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Please illustrate the procedure for planning, executing and completing a construction
project that KOICA must follow in order to comply with the relevant laws/regulations of
the Kyrgyz Republic.
(Please indicate the permits required and the authority that issued them at each stage)
* KOICA as the executor of its construction project

The procedure should include each step, as shown below; (but can be revised if

 Planning(Before drawing)

 Execution(Drawing)

 Execution(Construction)

 Completion (Completion Inspection)

* If necessary, you can use a table or diagram to make the procedure understandable.

Your answer: For pre-design planning, you need to conduct a pre-project study in order to
parameterize the project. This is the stage of collecting the necessary data and analyzing them.
Pre-project studies allow you to choose the best option for the implementation of the project,
which allows you to calculate the necessary resources, design time and increase production

Stages of design
Objects not subject to
DRAFT examination

Objects subject to




2. Please list the required documents that KOICA must provide when announcing an open
tender for the selection of a construction company in the Kyrgyz Republic. (Documents
to be provided to the bidder)

Your answer:
 Explanatory note with the justification of the planned construction, its main technical and
economic indicators and product characteristics;
 master plan, reference and situational plans, schemes of engineering networks;
 the main provisions characterizing the architectural and construction, fundamental
constructive and technological solutions of buildings and structures, engineering support
of the bidding object;
 aggregated indicators (volumetric and by area) for buildings and structures and types of
work of the bidding object;
 the main provisions on the organization of construction, the timing of the construction of
the bidding facility;
 special technical conditions for the bidding object;
 information on current norms, rules, state standards and instructions, measurement
 other data characterizing the object of construction or the subject of tenders.

3. Please provide a definition (≒role) of APU/IUT and illustrate the procedure for its
application by KOICA (indicating the necessary documents) to obtain a building permit
from the relevant authority of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Your answer: Architectural and planning conditions (APU) - a document issued by the
territorial bodies of architecture and urban planning, containing architectural conditions
and requirements, including for the functional purpose, location and main parameters of
the construction object, as well as technical conditions for connection to engineering
networks, mandatory sanitary, fire, environmental conditions and restrictions on the
design of the object provided for by law of the Kyrgyz Republic and urban planning

Engineering and technical specifications (IUT) - a document that defines the technical
conditions for connection to engineering networks.

4. Please illustrate the licensing system of design, construction and construction supervision
of the Kyrgyz Republic, including its rank and responsibility of each of them.

1) Design License

2) Construction License

3) License for construction supervision

Your answer: A design license is a special document that allows the recipient to develop
project documentation, provided that the current conditions and requirements are met.
The licensee can be a legal entity or an individual.

A construction license is a special document that allows the recipient to engage in the
construction of a building and structure, subject to compliance with the current
conditions and requirements.

State architectural and construction supervision - inspection supervision of the

implementation of construction legislation by all subjects of the construction process
during the construction and assessment of the compliance of the facility completed by
construction with the requirements of technical regulations and project documentation,
carried out by the authorized state body

5. Please suggest your idea when KOICA is forced to renovate an existing building of a
public institution, the year of completion of which is more than 40 years. However, the
owner of the building does not have his own architectural plan.

Your answer: If there is no architectural plan for a building that is more than 40 years
old, first you need to make a measurement of the building and perform a plan of the
existing building with all dimensions for the design and repair of this building according
to these drawings.

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