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Date: J


Thi Tdiam Consittian

tsBnauu Abawt_auncgnstututian

Censttutian Deimid a a loady

umdametalPninciphal idabishee
accanding uuhich tat an athin
argansaiin acknakdgldto ta b

shl, L kmau abaud rgans Jauenn mmt-

O Legislatu Imake Lau

EXLLULiuu 2Iumblemunt Lans
TudicianyIthumishs khe lalatnglaus
Lets Rnai_akral abaut thda hsply
Lagialaau A_LegislatuL prath 4-
hrahlu uha (patiJan muiu l a s m
idhan Sahha Catat amembly)-
Th mLmbur wdhan shha mud
dngthur amd _discusth eauats
CUati@n eulauusgn ahnau ng
JawsQmd maksth
th 2YLting-
bil_Pass han hevn_stati

EyaetLa h BAnch_golirmimi
omiiblk Aar theimplimentatia

Jauus andPalics adahtd by h

Date: J_

his Bngmchmanagid by
th Porslimt th uc Prealtni
amd cauncid of ministin
uith PM

slueliwany gaunanrat 2 Thisis t h d

gann Jalulnmini. bashas uspani
toahAly daus and iu hinsn-
to hinssn h a Bniak thilaus
amd_diahut A.
Pant hb angams-ar Highcawrt
SupnimL Callnt_etc a t maimiani
a amdPiau

Let A Bnau alat cmstit at

Ln 1885 Tndian Natiamol Cgngrl
Lud nclia- d
rdem AL13 1 he Jndian
Natienal Comgus nadedemangl
Jan crlatiem iaiCAnsttumnt
You may hauu quiuti@n neus
what Consitund amlmbly 2 Let us as
A cgnstitunt anLmhly _agatheUg
a leutd a selectd hsep tatiy-
uhs _aru audhanisd
th censitition a/ iha
Date: -

Consied SLmbly amad an to

dadlug-An dnajtan fnamL auz to_
The I Miting a consdituind
asimbly _was hule_an Dec 1116,-
Dr ghcidanamda nha uas
insd ihnsiclmt f this aslmbly biut
altnthat Rn. Ralmdra Priasad
tas Mad h pasidid a-Csnstitums
Paiot ta arau
Pandid Nahnu a hiad
henion Pauen Con mittz Kajendra
and dh nDN_Camstituhionaad bicamL|
Ce CommiL ALLn calnss puidlent
remDic 1?14 te loL 16 h constkun
1,a th abmdly m aumly amd
mu I times,and it ar Rr R
2lan I Men 18 day Ambedhan
cgmhltLth constitutanhcomt khu
n c l i a anckinnaly chahma_ a
n a nal_144 1 he dnaltmg-
Canstituti on al \nlia gut CommiteL an
Pasie y Corsditulnt
a absMILLd
mbly amd thsday CAmL_mde
aA Lau dayandi
rg Faicu n 26 Jan/150
L Celuknati this as Rhuslic day
Date: J


TDE AL S a MaCanstitutiaa
An icdsal a J a a l hze_
atade hatan. wmcuuuoliala
cauntry Can adtainn
Th comsiidution deciels
Tn athon
dh ideak
a th
caunday -
il_clec sythe
Rimd a cauotyihat hu
Piahl a1Ain- Ja uue
CoNtaiy th basic
Pnincply and Jllus thad
grs hon.
Thea a_AAmLJmpantat sAuL

T h cansitubonPnatut aitzins
e m mllia atharuty.
Fanux Pauic Cananisi gau
wihaut_omy niaAn hecau_a
CansuUtLAM ya
Cansttno -alag U g h e s
t a hnaticd w._LR
Pratiution- Jram_ abuu
Date: _

imagin Loo4 iahlisgangs uhn

agein4tAmal pamily Jangiri
iau CqntAÍaziz ta uham
LLshg Jn m aULY

SamLaL uant la Pneuerd i

samLani has t a 4 acdun
CommUntLA de aLhau
Prahiny ond tneat mimauits
Jhat uhat ejaty censiitutian das

Th cAnsiitutipaaduises thi
myarl a mdia toPratic
thu M NAIt cam MlnitiA rem
Masputy com mUmit
That Lbeti camstitubianalsa say
Dant yaun mmbia a ntimidats
amd_atachthasi \wha au nat s
Paulnaul as Hou anu
LSma tatinsnt_but uith dzp_maning
Nabaey AsGul hu ahu da
Ma onL l abltg necagnizl ndia
Date: J.

FiatwuA hu TndianCarstiiuie
FLdezalisn Thi uand JLderaliim
d e i u L e rsn Latim ugzel
Ealdus uich means Aiapci
Wait De yau thigk_lm hintimg-
a AdmLAnt a alliarcz
thin th Tenutay_Noj-
Tmdia Atatyant mai Paz any
alliamCLthy an onieng=
Jnturmat Pant niiu caurty j
Land MLNL them hau
ught tasehanatt Jren mdia
But,But, But
thi aunmendhcl besu
Caeathd te ceit_distruhut
hauwra dAMLeuels_a auirrnmmt
dessr LgLLal ushct, The
Centnal gauorn mint ancd thu
Atatigalnnimt anu rudOJrami
Jaus citizns a hicud
dala s0ts q laus
le hau th CLmtnal gauenmmnt ta
tak aUt mational AL ikku

Delens CWULNCY tulcom Municatisn

Date: J.

Th statsgalUIMLn u ushanubl
onhandimq lacal mattinyLikL
Palicing PniaarsApuculAuu
tunctwTL_dag n'd
We hau

Lacal 9alrmin m nan and

al anuas heyanu Anppauel
Tatahi Canu h city a
wag luL MUy Lik
Clian uuatin ganbag CalLciiGn

Vry AJicimt ya
aa jau t naden ahaud disperrund
qaunmmimA iha aru
elctidby the ahle.
This a hanlhlz hecamsa
Canstitutsneincia Uarnm-
tes miLensal adultiEranchhL,
te i Whi theCansiitutian
-OssLmhly adahtelth Pancpa
awuersal adultErancKiy
AR yen mimbia a h Cansiitutnt-
asbembly MAdL am JntieAting
ahaut_thu_PrauOm th
Date: J-

Canstiiutien He sald
This Pnauaign _was hnaMcled
u i t h am_akwmalami aishin h
_Cgmmgm_man_amcl thu
uktimate. duccIs dimaratie
That uhyuen_citzn h thu
Callotn Izhcu_4 hig
sacal bahgnsune CAM aba
Cantuf elieians
Sehanntie 4Palun-1QL Bralis
Paiutniu a chackat Cak
yau haus
Antes bu yall eat tas
milch i t yai_UwL Jac
health Lsu Sumlanly huahle
mu _ alsa gu msderati
_amauais hauia u a t tahaul
athvruupr- Jag much_Paua aud
imta thiin hiad aned t isull
hats uLhy y Eiiaelcen4titutiosf
Cak hausiz nta thruhiics-
and it_ityAuti it da thu
legislaluAL7 E cuuu _and
Date: -

thia called
Diainihutian pauusr
Eumdamintal Bights
AL ght thcansitLign
wndamimtal Right
_allcIzen ThL uGpt-
natiLt YauAngmi ahprIAAOA
ay the gaLlnn mint 7 hy athn
CAuzLMA all ctzen_can Cleum-
thes Nghijn thuCauni on

Eumdanintal aighi an calld h

CansienLLo/ snstitutian-
Les nduL hat aighs uhaus
anc mak t 2apleun
Thin azuAixundamiatal ght
JUcagisusl hy thi melian

Rigd ta Equality idhdans uats all

heshhe 2gually nshKUA 4 cast
gemdns alugian danguagl on
Date: J _

AL Citizensshauleki _ha giuwn

egucl_emplaymen ad
2 Righd 1a ude2m Hght Ja pruedon
asherch andypndion _which
nablhiahl doehruss hun
elasamd eyhnis hmthzalah
Right to anmamaciations uhich
nabs hiahl dofanm qnayh.
da upsint thivn_ualues_

3Right A gainsi Lxhlait ation

Huma tnallchimg bamniaáy
th consitutvan mm Humam
traliching u fns to huyumg
and elling humamssan2 JankieA
Pights dg htudou R pin
Eueny CLiz has hu uighi
to Practs Prapagat ancl
hnaj% h ndigiom thun
Date: J

5 ta-Lducai dadCultnad-

hu CANAitutionPrati h
Cltuu mManutes byhraidmg-
thim thu ught-tasd thiin a
Righd_ta canstituntiomal Rimmclis
This ght snsuru hal thugalllnnt
and adminsinatin_hildascalintabl
Tndiaacahtid a
Atnatigy as4hanating h hauuin
ligi on a n d h haien-
th stat Suculansm
ta this Asparatianayadigl
iam thAtat Th ndian
CANsitution allauus dndiiduals
th u d e z 2 da MuL y t h i z -
nLigiaus beligs_amd Piatis it

Why SLulannsn hahhias_and dlitimhars

thclhs a cera CoNiny ta fiumcion

d L a a t tcally
3Sgm memlsuu_cle natdsen demunada
ahyr mimb 4am uliglRS-
Com murity

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