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C – 14

“Immigration in Europe is on the rise: should borders be more or less

open? Discuss.”
In the last years, immigration is increasing in Europe because a lot of immigrants
especially from the East European Countries are coming to the richest one like
France, Germany, Spain and Italy.

Each of this Countries has followed different ways to receive them, but, in any case,
with a lot of problems to face because of the many illegal immigrants that don’t want
to be achieve a full integration accepting all rules of the host Countries. Of course, it
depends also on the inefficient checks made by the Authorities, but in the majority of
cases there isn’t collaboration from the immigrants because of the presence of many
factors connected with the lack knowledge of the new local language, the
impossibility of having a legal work, the intention to stay close to people of the same
nationality in order to mantain their traditions, and so on.

The presence of many illegal people results in a lot of criminal activities in a Country
that causes chaos in the local society.
Wherever there is a chaotic situation, consequently, there are economic and social
repercussions connected with the reduction of tourism, working activities and foreign
investments, for istance, because the involved Country seems unstable. Especially for
this last reason every national Government has to fight in order to maintain its
internal situation calm and stable.

For the reason mentioned above, I think it is important that the political world is
aware of dangers that can occur if immigrants continue to remain in their isolated
position without the possibility of having opportunities of accommodation, work and
education. A correct integration of immigrants needs of a clear and applicable law for
the immigration, that every European Countries should issue.
Furthermore it is useless to close our borders because if someone decides to arrive in
our Country it will try any legal or illegal way in order to succeed in its intention.

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