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Contents: According to Cause:

A. Definition of Contracts: 1. Onerous – exchange of valuable considerations.

- Auto contracts 2. Gratuitous or Lucrative – (free) such as donation and
- Stages of Contracts commudatom.
B. Fundamental Characteristics/ principles of contracts 3. Remuneratory – one prestation that is given for a
1. Consensuality of Contract benefit of service that had been rendered previously.
o Contract of Adhesion
According to Degree of Dependence
2. Autonomy of Contract
3. Mutuality of Contract A. Principal – contract that could stand on its own.
4. Obligatory Force of Contract
5. Relativity of Contract B. Accessory – cannot stand on its own.
C. Classification of Contract C. Preparatory – achieving an end.
According to:
a. Perfection According to Name:
b. Degree of Dependence A. Nominate – those contracts for which a particular
c. Parties obligated name has been designated and rules particular to
d. Equivalence of Prestation them are applicable such as sales, commodatum,
e. Cause partnership, agency, deposits, etc.
f. Risk B. Innominate – those which do not have particular
g. Degree of Execution designation such as:
h. Name  Do ut des (I give that you may give.)
D. Elements of Contracts  Do ut facias (I give that you may do.)
1. Essential
 Facio ut des (I do that you may give.)
2. Natural
 Facio ut facias (I do that you may do.)
3. Accidental
E. Essential Elements of a Contract Innominate Contracts
A. Consent of contracting parties
B. Object Certain which is the subject matter. Kay innominate contracts siya wala siya pangalan under the
C. Cause or Consideration civil code. Pero ang civil code nag provide rule para mag
F. Forms of Contract govern sa innominate.
- Validity Shall be governed by:
- Enforceability (Statute of Fraud)
- Convenience 1. Agreement of the parties
G. Reformation of Instruments 2. The provisions of the Civil code on obligation and
H. Interpretation of Contracts contracts.
I. Defective Contracts 3. The rules governing the most analogous contracts.
- Rescissible Contracts (ano ang pinaka malapit nga rules)
- Voidable Contracts 4. The customs of the place
- Unenforceable Contracts
According To Parties Obliged
- Void Contracts
a. Bilateral – where both parties are reciprocally
A contract is a meeting of minds between two parties whereby b. Unilateral – only one party is obligated.
one binds himself, with respect to the other, to give something
Importance of Classification:
or to render some service. (Art.1305)
 As to fruits
Stages of a Contract
 As to rescission as a remedy
1. Negotiation (Preparation, Conception, or generation)  As to delay
 Involves preliminary negotiations and
bargaining. Fundamental Characteristics
2. Perfection (birth) – when parties have come to an  Autonomy of contract – Liberty of contracts or Freedom to
agreement or meeting of minds. stipulate.
3. Consummation (death) – the fulfillment of  Mutuality of Contracts
performance or term.
 Obligatory force of Contracts and Compliance in Good
According to Perfection: Faith
 Relativity of Contracts
1. Consensual – perfected by mere consent.  Consensuality of Contracts
Ex. Sale, lease, partnership, agency, real estate mortgage, Autonomy of Contracts
common carriage.
The contracting parties may establish such stipulations,
2. Real - perfected only upon delivery of the thing. clauses, terms and conditions as they may deem convenient,
Ex. Deposit, pledge, commodatum, and mutuum. provided they are not contrary to law, morals, good customs,
public order, public policy. LMGPP (Art. 1306)
3. Formal – required a certain form of validity.
 Ignorance to the Law excuses no one, from
Ex. Donation – you need to comply to the forms required by compliance there will. (Under Civil code)
Some examples of stipulation that are void: 2. Contracts in fraud of creditors (Art. 1313)
3. Interference by a third person in a contract. (Art.
Contrary to Law:
 Waiver for future fraud 4. Stipulation Pour Autrui – stipulation in favor of the
 Pactum leonina – (Partnership) – excluding one of the third person.
partners to share profits in the partnership. Hindi pwede
If a contract should contain some stipulation in favor of a third
contrary to law.
person, he may demand its fulfillment provided he
 Pactum commissorium – (Mortgage/Pledge) if hindi maka
communicated his acceptance to the obligor before its
bayad ng principal amount sang loan si debtor, automatic
revocation. A mere incidental benefit or interest of a person is
ang gin sangla mapupunta kay creditor. Contrary to law
not sufficient. The contracting parties must have clearly and
 Pactum de non-aliendo – (Real Estate Mortgage)
deliberately conferred a favor upon a third person. (Art. 1311,
forbidding the owner from alienating the immovable
2nd par.)
mortgage. Gin bawalan ka eh benta property mo without
consent of the creditor. Stipulation Pour Autrui
 Restraint of trade (non-involvement/compete clause)
In favor of the third person conferring a clear and deliberate
Example: Against Public Policy favor upon him, and which stipulation is merely part of a
contract entered into by the parties, neither of whom acted as
Maecy worked for XYZ Plans as SVP under a 5-year
agent of the third person.
employment contract containing a clause which reads:
Consensuality of Contracts
"In case of separation from the Company, Maecy shall not, for
the next two years thereafter, engaged in or be involved in the GR: Contracts are perfected by mere consent.
same business or belonging to the same pre-need industry as
the Company."
1. Real Contracts
After 2 years from her employment with XYZ Plans, Maecy
2. Formal or Solemn Contracts
stopped reporting for work and assumed the position of VP-
Sales of FHJ Plans, a similar pre-need Company. However, FUTUR REAL CONTRACTS are consensual.
Example: Against Public Policy & Morals Contracts of Adhesion
Ysabel was a student in LDM School of Accountancy and Contracts were one party merely signs carefully prepared
enjoyed a scholarship with a stipulation that in case she contracts (adhesion contracts). The contract is already
decided to transfer to another school, she will refund all the prepared and the only thing left to do is to sign it. No
expenses under the scholarship. negotiations evolve, it is a VALID CONTRACT.
After 3 ½ semesters, she transferred to another school. When Obligatory Force of Contract
she requested documents and transcript of records, she was
asked to reimburse first the scholarship funds as provided in Obligations arising from contracts shall have the force of law
her scholarship. between the contracting parties and should be complied with in
good faith. (Art. 1159)
 Reason page 85 – Scholarship are granted not to
attract and to keep brilliant students in school for their Upon perfection of the contract, the parties are bound to the
propaganda but as reward merit or help gifted to following:
students. 1. The fulfillment of what has been expressly stipulated.
Mutuality of Contracts 2. The consequences which, according to their nature, may be
The contracts must bind both contracting parties; its validity or in keeping with good faith, usage and law (Art. 1315)
compliance cannot be left to the will of one of them. (Art. 1308) - To summarize ang obligatory force of contract means kung
 A party cannot revoke or renounce a contract without nag enter ka sa contract siguraduhin mo susundin mo ang
the consent of the other. contracta mo. Bakit? Kay ang contract shall have the force of
law between contracting parties. If gin labag mo na, nag labag
Relativity of Contracts: Parties, Assigns & Heirs kaman sa batas which makes you liable.
Contracts take effect only between the parties, their assigns Elements of A Contract
and heirs, except in case where the rights and obligations
arising from the contract are not transmissible by their nature, 1. Essential Elements – without them, a contract cannot
or by stipulation or by provision of law. (Art.1311.) exist. COC
a. Consent
GR: Contracts take effect only between the parties their b. Object
assigns and heirs. c. Cause and Consideration
2. Natural Elements – those that are deemed included in
the contract unless set aside by the parties.
 Rights and Obligations arising from the contract are 3. Accidental Elements - those that are included only if
not transmissible – by nature, stipulation or by law. stipulated by the parties.
Relativity of Contracts – Third person ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF CONTRACT
A third person may be bound or may have a right under a Essential Requirements of a Contract
Needed to perfect a contract:
1. Contracts creating real rights (Art. 1312)
Consensual Real Solemn/Formal  an offer made through an agent is accepted from the
Consent Consent Consent time the acceptance is communicated to him.
Object Object Object  Business advertisements generally not definite offers.
Cause Cause Cause  Advertisements for bidders are simply invitations to
Delivery Form make proposals, and the advertiser is not bound to
accept the highest or lowest bidder, unless the
contrary appears.
When An Offer Becomes Ineffective:
A consent is the meeting of the offer and the acceptance upon
the thing and the cause which are to constitute the contracts. i. Death, Civil interdiction, insanity or insolvency of
either party before acceptance is conveyed.
Requisites of VALID CONSENT:
1. It should be intelligent (not subject of a mistake or fraud) ii. When the offeree expressly or impliedly rejects the
2. It should be free or voluntary (not subject of undue influence iii. When the offer is accepted with qualification or
intimidation or violence) condition (counteroffer)
3. It should be spontaneous. iv. when the offer is revoked in due time
v. when before acceptance is communicated, the
4. In general, should not be vitiated (spoiled or impaired). subject matter has become illegal or impossible.
Offer and Acceptance: Article 1324
1. The offer must be certain When the offeror has allowed the offeree a certain period to
2. The acceptance must be absolute. accept, the offer may be withdrawn at any time before
3. A qualified acceptance constitutes a counteroffer. acceptance by communicating such withdrawal, except when
4. An acceptance may be express or implied. the option is founded upon a consideration, as something paid
5. The person making the offer may fix the time, place, or promised.
and manner acceptance, all of which must be
complied with. Option Contract – a contract giving a person, for consideration,
a certain period within which to accept the offer of the offeror.

 It is a separate and distinct contract from the contract

which parties may enter into upon the consummation of
the contract.
Illustration of Option Contract
Princess offered to sell her house and lot to Lovely for P10M
who was interested in buying the same. Princess gave Lovely
Acceptance through Letter/Telegram: a period of 1 month within which to raise the amount, and that
as soon as Lovely is ready, they will sign the deed of sale.
 “Does not bind the offeror except from the time it
came to his knowledge” (Art.1319) One week before the expiration of the 1-month period,
Princess went to Lovely and told her that she is no longer
Cognition Theory – contract is perfected when the acceptance
willing to sell the house and lot unless the price is increased to
takes effect from the time the offeror knew (or has knowledge)
of the acceptance of the offeree.
Can Lovely ask for the 10M price? No, princess can change
Manifestation Theory – follows that the acceptance will take
the contract. Unless the option is founded upon consideration.
effect once it is manifested by the offeree.
Situations Concerning the Consent of the Parties
Cognition theory Illustration:
Simulation: which can either be:
On May 05, 2020, ABS wrote CBN a letter offering to sell a
house and lot for P2.5M. a. Absolute simulation
- When one or both the parties did not intend
On May 07, 2020, CBN received the letter and wrote ABS of
to be bound by the contract. The same is
his complete acceptance.
ABS received that letter from CBN in the afternoon of May 07,
Ex. A & B jokingly entered into a contract of sale.
2020. However, in the morning of May 07, 2020, ABS had
already sent a letter to CBN withdrawing the offer. - This is void because there is no intention to
enter a contract of sale.
Is there a perfected contract?
b. Relative Simulation – if the parties merely conceal
- No, because there is a withdrawal of their true agreement relative simulation, they shall be
contract. bound by their true agreement.
Incapacity of one of the parties:
Kinds of Capacity:

Offer a. Judicial Capacity

- Is the fitness to be the subject of legal
 The person making the offer may fix the time, place, relation which is inherent in every natural
and the manner of acceptance. person and lost only through death.
If incapacity pertains to juridical capacity,
then the contract is VOID.
b. Capacity of act (or legal capacity)
- Is the power to do acts with legal effect
which is acquired and may be lost.
Absolute incapacity
The party cannot give consent to any contract, with anyone, in
whatever capacity, over anything.
Persons incapacitated to give consent:
1. Unemancipated minors or persons below 18yrs old
2. Insane or demented persons (except lucid interval)
3. Deaf mutes who do not know how to write.

 Lucid interval = valid (if insane person enter contract

in a “Lucid Interval’, temporary period of sanity.)
 State of drunkenness
 During a hypnotic spell voidable

Vices of Consent: Voidable Contracts

 Fraud or deceit (dolo) INTELLEC
 Mistake or Error T
 Violence or Force
 Intimidation WILL
 Undue Influence
Giving consent must also be in your free will.
Mistake or Error (Voidable)

 A false belief about something

 The error must be substantial. i.e., condition. Identity
 The Error must be excusable (not caused by
 The error must be mistake of fact and not mistake of
(Ignorance of the law excuses no one.)
Violence and Intimidation

 Physical Coercion  Moral Coercion
 Serious and Irresistible  Compulsion due to
force is employed. reasonable and well-
grounded fear of
imminent and grave

 Violence – when to wrest consent, serious or

irresistible force is employed.
 Intimidation – when one of the contracting parties is
compelled by reasonable and well-grounded fear of
an imminent.
Undue Influence
There is undue influence when a person takes improper
advantage of his power over the will of another, depriving the
latter of a reasonable freedom of choice.
The following circumstances shall be considered: the
confidential, family, spiritual and other relations between the
parties, or the fact that the person alleged to have been unduly
influenced was suffering from mental weakness or was
ignorant or in financial distress.

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