulative up through a given ventile of the sample.
The proportion of respondents within or cumulative up through a given ventile who were homeless in the first 12 months after separating or retiring
from the Regular Army.
VADIR, Veterans Affairs/Department of Defense Identity Repository; SE, standard error of SN or PPV.

administrative variables in the Stage-1 model were University); Laura Campbell-Sills, PhD (University of California
restricted to the limited set in the VADIR dataset. The San Diego); Carol S. Fullerton, PhD (Uniformed Services Univer-
Stage-1 could be improved in future if the Army devel- sity); Nancy Gebler, MA (University of Michigan); Meredith
oped the capacity for real-time integration and access House, BA (University of Michigan); Paul E. Hurwitz, MPH (Uni-
formed Services University); Sonia Jain, PhD (University of Cali-
to their much more extensive set of administrative fornia San Diego); Tzu-Cheg Kao, PhD (Uniformed Services
databases. University); Lisa Lewandowski-Romps, PhD (University of Michi-
gan); Alex Luedtke, PhD (University of Washington and Fred
CONCLUSIONS Hutchinson Cancer Research Center); Holly Herberman Mash,
PhD (Uniformed Services University); James A. Naifeh, PhD (Uni-
Development of a predictive analytics model that identi- formed Services University); Matthew K. Nock, PhD (Harvard
fies TSMs at high risk of homelessness within 12 months University); Victor Puac-Polanco, MD, DrPH (Harvard Medical
of leaving the military advances two overarching goals of School); Nancy A. Sampson, BA (Harvard Medical School); and
Alan M. Zaslavsky, PhD (Harvard Medical School).
public health: protecting the health of entire populations
As a cooperative agreement, scientists employed by the
and preventing problems from happening or reoccur- National Institute of Mental Health and U.S. Army liaisons and
ring. The analysis reported here demonstrated that such consultants collaborated to develop the study protocol and
a model can be built based on existing Army administra- data collection instruments, supervise data collection, interpret
tive data and a 10-question self-assessment. This work results, and prepare reports. Although a draft of the manuscript
has already been useful in guiding outreach efforts in a was submitted to the U.S. Army and National Institute of Mental
pilot homelessness prevention intervention. Depending Health for review and comment before submission for publica-
on the results of the forthcoming evaluation of that tion, this was done with the understanding that comments
would be no more than advisory. The contents are solely the
intervention, the model might stimulate the develop-
responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent
ment of more refined models and more expansive proac- the views of the NIMH, the Department of the Army, the Depart-
tive interventions. ment of Defense, or the Department of Veteran Affairs.
The project was supported by the U.S. Department of Veter-
ans Affairs (Contract number 36C24123C0030). Dr. Marx
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS was supported by VA Suicide Prevention Center grant
The Army STARRS Team consists of Co-Principal Investigators: I01CX002621-01. Army STARRS was sponsored by the Depart-
Robert J. Ursano, MD (Uniformed Services University) and Mur- ment of the Army and funded under cooperative agreement
ray B. Stein, MD, MPH (University of California San Diego and number U01MH087981 (2009-2015) with the National Insti-
VA San Diego Healthcare System); Site Principal Investigators: tute of Mental Health (NIMH). Subsequently, STARRS-LS was
James Wagner, PhD (University of Michigan) and Ronald C. sponsored and funded by the Department of Defense (USUHS
Kessler, PhD (Harvard Medical School); Army scientific consul- grant number HU0001-15-2-0004).
tant/liaison: Kenneth Cox, MD, MPH (Office of the Assistant In the past 3 years, Dr. Kessler was a consultant for Cam-
Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs); and bridge Health Alliance, Canandaigua VA Medical Center, Child
Other team members: Pablo A. Aliaga, MA (Uniformed Services Mind Institute, Holmusk, Massachusetts General Hospital,
University); David M. Benedek, MD (Uniformed Services Partners Healthcare, Inc., RallyPoint Networks, Inc., Sage

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1006 Tsai et al / Am J Prev Med 2024;66(6):999−1007
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