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Setiabudi Road 99
Central Java

Your ref : AA/RT/3C 5th March, 2023

Our ref : HK/FF/8D

Mr. Alfathurrijal Anshorulloh

PT. Ainsoft
No. 20 East Pegangsaan

Dear Mr. Alfathurrijal

Thank you for your inquiry of 2 March asking for the latest edition of our catalog.
We have pleasure in enclosing our latest catalogues with a leaflet giving details of our
special trade discount for March.
We are also pleased to inform you that the delivery time is 1 – 2 weeks from receipt of
your order.
We look forward to receiving your first order and please do not hesitate to write again if
you still need any further information.

Your sincerely,

Hadi Khairullah
Marketing Manager

Enc : 2

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