C - 27 Human Rights

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C – 27

“Human rights: express your opinion”

This issue can be looked at from several point of view. Firstly, human rights should
be considered in relation to the country’s economy. Secondly, it can be seen in terms
of its effect on the World society. Thirdly, the influence of the developed countries
on the developing nations must be take into account.

The lack of human rights is usually present in the Third World, where the economy is
very poor and people don’t have sufficient resources to survive. Several problems are
directly connected with this issue, such as people smuggling, the trafficking of human
beings, exploitation of children, prostitution, forced labour, slavery, immigration,
illegal removal of human organs, child soldiers, malnutrition, illiteracy, health
problems, and so on.

All these troubles have bad results on all the World society, because of the presence
of several negative effect in some developed countries, such as illegal immigration,
where the foreign influence could put in danger the local way of life. For this reasons
there are on-going political and public debate worldwide regarding the action that
should be taken to reduce or eliminate these problems. Many experts are conducting
close examinations in order to find appropiate solutions, and the World public
opinion follows their studies with a lot of interest. Therefore, every action adopted by
the richest part of the World could have huge consequences, especially for people
who lives in the poorest conditions.

In conclusion, it can be seen that in this globalized World, if human rights are
guaranteed properly, it can be useful for all human genre. There will always be a
danger, for rich countries also, if the situation does not change immediately in favour
of the needy.

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