ChatGPT Why and How It Can Help

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Using ChatGPT to make your life easier as a teacher

Lesson plans and weekly plans

Looking for articles

Creating exercises

Planning and grading



In the following summary ‘it’ refers to ChatGPT

Brainstorming - Ideas for teaching – give it parameters e.g level, topic, age of
students, timeslot, available resources, methodology, student L1 - ask it to
suggest activities

Enter the lesson aim e.g. by the end students should be able to better use modal
verbs to ....

Design a lesson plan with stages, activities/exercises and time

Customise lessons – ask it for lists – e.g 10 items of –ed endings and pron

Ask it to use a list to create exercises in various forms

Get it to create quizzes, poems, jokes, role play dialogue, stories, error correction
exercises etc..

Ask it to create a rubric based on items you give it

Get it to grade according to the rubric

Input test marks of students and ask ChatGPT to write a report of student
progress for each student

Summarising emails or reports etc

It can even summarise developmental articles and books!

Using the summary it has generated, ask it to give you more information or define
various items based on the text you had input.

Give it parameters of where to source materials to ensure you’re getting relevant

and legitimate resources

Watch the webinar and experiment!

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