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Red and green combine form

together to a secondary colour.

vi. Energy and work share the same unit, that is, joule.
vii. Wind energy cannot be converted into any form of
vii. Mass of an object can never be zero.
ix. The velocity of a body at rest is zero.
X. Using solar lamps helps in energy conservation.
Q.4. Define the following. 10
Vibration, Frequency, Amplitude, Echo, Temperature
Q.5. Name the following:
) The SI unit of heat
i) The SI unit of
Gii) The instrument used to measure
(iv) The state of matter that
expands the least on heating.
(v) The type of energy used by solar heaters.
Q.6. Match the following.
Compression reciprocal of frequency
Rarefraction high pressure
Time period
Loudness low pressure
Q.7. Answer the following questions. 10
What is SONAR?
What causes combustion?
(ii) State the first law of reflection.
(iv) What is mechanical energy?
Q.8. Define periodic motion. Draw the figure of structure of ear (Anatomy of ear) 10
Sagar Nurture International School
Annual Examination 2021-2022
Time: 2:00 Hrs. Grade: VI M.M.: 80
Subject: Physics
Note: All questions are compulsory.
Q.1. Choose the correct options.
. Sound cannot travel through
Solid liquid gas vaccum
ii. The level of sound is expressed in
Hertz metre/second decibal newton
ii. The form of energy that flows from a hot
object to a cold object is called
Temperature thermometer heat light
iv. Thedegree of hotness or coldness in a substance is called:
Temperature thermometer heat light
V. Which of these is a conductor of heat?
Wood paper Copper plastic
vi. The ray of light falling on the mirror is called the
Incident ray normal ray reflected ray refracted ray
vii. The speed of light in vaccum is
3x10 m/s 33x10 m/s 3.3x10 m/s 330x10 m/s
vii. What is the work done if a force of 10N moves a body through a distance of 5m?
2J 10J 5J 50J
ix. SI unit of velocity is
Km/h m/s m/s km/h
X. Time period of a seconds pendulum is
3s ls 2S 4s
Q.2. Fill in the blanks.
. Displacement is a _ vector/scalar) quantity.
ii. Weight is measured using_
(physical balance/spring balance)
ii. One calorie
iv. Potential energy can be calculated using the formula,PE=
. The image formed by a plane mirror is always Cinverted/erect)
Vi. Yellow is a (primary/secondary) colour.
vii. Dark colours are good (reflectors/absorbers) of heat.
vii. (shiny surface/stem) is a part of thermos flask.
ix. The handles of cooking utensils are made of materials that are

X. While boiling water, the hot water molecules always_ (move down/move up)
Q.3. Write T for True and F for False against each statements.
i. Sound requires a medium for its propagation.
ii. Sound travels faster than light.
iii. Air is a good conductor of heat.

iv. In gases, the molecules are tightly packed.

Sagar Nurture International School
Annual Examination 2021-22
Class: VII
Subject: Art & Craft
Note: Work should be neat & clean

Q.1. Draw a Rangoli Design and colour it. 20

Q2. Make a pen stand using ice cream stick. 20


Q.3. Make any one useful thing by using waste material

Sagar Nurture International School
Annual Examination 2021-2022
Time: 1:30 Hrs.
Grade: Vll M.M.: 40
Subject: General Knowledge
Note: All questions are compulsory.
1. ead the following clues, identify what these places are called and write their names in the blanks.
i. A place where goods are made
i. A place where alcoholic beverages are made
ii. A place where astronomical observations are made
iv. A place where
ships are built and repaired
. A place where plays are performed on the stage
Vi. A place where weapons are made and kept_
vii. A
place where grains are stored
vi. A place where water is stored and
Ix. A place where bees are
A place where birds are
2. Answer the following questions. 10
. Name the award that is given to the top goal scorer ofa Football world cup Tournament.
i. What award is given to the best player of a Football World Cup?
ii. Name the only player to have won three World Cup Winner Medals..
iv. The phrase 'Hand of God' is associated with which great football player of Argentina?.
V. Which company traditionally makes footballs
for the football World Cup?
vi. Which country will host the next Football World Cup in 2022?.
vii. Which country won the first Football World Cup?
vii. Which country won the football World Cup in 2014?
ix. Which country holds the most titles
ofthe FIFA World Cup?
X. Which player holds the records ofscoring most goals(five) in a world cup match?
3. Tick the correct answer. 10
Which is called the greatest game on the earth? (a) Monopoly (b) football (c) chess
ii. A tandem bicycle can be ridden by at least how many people at a time?

(a) Two (b) three () one

iii. The Tennis ball is from inside. (a) Stuffed (b) heavy (c) hollow
iv. The fastest stroke in swimmingis ( (a) Freestyle (b) butterfly (c) breast
V. What is the maximum age to participate in an Olympic event?

(a) 50years (b) 45years (c) No age limit

4. Match the following 10

Column A Column B
Gulliver's Travels Louisa May Alcott
Little women Salman Rushdie
Treasure Island Charles Dickens
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Jonathan Swift
Midnight's Children Arthur Conan Doyle
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru
Train to Pakistan Robert Louis Stevenson
Black Beauty Rudyard Kipling
The jungle Book Anna Sewell
A Christmas Carol Khushwant Sineh
Sagar Nurture International School
Annual Examination 2021-2022
Time: 2:00 Hrs.
Grade: Vil M.M.: 80
Note: All Subject: Chemistry
questions are compulsory.
Q.1. Choose the correct options.
a. Which of the following metal is not ductile in nature?
) Copper
(i) Aluminium (ii) silver (iv) potassium
. Which of these non-metal is a
good conductor of electricity?
(i) lodine (ii) nitrogen (ii) diamond (iv) graphite
c. Which of these is a balanced chemical
) 2Mg+202 2Mg0 Fe +S FeS
(ii) 2H20. 2H +20 iv) Hg +02 Hgo
d. The nucleus of an atom consists of
) Neutrons and protons (i) Electrons and neutrons
Git) Electrons and neutrons (iv) Electrons, protons and neutrons
f. ldentify the tri-atomic element from the following
) Nitrogen (1i) Ozone (ii) phosphorus (iv) Argon
g. The valency of oxygen is
) 1 Gi) 2 (ii) 3 (iv) 4
h. The symbol of silver is

() Hg (ii) Sb (ii) Ag (iv) S

i. Which of the following is used to separate two immiscible liquids?
) Separating funnel i) sublimation (i) filtration (iv) evaporation
i. Which of the following is a periodic change?

Cyclone (i) phases of moon (ii) Accident (iv) Tsunami

k. Which of these is a physical change?
Rusting of iron (i) burning of paper ii) folding of paper (iv) cooking of food

Q.2. Fill in the blanks. 10

a. Cutting down of trees is a/an_ (natural/artificial) change.
b. Germination of seeds is a _ (fast/slow) change.
c. (kalium/natrium).
The latin name of sodium is
d. The chemical symbol of platinum is_ (P/P)
e. The element phosphorus is (diatomic/tetratomic).
f. The new substances formed during a chemical reaction are known as (products/reactants)
g. Sulphur is used to make_ (skin ointment/baking powder)
of food.
h. (oxygen/Nitrogen) is used in food packaging to prevent spoilage
(Lead/zinc) is used in the galvanization of iron pipes
be beaten into thin sheets is called (sonority/malleability)
i. The property by which metal can
Q.3. Write T for True and F for Falsc.
. Matcrials other than metals arc not
b. Mctals arc good conductors of clectricity.
C. Sulphur is mallcable.
d. Some chemical reactions show a
change in colour.
C. A chemical rcaction
cxprcssed in words is known as a chemical cquation.
. In chemical cquation, thc hcad of the arrow
points towards the products.
Neutrons do not havc any chargc.
h. Chlorinc is
divalcnt clement.

i. Copper exhibits variable valency.

An alloy is an
cxample of a mixture.
Q.4. Definc thc following terms.
Physical changc. Chemical change. Atomicity. Valency. Element
Q.5. Dierentiatc betwcen the following. 10
(a) Pure substancc and mixture
(c) Minerals and Ores
(b)Elementsand compounds
(d) Metals and Non metals
Q.6. Answer the following questions.
a. Write any two
properties of metals?
b. What are the conditions essential for the
process of rusting?
What is an element? Give any two characteristics.
d. What are valence electrons? What is their
C. What is pure substance? Give
Q.7. Diffcrentiate betwcen combustion and Rusting.
Q.8. Match the compounds with their valencies.
1. Aluminium 10
Magnesium tctravalcnt
c. Chlorinc
d Carbon Trivalent
Sagar Nurture International School
Annual Examination 2021-22
Time.: 1.30 Hrs.
Class: VII M.M.: 40
Subject: Sanskrit
Note: All questions are

G) (i)

i) ii) fA
T Yaf0?

(i) fT 111) HTET

HEHI eaf 3aq?
G) i) (ii) 1-IH
19, 27, 31, 35, 26





Sagar Nurture International School
Annual Examination 2021-2022
Time:13o Hrs.
Grade: VIl
Subject: Moral Education M.M.:40
Note: All questions are compulsory.
Q.1. Give the answer of
following questions.
a. What is patience? 20
b. What was the task
given to the boy?
Write three sentences about a
patient person?
All are equal 'How?

Why did Ramzan's father wanted to sell his horse?

f. What happened when Ramzan was returning from Pahalgam?
Which feelings helped Palak to win the
h. What was the spirit behind the purchase of the boy?
. Do you think
girls cannot do most of those things that boys can do?
When Ramazan's father
saw Bulbul without Ramzan what did he think?
Q.2. What do the different animals
represent? Match column A with B.
Column A. Column B
a. Bat. i. Trust, loyalty, spirit of friendship
Dog ii. Symbolic of the Sun
Dolphin. ii. Swiftness, strength, ssess healing power
Frog iv. Guardian of the night, cleaner
e. Horse. v.
Charity, elegance, patience
f. Parrot. vi. The power of faith and trust
8. Sheep vii. Porcupine.
h. Porcupine. ix. Bringer of rain, fertility
Q.3. Write (D) for the actions which display discrimination and prejudice and (ND) where the action
do not display discrimination.
a. Girls playing football like boys.
6. Calling names at person of low caste.
C. Make fun of a friend by telling that her dress is outdated.
d. Accusing the servant of stealing your money because she is poor.
e. Throwing a coin at the polish boy while passing by.
f. Playing with a child who is HIV positive.

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