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sTrGT Hrffi 3Trqldr ufuqrarq

ffiTf, TrGr, neir6 {tE, n$ ftffi-tloool
Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-l10001
No. 5 6/0 1 /Disput e 12023 IPPS -II/ Dated: 20th April,2023

Shri Edappadi K Palaniswami,

All India Anna Dravida MunnetraKazha,Boffi,
275, Avvai Shanmugam Salai,
Royapettah, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu - 600014.

Reference: I. Your letters dated 28.03 .2023 and I 3 .04.2023;

2. Judgement of Hon'ble Madras High Court dated 28-03-2023;
3. Hon'ble Delhi High Court order dated 12-04-2023; and
4. Hon'ble Supreme Court judgement dated 23-02-2023.

With above references, I am directed to communicate that the amended rules and

regulations of the party and change in the Office Bearer communicated vide your letters under
reference have been taken on record subject to any further court order/direction.

Yours faithfull X,^.

(Jav Lahiri)
',r i {

ftrV Newaa -L
(As Amended in the General Council Meeting on 11.07.2022)


The name of the Political Organisation shall be the ALL INDIA ANNA
KAZHAGAM wherever it occurs will denote only AIADMK unless
otherurlise indicated.

b) oRrGrN:

The AIADMK has been founded on the 17th day of October 1972 by
PURATCHI THALAIVAR Dr. M.G.R. to promote and implement the
ideals of Late Lamented nationalist, rationalist, socialist society through
democratic process within the framework of the Constitution of lndia.



bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of lndia as by law
established and to the principles of Socialism, Secularism and
Democracy and will uphold the Sovereignty, unity and lntegrity of lndia.

The party will strive to create equality among all classes and to
establish a democratic socialist society, to promote the language and
culture of Dravidians, to strengthen the democratic system and to strive
for more autonomous powers for the States in the lndian Sub-continent
subject to overall sovereignty of the Centre without jeopardising the
Unity and lntegrity of the Nation in accordance with the Constitution of


The objectives of the Party will be to strive to foment and forge a sense
of Unity among the people of diversified culture, civilizations, traditions
and languages in habiting this lndian Sub-continent.

To strive for equal opportunities for development of political, economic

and social environs among the various states by mutual co-operation,
adjustment and adopting to give and take policy.

To strive for bringing necessary amendments to the Constitution to

declare the regional language of the linguistic States as the official
language of the respective States, with a view to maintaining the
+ solidarity and unity among the people of the different linguistic regions
f ctJJO and to strive for continuance of English, which by its long usage has
\\ G \-)

taken roots in the soil, as medium of communication as between
different linguistic States and also between States and Central


The Flag will be rectangular. The length and breadth will be in 3:2

The upper half fo the Flag shall be in BL.ACK and that of the lower half
in RED colour.

The bust of ANNA in WHITE colour slrould be superimposed in the

middle of the FLAG with his forefinger pointed towards the opposite
directions of the Flag Pole.

i) Only those Males or Females w'ho are eighteen years of age

and above and who accept the aims and objectives, the rules
and regulations of the Party and the decisions of the Party as
final and pledge that they will not resort to Court action on such
matters are alone eligible to become the members of the Party.

ii) Those who are found to have been directly or indirectly

connected or associated with any caste or communal or other
political organizations will forfeit their tt/embership of the

a Only those who hold their Menrbership Cards, issued by the
Headquarters of the Party will alone be recognized as Members.
Only from the date of issue of the Membership Card, a Member
will become eligible to vote.

b) Anyone who fulfills the conditions of eligibility as laid down by

the Party Constitution can becc,me a Member. They should
send in their applications in the prescribed form to the
Headquarters Office through the Secretary of the Party Unit
concerned and they must obtain their lt4embership Cards in
token of their admission. They can also enroll themselves as
members in the presence of the General Secretary who alone
are empowered to admit a person to Membership.

c) A person desirous of becoming a Member of a particularly Party

Unit of the Organisation shall be a residence or should have
business interest within the area.
{ \1 N
Jd I

d) Not less than Twenty Five persons should be enrolled in the
prescribed Form issued by the Headquarters Offlce which shall
be foruvarded within a month to Headquarters. The Membership
Cards issued by the Headquarters should be delivered to the
members admitted within a week from the date of receipt of

a) A person is eligible to become a member only in one Party Unit

b) A Member can transfer his Membership from one Party unit to

another for valid reasons. The transfer of Membership can be
effected with the consent of both the Secretaries of the Party
Units concerned by payment of transfer fee to the Headquarters.
However, the decision of the General Secretary in this matter is

v) The rules for enrolling the new Members as laid down by the
Headquarters from time to time should be followed.

vi) Every member shall pay a membership fee of Rs.10 only for
every five years. This fee should be remitted along with the
application for membership.

vii) Members shall have no right to resort to Court proceedings

regarding party matters. lf any Member of the Party resorts to
any Court proceedings against the Party General Secretary's
decision he/she shall cease to be a Primary Member of the

The decision of the General Council shall be final with regard to

party matters and only those who abide by this condition are
eligible to admission for Membership.

All those who have become Members of the KAZHAGA[\/ are

bound by the decision of the General Council.
3 *





i) Village Panchayat PartY Unit

only one party unit shall be formed in each Panchayat and if a

minimum of 25 members could not be secured, more than one
Panchayat could be grouped together to form the said party unit.
There is no ceiling against enrolling any number of additional

ii) ln village units, all the primary members shall meet and elect its
functionaries. Five functionaries of the Village unit, viz' the
Chairman, Secretary, two Deputy Secretaries and Treasurer,
three representatives of higher unit and nine executive
committee members of the Village unit shall be elected. Among
them, the posts of one deputy secretary, one member of the
higher unit and three executive committee members are
exclusively reserved for women.

iia) ExEcuTlvE coMMlrTEE:

A General Body Meeting of the village Party Unit shall be held

atleast once in six months and the Executive committee lvleeting
shall be held atleast once in two months. lf the meetings are not
convened as stated above, the Panchayat party Unit uniton
Secretary or the Organization at higher level will have the power
to convene the Meeting if necessary.

iv) Each Party Unit shall hold public meetings atleast 4 times in a
year for Party Propaganda.

v) Village Panchayat Party Unit Secretaries

For all the 12,618 Panchayat Party Units in Tamil Nadu,

Panchayat Party Unit's Secretaries shall be elected. These
Secretaries shall be elected by the respective Party units
primary members. The Secretaries will be responsible for the
functioning of the Branch Party Units of the concerned
* L

zz- v'

The All lndia Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam Youth Camp

(Paasarai) is being formed with the objective of providing the
people in the Villages coming under the Panchayats and the
Wards under the Townships and Towns, and the Zones under
the Municipal Corporations, the necessary amenities for taking
the respective areas on the path cf development by interacting
with the concerned people.

ln all the villages and wards under town Panchayats and cities
and the wards under town Panchayats and cities and the wards
coming within the Municipal Corporations, the 'the AIADMK
Youth Camp'will be formed. ln this Camp, youths between the
ages of 18 and 25 will be admitted for membership.

Each Camp (Paasarai) is to be constituted with a minimum

membership of 27. To administer the said camp, I office
bearers, comprising one Chairperson, 2 Deputy Chairpersons,
one Secrelary, 2 Joint Secretaries, 2 Deputy Secretaries and
one Treasurer will be appointed.

These camps will function as wing of the AIADMK Party

As far as the wards of Chennai Corporation are concerned, with

the approval of the Party General Secretary, more than one
AIADMK youth Camp may be formed in each ward. Members of
the 'AIADMK Youth Girls Camp' crcssing the age of 25, will be
absorbed in the MGR Youth Wing and the J Jayalalithaa Peravai
as office-bearers and members.
Similarly, "AIADMK Youth Girls Camp", will also be formed with
a minimum membership of 27 persons in each Camp

The rnembers of "AIADMK Youth girls Camp", after crossing the

age of 25 will be absorbed in the Party Women' Wing and the
main Party Units as Office bearers and members.

+ ,t;a

t-t I+


i) Within the limit of the Panchayat one Panchayat Party Unit shall
be formed. Within the said Panchayat Wards, separate
branches shall be formed in the name of Ward Party Unit.

ii) The primary members of every Ward Party Unit shall elect the
six functionaries such as Chairman, Joint Secretary, two
Deputy Secretaries and Treasurer, three representatives of
higher unit and nine executive committee members. Among
these, the posts of one representative and 3 Executive
committee Members are exclusively reserved for women.

iii) The Executive Committee meeting of the Town Panchayat Party

Unit shall be held at least once in 2 months and the General
Body meeting shall be held at least once in 4 months. lf not so
convened, higher organizational units are entitled to convene
the meeting.

iv) The Ward Party Unit Secretary and the Representative of the
higher unit within the Town Panchayat together shall constitute
the primary nnembers of the Town Panchayat Party Unit. They
shall together elect the six functionaries such as Chairman,
Secretary, Joint Secretary, Two deputy Secretaries, treasurer
and three District Representative of the Town Panchayat Party
Unit. Among these, the posts of the Joint Secretary, one
deputy Secretary, one representative are exclusively reserved
for women

v) The Secretaries of the Ward Party Units along with the

Representative of the higher unit, the Town Party Unit
Chairman, Secretary, Joint Secretary, two deputy Secretaries,
Treasurer, District Representative constitute the Town
Panchayat Level Party Unit so formed should meet among
themselves and elect 12 persons a the Executive Committee
Of these, 4 posts are exclusively reserved for women.

vi) The Executive Committee of the inner Branch of the Town

Panchayat Unit should be convened once in G months and the
General Council should be convened once in a year. lf not so
AN convened, higher organizational units are entifled to convene
the meeting.
rk 6



i) There shall be formed only one Municipal Town Party Unit for
one municipal Town. ln the wards of such Municipal town
separate units shall be formed by the name of "Vatta

ii) The primary member's of every ward unit shall meet and elect
five functionaries, viz. the Chairman, The Secretary, tow Deputy
Secretaries, and Treasurer, tl're representatives for higher
committees, and 12 posts, one Deputy Secretary, one
representative for higher unit ilnd four executive committee
members are exclusively reserved for women.

iii) The secretaries of ward units and higher unit representatives of

the ward units within the limits of a town shall constitute the
General Members of the functionaries of the town unit, (viz.) the
Chairman, the Secretary, Two deputy Secretaries and
Treasurer, and three District unrt representatives, of these, the
posts of one deputy secretary and one district representative are
exclusively reserved for women.

iv) The Town unit will consist of ward unit secretaries higher unit
representatives and the functioniaries elected for town unit, the
Chairman, Secretary, Deputy Secretaries, treasurer and District
Unit representatives. The members of the Town unit thus
constituted will meet and elect among themselves 12 executive
committee members, of which lour posts shall be exclusively
reserved for women.

v) The Executive Committee of the Town party Unit will meet

atleast once in two months and General Body Meeting wiil be
convened atleast once in four months. lf no such party meetings
are ccnvened, the organization at higher level will have the
powers to convene such meetings.

vi) The Executive committee Meeting of the ward party units in the
municipal town shall be held at least once in six months and the
Meeting of the Primary members shall be held at least once in a
year, failing which the organization at the higher level of the
A party may convene such meetings.

o +
7= !'

+ n

i) There shall be formed within the limits of a Township, a
Township Kazhagam.

ii) The primary members of a township unit and units within the
limits of a township will meet anfl elect five functionaries of the
township unit, viz. the Chairnran, Secretary, two Deputy
Secretaries, Treasurer and higher unit representatives accorcling
to the member of wards in the township and 12 executive
committee members; Of these, the posts of one third of higher
unit representatives, one deputy' secretary and the executive
committee membership shall be exclusively reserved for women

iii) The Executive Comnrittee of the Township Party unit of the

Kazhagam shall meet once in two months and the General Body
will meet once in six months. ln case of tailure to convene such
meetings, the organisation at tlre higher level will have the
powers to convene such meeting:;.

iv) For the Ward Party units in a township area, the Executive
Committee meeting shall be held once in three months while the
General Body Meeting shall be held atleast once in six months.
ln case of failure to do so, the organisation at the higher level
will have the powers to convene such meetings.


i) ln every Panchayat Union area there shall be formed a Union


ii) The Union Party Unit and the Panchayat Branch Unit within the
Panchayat Union, the Secretaries, higher organizational
representatives, the Town Panchayats and also the Town Party
Unit Secretaries shall elect the representative Union Party unit's
Chairman, Secretary, Joint Secretary, 2 Deputy Secretaries,
Treasurer arrd 3 District Representatives. Among these posts,
the Joint Secretary, one Deputy Secretary and one District
Representative shall be reserved exclusively for women.

iii ) The members of Union unit comprising of Branch unit

secretaries, higher unit representatives and functionaries of
union unit will meet and elect among themselves 12 executive
committee members, of which one third of the posts are
exclusively reserved for women.
iv) The Meeting of the main Party Unit of the Panchayat Union will
be held atleast once in six months and its Executive Committee
D will meet atleast once in three months. ln case of failure in this
regard, the organisation at the higher level will have the powers
to convene the meeting.
-7 d
.3'& /


i) For purposes of Party Rules and Regulations, District
Kazhagams shall be formed as per the provisions in sub-rule (ii)

ii) For the purpose of Party Rules and regulations, District Party
Units have to be formed in each of the areas mentioned

Party org anisationl Districts as on 26.O8.2021

1 North Chennai North(East) 39 Ti ur Urban
2 North Chennai North(West) 40 Tiruppur Rural East
3 North Chennai South(East) 41 Tiruppur Rural West
4 North Chennai South(West) 42 Coimbatore Urban
5 South Chennai North(East) 43 Coimbatore Rural North
6 South Chennai North(West) 44 Coimbatore Rural South
7 South Chennai South(East) 45 Nilgiris
8. South Chennai South(West) 46 Tiruchy Urban
I Chennai Rural 47. Tiruchy Rural North
10 Kanchipuram 48 Tiruchy Rural South
11 Chenqalpet East 49 Perambalur
12 Chengalpet West 50 Ariyalur
13 Thiruvallur North 51. Karur
14 Thiruvallur Central 52 Thanjavur North
15 Thiruvallur South 53 Thaniavur South
16 Thiruvallur East 54 Naqapattinam
17 Thiruvallur West 55. Mayiladudurai
18 Vellore Urban 56 Thiruvarur
19 Vellore Rural 57 Pudukottai North
20 Thirupathur 58 Pudukottai South
21 Ranipet 59 Madurai Urban
22 Thiruvannamalai North 60 Madurai Rural East
23 Thiruvannamalai South 61. Madurai Rural West
24 Cuddalore East 62 Theni
25 Cuddalore Norlh 63 Dindiqul East
26 Cuddalore South 64 Dindigul West
27 Cuddalore West 65 Virudhunagar East
28 Villupuram bb Virudhunagar West
29 Kallakuruchi 67 Sivaganoai
30 Krishnagiri East 68 Ramanathapuram
31 Krishnagiri West 69 Tirunelveli
32 Dharmapuri 70 Tenkasi North
33 Salem Urban 71 Tenkasi South
34 Salem Rural 72 Thoothukudi North
35 Namakkal 73 Thoothukudi South
\ 36 Erode Urban 74. Kanniyakumari East
r\ 37 Erode Rural East 75 Kanniyakumari West
ul \?\sa Erode Rural West
? BB
.t- 9

iii) The Secretaries of Panchayat Units, Town Panchayat Units,
Township Units and the circle Party Units, the Secretaries of
Township Party Units and the Representatives of higher units
shall elect a District Party Secretary of these Districts, i.e. those
who vote for the Secretaryship of the Union, and Municipal
Town Party Units in the District, tlre Secretaries of the Township
Party units and the Representatirres of the higher units shall be
entitled to elect the District Kazhagam Secretary.

iv) The Secretaries of Town Panchalrat, Town, Township and Union

Party Units in a District as well 2s the District Representatives
shall be the primary members of that District Party Unit.

v) The primary members of the District Party unit shall meet and
elect four functionaries, viz. the Chairman, two Deputy
Secretaries and treasurer, 12 erxecutive committee members
and General council members in proportion to the number of
Assembly constituencies in the respective districts. Of these the
posts of one deputy secretary, one-third of General Council
members and 4 executive committee members shall be
exclusively reserved for women. lf a woman is not elected as
District Party Secretary, a woman shall be nominated by the
General Secretary as District Jrrint Secretary, on a par with
district secretary.

vi) District Council shall meet atleast once in six months and the
Executive Committee meeting shall be held once in three

ln case of failure to convene the meeting as laid down, it is open

to the Party Headquarters to convene such meetings.

vii) The Office Bearers of the District Party Units and the elected
Executive Committee Members will constitute the Executive
Committee of the District Party Unit.


i) District Party Units comprising the particular Assembly

Constituencies of North Chennari District and South Chennai
District within the limits of Chennai Corporation shall be formed
as District Party units.
t)^ ii) A Di,rision party unit shall be constituted rn every division within
city limits.
r7':t 4
J 'rt .'.'

iii) Division Party units shall be formed in Divisions'1 to 155 falling
within Chennai Corporation limits.

iv) The primary members of every District Unit shall meet and elect
viz., the Chairman, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Two Deputy
Secretaries, Treasurer, two or more Drvisional Section
Secretaries, three higher unit representatives and Executive
Committee members. Of these, the posts of Joint Secretary,
one Deputy Secretary, one higher unit representative and 4
Executive Committee Members shall be exclusively reserved for

v) The General Body Meeting of each party unit of the Division will
meet atleast once in six months, while the Executive Committee
meeting shall be held atleast once in two months. ln case of
failure to convene such meetings, the organization at higher
levels of the Party will have powers to convene such meetings.

vi) The office bearers and the Executive committee Members of

the Division Party unit will constitute the Executive committee of
the Division Party Unit.

RULE - 11 : PAGUTH! KAZHAGAM (Assembty constituency party Units)

i) The Secretaries and higher unit i'epresentatives of the Divisional

units within the limits of an Area party Unit shall meet and elect
the chairman, Secretary, Joint secretary, 2 Deputy Secretaries,
Treasurers and District Unit representatives. of these, the posts
of Joint Secretary and the Deputy Secretary and one District
Unit Representative are exclusively reserved for women.

ii) The general members of the Area party unit will comprise of
secretaries of Division units within the limits of Area party units,
higher unit representatives and functionaries of Area party unit.

The general members will meet and elect among themselves 12

executive committee members, of which the posts of 4 executive
committee members shall be reserved exclusively for women.

The office Bearers of paguthi Kazhagam and its Executive

( N
iii )

+ committee members will constitute the Executive committee of

]C,JJO + that PaguthiKazhagam.


iv) The Paguthi Kazhagam Executive Committee Meeting shall be
held at least once in two months and the General Body Meeting
of the PaguthiKazhagam shall meet atleast once in six months.
ln case of failure to convene such meetings, the organization at
the higher level will have the power to convene those meetings.


i) The Secretaries of the Division Party units of the lt/adras City

within the limits of the District Kazhagam and the
Representatives for higher unit, shall meet together and elect
the Secretary of that District Kazhagam. i.e. all those who vote
for electing the Secretary of the Paguthi Kazhagam shall be
entitled to vote for electing the Secretary of the District
iii) The Secretaries of the Division Party units within the limits of the
District Kazhagam, the District Representatives and the
Secretaries of the Paguthi Kazhagams will constitute the
General council members of the District Kazhagam/

iv) The General members of the district party unit will meet and
elect four functionaries viz. Chairman of District party unit, two
deputy secretaries and treasurer, 12 executive committee
members and General Council members in proportion to the
number of Assembly constituencies in each district, of these the
posts of one deputy secretary, 4 Executive Committee members
and one third of General Council members shall be reserved
exclusively for women. lf a women is not elected as District
Party Secretary, a women shall be nominated by the General
Secretary as District Joint Secretary on par with District

v) The office bearers of the District Party unit and the Secretaries
of the PaguthiKazhagam and the Executive Committee
Members will together constitute the Executive Committee of the
District Party unit.

vi) The Executive Committee Meeting of the District Party units

shall be held at least once in three months and that of the
meeting of the General Body at least once in six months. ln
case of failure to do so, the organization at the higher level will
convene such meetings.

Il !lt

Rules 12, 13 and 14 pertaining to Chennai city Party Units shall be

applicable to the above City Districts.


At all levels of the Party units, the post of Joint Secretary shall be
reserved exclusively for women.

ln the District, Union, Town Panchayats, Township Panchayats, Circle

and Ward Party Units, one poSt of Joint Secretary shall be reserved,
exclusively for women.


i) ln the other States of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra

and Kerala as well as in New Delhi and the Union Territories of
Andaman, a State Party Unit shall be formed incorporating all
the Party Units of Panchayat, Town Panchayat, Municipal Town,
Township as well as City Corporation Party Units falling within
the limits of the respective States.

ii) All the state Kazhagams of other states shall have the status
equal to that of the District Kazhagams formed in Tamil Nadu.

iii) The rules of the Party units and Election procedures in Tamil
Nadu shall be applicable to those formed in the other States.

iv) The secretaries of Branch units and higher unit representatives

shall meet and elect state party secretary, chairman of the
council, two deputy secretaries, and treasurer, 12 executive
committee members and General council members the number
cf which shall be fixed by the Generar secretary in according to
the number of party members in the respective states; of these,
the posts of one deputy secretary, 4 executive committee
members and one third of the General council members shall
be reserved for woman.

v) The Executive committee N/eetings of the state party unit shall

N r-1 be held at least once in three months and that of the meeting of
the General Body at least once in six months. lf no so
+ convened, the Party Headquarters shall have the right to
convene such meetings.

!-l+ +
'.\ 9t


i) Within the State of Puducherry - Village and Town Party units
shall be formed.

ii) Each of the Party unit thus formed shall follow similar rules or
set up as applicable to the Party units in the State of Tamil

iii ) The area of Puducherry and the area of Karaikal in the

Pondicherry State shall have the status equal to that of a District

iv) The secretaries of Puducherry' Paguthi(area) and Karaikal

Paguthi (area) shall be elected by the branch units in the same
manner as the District party s,ecretaries in Tamil Nadu are
elected. Moreover, the Chairman, two deputy secretaries,
treasurer, 12 executive comnrittee members and General
council members, number os which shall be decided by the
General Secretary according to the membership, shall also be
elected. Among these, the posts of one deputy secretary, 4
executive committee members and one third of the General
Council members are exclusively reserved for women. Like
women being nominated as Joint District Secretaries in Tamil
Nadu, here also Joint Secretaries can be nominated by the
General Secretary.


i) The responsibilities and functions of the above mentioned Office
bearers of the Party units at different levels will be as follows:


He will preside over and conduct the General Body and the
Executive Committee Meetings. ln his absence, the meeting
shall be presided over and conducted by one of the members.


The Secretary of the Party unit will be responsible for the

administration and execute the decision of the respective
Executive Committee. ln case of emergency, where the
Secretary is not in a position to convene the Executive
committee Meeting, he should glet the decisions taken by him
ratified within fifteen days by the Executive committee. He
ai should subrnit any file required by the Audit committee for
*f"" \F

'.r,-L l


The Assistant Secretary will catry out such functions as may be
entrusted by the Secretary besicies exercising the functions of
the Secretary only in his absence and with his consent.


With the approval of the Secretary, he will be custodian of the

funds collected by the Party. He will disburse the amounts out
of the Party funds as directed by the Executive Committee and
the Secretary to meet the expenditure. He will maintain the
accounts of receipts and expenditure and place them before the
Executive Committee and the General Body through the
Secretary. He will keep deposits; on behalf of the Party unit, in
the banks authorized by the Executive Committee.

vi) Should a contingency of absence or void of Office Bearers in a

Party unit arise, the person elected by the Executive Committee
members will exercise the functions on adhoc basis till regular
Office bearers of the set-up are elected within one month.


i) The General Council of the AIADN/K shall consist of the
Chairman, General Secretary, Deputy General Secretaries,
Treasurer, Headquarters Secretaries of the Party, the members
of the Central Executive Cornrmrttee, the members of the
General Council elected from the Districts and other States, the
lvlembers of the Audit Committee, Property Protection
Committee and the Parliamentary Board. The General Council
shall be the Supreme body of the party with all powers of the

ii) The Secretaries of Union Kazhagams, the Secretaries of the

Municipal Town Kazhagams and Township Kazhagams, the
District Secretaries, the Chairman, Assistant Secretary and
Treasurer of the District Kazhagam, etc. in Tamil Nadu as well
as the Secretaries of State Kazhagam and the Chairman,
Assistant Secretary, Treasurer of the State Kazhagams of other
States shall be the members of the General Council by virtue of
their offices.

The General Council members shall be elected from each

District Kazhagam in such numbers equivalent to the total
number of Assembly Constituencies in the respective district. ln
respect of other State including Pondicherry, the number of the
General Council members will be determined by the General

slB' Secretary with reference to the total number of members
registered in the respective State Kazhagams.

'J (r

iv) The General Secretary of the Party jointly can nominate not
exceeding 100 Members to the (3eneral Council of the Central
Organisation from among the mernbers of the Party.

v) The General Council of the Central Organisation (Headquarters)

shall meet and elect the Chairman of the Central Organisation.

vi) The meeting of the General Council of the Central organization

shall be presided over by the Chairman. ln his absence, one of
the members of the General Council may be temporarily
nominated to preside over the meeting of the General Council.

vii) The General Council Meeting shall be convened once in a year

or whenever it is considered necessary by the General
Secretary by giving 15 days notice in advance of the date of

The quorum for the meeting shall be one-fifth of the total number
of members of the General Council. lf one-fifth of the members
of the General Council request the Genera! Secretary to
convene the Special Meeting of the General Council, the
General Secretary should do so rr.,ithin 30 days of the receipt of
such a requisiticn.

viii) The General Council will be the supreme authority to frame

policies and programmes of the Party and for their
implementation. The decision of the General Council is final and
binding on all the members of the Party.

ix) A General Council will have five years tenure. However, the
tenure shall get extended till the new General Council Meeting is


-:'-') rtl !.,.
1 :1.


i) The members of the Party who fulfill the following eligibility
prescribed in the Rules and Regulations shall be eligible to
participate in the elections:

(a) The member who wishes to contest for the post of General
Secretary shoutd be a member of the Party for ten(10) continuous

(b) The member who wishes to contest for the post of General
Secretary should have served as a Office bearers in the party
Headquarters for five(S) years.
(c) The name of the candidate who wishes to contest for the post
of General Secretary, shall be proposed by atleast 10 District
Secretaries of the Party's Organisational Districts and such proposal
should be seconded by atleast 10 other District Secretaries of the
Party's Organisational Districts
A District Secretary can propose or second only one candidate

ia) General Secretary shall be elected by the primary members of the

aii) The General Secretary elected as per sub rule (2) shall hold the post for
a period of 5 years
iv) The General Secretary shall discharge his/her duties, obligations and
functions and shall exercise his/her powers as per the rules and
regulations of the Party.
v) The General Secretary of the Party will be responsible for the entire
administration of the Party.
vi) The General Secretary will constitute tlre Executive Committee of the
Central Organisation consisting of the General Secretary, Presidium
Chairman, Treasurer, Headquarters Secretaries, District Secretaries
and the nominated members.
vii) The members of the Central Executive Committee, Treasurer and the
Headquarters Secretaries nominated by the General ecretary will hold
the office during the tenure of the officr-. of the General Secretary.

lf for any reason the General Secretary is relieved of the post or

removed from the post or is unable to perform his/her functions
or the post falls vacant before the expiry of the tenure, an lnterim
General Secretary elected by the General Counci! shall function
tillthe new General Secretary is eler;ted and assumes office.
The power to immediately cal! for the General Council meeting is
givento office bearers who were nominated by the previous
Genera! Secretary. Such a meeting shal! be called for within 30
.tr U viii)The General Secretary of the Party shall have the powers and
* 'i' responsibilities to convene the Executive and the General Council

C 11
'- ,' "11.,

Meetings, to implement policies and programmes of the Party as
decided by the General and Executive Councils, to conduct elections
and bye elections for Party Organisations, to examine the accounts of
all the Party units through the Audit Committee, to manage by self and
through the Treasurer the income and expenditure of the Party
organizations at all levels, to manage the Party Office, movable and
immovable properties of the Party, to represent the Party in the legal
proceedings that may arise in respect of Party properties and to take
necessary legal steps on behalf of the Party to protect them. The
General Secretarty will preside over the Party conferences take all
kinds of disciplinary proceedings in accordance with the Party rules
against the Party units and its office bearers who violate the Party
rules, regulations or act against the Party interest, party discipline,
policies and programmes, including immediate suspension of any
Party unit or office bearer. The General Secretary shall be the
supreme authority to take a final decision on the disciplinary
proceedings recommended by the Party units and shall have over all
powers to take all steps to promote and preserve the Party policies
and programmes and to develop and protect the Party organizations.
ix) The General Secretary is empowered to take such actions as he/she
may deem fit on important political events, policies and programmes
of urgent nature which cannot brook delay and await the meeting of
either Executive Committee or General Council of the Party. Such
decisions and actions have to be ratified by the General Council in its
next meeting. However, it is open to the General Secretary to obtain
the views of the General Council Members on such urgent matters by
post when the Council is not in session.
x) The General Secretary is empowered to deposit the funds of the
AIADMK in any of the legally constituted Banks or Financial
lnstitutions either in Current Accounts or Fixed Deposits; to withdraw
such funds and to operate the accounts on behalf of the Party. The
General Secretary is also empowered to obtain loans for the Party
purposes from the above-mentioned institutions on the security of the
assets of the Party and to do all that is necessary in this regard for
and on behalf of the Party.
xi) The General Secretary is vested with powers to authorize the Treasurer
of the Party to operate on his behalf the Bank Accounts namely to
deposit or to withdraw funds, and also in respect of duties mentioned
in sub-rule (viii) of this Rule.
xii) The Authorisation Forms addressed to the Election Officers for the
allotment of the Two Leaves Symbol to the candidates contesting on
behalf of the AIADMK shall be signed only by the General Secretary of
the Party.
xiii)The General Secretary is vested with the right to nominate Joint
Secretaries or Deputy Secretaries, in case of need to Branch units,
Union, Town, Township and District Units and other state units,
besides elected functionaries. Moreover, the General Secretary is also
vested with the Powers to nominate women in the posts, to
I (f compensate and give due representation to women if rn any of the
,I> party units at any level, women so not elected represent one third of
:):.T 7

the posts


The Deputy General Secretary shall be nominated by the General

Secretary of the Party

The Deputy General Secretary shall discharge/perform their deties,

obligations and functions and shall excise their powers as per the
rules and regulations.


RULE - 21: Deleted


i) The Treasurer of the Kazhagam will be nominated by the

General Secretary.

ii) The Treasurer with the approval of the General Secretary and
on their behalf will maintain the ac;counts relating to the Receipts
and Expenditure and the propertiers of the AlADtVlK.

iii) The Treasurer will be responsibl,e to maintain accounts for the

money received through General Secretary out of membership
fees, the receipts out of tlre State Conferences, the
Headquarters share out of the berlance of amount raised during
the District Conference, money realized from establishments,
the incorne out of movable and immovable assets, the funds
raised from donations on behalf of the Party and the proceeds
out of drama, dance, special conferences, film shows and from
all other sources, treating amounts as receipt for the Central
Organisation, with the permission of the General Secretary. He
has to disburse the amounts towards the expenditure items
required by the General Secretary and the General Executive
Committee and keep accounts rcf the receipts and payments
L thereof.
iv) The Party funds received shall be credited into Bank account in
the name of either General Secrettary or the Treasurer and held
i- v 19
in a Bank. For the purpose of the Party expenditure, the
withdrawals from the Bank Account shall be through cheques
signed either by the General Secretary or Treasurer.

v) The Treasurer shall submit any file required by the Audit

Committee for perusal.


i) The Members of the General Council will elect the Chairman of

the Central Organisation of the Party.

ii) The Chairman will preside over and conduct the proceedings of
the Central Executive Committee and the General Council
Meetings. ln the absence of the Chairman, one of the Members
present will temporarily preside over and conduct the meetings.


The Headquarters Secretaries will carry out such responsible as may

be assigned to them by the General Secretary.


i) The Party Executive Committee will function with the following

office bearers. They are the General Secretary, Deputy General
Secretaries, Presidium Chairman, Treasurer, Headquarters
Secretaries, Election Wing Secretary, Party Propaganda
Secretary, Legal Consultant, Party Legislative Assembly
Committee Consultant, Party Legislative Assembly Committee
Consultant, Party Organizational Secretaries, All lndia M.G.R.
Manram Secretary, Puratchi Thalivi Peravai Secretary, M.G.R..
Youth Wing Secretary, Anna Thozhir Sangam Secretary
Advocates' Wing Secretary, Minorities Welfare Wing Secretary,
Agriculture Wing Secretary, Fisheries Wing Secretary, Medical
Wing Secretary and Literary Wing Secretary. All the above shall
be recognized as the party's Executive Committee Members is
less than one-third, women members shall be nominated by the
General Secretary.

\ N D l/) ii) Unless it could not be convened for valid reasons, the Central
Executive Committee shall meet once in six months. lf found
+ necessary, the General Secretary can convene the meeting at
D any time.

t-l+ 20
!' .) :.1

iii) Fourteen days notice should be given for ordinary meetings and
seven days notice for urgent meetings of the Central Executive


i) The Headquarters of the AIADMK shall function from Tamil


ii) The Headquarters office will be located in Chennai for attending

the day to day functions of the Party and for maintaining
contacts with all the units of the Party.

iii ) One of the Secretaries of the Central Organization nominated by

the General Secretary will be in-charge of Headquarters Office.


i) Three persons elected by the Members of the General Council

will constitute the Audit Committee.

These persons elected to the Audit committee will not hold any
other office except being the primary members of the Party.

ii) They will audit all the income and expenditure of the Party and
submit their report.


i) The General Secretary, the Chairman, Treasurer and other two

persons to be elected by the General council - Total six will
constitute the Property Protection Committee.

ii) The Property Protection Committee will have control over all the
movable and immovable properties of the Party.

iii) All the existing immovable and movable properties shall be

i\A deemed to have come under the dull control of the Property
\' Protection Committee.
Lto *

iv) The properties that may be acquired in future for the AIADMK
shall be recorded in the deeds as purchased on behalf of and for
the AIADMK by the General Secretary

v) The General Secretary shall purchase or dispose of the property

of the Party only on the decision of the Property Protection

vi) The General Secretary shall have the right of taking all legal
steps and conducting cases in respect of the properties, on
behalf of the AIADMK.

vii) The tenure of the Office of the Property protection committee will
be the same as the General council. lf the General council
ceases to exist, the Property Protection committee members will
continue to hcld office tilithe general council is reconstituted.


i) The Parliamentary Board will be the deciding authority to select

candidates in respect of all elections in which the Party contests.

ii) The Parliamentary Board will consist of General Secretary and

not more than fifteen other members nominated by General
Secretary from among the members of the General Council.

iii) lfnecessary the Parliamentary Board may appoint sub-

committees to get the view of Party workers regarding the

iv) During exigencies, where there is no sufficient time for the

Parliamentary Board to meet, the General Secretary shall have
the power to take decision and get the same ratified
subsequently by the General Council.


i) The Party Elections will be held in accordance with the rules and
regulations framed by the General Secretary for this purpose.
ii) The Elections to the Office bearers for the Party units shall be
held once in every five years. Any extension of tenure shall be
decided by the General Council.


iii) Before conducting every such election the

relrewal of
Membership and enrolment of new members should be done
within the target date set by the General Secretary.
iv) The Elections to each unit shall be held on the dates notified by
the General Secretary.
v) Those who want to contest for thr: posts of office bearers in the
Party Organization should have been members of the Party for
five years without anY break.
Those who on their own volition had left the Pady in between
or removed from the Party by the General Secretary on
disciplinary action will cease to be Party members. lf such
persons have been readmitted into the Party, their membership
will be taken into account only from their date of readmission
and they will get the eligibility to contest the orgar-rizational
election only after five Years.
The above mentioned Rule will apply to those who are
expelled from the Party for contesting against the Party's official
candidates in General Elections or local body elections, even if
announcements of such expulsions are not released.

The .General Secretary is vested with the power to relax this


vi) Members who have not renewed their membership within the
specified time limit will be treated only as new members when
they join the Party again.
vii) Once who is contesting for a post in the Party organization,
should be a member of a Branch Unit within the jurisdiction of
the particular unit.
viii) Those responsible for conductirtg the elections should mot
contest for any post in the same party unit.
ix) lf a person elected to an office in a Party unit is elected to an
office at the higher tier of the Party, he should resign one of his
positions within 15 days from the date of his election. lf this is
not done by the person himself, the Headquarters will relieve
him from one of his positions.
x) Any election dispute in a Party Unit will be settled by the higher
tier of the Party of the party unit next above it. lf the disputes
are not settled upto the district level, such disputes will be
A referred to the General Secretary for final decision.
xi) The candidate seeking elections for the Party posts may appeal
to the members canvassing their votes either by pamphlets or in
T person detailing their party activities. Excepting this any other
) *-t"" v
method adopted by way of advertisement or forming groups or
E 23

by any other method involving expenditure of money shall be
construed as selection irregularities and the candidates shall get
disqualified from contesting in the Party elections.
xii) The decision of the General Secretary shall be final in all
election disputes.


i) To conduct the proceedings of the Party units one-fifth of the

total members should be present in the respective units of the
€party, viz. Village Panchayat Units, District Units, and also to
the Executive and General Councils of the Central organisation.

ii) The Executive Committee members who absent themselves for

three consecutive meetings without permission, shall forfeit their
posts. The Executive Committee will have powers to restore
them on their written representations.


i) Except for the Executive Committee and the General Council

meetings of the Central Party Organisation, for the other Party
units, 5 days notice should be given to the members for
convening the Executive Committee meeting and 10 days notice
for convening the General Body meeting.
ii) lf one-fifth of the members of a Party unit request the Secretary
of the unit concerned to cenvene the meeting, the meeting
should be convened within 15 days from the date of receipt of
the requisition.


i) A member or an office bearer of a Party unit may resign his

membership by giving the resignation in writing to the unit

ii) Such resignation letters shall be foruuarded to the Headquarters

of the Party with the consent of the Executive Committee of the
M *
^tU / iii) Such person who resigns his post shall handover the Party's
tU TL funds, belongings, files and accor.rnts to the office bearers of the
T- tL
]V * 24
.../ d o|,

Party unit or to the office bearers of the Party unit next above its
level or to the Headquarters of the Party.


i) No confidence motion can be brought against the office bearers

of the Party units. One-third of the total members of the Party
unit concerned givirrg valid reasons in writing may bring fonrvard
such no confidence motion. The no confidence motion should
be sent to the Sccretary of the Party unit concerned fonruarding
copies thereof to the office bearers at the higher level of the
Party unit and also to the Headquarters of the Party. lf the no
confidence motion is against the Secretary of the Party unit, the
motion of no confidence motion should be sent to the Secretary
of the next tier higher than the unit concerned.

ii) The General Body Meeting of the unit shall be convened to

consider the no confidence motion within 15 days from the date
of its receipt.

iii ) lf the no confidence motion is against the Secretary of a unit, it

should be considered by the meeting presided over by the
Secretary at the higher level unit or by the person authorized by
him to take appropriate action on the motion.

iv) lf the General Body meeting is not convened, the Secretary of

higher level unit or the Central Organization of the Party may
convene thb meeting for taking decision on the no confidence

v) A no confidence motion shall be deemed to be passed only if

twothird (2l3rd) of the total members of the Party unit
concerned vote for it.

vi) The Office bearer who is removed from his post by no

confidence motion shall handover the charge to the other office
bearer of the Party unit along with the Party funds, belongings,
papers and accounts.

w vii) The no confidence motion passed should be sent to the

{ Headquarters of the Party.

VV\ 25
.^, .rr l.t

The office bearer so removed from office may send his appeal
either to the higher level unit or to the General Secretary. The
decision of the General Secretary on the appeal shall be final.


i) All the members, the units of the Party and the office bearer of
the units are subject to the disciplinary control and the rules and
regulations of the Party.

ii) Disciplinary proceedings may be taken against those members

or office bearers of the Party, who act against the policies and
principles of the Party, indulge in actions lowering the prestige of
the party, disobey the party rules and regulations and the Party
units at the higher level, fail to implement the Party decisions
and instead act against the discipline of the Party.

i) When disciplinary action is taken, two-third of the members of

the Party unit concerned should be present.

iv) Disciplinary proceedings shall include admonition, warning

suspension, removal for a specific period from the Party and
expulsion from the Party.

v) lf a person charged under the sub-rule (ii) above has to be

removed from his/her position immediately the Secretary of the
Unit at higher level can suspend him. lf his/her expulsion from
the Party is necessary the same may be recommended to the
General Secretary.

vi) When a disciplinary proceeding against a member or a unit is

contemplated, a charge sheet :;hould be issued spelling our
charges to him or to the unit and calling for explanation within 7
days as to why disciplinary action should not be taken against
him or the Party unit.

vii) Disciplinary action may be taken, against a member or an office

bearer of the Party unit by the Executive Committee of the party
unit or by the Party unit next l-righer to it or by the General
* Secretary.
.O viii) Disciplinary action against a Party unit may be taken either by
.r the Party unit at the higher level or by the General Secretary.
V 26
..1 .1 ti.'

The disciplinary action taken shall be deemed to have come into
force from the date of initiating disciplinary action. On appeal by
the aggrieved person against the disciplinary action, the General
secretary may stay the disciplinary action till the disposal of the

x) A person or an unit against whom disciplinary action has been

taken should hand over the belongings, papers, accounts in his
possession and responsibilities in the Party to the office bearer
or to any other office bearer of the higher level unit.

xi) The appeal petitions received against the disciplinary action

shall be considered by the General Secretary either directly or
through aperson or a
committee authorized and justice

xii) lf immediate disciplinary action is considered necessary, the

General Secretary shall have power to remove or suspend any
primary member or office bearer from the Party. lf those
persons against whom such disciplinary action is taken
apologize both in writing and in person before the General
Secretary for their action, the General Secretary shall have
power to consider such apology, pardon them and drop such
disciplinary proceedings.

xiii) The decision of the General Secretary on the disciplinary action

shall be final. Those who approach the Courts against such
decision, shall forfeit their membership by virtue of violations of
Rule 5.


i) The Puratchi Thalaivar MGR Manram formed in the name of
Puratchi Thalaivar MGR is devoted to serving the public without
any self-interest.

ii) The Puratchi Thalaivar MGR Manram will function at the District,
Union, City and Town levels.

iii) The Puratchi Thalaivar MGR Manram being a subsidary unit of

* the Party will function subject to the Rules and Regulations of
O-. ,7
z i*
oo rn
the Party.



iv) The Administrative Organisation of the Puratchi Thalaivar MGR
Manram will be under the direct control of the General


i) The Organization Puratchi Thalaivi Peravai formed in the name

of Eternal General Secretary shall consist of persons who Serve
the cause of public without any self interest.

ii) The Puratchi Thalaivi Peravai will function at District Panchayat

Union, City, Division, Town Panchayat, Ward and Panchayat

iii) Puratchi Thalaivi Peravai, being a Subsidary-unit of the

Kazhagam will function only subject to the Rules and
Regulations of the Kazhagam.

iv) The administrative set up of the Peravai will function under the
direct control of the General Secretary.

v) For the members of the J Jayalalithaa Peravai, the upper age

limit is fixed at 40. After crossing 40, they will be absorbed in
the Party as office-bearers and members.


i) The Students Wing will function as an adjunct of the Party
sub.iect to the discipline and control of the AIADMK.

ii) The Students Wing will function at the District, Union, City and
Diisional level. For these, the posts of Chairman, Deputy
Chairman, Secretary, Joint Secretaries, Treasurer have been
created. Also each College will have one party organization of

iii) The AIADMK students organization will function under the direct
supervision of the General Secretary.



i) The Women's Wing of the AIADMK will be an adjunct to the

}Ir Party and function under the control of the Party. The same
T, rD
g-s 28
\ c'r

rules which govern the adjunct associations will apply to this

ii) The function and administrative patterns of these bodies will be

under the direct supervision of the General Secretary .

iii) The women's wing will function as an adjunct of the AIADMK

Party subject to its discipline and control.

The Women's Wing will function at the District, Union, City,

Town Panchayat and Divisional level. The posts of chairman,
Deputy Chairman, Secretary and Joint secretaries are being
created for that purpose.


i) The M.G.R. Youth Wing will function as an adjunct of the

AIADMK Party subject to its discipline.

ii) The posts of Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary, Joint

Secretaries, Deputy Secretary and Treasurer will be appointed
by the General Secretary of the Party for functioning at the level
of the Union, City, Town Panchayat and Division.

iii) The administrative set up for the organization and its Party unit
shall be under the direct control of the Party's General

iv) For the MGR Youth Wing, the upper age limit is fixed at 35.
After crossing 35, the members will be absorbed in the Party as
office bearers and members.


i) The Anna Trade Union Federation will function as an adjunct of

the AIADMK Party.

ii) The administrative set up and day to day function of the

AIADMK Trade Union Federations shall be under the direct
+ control of the Party's General Secretary .



RULE 41-A'. Advocates Wing: gs

i) The Advocates Wing will function as an adjunct of the AIADMK
Party subject to its disciPline.

ii) It will function at the District level. For the wing, the Chairman,
Secretary, Joint Secretaries and Treasurer will be appointed by
the Partys General Secretary.

iii ) The administrative set up and the working plans for the Wing
shall be under the direct control of the Party's General

RULE 41-B '. Minorities Welfare Wing:

i) The Minorities Welfare Wing will function as an adjunct of the

AIADMK Party subject to its discipline.

ii) It will function at the District, Union, City, Town Panchayat and
Divisional level. For the wing, the Chairman, Secretary, Joint
Secretaries and Treasurer will be appointed by the Party's
General Secretary.

iii) The administrative set up and the working plans for the Wing
shall be under the direct control of the Party's General

RULE 41-C . AgriculturalWing:

i) The Agricultural Wing will function as an adjunct of the AIADMK

Pai'ty subject to its discipline.

ii) It will function at the District Union level. For the wing, the
Chairman, Secretary, Joint Secretaries and Treasurer will be
appointed by the Party's General Secretary.

iii) The administrative set-up and the working plans for the Wing
shall be under the direct control of the Party's General

RULE 41-D '. Fisheries Wing

i) The Fisheries Wing will function as an adjunct of the AIADMK

* Party subject to its discipline.

V o.-3

It will function at the District, Union, City and Divisional level.
For the wing, the Chairman, Secretary, Joint Secretaries and
Treasurer will be appointed by the Party's General Secretary.

iii) The administrative set up and the working plans for the Wing
shall be under the direct control of the Party's General

RULE 41-E : MedicalWing:

i) The Medical Wing will function as an adjunct of the AIADMK

Party subject to its discipline.

ii) It will function at the District level. For the wing, the Chairman,
Secretary, Joint Secretaries and Treasurer will be appointed by
the Party's General Secretary.

iii) The administrative set up and the working plans for the Wing
shall be under the direct control of the Party's General

RULE 41-F . Literary Wing:

i) The Literary Wing will function as an adjunct of the AIADMK

Party subject to its discipline.

ii) It will function at the District level. For the wing, the Chairman,
Secretary, Joint Secretaries and Treasurer will be appointed by
the Party's General Secretary.

iii) The administrative set up and the working plans for the Wing
shall be under the direct control of the Party's General

RULE 41-G . Unorganized Driver's Wing:

i) The Unorganized Drivers' Wing will function as an adjunct of the

AIADMK Party subject to its discipline.

ii) It will function at the District, Union, Municipality and Divisional

level. For the wing, the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary,
Joint Secretaries. Deputy Secretaries and Treasurer will be
* appointed by the Party's General Secretary.

Lr l

The administrative set up and the working plans for the Wing
shall be under the direct control of the Party's General


i) The Youth Camps & Young Girls Camps will function as an

adjunct of the AIADMK Party subject to its discipline.

ii) It will function at the District, Union, Municipality, Town

Panchayat, Branch, Ward and Division, Circle level. For the
wing, the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, Joint
Secretaries. Deputy Secretaries and Treasurer will be appointed
by the Party's General Secretary.

iii) The administrative set up and the working plans for the Wing
shall be under the direct control of the Party's General


lf the General Secretary feels that there are genuine reasons according
to changing situations, the General Secretary is vested with the power
to exempt from the above mentioned Rules and Regulations.

The General Council will have powers to frame, amend or delete any of
the Rules of Party Constitution. But the Rule that the General
Secretary should be elected only by all the Primary members
of the Party canfirt be removed, changed or amended since it
forms the basic structure of the Party.


i) Organizations and Associations formed by the non-members of

the Party shall not be recognized by the Party as subsidiary
units. Those desirous of starting organizations or libraries shall
obtain the permission of the Party's General Secretary. One of
the Secretaries of the Organisation will also be members of the
Executive Committee of the Party Unit concerned.

+ o330

l-1 A

ii) lf propaganda meetings have to be organized on behalf of such
Organizations or Libraries, the same shall be done after duly
informing and obtaining the consent of the Secretary of the Party
unit concerned.

iii ) lf for any reason consent is refused such Organizations or

Library bodies may appeal to the General Secretary.

iv) Each of the Library or Reading rooms not exceeding five in

number within the jurisdiction of a Village, Town Panchayat,
Municipality, Township Party Units may elect one person each
to the Executive Committee of the Party Unit concerned.

RULE - 45 : Authorisation to General Secretary

The General Secretary are fully authorized to relax or make
alterations to any of the aforesaid Rules and Regulations of the
Party. But the Rule that the General Secretary should be
ele'cted only by all the Primary members of the Pafi cannot
be relaxed or altered since it forms the basic structure of the


The Rules will come into effect from 01 .1 1 .1976 (1st November
1 e76).

= *-t" v


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