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Tender# GH-23-10-01

Solar System/Equipment/Computers/Miscellaneous Items

National Textile University, Sheikhupura Road, Faisalabad-37610


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Sr. # Description Page #
1 Preface 1
2 Introduction 3
3 Invitation to Bids 4
4 Important Note 5
5 End User Certificate 5
6 Photocopy will not be Accepted 5
7 Training/Trainer (Foreign/Local) 5
8 Deadline and Procedure for Bids 6
9 Bidder’s Eligibility and Qualification 6
10 Sealed “Technical & Financial Bid” 7
11 Conditional Tender 7
12 Bid Security (PPRA Rule-25) 7
13 Performance Guarantee (PPRA Rule 39) 7
14 Redressal of Grievances (PPRA rule-48) 8
15 Taxes/Duties 8
16 Contract Agreement 8
17 Bid Validity Period 8
18 All Expenditures Like 8
19 Country of Origin and Packing 9
20 Quoted Prices 9
21 Payments 9
22 Warranty 9
23 Conformity With Given Specifications 9
24 Penalty for Late Delivery 9
25 Notification of Award 10
26 Blacklisting Policy 10
27 Declaration Certificate 10
28 Rights of the University 10
29 Breach of Contract 10
30 Force Majeure 10
31 Legal Proceedings 10
32 How to Participate in More Than One Item (Equipment/Item) 10
33 Contact Person(s) 11
34 Specifications (Can be downloaded from NTU website) --

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The idea of establishing a Textile Institute of world fame was conceived by a group of visionary industrialists in
1954. To realize this idea the Government of Punjab joined hands with the leading textile industrialists to form an
Institute of Textile Technology in Faisalabad (then Lyallpur) and provided sixty-two acres of state-owned land
free of cost. Kohinoor Industries, Colony Textile Mills, Dawood Foundation and Lyallpur Cotton Mills provided
funds to the tune of Rs.2.5 millions, which were utilized for the construction of building and provision of other
infrastructure. The Government of U.K. provided the bulk of equipment and machinery, along with the services
of experts under Colombo Plan. Field Marshall Muhammad Ayub Khan, the then President of Pakistan, laid the
foundation stone of the Institute, on the 12th of October 1959.

A Board of Trustees, with the Minister of Industries as chairman and nominees of the donor companies as
members was constituted to manage the affairs of the Institute. In order to meet the recurring expenses of the
Institute a Cess was levied by the government on the Textile industry of Pakistan. Later, in 1965, the Institute was
granted affiliation by the University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, and it was renamed as “National
College of Textile Engineering”. The first batch of graduate engineers was passed out in 1966. In 1973 the
administrative control of the Institute was transferred to Federal Government, and it was renamed as “National
College of Textile Engineering”.

In 1992, the college received a comprehensive assistance worth 650 million yen from the Japanese Government,
through JICA program, in the form of latest machinery and equipment for all the departments of the Institution.
The college was upgraded as National Textile University on 15 November 2002 through promulgation of
Ordinance No. CXXIV of 2002 by the President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Ever since its inception National Textile University has been the premier Institute of textile education in the
country, meeting the technical and managerial human resource needs of almost entire textile industry of Pakistan.
It always retained a close relationship with the industry and industrialists.

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Last date: 06-11-2023
i. PPRA website dated 18-10-2023
ii. Daily Express 18-10-2023
iii The News 19-10-2023
iv NTU website dated 18-10-2023
Advertisement as it is:

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Only and only: existing Machine/Equipment/Item /part/accessory which is indicated on the Manufacturer’s
web/catalogue /brochure with model number/catalogue number will be accepted.
a-Any Special prepared model of Machine/Equipment/Item or its part/accessory to meet the requirement of
NTU will not be accepted.
b-Any Special prepared model of Machine/Equipment/Item or its part/accessory will be accepted if it is
specifically asked/indicated/mentioned in technical specification(s).
a-Any type of alteration /modification to meet the requirement of NTU in any existing model of Machine
/Equipment/Item or any part/accessory will not be accepted.
iii b- Any type of alteration /modification to meet the requirement of NTU in any existing model of Machine
/Equipment/Item or any part/accessory will be accepted if it is specifically asked/indicated/mentioned in
technical specification(s).
The catalogue/brochure of the quoted model must be on the web of principal manufacturer /company etc. Self-
iv made catalogue/brochure by the bidder will be considered as cheating and this attitude can create serious
problems (as per PPRA rules) in the business of the bidder.
A fake website or a fake advertisement of the quoted model (to make money from NTU or to meet the
v requirement of NTU) on the genuine web site of the principal manufacturer /company will be considered
cheating and the case will be proceeded as per PPRA rules.
Complete machine/equipment/item in its original packing (as in the country of origin) will be accepted. Its any
vi specific part/accessory (locally made) will not be accepted unless categorically mentioned (locally made) in the
final technical specifications.
Any part of the equipment/machine (even it is compulsory to make equipment/machine operational) if it is as
vii per requirement of NTU then do not write the word “optional”. Please quote optional item separately if
categorically requested.
Successful bidder is bound to provide only and only the exact quoted model number of machine/ equipment/
item. Justification(s) such as: (quoted model is not available right now, its manufacturing for NTU will take
long time, it is outdated, company has stopped its manufacturing) will not be accepted. Bidder’s offer such as
viii “Latest model with better/similar technical specifications can be delivered in the same price and time” will not
be accepted. of this tender document. Situation will be declared as “failure in delivery of
machine/equipment/item”. Case will be forwarded to the blacklisting committee to proceed further as per
PPRA rules-19. Blacklisting policy may be downloaded from the NTU web.
ix Whereas a specific brand is indicated, equivalent option should be added as per PPRA rule-10.
x END USER CERTIFICATE: will be signed as per terms and conditions of the tender document.
a-Technical bid and financial bid will be accepted only on the bidder’s original letterhead pad with date and
i b-Photocopy of such document (s) will not be accepted even with original stamp & signature.
c-Photocopy of such document (s) will not be accepted even the quoted item is 100% similar like the item
which is quoted for another department like chemicals, glassware, and expendable supplies etc.
Bid on original letter head pad writing like specifications as per requirement of NTU will not be
accepted. Bidder is bound to write actual product with model and all related specifications which are
present on the broacher of the product provided by the manufacturer. Such technical spec will be
verified from the provided brochure /catalog /manufacturer official website.
03. Training/Trainer (foreign/local):
Training of equipment/machine will be on site (at NTU through qualified engineers local/foreigner). Please
make sure about the availability of your trainer (local/foreign) to train our lab. Engineers, MS and PhD students
as well as faculty members then quote your offer.
i NOTE: Make sure about the foreign trainer availability (if applicable) as per travel (to Pakistan) rules &
regulations of that country before quoting your price.

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04. Deadline and Procedure for Bids:
i Tender Proposals required under PPRA Rule 36(b) as indicated in the tender advertisement.
PPRA Rule 36(b): Single stage two envelope procedure. Technical & Financial Bids must be sealed
(separately) with covering letter. There must be clearly mentioned on each envelope “Technical proposal” /
ii “Financial Proposal”.
NOTE: 2nd, 3rd, 4th option(s) of any complete item or its any part will not be considered in any case. Only 1st
option will be considered for healthy competition under this rule.
PPRA Rule 36(d): Two stage two envelope procedure. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, …. option(s) of any complete equipment
or its any part will be considered in product presentation(s)/discussion(s).
Definition: Revised specifications means more detailed and comprehensive specifications as per requirement of
Revised specifications will be provided by the technical committee after the product presentation/ discussion.
Enough time will be given to the bidders to revise their technical & financial offers as per PPRA rule 36(d).
Option(s) 2nd, 3rd, 4th, ….will not be considered after the revised technical specifications. Only first quoted
option will be considered for final financial comparative statement for the healthy competition.
C& F basis: An amount of 06% will be deposited in the form of Demand Draft / Pay order by the bidder before
opening L.C. as a performance Guarantee and shall be retained for the period of one year from the date of
commissioning/installation. Bank Guarantee from the scheduled bank of Pakistan will also be acceptable but it
v should be valid for one year from the date of commissioning/installation (shipping time, transportation time and
installation time etc. must be excluded to make one year from the date of installation. Also supplier/bidder will
provide under taking on judicial paper to renew Bank Guaranty (for the specified period) from the date of
installation to the last day of one year.

Letter of Credit (L./C.): will be arranged by the University. All necessary documents for opening LC will be
vi provided by the bidder/supplier, very carefully to avoid any type of confusion / or delay in supply of items/

C&F basis
a-All Govt. Taxes/Duties will be paid by NTU and should not be included in the financial offer.
b-All clearing and insurance charges will be paid by NTU and should not be included in the financial offer. All
vii types of training expenditures of Engineers/Technicians and their related staff (Local or Foreign) is the
responsibility of the bidder.
c- C&F prices must be in foreign currency. Any increase in the currency exchange rate due to the i-
extension in LC or ii-delay due to the Force Majeure: will be born by the bidder/supplier.
05. Bidder’s Eligibility and Qualification
a-Bidding firm must be registered with Govt. tax authorities (GST, PST & Income Tax etc) and will submit the
certificates of registration.
b-Tender will be processed through EPADS (e-Pak Acquisition & Disposal System), otherwise, Tender will not be accepted.
Original Manufacturer’s /any authorized distributor(s)/sole agents/firms will provide certificate for participation
ii in the tender from their principal manufacturer(s). NTU may exempt the production of such certificate where
Bidders are required to submit the certificate along with their offer i.e. “Certified that the prices quoted in the
tender are firm, final and are not in excess of printed price list of the manufacturer in country of origin and in
case of any discrepancy is noticed subsequently bidder hereby undertakes to make goods any loss to the
An Affidavit duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/Notary Public showing that the firm is not Black-listed
from any Govt./Semi Govt. Department of the Pakistan.
v Bidder will provide address of nearest office to Faisalabad and Web page address (mandatory where applicable).
vi Users list of quoted items for the last two years (where applicable).

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06. Sealed “Technical & Financial Bid”
Technical & Financial Bids must be sealed carefully (separately) with a covering letter. There must be clearly
mentioned on each envelope “Technical proposal” / “Financial Proposal”.
07. Conditional Tender:
Terms and conditions published in this Tender document are final. Any condition(s) imposed by the bidder in
contradiction of the published document shall not be accepted.
08. Bid Security (PPRA Rule-25):
Eligible firms should submit their bids along with earnest money (fixed) amount as indicated in tender advertisement,
independently/separately for each item (as mentioned below), in sealed envelope of Technical Bid in the shape of
CDR/Bank Draft in favor of National Textile University, Faisalabad, drawn on Faisalabad.
In case of failure tender document will not be entertained. Any markup/profit/interest will not be paid in any case of
acceptance/rejection of the bid. However, this amount can be adjusted in Performance Guarantee.

Sr. # Description money (fixed)
amount (Rs.)
Purchase and Installation of Solar System (Turnkey Solution) of Capacity-130KW,
1 600,000/-
On-grid “Net Metering” (Separate CDR)
2 Integrated Sphere “qty. = 01” (Separate CDR) 150,000/-
a CO2 Incubator “qty. = 01” (Separate CDR) 27,000/-
b Airflow Cabinet “qty. = 01” (Separate CDR) 12,500/-
3 c Microplate Reader “qty. = 01” (Separate CDR) 26,500/-
d Computer System “qty. = 01” (Separate CDR) 3,000/-
i e Single Channel Pipittor “qty. = 01” (Separate CDR) 1,500/-
4 Different Types of 23 Consumable Items (Separate CDR) 70,000/-
a Desktop Computer with GPU “qty. = 10” (Separate CDR) 115,000/-
5 b GPU Card “qty. = 2” b (Separate CDR) 4,500/-
c Arduino Kit “qty. = 5” (Separate CDR) 1,100/-
a Chair Revolving Executive “qty. = 06” (Separate CDR) 5,500/-
6 b Table Executive with Rack (B-Type) “qty. = 06” (Separate CDR) 5,500/-
c Chair Wooden W/A for Visitors “qty. = 12” (Separate CDR) 2,200/-
a Desktop Computers “qty. = 100” (Separate CDR) 475,000/-
b Multimedia Projector “qty. = 5” (Separate CDR) 23,000/-
c LED Monitor 27 inch “qty. = 1” (Separate CDR) 2,000/-
d Laptop Computer “qty. = 3” (Separate CDR) 24,000/-
8 Firewall Hardware Device (Separate CDR) 135,000/-
9 Network Switch 10/100/1000 8 Port (Separate CDR) 9,000/-
10 Different Type of 06 Items “MS Pipe, Bar Iron etc.” (Separate CDR) 14,500/-
Put separate CDR/pay order in technical offer envelope for each quoted item.
So, All bidders/suppliers are requested to apply independently in serials as mentioned above. Your kind
cooperation will help us in scrutiny of technical offers by the technical committee of NTU because all serial
numbers and sub -serial numbers, belongs to different Faculties/department. Each Faculty/department has its
ii own technical committee. Technical committee will reject the irrelevant quoted item/s in your offer. So, the
purchase of such items cannot be proceeded for further.
Also, the payment, will be/may be made from the different budget heads of the Faculty/department. All
requirements of items in each serial are as per departmental and approved budget heads. This will help to make
the procurement smooth and prompt.
09. Performance Guarantee (PPRA rule 39):
Serial # 1 (Solar System):
i a: i-Successful bidder/supplier shall provide an amount of 06% of the quoted price in the form of CDR/Pay
order within the seven working days after the issuance of the intimation letter.

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ii- The Bank Guarantee (from the scheduled bank of Pakistan) will also be accepted but it should be valid for
Two Years. This will be retained for Two years. (Two years will be considered from the date of
commissioning /installation (operational on site). ii-and the proof of submission of application for net metering,
after fulfilling the all requirements of the concerned department.
b: Successful bidder/supplier will provide the contract agreement (A contract agreement on stamp paper as per
Punjab Govt. finance act 2018 (Sr. # 2C(b)} will be signed by the bidder/supplier) within the seven working
days after the issuance of the intimation letter.
Supply order will be issued after the fulfillment of the above requirements a &b.
Performance guarantee will be retained for the two years ie warranty period that will start from the date of
commissioning/ installation and operational on site.
FOR basis:
Successful bidder shall provide an amount of 06% of the quoted price in the form of CDR/Pay order within the
seven working days after the issuance of the intimation letter along with the contract agreement (A contract
agreement on stamp paper as per Punjab Govt. finance act 2018 (Sr. # 2C(b)} will be signed by the
Supply order will be issued after the fulfillment of the above requirements.
Performance guarantee will be retained only for the items for the given warranty period ie One year except
Solar System (ie 02 years).
Warranty period (01 year) that will start from the date of commissioning/ installation/supply.
C & F Basis:
Successful bidder shall provide an amount of 06% of the quoted price in the form of CDR/Pay order within the
seven working days after the issuance of the intimation letter along with the contract agreement (A contract
agreement on stamp paper as per Punjab Govt. finance act 2018 (Sr. # 2C(b)} will be signed by the
Supply order will be issued after the fulfillment of the above requirements.
An amount of 06% excluding “{for serial #1, 2, 3 (except e), 5 (only a), 6 (all), 7 (all), 8 and 9. will be
returned/reimbursed back after the delivery and the submission of the certificate from the user (at the time of
ii handing over to the user) as stated: All glassware items/chemicals and other consumable items are as per given
specifications and are without any breakages/cracks/exact quantity/weight and expiry date. Bidders are
requested to hand over the chemicals/ breakable items to the personally instead of luggage carrier/TCS etc.
10. Redressal of Grievances (PPRA rule-48)
i Please follow PPRA rule-48 in case of any Grievance(s) and contact NTU grievances committee.
11. Taxes/Duties:
FOR basis: All Govt. Taxes/Duties/Custom clearing charges etc. will be paid by the bidder. Necessary
i documents will be provided to the bidder for the exemption in Govt. Taxes/Duties etc. (where applicable). The
FOR prices, however, shall be reduced to the extent of Taxes/Duties exempted.
12. Contract agreement:
Successful bidder shall provide an amount of 06% of the quoted price in the form of CDR/Pay order within the
seven working days after the issuance of the intimation letter along with the contract agreement (A contract
i agreement on stamp paper as per Punjab Govt. finance act 2018 (Sr. # 2C(b)} will be signed by the
Supply order will be issued after the fulfillment of the above requirements.
13. Bid Validity Period:
All pricing shall be guaranteed not to increase, based on an order placed. The offer should be valid for 120 days
(FOR basis and C&F basis) from the date of opening of the tender in case of PPRA rule 36(b) as well as 36 (d).
14. All Expenditures like:
All expenditures like: Freight/Loading/Unloading/Installation/Training (on site for operation, maintenance &
troubleshooting etc.) and testing of equipment/item/machine on site will be provided by the bidder.
All expenditures upto the place of installation at NTU (Faisalabad) of item(s) /equipment/machine will be paid
by the bidder and this should be included in the bid price.
iii Expenditures of boarding/ lodging/food/refreshment of the persons during supply/installation/and training will

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be the responsibility of the bidder/supplier.
15. Country of Origin and Packing:
The items must be brand new and complete in all respects with original packing of manufacturer and strictly
conforming to the given specifications. Country of origin and model must be mentioned in technical proposal.
Its any specific part/accessory (locally made) will not be accepted unless categorically mentioned in the final
technical specifications.
16. Quoted Prices:
FOR prices: must be in Pak rupees and cannot be bound with any foreign currency exchange rate that may
affect the quoted price. Your quoted price will be considered as a final price for financial comparison to
calculate the lowest quoted price.
i The bidders are bound to supply their quoted equipment/ machine(s)/item(s) against the quoted prices in Pak
rupees in the financial proposal. All payments of equipment/ machine(s)/item(s) will be made after the supply,
installation, commissioning and operational onsite.
C&F prices: must be in foreign currency otherwise tender will not be accepted.
The bidder/supplier should quote unit price of each optional/compulsory accessory (as per technical
specification of the tender), however all such prices will be incorporated in the price of main equipment/
machine as named in the given (advertisement) equipment/item list for the price comparative statement.
ii Example: Serial # A item# xyz
Suppose FOR/C&F basis Price of xyz = 100 PKR/USD
Suppose FOR/C&F basis Price of accessory #1 (as per requirement of NTU) = 13 PKR/USD
Suppose FOR/C&F basis Price of accessory #2 (as per requirement of NTU) =8 PKR/USD
Suppose FOR/C&F basis Price of accessory #3 (as per requirement of NTU) =5 PKR/USD
Total FOR/C&F basis price of xyz (for financial competition) = 126 PKR/USD
17. Payments:
The Payment will be made on the availability of funds (approvals from Government planning agencies etc, other
relevant authorities and University management). If payment is delayed (from Government planning agencies,
other relevant authorities, and University management) due to any reason; no extra interest/mark-up will be paid
to the supplier/bidder.
18. Warranty:
i-Warranty for Solar System should be TWO years. Two years will be considered from the date of
commissioning /installation (operational on site).
ii-and the proof of submission of application for net metering, after fulfilling all requirements of the concerned
iii-Warranty should be one year for serial # 2, 3 (except e), 5 (only a), 6 (all), 7 (all), 8 and 9.
One year will be considered from the date of commissioning/installation (operational on site). The items or any
part must be BRANDED (originally manufactured & assembled) & complete in all respects with original
manufacturer’s packing and strictly conforming to given specifications. Any used part/component (inner or
outer) will not be accepted.
19. Conformity with given Specifications:
Equipment/items will be inspected at National Textile University in the presence of the supplier/their
representative. Equipment/item or any part will be rejected if not found according to the given specifications.
In case any material is found not in conformity with the specifications provided in the tender, either on account
of inferior quality, defective workmanship, faulty design, faulty packing or is short supplied, or wrongly
supplied, the supplier will replace the short supplied wrongly supplied, faulty or defective part/material free of
charges including transport charges etc. or pay the full cost of replacement.
iii Specifications of the published items (serial wise) can be downloaded from NTU Website.
20. Penalty for late delivery:
In case of late delivery on the part of bidder/supplier to supply the equipment’s as per specifications / quantity
within the stipulated time (without extension/approval from the competent authority i.e. Rector of National
Textile University), a penalty at least 0.25% but not exceeding 10% per month will be imposed after the
approval of competent authority.

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Tender with any cuttings, over writings and erasing shall not be entertained.
21. Notification of Award:
The university will award the contract to the technically successful bidder whose tender has been determined to
be substantially responsive and has been determined as the lowest financial proposal.
The University will display the official comparative statement on the notice board for which such date will be
notified to all bidders accordingly.
22. Blacklisting Policy:
In case the bidder become failed in the supply/delivery (of machine/equipment/item or its part/accessory), the
case will be forwarded to Black listing committee to proceed further according to the Black listing policy of
NTU that is in accordance with the PPRA rule-19. Blacklisting policy may be downloaded from the NTU web.
23. Declaration Certificate:
Bidder or its authorized representative must sign & stamp each page of the bid documents (technical &
i financial). Also bidder/supplier will provide the certificate that is provided in this document at page # 12 named
as Declaration Certificate (Mandatory).
24. Rights of the University:
i In case of conflicts, it is fundamental that issue will be resolved as per PPRA rule, Govt. of Pakistan.
ii The University reserves the right to reject any or all bids with assigning reason(s).
The University reserves the right to award the contract to one bidder or divide it among several bidders. (if
The University reserves the right to cancel the offer of the Bidder whose bid has been found financially to be the
iv lowest if it is revealed to the University that the Bidder does not have the capability or financial resources or
facilities to carry out the contract in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Tender Documents.
The University undertakes to use its best endeavors to hold confidential any information provided by you in
your tender submission documents. If you wish not to disclose any of the information to other bidders /
v suppliers/manufacturers etc. because of its sensitivity. You should identify/specify (in black and white)
reason(s) for its sensitivity. Your given reason/s (for its sensitivity) will be approved by the Technical
committee of NTU.
25. Breach of Contract:
In case of breach of warranty by the supplier/bidder, the damages suffered by the University shall be recovered
i from the supplier/bidder out of any payment due to the supplier/bidder and / or in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the Contract agreement mentioned without notice to the Contractor.
26. Force Majeure:
The supplier/bidder shall not be liable for any additional cost or for liquidated damages for delay or any failure
to perform the Contract arising out of force majeure or cause beyond his/her control including acts of God, or of
the public enemy or any uncontrollable circumstances. The supplier/bidder shall notify the University in writing
about the causes of the delay within ten days from the beginning of such delay. The University shall ascertain
the facts and the extent of the delay and extend the time for completing the supplie/s as in its judgment of the
27. Legal proceedings:
The law of Pakistan shall govern the contract and the tender documents. Any dispute arising out shall be
decided by Competent Authority of the University as per PPRA rules.
28. How to participate in more than one item (equipment/item).
NOTE: Put separate CDR (in financial offer envelope) for each quoted items/equipment/machine
Example: You want to apply in 02 items:
(Your kind help will make the purchase smooth and speedy because:
the demands are from different departments of the university. These items will be purchased from the different accounts of university
through the different file/folders. There will be different technical committees to evaluate the technical bids.)
Envelope-1: “Offer for serial-A, (Integrated Sphere) for Tender # GH-23/10-01.
This envelope-1 will contain two envelops marked as

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(A) Technical offer for serial 3a, (name)
(B) Financial offer for serial-3a, (name)

Envelope-2: “Offer for serial K-3, (Desktop Computer) for Tender# GH-23/10-01.

This envelope-2 will contain two envelops marked as

(A) Technical offer for serial-5b-(name)

(B) Financial offer for serial-5b, (name)
All 02 sealed envelopes will be packed in a single envelop for delivery. Your this kind effort will speed up and
facilitate the further procedure of procurement. Each envelop marked as serial #… Item #.... must contain all
necessary documents related to the participation in the tender.
For any technical query even for any confusion in understanding tender document/technical specifications, pl contact following persons.
29. Contact Person(s):
Sr.#1 Dr. Nadeem Nasir: 041-9230081, Ext. 231
2&4 Dr. Ahsan Nazeer: 041-9230081, Ext. 192
3 Dr. Anwar Nazeer: 041-9230081, Ext. 301
6 Dr. Sajjad Baig: 041-9230081, Ext. 264
5, 7, 8, 9 Mr. Shahzad Arshad: 041-9230081, Ext. 281
10 Mr. Aslam: Dy. Dir. P&D: 041-9230081, Ext. 179

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I (authorized official)…………………….. on behalf of (Company name) ……..………………solemnly

declare that I have read all terms & conditions of this tender document (Tender# GH-23-10-01,

as well as the blacklisting policy of National Textile University Faisalabad), carefully. I also

undertake the responsibility that all the given information in tender proposal against the above

said tender are correct.

Signature Date: ______________

Company name address & stamp.


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