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T12 Strategies which help students to develop their language skills outside the

classroom and benefit linguistically from their stay in the UK

Examples of activities/lessons that teachers currently teach which satisfy criteria T12:-

Otherwise teachers should create opportunities to teach a task-based learning

class with the objective that students collaborate in groups on a project.

Look at the following ideas for a project – do they satisfy the criteria and if not
how can you adapt them so that they do

- Create a crossword puzzle, short story or quiz

- Write an IELTS reading set of 14 questions to a text
- Visit and review a restaurant/cafe/museum/gig/
- Do some research and present about the coolest thing in London
- Students write and perform a role-play of a visit to their GP
- class outing to a local venue
- Present about your hobby
- Find out what people’s pet hates are about living in London

Choose at least one of the above to try out with your class in the next two weeks.
Consider your students’ needs and interests – which one have you chosen?

At the next meeting, report back on how the activity went

Writing extension

Students write a proposal for their project

Students report on their project

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