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You must give as much relevant information as you can under each of the headings provided. You may write as
you listen, and there will be pauses during the consultation for you to complete your notes under the relevant
heading, and to read the following heading. There will also be two minutes at the end of the test for you to
check your answers. Give your answers in note form. Do not waste time writing full sentences. Remember you
will hear the consultation once only, and you should write as you listen.

Now look at question one. Question one has been done for you.

Physiotherapist: Alright. Hi there, Kellie. My name is Erica, and I am one of the 1._________________ here.

Kellie: Hi Erica.

Physiotherapist: How could I help you today?

Kellie: Um, I’ve been getting a pain in my 2.____________, on the 3.__________, um,4._____________ and
through the 5._______________... um, when I’m 6.________________especially.

Now look at question two. Take notes on the details of Kellie’s symptoms.

Physiotherapist: Mmm. OK, that’s not sounding 7.__________comfortable at all. Um, how long has this been
going on for?

Kellie: It’s something I’ve had 8.____________for years. And ... it started off as just a ... a kind of 9.___________.
Um, a bit of an ache, and now it’s ... it really feels like it’s 10._____________ or something – it hurts even when I
11.______________ on my left leg. Um, usually I I feel it start and if I kind of lie on a 12.___________ and
massage through the muscle, it 13.____________. But ... lately it’s just been 14._______________, and I can feel
it’s sort of tight through my whole hip area.

Now look at question three. Take notes on further details of Kellie’s symptoms.

Kellie: Um, and I can feel it kind of even when I’m 15._____________________ ... or at at night when I’m trying
to sleep, if I 16.___________I can feel a kind of ... it’s hard to explain, it’s like a ... 17.____________ that
18.___________________________ ...

Physiotherapist: OK, so you’ve described the pain initially as a dull pain...

Kellie: Yeah.

Physiotherapist: ... and also an 19.____________ sort of a sensation ...

Kellie: Yep.

Physiotherapist: Is the shooting pain different to that?

Kellie: Yep.

Physiotherapist: Okay, so the shooting pain ... 20.__________________?

Kellie: It’s ... it starts in the same place, and it goes like down the back of my leg, kinda through the
21.___________________, and sometimes 22.________________________. Acumen 1
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Physiotherapist: Okay, no worries at all. And that would be the shooting pain only? That’s not an aching

Kellie: No, it’s just like ... it feels like a 23.__________________________.

Now look at question four. Take notes on Kellie’s responses to the physiotherapist’s questions.

Physiotherapist: Alright, so just coming back to our body chart for a second. So we’ve talked about two distinct
pains I think. There’s that dull aching pain sort of around the bum and the lower back and the hip area there.
Then there’s that shooting pain, or twinging pain that you get that goes right down the back of the left leg down
to the calf.

Kellie: Yep.

Physiotherapist: With the twinging pain, do you have to have the dull pain in your bum ... before you get the
twinging pain?

Kellie: Yep.

Kellie: Yep.
Physiotherapist: You have to have that pain first, okay.

Physiotherapist: Can you ever get the twinging pain by itself?

Kellie: No.

Physiotherapist: No, okay. Can you get the dull pain by itself?

Kellie: Yeah.

Physiotherapist: Yes, okay. So you have to have one to get two.

Kellie: Yeah, I don’t always get the twinging pain. That’s usually when it’s feeling worse. It gets really tight.

Physiotherapist: Okay, no worries at all. Um, now ... just to confirm and clear some other areas ... there’s no
current problems with your left knee?

Kellie: Nope.

Physiotherapist: Beautiful. And currently the 24.________________________?

Kellie: Yeah – feels quite tight through there, but it’s not painful.

Physiotherapist: Mmhmm ... so, tightness.

Kellie: Yep.

Physiotherapist: 25._______________________. Any pains in the right hip?

Kellie: Nope.

Physiotherapist: No. The right knee? Acumen 2
M : 8156001729
Kellie: No – the right side’s fine.

Physiotherapist: Completely fine – no pains at all down there.

Kellie: Yeah ... no.

Physiotherapist: Any 26.___________________ or numbness anywhere?

Kellie: Mm, nope.

Physiotherapist: No, good.

Now look at question five. Take notes on the effects of exercise.

Physiotherapist: I see, so would you describe it more like a 27.___________________ if you sit for too long ...

Kellie: Yeah ... yep.

Physiotherapist: ... but then it’s actually the exercise that 28._____________________.

Kellie: Yep.

Physiotherapist: Okay. Are there particular exercises that do it? You said running before.

Kellie: Yeah, running and walking. I think 29._____________________, actually.

Physiotherapist: Mm ... interesting. How long can you walk for before the pain starts?

Kellie: Um ... I don’t know. I kind of don’t notice it when I’m walking, it’s when I’m when I stop and then start
again, like ... yeah. So, I guess if I walked for ... walked every day to work, for example, which is about
30.___________________, and then if I run a couple of times ... and then I’ll notice the pain when I’m walking

31.__________________________, and it gets worse with each step as I walk into work.

Physiotherapist: I see – so it’s sort of a 32.__________________, if you will ...

Kellie: Yeah.

Physiotherapist: ... so after a whole week’s worth of exercise and 33._________________________,

Kellie: Yeah.

Physiotherapist: ... that’s when you notice it start to 34.___________________.

Kellie: Yeah.

Physiotherapist: Okay. So 35.___________________ you’re feeling pretty 36.__________________.

Kellie: Yeah.

Physiotherapist: Okay.

Now look at question six. Take notes on Kellie’s physical activity.

Physiotherapist: Tell me a little bit about what you are doing for sport and physical activity at the moment. Acumen 3
M : 8156001729
Kellie: Um, I ride my bike probably 37._________________– not very far, maybe38._________________ each

Physiotherapist: Okay, is that sort of more 39.____________________?

Kellie: Mm hmm

Physiotherapist: Yep, okay.

Kellie: And I run probably 40.__________________.

Physiotherapist: Okay. And what sort of 41.______________________ are you running on?

Kellie: I run around Princess Park, so it’s that kind of 42.____________________... ah, maybe once. I run in the
gym a 43.____________________ and I have a track which is 44_____________., like a cycle path...

Physiotherapist: Okay, yep.

Kellie: ...the other time.

Physiotherapist: Okay, no worries. And how do you 45.____________ that forty k’s in the week? Is it two long
runs or do you run five days a week?

Kellie: I usually do 46.______________and 47._______________.
Physiotherapist: Okay. Are you training for something in particular?

Kellie: Nup.

Physiotherapist: Okay. So just for your 48.________________ kind of a thing.


Kellie: Yeah, yeah.

Physiotherapist: Sweet. Now .... Alright. So, other than the riding, which you do to commute, and these long
runs that you’re doing, do you do any other forms of physical activity at all?

Kellie: Um, well normally, but I haven’t been lately because I’ve been really busy at work, but in my general
routine, I usually 49.___________________________ as well.

Physiotherapist: Gosh, you’re very active.

Kellie: Yep.

Physiotherapist: 50.___________________on a routine basis?

Kellie: Um, I’d probably do 51._____________________.

Physiotherapist: Yep, okay, cool.

Now look at question seven. Take notes on the onset of the condition and Kellie’s medical history.

Physiotherapist: Okay. And you said that you’ve had this for a few years. What initially 52._____________? Acumen 4
M : 8156001729
Kellie: Um ... I don’t know. I think, when I was younger I used to play 53.___________ and I had an injury where I
54.____________ my hip, and ... it was really painful, yeah – I couldn’t move for like a few weeks and I had a lot
of physio and I had a lot of 55.______________ after that for maybe a 56._________________.

Physiotherapist: Not surprised.

Kellie: Yeah.

Physiotherapist: Good grief.

Kellie: Yeah, but then it went away, and I haven’t really had any major problems since then.

Physiotherapist: Okay, so coming back again ... back to the start. So, you said before that you dislocated your
hip. How ... how old were you when that happened?

Kellie: Um ... I was 21 ... 21 or 22.

Physiotherapist: Okay. Any other 57.____________________ that I should be aware of?

Kellie: No – I think everything else is fine.

Physiotherapist: No worries at all. Um, and ... other than this dislocated hip on the same side, have you had any
other major problems with your left leg, or with your back, or your hip or anything before?
Kellie: Oh, no – nothing really.

Physiotherapist: Okay ... so no other 58.______________________ as a result of sport?

Kellie: Nope.

Physiotherapist: Okay.

Now look at question eight. Take notes on Kellie’s previous hip treatment.

Physiotherapist: How ... I know that this has been going on for quite a number of years, but, how long has this
been a problem where you’ve sort of felt you need to 59.___________________? Has it been a matter of weeks,

Kellie: Um, I’ve been to an 60.___________ a couple of times about it in the past ... um ... just when it gets to this
61.___________. So, this time it’s only been like a few days that it’s been 62.____________________.

Physiotherapist: Mm hmm, Okay, no worries. And what sorts of things 63._____________do for you in the past?

Kellie: Um, it was mostly 64.________________ through that area, like massage and then ... think she used to
just like 65.__________________ into my left hip and 66.____________________ there for ages until the

Physiotherapist: Okay, no worries. How did you find the 68. ________________, ah, how did you find the
effectiveness of that? Did it sort of relieve it for you or did it come back fairly quickly after the treatment? Acumen 5
M : 8156001729
Kellie: Um, 69.________________ it. So, basically what normally happens is it’s still quite sore for a couple of
days after I have treatment, but it doesn’t feel 70.______________. And I usually have to rest off it, um yeah, for
at least a few days ... and then it’s gone.

Physiotherapist: Okay, fantastic.

Kellie: Or maybe it’s still there a little bit but it’s not like ... doesn’t 71.______________, and then it 72.

Physiotherapist: Yep, sure.

Now look at question nine. Take notes on the details of Kellie’s exercises and pain management.

Physiotherapist: Has your osteo given you any exercises in the past for this problem?

Kellie: Um, I do like a stretch where 73.__________________ and stretch through my front like 74.___________..

Physiotherapist: Mm hmm

Kellie: ...and another one where I 75.____________, ... um ... kind of on an angle like that, across my knee, and

stretch through there and I can feel that through my76._____________________.

Physiotherapist: Oh, good – yep. And you find those two stretches are particularly useful for you.
Kellie: Yep.

Physiotherapist: Have you found anything else that helps the pain go away?

Kellie: Um ... not really. I mean, if it feels really bad I can take maybe a 77._____________ or something and it

makes it better ... feel a bit better, but ... no other sort of exercise or 78.________________.

Physiotherapist: No worries – have you ever tried any 79.________________, or anything like that?

Kellie: No, I haven’t actually.

Physiotherapist: Okay, no worries.

Now look at question ten. Take notes on changes to Kellie’s footwear and exercise routine.

Physiotherapist: So, with regards to your running, has anything changed in the 80.______________ that
might’ve sort of 81.___________________you to this getting worse? So, what I’m getting at is, have you
changed the 82.____________________ of your training? Have you changed your 83._______________,

Kellie: Actually, yeah – I got a new pair of runners, but they’re the same as my old 84.____________ ... but, yeah,
they’re 85._________________, I guess. Maybe that’s made a bit of difference. And, um, yeah, the circuit that
I’m doing along the cycle track ... that’s new. And there’s a 86.__________________. I don’t know if that would
make it any worse. Acumen 6
M : 8156001729
Physiotherapist: It certainly would. So this would all be ... you’ve changed your shoes and changed your routine
in the last two weeks?

Kellie: Yeah.

Physiotherapist: Okay. Cool. There’s definitely some predisposing factors there, I think.

Now look at question eleven. Take notes on the physiotherapist’s comments on the problem.

Physiotherapist: Well what we might do is I think we probably need to start having a look at some things here, I
think. Um, my 87.________________ at this point is that it’s sounding very much like a 88.______________ that
you’re probably having some difficulty releasing, and it’s probably due to 89._________________, the first one
being your change in your 90._____________________.

Kellie: Yep.

Physiotherapist: Will probably have a lot to do with that. Um, ‘specially if you’re running 91._____________ and
with a 92.__________________ to it as well. Um, and secondly, probably due to the 93.__________________.

Kellie: Okay.

Physiotherapist: Because if the shoes are quite a bit more ... haha ... if they’re a new pair of shoes, it sounds like
your other ones were quite 94.________________________...

Kellie: Yeah, that’s true.

Physiotherapist: And um, yeah ... so that sudden change in 95.________________ by putting on a really good

pair of footwear will certainly be a bit of a 96.___________________, and it might just cause a bit of a
97._________________ up the leg and a bit of 98.___________________ as a result of that, simply because the
leg is being 99._____________________ a bit more in how it’s able to move.

Kellie: Okay.

Physiotherapist: ‘Cos you can imagine that a good new pair of shoes is going to hold your foot in a
100._________________ compared to a really old sloppy pair of shoes ...

Kellie: Yeah.

Physiotherapist: ... okay? Um ... so there’s definitely a couple of 101.__________________ there that might lead
me to think that this is what’s caused this problem.

Now look at question twelve. Take notes on the physiotherapist’s immediate plans.

Physiotherapist: Um, so probably what I’d like to do today is we’ll probably start by having a bit of a look at your
102.______________, then we’ll have a look at you walking, maybe have a bit of a jog, okay, see what’s going on Acumen 7
M : 8156001729
down there. Um, and then probably what I’d like to do is have a bit of a 103.__________________ to see if we
can find any specific tightnesses, okay?

Kellie: Okay.

Physiotherapist: And we might go through 104._______________________ to see whether or not we can find
anything specifically like a muscle that’s 105.________________, in response to what’s going on here, and
certainly if you’re feeling tight through the 106.___________________, you know, that might indicate that
something’s a 107.____________________________.

Kellie: Okay.

Physiotherapist: Um, we’ll do a 108.________________________, just to make sure that there’s nothing lacking
there that’s also predisposing you to this problem. Um, and then we’ll get on to some exercises.

Kellie: Great, OK.

Physiotherapist: Beautiful – alright. So let’s get going with that.

That is the end of Part A

Ac Acumen 8
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Listening Test – Part B

Time allowed: 25 minutes

In this part of the test, you will hear a talk on congenital heart disease in newborns.
You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY, in sections.
As you listen, you must answer the questions in the spaces provided on the answer paper.
Turn over now and look quickly through Part B. You have ONE MINUTE to do this.

You may write as you listen, and there will be pauses during the talk for you to complete your
answers, and to read the following question. en
Remember, you will hear the talk ONCE ONLY, and you should write as you listen.
Now read Question 1. Question 1 has been done for you.
Ac Acumen 9
TURN OVER M : 8156001729
use only

1 Fill in the gaps (done as an example).

●● The speaker works with the Newborn Emergency Transport

service in Victoria.

●●  The speaker plans to talk about the incidence of CHD in

Australian Newborns .

2 Answer the following question.

What are the objectives of the speaker’s lecture on congenital heart disease?

1 Review
2 Review
Item 12

3 Describe of the neonate.
Ac Acumen 10
8 M : 8156001729
use only
3 Complete the following checklists (If you check more than the required
number in each question, you will gain zero marks).

1 Check three maternal risk factors the speaker mentions.

increased age

CHD in mother

multiple births

multiple partners



2 Check three infections the speaker mentions that are associated with congenital heart



coxsackie B


3 Check three drugs the speaker mentions that can contribute to congenital heart disease.





thalidomide Item 13

lithium 9 Acumen 11
TURN OVER M : 8156001729
use only
4 Complete the following notes.

Antenatal diagnosis

●● Ultrasound rates:

οο Queensland:

οο Victoria:

●● Ultrasound at weeks is considered the

Item 14
●● Percentage of significant congenital heart disease detected with ultrasound:
5. Complete the following diagram.
Features of a Level One Hospital

Level One Hospital

Item 15 Acumen 12
10 M : 8156001729
use only
6. Complete the following notes.

Congenital heart diseases in Level Two hospitals

●● Fraction of babies retrieved:

●● Level two hospitals are public or private

●● who is

●● Unable to provide:


οο intubation

οο ventilation
To sum up

of babies with significant congenital

heart disease are born outside of a and


Item 16
require retrieval by the Newborn Emergency Transport Service.
6 Acumen 13
TURN OVER M : 8156001729
use only
7 Circle the BEST answer.

1. The speaker says the placenta supplies ......

A oxygen.

B nutrients.

C blood pressure.

2. The speaker states the three ducts allow blood to ......

A reach the brain.

B increase in pressure.

C combine.

3. The speaker says that 8% of foetal blood goes to the ......

A lungs.
B placenta.
C heart.

4. Congenital heart disease becomes apparent as newborn babies experience ......

A breathing problems.

B changes to circulation.

C physical trauma.

5. Which of the following does the speaker say falls?

A Left arterial pressure

B Pulmonary-vascular resistance

C Systemic vascular resistance

6. Which duct does the speaker NOT mention closing?

A Ductus arteriosis

B Foramen ovale Item 17

C Ductus venosus 6 Acumen 14
12 M : 8156001729
use only
8 Answer the following questions.

According to the speaker:

1 What was the ductus arteriosus traditionally thought to do?

2 What percentage of babies’ ducts are closed by forty eight hours of age?

3 How long can it take for the ductus arteriosus to close completely?

4 en
Why is the timing of the closure important?

5 What two types of proliferation does closure depend on?
Item 18

Endothelial and 5

9 Complete the gaps in the summary.

Recognising congenital heart disease all depends on what the .

If it obstructs then symptoms are observed very early.

Conditions like transposition of the great arteries will present within the

of the baby being born. Some other conditions appear as

occur, such as coarctation of the aorta, which may only present after the baby has

. Parents may notice the baby is mottled,

, seems cool to touch peripherally, is lethargic between

Item 19

feeds and is breathing quite . 7 Acumen 15
TURN OVER M : 8156001729
use only
10 Complete the following sentences according to the information given by the speaker.

1 Structural congenital heart disease used to be ......

2 Terminology was confusing because some conditions ......

3 Now people use three ......

4 One of the groups of congenital heart disease is ......

Item 20

en .
Ac Acumen 16
14 M : 8156001729
use only
11 Complete the following table on diagnosing congenital heart disease.

Procedure Problems/challenges

●● What: ●● Only available in

Gold ●● When:

●● Rely on ●● Differentiating CHD from other causes of


en ●● Around

●● Causes:

When gold οο Primary pulmonary disease

is not

available οο

οο Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the



Item 21

* ‘cyanosis’ refers to a ‘blue appearance’ Acumen 17
TURN OVER M : 8156001729
use only
12 Circle the BEST answer.

1. According to the speaker, the long term prospects for children with hypoplastic
left heart syndrome are ......

A inconsistent.

B improving.

C unpromising.

2. More than half of babies with congenital heart disease are born without ......

A any hospital care.

B previous diagnosis.

C seeing a doctor.

3. Survival is dependent on hospital staff and GPs giving an ......

A antenatal diagnosis.

B immediate response. Item 22

C echo cardiogram.


You now have 2 minutes to check your answers.

16 M : 8156001729

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