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Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia
Neonatal Seizures
Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Neonatal Sepsis
Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia
Betsey Chambers, MD, and Cara L. Mack, MD

Mild jaundice in the first few days of life is a normal part small subset of cases in which the clinical course is
of the neonatal transition. Most jaundiced newborns do atypical and other evaluations have not identified the
not require intervention. However, a small number of cause of the jaundice, a direct bilirubin level, thyroid-
newborns will experience significant jaundice, which can stimulating hormone (TSH) level, and other testing
lead to kernicterus if not properly treated. An even smaller may be indicated.
number will have cholestatic jaundice, which requires D. Physiologic Jaundice: The majority of jaundiced new-
prompt diagnosis and treatment. All newborns should be borns will have jaundice that is likely to be explained
monitored clinically for jaundice to identify the subset of simply by physiologic factors related to the newborn.
newborns who will require treatment. The newborn has a greater rate of bilirubin production
than an adult, because of relative polycythemia at
A. History: A number of factors in the prenatal and post- birth, and a relatively shorter life span of fetal red
natal history can put a newborn at risk for jaundice. blood cells. The newborn also excretes bilirubin much
They include: slower than an adult because of two factors: first, the
conjugation mechanism is not fully functional at birth;
1. Pregnancy complications such as intrauterine and second, there is increased enterohepatic recircula-
growth restriction (IUGR), gestational diabetes tion of bilirubin because of decreased stool output in
(GDM), and maternal use of certain medications the first few days of life and lack of normal gut flora in
2. Family history of anemia, jaundice, or liver disease the neonatal intestines. The exact definition of “physi-
3. African, Asian, or Mediterranean ethnicity ologic” jaundice is variable, depending on the source.
4. Delivery complications such as forceps or vacuum- However, newborns who are jaundiced in the first day
assisted delivery, or delayed cord clamping of life, or who require phototherapy at any point, do
5. Poor feeding, exclusive breast-feeding, or poor not have simple physiologic jaundice.
voiding/stooling output E. Overproduction: Hyperbilirubinemia can result from
overproduction, the causes of which can be divided
B. Physical Examination: A number of physical examina- into the following categories:
tion findings can put a newborn at risk for jaundice.
They include: 1. Hemolysis: ABO incompatibility is the most common
cause of hemolysis in the neonate. Rh incompatibility
1. Small or large for gestational age (SGA, LGA) is much rarer since the advent of RhoGAM. If un-
2. Preterm treated during pregnancy, Rh incompatibility can
3. Excessive weight loss since birth cause such severe hemolysis before birth that the
4. Ruddiness presenting sign is fetal hydrops rather than neonatal
5. Bruising or cephalohematomas jaundice. Other rare causes of hemolysis in the neo-
6. Hepatosplenomegaly (as a sign of infection, hemoly- nate include G6PD (glucose 6-phosphate dehydroge-
sis, or liver disease) nase) deficiency (more common in persons of Asian,
7. Abdominal distention (as a sign of obstruction) African, or Mediterranean descent) and red cell
8. Vital sign abnormalities (as a sign of infection) membrane defects such as elliptocytosis and sphero-
cytosis. Sepsis can also present with hemolysis (among
C. Laboratory: All newborns with visible jaundice require other symptoms).
a serum or transcutaneous total bilirubin level. In in- 2. Extravasated blood: Excessive bruising or cephalo-
fants more than 35 weeks gestation, this level should hematomas can lead to hyperbilirubinemia as the
be plotted on an age-specific nomogram to determine extravasated red blood cells are broken down and
the risk level. The mother’s blood type and antibody reabsorbed.
screen should also be reviewed in all cases, to deter- 3. Polycythemia: Polycythemia causes hyperbilirubine-
mine risk for possible blood group incompatibility. If mia because of increased red blood cell load. Infants
mother’s blood type is O or Rh negative, or her anti- born to diabetic mothers, or who are LGA, SGA, or
body screen is positive, a blood type and Coombs test ruddy in appearance are at particular risk for polycy-
should be performed on the infant. Depending on his- themia. Delayed cord clamping is also a risk factor.
tory and examination findings, a subset of newborns
will require additional laboratory testing. In cases of F. Underexcretion: Hyperbilirubinemia can result from
possible polycythemia (SGA, LGA, infants of diabetic underexcretion, the causes of which can be divided
mothers, ruddy complexion), a hematocrit should be into the following categories:
checked. If concern exists for unexplained hemolysis, a
complete blood cell count (CBC), reticulocyte count, 1. Defective or delayed conjugation: Conjugation de-
and peripheral smear should be obtained. Lastly, in a fects such as Crigler–Najjar or Gilbert syndrome

A History

B Physical
D Physiologic
C Labs

Not physiologic

Overproduction Polycythemia Underexcretion feeding

Hemolysis Membrane Defective, delayed Enterohepatic

defects conjugation recirculation

ABO Infection Bruising Hypo- Conjugation Obstruction

Rh Cephalohematomas thyroidism defects

(Cont’d on p 291) Breast milk


can cause hyperbilirubinemia. Crigler–Najjar type I recirculation. It is a contributing factor in breast-

causes severe early hyperbilirubinemia that will be feeding jaundice, especially in preterm infants
difficult to control, even with treatment. Crigler– or infants experiencing breast-feeding problems.
Najjar type II is less severe and can be controlled Breast-feeding jaundice should be distinguished
with medications. Hypothyroidism causes a delay in from breast-milk jaundice. Breast-milk jaundice
most metabolic processes, including conjugation of is a prolonged, unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
bilirubin. It should be considered in prolonged thought to be caused by enzymes in breast milk that
cases of hyperbilirubinemia in which a cause has not deconjugate bilirubin, leading to enterohepatic re-
been identified. Asian infants are at greater risk for circulation. In rare cases, intestinal obstruction may
a DNA variant affecting the uridine diphosphate be the cause of enterohepatic recirculation. Normal
glucuronosyl-transferase protein, which also affects intestinal flora can decrease enterohepatic recircu-
conjugation. lation by further metabolizing bilirubin to a form
2. Increased enterohepatic recirculation: Conjugated that cannot be reabsorbed. However, neonates do
bilirubin that remains in the intestines for pro- not have the normal gut flora that adults have, which
longed periods is deconjugated by enzymes in the exacerbates enterohepatic recirculation.
intestinal villi and reabsorbed. Poor feeding is the 3. Direct (conjugated) hyperbilirubinemia: See sections H
most common cause of increased enterohepatic and I and Table 1.

Table 1. Neonatal Cholestatic Diseases immunoglobulin (IVIG; which is helpful in cases of
antibody-mediated hemolysis), albumin adminis-
Disease Diagnostic Workup tration (which binds to bilirubin and prevents it
from crossing the blood–brain barrier), and double-
Metabolic volume exchange transfusion. Infants who require
A1AT deficiency A1AT level and phenotype these treatments need close monitoring in a neona-
IEOM Newborn screen (galactosemia)
Urine succinylacetone (tyrosinemia)
tal intensive care unit.
Serum amino acids, urine organic
acids H. Evaluation of Cholestatic Jaundice: Cholestatic jaun-
BASD Total serum bile acids; urine bile acid dice in the neonatal period can be attributed to a vari-
analysis ety of causative factors. All jaundiced infants older than
Infectious 2 to 3 weeks require measurement of direct (or conju-
TORCH Urine CMV culture; others as gated) bilirubin. Neonatal cholestasis is defined as a
warranted direct bilirubin of 2 mg/dL and 20% of the total
UTI Urine culture for bacteria
Sepsis Based on history, clinical picture,
bilirubin level. In assessing the jaundiced infant, make
cultures sure to visualize the stool color, as acholic stools are
Hepatitis A Hepatitis A IgM associated with biliary atresia, as well as other causes of
Hepatitis B Hepatitis B sAg biliary stasis. All patients with cholestasis should be
Genetic worked up for the underlying cause as expediently as
Cystic fibrosis Newborn screen, sweat chloride test possible. The most important reason for this urgency is
Alagille syndrome Echocardiogram, spine film, ophthal- based on the fact that the success of the Kasai portoen-
mologic examination terostomy surgical procedure for biliary atresia is de-
Endocrinopathy pendent on an early age at diagnosis. It is generally
Hypothyroidism Newborn screen, TSH, total and regarded that effective bile drainage with resolution of
free T4 jaundice can be achieved in up to 70% of patients with
Panhypopituitarism TSH, total and free T4, early morning
cortisol biliary atresia if the portoenterostomy is performed
Toxin Induced
before 60 days of life as compared with 40% to 50%
of patients if performed at 60 to 90 days of life, 25% of
TPN-related cholestasis
(also known as intestinal patients at 90 to 120 days, and only 10% to 20% of
failure-associated liver patients at 120 days.
disease) Patients with neonatal cholestasis should have
Drug-induced further liver evaluation including serum aspartate ami-
notransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT),
Extrahepatic Biliary Obstruction g-glutamyl transferase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase, total
Biliary atresia See section H protein, albumin, and prothrombin time (PT). Second,
Choledochal cyst See section H an abdominal ultrasound should be performed to rule
A1AT, alpha-1 antitrypsin; BASD, bile acid synthesis defects; CMV, cytomegalovi- out a choledochal cyst, biliary stones, sludge formation,
rus; IEOM, inborn errors of metabolism; IgM, immunoglobulin M; sAg, surface or tumor compressing the extrahepatic bile duct. The
antigen; T4, thyroxine; TORCH, toxoplasmosis, other, rubella, cytomegalovirus, size of the gallbladder and extrahepatic bile duct by
and herpes; TPN, total parenteral nutrition; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone;
UTI, urinary tract infection. ultrasound is variable in biliary atresia (from absent to
normal caliber). Other abdominal abnormalities found
in less than 20% of patients with biliary atresia include
G. Treatment of Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinemia: polysplenia, intestinal malrotation, discontinuous infe-
rior vena cava, and preduodenal portal vein.
1. Phototherapy: Initial treatment for hyperbilirubine- The majority of patients with neonatal cholestasis
mia is with phototherapy. Phototherapy causes a will require referral to a pediatric gastroenterologist to
conversion of bilirubin into lumirubin, which is wa- establish the underlying diagnosis. The causes of neona-
ter soluble and more easily excreted from the body tal cholestasis include anatomic abnormalities (men-
than bilirubin. Not all jaundiced newborns will need tioned earlier), metabolic disorders, infectious agents,
phototherapy. Guidelines for whom to start on pho- genetic syndromes, and endocrinopathies. Alert the
totherapy can be found in the American Academy of surgeon for anatomic abnormalities including chole-
Pediatrics, Clinical Practice Guideline for the Man- dochal cyst, tumor, and spontaneous perforation of the
agement of Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia. bile duct. The stepwise approach to the diagnosis of
2. Follow-up: Because most neonatal jaundice occurs biliary atresia entails a percutaneous liver biopsy and
in the first week of life, close follow-up in the first surgical intervention. If the liver histology is consistent
week of life is critical, even for infants who do not with the diagnosis of biliary atresia, then the surgeon
meet criteria for phototherapy at the time of dis- will perform an intraoperative cholangiogram. Intraop-
charge. erative cholangiogram is considered the gold standard
3. Other treatments: If phototherapy is unsuccessful in the diagnosis of biliary atresia, and if the diagnosis is
in controlling the bilirubin level, other treatments confirmed, the surgeon will proceed with the Kasai
may be considered. These include intravenous portoenterostomy.

(Cont’d from p 289)

H Cholestasis

(Direct bilirubin ≥2 mg/dL and ≥20% of total bilirubin)

1. Blood tests: AST, ALT, Alk. Phos., GGT, total protein, albumin, PT, A1AT analysis
2. Abdominal ultrasound

Non-diagnostic Choledochal cyst, tumor

Contact gastroenterologist Contact surgeon

for possible liver biopsy to
rule out biliary atresia

Biopsy consistent with biliary I Biopsy and/or cholangiogram not

atresia; contact surgeon for c/w biliary atresia; rule out
cholangiogram and possible other cholestatic diseases

I. Uncommon Causes of Neonatal Cholestasis (see urine CMV culture. Bacterial UTIs are associated
Table 1): with cholestasis, and cholestatic infants should have
a catheter-obtained urine bacterial culture. Hepati-
1. Metabolic disorders of neonatal cholestasis include tis A and B are uncommon causes of neonatal cho-
alpha-1 antitrypsin (A1AT) deficiency, inborn errors lestasis and should be tested for with hepatitis A
of metabolism (IEOM), and bile acid synthesis de- IgM and hepatitis B surface antigen only if the ma-
fects (BASD). Approximately 10% to 15% of patients ternal or family history warrants.
with A1AT deficiency have neonatal cholestasis, and 3. Genetically associated causes of neonatal cholestasis
it is diagnosed based on the serum A1AT level and include cystic fibrosis (CF), Alagille syndrome, and
phenotype. It is important to obtain this laboratory progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis. If CF
test early on in the evaluation of cholestasis because is suspected, then a sweat chloride test should be
if A1AT deficiency is confirmed, then there is no performed, even if the newborn screen result was
need for further workup with a liver biopsy to rule negative. Alagille syndrome entails a constellation
out biliary atresia. IEOM that can present with cho- of physical findings including cholestasis caused by
lestasis include, but are not limited to, galactosemia bile duct paucity, congenital heart disease such as
and tyrosinemia. Evaluation of galactosemia is part peripheral pulmonic stenosis, abnormal facies, oph-
of the newborn screen and, if suspected, can be con- thalmologic abnormalities (posterior embryotoxon),
firmed with the galactose-1-phosphate uridyl trans- and bony defects (butterfly vertebrae). Cholestatic
ferase serum level. Tyrosinemia can be diagnosed neonates are screened for Alagille syndrome with an
with the urine succinylacetone level. Other IEOM echocardiogram (if a murmur is detected), ophthal-
can be screened for with serum amino acid and urine mologic examination, and spine film.
organic acid studies. A primary test for BASD is 4. Endocrinopathies associated with neonatal cho-
measurement of total serum bile acids. Total bile lestasis include isolated hypothyroidism and panhy-
acids in the serum will be below normal in BASD as popituitarism. Screening for these entities include
compared with elevated in all other cholestatic dis- TSH, total and free thyroxine (T4), and early morn-
eases. If the total bile acids are low, then BASD is ing cortisol level.
confirmed with measurement of individual bile acid
levels by fast atom bombardment.
2. Infectious agents associated with neonatal cholesta-
sis include the TORCH (toxoplasmosis, other, ru- References
bella, cytomegalovirus [CMV], and herpes) infec- American Academy of Pediatrics. Clinical Practice Guideline. Manage-
tions (particularly CMV), bacterial urinary tract ment of hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn infant 35 or more weeks
infections (UTIs), and hepatitis A and B. Obtain a of gestation. Pediatrics 2004;114(1):297–316.
maternal history for TORCH infections and per- Gourley GR, Arend RA. B-Glucuronidase and hyperbilirubinemia in
breast-fed and formula-fed babies. Lancet 1986;1:644–6.
form diagnostic workup if history or physical exami- Suchy FJ. Neonatal cholestasis. Pediatr Rev 2004;25(11):388–96.
nation warrants. All infants with neonatal cholestasis Wood AJ. Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. N Engl J Med 2001;344(8):
should be screened for exposure to CMV with a 581–90.

Neonatal Seizures
Andrew White, MD, PhD, Lucy Zawadzki, MD, and Kelly Knupp, MD

Neonatal seizures can signify serious damage or malfunc- 2. Tonic: stiffening of arms, legs or trunk, upward eye
tion of the immature brain and are considered a neurologic deviation and apnea
emergency requiring urgent diagnosis and treatment. The 3. Clonic: focal or multifocal nonsuppressible jerking
first month of life is the most vulnerable period for the movements of arms, legs, or face
development of seizures. The prevalence of neonatal sei- 4. Myoclonic: single or multiple jerks of an extremity
zures is greater in low-birth-weight and premature infants,
and can be as high as 57 to 132 per 1000 live births. It is Notably, although not common, seizures can pre­
lower in term infants, ranging from 0.7 to 2.7 per 1000. sent as simple paroxysmal autonomic changes (tachycar-
The majority of seizures in neonatal period are classified as dia, hypertension) alone. Physical examination should
symptomatic (acute reactive) because of an underlying include the measurement of head circumference, as-
cause. Unprovoked seizures are usually classified into epi- sessment of mental status (Is there tracking in a full
leptic syndromes: two benign (benign neonatal convul- term newborn?), identification of dysmorphic features
sions and benign familial neonatal convulsions [BFNCs]) and facial asymmetry, determination of neonatal tone
and two catastrophic (early myoclonic encephalopathy and and movement, evaluation of reflexes (tonic neck, suck,
early infantile epileptic encephalopathy). patellar, and Moro), presence of birthmarks or rashes,
and evidence of accidental injection of anesthetic drug,
trauma, or infection. Instability of temperature or blood
CAUSATIVE FACTORS pressure may indicate infection.

The cause of provoked seizures can depend on the gesta- C. The electroencephalogram (EEG) can be valuable in
tional age of the infant. Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy the determining whether a particular behavior repre-
(HIE) is the underlying cause in about 50% to 65% and is sents a seizure. Specific EEG patterns may correlate
more common in term than premature infants. Seizures more closely with different pathologies. Background
usually begin on first day of life and tend to be most severe EEG rhythms (burst suppression as seen in Ohtahara)
in first 72 hours. In the majority of children with hypoxic may allow for a more accurate prognosis. Either con-
ischemic encephalopathy, but not all, there is a clear his- tinuous (preferable) or repeat EEGs may be helpful in
tory of fetal distress. Intracranial infections because of patient management.
meningitis or sepsis are responsible for 5% to 10% of neo- D. Many mimics of neonatal seizures exist. These include
natal seizures. An additional 10% of seizures is provoked jitteriness or tremulousness (noted in drug withdrawal,
by intracranial hemorrhage. Subdural and subarachnoid hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, or other metabolic
bleeding are more commonly the result of trauma in term conditions), benign neonatal sleep myoclonus (this oc-
infants, and germinal matrix and intraventricular hemor- curs only during sleep), opisthotonus (possibly caused
rhages occur more frequently in premature infants. Aber- by meningeal irritation, associated with kernicterus or
rations in brain development, especially lissencephaly, inborn errors of metabolism), and nonepileptic apnea
pachygyria, and polymicrogyria, account for 5% to 10% of (caused by cardiac, pulmonary, or gastrointestinal ab-
neonatal seizures. Metabolic causes include disturbances normalities). Methods that can be used to determine
of glucose and calcium, and inborn errors of metabolism. whether these are seizures include attempted suppres-
Seizures secondary to intoxication or withdrawal because sion of movement (seizures are difficult to suppress),
of intrauterine drug exposure can occur as early as 3 days presence of eye deviation, nystagmus, and provocation
of life or as late as 34 days of life. using stimuli (seizures are not usually provoked).
E. Initial laboratory tests should include glucose, calcium,
A. History should include family history of seizures, his- sodium, magnesium, phosphorous, liver function tests
tory of infection, drug/alcohol/tobacco use during the (LFTs), and a complete blood cell count. Infectious
pregnancy, details of maternal prenatal care and im- causative agents should always be ruled out. Maternal
munizations, birth history including mode of delivery and neonatal drug screens can also be performed to
and Apgar scores, as well as necessity for resuscitation check for drug withdrawal. If the child appears jaun-
at birth. diced, a bilirubin should be obtained. Tests that can be
B. If possible, it is extremely helpful to visualize the epi- added if there is a suspicion of inborn error of metabo-
sodes. Neonatal seizures are classified as follows: lism include serum amino acids, urine organic acids,
lactate, pyruvate, ammonia, and acylcarnitine profile.
1. Subtle: involving rocking, bicycling, swimming, eye If no explanation is found for the seizure, cerebrospinal
deviation fluid should also be obtained and tested for amino


A History B Observation and physical exam

Is it a seizure? D Jitteriness
Sleep myoclonus
Unusual/concerning baby movements

Search for cause

E Laboratory tests
F Imaging

(Cont’d on p 295)

acids (specifically glycine), glucose, lactate, pyruvate, at detecting blood unless specific sequencing is used.
and to rule out meningoencephalitis. Computed tomography is able to detect more obvious
F. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with diffusion- parenchymal defects, bleeding, and when used with
weighted imaging is the most sensitive and therefore contrast, is excellent at detecting venous sinus throm-
most preferred form of imaging. It is able to detect boses. It takes much less time than an MRI but still
malformations of cortical development, strokes (even requires patient transport. A more recent concern is
at a very early stage), changes from hypoxic-ischemic that it also exposes the patient to radiation and in-
encephalopathy, meningeal enhancement associated creases the chance of subsequent malignancy. Ultra-
with infection, and can often give clues to the type of sound machines can be brought to the neonatal inten-
inborn error of metabolism. It is not suited for a criti- sive care unit and hemorrhages can be identified. The
cally ill patient because it requires the patient to be technology, however, suffers from poor visualization of
brought to the machine and the study takes more time the cortex (specifically the convexities) and subarach-
than other imaging modalities. It also is not very good noid blood.

G. Infectious causes of meningitis in the neonate can be respond to standard antiepileptics is pyridoxine defi-
either bacterial (group B streptococcus, Escherichia coli, ciency. This disorder is uniquely responsive to treat-
Listeria monocytogenes) or viral (herpes simplex virus ment with pyridoxine (vitamin B6). It is recommended
[HSV] or cytomegalovirus [CMV]). Lumbar puncture is that this be done in an area with resuscitation equip-
indicated in all infants suspected of having meningitis. ment (because of the possibility of severe respiratory
Empiric treatment for neonatal meningitis usually con- depression) using video-EEG.
sists of acyclovir, ampicillin, and cefotaxime. Treatment is L. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy is the most common
refined when cultures and polymerase chain reaction cause of neonatal seizures, and results from a lack of
(PCRs) are reported. MRI can be helpful in identifying oxygen and blood flow to the newborn during the peri-
stroke, hemorrhage, thrombosis, or abscess, and can be natal period. The injury and prognosis range from mild
used to establish prognosis. MRI with diffusion-weighted to severe and even fatal. MRI and EEG are both useful
imaging can also be useful in identifying seizure focality. in establishing extent of injury and prognosis.
H. Vascular causes include both ischemic and hemorrhagic M. Malformations of cortical development are being iden-
stroke, as well as arterial and venous thrombosis. All tified more commonly as a cause of neonatal seizures.
strokes should precipitate a hematologic workup. The These stem from an abnormality in neuronal migration
timing of the workup is debatable. Typically, subarach- during development. Although the specific cause of the
noid or subdural hemorrhages are seen in term infants, abnormality is usually not identified, it may be a result
and germinal matrix bleeds (intraventricular hemor- of drugs, infections (especially CMV), and genetics
rhages) are seen in premature infants. Imaging and/or (e.g., LIS-1, ARX). Examples of malformations include
head circumference measurements can be used to fol- focal cortical dysplasia, hemimegalencephaly, lissen-
low resolution of hemorrhages. cephaly (smooth surface of the brain), pachygyria
I. There are many benign genetic causes of neonatal sei- (thick cortex), and polymicrogyria (many small gyri).
zures, especially if there is a family history. BFNCs are N. The mainstays of treatment for neonatal seizures remain
focal or multifocal convulsions that occur within the phenobarbital (20 mg/kg IV) or phenytoin (20 mg/kg).
first 2 weeks of life and are associated with a mutation Levels of these drugs should be obtained 1 hour after
in either the sodium or potassium ion channel. Benign the loading dose. Benzodiazepines (lorazepam, diaze-
infantile neonatal convulsions (BINCs or fifth-day fits) pam, or midazolam) may also be used if phenobarbital
occur in otherwise healthy newborns and can be mul- and phenytoin fail. Newer drugs including levetiracetam
tifocal. They typically appear on the fourth or fifth day and topiramate are now commonly being used in ter-
and continue for about 24 hours. They are refractory to tiary care centers. Pyridoxine (50–100 mg IV) should
drug treatment but resolve without sequelae. Other always be tried for seizures that are resistant to treat-
genetic causes that are associated with neonatal sei- ment. A neonate should not be sent home on phenytoin
zures include Smith–Lemli–Opitz, tuberous sclerosis, because of its poor oral absorption.
Aicardi syndrome, hypomelanosis of Ito, and inconti- O. There is a trend toward earlier withdrawal of medica-
nentia pigmenti. Chromosomal abnormalities can also tion (1–3 months). Although specific medication with-
lead to neonatal seizures. drawal techniques should be based on each individual
J. Electrolyte abnormalities can also result in neonatal patient, some general guidelines can be posed. The
seizures. Hypoglycemia can be corrected with a dex- decision of whether to continue medication balances
trose 10% in water (D10W) bolus of 2 ml/kg, followed the likelihood of future seizures with the risks of the
by an infusion of 6 to 8 mg/kg/min. Hypocalcemia is cor- medication to the patient. If the seizures have stopped,
rected using calcium gluconate (10%) 100 mg/kg intra- the patient has a normal neurologic examination, and
venously (IV) over 1 to 3 minutes (monitor for bradycar- there is no identified cause that would make one sus-
dia). A maintenance dose of 500 mg/kg/24 hour IV or pect that seizures are likely, it is reasonable to discon-
PO should be instituted. Hypomagnesemia can be cor- tinue medications at discharge. If the seizures have
rected using magnesium sulfate 25 to 250 mg/kg/dose IV stopped and the neonate has an abnormal neurologic
or intramuscularly. examination, but the follow-up EEG is normal, it is
K. Many inborn errors of metabolism can result in sei- also reasonable to consider discontinuing antiepileptic
zures in the newborn period. Laboratory testing for medication. Follow-up with a neurologist should be
these is described in section F. Two organic acidopa- scheduled for all neonates who have been discharged
thies that are strongly associated with neonatal sei- on antiepileptic medication. In addition, it is important
zures are propionic and methylmalonic academia. to carefully monitor development of any child who has
Other causes of neonatal seizures include nonketotic suffered seizures in the neonatal period. It is not un-
hyperglycinemia, urea cycle defects, amino acidopa- common for those individuals to suffer long-term se-
thies, and mitochondrial disorders. One other disorder quelae, including the development of epilepsy, devel-
that should be considered if the patient does not opmental delay, and behavioral disturbances.

(Cont’d from p 293)


Infectious Vascular Genetic Metabolic Hypoxic Malformations

E. coli, Ischemia BFNC Ischemic of cortical
group B strep Thrombosis BINC Encephalopathy development
TORCH Hemorrhage
J Electrolytes K Inborn error
Hypoglycemia of metabolism

N Treatment

O Medication withdrawal

References Ronen GM, Penney S, Andrews W. The epidemiology of clinical neona-

tal seizures in Newfoundland: a population based study. J Pediatr
Glass HC, Wu YW. Epidemiology of neonatal seizures. J Pediatr Neurol 1999;134:71–5.
2009;7(1):13–7. Sankar R, Painter MJ. Neonatal seizures: after all these years we still
Hauser WA, Kurland LT. The epidemiology of epilepsy in Rochester, love what doesn’t work. Neurology 2005;64:776–7.
Minnesota, 1935 through 1967. Epilepsia 1975;16:1–66. Silverstein F, Jensen F, Inder T, et al. Improving the treatment of
Lanska MJ, Lanska DJ, Baumann RJ, Kryscio RJ. A population-based neonatal seizures: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and
study of neonatal seizures in Fayette County, Kentucky. Neurology Stroke Workshop Report. J Pediatr 2008;153(1):12–5.
1995;45:724–32. Volpe JJ. Neurology of the newborn. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2008.

Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Jason Gien, MD

Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), once called hyaline postnatal age of the patient and the severity of illness
membrane disease, results from surfactant deficiency, usu- in choosing therapeutic interventions. Early initiation
ally seen in premature infants, but can occur with de- of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) by nasal
creased frequency in term infants. Incidence rates range prongs may stabilize alveoli and prevent atelectasis. A
from 86% at 24 weeks to less than 1% at 39 weeks. RDS trial of CPAP in the first hours of life is useful if the
should be anticipated in the setting of any preterm deliv- patient is only mildly hypercapnic or ventilating nor-
ery, delivery where amniotic fluid indices indicate pulmo- mally and/or requiring a fractional inspired oxygen
nary immaturity, and in any infant born to a diabetic concentration (Fio2) of less than 0.4 to maintain oxy-
mother. Maternal corticosteroid therapy can prevent neo- genation. Extremely preterm infants and those with
natal RDS when it is administered to the mother at least more severe disease often require intubation during
24 to 28 hours before delivery. delivery room resuscitation or shortly thereafter for
mechanical ventilation and surfactant administration
A. In the physical examination, focus on the respiratory (see H). All neonates with RDS who have cardiac insta-
system; note the quality of respiratory effort (grunting, bility should have nothing by mouth and receive main-
flaring, retractions, air entry, adventitial sounds), as tenance intravenous fluids and glucose (80 ml/kg fluids
well as respiratory rate. This assessment should include in the first 24 hours; 6–9 mg/kg per minute of glucose).
a decision about type of respiratory support needed. Institution of total parenteral nutrition as soon as avail-
Search for evidence of congenital cardiorespiratory able is recommended, especially for preterm infants.
malformations (airway obstruction, congenital heart In infants without cardiac instability, feeding via naso-
disease). gastric tube is appropriate.
B. The chest radiograph in RDS is characterized by a dif- F. Monitor arterial oxygen saturation in every infant with
fuse reticulogranular or ground-glass pattern and hy- RDS using pulse oximetry. Monitoring of preductal
poexpansion. Near-term infants may have a less spe- saturations and transcutaneous monitoring can provide
cific hazy infiltrate. The radiographic appearance of information on Po2 and Pco2. Consider placement of
RDS is often similar to that of group B streptococcal an umbilical artery catheter or peripheral artery cath-
pneumonia, blood, or amniotic fluid aspiration, espe- eter in infants who require high oxygen, CPAP, or as-
cially in term or near-term infants. sisted ventilation. Connect arterial lines to pressure
C. Included in the differential diagnoses are other sys- transducers for blood pressure monitoring and safety.
temic illnesses with pulmonary manifestations, such as Monitor glucose, electrolytes, and calcium and acid-
congenital heart disease, hypoglycemia or cold stress, base status.
and polycythemia. Retained fetal lung fluid in near- G. Assisted ventilation is usually initiated with pressure-
term infants or aspiration syndromes (clear fluid, blood, limited, time-cycled, synchronized intermittent manda-
or meconium) in term infants may lead to dilution or tory ventilation. Synchronous intermittent mandatory
inactivation of surfactant, resulting in acquired surfac- ventilation delivers breaths that are synchronized to the
tant deficiency and RDS. onset of the patient’s spontaneous breaths and allows
D. Consider bacterial pneumonia (especially group B spontaneous breaths between mechanical breaths. A
streptococcal disease) in patients with RDS. Risk fac- peak inspiratory pressure that achieves some but not
tors for infection include maternal fever, chorioamnio- excessive chest rise is an appropriate starting point.
nitis, and premature or prolonged rupture of the mem- Adjust peak inspiratory pressure and rate to normalize
branes. Neutropenia (white blood cell count ,2000 arterial blood gases. Positive end-expiratory pressure
neutrophils/ml) or leukocytosis and a ratio of immature should be set initially at 5 cm water and adjusted ac-
to total leukocytes greater than 0.2 are suggestive of cordingly for optimal inflation, being sure to avoid
infection. Draw blood culture specimens; consider overinflation or underinflation. Synchronized pressure-
tracheal aspirate samples in intubated infants. Initiate limited volume ventilation when available may be pref-
antibiotic therapy with ampicillin and an aminoglyco- erable to pressure-limited ventilation. For extremely
side (Table 1). preterm infants, volumes of 4 to 6 ml/kg are appropri-
E. The natural history of RDS involves worsening of ate; 6 to 8 ml/kg for near-term or term infants. High-
clinical symptoms, which occurs during the first 48 to frequency ventilation may be indicated under certain
72 hours (Table 2). It is important to consider both the circumstances; consult a neonatologist.


A History B Pulse oximetry—pre and post ductal

Physical examination Arterial blood gas
(focus on respiratory exam) CXR
CBC with differential
Blood culture ± tracheal aspirate

Establish degree of distress

C Congenital heart disease

Retained lung fluid/aspiration

D Sepsis and/or pneumonia

Consider Metabolic disorders

Cold stress

Mild Moderate Severe

Supplemental oxygen F CPAP G Intubation and ventilation

Intravenous fluids Invasive BP/ABG monitoring Invasive BP/ABG monitoring
Consider NG feeds if BP stable Intravenous fluids TPN if BP unstable
Continues pulse oximetry Consider NG feeds if BP stable Consider NG feeds if BP stable
Monitoring Continues pulse oximetry Continuous pulse oximetry
Consider antibiotics Monitoring monitoring
Empiric antibiotics Transcutaneous O2/CO2
Empiric antibiotics

Worsening respiratory distress Worsening respiratory distress

Hemodynamic instability

Consider surfactant replacement

Echocardiography if FiO2 >0.6 prior
Follow up to surfactant in near term or term
Oxygenation and ventilation infants.

Table 1. Drugs Used to Treat Complications in Infants with Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Drug Dosage
Ampicillin Age ,7 days 100 mg/kg/24 hr in 2 divided doses Meningitis: 200 mg/kg/24 hr in 2
divided doses
Age .7 days ,2000 g: 75 mg/kg/24 hr in 3 divided Meningitis: 150 mg/kg/24 hr in 3
doses divided doses
Gentamicin Premature newborn
Age ,7 days ,1000 g and ,28 wk GA: 2.5 mg/kg/dose
every 24 hr
,1500 g and ,34 wk GA: 2.5 mg/kg/dose
every 18 hr
.1500 g and .34 wk GA: 2.5 mg/kg/dose
every 12 hr
Age .7 days ,2000 g: 2.5 mg/kg/dose every 12 hr
.2000 g: 2.5 mg/kg/dose every 8 hr
Indomethacin Initial dose: 0.2 mg/kg
Subsequent doses:
Age ,48 hr at time of first dose 2 doses of 0.1–0.2 mg/kg at 12- to 24-hour
Age 2–7 days at time of first 2 doses of 0.2 mg/kg at 12- to 24-hour
dose intervals

GA, gestational age.

Table 2. Degree of Illness in Respiratory Distress
closure; indomethacin may be contraindicated for a
patient with renal failure, thrombocytopenia or other
Moderate Severe Very Severe
coagulation disorders, or severe hyperbilirubinemia.
Surgical ligation of the PDA may be necessary in
Fio2 to ,0.4 .0.4 .0.6 urgent cases or if medical management is unsuccessful.
K. Persistent pulmonary hypertension in association with
Pao2 RDS most often occurs in near-term infants with con-
Pco2 ,50 mm Hg .50 mm Hg .50 mm Hg genital or acquired surfactant deficiency. Presentation
pH Normal Combined respira- may be immediately after birth or after several days of
respiratory tory acidosis and RDS. Right-to-left shunts through the ductus arteriosus
metabolic acidosis
or patent foramen ovale result in refractory hypoxemia.
In the presence of a PDA, preductal saturations may be
more than 15% to 20% greater than postductal Pao2.
H. Consider surfactant replacement therapy in patients Echocardiography can confirm right-to-left shunting
with a diagnosis of RDS who require an Fio2 greater through the ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale; the
than 0.4 with mechanical ventilation. Natural surfac- degree of pulmonary hypertension can be estimated
tants are preferable to synthetic surfactants. In term or by quantitation of a tricuspid regurgitation jet. Initial
near-term infants, screening echocardiogram for pres- management includes adequate lung recruitment main-
ence of pulmonary hypertension is advised before sur- tenance of adequate systolic blood pressure and circu-
factant administration if Fio2 in excess of 0.6. lating volume, correction of metabolic acidosis, and
I. Acute complications of RDS include pulmonary air reversal of hypoxemia. High-frequency oscillatory venti-
leak (pneumothorax and pulmonary interstitial emphy- lation (HFOV) and nitric oxide (NO) offer therapeutic
sema). Pulmonary hemorrhage can occur in the setting alternatives followed by extracorporeal membrane oxy-
of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). In term or near- genation (ECMO) if the previous interventions fail.
term infants, persistent pulmonary hypertension may
complicate RDS. RDS in premature infants is also as-
sociated with the chronic complications of retinopathy
of prematurity, intracranial hemorrhage and its se-
quelae, necrotizing enterocolitis, hyperbilirubinemia, References
and anemia. Clark RH, Kueser TJ, Walker MW, et al. Low-dose nitric oxide therapy
J. PDA is common in premature infants weighing less for persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. Clinical In-
than 1500 g, including those who have received artifi- haled Nitric Oxide Research Group. N Engl J Med 2000;342:469–74.
cial surfactant for RDS. Suspect PDA with a continu- Hein HA, Ely JW, Lofgren MA. Neonatal respiratory distress in the
community hospital: when to transport, when to keep. J Fam Pract
ous murmur, bounding pulses, diastolic blood pressure 1998;46:284–9.
less than 26 mm Hg, and active precordium. The chest Rodriguez RJ, Martin RJ. Exogenous surfactant therapy in newborns.
radiograph shows cardiomegaly with increased pulmo- Respir Care Clin North Am 1999;5:595–617.
nary blood flow or pulmonary edema. Color-Doppler Vyas J, Kotecha S. Effects of antenatal and postnatal corticosteroids on
the preterm lung. Arch Dis Child 1997;77:F147–50.
echocardiography can confirm a left-to-right ductal Wright L. Effect of corticosteroids for fetal maturation on perinatal out-
shunt and demonstrate diastolic runoff from the aorta. comes. Consensus Development Conference. Am J Obstet Gynecol
Consider the use of indomethacin to promote ductal 1995;173:253–62.


No improvement Improvement
Clinical and radiographic

I Chest x-ray Consider CPAP

Air leak No air leak Pulmonary intestitial Worsening RDS

Chest x-ray improving emphysema

Thoracostomy Echocardiography Consider HFOv Consider HFOv

tube (if not done) Redosing surfactant


Volume expansion Term/near term Preterm
pressors, correct pH, Consider:
paralysis, HFOv, NO, ECMO Indomethacin/ibuprofen
No therapy
Follow clinically

PDA small to moderate PDA large

Consider following clinically if: Consider surgical ligation
1) DA diameter >1.5 mm
2) Left atrial/aortic root ratio
>1.5 mm
3) Pulsatile transductal flow
(Vmax) <1.8 m/s
4) Reverse end-diastolic flow
in the descending aorta

Neonatal Sepsis
Beena D. Kamath, MD, MPH

Perinatally acquired bacterial sepsis often presents with This chapter focuses primarily on early-onset sepsis and,
subtle or nonspecific signs but may progress rapidly to in particular, perinatally acquired bacterial infection. How-
death. In such a condition with high mortality, low inci- ever, it is also important to consider congenital infection
dence, and relatively benign treatment, clinical practice (bacterial and viral), perinatally acquired nonbacterial infec-
dictates therapy for infants at risk on the basis of historical tion (e.g., herpes, enterovirus, mycoplasma, ureaplasma),
factors and diagnostic test results, as well as for those who and nosocomial infection (bacterial, viral, yeast) as other
are symptomatic. important causes of illness in the neonatal period.

A. The perinatal history provides important early information

CAUSATIVE FACTORS to assess the risk for sepsis in a newborn infant and should
be complete to assess for risk factors (Table 1). Suspect
Neonatal infection accounts for 29% of neonatal mortality chorioamnionitis with maternal temperature greater than
around the world, or almost one million deaths per year. 100.4° F (38° C), uterine tenderness, purulent or foul-
Epidemiology of neonatal infections depends on timing smelling amniotic fluid, and maternal or fetal tachycardia.
of the infection and whether the infected infant has risks In the infant, hypothermia or temperature instability,
because of ongoing hospitalization, prematurity, or central hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, and feeding intolerance
venous catheters. Early-onset infections occur within can provide additional early signs of risk; however, such
48 hours of birth and represent infection acquired from early signs may also be transient and nonspecific.
vertical transmission in utero, either shortly before or dur- B. In the physical examination, note other nonspecific signs
ing the process of birth. The most common causes of early- such as lethargy, hypotonia, fever or hypothermia, respi-
onset neonatal infection include group B streptococcus ratory distress (tachypnea, cyanosis, grunting, apnea),
(GBS), Escherichia coli, and herpes (although symptoms tremulousness, irritability, weak suck, poor perfusion or
may become apparent later). Late-onset sepsis occurs be- shock, petechiae or purpura, and unexplained jaundice.
tween 3 and 30 days after birth and is mostly hospital ac- C. Obtain a blood culture specimen by sterile venipunc-
quired. Common pathogens for late-onset sepsis include ture or from a newly placed sterile umbilical catheter.
coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, Staphylococcus au- Perform a lumbar puncture in neonates in whom sepsis
reus, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, gram- is the primary diagnosis or who exhibit neurologic signs.
negative bacilli, and Candida. Finally, late late-onset sepsis Urine cultures have a low yield during the first 72 hours
occurs more than 30 days after birth and is particularly of life. Tracheal aspiration cultures are useful during
worrisome in a hospitalized patient for coagulase-negative the first 12 hours of life because the Gram stain may aid
Staphylococcus, resistant gram-negative organisms, or in early identification of bacterial causative agent. GBS
fungus. Infants who are admitted to the hospital after com- antigen detection on serum likewise provides early,
munity exposure are at risk for respiratory viral pathogens, specific identification of an organism. Whereas neutro-
streptococcus, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus penia (white blood cell count ,5000/mm3) is a better
aureus. predictor of sepsis than is neutrophilia (white blood cell
Although the timing of neonatal infection affects the count .30,000/mm3), a ratio of immature to total neu-
epidemiology of organisms seen, it is also important to trophils greater than 0.2 improves the predictive value.
know about the common pathogens and antibiotic resis- Toxic granulation or vacuolization of neutrophils and
tance patterns of an individual hospital or locale. For thrombocytopenia are useful but not definitive. The
example, in developing countries, the early versus late C-reactive protein (CRP) has low sensitivity, especially
categories break down secondary to highly unclean envi- within the first 24 hours, but serial CRP determinations
ronments, a large proportion of births that occur at are more valuable in establishing a diagnosis of sepsis,
home, and the lack of screening and prophylaxis for GBS because two negative CRP values have a high negative
infections. Increased use of screening and intrapartum predictive value. No single laboratory test can accu-
antibiotic therapy to prevent neonatal GBS infections rately identify infected infants early in the disease
will continue to promote change in the cause of early- course; therefore, various combinations of laboratory
onset neonatal sepsis, with a marked decrease in the tests are used to identify neonatal sepsis. In addition,
incidence of GBS infections, and an increase in ampicil- measures of cytokines, cell surface antigens, and bacte-
lin-resistant Escherichia coli and other gram-negative rial genomes are currently under investigation to aid in
organisms. the diagnosis of neonatal sepsis.
(Continued on page 302)

Newborn with Suspected SEPSIS

A History C CBC with differential and platelets

Blood culture
B Physical examination Blood glucose
Chest radiography
Tracheal aspirate
Viral culture
Identify: Serum antigen detection
Herpes simplex infection (p 728) C-reactive protein
Lumbar puncture
Assess symptoms and risk factors
(Table 1)

Asymptomatic, low risk D Asymptomatic, high risk E Symptomatic

(Cont’d on p 303) (Cont’d on p 303)

in 48 h

Table 1. Risk Factors for Neonatal Sepsis Table 2. M
 edications Used in the Treatment
of Neonatal Sepsis
and Highly Product
Incidence-Proven Suspected Drug Dosage Availability
Condition Sepsis Sepsis*
Ampicillin DOL 0–7 2000 grams Vials: 125, 250,
PROM .18–24 hr 1% 1–2% 25 mg/kg/dose every 12h 500 mg
Maternal positive 0.5–1% 1–2% Meningitis 50 mg/kg/dose
GBS every 12h
PROM and positive 4–6% 7–11% DOL 0–7 2000 grams
GBS 25 mg/kg/dose every 8h
Positive GBS and ma- 3–5% 6–10% Meningitis 75 mg/kg/dose
ternal fever every 12h
PROM and chorioam- 3–8% 6–10% GBS meningitis: 66 mg/kg/
nionitis dose every 8h
PROM or positive 4–6% 7–11% DOL 7 ,1200 grams
GBS and preterm 25 mg/kg/dose every 12h
PROM and 5-min 3–4% 6–10% Meningitis 50 mg/kg/dose
Apgar score ,6 every 12h
Male sex Risk ) 4-fold Risk ) 4-fold DOL 7 1200–2000 grams
25 mg/kg/dose every 8h
*Highly suspected sepsis includes cases in which cultures were negative but the Meningitis 50 mg/kg/dose
clinical presentation was highly consistent with bacterial infection, such as every 8h
infants with pneumonia. DOL 7  2000 grams
GBS, group B streptococcus; PROM, premature rupture of membranes. 25 mg/kg/dose every 6h
Adapted from Gerdes JS. Clinicopathologic approach to the diagnosis of neonatal Meningitis 50 mg/kg/dose
sepsis. Clin Perinatol 1991;18:361-81.
every 6h
GBS meningitis: 75 mg/kg/
dose every 6h
D. Treat the asymptomatic infant after evaluation of the risk Gentamicin Postconceptional age 29 wk Intravenous solu-
factors. If maternal colonization with GBS is present but tion: 10 mg/ml
the infant is 35 weeks of gestation or more and the mother (2 ml)
0–7 days: 5 mg/kg/dose IV
has received two or more doses of intrapartum antibiotic every 48h
prophylaxis, the infant may be observed closely for 8–28 days: 4 mg/kg/dose IV
48 hours or longer. If one or two risk factors other than every 36h
maternal colonization with GBS are present, perform $29 days: 4 mg/kg/dose
every 24h
laboratory screening and begin therapy as indicated. Con- Postconceptional age 30–34 wk
sider treatment in the presence of three clinical risk fac- 0–7 days: 4.5 mg/kg/dose
tors, regardless of GBS status or results of screening. IV every 36h
E. Treat the symptomatic infant regardless of risk factors. $8 days: 4 mg/kg/dose IV
Consider chest radiography in infants with respiratory every 24h
Postconceptional age .35 wk
symptoms. Monitor glucose concentration, oxygen- 4 mg/kg/dose IV every 24h
ation, blood pressure, renal function, electrolyte values, Cefotaxime 7 days Vials: 500 mg,
and coagulation. Consider viral cultures and serology if 1 g, 2 g
congenital infection or viral infection is possible. 50 mg/kg/dose IV every 12h
.7 days
F. Antibiotic therapy will vary according to whether neo- 50 mg/kg/dose IV every 8h
natal sepsis is early- or late-onset sepsis. For early- Immunoglobulin, Premature newborn: Vials: 2.5, 5 g
onset sepsis, begin antibiotic therapy with intravenous intravenous 500 mg/kg/dose
or intramuscular ampicillin and an aminoglycoside Term newborn:
(Table 2). For late-onset sepsis, intravenous or intra- 750 mg/kg/dose
Reconstitute to 5% solution
muscular ampicillin and an aminoglycoside can be Graded, slow infusion
started. A third-generation cephalosporin should also
be considered if an infant has signs or symptoms for IV, intravenously.
meningitis or community-acquired pneumonia. Oth-
erwise, rapid emergence of cephalosporin-resistant,
gram-negative organisms can occur if use is routine 14 days and meningitis for 14 to 21 days. Consider two
and has been documented as a problem in neonatal antibiotics for coverage against gram negative bactere-
intensive care units that regularly use third-generation mia in extremely sick infants, or for treatment in infants
cephalosporins. For a hospitalized infant, or an infant with proven gram negative sepsis. If cultures are nega-
with a central venous catheter, vancomycin can tive, discontinue antibiotics after 48 to 72 hours.
be given in place of ampicillin. Continue appropriate G. Stabilize acutely ill infants with intubation, volume
antibiotic treatment on the basis of culture results, and pressor support, and coagulation factors as indi-
with the goal to narrow antibiotic coverage as soon as cated. Treat seizures. Intravenous immunoglobulin
identification and susceptibilities of the pathogen are may be useful in certain circumstances associated
known. Consider 7 to 10 days of therapy for positive with neutropenia. Granulocyte transfusions and the
GBS antigen. Treat positive blood culture for 7 to use of cytokines continue to be under investi­gation.
(Continued on page 304)
Newborn with Suspected SEPSIS

D Asymptomatic, high risk E Symptomatic

(Cont’d from p 301) (Cont’d from p 301)

No GBS Maternal No GBS

+ GBS colonization +
1 or 2 risk factors + 3 risk factors
Prematurity or inadequate
intrapartum antibiotic

WBC/differential Treat:
Serum GBS antigen or CRP F IV antibiotics

G Supportive care

Negative Positive
Consider viral
Follow-up: Treat:
Observe IV antibiotics
48 h

Culture negative Culture positive

Lumbar puncture,
Follow-up: if not done previously
Discontinue antibiotics
and observe Identify and treat:
Meningitis (p 638)

Continue antibiotics
for 7–21 days

References Garner AM, Hodgman JE. Can fullterm and nearterm infants at
risk for sepsis be managed safely without antibiotics? J Perinatol
Allen SR. Management of asymptomatic term neonates whose mothers 1999;19:589–92.
received intrapartum antibiotics—part 1: rationale for intrapartum Gibbs RS, McDuffie RS Jr, McNabb F, et al. Neonatal group B strepto-
antibiotic therapy. Clin Pediatr 1997;36:563–8. coccal sepsis during 2 years of a universal screening program. Obstet
Allen SR: Management of asymptomatic term neonates whose mothers Gynecol 1994;84:496–500.
received intrapartum antibiotics—part 2: diagnostic tests and Lawn JE, Kerber K, Enweronu-Laryea C, Cousens S. 3.6 million
management strategies. Clin Pediatr 1997;36:617–24. neonatal deaths—what is progressing and what is not? Sem Perinatol
Baltimore RS. Neonatal sepsis: epidemiology and management. Pediatr 2010;34:371–86.
Drugs 2003;5(11):723–40. Stoll BJ, Hansen N, Fanaroff AA, et al. Changes in pathogens causing
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Revision of guidelines for early-onset sepsis in very-low-birth-weight infants. N Engl J Med
the prevention of perinatal group B streptococcal disease. JAMA 2002;347:240–7.


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