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It was the first decade after the turn of the century, in the lull

before the storm of the first World War, and many who lived
then have reflected on what seemed to be a golden, untroubled
time. William Howard Taft was inaugurated as 27th president of
the United States. Mary Pickford, the first film star, was
featured in silent films by D.W. Griffith. Picasso painted his
"Harlequin," and Matisse coined the word "Cubism." The first
permanent waves were being worn by beauties as they strolled
the streets of London.

Behind the scenes in the world, in the industrial boardrooms,

ornate drawing rooms, and in the offices of government other
activities, not quite so idyllic, were afoot. For this was a time of
massive, covert consolidation of power by the monied elite, and
the activation of long-term plans of control that would affect the
world until the present day.

This was the time of the creation of the Federal Reserve, the
FBI, the institution of the federal income tax in the United
States, and, with the League of Nations, the first stirrings
towards a global government. Powerful men were obsessed by
the idea of increasing their power and in advancing the
technology of control to enable them to do so, and they were
burning the midnight oil to turn those dreams into reality.
It was the time of meetings held to brainstorm the New
World Order in groups like the Round Table, the Coefficients
Club, the Fabians, and the Skull and Bones society. The New
World Order, that term so often bandied about by politicians and
conspiracy writers, is the long-term plan to create a one-world
oligarchical government on this planet. It is not really in
question that such a plan exists — except among those who have
not taken the time to study the documentation, or those whose
interests dictate that it should be denied.

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