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Synthetic Fill Materials for Skin, Leather, and Furs

Author(s): Linda Nieuwenhuizen

Source: Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, Vol. 37, No. 1, (Spring, 1998), pp.
Published by: The American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works
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Accessed: 30/05/2008 17:00

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ABSTRACT-This article describessome synthetic resefian ilustran la producci6n de materiales de

fill materialsfor use with processed and minimally reposici6nversatilesy flexibles,paraser utilizadosen
processed skins and furs.The applicationsoutlined pieles y productosde cuero establesy con faltantes.
illustratethe productionof versatileandflexiblefillsin Todaslas reparacionesfueron hechas en artefactosen
stableskinsand leatherproductswith losses.All repairs buenas condiciones pero visualmenteinterrumpidos
havebeen made on artifactsthat were in good condi- por los faltantes. Las primeras dos aplicaciones se
tion but visuallydisruptedby lossesin the skin,leather, basanen la bisqueda de una resinao mezclade resinas
or fur. The first two applicationsare based on the con cuerpo y flexibles, que puedan ser facilmente
searchfor a bulkedflexibleresinor resinmixturethat utilizadas para formar un relleno con cuerpo y
can be easilyused and manipulatedto form a cohesive cohesi6n. El tercer ejemplo ilustra el uso de una
fill.The thirdexampleillustratesthe use of a synthetic tela sintetica utilizada para reponer un faltante un
fabricfill for a naturalhistoryspecimenwith hair. especimen de historia naturalcon pelo.

TITRE-Materiaux synthetiquespour le remplissage 1. INTRODUCTION

de pertes sur les peaux, cuirs, et fourrures.
RESUME-Cet article decrit quelques materiaux Skin, leather, and fur are materials abundantly
synthetiquesqui peuventetre utilis6spour la compen- found in naturalhistory,ethnographic,historic, and
sationde pertessur des peaux et des fourrurestraitees decorative arts collections. Leather is hide or skin
ou legerementtrait6es.Les exemplesdecritsmontrent that has been chemically treated (tanned) to make
la productionde reparationssouples et flexiblespour it imputrescible.The terms "hide"and "skin,"in the
des objets stables.Toutes les reparationsont ete faites leather industry,are used conventionally:the differ-
sur des objets en bon etat mais dont les pertes sur la ence is one of size, weight, and thickness. Hide
peau,le cuir ou la fourrurederangeaientvisuellement. usually refers to a large, heavy skin such as that
Les deux premiersexemplessont basessurla recherche obtained from a buffalo,cow, or horse. Skin is sim-
d'une r6sine epaissie flexible ou d'un melange de ply a small hide or the skin of a small animal such
resine qui pourraitetre aisementutiliseset manipules as a bird, rodent, or reptile. Fur is the hair projec-
pour former une reparationcoh&rente.Le troisieme tion of an animal. Skin products are proteinaceous
exemple montre l'utilisationd'un produitde remplis- in their original chemical composition but have
sage de textile synthetiquesur un specimend'histoire been treatedin a variety of ways to obtain products
naturellepoilu. tailored to different uses as well as different physi-
cal characteristics,i.e., tanned, tooled, grained, or
TITULO-Materialessint&ticos parareponerfaltantes
en waterproofed (Fogle and Raphael 1984).
piel, cuero y piel con pelo. RESUMEN-El articulo A variety of conservation issues arise with
describe algunos materialessinteticos para reponer skin products, dealing with the protein chem-
faltantesen piel y en pieles con pelo procesadasy istry, shrinkage temperature, tannage interfer-
minimamente procesadas.Las aplicaciones que se ences, and other matters. Among the variety of

JAIC 37(1998): 135-45


conservationissuesto be reviewedis the issue of * shrinkageof fill materialsfrom their original

gap-fillingwhen lossesoccur.The fill dependson intendedsize due to solventevaporation
such factorsas the compositionof the proteina- * unevenfill surfacedue to the natureof the fill
ceousmaterials, theirfinishingtreat-
theirtannages, material,shrinkageor dryingstressesas solvent
ments, the use of these materialsas artifacts,the evaporates,and/or separationof the bulking
environmentsin which they arehoused,and their agentfromthe carrier.
stateof deterioration.The aim of this articleis to All thesenegativeaspectsof fillmaterials for skin
provideinformationregardingsome repairtech- productscouldcontributeto the lossof physicaland
niquesand fill materialsfor skin and leatherthat aestheticcontinuity. Somearealsodeleteriousto the
haveprovenusefulfor a varietyof applications. skinto be conserved.In addition,it shouldbe noted
One shouldbe cautioned,however,to use the that degradedskin productsexhibit more severe
proposedfill materialsonly on stableskins and resultsthanthosein good condition.Hydrothermal
leather.Before consideringtreatment,an accurate stabilitytestingis of paramountimportancein order
assessment of the hydrothermalstability(shrinkage to assessartifactcondition.
temperature)of the collagenfibersof the artifact Generally, fillsin skinproductsareaccomplished
should be conducted(Young1990;Larsenet al. using a standardmethod:a backingis appliedto
1993).The followingsuggestionsfor fill materials bridge the area of loss when possible(Dignard
should not be used as a "cookbook"for leather 1992),and then a fill materialis insertedinto the
conservation. area of loss. Most commonly used materialsfor
Fills in skin productsmust fit the criteriaof backingsareinertfabricscoupledwith eitherresins,
appropriatestrength,stability,flexibility,adhesion, starches,or celluloseetherswith evaporativesol-
aging,appearance, andeasein identification. Com- vents,or resinsor systemsrequiringthe use of a
mon drawbacks of fillsin skinproductsarethe fol- heat-sealprocess.
lowing: Popularsuggestionsfor fill treatments for leather
* imperfectfit resultingfroman insert and skin have includeda varietyof standardand
* ensuing differencein flexibilitybetween the uncommonmaterials: otherskins,gelatin,wax,wax
originalmaterialandfill and rosin, white glue emulsions,polyurethane,
* retractionof the sidesof the originalskinfrom resins,andpastesmadeof resinsbulkedwith various
the shrinkageof the collagencausedby water materials, suchas collagenfibers,cellulosefibers,or
containedin an aqueousfill glassmicrospheres.
* changein shrinkagetemperatureof a severely The following materialshave been used by
deterioratedartifactoccurringfrom exposure the authorto produce versatileand flexible fills
to water from an aqueous adhesive(Young in skinsandleatherproducts.Thefirsttwo appli-
1990) cations are based on the search for a flexible
* change in shrinkagetemperatureoccurring resin or resin mixture that can be bulked and
from exposureto heat from the use of ther- easily used and manipulatedto form a cohesive
moplasticqualitiesof an adhesive.(It is gener- fill. The third example illustratesthe use of a
ally noted, however,that dry,undeteriorated synthetic fabric fill for a naturalhistory speci-
fibrouscollagenis consideredstableup to tem- men with hair.All exampleshavebeen made on
peraturesof 200?C,whereassaturated, deterio- skins,leather,and fur in good structuralcondi-
ratedcollagencan exhibit shrinkageat room tion but are visually disruptedby losses in the
temperature[Young1997]). skin,leather,or fur.The authorhas utilizedthese
* lackof reversibility fill materialson a variety of leathers and skins
* leachingof solubleskin materialsand subse- including20th-centuryAmericancommercially
quent stainingcausedby solventsused in the chrome-tanned leather and suede materials,
repair 18th-century Italian and French vegetable-

JAIC 37(1998): 135-145


tanned and tooled leathers, 20th-century

Ethiopian dyed leathers, 19th-century When ready to use, simply scoop the fill materi-
unprocessed calfskin, and 20th-century Native al with the heated spatulaand apply it to the areaof
American brain-tanned artifacts. The examples loss. Take care to limit the contact of the heated
are a representative grouping of the proposed fill spatulaonly to the areaof fill materialto avoid heat
applications on stable skins and leathers. damage to the original skin artifact.
Texture the fill while warm. The fill material
2. APPLICATIONS cools very quickly and will need to be warmed in
the areato be texturedin orderto properlyimprint.
Rough sandpaper and stencil brushes may be
rubbed onto the surface to mimic suede. A finer
The materialsused for this repair are standardfor sandpapermay be used to achieve a nubuck appear-
conservation: polyester spun-bonded fabric (i.e., ance. Silicone-coated polyesterfilm may be used to
Reemay or Hollytex), BEVA 371 film, glassmicros- smooth a surface.Molds can be taken of adjacent
pheres, and dry pigments. The only other items areas;the mold may then be pressedonto the fill sur-
needed are a heated spatula, texturing imple- face to achieve the desiredtexture or pattern (Larsen
ments, and inpainting materials. BEVA gel 1981).
(O'Donnell 1996) and BEVA 371 (Kaminitz and To avoid the problem of dust adhering onto the
Levinson 1988;Jones 1996) have also been used in BEVA 371 fill,it is recommended to use a paint that
similarapplications.Because of the solvent content has a medium with a high glasstransitiontempera-
in these BEVA formulations, however, and the ture. A glass transition temperatureof BEVA 371
shrinkage of the fill due to the evaporationof sol- film cannot be given (Chludzinski 1997).The fill is
vent, BEVA 371 film is suggestedfor use. easilyreversedmechanically,orwith heat or petrole-
um benzine applied sparingly.
Recipe Figures 1 and 2 demonstrate the use of the fill
Ingredients: materialto conserve a damagedskin drum from the
15.0 x 15.0 cm piece of BEVA371 film Northwest Coast. This drum was manufactured
(3.5 mil thickness) from a deerskin,which upon examinationappeared
15 cc 3M K-15 glassmicrospheres to be minimally preparedby soaking,scraping, and
drypigments then stretching the skin. In this instance, there
Formixing,use a glassor metalcontaineranda
heatedspatulawith a smalltip.Forthe greatestdegree
of success,a G. EngelbrechtERSA heatedspatula
with a small infilling
spatulais suggested.
Wearinga particlemaskto avoidinhalationof
the microspheres, mix the BEVA371 film and glass
microspheres togetherwith the heatedspatula. The
meltingpointof BEVA371 filmis 65?C.
Mixing will be somewhatdifficultbecausethe
BEVA371 filmmustmeltin orderto incorporate the
microspheres. in
Mixing only 5 cc of at
a timeis suggested. Afterthe microspheres areincor-
porated,adddrypigmentsto tone the fillmaterialto
the appropriatecolor.Mix the pigmentsinto the
BEVA371 film and microspheremixturewith the
heatedspatula. Fig. 1. Northwest Coast drum before treatment

JAIC 37(1998): 135-45


had been created as a result of the strain placed

in this area by the weight of the tail while it was
on exhibit in a vertical position. In this applica-
tion, a backing of spun-bounded polyester was
adhered to the underside of the tear with BEVA
371 film and the aid of a tacking iron. The fill
material was then applied on top of the spun-
bounded polyester platform. The BEVA 371
film-glass microsphere-pigment mixture was
placed in the area of loss. A mold was taken of
the surrounding skin pattern and used to impart
texture to the fill. The fill was made warm with
the tacking iron and the mold pressed with gen-
tle pressure onto the fill material to receive the
texture. The fill was painted with Winsor &
Newton gouache colors and glazed with Par-
aloid B-72 and dry pigments. In addition, it was
necessary to have a mount fabricated to reduce
the strain on the lizard abdomen-tail junction.
Fig. 2. Detail of the tearaftertreatment This mount braced the tail and was affixed to
the wall for the installation. Figures 3-5 show
the BEVA fill application.
were several tears and losses to the skin of the
drum that required stabilization and restoration. 2.2 BULKED ACRYLOID F-10
In order to back the tears, pieces of a feathered-
edged spun bonded polyester fabric were This treatment is a variation on the use of a
applied to the reverse of the drum with BEVA bulked resin to form a flexible fill. In this example,
371 film and a heated spatula.The spatula was set Acryloid F-10 is mixed with glassmicrospheres to
on approximately 65?C. The fabric acts as a form a paste that can be applied to a loss directly
backing to hold the tear in place and make a or used as a formed film made by applying the
platform for the fill. The BEVA 371 film-glass paste to a mold. Acryloid F-10 is a homopoly-
microsphere-pigment mixture was then applied mer of butyl methacrylate with a low glass tran-
to the loss area by scooping the fill material with sition temperature of 20?C. When the glass
the infilling spatula tip. The fill was flattened microspheres are added to the solvated resin and
using the heated spatula and silicone-coated the solvent is allowed to evaporate, the rheolog-
polyester film. Light sanding followed to ical properties of the resin change greatly to a
decrease the amount of shine created by the rather static yet flexible material.To the author's
polyester film. The prominent design element knowledge, the fill material does not exhibit
on the drum was extended onto the fill with cold flow in controlled museum climates.
Rowney acrylic emulsion paints.
In a similar treatment, this fill mixture was Recipe
used in the restoration of a monitor lizard that
was part of a larger Mario Merz installation, Ingredients:
Untitled,1989.The lizard had been dried, stuffed 25 ml AcryloidF-10 (butylmethacrylatesup-
with sawdust, and mounted by inserting a metal plied in 40% solids in petroleum ben-
armature. A tear at the abdomen-tail junction zine-Amsco F 9:1).Amsco F is character-

JAIC 37(1998): 135-145


Fig. 3. Monitor lizardbefore treatment Pig. 4. Detail ot a tear betoretreatment

ized as a C-8 aromaticwith a flashpoint of

150?F (Wolthman1996).
50 cc 3M K-15 glassmicrospheres
For mixing,use a glassor metal containerand
a spatula.
While wearing a particle mask to avoid
inhalationof the microspheres,mix the Acry-
loid F-10 and glass microspherestogether.
The recipe will make a materialthe consis-
tency of marshmallow creme. This recipe
yields a fill of approximately10.0 x 10.0 cm
and 0.2-0.3 cm in depth.

When ready to use, scoop the fill material

with a spatula and apply it to the area of loss.
Fig. 5. Detail of the tear aftertreatment
Though it will still be sticky, the fill can be tex-
tured while solvated. Texturing can also be
accomplished with the addition of solvents or tional resin or heat the edges of the fill slightly
with a hot spatula after solvent evaporation, uti- with a heated spatula to adhere. Color compen-
lizing the thermoplastic qualities of the resin. sation should be carried out with a medium
Molds can be taken of similarly textured areas; having a higher glass transition temperature to
the fill material can be applied to the mother decrease the chance of dust adhering to the fill
mold and the solvents allowed to evaporate. At material. Acrylic emulsion paints work well. The
least 48 hours are needed for the solvents to have fill can be removed mechanically or by using
evaporated enough that the film remains cohe- either solvent or heat.
sive. Solvents will continue to evaporate after that Figure 6 demonstrates the use of this adhesive
time, leading to some shrinkage; however, the and microsphere paste to replicate a taxidermy
shrinkage is minimal. The fill remains slightly mount of black rhinoceros skin. The black rhi-
flexible due to the glass transition temperature of noceros mount is an alum-tanned skin and has
the butyl methacrylate. Cut the fill material to the been mounted to a prefabricated polyurethane
desired shape. Adhere the fill in place with addi- form. A mold was taken of rhinoceros skin, and

JAIC 37(1998): 135-45


First a template was made of the area of loss.

This template was transferredto the synthetic fur,
and a fill section was cut. A sharp scalpel was used
to cut the nylon fur from the reverse side; care
was taken to cut only the stretch backing and not
the synthetic hair. The synthetic fur fill was
trimmed and layered to match the hairs of the
original fur. The synthetic fur was inserted into
place using Acryloid F-10 in acetone: the adhe-
sive was applied directly to the substrate (a pre-
fabricated polyurethane Western Kob mount) by
placing the edges of the fur fill directly to the
adjacent sides of the extant fur and skin. The syn-
thetic fur was toned and colored with Magna col-
Fig. 6. Replicate cast of Acryloid F-10 and glass
ors by brush application. Figures 7-9 illustrate this
microsphereson top of originalblackrhinocerosskin

the paste was applied to the mold. Forty-eight

hours were allowed to lapse before removing the
fill material from the mold. The fill was then
painted with Rowney acrylic emulsion paints.
This fill material can be easily cut to shape and
adhered with a variety of adhesives, by solvent
reforming on the edges to adhere, or with heat.


For fur or hair inserts, National Fiber Tech-

nologies, Ltd., supplies a broad assortment of syn-
thetic fur fabrics either from their vast stock or to
order. The most versatile synthetic fur is an in-
stock white fur made from 18 denier nylon with
a four-way spandex stretch backing. There are
three standard fur lengths: short (2.5-5.0 cm);
medium (8.0-10.0 cm); and long (10.0-15.0 cm).
According to the mill where the fabric is woven,
the fur can be easily colored with markers,pens,
paints, or dyes before utilizing as a fill.1
An alum-tanned and mounted Western Kob
(Kobus Kob) from Central Africa was fire- and
soot-damaged; the fire and subsequent water
damage resulted in gelatinization and shrinkage
of the skin, creating a loss on the proper right
shoulder. A National Fiber Technologies, Ltd., Fig.7.WesternKob beforetreatment;note damageon
synthetic fur was utilized to fill and integrate the lower properright shoulder

JAIC 37(1998): 135-145



Cohesive fills in skin products were easily made

and applied in these examples using standard
conservation materials and techniques. A caveat
must be made in the use of these types of fill
materials on appropriate skins and leathers. The
fill materials should be used on skin artifacts that
are stable and in relatively good condition. The
fill materials cited, when used properly, will aid
in increasing the aesthetic continuity of the skin
artifact by filling an area of loss.


The author would like to thank the many indi-

viduals who were consulted and gave generous-
ly of their time, advice, and expertise: Ellen
Pearlstein, Brooklyn Museum, for support and
Fig. 8. Detail of fill before toning critical review; Leslie Ransick-Gat, conservator
in private practice, for her understanding, sup-
port, and guidance; Toby Raphael, National
Park Service, Harpers Ferry Center, for his crit-
ical review, which yielded many insights; Paul
Storch, Minnesota Historical Society, for his
many suggestions and ideas; Gwen Spicer, con-
servator in private practice, for treatment ideas
and help;Judith Levinson,American Museum of
Natural History, who was instrumental in intro-
ducing BEVA 371 solution and microspheres as
a fill material; Lisa Kronthal and Samantha
Alderson, American Museum of Natural History,
who suppled their selfless support; Alex Allardt
O'Donnell, conservator in private practice, for
her time and expertise with leather conserva-
tion; Christine Giuntini, associate conservator,
Metropolitan Museum of Art, for fun fur and
dye information; and GregoryYoung, conserva-
tion scientist, Analytical Research Laboratory,
Canadian Conservation Institute, for shrinkage
temperature information and expertise. Special
thanks go to Maria Berman, Colleen Brady,
Fig. 9. Detail of the fill aftertreatment Michaela Neiro, Nathan Otterson, Eugenie
Milroy, and my past and present staff at Give Me
a Break Conservation Services, Inc.

JAIC 37(1998): 135-45


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Acryloid F-10
A butyl methacrylate homopolymer supplied in 40%
Storch, P. 1986. A non-sewn alternative to the inlay solids in mineral thinner:Amsco F at 9:1, manufactured
technique: Stabilizing a native-tanned historic vest. by Rohm and Haas.Amsco F is characterized as a C-8
LeatherConservationNews 3(1):17. aromatic with a flash point of 150?E Acryloid F-10 has
a glass transition temperature of 20?C.
Conservation Materials,Ltd.
Sykes, R. L. 1991. The principles of tanning. In
Leather:Its compositionand changeswith time,ed. C. Cal- P.O. Box 2884
nan and B. Haines. Northamptonshire, Eng.: Leather Sparks,Nev. 89431
Conservation Center. 10.

Thomson, R. 1992. Leather and textiles and related BEVA 371 film
objects: Leather for clothing. In Conservationof leather A mixture of DuPont Elvax 150 (ethylene vinyl acetate
craftand relatedobjects,ed. M. Kite et al. London:Vic- copolymer), Allied A-C 400 (ethylene vinyl acetate
toria and Albert Museum.
copolymer), BASF Laropol K80 (cyclohexanone resin),
Hercules Cellolyn 21 (phthalate ester of hydrobietyl
Volken, S., and M.Volken. 1995. The conservation of alcohol), and paraffin(petrolatum)
a pair of bucket top boots. Leather ConservationNews Conservator'sProducts
11(1,2):1-4. Conservation Materials,Ltd.
P.O. Box 2884
Vuori, J. 1985. A possible adhesive for native tanned Sparks,Nev. 89431
skin. LeatherConservationNews 2(1):6.

Bocour Magna Colors

Waterer,J. 1972.A novel method for the conservation
of fragile leathers. Studies in Conservation17:126-30. Pigments in Acryloid F-10
Bocour Artist Colors, Inc.
Waterer,J. 1968. Glossary of leather terms. In Leather
NewYork: Praeger. 24-20
Dry pigments
Waterer,J. 1972. A guide to the conservationand restora- Available at art supply stores

JAIC 37(1998): 135-145


Heated spatula LINDA NIEUWENHUIZEN received a B.A. in art

For the greatest degree of success, an ERSA heated history and archaeology from the University of Mis-
spatulawith a small infilling spatula is suggested. Manu- souri at Columbia in 1986 and an M.A. and certifi-
factured by G. Engelbrecht, Germany. cate of advanced study from the State University Col-
Olaf Unsoeld lege at Buffalo, N.Y. in 1990. After finishing her train-
Kolner L.L.C. ing, she interned and then gained employment at the
23 GrantAve. American Museum of Natural History, New York
New Providence, NJ. 07974 City, where she worked until 1996. She is an adjunct
professor at the Conservation Center of the Institute
of Fine Arts, New York University, where she has
Hollytex #3529.
taught since 1992, and is in private practice specializ-
Non-woven polyester fabric
Ahlstrom Filtration Inc. ing in ethnographic objects and natural science mate-
rials. Address: Give Me a Break Conservation Ser-
vices, Inc., 48-20 Vernon Blvd., Ste. 2, Long Island
City, N.Y 11101.
Received for review February 5, 1997. Revised man-
Spun-bonded polyester fabric Manufacturedby DuPont
Conservation Materials uscript received May 2, 1997,July 7, and November
P.O. Box 2884 3, 1997. Accepted for publication November 6, 1997.

Sparks,Nev. 89431

Rowney Cryla Artist Colors

Acrylic emulsion paints
Available at art supply stores

Synthetic nylon fur with four-way stretch spandex

18 denier nylon hair with woven nylon wrapped
LycraTM backing
National Fiber Technologies, Ltd.
300 Canal St.
Lawrence, Mass. 01840

3M glass microspheres K-15

Unicellular soda lime borosilicate glass microspheres
3M Corp.
Conservation Materials
P.O. Box 2884
Sparks,Nev. 89431

Winsor & Newton gouache

Winsor & Newton
Available at art supply stores

JAIC 37(1998): 135-45

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