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Assessment 2: Essay (Critical Evaluation) - 2000 words – Individual 30%

Select a current video advertisement for a product or service which is of interest or relevance to you
both from YouTube. Obviously to effectively demonstrate, the application of consumer behaviour
principles a suitable advertisement must be selected. The YouTube link must be presented with your
report. Assignments must be lodged electronically, and plagiarism checked by each student using
Turnitin before final submission. The advertisement you use as the basis of the assignment may be
lodged as an attached file if necessary. The advertisement must be in English. Assignments that
analyse an ad that is not in English will receive a zero mark.


(a) Identify the advertisement, the product, the product class and the general type of advertising
appeal used.
(b) Analyse in a detailed and structured way (in a logical report format) the consumer behaviour
issues involved, their relevance and why they are important. These consumer behaviour issues
may include: product positioning relevant to competitors (eg differentiation), emotional
appeals, decision-making prompts, cultural appeals, consumer motivations, decision-making
processes and any other issues relevant to the product. Marks will be awarded based on the
relevance and thoroughness of the consumer behaviour analysis.
(c) Cirtically address any ethical and consumer behaviour issues you feel are not currently being
adequately addressed (or are ineffectively addressed) by the current campaign.
(d) Critically evaluate how your consumer behaviour insights could be used to improve the
marketing of the good or service or explain why no changes are required.

Writing the essay

Please adhere to the following instructions when writing essays:

1. All written submissions should be typed using double-spacing or 1.5 spacing, on one side
only of A4 white paper. Allow a minimum of 25mm (1”) on left, right, top and bottom

2. Essays should have a separate cover page that should state the title of the project, the name of
the student, and the name of the lecturer/tutor.

3. Pages should be numbered, and the entire document should be securely stapled in the top left
corner. If preferred, assignments may be bound using a plastic comb or a heat-seal binding
system. Assignments will not be accepted with each page enclosed in a clear plastic envelope.

4. Students should adopt the Harvard system of referencing. All quotations and references
should be properly sourced. Inadequate details of publications and other sources will reduce
the assessed grade.

5. Assignments should include a bibliography, typed on a separate page and listed in

alphabetical order of author surname, detailing all sources used in preparation.

6. Assignments should preferably not exceed, or fall below, the set word limit by more than
10%. Please note that the cover page, table of contents, bibliography and appendices should
not be included in the word count.
7. Use a heading for each new paragraph. A heading may be divided into sub-headings. Very
long sentences can be broken down. Check your spelling and grammar before submitting
your work.

8. Appendices and attachments should be kept to a minimum. As much as possible, the relevant
material should be included in the main body of the submission, rather than appended to the
end of the work.

9. Kindly note that marks will be deducted for presentation errors as well as for poor
referencing, grammar and expression.

1. Please also note the policy regarding time extension for assignments and Submission of Late
Work. This policy will be strictly administered.
ESSAY - MKT2CBE Assignment Marking Guide

Assessment Weigh Key Assessment Aspects Mark

Criterion t
Introduction 5%  Is the topic introduced sufficiently
 Are the main issues identified which will
be discussed in this report?
Ad selection and 5%  Is an appropriate ad selected?
justification  How relevant is the ad to studying
consumer behaviour?
 Have the students offered any
justification as to why they believe this
ad is worth analyzing?
Ad background 15%  Is the nature of the industry which
produced the ad discussed?
 Who are the major competitors in the
 Have they identified the objectives of
the ad and the campaign of which it
was a part?
 Is the history of the company which
produced the ad discussed?
Analysis of segmentation 15%  Have the students identified the
variables relevant segmentation variables at play
in the ad?
 Have the students offered justifications
and evidence to support their
identification of the relevant variables
at play?
Analysis of appeals used 15%  Are hedonic and/or utilitarian nature of
the appeal used in the ad discussed?
 High involvement or low involvement
 Is the cognitive/affective nature of the
appeal used in the ad identified?
 Are justifications provided for the
identification and inclusion of these
 Is there an explanation of how these
appeals target the segmentation
variables identified in the previous
Identification and 15%  Are any limitations of the ad
discussion of mentioned?
advertisement limitations  Have any ethical concerns relevant to
the ad stated?
 Is there any evidence to justify the
identification of these limitations?
Discussion of 15%  Is there provision of any advice as to
improvements to the ad how the ad can be improved? Through
any related theories -example –
personality types?
 Is there any evidence identified in the
previous sections to justify these
Conclusions 5%  Are the conclusions tied together their
various threads in this assignment and
presented a convincing analysis of this
Referencing 5%  Harvard/APA referencing standards
been used?
 Drawn on a broad variety of sources in
writing this report?
 Is there an inclusion of at least TWO
academic papers in their reference list?
 Is a reference list at the end of the
assignment included?
Presentation, Abstracts, 5%  Is the report free of spelling, expression
Contents, Spelling, and grammar errors?
Grammar and Expression  Have the students used the appropriate
marketing and industry jargon?
Final Mark 100%

Is the YouTube link presented? YES NO

Is the ad in English? YES NO

Additional Comments:

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