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CLOSING REMARKS To our honorable guest speaker, Mr. Michael C. Laboy, to the Dean of the College of Nursing, Mrs.

Ma. Theresa R. Piscasio, to our seminar adviser, Ms. Josephine Sagun, to our academic coordinator, Mr. Ryan A. Malgapo, to the faculty members, staffs, students, Good Morning! Indeed, this activity would not be successful without your presence. In behalf of the seminar holders and facilitators, I would like to thank you all for taking part in our seminar entitled: Substance Abuse: Exploring through the Labyrinth of Addiction. The seminar was formally started upon the presentation of delegates. The seminars goal and objectives were also stated. The speaker was introduced and later on followed by the discussion of the seminar topic by the resource speaker, Mr. Michael C. Laboy. Substance abuse is a health problem related to use of any substances in abuse or not in moderation. The increasing rate of use was reported higher on young people of today. I hope that the seminar opened our eyes to the risks that it may do not only to our bodies but also to our functions as well. Although treatment is accessible, prevention is seen as a priority. To sum it up, I hope that everyone has learned something from this seminar. Again, thank you very much to each and every one of you, especially to our guest speaker for sharing his ideas regarding our topic. Let us not be tangled into the labyrinth of addiction and live life fruitfully. A pleasant day to everyone.

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