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NAME : DHIYAUL ABDILLAH (230512501079)

DATE : APRIL 5, 2024

1. Describe your strategy to make your English speaking
fluent based on your experience.

= So my strategy to make my English speaking fluent is

listening to music and watch some English movies, not
only that, when I’m found a new word I’ll try to find how
to pronounce it.

2. What do you think about performance on the use of

expressions in interrupting, interruption due to
overheard a conversation, and asking not to be
interrupted in informal interaction? (Self-reflection)

= I think, I’m not that good enough to express

interruption, cause I’m afraid when I’m interrupting
someone’s conversation, they’ll get mad at me.

3. What is the strengths and weaknesses of Chapter 6

(Interrupting) for the improvement of the book we use.
Give your feedback.

= As I always mentioned, that we need more example of

how to use the expression, because one example
doesn’t enough, we need at least 3-4 examples. I loved
how’d they put so many expression that we can use, of
course it’ll help us to improve our knowledge about how
to expressing an interrupting.

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