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The Lily Spell

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationship: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginny
Weasley, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Bellatrix Black
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Verse, Omega Draco Malfoy,
Alpha Harry Potter, Voldemort is dead already, No Second Wizarding
War, Slightly Altered Timeline, alive Remus and Sirius, Older Harry,
Younger Draco Malfoy, Draco is seventeen Harry is twenty-one, Age
Difference, Magical Accidents, Shy Draco Malfoy, Mpreg, Orphan
Draco Malfoy, ooc draco malfoy, OOC, Draco has a nervous stutter,
Smaller Draco, bigger harry, Out of Character Draco Malfoy, Accidental
Pregnancy, Fluff, Slow Burn, Loss of Virginity, Virgin Draco Malfoy,
Inexperienced Draco Malfoy, Experienced Harry Potter, Size Difference,
Protective Harry Potter, Male Lactation, Lactation Kink, Boys With
Breasts, Small pregnancy breasts, Daddy Kink, slick, Pining, More fluff
than porn, Innocent Draco Malfoy, Not as rife with porn as it sounds
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2021-07-28 Completed: 2021-08-11 Words: 86,512 Chapters:

Love this
I smell Jealousy
The Lily Spell
by pickledghost


Harry Potter is one of the most handsome and sought after alphas on the Hogwarts Higher
Education Programme. Draco Malfoy on the other hand, is the Seventh Year omega son of
deceased Death Eaters and is widely ignored and shunned by his peers. Harry doesn’t even
know Draco exists until he discovers that the younger boy is pregnant with his baby thanks to
a spell gone wrong.


Quick note to say this is self indulgent trash. If you find the trope of ‘cute, vulnerable,
innocent lil’ omega’ totally cringe then I would not recommend this fic for you. Draco is very
ooc in this and please do check the tags.
Draco is seventeen at the start of this whilst Harry is twenty-one. This is an mpreg fic with
slow burn. It’s more fluff than porn but it does later contain explicit omega orientated kinks
that may squick you.
Thank you so much for reading.
Chapter 1


Harry caught the Ogden’s bottle with ease as Seamus laughed tipsily and sent another
whizzing through the air towards Ron.

“What a game,” Seamus announced for about the fifth time that night. Harry grinned in
agreement, Gaedere House had absolutely swept the floor with the visiting team from
Durmstrang. Three years ago, Harry had felt a little odd donning the house’s purple sporting
strip after seven years of Gryffindor red. However, he had quickly grown used to his new
allegiance whilst still cheering for the younger years in inter-house games.

After the Wizarding War, where Voldemort had been defeated by the Order of the Phoenix
and the courageous sacrifice of James and Lily Potter, it had been decided that higher
education should be more encouraged within the magical community. Of course, there had
always been institutes and advanced schools that one could graduate to from Hogwarts, but
the intake had consistently been rather small.

In order to facilitate more cohesive unity between wizarding factions, Hogwarts had been one
of the first European schools to start offering four year university level programmes once you
had finished your now compulsory seventh year. Harry had been pleased to find that nearly
all of his friends also decided to stay for the course. Furthermore, the diploma received at the
end of it made it easier to gain higher level entry into the most desirable career paths.

Harry had his sights set on the aurors and whilst Sirius had scoffed at the concept of extra
voluntary schooling, Remus had been very pro the idea. The quiet and fiercely intelligent
werewolf had batted Sirius over the head and told Harry that he should opt to stay at
Hogwarts for as long as possible before being thrust into the drudgery of working life.

Now Harry was twenty-one and very much enjoying himself.

“Bloody hell, I’m not looking forward to my hangover tomorrow morning,” Ron groaned,
slumping into the armchair next to Harry. Ron’s face was flushed nearly as fiery as his copper
hair and Harry could see that his friend was shooting furtive looks across at Hermione.

“Just go talk to her,” Harry grinned, stroking the stubble on his chin. Ron and Hermione had
been dating for four years now. However, recently Hermione had been floating around the
idea of doing an internship with the U.S. Ministry of Magic after graduating.

“What if I don’t want to hear the answer?” Ron frowned. “What if she’s grown out of me and
wants to go find some ‘all American’ alpha?”

Harry sighed and shook his head, Ron had always been a little insecure about having
presented as a beta when they were fifteen. This was despite the fact that most of the students
in their year had matured into betas. Harry estimated there were only about twelve alphas in
their cohort, with him included. Researchers claimed that the low alpha birth rates for their
year were a direct result of Voldemort’s uprising.

“Don’t be a berk,” Harry chuckled. “You know she’s mad about you.”

“Easy for you to say,” Ron grouched, “everybody wants a piece of Harry Potter.”

Harry smirked smugly as he took another sip of his Ogden’s, ice cold thanks to a chilling

“We bitching about Harry’s fan club again?” Seamus asked enthusiastically as Harry rolled
his eyes. The others liked to give him grief but it wasn’t Harry’s fault he was the subject of so
much attention. He guessed it helped that after presenting alpha, Harry had filled out nicely
and grown into his adolescent lankiness. He now stood tall and broad shouldered with thick
black hair, green eyes and coffee coloured skin.

“Venetia Dawson’s been smelling awfully sweet when you’re around,” Seamus grinned with
his teeth on display.

Venetia was a seventh year omega with perfectly curled hair and a porcelain doll face. She
was objectively incredibly beautiful and always made it blisteringly obvious that she was
hoping Harry would suddenly invite her to Hogsmeade.

Something about the omegas Harry interacted with at Hogwarts bored him though. They
were so stuffed full of familial directions on how to bag a desirable alpha that the asinine
smiles and tittering laughs just seemed horribly fake.

Occasionally, Harry would even receive letters from simpering parents of omegas near his
age detailing just how wonderful their progenies were and how the families would be ever so
delighted to welcome Harry at their estates in the south of France or skiing chalets in

“Think I’ll pass,” Harry replied with a shrug. It was one thing to have a few sweaty nights
with various attractive betas but another to start entertaining an omega who simply wanted to
get their claws in before anyone else did.

“Suit yourself,” Seamus replied, disbelievingly.

“Oh you know Harry,” Ron grinned, “so laid back he’s horizontal. I swear he doesn’t even
notice half of the pretty omegas drooling over him.”

Harry shifted on the seat, he figured that was probably fair. Once Harry had made his circle
of friends he didn’t give much thought to anyone else. He had occasionally heard himself
described as ‘aloof’ and he knew he had inadvertently been a little too harsh in the past when
rejecting offers, resulting in embarrassing floods of tears.

The truth was though, having been raised by Sirius, Harry just didn’t see the point in doing
anything that wasn’t fun. Staying at Hogwarts had meant more nights like this with his
friends, more quidditch and pissing about in Hogsmeade. Even joining the aurors was going
to be exciting. Harry knew his magic was powerful and he always itched for opportunities to
use it, feel the thrill racing through his veins.

Harry was confident in his looks and his abilities and whilst certain Professors (Snape) liked
to describe Harry as ‘arrogant and lazy’, his grades and achievements stood for themselves.
Of course, Remus had always been there too, to tone down Harry’s cockiness and remind him
to keep his alpha in check. It didn’t exactly help though that Sirius would be pulling faces in
the background.

The door to the common room opened and a flux of tenth years filtered in. Harry waved
lazily over to Ginny who returned the gesture with a rude one of her own. Harry laughed,
evidently the red headed beta was still pissed off at Harry for making a mean spirited joke
about the size of Dean’s dick after a locker room dispute.

Harry didn’t really mind that Ginny had gone back to Dean. Harry and her had been on again
off again fuckbuddies for the last three years and he was pretty sure that when she grew bored
of Dean, Harry would find her back in his bed with teasing words and clever hands.

“What did you do to my sister now?” Ron sighed wearily. “Honestly if I have to sit through
another Sunday roast as painful as the last one…”

“It’s fine, Ron,” Harry tutted, nudging his friend in the ribs, “focus on your own

“Can’t bloody think about anything else,” Ron huffed, sinking miserably further down in his


The next morning Harry awoke with a raging headache, fumbling around on the bedside table
for a hangover potion.

“Seamus already nicked it,” Ron announced. Harry peered across to where his friend was sat
up in his own bed looking like Harry felt. Ron’s skin had turned a queasy shade of green and
his eyes appeared to be having trouble focussing.

“That fucker,” Harry bit out, “you already taken one?”

“Yeah,” Ron whispered, “waiting for it to kick in.”

“Right,” Harry sighed, levering out of bed and shuffling over to Dean’s trunk, rooting around
before pulling out the sapphire blue vial.

“Sure you haven’t got it out for him?” Ron grinned, the colour seemed to be returning to
normal on his cheeks and he was sitting a little straighter against the headboard.
“Whatever,” Harry shrugged, “he’s obviously not suffering like I am if he made it to morning

“It’s Saturday, mate,” Ron grimaced.

Harry blinked at him before looking round the empty dorm room. “Where is everybody

“Buggered off down to Hogsmeade,” Ron sighed “Merlin knows why, it’s pelting down.”

Harry turned to look out the window, wincing a little at the pale light. The rain was coming
down in heavy sheets and he could see that the grounds were already becoming waterlogged,
great muddy puddles bubbling up on the grass.

“Well there goes the last of the summer weather,” Harry sighed. He had been quite enjoying
the warm evenings and the makeshift barbeque area that Benny Hardwick and Michael
Corner had set up behind the back of the house annexe.

“Be winter before you know it,” Ron yawned, heaving himself out of bed and gingerly
changing into clothes for the day.

“Autumn first,” Harry murmured absently. It was early October and already the leaves on the
trees were changing into dappled hues of red and brown.

A sharp rapping on the door made both men flinch.

“Shitting hell,” Ron panted, clutching his rolled up jeans over his underpants.

Harry crossed over to the large oak door, studded with iron nails and creaked it open. On the
other side stood the Hogwarts headmistress, Professor McGonagall, looking extremely

“Mr. Potter,” she announced, her lips coming together in a thin line. “I would appreciate you
coming with me.”

“Are my godfathers okay?” Harry frowned worriedly, rushing back over to his bed and
quickly changing into jeans and a pullover, not giving a damn if he inadvertently flashed the
headmistress. Sirius and Remus were still touring the world as they had been doing for the
past five years but they were the only family Harry had left.

“As far as I know,” McGonagall sniffed, “although I wouldn’t put it past Mr. Black to drag
Mr. Lupin into some sort of trouble.”

“Yeah,” Harry grinned, relaxing slightly and slowing down. McGonagall, however, still
looked rather sombre as she perfunctorily gestured the way for Harry to follow her.

Ron shot Harry a half questioning, half sympathetic look as Harry left the dorm rooms and
travelled through the annexe into the main body of the castle. The two of them walked in
complete silence as they proceeded down the long stone passageway towards the
headmistress’s office.
“Eton mess,” McGonagall announced to the gnarled stone gargoyle. The door subsequently
swung open to reveal two other faculty members.

Harry just about stopped himself from pulling a face as he recognised Professor Severus
Snape. Advanced Potions was unfortunately a compulsory part of Harry’s mixed arts diploma
course. Snape looked, characteristically, like he had swallowed a lemon. Harry wondered
what he was meant to have done wrong now? Snape was always trying to pin shit on Harry,
despite it normally being Seamus and Dean who were the perpetrators.

Surprisingly, Madam Pomfrey was also present and it was unusual to see her looking so

“Okay,” Harry sighed, crossing his arms defensively. “What did I do?”

“Of all the insolent –“ Snape began as Professor McGonagall raised her hand.

“Please Mr. Potter, take a seat,” she instructed. Harry positioned himself on a sturdy
mahogany chair that was slightly higher than Snape’s. Harry already had a fair few inches on
the man and it made him smirk to see Snape having to tilt his head to glare up at him.

“Harry,” Professor McGonagall began, jerking Harry’s attention back to her at the unusual
use of his given name. “When we introduced the higher education programme at Hogwarts,
we understood the implications of having a large number of adult students mingling with the
younger cohorts.” McGonagall paused to levitate a pot of tea over to them, refilling her cup
with something that smelled strongly of valerian, the calming root.

“We anticipated fraternisation and whilst there is little we can do regarding entanglements of
the physical nature between inhabitants of Gaedere House itself, I am incredibly disappointed
in what you have done.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Harry scrunched up his face. Everyone in Gaedere slept around, they were
in their twenties and he really didn’t get why it was suddenly worthy of a meeting. Did they
think Harry was some sort of sexual ambassador or something?

“Draco Malfoy,” Snape snapped irritably beside Harry.

“I’m going to assume that’s a name?” Harry questioned as Snape’s cheeks coloured further in

“He’s a seventh year omega,” Pomfrey explained.

“Okay,” Harry shrugged, still not understanding where this was going. There were several
omegas in the seventh year and Harry hadn’t made it his business to get to know many of
them by name. The only ones he did know were because they had introduced themselves.
Male omegas were rarer of course, tending to only herald from pureblood lineages. The name
‘Malfoy’ also vaguely rang a bell but not from any matters regarding Hogwarts.

“He’s pregnant,” Snape hissed, jumping to his feet, his black cloak billowing behind him.
Harry stared at him in surprise, it wasn’t unheard of for omegas to get knocked up at school
but it was pretty unusual. Most likely the omega had forgotten his birth control or perhaps he
had just really wanted to become a parent.

“I still don’t understand why I’m here,” Harry prompted, looking back to a now curious faced

“Draco fainted last night,” Madam Pomfrey explained, “he was brought up to the hospital
wing unconscious. We did a scan and found he was with child.”

“The baby’s magical signature,” Professor McGonagall continued, “it’s a match for yours.”

“What the fuck?” Harry’s mouth dropped open as Snape made another angry hissing sound
beside him.

“Harry, are you telling me you do not know Draco Malfoy?” Professor McGonagall

“Knot head alpha like Potter?” Snape spat, “I doubt he bothers to remember all his

“Hey!” Harry protested weakly, still feeling rather shell shocked. “I’m telling you, I haven’t
slept with a single omega...” he trailed off at Professor McGonagall’s expression, “this year.”
Harry added, going slightly red in the face. “Look,” Harry rubbed the back of his neck, “are
you absolutely sure the baby’s mine? Because I genuinely don’t know any Draco Malfoy and
I certainly haven’t gotten anyone pregnant.”

“Poppy,” Professor McGonagall inclined her head, “I think perhaps we should visit the
hospital wing.”

“Do I have to come?” Harry asked as Snape shrieked next to him. Honestly, Harry knew the
man wasn’t his biggest fan but his reaction seemed to be a little overboard.

“Yes, Mr. Potter,” Professor McGonagall levelled him with an unimpressed glare. “I think
you should.”

The hospital wing smelled like freesias and disinfecting spells as their odd and incredibly
intense looking party filtered past the beds housing students in various states of symptoms.
The most serious case currently appeared to be a tiny first year who had grown an elephant’s
trunk where her nose should be. She trumpeted in embarrassment as Harry walked by, pulling
the blue covers over her head.

Eventually, they reached a bed curtained off from view, behind which Harry could definitely
smell the acrid fragrance of an omega in distress, it was like rust and acid and stuck
unpleasantly in his nostrils.

Pomfrey pulled back the curtains, plastic hooks running along the overhead bar. Harry’s eyes
immediately fell on the occupant of the bed. The omega was small and thin, probably too thin
as his collarbones cut sharply across his milk white skin where the medical gown gaped open.
His hair was a silver blond and his wide eyes were a pale grey fanned with fair lashes.

Harry vaguely recognised the boy, he was pretty sure he had helped the omega a month or so
ago in one of the school corridors. But apart from that, Harry was certain he hadn’t interacted
with this omega in any other capacity, definitely not one that would get him pregnant.

“Draco?” Madam Pomfrey asked.

The omega had started shaking, small pink lips open in a silent gasp as he stared at Harry. He
wasn’t an obviously stunning omega, in fact Harry didn’t think he had even necessarily
clocked the boy’s sex status before. Draco’s skin was white to the point of almost being
translucent in places. He had a slightly pointed face and bony looking body. Draco could
probably even pass as a very small, somewhat delicate beta. Then again, Harry could never
scent betas' emotions, as evidenced by his many blowout arguments with Ginny over

Draco, however, smelled shocked, embarrassed and for some strange reason, terrified.

“I- I’m sorry,” Draco stammered, hugging his arms tightly around his upper body which was
still violently shaking. “I’m so sorry, I d-didn’t mean to. I made a mistake.”

Harry narrowed his eyes as Snape took a step forwards, reaching out to place his hand on
Draco’s shoulder.

“Severus is the boy’s godfather,” Professor McGonagall murmured in explanation.

“Draco,” Snape began in a voice far kinder than Harry had ever heard it directed at him or his
peers. “Calm down and explain. What did Potter do to you?”

Harry’s own mouth dropped open in indignation.

“N-Nothing,” Draco stated quickly before Harry could even defend himself. “Please Sev, d-
don’t tell him.”

“I am afraid Mr. Potter has already been made aware of your condition,” Professor
McGonagall announced, looking very serious. “You are going to need to explain yourself Mr.

The omega made a small, pained sound that made Harry’s fingers twitch with discomfort.

“I d-didn’t know,” Draco looked as though he was about to burst into tears, his eyes were
already red rimmed and his bottom lip was wobbling. “I didn’t know i-it would do this.”

“What would do this?” Madam Pomfrey asked, her voice calm and measured.

“The spell,” Draco sniffed as great fat tears began to roll down his cheeks. “I w-was reading
one of your old journals Uncle Sev,” Draco turned to his godfather pleadingly, “it was the one
with the drawing of the lily next to it.”
Snape took a sharp inhale of breath and Harry could see his shoulders had risen up with

“Oh Draco,” Snape hissed through his teeth. “What have you done?”
Chapter 2

Two Weeks Earlier

Draco looked out across the Great Hall from an empty corner of the Slytherin table. He had
been pushing the peas around on his plate for the last ten minutes. Finally, the doors swung
open and the Gaedere students came traipsing in, laughing and talking.

In the middle of one particularly rowdy group, Draco spotted Harry Potter. The man was
pretty famous around the school, being the son of war heroes and a powerful alpha wizard in
his own right. Not to mention that Harry was horribly attractive with unruly jet black hair and
piercing green eyes. Whilst the alphas in Draco’s year liked to strut about as if they owned
the place, Harry Potter was most definitely a grown man with five o’ clock shadow and
muscled bulk.

Draco watched as Harry rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, revealing hairy, dark forearms, the
corded tendons flexing as he grabbed his tall ginger friend and steered them over to the
Gaedere table. Draco blushed and flicked his eyes downwards back at his abandoned meal.

It was so silly harbouring a crush on Harry Potter, Draco was sure that most of the school felt
the same way. The other omegas certainly did, with Venetia Dawson proclaiming that her
family were already in mating talks with the man in question.

Draco looked back up, chewing anxiously on his lip as a stunning red headed woman made
herself comfortable on Harry’s lap. Draco had seen her with the alpha before, the two of them
exuding power and confidence. Perhaps Potter didn’t even like omegas? Even if he did he
certainly wouldn’t be interested in Draco.

Hogwarts had been…difficult for Draco. After his parents fought and died for the Dark
Lord’s side in the Wizarding War, the Malfoy name acted as a social deterrent. Draco had
attempted to make friends of course, and for the first three years he had enjoyed the
somewhat dull company of Crabbe and Goyle, whose families were also not exactly flavour
of the month at wizarding social events.

However, after Crabbe had presented as an alpha, his parents had transferred him to
Durmstrang in order to try and make a new start, hopefully resulting in a good mating
arrangement. Goyle had followed soon after, which had stung Draco slightly but he couldn’t
begrudge that Greg had probably always been closer to Vince than he had Draco.

After his only friends had left, Hogwarts had seemed all the more horribly empty for Draco.
He had ended up spending most of his free time down in the Potions dungeons with Severus.
Draco’s beta godfather had been temporarily looking after the omega. This was due to
Draco’s aunt Bellatrix having been injured that year during a dangerous ritual that Draco
suspected had been intended to bring back the Dark Lord.
Draco couldn’t exactly say he was sorry to have not gone back to the Lestrange house that
summer. Not that he had ever been truly mistreated there, just horribly ignored. Along with
his aunt’s constant biting remarks over not being a pretty or good enough omega.

Although omega rights still weren’t great, if Bellatrix had her way Draco would have already
been yanked out of school and mated off to some pureblood family.

Draco was grateful that Severus was all for him continuing his studies. Draco was fascinated
by potions, often poring over his godfather’s old ingredients journals and trying out new
things. The loneliness Draco felt had become rather oppressive though the more his omega
side came into full maturity.

Other omegas would constantly touch each other for comfort and security. Friends would
cuddle together and gossip about alphas whilst Draco was left, ostracised on the outskirts
looking in. Severus had never quite appreciated the level of the other students’ apathy
towards Draco or perhaps he simply didn’t know how to help. In the first few years the
distain had been acted out physically with stuck out legs to trip Draco up or sharp elbows to
his ribs in the quidditch changing rooms.

After presenting omega, however, it switched more to just being icily ignored. A month ago,
Draco had been half wondering if he had started turning invisible as a group of second years
had obliviously barrelled into him on the third floor corridor.

Draco had yelped as he had stumbled into the cold stone wall, his books scattering across the
corridor. With a resigned sigh he had crouched down to gather them all back up, hoping the
ones he had borrowed from the library weren’t damaged enough to warrant a reprimand from
Madam Pince.

Suddenly, Draco had found himself with a nose full of heady alpha scent as a large body had
knelt down beside him to help. It had been the first time Draco had ever been up close to
Harry Potter and the other man smelled divine, like cinnamon and bonfire smoke.

“You alright there?” Harry had asked, with an easy grin, his white teeth flashing.

“Y-Yes,” Draco had stammered, cursing his nervous stutter and sweating palms.

“First and Second years,” Harry had chuckled, “always way too eager to be back at school

Draco hadn’t trusted himself to speak again, simply nodding and staring down at the
reassembled pile of books in his arms as he clambered back up to his feet.

“The bell’s already rung so you should be safe from any more stampeding hoards,” Harry
told him and as Draco lifted his head the man had winked at him.

Before Draco had considered any kind of intelligent response, Harry was striding away and
Draco was left staring at his broad back and onyx hair with the scent of bonfire lingering in
the air.
No one ever spoke to Draco, no one ever helped him or noticed him.

But Harry Potter had.

Over the following weeks, Draco’s interest in the dark, carefree alpha had morphed into a
fully blown crush. At night, Draco would imagine what the man’s arms would feel like
wrapped around him, Draco’s omega sated and reassured. He would imagine taking Harry’s
hand and excitedly showing him the new potions Draco was working on from Uncle Sev’s
journal. He wondered if Harry would be impressed?

A lot of alphas might be annoyed their omega was paying so much attention to something
like Potions work, wanting them to concentrate on more domestic affairs. But Draco didn’t
think Harry would be like that, he imagined the alpha smiling down at him proudly, his green
eyes twinkling.

Sometimes, in the silent darkness of the night, Draco imagined letting the alpha kiss him.
Draco had never been kissed before so he didn’t have much reference for his musings apart
from a battered romance novel he had stolen from his aunt’s library. Draco was pretty sure it
had belonged to his omega mother anyway, as the initials N.B. were inscribed on the front
page in curling script.

When Draco imagined Harry, the insistent press of the alpha’s full lips, the tickling scratch of
his stubble, he would find himself growing sticky between his thighs. At these times, Draco
would quickly cast several cleaning spells in quick succession, looking furtively around the
Slytherin omega dorm and praying that no one had smelled him.

The ancient metal bell in the Hogwarts clock tower began clanging loudly to signal the end of
lunch and Draco’s attention was brought back to the Great Hall. He looked over to see with a
pang of disappointment that most of the Gaedere students had already left, Harry Potter

“Of course,” Venetia was announcing proudly from the Hufflepuff table across the way,
“Daddy says Harry is very keen on initiating courting with me. He’s even considering
coming to our Mirabel chalet for the skiing season.”

Draco had a horrible vision of Harry Potter and Venetia curled up together somewhere in the
Alps with mugs of hot cocoa and a fuzzy blanket over the two of them. He sighed
despondently, giving his peas a final push for good measure before vanishing his plate and
leaving the Great Hall.

The Potions classroom was currently occupied with other students, but Draco had a free
period and was able to skirt round the hidden tapestry of Medea poisoning Glauce’s robe and
into a small stone chamber that adjoined Severus’ office.

Draco’s cauldron was still bubbling happily away in the corner. His latest project came from
one of Sev’s diaries and was linked to a seemingly self composed spell. Draco had interpreted
as much of the theory as he could from his godfather’s faded calligraphy but it seemed the
spell was to prevent someone from feeling alone.

Of course, it was irresponsible to try out a new spell on himself, but Draco had had enough.
After years of being touch starved and excluded, Draco couldn’t bear it anymore. If a spell
was what it took to suddenly bring him friends, then so be it.

Draco thought of Harry Potter, how such a charming and popular alpha must never feel alone.
He thought of the beautiful red headed girl on Potter’s lap, of Venetia’s assertion that Potter
was to be holidaying with her family.

I wish I could just have some part of him Draco thought miserably as he stirred the
simmering potion I wish I wasn’t so alone.


Present Day

Harry slumped back down into the chair in the headmistress’ office, this time choosing one
with a cushion on it for the extra comfort.

“I believe I owe you an apology Mr. Potter,” Professor McGonagall stated over what Harry
swore was her eighth cup of tea that morning. He figured though that the headmistress
probably really needed it considering one of the omega students was pregnant on her watch.

After Draco had admitted what he had done, desperately telling them that he hadn’t meant for
this to happen, the omega had simply become too distressed for any sensible conversation.
Harry had been quickly ushered away by Professor McGonagall whilst Madam Pomfrey had
forced a calming draught down the hysterical boy’s throat. The smell of acidic rust had
become so strong that Harry thought he might be sick.

“It’s okay Professor,” Harry sighed, “I can understand why it was your first conclusion.”

“I must then entreat you Harry,” McGonagall paused, considering her words carefully,
“please consider your next move with your usual level of empathy.”

Harry looked up, raising his eyebrows in confusion.

“If you were to press charges against Mr. Malfoy,” she continued, “it would be incredibly
traumatising for an omega…”

“Merlin, no!” Harry shook his head quickly. “I’m not thinking of doing that.” He shivered,
having heard nothing good from Percy Weasley about the way omegas were treated by the
legal system.
“I see,” Professor McGonagall visibly relaxed. “I was worried how you might react, given
some of the incidents that have happened over the years.”

Harry gave her a grim smile. During his time at Hogwarts, several of his admirers had gone
out of their way to try and send Harry love potion infused chocolates or scent fixators, hoping
to secure some sort of claiming bite.

“Yeah, I don’t think Draco falls into that category,” Harry replied, thinking of the true terror
in the omega’s eyes, the way he had admitted everything immediately.

“No,” Professor McGonagall agreed. “Being at Hogwarts hasn’t always been easy for the
young Mr. Malfoy, I believe he has struggled to make friends here. I fret I should have done
more to help him feel secure after presenting as an omega.”

Harry chewed the inside of his cheek, he knew that lack of intimacy, whether physical or
social, could really affect omegas. Plus, from what he had learned, Draco was also an orphan
and the idea of having Snape as your godfather instead of the warmth of Sirius and Remus,
Harry shivered at the thought.

“So, what happens now?” Harry asked, shifting on his seat. Despite being twenty-one he still
felt like he was a nervous eleven year old whenever he was in the headmistress’ office.

A strained expression passed over Professor McGonagall’s face as she slid a roll of
parchment across to Harry.

“You will need to sign here in order to give your permission for the Healer from St. Mungo’s
to terminate the pregnancy,” she informed him.

“What?” Harry grimaced, he had naively hoped that he would just be able to walk away now
that his role, or lack thereof, had been established. Although of course Harry had realised the
spell would be ended, he hadn’t anticipated actually having to be involved so directly. No
omega would consider having a child whilst they were unmated, despite it being old
fashioned bullshit, that was the way it worked. There was an element of biological sensibility
to it as well, for omegas were ill designed to carry a child to term without an alpha’s support.

“Draco is an omega,” the headmistress looked stiff, her fingers curling round her still
steaming cup. “As such, his legal guardian is required to give their assent.”

“So why do you need my signature?” Harry frowned, for some reason he just really didn’t
want to pick up that quill and put his name to this whole affair. “Call up his guardian and get
them to do it.”

“Mrs. Lestrange is already on her way,” Professor McGonagall’s nose wrinkled up as if she
had smelled something distasteful. Harry vaguely recognised the surname from the war
history, guessing that, similar to the Malfoys, the Lestranges had been on the opposite side to
his parents. “However, whilst Draco is technically with child, all decisions fall to the charge
of his legal alpha, the other parent.” McGonagall spoke stiffly and awkwardly as a chill ran
down Harry’s spine.
“Well excuse my language Professor, but that’s fucked up,” Harry replied woodenly. He
didn’t even know Draco and now suddenly Harry was legally qualified to sign medical forms
for him?

“That may well be,” Professor McGonagall tipped her head, “but it is the law.”

“Fine,” Harry huffed, snatching up the quill and scribbling his name as quickly as possible.
The whole thing left a nasty taste in his mouth. He knew that omegas were legally seen as
property, even Molly wasn’t able to open a Gringott’s account with written approval from
Arthur, but other than that Harry didn’t have many experiences with them.

“Was,” Harry cleared his throat, not wanting to sound rude but also desperately wanting to
just forget all about this and go crawl back into his bed, “was there anything else Professor?”

“Ah, no Harry,” Professor McGonagall shook her head awkwardly, “you may leave and well
done for the match yesterday.”

“Thanks,” Harry replied, forcing a smile as he stalked out of the office, ignoring the jaunty
whistling of the stone gargoyle behind him.


“What?” Harry snapped, turning to Hermione, whose shocked expression made him sag with
exhaustion. Harry had spent all day yesterday and then most of the night thinking about the
strange little omega squirreled away up in the hospital wing, clothed in a too big gown.

Professor McGonagall had informed Harry that the Healer from St. Mungo’s would be
arriving on Monday to perform the procedure. Information that, quite frankly, Harry could
have done without as he had huffed and sent her indignant owl back without a treat.

“Sorry,” Harry muttered miserably, staring down at the book on object curse removal that
was sat open in his lap. He must have read the same page on curse dipped ink used in
manuscript illumination about ten times by now.

He and some of the others were seated in the Gaedere common room for their weekly joint
study session. Neville had even lit the fire, despite it not even being that cold outside yet.

“Harry James Potter, you have been in an absolutely foul mood all morning,” Hermione
trilled, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes. Her usually bushy hair had been tamed into
braids and she was wearing one of Ron’s oversized grey hoodies with her feet tucked up
underneath her on the sofa.

“Yeah, sorry,” Harry sighed, scrubbing his face and trying to remember if he had brushed his
teeth that morning.
“You’ve been funny every since that meeting with Professor McGonagall,” Hermione stated
and Harry could see the cogs in her brain whirring, trying to figure out the solution to a
problem she didn’t even know about. Harry had decided not to tell anybody about what
happened with Draco, if the boy was already having a shit time then spreading a rumour like
this would be bound to make it worse.

Last night, for some godforsaken reason, Harry had done some reading on omegas, learning
that for a male one, an abortion could be pretty intensive operation. Harry wondered how
much school the blond boy would miss? If he would stay with his guardians to recover?

“I told you –“ Harry began as Hermione clucked her tongue frustratedly.

“Yes, I know, it was something confidential about another student. But honestly, Harry you
can’t be like this, you’re not learning anything!” Hermione gestured emphatically to the now
discarded textbook as Harry laughed weakly. Of course that would be what she was most
concerned about.

“Maybe you should go on a walk?” Neville piped up. “It always clears my head when I’m in
a funk. You never feel worse after a walk you know.”

“Right,” Harry nodded, “yeah, okay then.” He stood up and stretched, cracking his spine
satisfyingly from side to side.

The walk started out alright, winding around various flowerbeds and bits of shrubbery and
eventually into the castle when the wind picked up. However, for some reason Harry found
his feet carrying him to the west staircases and then past the Arithmancy Department and
then up the spiral turret and finally to the doors of the Hospital Wing.

“Bugger,” Harry muttered, irritated at his own curiosity. For some reason he just felt like he
wanted to check on the omega again. Draco had been in such a horrendous state yesterday,
his entire delicate frame wracked with tremors. Harry decided it must just be the alpha side of
him, so uncomfortable at seeing an omega in distress. Harry figured he would feel much
better once he had confirmed the boy was fine and then he could get on with life as usual.

Unfortunately, as Harry quietly cracked open the door, his nose was assaulted by rust and
acid. The rest of the beds seemed empty, Harry supposed the first year must have already lost
her transfigured trunk. The curtains around Draco’s bed were firmly closed but Harry could
hear raised, angry voices.

“Absolutely irresponsible,” a man was snarling, “I took you into my home, fed you, clothed
you, and this is how you repay us? By attempting to bring further shame to our families?”

Harry frowned as he crept closer, making sure to suppress his own scent to avoid detection.
He could smell two strangers, one a beta and the other an alpha.

“Oh come now Rodolphus,” a woman’s voice laughed nastily, it set Harry’s teeth on edge.
“Are we really that surprised? You know how pathetically desperate omegas can get, the
amount of abortions you’ve had to funnel money over to your squirrelly little mistr-“
“Bellatrix!” the man shouted angrily but the woman simply seemed amused as she cackled in

“No,” the woman hissed a second later, “I’m not surprised, but I am disappointed. You know
we’ve been trying to find a pureblood alpha for you Draco. Can you imagine if it got out that
you’d already been knocked up? The Sourbolls would laugh in our faces!”

“Atherol Sourboll is f-fifty years old!” Draco’s voice squeaked.

“Like it matters,” the woman snapped, “he took a fancy to you at our Beltane party two years
ago and keeps writing letters that are most promising.”

“I w-was fifteen two years ago!” Draco gasped. Harry felt his stomach twist with revulsion.
Arranged marriages weren’t unusual for omegas, especially within the older purebred
families who maintained a traditionalist approach to omega ‘ownership’. However, the idea
of a small, lonely Draco being shipped off to some grubby fingered fifty year old made Harry
want to throw up.

“Why couldn’t you just keep your legs shut?” the man shot back harshly. “I swear if this gets
out, we’re done with you. Let Severus deal with your wanton ways.”

“I didn’t!” Draco whined unhappily. “I t-told you, it was a spell!”

“Likely story,” the woman laughed, “brat probably slicked up for the first alpha that looked at

Harry’s lips pulled back in a snarl, these were Draco’s guardians?

“We’ve cancelled that St. Mungo’s Healer your headmistress called for,” the man announced.
“You know if one of them gets a whiff of this it’ll be all across the London gossip rags by
lunchtime. We’ve arranged for Healer Schmidt to come sort you out instead, she knows
where her bread’s buttered.”

“N-No please,” Draco hiccoughed. Harry tensed, if Draco didn’t want this family healer then
surely Harry could do something about it? The fucked up legal system must have some perks
in that Harry could insist Professor McGonagall brought in the St. Mungo’s one instead.

“Oh don’t start again,” the woman sneered. “You’re acting ridiculously.”

“Please,” Draco said again, “just send me away. I don’t even have the same s-surname as
you. No one would know. Please.”

Harry frowned, taking another step forwards.

“Please d-don’t make me get rid of it,” Draco begged as Harry’s mouth fell open in shock.

“Oh don’t be absurd,” the woman muttered, “what did I tell you Rodolphus? Omega
hormones, that’s what it is. If you think, for one moment we’d let you swell with some
mudblood knothead seed then you’re as stupid as your father was.”
Harry froze, pure anger was prickling underneath his skin.

“I’ll do anything,” Draco rasped, his voice hoarse from crying. “I’ll do anything you want
Aunt Bella. But I d-don’t want to marry Atherol Sourboll and I – I want my baby.”

Harry hadn’t even considered this, it hadn’t even crossed his mind as he had put the quill to
paper. Whilst another omega might have used the pregnancy to get something out of Harry, it
had become quickly evident that that was not Draco’s intent. So Harry hadn’t for one moment
contemplated that Draco might actually want the baby.

The woman made an aggrieved noise before there was a shuffling of fabric, “Luckily, Draco,
it doesn’t matter what you want. What exactly are you hoping for here? To waltz off into the
sunset with your alpha lover?”

“I d-don’t have a lover!” Draco protested. “I don’t want anybody. I just want my baby,

“An unmated, pregnant omega?” the woman questioned, her voice cold, “that’s not going to
happen Draco. You forget your place, Healer Schmidt will be here tomorrow and that’s final.”

Harry felt himself moving forwards before his brain could fully catch up. He pulled back the
curtain to three shocked faces. A tall, raven haired woman with a jagged scar across her
throat, a stout man in a burgundy waistcoat and Draco, whose face was horribly puffy and

“Sorry I’m late,” Harry announced, affecting his best nonchalant cheer. “Thought I’d come
and check on how you’re feeling today?”

Draco stared at Harry, his eyes as big as dinner plates.

“You…” the man began to speak, clutching at his wife’s arm, “J-James Potter…”

“My dad actually,” Harry beamed, “but I’ve been told we look alike.”

Harry picked up a glass from the bedside table before casting aguamenti and holding it out to
a still terrified looking Draco.

“By the way,” Harry cleared his throat and turned to the Lestranges, “I think you’ll find that
medical custody of a pregnant omega falls to the alpha they coupled with.”

Draco let out a little gasp, the glass slipping from his fingers and the water spreading across
the bed sheets.

“That would be me,” Harry continued, as if the Lestranges were in any doubt. Rodolphus had
turned a strange shade of purple whilst Bellatrix’s nostrils were flaring like a racehorse. Harry
could immediately scent that she was the other alpha here. The Hospital Wing door swung
open a second later as Snape marched in, followed by a worried looking Madam Pomfrey and
a tired looking Professor McGonagall.
“Why didn’t you tell me they were here alrea-“ Snape fell silent as he saw Harry standing
next to the Lestranges.

“So, as I was saying,” Harry stated firmly, trying to avoid Professor McGonagall’s
questioning gaze. “I am now Draco’s legal alpha, not you.”

“Harry,” Professor McGonagall said loudly in a clear warning tone.

“And,” Harry continued, barrelling on anyway, “if Draco wants to keep the baby, I say he

Harry tried not to wince as he heard the headmistress let out a resigned sigh, coupled with
Snape’s strangled groan.

Without another word, the Lestranges turned on their heel and marched out of the Hospital
Wing, leaving Harry to wonder what in the hell he had just done.
Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

I cannot believe this has kudos already, I’m super appreciative and grateful for the kind
support but y’all are mad ballsy leaving kudos on a wip, I mean what if we get to
chapter five and I dramatically kill off Harry in a toileting accident and have Draco
begin a torrid but fated love affair with Filch?


“I’m sorry, can you repeat that?” Ron was staring at him aghast, the liquorice wand that had
fallen out of his mouth twenty minutes ago was still stuck to the carpet.

“I’ve already repeated it,” Harry sighed, “twice.”

Hermione had yet to say anything, but Harry could tell she was bursting to. He had managed
to get his best friends alone that evening, in a small study room in the Gaedere annexe. The
walls were covered with Rococo style paintings, the occupants of which were listening
closely. Harry figured as soon as he left, the figures would be off, dashing between canvases
to spread the news that Harry Potter had impregnated some hapless omega.

“Harry,” Hermione began as a tentative whisper. “I understand you had nothing to do with the
spell and that this Draco Malfoy made an honest mistake. But why on Earth did you say he
could keep the baby?”

Harry’s mind flashed back to Draco’s hiccoughing sobs and desperate pleas whilst his aunt
laughed cruelly.

“He’s lone-“ Harry began but Hermione interrupted.

“Yes, he’s lonely, so you said. But Harry, buy him a sodding cat or something!” Hermione’s
voice had gone up an octave and she so rarely swore that even Ron flinched. “You can’t let
some seventeen year old omega give birth to your child because you feel sorry for him!”

Harry winced as Ron pulled a sympathetic face. “She is right mate, it’s pretty bloody weird. I
mean, what are you gonna do? You’ll have a kid!”

“I know,” Harry bit out, it wasn’t like his friends were saying anything he wasn’t already
painfully aware of. He looked at Hermione, “I just couldn’t do it. He wants the baby and if I
don’t allow it then I’m the one forcing him to get an abortion. Don’t you think it’s fucked up
he can’t control his own body?”
“Of course I do!” Hermione screeched, lifting her hands up. “I’ve being going on about the
way we treat omegas for years, not that anybody listens to me,” she muttered under her

“To be fair Mione,” Ron frowned, “you do have a lot of causes, I mean house elves, magical
creatures, omegas…”

“And they are all worthy ones Ronald,” Hermione snapped, causing Ron to look sheepish
and cower slightly behind Harry. “It’s just, oh Harry, I know it’s wrong, but when it gets out
that you’ve gotten an omega pregnant…”

“Probably no one will even care,” Harry finished bitterly as Hermione raised her eyebrows in
surprise. “Don’t you remember last year? That scandal with Colin Brinespawn?”

It was an ill kept secret that the Ballycastle Bats keeper had gotten the oldest Greengrass
omega daughter pregnant. Daphne had been the same year as them at Hogwarts and once the
news got out, her family was completely disgraced. Her father had even been demoted at the
Ministry. Brinespawn, however, signed a 100,000 galleon transfer deal to the Magpies and
was now rumoured to be dating Celestina Warbeck’s daughter.

“Don’t know what the fuck Ginny is going to say,” Ron stated grimly.

“She’s not my girlfriend,” Harry snapped. “Plus, she’s with Dean now and quite frankly I’m a
little miffed you guys are acting as if I went and actually bedded a seventeen year old

“Sorry,” Hermione sighed, slumping down into a nearby rocking chair. “You’re right Harry, I
know you’ve done nothing wrong. It’s just, I suppose I don’t understand why he would want
to keep the baby. I mean, it will ruin his reputation and marriage prospects.”

“Male omegas,” Harry cleared his throat awkwardly, not really wanting to let on about the
research he had done. “pregnancy can be rare for some bloodlines and the abortive procedure
is quite traumatising for the womb.”

Ron pulled a face at the word ‘womb’ and Harry couldn’t help but internally agree. What the
fuck had happened in Harry’s life for him to be suddenly requiring reading material about

“Madam Pomfrey told me,” Harry lied, hoping Ron didn’t notice the books stuffed under
Harry’s bed, “that omegas bond with the fetus immediately…like, from conception.”

“Oh dear god,” Hermione breathed out deeply, “you’re actually going through with this?”

“But why can’t you tell people it was a spell?” Ron blurted out. “That’s what I don’t get, I
mean, it’s not your fault and people are going to think…well.”

“Professor McGonagall reckons people are already going to make assumptions about Draco,”
Harry replied awkwardly as Hermione made a noise of agreement. “If I go out there and tell
them it was a spell he cast then that’s only going to make them think worse of him.”
“Baby trapping the great Harry Potter,” Ron huffed a grim laugh as Harry nodded miserably.

“Plus if they find out that there’s a spell that could get them pregnant with my DNA…”
Harry added as Ron’s face turned very pale.

“Crikey, yeah, didn’t even think of that,” his friend murmured.

“So what’s the plan?” Hermione asked, frowning over at Harry.

“Well, Draco’s pregnancy should last about nine to ten months,” Harry replied, trying to
avoid their eyes and focus on a cloud shaped stain on the tapestry of Morgana stirring her
cauldron. “He’s going to remain at school so he can complete his final year and also he’ll
need me nearby to help feed magical energy to the baby.”

Ron made a small squeaking noise.

“After the baby’s born,” Harry cleared his throat, “I don’t know what Draco will do. I assume
he’ll stay with Snape or something.”

“Are you…” Hermione tapped her lips thoughtfully, “are you planning on being in the child’s

“Of course,” Harry replied, frowning. “Yeah, I mean I can’t have a kid running around out
there that I don’t see. I’ve always wanted children, I just…wasn’t expecting this.”

“Have you told Sirius and Remus?” Ron asked as Harry pulled a face. He had already sent a
letter to his godfathers that morning via owl. He vaguely remembered they were Indonesia
right about now and wasn’t sure what time the post would arrive.

“Yeah, but I didn’t say anything about the spell,” Harry replied. “You know Sirius…I mean I
love him, he’s great but…”

Hermione nodded in understanding. Sirius was fiercely protective of Harry and if he got it in
his head that some omega had taken advantage of Harry’s good nature then he would
probably be the first to kick up a fuss.

“Well,” Ron sighed, “I guess I better tell my mum before Ginny gets to her first.”

Harry winced, he knew Draco’s pregnancy was going to be revealed within the next week or
so. Omega scents changed quickly to reflect their fertile status.

“You’re not going to do anything ridiculous like bond bite him are you?” Hermione narrowed
her eyes.

Harry shook his head, he had only just learned the omega’s name let alone considering
mating him. Bond bites were given during mating from the alpha to the omega, marking them
as taken. Whilst bonds could be dissolved, it was a painful process and not something to
undertake lightly. Of course, alphas could bite multiple omegas if they so chose, although this
was rather frowned upon in polite society.
“He’ll need my magic though,” Harry replied, “male omega pregnancies can be a lot for the
body and Draco’s already pretty weak looking.”

“I can’t believe I don’t even know what your omega looks like,” Ron snorted in disbelief.

“He’s not my omega,” Harry frowned, “and you’ll see him soon enough.”

“Is he pretty?” Ron asked, earning him another daggered glare from Hermione. Sometimes
Harry couldn’t help but think that Ron really did make things more difficult for himself on

“Not really my type,” Harry shrugged. He supposed that was true, he normally went for
stronger looking builds, people who exuded confidence and were up for some fun, like Ginny
or Justin Finch-Fletchley. The last omega Harry had been with had been a cousin of Fleur’s,
however, and Harry guessed that she had looked like the perfect vision of an omega in every

Harry’s mind conjured up Draco again, the blond boy sat on his bed, hugging his knees as
Professor McGonagall had lectured him and Harry about what the next nine months would
look like. Draco hadn’t said a word, chewing his lower pink lip until it turned red and sore.
Harry had half wanted to reach out and stop him before it bled. Draco’s hair was so pale,
whilst most of Fleur’s family were blonde too there was something almost unnatural about
Draco’s complexion. His eyes as well were such a light shade of grey to be unusual. Draco’s
skin made him look like he never saw the sun albeit apart from the odd freckle or mark.

Harry had noticed three dark freckles in a line beneath Draco’s right ear, he had stared at
them for quite some time whilst Madam Pomfrey began fussing over prenatal supplements.

“He’s,” Harry cleared his throat, “he’s interesting looking.”

Ron laughed which made Harry bristle. Harry didn’t think he was being particular fair to
Draco in his description, after all it was hard to tell what someone really looked like when
they had been crying for twenty-four hours straight.

“Well you’ll see for yourself won’t you?” Harry snapped, rolling his eyes as Ron made a
teasing sound in response.

“When is he being discharged from the Hospital Wing?” Hermione asked.

“Ah, I think he already was,” Harry replied, scratching the back of his head.

“Shouldn’t you have gone to pick him up?” Hermione frowned.

“Blimey Mione, the kid’s only two weeks pregnant, I’m sure he can manage the stairs by
himself,” Ron huffed.

“Please don’t call him a ‘kid’,” Harry groaned, pressing the heels of his palms against his
eyes until he saw speckles of colour.
“Oh Harry,” Hermione sighed, “you know you’re going to have to put up with a lot more than
that once the rest of school finds out.”

“I know,” Harry sighed, slumping down and taking his hands away from his face to see his
friends’ sympathetic expressions.

“But,” Ron interjected, “they don’t know yet. So how about tonight we crack open some
beers, wheel out the last barbeque of the year and pretend like…” Ron trailed off

“Like the great Harry Potter hasn’t got a seventeen year old omega up the duff?” Harry asked
wryly, lifting an eyebrow.

“That’s the spirit,” Ron nodded, looking like he was trying not to laugh. “I’ll go get the


Draco sat stiffly in the Charms classroom. Professor Flitwick was droning on about areas of
effect within casting but none of the students were paying him attention. In fact a lot of them
seemed to be shooting furtive looks in Draco’s direction.

It had been two weeks since Draco had been taken to the Hospital Wing and so far, along
with the help of Severus’ home brewed scent suppressors, Draco had managed to keep his
‘condition’ away from prying noses. Unfortunately, it looked like the dab-on tinctures had
reached their limit and the whispers had already started up from that morning.

Draco had only seen Harry Potter twice since the incident with Bella and Rodolphus. The
dark haired man would turn up at Madam Pomfrey’s office a little after Draco in order to
siphon off some of his excess magical energy and feed it into Draco’s core.

It had been incredibly awkward, Draco would stand stiffly and try his hardest not to look at
Harry whilst the other man splayed a large, warm hand over his still flat belly. Thankfully,
Draco’s utter humiliation and nerves mitigated any potential embarrassing bodily reactions
that he might have otherwise had with a handsome alpha that he liked touching him.

Draco still couldn’t believe the alpha was letting him keep the baby. Before Draco had found
out that Harry had medical custody over Draco, he had been trying to think of ways to
convince Bella to let him stay pregnant. It wasn’t that Draco had anything against
termination, in fact he was very pro-choice, especially for omegas. It was more that ever
since he had found out about the baby growing inside of him, Draco had already fallen in
love with the idea of it.

Draco had resigned himself to a lonely life and most probably a loveless marriage, but this
baby represented something else. He wouldn’t have ever bothered Harry with it, hoping
instead to somehow secretly steal away from school, maybe to their French relatives or
something. He knew he would make a good parent, Draco often dreamed about having a
sweet little baby in his arms, teaching them to read or buying their first cauldron.

However, Bellatrix had made it blisteringly clear that this wasn’t going to happen. Draco had
been devastatingly certain his future lay with Atherol Sourboll, the portly man who smelled
like mint humbugs and had pinched Draco’s bottom when his aunt wasn’t looking.

Draco kept fretting that Harry was going to come to his senses and change his mind. The
alpha had even insisted that Draco be allowed to complete his school studies rather than
being sent away somewhere to avoid gossip. Draco knew of course, that whilst his own
already tattered reputation was going to be irrevocably stained by the whole affair, as an
alpha, Harry shouldn’t bear too much social consternation. However, Draco still found it very
hard to believe that Harry was okay with everybody thinking he had actually gotten Draco

Draco was aware that his own late father Lucius had been rather bitter enemies with Harry’s
parents. Everyone knew the Potters had died defending their five year old son from
Voldemort, successfully taking down the Dark Lord once and for all. Besides, Draco had also
heard from the grapevine that Harry was aiming for the aurors, surely public association with
a pregnant omega of ill repute might jeopardise that?

Draco had offered to tell people about the spell but Professor McGonagall had swiftly shut
him down. Insisting that it could be dangerous for Harry if that information were to get out,
not to mention that Draco would be arrested.

A charmed paper plane jabbed Draco in the cheek, jerking him from his thoughts. The sharp
point continued to nudge him, resulting in a stinging paper cut until Draco finally snatched
the contraption from the air. Thankfully, Flitwick hadn’t noticed anything amiss, still turned
with his back to the class and chalking something up on the blackboard.

Draco unfolded the note and felt himself tense. He didn’t know who it had come from but it
was some generic sly remark about his changing scent. Everyone was fishing, wanting to be
the first that confirmed the weird little omega in Slytherin was knocked up.

The bell rang and Draco, having pre-emptively packed his bag, sped for the door before
anyone could stop him. The Great Hall was already plenty busy as Draco walked in, however
a significant hush fell as he went to take his usual seat.

“Is it true?”

Draco jerked his head up to see Damien Tuppence, a fellow Slytherin Seventh Year omega
slide onto the bench opposite him. For the most part, Damien had always ignored Draco, the
other boy was incredibly pretty with rosy cheeks, blue eyes and dark curly hair.

“Dennis Creevey says he saw you in the Hospital Wing,” Damien continued, leaning
forwards with his eyes scanning Draco critically as if expecting him to start glowing or
something. “He heard Madam Pomfrey talking about your pregnancy,” Damien stage
Draco felt sweat prickling on the back of his neck, he knew he was turning red. Whilst
blushed cheeks might look awfully pretty on a complexion like Damien’s, Draco had the
unfortunate habit of looking like a boiled lobster. He tried to calm himself, Draco had known
this would happen eventually. Instinctively he placed a hand over his stomach to remind
himself he wasn’t alone. Damien’s eyes snapped downwards, tracking the gesture.

“Dennis says he saw an alpha come and join you,” Damien continued. Everyone around them
had shuffled closer, no conversations had restarted. “And that it was Harry Potter.”

“Harry Potter wouldn’t be caught dead with a Malfoy,” someone snapped.

Draco was still staring intently down at his bowl of soup but he thought he recognised Toby
Flint’s voice. “You really think someone with their pick of omegas would bother getting it up
for that?”

Draco closed his eyes, he tried to picture himself in a bright sunny room, the sound of the
ocean outside. He imagined being sat on a comfortable chair with a warm weight in his arms,
grounding him.

“Even if he did, there’s no way Potter would let Draco stay pregnant,” someone drawled
apathetically from their table. Draco knew it was probably Blaise, an alpha in his year. “Can
you imagine the shame?”

Draco cringed as the silence finally burst, most of the room dissipating into frenzied
conversations and conjecture. Draco could hear the odd words and phrases;



Poor morals



Draco could feel himself start to shake, his nerves had been growing steadily worse over the
last month as Madam Pomfrey said a lot of his energy reserves would be diverted to the

Suddenly, a warm hand spread across the back of Draco’s neck, causing the omega to let out
an inadvertent whimper.

“Why aren’t you eating?” Harry’s voice sounded deep and concerned. Draco wasn’t sure if
the Great Hall had fallen silent again or not. He cracked open his eyes and peered up through
his blond fringe to see the alpha staring down at him curiously.

Harry was dressed in luxurious looking black robes with a strip of Gaedere purple down one
of the sleeves. He still hadn’t shaved and his natural scent of bonfire and cinnamon was
filtering thickly through the air. Draco tried to subtly inhale a large lungful as he found the
alpha’s smell calmed him, his worries falling away to background noise.

“Madam Pomfrey says you have to eat more,” Harry frowned. “Especially as you’re not fully
mated,” he looked somewhat uncomfortable saying the last part.

“I-“ Draco began before looking down at his soup. Right now he didn’t think he could
stomach a single thing.

“Do you not like it or something?” Harry asked, ignoring the shocked murmurings as he
swung his legs over the bench and sat down next to Draco. Harry towered over the omega,
along with most of the betas and even the alphas on the Slytherin table. Plus, he did look so
much older than them, Draco couldn’t imagine what was going through some of the staff
members’ minds as he saw even a great number of professors were peering over at them from
the high table. Draco knew that knowledge of the spell was being kept strictly between
Professor McGonagall, Severus and Madam Pomfrey.

“Harry, there you are,” a tall red-headed man Draco now recognised as Ron Weasley
sauntered up to the table before fixing his eyes on Draco. Ron was quickly followed by a
couple of other Gaedere students, two of them Draco could smell were alphas.

Draco folded in on himself slightly as the group’s eyes widened upon seeing Harry’s hand,
still resting on the back of Draco’s neck.

“Blimey,” a man with an Irish accent and closely cropped hair announced. “This him,

“This is Draco,” Harry nodded.

“I guess it’s always the quiet ones,” an unfamiliar alpha sniffed in clear amusement.

“Leave it Smith,” Harry growled. The rumbling sound made Draco tense, he had never been
this close to an alpha before. Even Bellatrix had always kept Draco at arm’s length and she
more shrieked than growled.

Draco tried not to gasp as he felt Harry’s thumb begin to rub small circles into his neck as if

“It’s just a bit hard to wrap your head round,” another alpha shrugged. Draco knew he was
called Dean Thomas because one of the girls in Seventh Year had a crush on him.

“So how’d you do it?” the alpha, whose surname was Smith, addressed Draco directly. The
man was dark haired like Harry but with paler skin. Whilst he was also very handsome there
was something about his scent that seemed threatening to Draco. Draco tensed in confusion,
glancing at a stormy looking Harry to see what he should say. Had Harry told his friends
about the spell? Was this ‘Smith’ asking Draco about the potion?

“Poke holes in the condom or throw out your pills?” Smith continued. “Only I’d like to be
sure so I don’t end up in Harry’s shoes next time I get my dick wet.”
“Fuck off!” Harry roared, jerking to his feet. Draco yelped as the alpha inadvertently knocked
the bowl of soup, uncomfortably hot liquid soiling Draco’s robes and prickling his thighs.

“Oh calm down Potter,” Smith snorted, “I’m not blaming you, he’s got a nice mouth.” The
alpha smirked unpleasantly at Draco, who immediately clapped his hands over aforesaid

“Merlin, I’ve always known you were a piece of shit,” Harry laughed grimly, drawing his
wand from his sleeve as Smith’s face hardened and he did the same.

Draco’s panic was bubbling up over again, his heart felt like a hummingbird’s as it beat
rapidly in his chest. Suddenly, gentle hands clutched at his shoulders. Draco immediately
started to try and wriggle free when there was a hushed voice in his ear.

“It’s okay Draco, I’m a beta and a friend of Harry’s. I think we should get you out of here
hmm?” Draco turned round helplessly to see a dark skinned woman wearing Gaedere scholar
robes smiling tightly at him. “My name’s Hermione,” she added.

The argument between the alphas was growing louder, with other people getting involved as
Draco let himself be tucked up against Hermione’s chest and ferried out of the Great Hall.
The beta woman smelled like shortbread and crystallised ginger and Draco noticed that she
was leading him towards the castle’s stone annexe that housed the older students.

“Are you alright?” Hermione asked kindly, glancing at Draco’s sodden robes.

“It’s soup,” Draco replied quickly, lest the beta start thinking he had wet himself.

“Did Harry do that?” she frowned. “You’ll need some burn cream.”

“It was an a-accident,” Draco said.

“Oh I know that,” Hermione said, clicking her tongue dismissively, “Harry would never hurt

Draco pulled a face but didn’t dare to disagree with her as he thought about Harry’s furious
expression and drawn wand back in the hall.

“W-Will he be okay?” Draco asked tentatively as Hermione ushered him through a large door
with a stone relief of an Arthurian knight.

“Have you ever seen Harry duel?” Hermione asked, arching her eyebrow and looking
somewhat amused. “He’ll be fine. Besides, it’s just stupid, puffed up alphas posturing isn’t it?
Even worse when they’re boys.”

Draco couldn’t help the laugh he let out as Hermione shot him a grin. He already liked the
beta, she smelled safe and seemed kind enough, not to mention she was one of Harry’s

“Right, this is a women’s dorm for Eleventh Years,” Hermione explained as they stepped
through a set of velvet amethyst curtains and into an area that wasn’t too different from
Draco’s Slytherin dorm, albeit the beds looked a little larger and more spaced apart.

“Am I allowed to be here?” Draco asked, feeling nervous.

“You’re an omega and a pregnant one at that so I highly doubt any one will have any
complaints,” Hermione reassured him. “I’ll find you some clothes to change into and then
we’ll sort out your burns okay?”

Draco nodded as she gestured for him to sit down on what was presumably her bed. There
was a tall stack of magical theory books, including a rare volume about rune composition that
Draco had always wanted to read.

“You have Uther Cobblet’s b-book,” Draco stated as Hermione pulled open a wardrobe and
began rummaging through the hangers and drawers.

“Oh yes,” Hermione called back, “Are you taking Runes for Newts then?”

“Yes,” Draco told her proudly. Only students with the highest grades were expected to take
advanced Rune Studies. “Professor Babbling let me see her private collection of Ottoman
runic texts,” Draco announced, pleased that whenever he got excited about a subject and was
feeling calm enough, his stutter would leave him alone for a while.

“Oh!” Hermione emerged back from the wardrobe, her edges frizzy and a sparkle in her eyes.
“I remember those. Gosh, she must think highly of you, they’re normally hidden away in her
personal chambers. Did you see the one about the dragon?”

“Yes!” Draco nodded enthusiastically, “And the Beowulf ones, they had different runes due
to –“

“The influx of eastern trade links and the adoption of the magical linear system,” Hermione
finished, beaming at Draco.

Draco shifted happily on the bed, looking down at his knees with a small smile. No one else
had ever been interested in the omega’s runic studies.

“If you want to borrow the Cobblet book from me, feel free,” Hermione told him, “I finished
it over the summer.”

“Really?” Draco jerked his head up excitedly as Hermione chuckled and nodded.

“Right then, you’d best change out of those wet robes. I’ve got some joggers here along with
a sweatshirt that I think will fit you."

“Thank you,” Draco said, pulling off his robe as Hermione began looking for some socks.

The door opened up with a cool gust of air a moment later.

“Um, why is there an omega in his underpants by your bed Hermione? I thought you and Ron
were working things out?”
Draco squeaked and wrenched up the bed sheets to cover himself, peering out over the top of
them to see three women standing at the doorway in various states of surprise and

“Oh, this is Draco,” Hermione, flapped her hand dismissively from the wardrobe. “Draco,
this is Padma, Felicity and Katie.”

“Oh!” one of the women with a long plait and lip gloss exclaimed. “You mean, Harry’s…”

“Yes, Padma” Hermione replied sharply as if putting a stopper in that vein of conversation.
Draco squirmed slightly, wondering if Harry’s friends resented him for putting the alpha in
this situation? Hermione hadn’t shown him any ill will so far.

“Oh sweetheart, don’t be scared,” one of the other women smiled, walking towards Draco.
She had short golden hair and tortoiseshell glasses. At least Draco could scent that they were
all betas. He had never been very comfortable around alphas and especially now so that he
was pregnant.

“Draco had hot soup spilled on him, I don’t suppose you have any soothing ointment left do
you Katie?” Hermione asked.

“I think I do,” the golden haired woman nodded, going over to her trunk and popping the lid.

“Do you want me to take a look?” The woman with the plait asked, coming over to Draco
and gesturing for him to sit back on the bed. “I’m training to be a healer, my name’s Padma.”

“I d-don’t think it’s too bad,” Draco told them. He quickly glanced to Hermione who shot
him a calm smile, settling his nerves that these women were okay. Draco pushed down the
bed sheets and tried not to blush, apart from the other omegas in his dorm no one had really
seen him in such a state of undress.

“Okay,” Padma nodded, “it’s just a little pink so that’s good. We’ll get some ointment on
there and you’ll be right as rain.”

“Is –is it okay to use when I’m pregnant?” Draco asked, looking at the small blue tub that
Katie passed her friend. Padma unscrewed the lid and the scent of camomile and honey
wafted across.

“Absolutely,” Padma replied, “don’t you worry.”

Draco tried not to pull a face as she carefully dabbed the gloop onto his reddened thighs, they
were stinging a bit more now but at least the ointment would help.

“Here,” Katie smiled as she sat up on the bed next to Draco and interlocked her fingers with
his, “squeeze me if it hurts.”

Draco couldn’t understand why these women were all being so nice to him. He had thought
that everybody in Gaedere House would see him as some sort of gold digging little slut.
“How far along are you?” the third woman, who Draco assumed must be Felicity asked. She
had mermaid dyed hair and a daisy chain tattoo around her wrist.

“Four weeks,” Draco replied, his other hand going to his stomach again as the betas all
exchanged knowing smiles.

“Ooh, you’re going to start showing soon,” Katie told him excitedly. “Nick, that’s my
boyfriend, keeps hinting we should start having children.”

“You’re only twenty-two!” Hermione exclaimed before shooting an apologetic look at Draco.

“I know,” Katie laughed, “but honestly, we want about five.”

“Merlin,” Hermione shook her head, “It will be like the Burrow.”

“You’ll be a part of the Weasley family soon I reckon,” Felicity snickered as Hermione
coloured and rolled her eyes.

“Are you feeling excited?” Katie asked Draco, gently nudging his side. Draco blinked at her,
these women were acting as if this was all normal and happy, like an unmated social pariah of
an omega wasn’t in their midst.

He glanced at Hermione again to check if they were mocking him but she was merely
regarding him as if curious for the answer.

“I-“ Draco began, swallowing nervously, “I think so. I’d like to be a parent and I’m b-being
allowed to get my NEWTS which is important to me too.”

“Aw, that’s great,” Katie beamed. “I assume you’ll take some maternity leave but do you
reckon you’ll want to work after that?”

Draco gaped at her, a million thoughts whirling round his head.

“Katie is muggleborn,” Hermione announced, “as am I. I think perhaps our perception of

omegas is a little different to how you may have been brought up Draco.”

Draco’s hand pressed against his stomach a little tighter. Would that even be allowed? Away
from the Lestranges and the Sourbolls of the world, would Draco actually be able to have
both a baby and a job? Would it matter that much that he wasn’t mated?

“All done,” Padma announced, screwing the lid back on the jar of ointment. “You got
anything to change into?”

“Already sorted,” Hermione smiled, handing Draco the neatly folded clothes. The joggers
were stretchy and white whilst the sweatshirt was a pale powder pink and felt soft to the
touch. It was the kind of ridiculously comfy and casual wear that Bellatrix would no doubt
sneer at and Draco felt a vicious kind of joy as he gratefully accepted the pile from
Hermione. There were even a pair of delicate white ankle socks with ruffled tops.
The four women stepped back to give Draco space enough to change, chatting pleasantly to
each other about the upcoming winter celebrations down in Hogsmeade when the door
slammed open again. The scent of alpha rapidly flooded the room with bonfire and

“Harry Potter what on Earth are you doing?!” Hermione shrieked.

“Look I’m sorry Mione, it’s just I can’t find –“ Harry stopped short, staring wide eyed across
at Draco who was still clad in nothing but his white underpants, his thighs glistening from the
burn cream.

Immediately Hermione yanked the curtains across her bed so as to shield Draco from Harry’s

“Fuck,” Harry muttered, clearly leaving the room a moment later as the door clicked shut,
Hermione following him not a minute later, looking very cross.

“Oh dear,” Katie laughed, “you’d better get dressed now Draco. Do you want to borrow a
nice big cardigan sweetpea? It’s getting colder out there and you can’t afford a chill.”

Draco nodded in thanks as he hurried to pull on the clothes before wrapping himself in a very
large, fluffy buttercup yellow cardigan that smelled like the nice beta.

“You’d better go check on your alpha,” Felicity told him, “I’ll walk you to the Morgana
Study okay? I reckon that’s where Harry and Hermione’ll have gone and I’d feel rotten
letting you wander around on your own here with all these nasty big grown alphas,” she shot
Draco a toothy grin before holding out her hand.

Draco took it eagerly, he didn’t think he’d ever had as much affectionate touch as he’d had
today and it felt like it was warming him from deep inside.

Katie packed up Draco’s robes in a tote bag before giving them back to him and he bid
goodbye to her and Padma, promising that he would be back to visit as soon as he had grown
a bump. Felicity led Draco down a stone hallway, the light filtering in through stained glass
windows until they reached an arched doorway from behind which they could hear
Hermione’s raised voice.

“Alright then, I’d better be off, I promised my girlfriend I’d meet her for a late lunch at the
Three Broomsticks,” Felicity told him, reaching out to ruffle Draco’s hair.

“Thank you,” Draco called out after her as Felicity shot him a thumbs up and disappeared
round the corner.

“It’s not my fault Smith is an arsehole!” Draco could hear Harry, he crept closer to the door to
listen to the conversation, not sure whether he should go in or not. Would Harry be angry to
see him? Draco had caused so much trouble and it didn’t help that the handsome alpha had
then seen Draco in nothing but his underwear. Draco felt even more pangs of embarrassment
bubble up in his chest.
“He’s always been an arsehole, Harry,” Hermione sighed. “I told you, you’re going to need to
grow a thicker skin for the next nine months,”

Draco flinched guiltily.

“Not to mention that that sort of ridiculous display is only going to cause stress for Draco and
the baby,” Hermione finished.

“Yeah,” Harry huffed, “I know, that’s why I was trying to find him. He just ran off and I was

“He didn’t ‘run off’,” Hermione snapped, “I took him away because the poor thing looked
like he was going to burst into tears.”

Shame flushed through Draco, he hated how pathetic he must seem.

“Not to mention he was hurt,” Hermione added.

“He was hurt?!” Harry’s voice was loud again and there was a scratching sound as if
someone had just jumped up from a chair.

“Oh calm down, he’s fine,” Hermione retorted, “You spilled his soup and his legs got burned.
Padma had just finished putting ointment on them when you decided that it was completely
appropriate to barge into our non alpha dorm room unannounced.”

There was a moment of silence before Harry muttered an apology and Hermione tutted back
at him.

“I really am sorry Mione, I just freaked out okay? You should have heard the lecture Madam
Pomfrey gave us about stress and male omega pregnancies.”

“Then stop picking fights!” Hermione scolded before pausing, “What’s wrong? Why are you
doing that with your nose?”

Draco leaned closer to the door.

“I can smell…” Harry murmured, “apples and frost.”

Draco gasped as he recognised the descriptors of his own scent. Before he could back away
however, the door was jerked open.

“Sorry!” Draco exclaimed as Harry peered down at him. “Felicity b-brought me to find you.”

“Why don’t you come in Draco?” Hermione asked kindly. “We’ll arrange for the house elves
to bring you some food here seeing as you missed lunch.”

“I,” Draco looked up at a still frowning Harry, “I’m meant to be in History of Magic.”

“I’m sure you’ll be excused given the circumstances,” Hermione smiled, causing Harry’s
eyes to widen as the alpha turned to her incredulously.
“What?” Hermione snapped. “Draco appears to be an excellent student fully capable of
catching up, unlike you and Ronald when you constantly begged off to go play quidditch
during our NEWTS.”

“Bit harsh Hermione,” Harry sighed before reaching out to squeeze Draco’s shoulder. “She’s
right though, you do need to eat something. I’m really fucking sorry about the soup, I didn’t
realise I’d done that.”

Draco shot the alpha a small smile and shook his head, “It’s fine, your friends were really n-
nice and helped me with it.”

“Good,” Harry nodded, ushering Draco inside. “This is the Morgan Le Fay Suite by the way.
Don’t worry, me, Ron and Hermione have somewhat claimed it, so we won’t be bothered.”

“It’s nice,” Draco said, as looked around. The study was a pleasant, comfy area with a sofa
and a deep armchair along with an antique rocking chair upholstered in a dark blue. There
were several tapestries and paintings on the walls and a fireplace with a wrought iron grate.
Draco peered around the corner to see that there was also an area with a large four poster bed.

“Oh yeah, this suite is actually one of the rooms meant for couples or pregn…” Harry trailed
off, eyeing Draco critically as the omega stared back him. “Actually, where are you rooming

Draco raised his eyebrows in surprise that Harry was interested. “I stay in one of the
Slytherin omega dorms,” Draco told him.

“How many of you are in there?” Hermione asked.

“Thirteen of us,” Draco explained as Harry let out a low whistle.

“I had no idea there were that many omegas in Slytherin house,” Harry shot Hermione a
questioning look as she shrugged back, evidently not having known either.

“At least you can all nest together,” Hermione said thoughtfully, “you’ll need to do that a lot
during the pregnancy.”

Draco’s face fell as he thought about how the other omegas would cuddle up together and
buy things for each other’s nests.

“Draco?” Harry prompted, a serious expression on his face.

“I, um,” Draco fidgeted with the hem of his fluffy cardigan, half wishing he had a nest to
crawl into right about now, “I’m not particularly popular with the other omegas.”

“Well that’s not good,” Hermione stated matter of factly. “You’re going to need a lot of touch
during this, Draco.”

Draco tried to imagine asking one of the other omegas like Damien to nest or cuddle with
him. Evidently his emotions played out on his face as when he looked up both Hermione and
Harry were eyeing him critically.
“Regardless,” Hermione said breezily as Draco knew his scent was starting to get notes of
embarrassment, “you do need to eat properly. We’ll call up Mipsy and ask for something
gentle on your tummy.”

Draco shot her a grateful smile before walking over to the armchair. He sat down on the rich
fabric only to find himself half swallowed by the cushions. Unbidden, Draco let out a snort of
laughter before blushing furiously as Harry looked at him in surprise. A moment later,
however, the alpha cracked a wide grin.

“Yeah, sorry, should have warned you it does that. I think it’s worse because you’re so small.
Do you want a hand sitting back up?”

Draco was still hiccoughing small giggles as Harry reached down to place wide hands around
Draco’s waist, hoisting him back up into a more dignified position.

“That’s better,” Harry declared, giving Draco a small wink before summoning a very wizened
looking house elf.
Chapter 4

Harry took a gratifyingly long sip of his pint as Ron returned to their table with a family sized
packet of crisps and a bottle of pear cider for Hermione. There was a fair crowd in the Hog’s
Head that evening and Harry could see Ginny, Dean, Luna and several others coming in from
the windy dark outside.

“I can’t believe you’ve convinced McGonagall to let a seventeen year old pregnant omega
come live in Gaedere House,” Ron shook his head as he passed Hermione her drink and
cracked open his own bottle of mead.

“Yeah, well it did take nearly two weeks of badgering,” Harry muttered. He had also spent a
good part of the last fortnight leaving pamphlets on the importance of nesting omegas outside
the door to her office. “Besides, no one’s going to bother him. He’ll take the Morgana Suite
and be able to have some privacy. Plus, this way I can siphon off my magic for the baby
without having to keep traipsing up to the Hospital Wing every Thursday.”

“Katie’s very excited,” Hermione noted, “I think it’s encouraging her baby fever.”

“That’ll be all those pregnant omega hormones in the air,” Ron rolled his eyes before they
widened and he turned quickly to Hermione.

“Oh, don’t worry,” Hermione scoffed, “I don’t plan on procreating until I’m at least thirty.”

Ron looked incredibly relieved as he stuffed a handful of salt and vinegar crisps into his

“Pregnant or not though,” Ron began through a spray of crumbs, “he’s still an unmated
omega and the only one living in the annexe at that.”

Harry nodded, he had already thought all this through with Hermione. They would make sure
that one of them, or at least one of the other girls that had so taken to Draco, would be with
him at all times in shared common areas. The rest of the time, Draco would either be in class
or in the Morgana Suite which was well equipped with a study. Professor McGonagall had
even helped transfigure a small kitchenette area so that Draco could cook if he didn’t fancy
the Great Hall or bothering the house elves.

Harry was quite excited about that feature himself actually. The shared Gaedere kitchen was
more often than not left in a pretty poor state, so whilst Harry enjoyed cooking he didn’t
really have anywhere to do it.

“What’s going to happen over the holidays?” Hermione asked, slapping Ron’s hand away
from a packet of prawn cocktail before taking them for herself.

“Well, either Draco and I stay at school or he comes back with me to Padfoot’s,” Harry
grimaced. ‘Padfoot’s Place’ was the name Sirius and Remus had given their London home.
After selling his family’s ancestral townhouse, Sirius had gone and bought a large brick
building near Temple. He had converted the second floor into a sprawling open plan loft
whilst downstairs had turned into a garage for all his motorbikes and tools. Harry’s bedroom
at Padfoot’s was pretty sweet, with exposed walls and a balcony overlooking the Thames.

“I take it Sirius wrote back?” Hermione asked after seeing his expression.

“Oh yeah,” Harry laughed grimly, “as you can imagine he’s well chuffed him and Remus are
going to be grandparents already.”

“Oh dear,” Hermione sighed, “was he that angry?”

“Hard to tell with Sirius,” Harry shrugged. “Remus wrote me though, says that if we style it
as some sort of rebellion against societal expectations then that’ll probably win Sirius over.”

“Mum’s already said you’re welcome at the Burrow,” Ron told him. “Just in case Remus and
Sirius were still away this Christmas.”

Harry tried to imagine a tiny pregnant Draco in the middle of the Weasley kitchen,
surrounded by giant red headed alphas and betas. At least Molly was an omega, perhaps it
might actually help Draco to speak to someone who had been through omega pregnancy

As if knowing what Harry was thinking, Ron nodded thoughtfully, “I mean even if not
Christmas why don’t you swing round for Boxing Day or something?”

“Yeah,” Harry agreed. “I’ll ask Draco, if I can get him to say more than two words to me that

“Oh don’t be so hard on him,” Hermione tutted, “he’s still scared of you. Remember, you’re a
strange alpha and his emotions must be all up in the air right now.”

“Not to mention that stutter of his,” Ron agreed as Hermione elbowed him. “What? I wasn’t
making fun. I just meant maybe it makes talking a little hard.”

“He barely stutters at all now when he’s with me and the girls,” Hermione said proudly. “I
think it must just be nerves.”

“Right,” Harry muttered, trying to think of ways to make the omega less nervous around him.
The last time Harry had seen Draco in Madam Pomfrey’s office, the younger boy had
practically hidden behind her swivel chair so as to avoid him.

“Alright lads,” Dean announced, walking up to the table carrying a tray of pint glasses.
Ginny, Luna, Neville, Hannah Abbott, Michael Corner and a couple of others joined them,
pulling up chairs and lamenting how the last of the nice weather had finally buggered off.

“Hey Harry, how’s your kid?” Seamus asked brightly.

“Seems to be healthy,” Harry replied, “Madam Pomfrey says everything’s on track.”

“Good, and what about the baby?” Dean asked, earning an ugly snort from Ginny. Harry
glared at them as Hermione sent Dean a withering look.

Seamus had the decency to look a little guilty and Harry suspected he hadn’t intentionally set
up the joke.

“Real hilarious,” Harry muttered, taking another sip of his beer and reaching for the cheese
and onion.

“You know when Ginny told us you’d knocked up a seventh year omega boy, I figured it’d be
that Damien Tuppence,” Michael stated loudly, “the one with the nice arse.”

“Oh the hot one!” Ron clicked his fingers in recognition before cringing over at Harry.
Hermione exhaled slowly through her nose before rising up and storming towards the loos.

“Honestly mate,” Harry shook his head, “sometimes I think you’re trying to drive her away.”

“Yeah, well,” Ron shrugged bitterly, “better sooner rather than later when I’m more invested

“Don’t be a pillock,” Harry pulled a face, “you’ve been fully invested in Hermione since we
were in Seventh Year.”

“Wait,” Ginny said, interrupting and causing Harry to glance back down the table. “which
one is Draco Malfoy then?”

Harry shook his head disbelievingly at her, pretty sure that Ginny knew exactly what Draco
looked like by now.

“He’s the pointy little ferret faced one,” Dean smiled like a Cheshire Cat, “looks like he
thinks he’s better than everyone.”

There was a loud pop as the bag of cheese and onion crisps exploded in Harry’s hand.

“Steady,” Ron warned under his breath, disguising it as a cough. Harry felt fucking furious,
what right did any of these people have to start talking about an omega they didn’t even know
like that? Besides, it wasn’t even true, now that Harry had seen Draco without a tear stained
face and bloodshot eyes, the omega was actually quite pretty. His white blond hair had turned
shiny from the prenatal potions and since Harry and Madam Pomfrey had been forcing him
to eat better, Draco’s face had rounded out a little. His features were sharper than most
omegas but it just served to make him look more elegant and refined, like some sort of
aristocratic lordling.

Harry figured though it didn’t matter how beautiful Draco was, Dean was clearly set on
earning brownie points with his girlfriend.

“Draco’s the one with silver hair isn’t he?” Luna asked before turning to Dean and Michael,
“I thought he actually ranked quite high up your list that you made?”

“What list?” Ginny snapped, her eyes zeroing in on a suddenly very nervous looking Dean.
A nasty twist of satisfaction settled in Harry’s gut as he watched the two of them descend into
rushed, accusatory whispers. To his surprise when he glanced back over at Luna she sent him
a small wink. Harry knew that he had always liked the former Ravenclaw.

Harry finished off the rest of his pint before checking in on Hermione and letting her know
that he was walking back up to the school if she wanted to join. Hermione had declined with
a sigh, saying she needed to speak to Ron again.

By the time Harry got back to the Gaedere annexe, his head was pleasantly buzzed from the
beer and he was in a far better mood. Perhaps Neville had been onto something with his

Harry paused, looking down the corridor towards the Morgana Suite, the lights were clearly
lit inside as there was a faint orange glow underneath the door. Harry frowned and padded
down the hallway to knock on the door.

A moment later it creaked open and a small, sweating face looked up at Harry.

“Draco?” Harry said in surprise. “I thought I was helping you move in tomorrow?”

“I know,” Draco replied, “I’m s-sorry, I just couldn’t sleep, the others are having a party in
Slytherin. Is it okay that I’m here already?”

“Of course,” Harry nodded, wondering why Draco hadn’t yet opened the door fully to him. “I
just didn’t want you having to walk through the annexe on your own but I guess everybody’s
out tonight anyway.”

“Yes,” Draco nodded, chewing on his lip, “I checked n-no one was around before I levitated
my trunk in.”

Draco wasn’t stuttering as much as usual and Harry hoped that Hermione was right and the
younger boy wasn’t feeling too nervous. Although as a result, it did mean that Harry now
noticed that Draco had a very slight lisp, or perhaps it was just his incredibly posh accent.

“You alright? You’re sweating,” Harry commented.

“Oh,” Draco looked surprised, “I was trying to move the bed against the wall, it’s better for
nesting that way.”

“I’ll give you a hand,” Harry said, thinking about quite how big and heavy that large four
poster must be. “May I come in?”

“Um,” Draco’s brow furrowed for a moment, “I’m in my nightclothes.”

“Your…pyjamas?” Harry questioned, wondering if there was something he was missing here.
He knew that omegas weren’t usually around alphas unchaperoned but he figured theirs was
a unique situation.

“Sort of,” Draco’s eyes flicked downwards, showing off his fan of blond lashes as he opened
the door.
“Ah,” Harry stated as he saw that Draco was wearing a white nightgown with long sleeves
and decorated cuffs. The fabric fell to just below his knees and Draco’s feet were pale and
bare against the dark stone floor. Half of Gaedere House ran about in far skimpier wear but
for some reason there was something rather provocative about the garment, as if it wasn’t
meant to be seen by others.

Harry quickly shut the door behind him to shield Draco from view. “It um, looks very nice on

Draco’s cheeks flushed crimson before he scurried back over to the other side of the room
and began fussing with unpacking things from his trunk and hanging them up in the
wardrobe. Harry noticed that Draco didn’t seem to have many items with him.

“I thought you’d have more clothes,” Harry frowned, peering into the closet and seeing only
a few hangers occupied. A moment later he could scent that he had embarrassed Draco again
and internally cursed himself. “Are you not really into things like that?” Harry ventured.

“It’s not that,” Draco shook his head, “I love clothes, but Aunt Bella has always said you
shouldn’t let omegas feel too fancy about themselves.”

Harry pulled a face, the more he heard about Bellatrix Lestrange the more he intensely
disliked the woman and he had already thought she was a piece of work from their first
meeting in the Hospital Wing.

“That’s dumb,” Harry retorted as Draco’s eyes widened and his lips pursed as if trying to hide
a smile. “What kind of clothes would you want to wear?” Harry asked, sitting down on the
rocking chair and waving his fingers to set the kettle to boil. Draco let out a small gasp at the
effortless show of wandless magic .

“I mean like, I know some omegas prefer more traditional things, dresses and stuff,” Harry
continued ineloquently, no one he had ever been around had really shown an interest in
fashion. Ginny just wore what made her look good whilst Hermione mostly opted for
comfort, an attitude Harry tended to adopt for himself.

Draco turned around and began rooting through his trunk and Harry wondered if he had
somehow offended the boy? “Not that I think omegas should dress a certain way of course, I
just…” Harry trailed off as he found himself with a lap full of faded looking fashion
magazines, some of them appeared pretty dated.

“These were m-my mother’s,” Draco explained excitedly, sitting cross legged on the arm of
the sofa next to Harry. Harry quickly averted his eyes as Draco pulled his night gown down
over his knees, concealing the flash of pale thigh that had previously been visible.

“I have photos of her and she always wore s-such pretty outfits. I really like…” Draco’s pink
tongue darted out to lick the end of his finger before he leafed through the magazine in front
of him, “this one!” Draco announced happily, twisting the page so Harry could see a full
spread of different outfits. They were all very sweet and elegant looking, with more lace and
ruffles than Harry had expected.
“Imagine,” Draco told him, pointing a slender finger at the page, “these stockings with this
dress and oh!” Draco turned the page quickly, “these shoes.”

Harry tore his eyes away from Draco’s animated face to look down at the pretty buckle up
shoes in a shiny powder blue colour.

“They’re very nice,” Harry agreed, suddenly imagining the omega in front of him dressed in
that outfit. His throat went a little dry as he pictured Draco smiling to himself as he rolled
sheer stockings up his pale legs.

“Y-You really think so?” Draco looked so incredibly earnest that Harry found himself
nodding vociferously. “Aunt Bella thinks these types of clothes are…” Draco trailed off,
casting his eyes downwards and his scent changing from apples.

“Are what?” Harry frowned, already knowing he was going to feel angry.

“For harlots,” Draco whispered, looking miserable.

“Fuck her,” Harry blurted out loudly, shocking Draco so much that the omega nearly slid off
the sofa. Harry jerked his hand out to clasp Draco’s shoulder to steady him, his skin warm
through the thin white nightdress. He grinned as Draco started to laugh.

“I’m serious,” Harry insisted, “the woman’s clearly stuck in the 1800s, why should you listen
to anything she says? I think you’d look great in these outfits.”

Draco’s scent turned slightly sweet, from crisp fresh fruit to apple pie, Harry realised it must
be because the omega was happy. He felt a little saddened that he had never actually smelled
that on Draco before.

“How about I take you shopping?” Harry offered, slightly surprised at himself for voluntarily
suggesting an activity he normally avoided like the plague.

Draco’s brow went furrowed again and he shifted on the sofa, “You don’t have t-to do that

“Yeah I know,” Harry smiled, “It’s just I’d like to find something nice to wear for the
Weasley’s Boxing Day party, so I need to go out anyway. I figured maybe you don’t get much
of a chance to?” Harry couldn’t exactly imagine Snape accompanying Draco out for London
shopping trips. “There’s some really nice boutiques on Dogrose Lane, it’s just off of Diagon
Alley, I think I’ve seen some of this type of stuff in their windows.”

Draco’s eyes darted hungrily back to the still open magazine before he gave a small jerking

“That’s settled then,” Harry beamed. “You free tomorrow? Or there’s always next Saturday?”

“Yes, thank you,” Draco nodded. Harry rose to get up and sort out the bed Draco wanted
moving when he felt small fingers around his wrist. “Harry,” Draco murmured, “you’ve been
r-really kind in letting me keep my baby. You don’t have to do anything else for me.”
Harry sighed and sat back down on the chair, he had been wondering when Draco was finally
going to be brave enough to bring this up.

“You’re not really my alpha,” Draco said quietly, still not looking Harry in the eye. “You
don’t have to –“

“I know,” Harry said firmly. “But the truth is Draco, you’re pregnant with my child.” Harry
regretted the way Draco stiffened. “I feel responsible for you even if it was due to a spell.
Our lives are going to be connected now whether we planned for it or not and I’d like to get
to know you properly.”

“Okay,” Draco replied, seeming appeased by the explanation.

The warmth of the alcohol was starting to burn off and Harry couldn’t help but notice the
room was a little chilly.

“You haven’t lit a fire, aren’t you cold in just that nightgown?” Harry frowned, looking down
at Draco’s slender frame. The gown’s fabric seemed pretty flimsy and Harry couldn’t imagine
it kept much heat in.

“Oh, I had a cardigan on,” Draco said, standing up and walking over to show Harry the fuzzy
yellow garment that Katie Bell had lent Draco the first time he had visited Gaedere. The
omega had looked ridiculously cute that day, in tight white cut offs and a loose pink sweater.
Remembering that, Harry had it confirmed that he definitely wanted to take Draco shopping
for some clothes he found nice.

After Harry had rearranged the furniture in the room to how Draco wanted it, the other boy’s
scent had turned nervous again. Harry tried to figure out why, surely the omega knew that
Harry was going to leave for his own dorm and wouldn’t try anything with him?

“You okay?” Harry asked as Draco fidgeted with the magazines he had stacked on the coffee

“I was just wondering,” Draco began, “and y-you can say no!”

Harry waited but no more explanation seemed to be forthcoming. “Um, Draco, I kind of need
to know what it is in order to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’,” Harry grinned, crouching down on the floor
beside the omega and trying to make himself seem as least intimidating as possible.

“I’d l-like to make a nest,” Draco explained, “and I was wondering if you might give me…”

“Oh!” Harry said in realisation. “You’d like a piece of my clothing right? I read that the
alpha’s scent helps during pregnancy.”

Draco nodded, looking pleased that Harry had understood so quickly.

“Yeah of course, give me a minute,” Harry told him, standing up and starting to pull off the
red hoodie he was wearing.
“What are you doing?!” Draco squeaked, causing Harry to freeze and peer down at the
omega. Draco’s face seemed to be a mix between scared and affronted and it almost made
Harry laugh before he shook his head.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got a t-shirt on under here,” Harry explained, tugging the hoodie free and
checking it was infused enough with his scent. He passed Draco the article of clothing, his
inner alpha preening as the omega hugged it close to his chest.

Harry’s alpha side had been going a little haywire ever since finding out there was an omega
carrying his child. He could only hope it would be appeased by moving Draco in close to him
so Harry could keep watch over the younger boy.

“Thank you,” Draco said. “I’m s-sorry if that was forward of me.”

Harry almost joked that the other boy was already pregnant but somehow he figured that
might not go down too well. Draco had obviously been brought up in a very austere and
traditionalist household with old fashioned views about omega purity.

Or perhaps it was just that Harry had been brought up in an incredibly forward thinking
household with Sirius and Remus, given some of the shit he had been hearing from the rest of
the school recently.

“Not at all,” Harry replied, doing his best to sound reassuring. “I can give you more
tomorrow yeah?”

Draco nodded and he was wearing a small smile as Harry walked over to the door.

“Get some sleep Draco, okay?” Harry said, opening it up and throwing the omega a cheerful

“Goodnight Harry,” Draco replied as the door closed between them.


Harry’s dreams that night were colourful and vivid. In them, he watched as Draco
methodically pulled silk stockings on and off, scandalously revealing the lower part of his leg
like some sort of saucy Victorian. Harry really hoped that no one he ever met would be a
powerful enough legilimens to find out that once, at two am, Harry had found himself jerking
off in bed to the thoughts of a slender, pale ankle.

Harry woke up the next morning to a moving weight on his lap. He groggily cracked open his
eyes to see a flash of long red hair.

“Don’t get too excited, I’m not your omega,” Ginny smirked.
Harry huffed, pushing her off of him with his foot and causing Ginny to giggle and roll over
on the bed.

“I take it you’re in a better mood then?” Harry muttered, reaching onto the nightstand for his

“I assume you’re referring to Dean’s ‘Most Fuckable Omega’ list?” Ginny rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, I got over that pretty quickly. To be honest I think most of the jerks at this school have
one of those.”

“You think Dean is a jerk?” Harry frowned, “But you’re still dating him?”

“Well I wouldn’t call it dating,” Ginny replied wryly, “and I’m not expecting us to end up
married or anything. In fact, I’ve been scouted for the Harpies and you know how fit I think
their seeker Angharad Lewis is.”

“Congratulations,” Harry yawned, “I know you wanted them over the Falcons.” Harry stared
at Ginny who was still kneeling by his feet. “So why exactly are you in my bed then?”

“You never used to complain when I woke you up this way,” Ginny arched her eyebrow as
Harry shot her a look. She laughed and slumped back down, “Fine, fine, I just wanted to say
sorry for my part in winding you up about Draco over the last month.”

Ginny said the omega’s name like it was a particularly ridiculous word.

“I mean, I was originally a little peeved because with the timing and everything I figured
you’d been seeing him at the same time as me.”

“That’s not,” Harry huffed, “we were never exclusive Gin, you made that our rule.”

“Oh I know,” Ginny sighed casually, “I just didn’t think you’d be dumb enough to get anyone
else pregnant. But now I know you didn’t anyway.”

Harry jerked his head up at her as Ginny smiled serenely back before snorting and rolling her
eyes. “Come on Harry, you know my brother can’t keep a secret after a good four pints.”

“Ginny,” Harry hissed, scrabbling to sit up.

“Relax,” Ginny said, her face turning serious. “No one else knows and I only got it out of
Ron because I think he was feeling a bit sorry for me. I’m not going to tell anyone Harry. I
know that might lead to an army of magically impregnated omegas and Draco would get a
criminal record.”

Harry stared at her for a moment, his eyes narrowed.

“I’m serious you berk,” Ginny half snapped, shoving at Harry’s legs. “Sometimes I think you
forget my mum’s an omega. I know what it’s like okay? I just wanted to let you know that
there’s no hard feelings.”
“Okay,” Harry nodded slowly, his heart starting to slow down again. “So have you broken up
with Dean then?”

“Nah,” Ginny shrugged with an amused glint in her eye, “reckon he can grovel a bit first,
maybe take me out for a fancy dinner.”

“You’re literally a demon,” Harry laughed, shaking his head.

“Six brothers,” Ginny stated defiantly, “I know how men work.”

Harry flipped the covers back and rummaged around for some clothes, grateful that he’d had
the mind to at least put some boxers back on last night.

“So how is the little omega?” Ginny asked, immediately moving to lie in the warm patch
Harry had just vacated. “He popped yet?”

“I’m not sure,” Harry admitted. He had honestly been watching Draco pretty closely to see if
his pregnancy was showing but the boy tended to wear quite loose fitting robes, probably to
stop the rest of the student body gawping at him. Even his nightgown had been very
deliberately shapeless.

“Mum’s already knitting him some kind of maternity jumper,” Ginny sighed distractedly,
pulling out her wand and checking the time.

“Really?” Harry paused. “Molly’s not mad at me?”

“Please,” Ginny rolled her eyes, “you mention ‘babies’ and she goes all goo goo eyed.
Besides, why would she be mad at you? Her and Dad started shooting ‘em out straight after

“I guess,” Harry replied, feeling secretly very relieved. He really loved Molly Weasley and it
would be terrible to have disappointed her.

“She might be expecting Draco to turn up on Boxing Day with a mating bite though,” Ginny
smirked as Harry groaned. “Honestly, apparently the other day Fred tried to tell her it wasn’t
like that and she nearly yelled his ear off about how she knows you’re an upstanding young
man and would never abandon a pregnant omega.”

“I’m not abandoning him!” Harry protested.

“I bet your alpha wants to bite him,” Ginny’s face was looking suspiciously wicked. “I know
you Harry, you pretend to be all blasé and easy going like some Sirius Black clone, but you
know you’re possessive as fuck.”

“Thanks for that,” Harry muttered, pulling up his jeans and absently noticing a rip at the

“Plus I was lying before,” Ginny continued, completely undeterred, “I do think he’s pretty. I
reckon most people do, they're just too scared to admit it because his family were all Death-
“Can’t you go bother Ron or something?” Harry huffed, “I’m trying to get dressed here.”

“Don’t know where he is,” Ginny shrugged, “wasn’t in bed when I came in. Probably trying
to smooth things over with Hermione.”

“Hey Harry,” Seamus voice bellowed out across the dorm room and a second later the
curtains were wrenched back. “I’ve got your omega here. He was standing outside looking
worried and saying something about shopping…oh…”

Harry groaned as he turned, still topless and with Ginny in his bed to see Seamus awkwardly
standing next to a very shocked looking Draco.

The omega’s grey eyes darted between Ginny and Harry, his face growing progressively
redder before Draco turned and fled from the room.

“Fuck!” Harry shouted angrily.

“Sorry mate,” Seamus winced. “I didn’t know.”

“Right,” Ginny declared loudly, sliding off the bed to march over to Seamus and jab him in
the chest, managing to look intensely menacing despite being a fair bit smaller than him.
“You, Finnegan, are not to go breathing a word of this to anyone. We don’t want the whole
school getting the wrong end of the stick okay?”

“Sure, yes, fine, whatever you say,” Seamus replied, clearly desperate not to earn Ginny’s
infamous ire.

“And you,” Ginny sighed, turning back to Harry, “go find Draco and explain. If it goes badly
just send a patronus and I’ll come and back you up okay?”

“Thanks Gin,” Harry replied miserably, tugging on a shirt and shoving his feet into some beat
up trainers.

Harry hurried out of the dorm, turning left to head for the Morgana Suite when he saw
Neville gesturing for him.

“You’re looking for Draco right?” Neville called across the busy common room. “He went
out the side door, think he was heading for the lake.”

Harry nodded his gratitude before jogging over to the annexe’s utility room and exit. The day
was cloudy but still relatively bright and Harry spotted Draco’s dark robes across the grass
and down by the water.

“Hey,” Harry said as he drew up to the omega, who was sat down with his knees hugged up
to his chest. “That wasn’t what it looked like okay?”

Draco wasn’t saying anything, just fidgeting with a few loose pebbles on the ground beside
him. Harry sat down next to him, trying to shield the younger boy from the biting wind.
“Ginny just came to see me this morning. We were talking about you actually,” Harry could
feel Draco tense up. “She um, well you know she’s Ron’s sister and their mum, Molly, she’s
like an aunt to me. The thing is, Molly’s an omega too and I’m really close with them all.
She’s pretty keen to meet you in fact.”

Draco turned to face Harry with a look of confusion, “Why w-would she want to meet me?”

“Well,” Harry smiled, “she loves babies and any kids I have are going to have her as like a
default grandmother.”

“But don’t” Draco frowned and nibbled on his lip. “Don’t they hate me?”

“Of course not,” Harry replied.

“They would if they knew how I got pregnant,” Draco said miserably.

“Actually, Ginny kind of already knows, so do Hermione and Ron,” Harry winced slightly as
Draco gasped anxiously. “But trust me, they won’t tell anyone. They’d never do anything to
hurt me and they certainly don’t hate you Draco. I don’t see how anyone could to be honest.”

“You don’t know me,” Draco replied, his nose wrinkling up. “Aunt Bella says I’m difficult
and s-stroppy.”

“Okay,” Harry bit his own lip in amusement. “Well, I certainly haven’t found you to be either
of those things yet. Even if you were, that’s okay, people can be stroppy sometimes. You
should see Ron after the Canons lose a game.”

“But I’m an omega,” Draco continued, almost pouting.

“And I’m right handed,” Harry interjected, causing Draco to look at him.

“Huh?” Draco cocked his head quizzically, it made Harry want to reach out and ruffle his

“What I mean is, that kind of shit doesn’t define how you act,” Harry explained.

Draco nodded as if Harry had just said something deeply philosophical. It was sort of nice
having someone who didn’t constantly take the piss out of how inarticulate Harry was. Draco
certainly could, if he wanted. Although he didn’t speak much in front of Harry, Hermione had
informed him that Draco was exceedingly well read and very eloquent.

“Are y-you in a relationship with Ginny?” Draco asked, hugging his legs a little tighter.

“No,” Harry said firmly, “and we weren’t together when I found out about your pregnancy
either so don’t start worrying. Honestly, she only came to see me this morning to chat about
you and boast about her being scouted for the Harpies.”

“She’s going to play professional quidditch?” Draco asked, looking surprised. “That’s so
“Don’t tell her that,” Harry grinned, glad that Draco seemed more relaxed again. “Her ego’s
already the size of a planet.”

Draco laughed and Harry was pleased he had managed to share a joke with the omega. In
fact, the younger boy seemed to be almost leaning in to Harry now.

“Let’s get out of this wind shall we?” Harry suggested, very aware that neither he nor Draco
had a coat on. “How come you wanted to find me this morning?”

“Oh,” Draco allowed himself to be helped up by Harry before falling into place beside him
on the walk back to the annexe. “I d-didn’t know whether we were going shopping today.”

“You up for it?” Harry asked. “We can apparate from Hogsmeade after breakfast if you’d

“Yes,” Draco nodded, looking pleased. “I’d like that.”

Chapter 5

Draco clutched tightly at Harry’s arm as they apparated onto the designated point on Diagon
The street was relatively crowded, which wasn’t all that surprising given that it was the
weekend. Quite a few heads turned their way once Harry’s recognizable scar was spotted.
People were probably also looking as Harry was so clearly a powerful alpha, his scent and
stature giving him away. Harry, however, completely ignored everyone as he shot Draco a
small, private smile.

“You alright?” Harry asked. “Madam Pomfrey says we should avoid apparition during the
third trimester but I read that we’re okay for now.”

“Y-Yes thank you,” Draco replied, nervously eyeing the crowds. Bellatrix had never been
much of an advocate for Draco getting to go out on day trips and Rodolphus certainly hadn’t
offered to chaperone him. Severus had brought Draco to an Edinburgh apothecary once or
twice to stock up on potions ingredients but somehow Draco’s aunt had gotten wind of it and
that was the last of those excursions.

Draco held his breath as a family of tourists came barrelling towards him with their noses in a
large map. A moment later, however, he found himself gently but firmly steered out of their
way by Harry. Draco felt his inner omega going embarrassingly giddy as Harry held his arm
protectively around Draco’s shoulders and manoeuvred them both through the morning

“So if I remember correctly,” Harry said, turning them off of the main alley and onto a
pleasant tree lined avenue, “Percy Weasley’s sister-in-law runs a shop that should be ah!”
Harry drew them to a stop outside of a wooden painted store front, “Right here!”

Draco peered through the window where charmed mannequins were modelling fluffy lace
dresses and smart looking suits.

“What do you think?” Harry asked. Before Draco could answer however, the glass door
rattled open, a mechanical bluebird above it trilling musically.

“Is that you Harry?” A dark haired beta woman who looked to be in her late thirties was
beaming at them. “You know, my assistant Agatha told me there was a rather dapper alpha
looking through my windows but imagine my surprise when I saw who it was.”

“Hi Olive,” Harry grinned ruefully, “Audrey was telling me all about your store opening the
last time I was over at the Burrow so I figured I might stop by if that’s alright?”

“More than!” Olive laughed before her eyes fell questioningly on Draco. “And who’s this
lovely young thing?”
Draco stared back at her, he didn’t think he had ever been described as ‘lovely’ before.

“This is Draco,” Harry said, giving the omega’s shoulder a small squeeze. “He’s quite into

Draco blushed horribly and tried to take a step behind Harry to hide his currently very dowdy
outfit from view. He expected Olive to roll her eyes or make some kind of cutting remark but
instead she just looked unreasonably delighted.

“Oh wonderful, I’d love to hear some new opinions on a couple of my more recent designs,”
she said, clapping her hands together. “Oh but for Circe’s sakes, you’d better both come in
before you catch a chill. Deadly this wind is, it’s coming from the north.”

“Yeah, so have we,” Harry laughed, following her into the store with Draco close beside him.

The shop had pale wooden floorboards and painted yellow walls. There were racks and rails
of clothes, including an entire display section for shoes. Draco struggled to take it all in
before realizing there was even a staircase leading to a second floor.

“Would you like a cuppa, Harry?” Olive called out as she walked towards the till.

“Do you offer all your customers that?” Harry chuckled.

“Only the ones that look like they might be here a while,” Olive retorted knowingly, nodding
her head towards where Draco had still forgotten to close his mouth.

“You make a-all of these?” Draco asked, reaching out to rub the soft pink satin of a nearby
blouse between his fingers.

“I do,” Olive replied proudly. “I graduated from the School of Magical Fashion Design in
Lisbon before coming back to England and opening this boutique. My great aunt Dotty left
me and my sister some money you see.”

“The place looks great,” Harry noted cheerfully.

“Well I didn’t design the building, what about the clothes?” Olive snorted as Harry shot her a
guilty look.

“Never mind Harry, I know you and the rest of the Weasley boys have never paid much mind
to fashion. You know, last Christmas I gave Percy a hand woven shirt made with silk from
Serbian sugarplum silkworms? Well two months ago I find out the rotter went and washed it
above forty degrees!”

Draco let out a horrified gasp, everyone knew that sugarplum silk had to be dipped in cold
honey water in order to be cleaned.

“Um, I’m going to guess from yours and Draco’s reaction that that’s bad?” Harry ventured.
“And that is my point,” Olive sighed, looking at Draco and rolling her eyes conspiratorially.
Draco felt himself grin back, he much preferred the atmosphere of this nice shop compared to
the intimidating busyness of Diagon Alley.

“So my darling,” Olive conjured two mugs and popped in some bags of breakfast tea. “Were
you after anything in particular?”

Draco realised after Harry failed to reply that the beta was in fact talking to him.

“Oh,” Draco glanced up at Harry who was smiling at him encouragingly. “I…” Draco
reached inside his robes to pull out the duplicated photo of his mother. He hadn’t wanted to
risk bringing the real thing all the way down to London. He walked over to the counter and
proffered it carefully forwards. Olive peered down at the picture before her face lit up.

“Oh what a beautiful woman, is this your mother sweetheart?”

Draco nodded shyly, “She was,”

“Oh, I see,” Olive’s face fell in sympathy before she studied the photo again. “Well, would
you like to try and find something like she’s wearing in the picture? She looks absolutely
wonderful in it and I can see you’ve inherited her genes.”

Draco felt himself go very red again and gave the store owner a shaky smile. “Yes please.”

“Right you,” Olive looked up at Harry before pointing towards a comfortable looking sofa in
the corner. “I reckon you might as well take a seat whilst Draco and I start staging the next
Fashion Week.”

“Okay,” Harry laughed, levitating his mug of tea over to him and settling down on the couch.

Olive spent the next half an hour or so showing Draco all around the store, picking out
various pieces and creating a teetering pile that bobbed along mid air behind them, eventually
depositing itself in the curtained changing room on the second floor.

Draco excitedly pulled off his robes, leaving himself in his boxers and a thin t-shirt. He
looked happily at the mound of lace, silk and frills, wondering which he should try first.

“You alright in there Dear?” Olive called out, peering through the gap as Draco let out a
panicked noise and tried to twist himself out of sight.

“Oh my Hecate!” Olive gasped, pulling the curtain back and gaping at Draco. “I didn’t
realize you were pregnant!”

Draco’s heart fell as he braced himself to be thrown out of the shop. Olive would be perfectly
within her rights not to want an unmated pregnant omega as a member of her clientele. It was
painfully clear in this state, and also from his scent, that there was no bite on Draco’s neck
and he had already mentioned to Olive that he was still studying for his NEWTS.
“Harry Potter!” Olive called out angrily as Draco hurriedly picked up a decorative woven
blanket from the back of a nearby chair and covered himself with it.

“What?” Draco heard Harry’s panicked voice as the man himself appeared by the changing
room, looking Draco up and down.

“Um, that looks nice? Maybe a little big?” Harry frowned.

“That is a decorative throw you ignorant banana,” Olive retorted despairingly. “What I want
to know is why you didn’t tell me this poor omega was pregnant? I’ve had him on his feet
rushing about for the last forty five minutes. Good lord Draco, please sit in the chair, you
must be absolutely exhausted!”

Draco stared at Olive in shock, was she not disgusted at him? Was she not going to demand
Harry remove his fallen harlot from her reputable establishment?

“I’m sure he’s fine Olive,” Harry grinned, “Draco’s only two months pregnant, although I’m
surprised you didn’t notice his scent earlier.”

“I’ve had a cold!” Olive exclaimed, still looking rather put out. “I only knew when I saw the
bump and -“

“There’s a bump?” Harry jerked his head to stare questioningly at Draco. There was a strange
expression on the alpha’s face that Draco couldn’t place but it almost made him want to run
and hide.

“What do you mean is there a bu-“ Olive began when the mechanical bluebird started singing
again. “Oh bother, another customer and Agatha’s gone for early lunch. Okay right, please
excuse me boys, oh and Draco,” Olive turned back from where she had been about to
descend the stairs. “Try on the blouse combo first, it’s sure to be a knockout.”

Draco watched her go before looking back awkwardly at Harry.

“So, is there a reason you’re wearing a decorative throw?” Harry smirked. Draco tried to send
the alpha his best glare but he didn’t think it worked as the man just laughed and shook his
head. “Oh good, there’s a sofa up here too,” Harry remarked, looking over to a smaller green
couch. “I’ll make myself comfortable and you can show me what you try on if you like?”

“You…you want to see?” Draco asked, feeling a little surprised.

“Yeah, course,” Harry replied, settling down on the sofa. “Although if you’ve got a bump
now are those things going to be in the right size?”

“I think I c-can still fit into them,” Draco nodded. He had actually noticed an entire maternity
section along the far wall but obviously hadn’t wanted to say anything to Olive at the time.

“Alright then,” Harry replied, “only show me if you feel comfortable though.”
Draco nodded before reaching up on his tiptoes to pull the curtain shut again.


Harry twiddled his thumbs, listening to the rustling sounds of fabric coming from behind the
curtain. Draco had been a little while but Harry didn’t want to pressure him by asking if he
needed any help.

Instead, Harry got up and wandered over to have a look at some of the shirts hanging from a
nearby rail. There were a few in alpha sizes and the kinds of colours he liked on himself. He
picked one up and held it against his chest in front of the floor length mirror. It was a wine
burgundy with gold buttons that were a little flashier than Harry’s usual taste but seemed to
suit his skin tone.

Harry wondered absently if he should shave? His stubble was starting to cross the line into
beard territory and his hair was also getting a little long and erratic. Upon hearing the curtain
move behind him, Harry turned round to come face to face with a very nervous looking

The omega was wearing a dusky pink satin blouse that was artfully loose and showed just a
hint of his delicate collarbone. The blouse was tucked into high waisted, light grey trousers
with a sharp crease down the centre. To top it off, Draco was donning cream coloured ballet
shoes with mother of pearl rose motifs on the top. The whole effect was incredibly elegant
and far softer on Draco’s pale skin than his usual black robes.

“I-Is it silly? Draco asked, looking down at himself critically. “Am I not old enough to wear
something like this?”

“No, it looks great,” Harry said hurriedly. “Very sophisticated.”

Draco looked pleased as he tucked an errant strand of silver blond hair behind his ear.

“Do I l-look like I could be in my twenties?” Draco asked.

“Do you want to look like you’re in your twenties?” Harry frowned as Draco blushed and
avoided his eyes. Harry wondered if Draco found it hard being in Gaedere House, socializing
with all of Harry’s older friends and putting up with teasing from some of the others.

“Everyone I know is always trying to look eighteen,” Harry grinned, trying to get Draco to
relax. “The outfit looks great, honestly. Probably not warm enough for the current weather
but by the time you’ll be able to fit into it again it will be summer right?”

Harry felt relieved as Draco nodded and gave him a shy smile. “You got anything in there
like those magazines you liked?” Harry asked. He knew Draco had also brought a picture of
his mother but he hadn’t shown it to Harry yet.

“Yes,” Draco replied, looking excited again and hurrying back into the changing room before
drawing the drapes.

Harry grinned and turned back towards the mirror when Draco’s head suddenly appeared
behind him.


“Yeah?” Harry asked.

“I think y-you should buy that shirt,” Draco said, almost too quickly to be intelligible before
disappearing back behind the curtain.

Harry blinked down at the shirt he had forgotten he was still holding.

About five minutes later, Olive joined them again, rolling her eyes and muttering about
Mothers of the Bride wanting last minute alterations.

“How’s he doing?” Olive asked, coming to sit beside Harry on the sofa and summoning two
more mugs of tea.

“Good, I think,” Harry replied, “we’re on to the second outfit.”

A moment later, Draco slipped out from the changing room and Harry nearly dropped his tea
in surprise, quickly stashing it on top of a nearby table.

The other boy was wearing a floor length, pale peach evening gown. The fabric was silky and
rippled down his slender body until it got to his stomach where it tightly hugged a small but
noticeable bump. The dress had thin straps and a scooped neckline and Draco had managed
to pin the longer sections of his hair up so that all of his creamy white throat, décolletage and
arms were on display.

“Oh,” Olive made a happy noise beside Harry. “Just like your mother, sweetheart.”

Harry tore his eyes away from where they had gravitated back down to the swelling at
Draco’s middle to look at the younger boy’s face. Draco had his head turned to regard
himself in the mirror and there was a happy smile on his lips as the sweet scent of apple pie
filled the room.

“I’ll give you a moment,” Olive whispered, patting Harry on the shoulder before getting up
from the sofa and disappearing quietly down the stairs. Somewhere in the background Harry
registered the bluebird trilling again.

Draco’s neck was long and swan like and Harry could see the line of three freckles he had
spotted that first time in the Hospital Wing.
“I know I d-don’t have any occasion to wear it,” Draco whispered, turning back to Harry and
smoothing out the front of the dress self consciously.

“We’ll make one,” Harry replied, immediately sure that he would do anything to get to see
Draco in this dress again.

“Oh,” Draco lowered his eyes, looking pleased.

Without consciously being aware of it, Harry had risen to his feet and crossed over to stand
next to Draco, looking down at the omega. Harry could remember students from his year at
Hogwarts wearing dresses similar to this at events like the Yule Ball, but none of them had
ever looked quite this alluring.

“I s-should really have sleeves as an omega,” Draco murmured, glancing back at the mirror
and running his own fingers up his pale arms. He turned back to Harry with a gleam in his
eyes, “But I think my mother might have been quite daring for her time!”

Harry tried not to snort, thinking of how Fleur’s omega cousin had regularly paraded around
their holiday villa in hot pants and a bikini top. There was something so lovely about Draco’s
excitement at the prospect of being ‘daring’ that Harry didn’t want to say anything to the

Draco passed Harry a faded looking photograph. Harry could tell it was a duplicate and the
charm was going to run out soon but he still handled it as carefully as possible as Draco
watched him intently.

The picture showed a young woman with almost white hair, standing out on a balcony
overlooking grand formal gardens. It looked like it was probably part of some manor house.
The woman was laughing and leaning back against the balustrade as the breeze caught her
blond locks. She was wearing a dress almost identical to the one Draco was in, only hers was
perhaps more lilac in colour. She also had on glittering, expensive looking jewellery and her
hair was in loose waves behind her shoulders.

“She’s stunning Draco,” Harry said truthfully, looking up to see that Draco’s grey eyes
appeared slightly watery. “You look just like her.”

Draco opened his mouth to reply when he suddenly tensed and let out a distressed noise.
Harry only realized why a moment later when there was a heavy creak on the stairs and the
smell of an unknown alpha wafted across to them.

A wide set, brunet man appeared as Harry quickly stepped in front of Draco and found
himself letting out a warning growl.

The man immediately stopped in his tracks and jerked his head up indignantly.

“No, no! Mr. Caulfield, I said not up there - I’ve got an omega in the changing rooms,
goodness gracious!” Olive materialized at the top of the stairs looking flustered.
The man huffed, drawing himself up as Harry let out another low, rumbling growl. His alpha
was clawing to be let out so as to run this potential threat off. Harry knew it wouldn’t matter
that much normally, but Draco probably wasn’t confident yet about being seen by others in
what he considered a revealing dress. Not to mention that Draco was unmated and giving off
some very attractive smells. Or at least he had been, right now the omega’s scent had turned
to rusted distress.

“I’ll come back later then,” the man snapped, taking a wary step back as Harry began to bare
his teeth. Olive shot Harry an apologetic look before hurrying the man downstairs.

“Are you okay?” Harry asked, turning round and laying his hands as gently as he could on
Draco’s exposed shoulders.

“F-Fine,” Draco nodded. “That was silly of me. I just wasn’t thinking and suddenly smelled
an alpha, I forgot we were in public.”

“It’s not your fault,” Harry frowned. Olive will have told him there was an omega changing
up here. He shouldn’t have come up the stairs in the first place.”

“I wouldn’t h-have minded,” Draco said, “only this dress…”

Harry smiled softly as he guided Draco back over to the curtained section. “It’s okay, I
understand Draco. Why don’t you take that dress off now, you know you’re getting it and you
can try the rest of the stuff on.”

“Oh I can’t buy this dress now,” Draco looked surprised.

“How come?” Harry asked. “You might regret it if you wait till the baby comes, didn’t Olive
say this was a unique piece? It’ll probably be gone by then.”

Draco looked a little sad at this thought before he sighed and gave Harry a small shrug.
“Bellatrix hasn’t sent m-my allowance this month. But I can still get the blouse!” Draco
added happily, gesturing to the pink garment hanging up in the changing room.

“What do you mean your allowance?” Harry frowned. “Didn’t you inherit from your parents,
like I did?”

Draco nodded, “Yes, but I’m an omega so Bellatrix is in charge of the account.”

“You’re seventeen!” Harry exclaimed, feeling angry again. “That’s legal wizarding age.”

“Not for omegas,” Draco replied miserably. “I c-can ask for full access when I’m twenty-

“Bollocks to that,” Harry muttered. Hermione had told him all about the Malfoys the
previous week and from what she had said, it sounded like they had been absolutely loaded.
Bellatrix must be sitting on a massive pile of gold that should for all intents and purposes be

Harry made up his mind to write to Remus when they got back to school, the werewolf
having trained in legal affairs. Maybe as Harry was Draco’s temporary alpha, there was some
way they could get him his funds.

“Right well, we’ll see what we can do,” Harry nodded decisively, realizing he hadn’t actually
explained any of his thought processes to Draco. “But you’re definitely buying that dress, my

“No!” Draco gasped, looking horrified.

“Why not?” Harry frowned, “Look, being an alpha means I do have complete access to my
inheritance and right now most of it is sat gathering dust in Gringott’s. Honestly, let’s just
treat ourselves today alright?”

“No!” Draco repeated more urgently, “People already say I’m…” the omega trailed off as his
scent turned embarrassed and he shrunk in on himself.

“What do they say?” Harry prompted in a low voice, already knowing he wasn’t going to like
it very much.

Draco looked dejected, “that I’m a g-gold digger who got pregnant on purpose.”

“Yeah? Well I’m actually Voldemort reincarnated,” Harry stated as Draco gasped and jerked
his head to look up at him.

“What?” Draco squeaked.

“Well at least that’s one of the things I’ve heard people say about me over the years,” Harry
shrugged, forcing a cheerful smile. “When I was sixteen a whole article was run in the
Prophet about how my parents killed Voldemort but at the last moment he managed to stash
his soul away in me so he couldn’t die.”

“That’s insane!” Draco looked horrified

“Right?” Harry laughed. “Also apparently me, Ron and Mione are in a very dramatic love
triangle. I’m secretly married to Celestina Warbeck, one of my godfathers turned me into a
werewolf, I actually got this scar from my other godfather running me over with a magically
modified motorbike, oh and I’m deathly allergic to treacle tart.”

“Are you?” Draco gaped.

“Nah, love the stuff,” Harry grinned. “Only one time I turned down a plate because I knew
Romilda Vane had drenched it in Amortentia.”

Draco stared wide eyed at Harry for a moment before bursting into giggles.
“Don’t be afraid of what daft idiots think they know about you okay?” Harry squeezed
Draco’s shoulder again, acutely aware of his fingertips touching the smooth, exposed skin. “I
know you’re not a gold digger Draco, to be honest you’re probably technically richer than I
am. Not to mention that so far you’re doing a pretty lousy job of taking my money from me.”

Draco smiled again, his posture relaxing as his nose wrinkled up like Harry had seen it do
when he was relaxed and laughing with Katie and Hermione.

“I’m serious,” Harry grinned. “When our kid starts wanting galleons for the latest broomstick
I’m going to be sending them your way, deal?”

“Deal,” Draco nodded, still smiling widely, his ivory cheeks flushed.

“Good, now we’ll put this dress in the ‘definite’ pile and you can try on some more clothes
for me okay? Maybe I’ll finally learn something about fashion.”

Harry ushered Draco back into the changing room, winking at the omega before pulling the
curtain shut.

He turned round to find Olive stood at the top of the stairs smiling knowingly at him.

“You know my mother’s the same towards my dad,” Olive said. “Can’t refuse that man

“Your father’s an omega?” Harry asked in interest. “Audrey‘s never mentioned,”

Olive nodded, “Yes, he carried me, whilst our mother gave birth to Audrey.”

“Oh,” Harry said, “that’s unusual isn’t it? I mean, shit, sorry if I’m being insensitive. I’m
finding out every day that apparently I know next to nothing about omegas.”

Olive laughed and gestured for Harry to join her back on the sofa. “No, you’re right.
Normally the omega would be the one to always get pregnant. But I was a difficult birth and
Dad refused to go through that again, said that if Mum wanted another kid she could damn
well do it herself.”

“Brilliant,” Harry laughed. “And you um, you call him ‘Dad’?”

“I do,” Olive nodded in understanding, “But he called my grandfather “mummy”. I think it

just depends on what the family decide. I mean it doesn’t matter too much does it? I’m sure
when the time comes you and Draco can figure out what you’d like to be called.”


Harry looked up in surprise to where Draco had emerged wearing a very sweet looking velvet

“I think I m-might like to be called Papa,” Draco told them shyly. He fixed Harry with an
earnest expression. ‘You could be Daddy?”

Harry felt heat infuse through his body as his alpha roared happily.

Oh yeah, he was completely screwed.

Chapter 6
Chapter Notes

Wow, thank you so much for all your kind encouragement and support, now watch as I
instinctively respond with self-sabotage and drive this fic into the ground.



Draco huffed as he tried to button up his school robes over his ever expanding stomach.
There was a frost on the grass outside, like a layer of crystallized sugar icing. It was early
December and already a festive, red breasted robin had taken up residence on Draco’s
window box.

Eventually, Draco gave up on the robes, having transfigured them as much as the fabric was
going to allow. Instead, he warily eyed his now rather full looking wardrobe.

In a somewhat startling turn of events, Harry had insisted they buy nearly every outfit Draco
had tried on in Olive’s boutique. This meant that over the last month Draco had very much
enjoyed locking himself away in the Morgana Suite and trying on all of the delicate items of
clothing, marvelling at himself in the mirror.

After finding out Draco was pregnant, Olive had excitedly started showing them her
maternity line which was just as delightful as the rest of her designs. Draco had always
imagined maternity wear would be rather frumpy and utilitarian.

The issue was that Draco hadn’t quite worked up the courage to wear any of his new clothes
in front of other people yet. Even though Professor McGonagall had told Draco that he was
permitted to forgo the usual school uniform. Harry had seemed a little disappointed at first,
questioning if maybe the omega didn’t like them after all.

Draco felt bad, he knew Harry had spent a lot of money on the clothes and the truth was that
Draco loved them. He was just apprehensive about what other people might think, despite
Harry’s reassurance that their opinions didn’t matter.

Getting to know Harry better had been an interesting experience. On the one hand, Draco was
relieved to find that the alpha was kind and patient and would undoubtedly make a good
father. On the other hand, the more Draco learned about Harry, the more he fell hopelessly in
love with him.
He convinced himself that it would be okay. Once the baby came, Draco wouldn’t have any
time to think about such things, devoting all of his energy to his child that he already loved
with his whole heart. He was pretty sure by now that Harry wasn’t going to take custody
away from Draco or something equally horrible.

In fact, Harry’s views on omegas seemed to be wildly different to the ones Draco had
experienced growing up with the Lestranges. Any omega was going to be lucky if Harry
became their alpha.

Sometimes, late at night when Draco couldn’t sleep and his anxiety was creeping in, he
couldn’t help but imagine a future where Harry mated with another omega or beta. What
would they make of Draco? A youthful indiscretion on the part of their otherwise perfect
spouse? Would they make sure Draco never saw Harry again? Would they try to turn Draco’s
child against him? Surely Harry would never allow such a thing?

Draco could only hope.

His luck was bound to run out sooner or later he supposed. Aunt Bella had already sent Draco
several biting letters warning Draco not to come crying back to her when his alpha showed
his ‘true colours’.

“They always do,”

Bellatrix had written in her erratic, ink blotted scrawl.

“Oh I’m sure you think Harry Potter is Merlin’s gift to wizard kind right now. I’ll bet he feeds
you sweet words and buys you pretty things.”

Draco had winced guiltily as he read that part.

“But if you think a disgraced little omega is ever going to mean anything to an alpha like
Potter, you’re more deluded than I thought! Just you wait, that boy will drop you like a hot
coal as soon as he grows bored of you or you annoy him as we both know you are wont to do.
No one wants a used omega Draco, not even the alpha that used them.”

Draco had found himself wiping away hot, angry tears as he had balled the letter up in his fist
and chucked it into the fire.

Maybe Bellatrix was right, but Draco was fully prepared for being unwanted by everyone for
the rest of his life, so long as he could keep his baby.

Unfortunately, Draco knew he wouldn’t be able to live with Severus after graduation.
However he hoped that Harry’s promise of looking into Draco’s inheritance might come
through. Even if Draco was only able to get a little bit, it might still be enough for him to buy
a modest flat somewhere that was safe to raise a child.

Although Harry’s custody of Draco would end after the baby was born, he was sure the alpha
wouldn’t let his child live in squalor. Regardless, Draco knew he wasn’t welcome back at the
Lestranges, not that he would ever subject his baby to Bellatrix.

Draco jumped as an owl knocked on his window. He hurried over to make sure it hadn’t
disturbed his nesting robin before passing it a bit of broken off rice cracker. Draco detached
the rolled up scroll from its leg before closing the window again and shivering. It was
bitingly cold out and Draco was now only in his thin undershirt.

The letter didn’t bear any recognizable seals so Draco knew it wasn’t another of his aunt’s
diatribes. He unfurled the parchment and began to read,

Dear Draco Malfoy,

My name is Remus Lupin, I do not know how much you are aware of Harry’s home life but I
am one of his godfathers, along with Sirius Black. I am sorry that this letter is our first point
of communication, only I have grown rather fed up with Harry refusing to reply regarding
Christmas. I believe that boy not only inherited his father’s vehement aversion to following
rules, but also his bull headedness.

I assume you are aware that both Harry and yourself are expected here at Padfoot’s Place
during the holidays. Please let me know if you have any dietary requirements as I’ll be doing
all the cooking. We let Sirius do it one year and ended up with a turkey that resembled a
dragon’s bezoar.
I look forward to finally meeting you,


Draco re-read the letter twice before carefully rolling it back up and popping it on the
nightstand. Of course it wasn’t surprising that Harry was reluctant to take Draco home over
the holidays. Draco wasn’t Harry’s real omega and his godfathers were probably furious that
he had apparently gotten someone unintentionally pregnant.

Draco knew Harry hadn’t told his family about the spell. What made it even worse was that
Draco had read that Sirius Black and Remus Lupin had been in the Order of the Phoenix and
wouldn’t exactly have pleasant associations with the Malfoy name.

There was a knocking on the door as Draco sighed wearily, pondering on how to handle the

“Draco? May I come in?” Hermione called out. Draco hopped off the bed to unlock the door
and allow the beta to enter.

“We were wondering if you had overslept,” Hermione smiled. “Are you coming to breakfast
or have you finally hit morning sickness?”

“I’m okay,” Draco replied, he was actually feeling pretty hungry that morning. “I’m just too
fat for my clothes.”

“Oh dear,” Hermione laughed, “that does sound like a pickle. I thought you and Harry bought
some maternity wear in London?”

Draco shuffled awkwardly, he had grown even closer to the curly haired woman over the last
month of living in Gaedere House and whilst he still felt horribly shy around Harry at times,
he was pretty confident about talking to Hermione.

“I’m worried people will stare,” Draco admitted, knowing that everybody already did
anyway. As was typical of Hermione though, she didn’t scoff or dismiss Draco’s concerns,
instead she nodded thoughtfully.

“Well, how about you try them on for me and I’ll give you my honest opinion?” Hermione
suggested as there was another knock on the door.

Draco could smell from the notes of grass and spearmint that it was Ron outside. The omega
was also immediately very aware that he was only wearing an undershirt.

“Everything alright in there Mione?” Ron asked.

“Ronald Weasley if you open that door I will hex your bollocks off,” Hermione declared
loudly, winking at Draco who let out a surprised laugh.

“Bloody hell, alright,” Ron retorted, “I was only checking ‘cause Harry’s been roped into
helping Professor Sprout carry some compost sacks over to the greenhouses and I promised
we’d meet him in the hall for breakfast. Plus me and Michael are scheduled to assist Flitwick
with his ten o’ clock class.”

“You go on ahead,” Hermione told him. “Draco and I will be there in a bit.”

Draco relaxed as he heard shuffling footsteps moving away from the door.

“Right then,” Hermione said, turning back to him. “I want to see you in something warm
please, it’s two degrees out there.”

Twenty minutes later, Draco walked into the Great Hall wearing stretchy emerald green
leggings and a large blue cashmere jumper that comfortably covered his bump and grazed the
top of his thighs. The collar and cuffs had embroidered patterns of ivy with little sewn in
pearls and Draco had chosen dark green socks with shiny leather, round toed shoes, a thick
strap going over the top of his feet and feeding into a silver buckle.

It was comfortable and pretty without being too attention grabbing. Or at least that was what
Draco had thought until he walked into the hall and noticed half of the students sending him
nasty looks and leaning in to each other to whisper.

“Oh it’s just like the Triwizard Cup all over again,” Hermione sighed, firmly grabbing
Draco’s hand and leading him over to the Gaedere table.

Draco remembered the Triwizard Tournament. He had been a Third Year at the time and there
had been a bit of a kafuffle when the cup had selected two Hogwarts champions. One from
Seventh Year in the form of Cedric Diggory and the then Sixth Year Harry Potter.

In the end, both alphas had been allowed to compete. Right before the final trial however, an
auror enquiry had revealed a nefarious plot by a former Death Eater that was quickly
dismantled. Despite having been two points in the lead, Harry had graciously volunteered to
step down from the competition after the tampering was brought to light. This had allowed
Cedric Diggory to go on and win the tournament.

“Draco!” Harry waved cheerfully as they approached the bench. Harry was already sitting
besides Ron and Neville but that wasn’t unusual as Draco had always preferred to be allowed
to sit with Hermione, Katie, Padma and Felicity.

“Oh don’t you look adorable!” Katie squealed upon seeing Draco’s new outfit. “It’s so

Draco blushed, feeling pleased. He had never been allowed to indulge in his love of clothing
before. Aunt Bella always considered anything with extra decoration or, god forbid, lace, as
nouveau riche and frivolous.

“Thank you,” Draco replied politely, feeling rather comforted as the women of Gaedere
House began feeding him various compliments.

Eventually, most of the students got up to go to their assorted morning lectures. Draco had a
free study period and planned on going to the library, so he could afford to sit at the table a
little longer. He also happened to remember that Harry’s Advanced Duelling lecture didn’t
start until ten. This gave Draco an opportunity to be in the alpha’s presence for a little longer
without looking like he was being clingy.

“What have you eaten this morning?” Harry asked, picking up his plate and moving to sit
next to Draco as the table was now nearly fully vacated.

“I had two pieces of marmalade toast and a pain au raisin,” Draco told him.

“Good,” Harry nodded, “I’m glad you’re eating better this week. Proud of you for trying.”

Draco tried to roll his eyes like he had seen Harry’s friends do but secretly his omega was
absolutely preening at the praise and attention from his alpha.

Temporary alpha.

A small voice whispered in Draco’s mind.

This isn’t real, don’t think he cares. He’s just worried about the baby.
Draco shook his head, trying to dispel the voice. He didn’t mind if Harry was only concerned
about the baby, that just meant he was a good father already.

“You alright?” Harry chuckled at Draco’s strange behaviour. “You look like a puppy trying to
get dry.”

Draco pouted and reached for a ripe persimmon, not bothering to cut it into slices before he
bit into it. Juice exploded across Draco’s tongue, it was sweet and rich and he smiled happily
up at Harry.

Harry’s eyes seemed to glaze out of focus for a moment before the alpha cleared his throat
and picked up a napkin. “Here, you’ve got some on your chin,” Harry said, dabbing the cloth
against Draco’s face and inadvertently swiping Draco’s sticky lips with the pad of his thumb.

“I’ve been thinking,” Harry murmured, his bright green eyes still fixed on Draco’s mouth.
Draco didn’t want to start chewing again and somehow break the spell but he could feel
saliva pooling uncomfortably on his tongue. “The books Madam Pomfrey gave me say that
omegas really need a lot of physical contact in their second trimester and you’re nearly at that

Draco realised he was going to have to swallow before he accidentally drooled all over Harry
Potter. He quickly ducked his head to do so, causing himself to splutter a bit.

“Ah,” Harry’s face fell as he reached for a glass of pumpkin juice and gave it to Draco. “I’m
guessing you still feel a bit too uncomfortable around me then?”

Draco took a large enough sip to make his eyes sting before he looked back at Harry.

“N-No, I just choked!” Draco told him. “I’m not uncomfortable.”

He was, but maybe not as much as Harry was thinking. A large part of Draco still hadn’t
reconciled the fact that he was actually pregnant with the Victorian sensibilities he had been
brought up with. The idea of brazenly asking the alpha to touch him seemed just far too
humiliating and shameful. However, despite whatever Madam Pomfrey’s book said about
trimesters and touch, Draco had very much been craving physical contact for the last two
weeks already.

In his desperation, Draco had been sidling up to Hermione and letting Katie play with his hair
whilst pretending to be very put out about the whole thing. Harry, despite being kind, was
still rather formal around Draco and the omega had simply figured the older man wasn’t
interested in touching him. The idea that Harry might have been holding back as he was
worried about Draco feeling uncomfortable came as a surprise.

“You sure?” Harry asked, giving Draco a careful look. “Luna told me just the other day that I
can come off as kind of intimidating, I don’t…I don’t want you to feel that way okay?”

Draco chewed on his lip and settled the rest of his persimmon on his plate. His stomach was
finally feeling a little queasy at all the different types of food. “I don’t….anymore,” Draco
added as Harry raised a thick eyebrow with a disbelieving smile. “I never r-really talked to
any alphas before, apart from my aunt.”

“Yeah,” Harry pulled a contorted expression, “I can see why you wouldn’t get the best
impression from her.”

“Bella didn’t want me near any before…” Draco trailed off.

“Before she sold you off to some pervy old fart?” Harry grimaced.

“I don’t think Atherol Sourboll would be that interested now,” Draco laughed, looking down
at his protruding belly.

“I wouldn’t be so sure,” Harry muttered, reaching out to ruffle Draco’s hair, “Katie was onto
something - you do look pretty adorable in that outfit.”

“Harry man! We’re going to be late, it’s five to,” Seamus slapped the table in front of them
making Draco yelp and jerk up off the bench.

“Watch it,” Harry snapped, shaking his head at his friend before glancing in concern back at
Draco. “You okay?”

“Mm hm,” Draco nodded, not trusting himself to speak as he tried to process what Harry had
been saying right before Seamus interrupted.

“Alright, so maybe tonight then, yeah?” Harry asked, climbing out from the bench and
gesturing for his friend to wait for him. “We could try the touch thing whilst I feed the baby

“Okay,” Draco smiled happily as he watched Harry hurry out from the hall, jogging after
Seamus. Draco vanished his plate before gathering his bag and heading for the main

At the start of the third floor, Draco turned down the corridor leading towards the library. He
could see a group of students waiting outside the Charms classroom, Venetia Dawson was
among them and as soon as she spotted Draco, her and her friends fell silent.

Draco stiffened and tried to keep his posture as dignified as possible despite his aching lower
back. He moved to walk through the milling students, instinctively placing his hand over his
bump so as to not let it get knocked.

“I suppose you must be very pleased with yourself,” Venetia announced as Draco attempted
to hurry past her. “No wonder you always looked so smug.”

Draco frowned as load of Fifth Years poured out from the classroom in question, apparently
there had been a late room change. Draco found himself stranded in the sea of grumbling

“Don’t you think you owe Venetia an apology?” a willowy beta girl Draco knew was called
Iona crossed her arms over her chest and levelled Draco with a demanding glare.
“What f-for?” Draco snapped, he was still feeling nauseous from his over ambitious breakfast
and being around so many different alphas and betas in the crowd was making him dizzy,
tendrils of panic prickling down his spine.

“Well,” another of their year piped up, “everyone knew Venetia’s family were in talks with
Harry Potter regarding a potential courtship.”

Draco felt his hackles rise, he was sure if Harry had actively been pursuing an omega then he
would have told Draco by now.

“Mummy had even got a venue in mind,” Venetia sniffed, and much to Draco’s horror, her
large blue eyes welled with tears which she dramatically dabbed away.

“You must have thought you were so clever,” Iona sneered, moving quickly to comfort the
female omega. “Whilst poor Venetia was doing everything the proper way like a respectable
omega, you had already crawled into Potter’s bed and sealed the deal for yourself.”

Draco’s face started to burn as he bit the inside of his cheek.

“How many times did it take before it stuck?” Thomas Knocklelby, a particularly dim-witted
alpha Gryffindor asked, gesturing crudely to Draco’s stomach.

“So desperate,” another voice piped up.

“Are you surprised?” Hettie Smith laughed, joining in on the discussion. “Look at what he’s
wearing, I mean talk about an image overhaul. You really wanted everyone to think you were
some harmless, drab, little omega before didn’t you? I guess that’s why they call Slytherins

“Too right,” Thomas snorted, “I gotta say Malfoy, I never knew you were hiding that arse
under all those robes.”

Draco glared at the other boy, alpha or not Draco wondered if he could get away with hexing
him into a stinkhorn toadstool and blaming it on pregnancy hormones.

“You know I had to write an essay on love potion unions last year,” a strawberry blonde girl
announced to anyone who was listening, “and apparently any offspring born from them will
come out wrong.”

Draco gasped silently, clutching at his belly. He knew that some people suspected he had
somehow magically bewitched Harry into sleeping with him but the suggestion that a potion
might damage the baby hit far too close to home. Draco was fully hugging himself now as the
corridor remained clogged up with confused students. Somewhere in the fray, Draco could
hear Professor Flitwick’s voice shouting about a spare classroom on the sixth floor.

“What else would you expect from the offspring of Death Eaters?” Iona declared. “You know
as soon as that thing’s born Harry will get shot of them both.”

“I heard you’re trying to bring back He Who Must Not Be Named,” a Ravenclaw boy called
Erwin interjected, “that you did some sort of dark magic ritual and you’re growing something
called a ‘horcrux’ in there.”

“No!” Draco cried, feeling revolted and horrified. He took a wobbly step backwards.

Horrible assertions about himself, Draco could cope with, but speaking such filth about his
baby, his and Harry’s baby, that was just intolerable. Draco had drawn his wand before he
even realised he had reached for it.

Venetia screamed hysterically, raving about how Draco wanted to now get rid of any
competition for Harry’s affections.

“Just l-let me through,” Draco shouted to be heard above the ruckus.

“Snake slut,” someone hissed, setting off a chorus of gleeful hisses from the other students.

Draco could feel the anger threatening to overtake him, bile was rising his throat and his
cheeks were damp with sweat or tears, he wasn’t even sure. The hallway started to tip
horribly to one side and Draco swayed to keep his balance, inadvertently swinging his wand

“He’s going to curse us!” someone squealed before another voice yelled “Expelliarmus!”

Draco yelped as he found himself thrown backwards, his bottom skidding painfully across
the stone slabs as his wand was yanked from his grip. The world started to grow dark as
Draco let out hiccoughing sobs of fear, his bump felt bruised, as if something had hit it.

Suddenly, the fragrance of grass and spearmint enveloped Draco’s senses as a familiar
booming voice crackled down the hallway.


Strong hands gripped Draco’s shoulders as Ronald Weasley hoisted him up. Draco
whimpered in pain as he clutched at Ron’s chest, pressing his face into the older man’s robes,
which still carried faint traces of Harry’s scent.

“Hey, Draco, mate, it’s okay. Fuck, are you alright?” Ron murmured, not waiting for an
answer as he lifted Draco up and called out to someone further down the corridor that Draco
vaguely recognised as Michael Corner. “I’m going to take him to the Hospital Wing, I want
you to patronus Harry and make sure somebody gets Professor McGonagall to deal with
these absolute fuckwits.”

“My b-baby,” Draco murmured anxiously before the world slipped into darkness.

Harry stared silently down at Draco’s sleeping form. The omega was still unconscious,
although Madam Pomfrey had said that was nothing to worry about as she had given him an
I.V. of some kind of modified calming draught in order to allow her to complete the
necessary scans.

Despite having been hit in the middle of his torso by the spell, the baby appeared to be
unharmed. Madam Pomfrey had told Harry that Draco had redirected his own magical core
so as to shield the foetus, a natural defence mechanism for pregnant omegas. This is turn
meant that Draco was going to be pretty weak and shaky for a few days and Harry was going
to need to siphon him more energy than usual.

Harry was lying on the hospital bed with Draco carefully tucked into his chest. Harry
regretted that his first intimate contact with the younger boy was not whilst they were both
awake as they had planned. However, this was necessary in order to calm Draco’s omega and
try to mitigate any stress the baby might have endured.

Harry did his best to exude comforting pheromones as he stroked his fingers through Draco’s
gossamer hair, it was softer even than the fine silks at Olive’s.

“How’s he doing?” Hermione asked, cracking her eyes open and yawning. It was nearly
midnight and yet she had insisted on staying until Draco woke up. Even Ron was about,
although he had momentarily nipped out to get them all some sustenance.

“He feels cold,” Harry sighed, “no matter how many warming charms I cast, he just feels

Hermione frowned, reaching over to gently lay the back of her hand against Draco’s cheek.
“He doesn’t normally feel too much warmer than this actually,” she said. “I think omegas run
cold, especially during pregnancy when they are directing most of their body heat towards the

Harry felt momentarily bitter that Hermione would know that, having touched Draco a lot
more than Harry had over the last couple of months.

“Don’t stress over it,” Hermione told him, as if reading Harry’s mind. “Just hold him close
and he’ll be alright. Everyone knows you run like a furnace.”

“Yeah,” Harry replied, shifting Draco even more into his embrace. “I just…I just can’t help
but feel like I’ve been doing this all wrong Mione.”

Hermione raised her eyebrows and waited for Harry to continue.

“I mean,” Harry huffed, “it’s not meant to be like this is it? By the time an omega becomes
pregnant you’re normally meant to already be close with them so stuff like this would come
naturally. I feel like I’m cocking this up royally. When I tell Draco to eat more, he gets
nauseous, when I don’t nag him, he loses too much weight. If I try to chaperone him
everywhere I feel as if I’m acting like some sort of dominating alpha and scaring him, but
when I let him go by himself…” Harry trailed off and looked miserably down at the sleeping
boy. Draco’s fan of blond eyelashes were twitching as if he was dreaming about something.
Harry could only hope it wasn’t a nightmare on top of everything else.

“When Molly wrote to me about her pregnancies it was all these sweet memories of Arthur
cuddling her on the lawn, rubbing her feet when they got swollen. Sending him out for
pickled onions at four in the morning,” Harry continued.

Hermione laughed as Ron walked back in carrying a tray with three steaming mugs on top.

“Not the pickled onions,” Ron grinned, “apparently it was different for each of us though.
When she was pregnant with Ginny all mum hankered after was ice cream covered in cold
tomato soup.”

Harry wrinkled his nose before sighing and gently carding his fingers across Draco’s scalp.
“You see? I don’t even know if Draco’s had any weird cravings. What if he’s woken up at
four in the morning and wanted something like a ham and fudge sundae and I’m not there to
get it for him?”

“Oh Harry,” Hermione gave him a sympathetic look. “You’re being unfair to yourself. You
know this situation is completely different to Molly’s. She and Arthur had been together for
years and they were married. You didn’t even know Draco before he got pregnant.”

“I know that,” Harry said, “but I just feel like I should be better. I wish Draco would come
and ask me for stuff when he wants it but I think he’s still scared to.”

Harry shook his head as Ron and Hermione made noises of protest. “I don’t mean I think he’s
still quivering in fear every time he sees my face. But just, because of how he got pregnant, I
think he feels like he can’t ask for things, like he’s not entitled to them or something.”

“Harry,” Hermione began, “you’re a good alpha and a wonderful man doing the best you can
in a very unusual set of circumstances. Now you know how much I’ve come to care for
Draco and I do think that he will need probably more support and affection throughout the
later stages of his pregnancy. However, Draco is still an unmated omega and there is a line
that you probably shouldn’t cross if you don’t want to confuse him.”

Harry swallowed thickly, glancing down as Draco let out a snuffling murmur and burrowed
closer to Harry’s chest, as if seeking out his warmth. Harry nodded his thanks as Ron stood
up to pass them another fleecy blanket which Harry quickly pulled over Draco, tucking it in
underneath his light frame.

“You want to get married someday Harry,” Hermione continued quietly, “you’ll meet
someone and they’ll want to start a family with you. Don’t misunderstand me, yours and
Draco’s baby is always going to be your first child and in your life and you will be a bloody
brilliant father but after we all graduate, Draco is going to go and live somewhere with the
baby and you are going to be somewhere else.”

For some reason, Hermione’s words settled uncomfortably in Harry’s gut. His alpha really
didn’t like the sound of Draco being far away from him. They hadn’t even sorted out where
Draco was going to live yet and every time Harry had tried to ask Remus about the
inheritance he had been firmly told that he would get no such help unless he returned home
for Christmas.

“Unless,” Hermione murmured, causing Harry to glance up and see that she was looking
pointedly between him and Draco.

Harry knew what she was asking but he wasn’t really in a decent enough state to consider his
answer. Instead, he shook his head and ended that line of questioning.

“You know Draco got his mock NEWTS results back yesterday,” Hermione shifted on her
uncomfortable looking chair that Madam Pomfrey had fished out of a cupboard.

“What?” Harry said in surprise. “He didn’t say anything to me,” he looked sadly down at the

“I think he was waiting for the weekend,” Hermione cleared her throat. “You know they’ve
got the Winter Wonderland festival on in Hogsmeade.”

“Yeah?” Harry frowned, wondering what that had to do with Draco’s mock exam results.

“Well, I mean,” Hermione rolled her eyes and tutted frustratedly, “Circe, I am absolutely
pants at talking about these kinds of relationship things.” She shot Ron a vicious glare as he
snorted into his hot chocolate.

“Try?” Harry said, somewhat pleadingly. He couldn’t help but feel jealous again that Draco
was confiding in Hermione but not him.

“Well I think he wanted to go,” Hermione snapped, clearly irritated at only herself, “and he
had it in his head that you might take him as a reward or celebration or something.”

“Reward for what?” Harry prompted.

“Oh,” Hermione blinked at him, “did I not explain that part? He got five Os.”

“Bloody hell,” Ron exclaimed, his eyes widening, “your little omega’s a genius.”

“Did he really?” Harry murmured, staring down at Draco in amazement.

“I mean it’s just the mocks and the real things as we know are much tougher and…”
Hermione trailed off upon seeing Ron’s and Harry’s expressions. “Right, okay, yes, he did
very well and if he feels up to it you should probably take him to Winter Wonderland.”

“I can’t,” Harry grimaced miserably, “Madam Pomfrey’s got him on bed rest for the next
three days.”

“Ah, that’s a wicked shame,” Ron said in commiseration.

“Well, what about the London one?” Hermione asked, “The one we all went to two years ago,
just north of the muggle version in Hyde Park? That’s going on all season, I reckon you could
still get tickets.”
“Yeah, that might be an idea,” Harry nodded before wincing. “I um, I think Remus might be
expecting us to go home next week as well actually.”

“Draco know about this?” Ron raised his eyebrows with a smirk.

“No,” Harry muttered, squeezing the omega a little tighter, “not yet.”
Chapter 7

Draco had woken up on Friday morning feeling rather worse for wear. Any discomfort,
however, seemed to fizzle away as soon as Madam Pomfrey told him that the baby was okay.
On Sunday, he had been discharged from the Hospital Wing and Harry had walked with him
all the way back to the Gaedere House annexe.

Currently, Draco was sitting on the big squidgy armchair in the Morgana Suite with his feet
tucked underneath him. Harry, Hermione and Ron were spread out across the other pieces of
furniture comparing lecture notes.

It was the first time Draco had allowed Ron to enter his quarters, always having been a little
nervous of the other man. However, after learning of how Ron had come to his aid in the
hallway and even carried Draco all the way to the Hospital Wing, Draco had decided that the
unusually tall beta didn’t pose any threat.

Besides, Harry was sitting closest to Draco, his left arm outstretched over the side of the
settee so as to occasionally brush his fingers against Draco’s knee. The fire was crackling
happily away as the groundskeeper Hagrid, whom Harry was apparently very close to, had
brought dried logs from the stores.

“Merlin,” Ron yawned, stretching up and cracking his back from side to side. “our DADA
coursework next term is being organised along with the Auror Programme.”

“That’s good isn’t it?” Hermione furrowed her brow as she continued to skim along a page in
her book. “Give you a chance to get on Robards’ good side before you even begin in

“I guess so,” Ron exhaled wearily, “but have you seen some of these project titles? This is
some heavy theory.”

“Professor Turpentine promised we’d get to do more practical come the summer,” Harry
murmured absently, using his middle finger to slide his glasses back up his nose before he
sighed and gave up on his own reading material.

Draco flinched slightly as he realised Harry’s green eyes were now on him, having caught
Draco staring at the alpha.

“You alright?” Harry asked. “Not too hot or cold?”

Draco shook his head, “I’m fine, thank you.” He ignored Harry’s teasing smile. Draco knew
full well the alpha found it amusing that Draco refused to take off his large fuzzy cardigan in
front of Ron. Even if the older students had more progressive views of omegas, there were
some things that just weren’t done in Draco’s mind. That argument however, always felt a bit
weak whenever Draco looked down and saw his stomach.
“We haven’t used this kitchen at all,” Harry commented regretfully, twisting round to look
over at the small work surface.

“Do you cook?” Draco asked, remembering that one of Harry’s godfathers had mentioned
cooking in his letter.

“Yeah,” Harry grinned, “Remus taught me. It was great actually as he’d learned a few of my
dad’s recipes which he then passed on to me. I make a mean chicken biryani.”

Draco imagined what Harry might look like in the kitchen, sweat on his brow and a tea towel
thrown over his broad shoulder.

“Maybe I can cook something for you when we get to Padfoot’s?” Harry offered.

That was another thing, apparently they were going to Harry’s godfathers’ for Christmas.
Draco couldn’t pretend he wasn’t horribly apprehensive about the whole thing. He had
learned that whilst Remus was a beta, he was also a werewolf which really put him in a class
of his own. Not to mention that Sirius was an alpha. Draco hadn’t wanted to enquire as to
whether Remus and Sirius were bonded to each other, all he knew was that they lived
together and had done since Harry had been orphaned.

“Oh, can you bring some of your fudge brownies over on Boxing Day?” Ron perked up,
listening in on the conversation. “Only, don’t tell mum but they’re my favourite.”

“I might do,” Harry laughed, “what’s in it for me?”

“How about I keep Fred and George away from Draco for an hour?” Ron offered as
Hermione raised her eyebrows, clearly disbelieving that this feat could be accomplished.
Draco had heard about Ron’s unruly twin brothers, they ran a joke shop on Diagon Alley and
were worryingly very keen to make Draco’s acquaintance.

“Make it two and I’ll whip up a walnut free batch just for you,” Harry grinned before he and
Ron shook hands.

Draco squirmed slightly, he knew that Ginny Weasley would also be there on Boxing Day
and whilst apparently there were no hard feelings between her and Harry, Draco couldn’t help
but still feel a little uncomfortable around the fierce and accomplished woman.

Draco had been guiltily relieved when Ginny had announced she wouldn’t be returning for
the rest of the diploma course at Hogwarts. Having signed with the Harpies, she apparently
didn’t want to wait too long to make her start in professional quidditch.

“Are you still planning on getting the train back to London?” Hermione asked Harry as he

“Yeah, Madam Pomfrey says we shouldn’t apparate or floo for at least another week after
Draco’s injury,” Harry told her. It’s not a big deal, we’ll find a quiet compartment on the
Hogwarts Express and then get the bus to Padfoot’s.”
Ron snorted, “Blast from the past innit? Being back on that train with all the ickle kiddies?”
the beta winced as soon as he had said it, shooting Draco an apologetic expression.

“Ronald, I’m starting to think we should only wheel you out at parties when we want all the
guests to leave and go home for the night,” Hermione muttered darkly as Ron shifted
sheepishly on the rocking chair.

“It’s fine,” Draco smiled tightly, hoping that the three of them didn’t really still see him a
some dumb school kid.

“Ron’s just grumpy that he’s started needing reading glasses,” Harry whispered loudly,
winking at Draco.

“Sod off!” Ron scoffed as Hermione laughed in the background, still managing to keep
reading her own book at the same time. “Like you don’t need yours all the time.”

“Molly says they make me look distinguished,” Harry gave his friend a shit eating grin.
“What do you think Draco?”

Draco smiled and tried not to blurt out the first thing that came into his head, which happened
to be that he thought Harry’s glasses made him look like a sexy professor.

He guessed the alpha probably wouldn’t necessarily appreciate that comparison given Draco
was still at school.

“Very handsome,” Draco murmured instead, fighting the blush that rose up on his cheeks and
hoping he could blame it on the fire.

Eventually, both Ron and Hermione went to bed, bidding Harry and Draco a good night and
that they would see them in the morning before everybody began their journeys home.

Draco tried to smother his yawn in his sleeve, he could feel himself drifting off but he didn’t
want Harry to find a reason to leave just yet. It was incredibly comforting having the alpha in
Draco’s rooms, sat on his sofa in faded pyjamas and bare feet, like he belonged there.

Harry, however, evidently caught it as he looked over to Draco with a knowing expression.

“A little,” Draco admitted, not wanting to lie.

“You should get to bed then,” Harry stood up before reaching down to help Draco out of the
armchair. They had previously joked that if everybody left without doing so, Draco would be
helplessly stuck there all night.

Draco relished the sensation of Harry’s large hands gripping his upper arms, lifting him up
before steadying him gently on the rug.

“I notice you haven’t made a nest yet?” Harry asked, moving over to look at the still very
normal looking bed.
“Not yet,” Draco shrugged, the truth was he was hoping to get some more things with Harry’s
scent on them before trying to construct somewhere for the later stages of his pregnancy.
Draco had never properly nested before and being rather friendless back in Slytherin meant
he had missed out on the shared omega experiences of constructing nests together.

Draco wondered if his mother was still alive whether she would have taught him? He tried to
imagine the kinds of opulent nests that Narcissa Malfoy would have deemed worthy for her
own pregnancy with him. He really hoped there had been turrets, maybe a duvet drawbridge.

The thought made Draco let out a small giggle as Harry raised an eyebrow at him.

“Y-Your mother, was she a beta?” Draco asked. He figured if Lily Potter had been an omega,
Harry would have mentioned it at some point.

“Ah, actually,” Harry grinned, rubbing the back of his neck, “she was an alpha too.”

“Both your parents were alphas?” Draco questioned in surprise. He had never heard of that
before, although Bellatrix appeared to have sheltered him from a lot of the less ‘favourable’

“Yeah,” Harry grinned ruefully, “can you imagine the fights in the Potter household? Sirius
told me they were legendary. At one point he even stayed with them when his mum kicked
him out of Grimmauld Place. Now that is just too much alpha ego under one roof.”

Draco laughed as Harry picked up their empty mugs of herbal tea and went to place them
over in the kitchen. “I’m telling you, Remus says he had to turn the hose on them all once.”

“No!” Draco gasped, still giggling.

“Swear on Merlin’s beard,” Harry said. “Remus reckons it was all good practice though for
dealing with me and Sirius after I presented.”

“Did you fight a lot?” Draco asked, still trying to paint a better informed picture of the men
he was soon to meet.

“Not as much as you might think,” Harry’s smile turned fond. “Sometimes I get the
impression that Sirius was a bit disappointed I wasn’t more of a rebel, like my dad,” he added

“But did you ever have to get hosed down?” Draco smirked as Harry let out a bright laugh.

“No, I guess you’re right, I didn’t, thank god for being a boring square eh?” Harry took off
his glasses and wiped at his eyes. Some of the candles in the suite had started to die down,
flickering orange shadows across the stone walls.

“I-I’d like to take them something tomorrow,” Draco fidgeted with his cardigan, realising that
now Ron was gone he could probably take it off and change into his night gown. The new
one from Olive’s that was a beautiful eggshell silk and didn’t even have sleeves. “It’s rude to
be someone’s guest without a gift.”
“If it will make you feel better we can stop along the way and pick up some wine okay?”
Harry suggested, his eyes following Draco as the omega moved to pull off the cardigan and
walked towards the wardrobe to hang it up.

“Thank you,” Draco nodded. He grabbed his nightgown out of the drawer before hurrying
over to the ensuite bathroom. “I’m j-just going to change, don’t leave yet.”

“Sure thing,” Harry’s voice called out as Draco shut the door behind him.

After his nightly cleansing and care spells, along with brushing his teeth and having changed,
Draco exited the bathroom back into the comfortable warmth of the main suite.

“Oh…” Harry made a small punched out noise as he stared across at Draco. “I um, is that
from Olive’s? I haven’t seen that on you before.”

“Mm,” Draco nodded, he had already checked twice in the mirror that the maternity gown
was sitting nicely over his bump and didn’t just make him look like a distended

“It’s um, there’s lacy bits,” Harry cleared his throat and attempted to stick his hands in his
pockets before realising his pyjamas didn’t have any. “It really suits you Draco.”

Draco pursed his lips in a smile, feeling the elation of his inner omega at having pleased his
alpha. “Aunt Bella would hate it,” Draco announced, with a small degree of vicious

“Well,” Harry coughed and looked a little awkward, “as much as I detest Bellatrix Lestrange,
I do have to admit I perhaps wouldn’t like having to imagine my child being seen by someone
else in um…that. Not that you’re her child…just…”

Draco’s face fell, had he misread this completely? Did Harry think the nightgown was
horribly vulgar?

“Not because it’s bad!” Harry rushed to say, having noticed Draco’s shifting scent. “Quite
um, maybe too much the opposite?”

Draco scrunched his nose up in confusion and cocked his head, Hermione had always told
him to be patient with Harry’s long winded explanations but this one was particularly hard to

“You look bloody good Draco,” Harry sighed wearily, slapping a hand against his face and
letting out a pained groan. “And unfortunately it just makes what I had been planning to ask
you now seem like it has some sort of ulterior motive.”

“What did you want to ask me?” Draco questioned, wondering if he should put the cardigan
back on. He knew he should have stuck with sleeves. No one could accuse someone of being
a wanton whore when they were wearing a good pair of sleeves.

“I was wondering if you’d let me stay overnight in here,” Harry murmured, taking his hand
away from his face and looking hesitantly at Draco. “It’s just I wanted to start giving you and
the baby more physical touch and ever since you got hurt, my alpha’s been going a little

“Oh,” Draco blinked in surprise.

“Please stay,” Draco blurted out at the same time Harry said “Don’t worry, just forget it.”

There was a moment of silence before Harry chuckled wryly and shook his head. “Making a
right pig’s ear of this aren’t I?”

“Please stay,” Draco repeated. “I know m-my omega would really like…the touch thing you

“Sure?” Harry asked, looking hopeful in a way that made Draco’s heart clench.

“Absolutely,” Draco nodded, “but I think I might change into a different nightgown.”

“Yeah,” Harry nodded, looking rather regretful, “I had a feeling you might say that.”

Once everything was settled, Draco returned from the bathroom to find Harry waiting by his
bed. “You could have gotten in b-before me,” Draco told him.

Harry smiled softly, “To be honest, I tried but I think my alpha would prefer to be between
you and the door if that’s okay?”

Draco nodded, his eyes widening, his omega had been hoping for exactly the same thing.

“You won’t feel trapped?” Harry asked as Draco clambered into the bed and shuffled over
towards the wall. His sheets were white and soft, specially designed to be scentless for
nesting use.

“No,” Draco replied, holding his breath as the mattress dipped heavily and the much larger
alpha got into bed beside him. Draco couldn’t help the small strangled noise he let out when
he realised that Harry had actually gotten in under the covers.

“Oh bugger,” Harry said, having evidently had the same thought, “should I have just gotten
on top? Shit, sorry Draco.”

“It’s o-okay,” Draco replied. “I’ve just never shared a bed with anybody before.”

“You mean other than an alpha right?” Harry frowned. “Did Bellatrix never sleep scent you
then? That really sucks, I know parents are meant to do that kind of thing.”

Draco shuddered, imagining Bella attempting to cuddle with him. Thank Merlin his aunt had
such an aversion to touch, Draco didn’t think he had even seen her scent Rodolphus over the
years. As for Severus, they just didn’t have that kind of physically close relationship and
Draco knew he would probably perish from embarrassment if his godfather ever tried to
change that.
“I meant with a-anyone,” Draco explained. “The other omegas in Slytherin didn’t like me
very much.”

There was a moment of quiet before Harry let out a long sigh. “Even I know that’s not right,
I’m sorry Draco.”

“It’s fine,” Draco shrugged, trying not think of how his heat suppressants had left him
shivering and cold in his dorm bed whilst the other omegas played exploding snap and
swapped stories of courting alphas.

“It’s not,” Harry stated firmly. The alpha reached out his hand and settled it across Draco’s
hip bone. Draco could feel a hot flush blossom across his chest. Thankfully, his new
nightshirt was high necked and went down to his ankles.

“Look Draco, I know you don’t like to ask me for things. I know this pregnancy is…
unusual,” Harry said as Draco tried not to wince. “But I’m here for you okay? I’m your alpha
right now and if you ever feel cold or sad or hungry or anything, just tell me alright? I could
never look my future child in the eye if I knew I hadn’t done the right thing by their papa.”

“Thank you Harry,” Draco replied, his throat felt swollen. Tentatively, and ever so slowly,
Draco raised his own hand, moving it towards Harry where his fingertips pressed up against
the alpha’s muscled chest. Harry’s body always gave off such a comforting wave of warmth
and his scent was soaking into the sheets that Draco was wrapped in.

The other man had taken off his glasses, further highlighting the green of his eyes. Harry had
shaved recently but now was sporting dark five o clock stubble on his light brown skin.

“I also hope,” Harry sighed, shifting to draw closer towards Draco and causing the omega to
naturally roll into the dip the alpha’s weight was creating, “that you know me well enough by
now to realise I would never take advantage of you.”

Draco swallowed thickly, averting his eyes from Harry’s and instead staring at the wiry chest
hair that was poking out from the top of the older man’s pyjama shirt.

“I know,” Draco whispered, ashamed of the slight pang of regret he felt at Harry stating so
clearly that he didn’t want him. Draco’s omega was taking the gentlemanly reassurance as
some kind of rejection and Draco was doing his very best to shut down such silliness. He
knew that he wasn’t Harry’s type, not to mention that Harry was one of the most eligible
alphas out there and could probably have his pick of glamorous partners. Draco’s pregnancy
had been an accident, one that Harry was being incredibly forgiving and generous regarding.

Draco reminded himself that he could currently be recovering from omega termination whilst
facing criminal charges and the outraged ire of general wizarding society. Instead, he was
warm and safe and, even if only for a little while, had Harry right beside him, offering to take
care of him.

“H-Harry,” Draco began, suddenly remembering something, “were you in engagement talks
with the Dawsons?”
“The who?” Harry frowned, looking bemused.

“Nothing,” Draco grinned, his omega once again temporarily placated as he snuggled
forwards and let the scents of bonfire and cinnamon lull him to sleep.


Harry awoke the next morning feeling at absolute peace. He glanced down to find Draco
pushed up against his side with one leg hooking over Harry’s thigh. The other boy looked so
tranquil and sweet, his blond hair in disarray and his lips slightly parted. Harry permitted
himself a few more minutes of revelling in the sensations of having a content omega in his
arms before he heard a low rumbling noise.

Although he wasn’t sure what the vibrations were, he knew it couldn’t be anything to worry
about as his alpha was actually giving off feelings of happiness in response. Harry frowned
before he realised that the noise was coming from the small omega in his arms.

Draco was purring.

The younger boy remained asleep, his nose occasionally wrinkling and his breath warm and
calm, but he was most definitely purring. Low and quiet against Harry’s chest, he could feel
Draco’s throat vibrating. When a loud ringing went off and the purring stopped, Harry had a
momentary urge to hurl his alarm into the bottom of the Great Lake.

“Morning,” Draco mumbled, partially sitting up and rubbing sleepily at his puffy face.

“Sorry we have to wake up so early,” Harry grimaced, “I just thought it might be a good idea
to get you on the train before all the crowds descend on Hogsmeade Station.”

“I’d prefer that,” Draco agreed, sitting fully upright and smiling.

Harry’s eyes immediately latched onto a small wet spot on Draco’s nightgown. The damp
was particularly visible on the thin white cotton. For one horrifying moment, Harry thought
he might have had some sort of wet dream without realising it and ended up getting part of
his release on Draco. The innocent omega would probably never agree to bed share with
Harry again if that had happened.

However, a quick sniff of the air reassured Harry that that was not the case. In fact, there was
a strange sweet scent that he couldn’t place.

Draco noticed that Harry’s eyes were still fixed on his chest and when the omega looked
down he let out a panicked squeal. Harry flinched in surprise as the omega folded in on
himself, hiding the damp spot with his hands. Draco’s face was bright red and his grey eyes
were wide and panicked. The omega’s scent carried distinct motes of embarrassment and
“Draco? Hey, what’s wrong?” Harry hurried to push the covers off himself, reaching over to
squeeze the younger boy’s shoulder.

“P-Please leave,” Draco whimpered. He had now managed to cover his chest with his elbows
and plastered his hands against his face, completely concealing him from Harry’s view.

“Draco, I can’t leave when something is very clearly wrong,” Harry said. “Are you in pain? I
can summon Madam Pomfrey?”

“No,” Draco groaned, tipping over on the bed and rolling into as much of a foetal ball as was
possible whilst pregnant.

“I’m going to get off the bed and give you some space okay?” Harry clicked his tongue
frustratedly, his inner alpha screaming at him that he was doing something wrong by moving
away. Harry ignored it, not wanting to crowd Draco when he was this upset.

Harry stood back and grabbed his glasses from the nightstand. “Draco I need to know what’s
happening,” Harry urged firmly, “I’m worried.”

Draco let out a shaky exhale of breath as he drew his hands away from his very miserable
looking face.

“Please c-could you get my cardigan?” he asked quietly.

Harry moved over to the wardrobe, drawing out the fuzzy yellow piece of clothing gifted to
Draco by Katie. Once he had passed it to the omega, Draco hurriedly pulled the garment on,
wrapping it tightly around his torso.

“Draco?” Harry prompted.

“It’s b-been happening this month,” Draco sighed. “Madam Pomfrey says it’s natural and I
shouldn’t w-worry.”

“Okay,” Harry nodded, feeling his own anxious tension start to subside. He considered
whether Draco had wet the bed? He knew that Fleur had joked about nearly having accidents
during her own pregnancy, the baby pressing on her bladder. Then again, Harry would have
definitely recognised the smell of urine, what he had caught a whiff of this morning wasn’t
unpleasant at all, in fact it almost reminded Harry of…

“Draco, are you lactating?” Harry blurted out in shock.

The omega visibly cringed as he hugged himself tighter. Harry felt a little winded by the
revelation. He had known of course, that at some point Draco would start producing milk in
order to feed their baby after birth but he hadn’t realised that such a thing could occur in only
the second trimester.

Draco always wore quite loose clothes on the upper half of his body, so as to better
accommodate his bump. Harry’s mind was suddenly flooded with questions about whether
Draco’s presumably previously flat chest had already started to swell?
He had read that omega mothers who didn’t normally sport breasts would often grow,
potentially even up to an A cup.

“Are you disgusted?” Draco asked, fidgeting with the glittery plastic buttons of the cardigan.

“Merlin no!” Harry replied, regretting quite the level of denial he had infused his voice with.
He didn’t want Draco to feel embarrassed about natural bodily functions but on the other
hand he also wasn’t quite ready to reveal that the image of Draco leaking milk from exposed
swollen breasts was more than a little arousing. “Honestly, Draco,” Harry cleared his throat
whilst metaphorically trying to flick his inner alpha on the nose, “it’s a sign that your body is
healthy. It must be a result of eating a bit more recently. I think it’s a good thing.”

“You do?” Draco looked up, his eyebrows knitted together in surprise.

“Yes,” Harry answered decisively. “How have you been managing during the last month of
school though?” For some reason the idea of Draco’s peers seeing his current state made
Harry’s hackles rise.

“Oh, I’ve been wrapping some of the t-tights I got from Olive’s around my chest,” Draco

“That doesn’t sound like a good idea,” Harry frowned as Draco’s face fell as if he had been
scolded. “I just mean, it might not be good for you, something tight like that. Maybe we
should try and find an alternative?”

“Okay,” Draco gave Harry a shy smile.

“I’ll let you get washed up and changed then,” Harry said, smiling at Draco before leaving
the room. Taking a moment to lean against the door from the outside and gather himself back
Chapter 8

Harry managed to find them a comfortable, empty apartment on the Hogwarts Express,
letting out a threatening growl whenever another student tried to slide open the door and join
them. Every time Harry sent some eighteen year old alpha scuttling, he noticed that Draco
would hide a small smile in his sleeve.

It was a relatively clear day and Harry found himself watching the familiar landscape go by
rather nostalgically. By the second hour, however, Draco had started to fidget a lot more,
letting out small huffs of breath as he shifted about on the seat next to Harry.

“I find it difficult to get comfortable,” Draco admitted when Harry asked. “My back is aching
a little.”

“Do you want me to rub it for you?” Harry offered. He was pretty good with sports massages
that prevented cramp after particularly intense quidditch games.

“Yes please,” Draco replied bashfully, however as Draco tried to twist towards the window to
give Harry access, the omega let out a hiss of pain.

“Hold on,” Harry instructed, placing his hands over Draco’s bony hips and hoisting him up
onto Harry’s thighs so that the two of them were facing the same way.

“Oh!” Draco exclaimed in surprise.

“Now let’s just shuffle you forwards a touch,” Harry murmured as he helped the younger boy
wiggle into a position that didn’t strain his back but also gave Harry access to begin his

Harry smiled as Draco let out a soft moan of relief as the alpha dug his fingers into the tensed
up flesh. “Let me know if you want it at a different pressure,” Harry told him. As a much
bigger alpha, Harry was a little concerned he might not know his own strength when it came
to Draco’s delicate body.

“A l-little harder,” Draco requested, the tips of his ears going red.

Harry readily obliged, steadying Draco’s waist with his fingers whilst his thumbs worked out
whirled knots with deep, circular motions.

“Yes,” Draco hissed, arching his long neck and exposing the pale column of his throat as
Harry felt a particularly tight knot start to loosen and dissipate.

Harry’s mouth went dry as his gaze lingered on the unmarked juncture between Draco’s neck
and shoulder, right where a mating bite would go. The skin was so white and creamy, with
the three recognisable dark freckles. Harry couldn’t stop himself from moving one of his own
hands to rub the back of Draco’s neck, just to see the satisfying contrast in their complexions.
“O-Oh,” Draco gasped, a little surprised. “It’s okay, it’s only my lower back that aches.”

Harry regretfully pulled away, realising that perhaps he had been a little too close to Draco’s
scent glands for the omega’s characteristic sense of propriety.

Draco let out another stuttering moan as Harry changed his technique and ran deep groves up
beside Draco’s spine. Draco’s breath was loud in the otherwise silent compartment and Harry
clenched his teeth every time the omega wriggled in his lap from contentment.

“Oh my goodness!”

Harry blinked in surprise at the trolley lady who had just slid open the door, a box of seasonal
charity chocolate frogs in her hand.

Draco squeaked with mortification as he tried to jump out of Harry’s lap, yelping as the
sudden movement threatened to undo all the good the massage had accomplished. Harry
quickly spread his legs, causing Draco to slip between them, effectively trapping him on the
seat where he couldn’t do any more damage to himself out of embarrassment.

Harry supportively wrapped a strong arm around Draco’s middle, feeling small, cold fingers
immediately clutch at him.

“Sorry, my omega’s pregnant and his lower back is giving him grief,” Harry announced

The trolley lady’s face morphed into a sympathetic expression as Harry scented that she was
an omega herself.

“Oh you poor dear,” she tutted, “I remember how it is, in fact my daughter Pippa is going
through the same thing – I recommend buying a heated wheat bag from Cobblepebbles on
Diagon. They’ve got a great selection of nice smelling ones too, like lavender, or I think for a
little extra they can infuse the wheat with a sample of your alpha’s scent.”

“That sounds like a brilliant idea,” Harry agreed earnestly.

“Some Christmas shopping in the cards then,” the lady beamed and Harry could feel Draco
relax. “So loves, do you want anything from the trolley? Can I interest you in a chocolate
frog? All proceeds going to the War Orphan’s Trust.”

“Never say no to chocolate,” Harry grinned before giving Draco a quick squeeze. “Do you
want anything?”

Draco lifted his head up and licked his lips, Harry helped him get up so they could both peer
into the trolley’s wide selection.

“Do y-you have anything with ginger in it?” Draco asked. “And maybe something sour?
Actually do you have anything pickled? Or m-maybe caramel?”

“Sour, pickled ginger caramel?” the lady grinned, throwing a wink at Harry. “I’m not sure
those would sell all that well on a confectionary trolley love, I reckon you’re having a craving
aren’t you?”

Draco nodded sheepishly.

“Tell you what,” the lady started pulling some items out, “How about if we combine the
crystallised ginger cubes with salt and vinegar crisps and a dash of sour sherbet power but
leave out the candy wand?”

Harry grimaced and laughed as Draco’s eyes lit up with obvious enthusiasm for this idea. He
passed over the necessary coins whilst the lady gave Draco a paper plate to combine all the
ingredients on.

“I’m Nadia by the way,” she nodded, “if you fancy anything else, just send a patronus down
to the guard’s carriage and I’ll come back.”

“Thank you,” Draco smiled happily as he stuck a finger in a pile of vinegary looking sherbet
and sucked it hungrily into his mouth.

“Um, actually,” Harry cleared his throat as Nadia turned to leave. Harry turned to make sure
Draco was comfortably sitting back down with his treats before he gestured for him and
Nadia to go into the corridor.

“I know what you’re going to ask dear,” Nadia winked as Harry slid the door quietly closed
behind them and checked there was no one else about. “And don’t worry, it’s perfectly
normal. I was absolutely insatiable in my second trimester, there were times when my poor
husband Harold couldn’t keep up, but they do a pill now –“

“No!” Harry coughed, feeling himself start to blush. “I mean, thank you, that’s good to
know,” he added as Nadia raised her eyebrows. “I was actually wondering if you knew where
I could buy some omega undergarments, the type specifically for pregnancy lactation.”

“Oh!” Nadia laughed, “His milk coming in already then? I recommend Amberly’s, you can
order all their stuff online and it’s terribly comfortable with built in pads.”

“Thank you,” Harry shot her a grateful look.

“Merry Christmas,” Nadia beamed, nodding goodbye as she continued down the corridor
with the trolley. The compartment door slid open a moment later as Draco poked his head

“H-Harry? Is everything okay?” Draco asked, looking around them.

“All good,” Harry replied, “I was just going to pop to the loo if you’ll be alright for a few

“Yes, that’s fine,” Draco replied, going back inside.

Harry walked down the gangway towards the toilet, the train was leaning a little from side to
side and one of the top windows had fallen open, allowing in a bracing draught until Harry
quickly shut it. It was quite far down from their compartment but he had gotten in the habit
recently of worrying about Draco getting cold.

After going to the toilet and washing his hands, Harry emerged back into the body of the train
only to come face to face with a very attractive omega boy. The boy looked like he might be
in Sixth or Seventh Year, with curly dark hair and doe-like blue eyes.

“Oh! You scared me,” the boy laughed, clutching a hand to his chest.

“I’m sorry,” Harry apologised with a friendly smile, trying to make sure he wasn’t giving off
any intimidating pheromones. The boy was more petite than Draco and Harry was very aware
of his own large size.

“That’s okay Mr. Potter,” the boy replied, chewing on his lip.

“Oh Merlin, not ‘Mr. Potter’, please,” Harry laughed, shaking his head. “That makes me
sound ancient, ‘Harry’ is fine.”

“Alright,” the boy looked pleased by the permission, “my name’s Damien, Damien

“Nice to meet you,” Harry nodded, “did you want the bathroom?”

“Oh no,” Damien swung slightly from side to side as he talked, “I was just feeling a little
train-sick so thought I would go on a walk.”

“Sorry to hear that,” Harry replied, “my friend Ron used to get travelsick too. His mum even
bought him those special pressure bands but it never did any good.”

“I’ve tried those as well,” Damien sighed. Harry noticed that the boy had released quite a lot
of his scent, probably inadvertently. It was a mixture of hyacinth and wood shavings, very
pretty and delicate. Harry thought of Draco’s scent of apples and frost and how he could
never seem to conceal his emotions with it.

“They didn’t work for me either,” Damien continued. “Say, Harry, would you walk with me
for a bit? It gets awfully boring otherwise and all my friends are back in the compartment
playing cards.”

“Um,” Harry glanced down the gangway. He really didn’t want to leave Draco alone for too
long and Damien was an unmated omega. Then again, other than Draco, most people didn’t
hold too antiquated views about omega / alpha fraternisation.

“You don’t have to, sorry,” Damien’s face fell. “It’s just there’s an alpha in my year called
Finneas who keeps trying to get me alone and I don’t like him.”

Harry frowned as his inner alpha’s desire to protect any omega from harm rose up within. He
had always hated alphas who wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer and thought they were entitled
to harass omegas into dating or spending time with them.

“Sure,” Harry replied, “but I have to get back soon okay?”

“Okay!” Damien beamed, rocking on his tiptoes. “Can we walk this way?” he pointed in the
opposite direction to Harry and Draco’s compartment. “Only that’s the direction I was going
in when I ran into you.”

Harry nodded as the two of them began to stroll down the walkway, the odd town whizzing
past them through the windows.

“I’m so excited for Christmas,” Damien told Harry excitedly, “our family friends the
Bachmanns are coming to stay. Do you know the Bachmann family?” Damien asked, looking
a little hopeful.

“Um, the name sounds familiar,” Harry answered, wracking his brains.

“They own Primeltränke, you know the European chain of apothecaries?” Damien continued.
“Noah Bachmann is the deputy finance minister for the Swiss Wizarding Commerce

“I see,” Harry replied, realising he had been thinking of the ‘Bookman’ family who were
convicted three years ago of mass muggle cannibalism in Florida. It was probably a good
thing that wasn’t who Damien was having over for Christmas.

“And of course then there’s Ursula White’s annual Yule party,” Damien added casually.

That Harry had actually heard about, given that Mrs. White sent Sirius an invite every year
on account of having been tremendously close with his mother Walburga Black and ever so
impressed at his ‘war hero’ status. Then again, every single invitation also neglected to
include Remus and was subsequently thrown in the bin or turned into origami, often of
particularly ugly insects in compromising positions.

Harry was torn from the mental image of a paper, pole dancing praying mantis by a tight
squeeze on his arm. He blinked down in surprise to see that Damien was holding on to him.

“Sorry, Harry,” Damien smiled, “the train got a bit bumpy there, I thought I might fall over.”

“No worries,” Harry shook his head, “are you alright?”

“I am now,” Damien replied, still holding onto Harry and sweetly looking up at him.

Harry frowned, wondering if he could excuse himself yet and go see if Draco had made
himself sick on pickled ginger.

“Actually, I’m feeling a little hot in this silly big jumper,” Damien laughed. The pretty omega
stopped to pull off his knitted green sweater to reveal he was only wearing a t-shirt
underneath. Harry was also immediately blasted in the face by a thick, sugar sweet smell. It
was like Damien’s natural odour but even more condensed.

“You don’t mind do you?” Damien asked, his thick black eyelashes fluttering, “only I always
get like this when it would have been my heat. I’m on suppressants of course,” he added with
a giggle. “But I’ve been told my pheromones can be quite strong.”
“Yeah,” Harry nodded awkwardly, wondering if it would be rude to bring his hand up to his
nose to try and block it out?

“The perils of being an omega I suppose,” Damien sighed, leaning back again the wall
partition between compartments and fanning himself. The younger boy’s back was arching
slightly with his hips tilted away from the wall and towards Harry. “We can’t all be big,
strong alphas.”

Harry narrowed his eyes in realisation. He was a fucking idiot, Damien was clearly flirting
with him. The only reason Harry hadn’t noticed was because he had been so distracted
worrying about Draco. Harry had also learned over the last couple of weeks that his alpha had
really mellowed in certain areas since being around Draco.

Previously, Harry had enjoyed time spent with multiple partners, having a healthy sexual
appetite for a twenty one year old, and whilst he could objectively admit that Damien was a
very conventionally attractive omega, Harry felt zero desire toward him. Even as Damien
licked his lips in what he probably thought was an alluring move.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with sexually confident omegas. Harry thought
everybody should be allowed to explore their own appetites and sexualities free of any stupid
stigma. In fact, if you had asked him before, that would have been the type that Harry would
usually go for. However now, the way Damien had been trying to impress him just seemed so
silly and contrived compared to the painfully genuine manner in which Draco conducted

It also didn’t help that Damien had gone about it completely the wrong way with his name
dropping and exclusive social engagements. Those kind of things had always meant bugger
all to both Harry and his godfathers.

“Look, Damien,” Harry sighed, trying to not be as cold or blunt as Hermione used to scold
him for being when rejecting potential partners.

“Don’t get me wrong,” Damien interrupted, pushing himself away from the way and
suddenly affecting a shy attitude, nervously tugging at the hem of his shirt so the neckline
lowered to reveal more of his pale pink chest.

Harry might have actually bought it if Damien’s scent wasn’t still broadcasting complete
satisfied confidence.

“I just think you’re very attractive,” Damien smiled, biting his lip and looking up at Harry.

Harry huffed a laugh and felt himself relax. “Thank you, you’re very attractive too Damien.
I’m sure there must be a hundred alphas and betas who would kill for a shot with you.”

“Oh god not a beta,” Damien replied quickly, pulling a face. Harry thought that kind of
reaction was a bit harsh but he guessed everybody had preferences. “No, I want an alpha who
will properly court me for bonding,” Damien explained. “Someone devastatingly handsome
and of the right standing who understands what a catch I am,”
“I’m sure you’re a real catch,” Harry smiled placatingly, glancing down the corridor and
hoping he could leave soon.

“And someone who understands and appreciates my purity,” Damien concluded. “I think
omegas who jump into bed with every alpha they see are just the worst aren’t they?”

Harry tensed slightly, that felt like a strangely barbed jab at Draco.

“Omegas shouldn’t be desperate,” Damien smiled beatifically. “And an alpha like you
deserves the right one.”

“Damien, I think I know where this is going,” Harry said grimly, his demeanour turning stiff.
He noticed Damien flinch slightly as Harry’s posture turned more hostile.

“We’d be good together,” Damien snapped, all hints of previous shyness evaporated. “We
would actually fit. Venetia Dawson’s an insipid airhead, whilst Draco Malfoy,” Damien gave
a musical laugh, “well, us Slytherin omegas have shared a dorm with him for seven years
now and let me tell you, you’re not the first alpha he’s tried this game with.”

“Damien,” Harry growled, “stop talking.”

“I suppose the others must have been firing blanks or something,” Damien sighed, casually
inspecting his nails, “can’t blame a boy for wanting a leg up in the world I guess, even if it
means letting everyone else get a leg over.”

Damien let out a short, high pitched shriek as Harry slammed his hand against the wall.

“I’m just warning you!” Damien exclaimed indignantly as a few compartment doors slid
open and people poked their heads out. “How do you know it’s even yours? Magical
signatures can be faked!”

Harry felt the anger leave him as quickly as it had come. He stood back with a sigh, rubbing
the bridge of his nose between his fingers.

“Damien, I’m going to walk away now. You are a very silly immature boy, but perhaps
you’ve been raised that way or had pressure put on you. I know as well as you do that you’re
lying about Draco and I’d appreciate it if you stopped. If I start hearing any version of this
nonsense spreading across the school I will know exactly who to send my lawyer’s letter to.
You see my godfather works in legal affairs and I had an interesting chat with him recently
about slander.”

“You…” Damien’s mouth fell open as his cheeks turned red. Harry could finally smell
embarrassment on the other boy.

“I am a grown man, Damien,” Harry said calmly, “if you think some school yard gossip is
going to influence anything I do then you are sorely mistaken. I would blame it on the fact
that you are still a teenager but then again, I’ve never seen Draco act like this.”

“Fine,” Damien spat, angrily glancing round to see the gathered onlookers.
Harry nodded, starting to walk away before pausing and looking back. “There’s nothing
wrong with being opportunistic Damien, you’re a Slytherin and that’s one of your strengths.
But you should never resort to tearing other people down to try and build yourself up.”

With that Harry left, striding purposefully past the milling students until he finally re-entered
his original compartment.

“You’re b-back!” Draco exclaimed, pushing himself up from the seat.

“Yeah,” Harry grinned, walking over to the omega and frowning at a reddened, sore looking
section of Draco’s lower lip. The boy had evidently been chewing on it as he tended to do
when he felt anxious.

“Sorry, were you worried?” Harry asked, reaching up to rub the patch with his thumb. Draco
went a little cross-eyed trying to look down at the movement.

“A little,” Draco admitted, “I cast a warming charm and I think I accidentally got your
chocolate frogs because they feel all s-squidgy.”

Harry let out a bubble of laughter, “that’s alright, I’m sure they’ll harden up again once we’re
off the train.”

Draco smiled before the conductor announced that they were drawing into King’s Cross

“Ready?” Harry asked, lifting his and Draco’s bags down from the overhead rack.

“Don’t forget we need to pick up wine,” Draco said hurriedly. “I want to buy a red and a w-

“Ooh,” Harry teased, “both eh? You know I’m pretty sure Sirius won’t have a clue which
colour goes with what.”

“Remus might,” Draco frowned, “he cooks.”

“True,” Harry grinned, pleased that Draco was being so thoughtful. “Both it is.”
Chapter 9

Draco shuffled nervously as he and Harry stood outside a wide metal door, having rung the
bell a minute ago. The building was a sandy coloured brick and looked like a warehouse,
large and industrial with a few big arched windows. The smells of the nearby Thames were
funnelled down the quiet side street which, due to the tall buildings, was relatively sheltered
from the December wind.

“You’re early!” A tall man with light brown hair and three jagged white scars across his face
jerked open the door. Draco tensed, Harry had been right to warn him that Remus Lupin
might spell like an alpha due to also being a werewolf.

“The bus turned up quicker than usual,” Harry grinned, “Stan’s back from holiday.”

Remus drew Harry into a tight hug, patting him on the back as his eyes fell on Draco.

“Heavens above…” Remus whispered, drawing away from Harry and gaping at the omega.
Draco blushed under the scrutiny, not sure why the other man was so shocked, they were
already well aware he was pregnant. “Sirius!” Remus yelled, angling his head slightly into
the building.

Draco looked up at Harry who shrugged uncomfortably, turning to his godfather with a
confused frown. A second later, a slightly shorter man with black hair in a messy ponytail
appeared. He was wearing ripped denims and a leather jacket, undeniably handsome with
some sort of strange inky smudge on his chin that resembled car oil.

“Well fuck me,” Sirius exhaled on a low whistle, staring hard at Draco. “It’s like I’m eighteen

“Sirius,” Harry snapped and Draco could feel the alpha bristle beside him. Sirius’ gaze turned
distractedly to Harry before he rolled his eyes.

“Not like that you daft numpty,” Sirius scoffed.

“We’ll explain in a moment,” Remus told Harry, quickly stepping back and ushering for them
to come in out of the cold weather.

Draco swallowed, he wasn’t sure if this was going terribly badly already. He had expected
formal introductions, perhaps polite enquiry about the journey. Instead, he followed the two
strange men up a large metal staircase in silence. Harry reassuringly slipped his arm around
Draco’s lower back as they ascended.

Draco could see now that the building probably did used to be a warehouse. The ground floor
seemed to be some sort of garage cum workshop with various muggle vehicles in different
states of disrepair. Upstairs, however, was rather magnificent in Draco’s opinion. The stairs
led them to an open plan conversion with exposed brick walls and light wooden floors. There
was a humungous window looking over the river and letting in plenty of light. A sleek steel
finish kitchen boasted an island with tall barstools, dried herbs hanging above the hob. There
was a rather indulgent looking area with long leather sofas and a roll down projector screen.

The furniture was dark wood and quite a few pieces were South Asian in style with intricate
lattice work. Above them, hung industrial light bulbs framed in strange angular wire shades
that doubled as contemporary art.

On the walls were several large canvases sporting paintings of the like that Draco had never
seen before. Vibrant splashes of bold colour forming amorphous shapes that as soon as Draco
thought he had figured out, the paint strokes seemed to reform as if tricking him. At the
bottom right of most of the paintings were the black initials ‘L.E.’, bar the canvas that hung
above the stairs, which read ‘L.P’.

Remus gestured for them to all go over to the sofa area, offering to take their coats which he
hung up on what looked to be a repurposed muggle traffic light.

Draco noticed that Sirius had disappeared, ducking into a side room before they all sat down.

“T-Thank you for having me in your home,” Draco spoke up, trying to make his voice as
stable as possible as he drew out the two bottles of wine and proffered them to Remus.

“Oh gosh, that’s very thoughtful of you,” Remus smiled apologetically. “I’m so sorry, my
name is Remus Lupin, I’m pleased to finally meet you.”

“And I’m Sirius Black,” Sirius announced, making Draco jump, he hadn’t realised the other
man had returned. Sirius was smirking as he held out a photograph for Draco to take. “Your
first cousin once removed.”

Draco’s mouth fell open as Harry made a noise of surprise beside him. Draco looked down at
the photograph that Sirius had handed him. It was of three teenagers, a little younger than
Draco. One boy and two girls, the boy was devastatingly good looking with long dark hair
and Draco immediately clocked him as a young Sirius.

The teenagers were on a beach somewhere, with Sirius leaning nonchalantly against a rock
with his hands suspiciously hidden behind his back. The two girls were striking poses on the
sand. One of the girls Draco didn’t recognise, although there was something strangely
familiar about her face. She almost looked like Bellatrix, but her hair was lighter and her eyes
the wrong colour.

The other girl, however, was Narcissa Malfoy. Draco took a sharp breath as he watched his
mother smile and put her hands on her hips. Her hair looked a little more yellow than usual
here and was evidently wet as if she had been swimming. A moment later, the young Sirius
winked at the camera before revealing the large, snapping crab he had in his hands and
rushing with it towards the suddenly shrieking pair of girls.

“She was always a snob,” Sirius announced as Draco lowered the photo and looked back up
at him. The other man’s face was sombre again as he eyed Draco curiously. “But she knew
how to have a laugh did Cissy, at least until she met that reptile –“
“Sirius,” Remus interjected warningly.

“Right,” Sirius huffed, folding his arms across his chest, “well it’s a bloody good thing you
got your looks from her. Cissy was a stunner, even if she was a little too aware of it

“Y-You were my mum’s cousin?” Draco asked. He could feels his eyes prickling with tears,
as often happened when he thought about the woman he had never gotten to know.

“Yeah,” Sirius nodded, a little more softly now. He sat down on a nearby armchair, Draco
absently noticed that it had a lever attached as if to turn it into a more reclined position. “We
got on pretty well as kids. You can keep that photo if you want. I’ve got loads that I never
look through.”

“You have more?” Draco asked urgently. Bellatrix had told Draco that most of his family
albums had been lost in an auror raid and what little Draco had of his mother, he treasured

“Tons,” Sirius shifted awkwardly, as if he was suddenly uncomfortable with the clearly
emotional direction this was taking them in.

“I had no idea,” Harry said, looking thoughtful.

“Yeah well,” Sirius gave a strange laugh, “when you wrote to say you’d gotten a Malfoy
pregnant I can assure you it was quite a shock.”

Draco tensed, staring down at his knees. Harry still had his arm around Draco and lightly
squeezed his side.

“So who raised you then?” Sirius asked, crossing his legs and putting his clunky boots up on
the expensive looking coffee table. “I know it wasn’t Andromeda.” Upon noticing Draco’s
confusion, Sirius gestured back to the picture. “Andromeda Tonks, née Black. She’s your

“I thought Bella was my only aunt,” Draco admitted, feeling a little shell shocked.

“Bloody hell,” Sirius grunted, “no wonder you were so desperate for another alpha.”

“Sirius!” Harry shouted angrily.

“Oh keep your knickers on,” Sirius huffed, “It wasn’t meant to imply anything other than
Bellatrix has always been a vile piece of work. The woman burned ants with a magnifying
glass for fun whilst the rest of us played gobstones and made sandcastles.”

“Is um,” Remus cleared his throat, “is Bellatrix pleased by your news?” his eyes flicked to
Draco’s baby bump.

“No,” Harry growled darkly in response. Suddenly, the mood in the room changed as Sirius’
face lit up and he shrugged off his jacket, jumping up from the chair.
“Oh, well then I’m bloody delighted! Congratulations you two,” Sirius grinned. “Anyone
want a cuppa?”

Draco blinked as he tried to recover from the emotional whiplash. Remus let out a long
suffering sigh before shaking his head at Harry, “You’ve just got to remember how to deal
with him occasionally,” Remus explained before leaning forwards and giving Draco a
tentative smile.

“I’m sorry Draco, you must think we were raised by wolves,” Remus said as Draco gasped
and jerked his head to Harry. The alpha was chuckling as he brought his hand up to gently
ruffle Draco’s hair.

“Sirius is a five year old perpetually either crashing or surfing on a sugar high, whilst Remus
here has a sense of humour drier than the Sahara,” Harry explained. Remus nodded in
agreement with an apologetic grin at Draco.

“In all seriousness,” Remus said quietly as there was clanging and clinking from the kitchen
whilst Sirius appeared to make a suspicious amount of noise for a few cups of tea. “We’re
very happy that you and Harry have joined us for Christmas. I know Sirius has an odd way of
saying things, but he really did like your mother. I think it upsets him a little to think about
what happened to everybody in the end. I’m sure he would be willing to let you see the Black
photo albums and to keep, or make copies of, whatever you would like.”

“Thank you,” Draco nodded, feeling a little more at ease.

“You do look just like her,” Remus gave a small laugh, “you have the same scent too.”

“I do?” Draco asked, his eyes widening. It wasn’t unheard of for omegas to inherit one of
their parents’ scents but it was quite unusual, especially if the child wasn’t raised by them.

“Yes, apples – your mother couldn’t get enough of them at school. She even used this
expensive apple shampoo from Paris, claimed anything else was no better than toilet water,”
Remus grinned.

“It was bloody annoying during exam season,” Sirius huffed, walking over to them and
depositing a load of levitating mugs on the table. “They’d make us sit in alphabetical order so
I was always next to Cissy and by the second hour I’d be starving and there was your mother
smelling like sodding apple pie.”

Draco laughed, a little louder than he had meant to as he clapped a hand over his mouth a
second later and glanced sheepishly at Harry. The other man was grinning and looking

“Draco’s scent turns to apple pie when he’s happy,” Harry told them. Draco blinked in
surprise, he hadn’t realised that Harry had become so in tune with his emotional scents.

“Makes sense that Narcissa was so happy during exams,” Sirius muttered, “Her, Remus and
Snivellus always got top marks.”
“Draco’s inherited that as well then,” Harry beamed, “he got five Os in his mock NEWTS.”

“How d-did you know that?” Draco asked, he hadn’t managed to tell Harry yet.

“Hermione let it slip after your accident,” Harry nudged Draco’s side. “It’s bloody brilliant. I
thought maybe we could go celebrate? Hyde Park have got this wizarding winter wonderland
festival on?”

Draco felt himself flush with pleasure, both at his alpha acting proud of Draco and at the
festival suggestion. Draco had really wanted to go to the one in Hogsmeade, never having
had anyone to go with before. When he had heard his accident meant he would miss it, Draco
had felt rather disappointed.

“Yes please,” Draco nodded, his cheeks were obviously red and he could see both Remus and
Sirius looking at him with degrees of amusement.

“How is your pregnancy going Draco?” Remus asked kindly picking up a mug that smelled
like camomile.

“You haven’t let Bella anywhere near the bump have you?” Sirius grimaced. “She hasn’t
been chanting Latin or drawing any dark looking runes?”

“We watched Rosemary’s Baby at Halloween,” Remus explained drily to Harry and Draco,
“It’s a muggle horror movie.”

“N-No,” Draco shook his head firmly, wrapping him arms protectively around his stomach.
“I haven’t seen my aunt in months.”

“Oh good,” Sirius said brightly, “maybe someone finally dropped a house on her.”

“Sirius,” Remus sighed, closing his eyes as if gathering strength.

“It’s okay,” Draco gave them both a small smile, “I don’t like Bellatrix or Rodolphus very
much and they’ve n-never liked me either.”

“Draco my boy, you are growing in my estimation with every passing moment,” Sirius

Draco felt pleased as he wriggled back on the sofa. Harry leant in to him a moment later, the
alpha’s breath hot against the cold shell of Draco’s ear.

“Are you alright? Sorry they’re barmy,” Harry whispered as Draco tried not to obviously let
out a shiver.

“I’m good,” Draco whispered back. Harry smiled in seemingly relief and began to engage
Remus in a humorous conversation about Draco’s pickle cravings.

“You’re not angry at us are you?” Remus asked as Harry helped him fold away laundry.
Draco was taking an afternoon nap whilst Sirius had popped out for takeaway.

Harry paused and raised his eyebrows, “Funny, I thought that would be my line.”

Remus laughed as he attempted to pair together a growing pile of odd socks. “I suppose we
behaved rather appallingly earlier. It’s just…we didn’t expect this for you Harry, and then
seeing Draco was honestly like stepping back in time for Sirius and I. You know Cissy’s
wedding was the last time he ever saw Regulus? It was certainly the last time he and Narcissa
exchanged words that weren’t curses.”

Harry sighed, “Yeah, I get how that would be weird. You could have warned me that Draco
and Sirius were related.”

“Well, someone wasn’t exactly replying to my letters,” Remus stated pointedly. “Besides, I’m
sure if it had been James who had been related to Draco, we would have told you earlier.”

“Ugh,” Harry shuddered at the thought, “I hadn’t even considered that thank god, you know
pureblood families wig me out.”

“Quite,” Remus smiled. The other man seemed to give up on the socks, casting a charm
instead to send them flying into various drawers where they would at least be out of sight.
“You know, being a werewolf allows me access to a layer of scents and physical cues that
would elude most alphas.”

“Okay,” Harry frowned, wondering where this was going.

Remus looked up from where he was sat cross legged on the bedroom floor. “Harry, I don’t
think you’ve ever coupled with that boy.”

Harry froze, staring at the faded Weird Sisters band shirt in his hands.

“Merlin,” Harry laughed, trying to play it off, “if you’re telling me you can smell who I’ve
been in bed with then that Weasley-Delacour summer party last year must have been an eye
opener for you.”

“Yes, well, no one’s ever accused you of being a blushing wallflower Harry,” Remus replied
looking amused. “Draco on the other hand…”

“If you’re trying to imply the baby’s not mine, you’re wrong,” Harry snapped irritably.
“Circe, not you too Remus. Draco isn’t after money or my name, he isn’t trying to ‘lock
down’ an alpha as Sirius so tactfully implied and he bloody well isn’t lying about the baby’s
paternity. I was there when Madam Pomfrey cast the magical signature spell and there again
when a St. Mungo’s healer did exactly the same thing.”

“I’m sorry, Harry,” Remus said quietly, “I wasn’t accusing Draco of anything. I’ll admit at
first I thought perhaps with your innate sense of honour maybe you had simply stepped up to
the plate when another alpha had run for the hills.”
“Well I haven’t,” Harry retorted, frustratedly, wondering if the rest of his life was going to be
spent defending his child’s lineage. He suddenly had a horrible vision of his and Draco’s kid
at Hogwarts, being teased about his parents like Draco often was.

“No, after some reconsideration I decided perhaps you couldn’t be that honourable. After all,
you were raised by Sirius,” Remus smiled, evidently attempting to diffuse the angry alpha
pheromones in the air. Harry sighed, he hadn’t even realised he’d been putting them out.

“It’s complicated,” Harry huffed, “but the baby’s mine okay?”

“Okay,” Remus nodded. “And Draco?”

“What about him?” Harry narrowed his eyes as Remus rose up and started straightening the
rug that Harry’s pacing had set askew.

“Is he yours too?” Remus asked neutrally. “You seem quite protective of him.”

Harry sighed as he sat down on the unmade bed. This large airy room was Sirius and Remus’,
whilst Harry and Draco were going be staying in Harry’s childhood room on the other side of
the apartment. Draco had already gotten excited about seeing where Harry grew up and even
insisted they drink their teas on the balcony outside, despite the winter chill.

Draco was lovely, Harry concluded. He was sweet and clever, albeit painfully shy and at
times amusingly innocent and proper. He was earnest in his feelings and didn’t ever use his
omega status to try and manipulate those around him. Despite having been raised by the
Lestranges, he was nothing like the calculated harshness of his aunt or the blustering
pretensions of his uncle.

Draco was happiest with his nose in a book, cuddled up on the sofa next to Hermione or
Katie. He was proudest when telling Harry about a new potion he had concocted with his
godfather. He had even made an effort to get to know Ron, despite his initial
misapprehensions about the other man.

Draco was beautiful, delicately swollen with child, his paper white skin stretched thin over
aristocratic angles. His sharp nose complimented his petite face and his ash grey eyes,
although closer together and less doll like than most omegas, were intelligent and at times,
even fierce. Harry thought of the graceful curve of Draco’s neck, the three freckles under his
ear and how his hummingbird heart would beat a tattoo as the vein in his throat pulsed
whenever Harry touched him. The way Draco’s blush would blossom like spring sakura,
darkening to candied cherries as it spread across his chest, now puffy with the beginning of
small breasts.

“I see,” Remus mused thoughtfully as Harry remembered where he was and immediately
sought to curb the telling pheromones he had been giving off. It was obviously too late
however, especially for Remus’ werewolf nose and the other man walked over to crack open
a window with an amused expression.

“He’s not mine,” Harry admitted.

“Lily used to say the same thing about James,” Remus smiled, “until she realised he could


Draco gaped at the festive flurry of sights, sounds and smells rolled out before them. The
Winter Wonderland was absolutely massive. Much bigger, Draco suspected, than the one in
Hogsmeade would have been.

“You okay with the crowds?” Harry asked, nudging Draco’s side and wrapping his fingers
around Draco’s mitten clad hand.

“There’s a rollercoaster!” Draco blurted out as he watched the cart of laughing, screaming
witches and wizards do a loop the loop. The cart had been transfigured to look like a sleigh,
whilst charmed wooden reindeer sped along the track.

“I don’t think that would be safe for pregnancy,” Hermione frowned beside them.

Hermione and Ron had joined them at the wonderland’s entrance, along with a few other
people that it turned out had booked tickets for the same day. Draco had been a little nervous
to see that Ginny Weasley was also there, but she had simply smiled at them in greeting and
commented on how Draco was much bigger than the last time she had seen him.

“Where would you like to go first?” Harry asked Draco, handing him a beautifully illustrated
map of all the event’s facilities and attractions.

Draco’s eyes wandered across the little symbols and drawings. There was an Igloo Café, an
ice rink, various rides, a carousel, about a hundred food stalls, Santa’s Grotto, a Christmas
tree maze that the others seemed rather keen on, a market area and so much more that Draco
struggled to take it all in.

“I don’t know,” Draco admitted.

“Well let’s just walk about a bit first then,” Harry smiled. “You lot all hitting the maze?”

“Nah, we’ll do the rink first,” Ron peered down at the map, “work up an appetite then have
lunch somewhere, I bet there’s loads of free samples.”

“Ronald, I do not want a repeat of the sauerkraut incident,” Hermione warned her boyfriend,
“please remember that even your stomach has its limits.”

Draco giggled, feeling absolutely wonderful. With a slight pang of regret he wondered if all
these people would be coming here again next year? Draco probably wouldn’t be invited
then, no longer being Harry’s responsibility. He shoved the thought to the back of his mind
and took a deep breath, the air smelled of peppermint and roasted chestnuts and right now,
Harry was holding his hand.
“Alright, we’ll meet up with you by the start of the food huts in about an hour and a half?”
Harry suggested as the others happily agreed and everybody began to disperse. “Let me know
if you get tired or cold,” Harry told Draco as they began to meander down a fairy light lit
avenue. The usual grass of the park was carpeted in charmed snow and more flakes were
lazily drifting down from the sky.

Eventually they came to an area where a young blond witch sat next to a massive glass
sphere, close to the size of a small room. Draco tried to look inside, however the sphere was
almost opaque, being full of densely swirling snow.

“What is it?” Harry asked, looking at the witch who was clearly some sort of vendor.

“It’s a snow globe creator,” she grinned. “Right now it’s blank, but if you go inside you can
start designing your own snow globe. When you’re done you can come on out and get a
handheld version that’s an exact replica.”

“That’s some nifty spell work,” Harry nodded, looking impressed.

“My grandfather designed it,” the woman beamed, “One of a kind patent, you won’t find
anything like it at any other festival.”

“What do you reckon?” Harry asked, leaning down to nudge his nose against Draco’s temple.
Draco closed his eyes briefly as he savoured the touch.

“I’d like to do it,” Draco replied before they paid for their tickets and walked through a small
round door into the globe. It was rather frightening at first, like being stuck in the middle of a
blizzard. Draco couldn’t even see the exit anymore. He leaned into Harry who wrapped an
arm around his shoulders comfortingly.

Thankfully, over the next few seconds the snow began to settle and soon a completely sparse
space was revealed, the snow clad ground glistening in bright sunshine.

“Right then,” Harry said, “How about a tree?” He focussed on an empty patch before
suddenly a large dark spruce appeared, towering over them.

Draco laughed in delight as Harry shot him a pleased grin. “What do you want in here?”
Harry asked, removing his arm from Draco and walking around the globe, inspecting it.

Draco squeezed his eyes shut in concentration before opening them and finding that a large,
frosted snowman had appeared beside Harry. It was nearly as tall as the alpha with a bright
orange carrot nose and shining coal buttons.

“Blimey,” Harry chuckled as the snowman’s spindly twig arm politely doffed his top hat in
Draco’s direction.

The two of them spent the next ten minutes decorating the rest of their globe, Harry brought
in a raft of cheeky forest animals, squirrels pelting each other with chestnuts and robins that
trilled to the tune of Jingle Bells. Draco crafted a large golden pair of bells, adorned with
holly and red ribbons to hang magically above them. He couldn’t believe how wonderful it
felt to be with Harry like this, the alpha was so kind and funny and Draco’s inner omega felt
totally at peace, so unlike the first few weeks when he had been afraid to even be left alone in
a room with the handsome but mysterious man.

Draco chewed on his lip as Harry fussed over creating a constellation of twinkling stars in the
sky above the bells. Draco recognised the pattern as that of Canis Major, the Dog Star.

He wondered what Harry thought about Draco now? Did he still see him as a horribly shy
and silent omega or had Draco managed to convey glimpses of his own personality across to
the alpha?

Draco bent down to roll up a small ball of snow with his mittens before standing up
decisively and throwing it at Harry’s back. His eyes widened in horror, however, as the
snowball exploded against the back of Harry’s head instead, ice slipping down the alpha’s
collar. Why on Earth had he done that? What godforsaken demon had momentarily possessed

“I – I,” Draco stammered as Harry slowly turned around, his face in total shock.

“Did you just throw a snowball at me?” Harry asked, blinking behind his glasses.

“I’m s-sorry,” Draco whispered miserably.

“Oh it’s on!” Harry suddenly laughed, a loud and brilliant sound and he sprinted across the
globe and kicked up a cloud of snow to shower down on Draco. Draco squealed in surprise
before relief flushed through him and he began giggling and joining in on the fight.

“How are you so quick?!” Harry exclaimed as he dodged another icy projectile. “I swear
someone with a belly that big shouldn’t be able to move like this!”

Draco beamed as he managed to land another snowball, dangerously close to Harry’s crotch.

“Right you,” Harry snarled playfully, stalking forwards as Draco yelped and tried to run
away. It was no good however, the alpha’s strong arms wrapped around the omega not a
moment later and Draco found himself hoisted backwards so Harry’s front was pressed
against his back. “Got you,” Harry growled, the low rumble of his chest vibrating against
Draco and making him shiver.

“I still w-won,” Draco protested, trying to crane his head back to look up at a smirking Harry.

“Did you now?” Harry murmured, playfully tipping Draco forwards as if to pin him to the
ground. Draco laughed as he tried to bat his hands back to hit any exposed part of the alpha.
“Are you sure, Draco?” Harry added, he sounded amused and when Draco twisted his neck
round he could see a wicked gleam in Harry’s eyes.

Draco gasped as Harry crowded him further, gently lowering them both to the ground. “You
know, we haven’t made a snow angel yet,” Harry told him, his voice quiet as Draco became
acutely aware of quite how close the alpha was, all the points they were pressed against each
“Let’s do that now!” Draco gulped, scrambling to try and get up but accidentally slipping on
the snow and careening down. Harry caught Draco immediately, one hand bracketed gently
on his belly and the other on Draco’s left hip, holding him tightly. Draco could feel the heat
of Harry’s body and realised that this new position meant that Draco’s bottom was pressed
backwards into Harry’s crotch.

Draco gasped as his body started to respond to having an alpha on top of him, an alpha to
whom he was oh so very attracted.

“You need to be careful, little one,” Harry murmured, his lips ruffled Draco’s hair as he
spoke, the other man’s head bowed down towards him. Draco squeezed his eyes tightly shut
as he felt his thighs start to tremble, instinctively he pushed back ever so slightly, eliciting a
muted intake of breath from the older man. There was something huge and hard nudging
Draco’s right buttock and the hand on his belly was diffusing his skin with heat like a brand.

“H-Harry,” Draco whispered, his eyes shooting open in horror as he felt his underwear flood
with a sudden rush of slick. Draco was frozen in mortification as the sticky substance dripped
down the back of his thighs, soaking into the material of the dark maternity jeans he had
bought from Olive’s.

“Fuck, Draco is that –“ Harry began to ask, sounding shocked when suddenly there was a
loud rapping knock on the outside of the snow globe.

“You done in there?” the woman’s voice called out as Harry and Draco jerked apart as if
burned. Draco remained kneeling on the snowy ground for a few moments before he felt
Harry’s hands gently help him up to his feet.

“Draco, I’m really fucking sorry,” Harry murmured, reaching out to stroke a finger cautiously
down the younger boy’s cold cheek. “Are you okay? I didn’t mean to trigger…” Harry trailed
off as Draco let out an embarrassed whimper. What the hell was Harry going to think of him
now? There was a running joke about slutty omegas slicking up at the drop of a hat for any
alpha who so much as looked at them.

“I –I’ve never done that before,” Draco admitted, gathering the courage to look up at Harry’s
worried face. He knew his own tone was pleading, willing Harry to believe him. The only
times Draco had produced slick before were in the darkened privacy of his own bed to
fragmented dreams of the same alpha that was now standing before him.

“Oh sweetheart,” Harry sighed with a sympathetic expression. It was the first time Harry had
used such a term of endearment to refer to Draco, despite the women of Gaedere doing so
regularly, and Draco bitterly regretted that he couldn’t even enjoy it.

Draco shifted awkwardly, his denims were soaked through in places and the previously warm
slick had chilled and was now freezing his skin in the snowy air. He tensed as Harry took a
step closer and peered round behind Draco as if to check the damage.

“It’s okay,” Harry stated firmly, shrugging off his own large woollen coat and wrapping it
around the omega. The coat was thick and warm and went down to Draco’s ankles,
completely covering the very obvious stains. “We’ll find you something to change into okay?
That was completely my fault.”

“Are we going home now?” Draco asked miserably, so angry at himself for ruining the whole
day. They hadn’t even seen any of the other attractions.

“Well,” Harry cleared his throat, “I would love it if we stayed for a while longer. I think
you’d really like the rescue penguin section, you can buy a bucket of fish to feed them.
However, the last thing I want is for you to be walking around cold and uncomfortable. I
don’t think cleaning charms work very well on…that, so let’s see if we can nip somewhere to
buy some fresh clothes okay?”

Draco nodded forlornly and went to follow Harry out of the globe. He jealously wondered
how Harry knew so much about omega slick as the two of them collected their miniature
sized version from the vendor, stashed safely in an unbreakable charmed paper bag. Draco
winced and tried to look as invisible as possible as Harry asked if she knew anywhere in the
festival to pick up some clothes.

Half an hour later, Draco was dressed in a new, warm pair of trousers and novelty underpants
with a Christmas pudding on them. Harry had taken his coat back and was shooting Draco
worried, furtive looks as they made their way towards the food stalls to meet up with the

“Please don’t be upset,” Harry said as they passed a jolly looking wizard handing out German
wurst and paper cups of glühwein. “It was a natural omega reaction and completely my

“You’re not disgusted?” Draco asked, frowning down at the ground.

“Of course not,” Harry stated, shaking his head, “so please don’t let this affect your day
okay? We’re meant to be celebrating how ridiculously smart you are.”

Draco couldn’t help the way his lips twitched into a small smile at that.

“And I know if your mum was here she’d be so proud of you and want to take you
somewhere nice,” Harry continued as Draco’s heart constricted. “Oh wow, Draco, look.”

Draco glanced up to where Harry was pointing. It was a stall that looked to be covered in
different coloured icicles. Draco watched as a man handed over some coins to the vendor
before snapping one of the red icicles off of the roof and tipping it up like a shot glass.

“Cranberry!” he shouted happily to his waiting friends who had their own icicle drinks of
blue and green.

“Shall we give it a go?” Harry grinned, nudging Draco’s side.

After Harry had established that only the icicles hanging from the roof contained alcohol, he
bought them a purple one and a sunshine coloured one.
“I was always warned not to eat the yellow snow,” Harry frowned suspiciously down at his
own icicle before shrugging and smiling at Draco, “bottoms up!”

Harry tossed back a big gulp of the drink before smacking his lips, “Oh! It’s dandelion.”

Draco laughed before trying his own and discovering it was spiced plum, it was particularly
pleasant and warming.

The rest of the group joined them about ten minutes later, all red cheeked and breathless from

“Have you bought some things then?” Ginny asked, peering over to the bags that Harry was
carrying. Draco tensed as Harry yanked the bags away from the curious red head, he knew
full well that one of them contained his bunched up slicked jeans and underwear. “Smells a
bit…” Ginny frowned and sniffed the air before her face split into a shark like grin.

“Are we doing lunch then or what?” Harry asked loudly, interrupting whatever Ginny had
been going to say and sending her a warning glare.

After a hearty meal of different dishes from various stalls, everyone decided on tackling the
Christmas Tree Maze. Seamus informed them that if you managed to reach the centre of the
maze you would be able to pick a mystery box present from underneath the central tree,
which was also the only one that would be decorated with ornaments and lights.

“Oh they’re using the diversion charm,” Hermione announced as they drew up to the maze’s
entrance and purchased their tickets. “That was used in the Triwizard Tournament as well.”

Draco looked up to see what had previously been a path into the maze and turning left, was
now a path that turned right as the trees magically warped and rearranged themselves.

“You alright doing this?” Harry frowned as he turned to Draco.

Draco looked across to where Ginny was peering at them with interest, Seamus and his friend
Dean too. Draco already felt like a kid who had wet himself and needed Harry to carry
around his dirty clothes, he didn’t think he could bear to isolate himself even further from all
of Harry’s adult friends who were clearly eager to get into the maze.

“Of course,” Draco declared, eyeing the suddenly very dark and expansive looking forest. “It
will be fun.”

The group plunged into the mass of trees, laughing and whooping as they heard other maze
goers calling back to them and shouting clearly erroneous instructions in a bid to get to the
centre first.

“Bloody hell, there’s Neville, Hannah and Luna!” Seamus laughed as he pointed up ahead to
where the three other Gaedere students were just coming onto the path. “What’s Nev doing?”

Draco squinted to see that the tall alpha was sticking his head in between the pine filled
“Oh you know Neville,” Dean smirked, “probably communing with the trees or something.”

“I think we should go left,” Hermione announced as Ron confidently stated the opposite.

“Bugger you both, I think it’s this way,” Seamus exclaimed, hurrying forwards through a new
clearing that had just opened up before it quickly sealed shut behind him.

“Don’t complain when there’s no presents left for you!” Ginny shouted after him.

“Which way do you reckon?” Harry whispered to Draco, squeezing his hand. Draco frowned
and sniffed the air, the path on the right smelled like moss and the mulch you got in the
Forbidden Forest, whilst the left hand one smelled faintly of clementines and cloves.

“I think left,” Draco replied.

“Right then,” Harry nodded decisively, “Sorry Ron but I’m probably going to trust Hermione
and Draco.”

“Suck up,” Ginny snorted, grabbing her brother’s arm and tugging them in the other
direction. “We’ll race you there then.”

Dean shrugged as he quickly trotted after the Weasleys, leaving Hermione, Harry and Draco
to make their way down the path. They eventually came out to a small, circular grove with a
small fountain. The fountain itself was a stone sculpture in the shape of a Christmas stocking
with water bubbling out from the top of it. Sure enough, small clove-studded oranges were
floating in the pool, along with paper sailing boats.

Hermione reached to pick one of them up as a burst of music rippled across the grove,

‘I saw three ships come sailing in

On Christmas day, on Christmas day’

Draco laughed delightedly as the song died down and Hermione flapped open one of the
boat’s sails to reveal a rudimentary map. “A clue!” she announced, beaming round at them.
“We need to head this way,” she gestured to a gap in the trees, hurrying through it before
letting out a small yelp as her sleeve got caught on a branch.

“Mione!” Harry exclaimed, momentarily letting go of Draco’s hand and moving forwards to
help disentangle his friend. Draco followed after them but gasped as he suddenly found the
path blocked by an impenetrable wall of Christmas trees.

“H-Harry?” Draco called out nervously, sure that the alpha must right on the other side.
However, there was no answer as Draco looked anxiously around the grove. The way they
had come from was also gone now and there was only one path leading out. Draco glanced
back at where he had last seen Harry before quickly hurrying down it.

Draco kept walking for about five minutes before admitting he was completely lost and
disorientated. He could still hear shouts and laughs from other people in the maze but every
time he tried to travel towards them, they seemed to fade away.
Eventually, he rounded a corner and collided with a large, hard body. Draco let out a winded
noise as he stumbled backwards, clutching his bump. A hand reached out to steady him as
Draco looked up at an alpha he knew was in Gaedere with Harry. The man’s name was
Zacharias Smith and Draco was immediately on edge. This was the same alpha who had
made those nasty remarks about Draco in the Great Hall.

“Well well,” Smith smirked, “are you lost omega?”

“No,” Draco replied firmly, standing his ground.

“Oh?” Smith quirked an eyebrow. The alpha was tall but not quite as big as Harry, although
he still stood at an impressive breadth and height that served to be more than intimidating
enough for Draco. “I’m surprised after what went down in that snow globe that Potter let you
out of his sight.”

Draco inhaled sharply, looking up at Smith’s amused face. The other man had dark brown
hair, a handsome Roman nose and thick brows.

“Oh yes,” Smith chuckled, obviously sensing Draco’s surprise. “Kind of hard not to notice
something like that when you’re standing in a transparent glass sphere.”

Draco flushed, he’d had no idea that people could see into the globe. It hadn’t been see
through from the inside. Had other festival goers really watched everything that happened? It
was a mortifying thought.

“Should have seen how quickly that saleswoman jumped to her feet when she realised you
and Potter were about to give everyone a show,” Smith scoffed. “I mean really, this is meant
to be a family friendly event you know? I suppose from your condition it’s already apparent
how little shame you have but I figured the great Harry Potter might show a little class.”

Draco scrunched his face up, he felt upset and angry. This alpha didn’t know Draco, he had
no right to say such things.

“You’re still not bitten then?” Smith distractedly licked his lips as his gaze fell on Draco’s
neck. Draco knew the alpha was hazarding a guess, the knitted turtle neck Draco was wearing
covered up his throat completely.

“I’m g-going now,” Draco snapped, turning to walk back in the direction he had come from
and praying the trees hadn’t closed up already.

“Oh come on,” Smith drawled, darting his hand out to tug Draco back. He crowded Draco
against a nearby wall of pine, leaning over him. Smith’s scent was wood polish and grapes
and Draco’s omega did not like it one bit.

“Don’t touch me,” Draco hissed, glaring up at the alpha and baring his teeth. Smith, however,
just looked surprised for a moment before dissolving into laughter.

“Oh wow, I knew you had a fight in you,” Smith announced, looking inordinately pleased.
“I’ve watched you around school you know, for a few years now. You always have this ‘meek
and mild’ shtick going on and whilst I guess that’s what pops Potter’s knot, I prefer ‘em a bit
more feisty.”

Draco’s mouth dropped open, he couldn’t believe how crude this grown alpha was being. He
supposed this was what his aunt Bella had in mind whenever she would drone on at Draco
about the importance of being chaperoned everywhere, lest he encounter a drooling mindless
alpha predator. Draco had always been sorely tempted to point out that Bellatrix was an alpha
herself but he had bitten his tongue instead.

“Potter won’t bond with you,” Smith stated, bringing up his index finger to stroke the bottom
of Draco’s chin. “If he’d being going to, he would have done it when you first told him you
were with child. You need to start thinking about your other options pretty omega, before it’s
too late.”

“L-Like you?” Draco asked bitterly, trying to struggle free but very aware of not hurting his

“You’d be bloody lucky to be marked by someone like me,” Smith growled, his pupils
growing larger as he stared down at Draco. “Your last name is worth shit and you’re already

“If I’m so bad then stop bothering me,” Draco muttered, shoving his mittens hard against
Smith’s chest and letting out a grunt of frustration as the large alpha didn’t even budge a

“You’re not all bad,” Smith smirked, his fingers cupping Draco’s chin more tightly and
angling his face up. “There are parts of you that are very, very good.”

Draco tensed as he realised that Smith was bringing his mouth down towards Draco’s. Draco
scrambled backwards, wincing as the Christmas tree branches dug painfully into his back.
One of his mittens had fallen off and he felt himself wrapping his fingers around a nearby
branch, the wood rough and strangely warm under his grip.

‘Please’ Draco begged the trees, ‘Please’.

Suddenly the branches behind Draco gave way and Smith let out a shout of surprise as the
maze pulled back, creating a large gap. Draco felt himself topple backwards, only to be
caught by strong arms and the smell of bonfire and cinnamon.

“Draco!” Harry shouted, holding the omega’s trembling body tightly before jerking his head
up to stare dangerously at Smith. “You,” Harry snarled as Smith’s shit eating grin dissolved
into panic. Harry tugged Draco against his chest as the alpha raised his wand and sent Smith
flying backwards, landing in a sprawled heap on the snowy path.

“Did you touch him?” Harry roared, the sound ricocheting through his chest as Draco whined
and buried closer into Harry, stuffing his nose against the alpha’s coat. “You fucking
bastard!” Harry shouted again and there was another whip like crackle of a hex being cast.
Draco made a noise of protest as he felt someone gently pulling him away from Harry,
however he relented when he realised it was Hermione. The beta woman hugged Draco
against her side, her frizzy hair tickling his cheek as Draco turned to see Harry striding over
to Smith, who had managed to stagger to his feet but with a bleeding nose.

Harry grabbed Smith’s collar and jerked him forwards, Smith yelping as his injured nose
banged against Harry’s.

“I’m going to let you go,” Harry whispered furiously, “but only because I don’t want to scare
Draco. However, if you ever go near him again I will crucio your fucking brains out, Merlin
help me.”

“He – he came on to me!” Smith croaked, shooting Draco a vicious sneer.

Harry muttered another hex that Draco couldn’t quite hear, however a second later Smith
screamed out in pain before clutching wildly at his crotch. A weird, salty, briney smell
permeated the air.

“Stop blubbering,” Harry snapped, “I’m sure it will change back in a few hours. Until then,
just avoid the penguin feeding area.”

With that, Harry turned on his heel and stormed back towards Draco and Hermione, the air
still seeming to crackle with the power of his magical energy. Behind them, Smith hobbled
away as quickly as he could, considering his incredibly wide legged stance.

“Little one?”

Draco blinked up into Harry’s concerned expression, realizing that the alpha was cradling
Draco’s face tenderly as if inspecting him for any signs of injury.

“I’m fine,” Draco replied, amazed he hadn’t stuttered. His trembling had died down and he
was surrounded by Harry’s scent and Hermione’s warmth.

Harry seemed to sag in relief, tucking his wand back into his sleeve before dragging Draco
into a tight hug. Draco let out a small squawk as Harry’s hands suddenly clasped the backs of
Draco’s thighs and hoisted him up into the air. Draco’s arms instinctively wrapped around
Harry’s neck and his legs around the alpha’s torso. Draco’s bump nestled against Harry’s
chest but somehow they managed to angle themselves in a way that didn’t compress it too
badly but still allowed for closeness.

“I’m so sorry I lost you,” Harry murmured into Draco’s ear.

“It’s okay,” Draco replied, nuzzling his face into Harry’s neck and hoping the alpha would
temporarily forgive his shamelessness. “The trees brought me back to you.”

“Did they?” Harry asked, a hint of amusement in his voice before he sighed again. “Are you
sure you’re okay? I can send up a wand flare and the maze attendants will come get us.”

Draco groaned as he realised he had completely forgotten they could do that, it’s what he
should have done the moment he knew he was lost.
“No,” Draco shook his head, “I want to get to the centre of the maze.”

“Yeah?” Harry grinned as Draco pulled his head back so the tips of their noses were lightly
touching, Draco’s cold against Harry’s warmth. “You just don’t want to miss out on one of
the prize presents right?”

Draco smiled guiltily as Hermione laughed in the background.

“I think I know h-how to get there,” Draco told them both, patting Harry in order to be gently
put back down. Draco hurried over to the nearest wall of trees before touching one of the
branches with his fingers. “Your friend Neville was doing the right thing!” Draco leaned in to
the foliage before whispering.

“Please could you open up a path for us?”

At first, Draco thought it wasn’t working, but then the trees seemed to bow, their frosted tips
sprinkling him with snow before they slid apart from each other and revealed a wide, open
gap to a new path.

“Well, look at that,” Harry said, beaming at Draco who couldn’t help but feel a little smug.
The three of them carried onwards. When Harry noticed that Draco had lost a mitten, he
carefully wrapped his hand around Draco’s bare one and pushed it into Harry’s warm pocket,
holding them together there.

Eventually, after ten more minutes of twists and turns they emerged out into a large clearing.
In the middle was a Christmas tree, but this one was completely draped in all different
coloured lights, glittery tinsel, hanging baubles and, amusingly enough, a rather harangued
looking fairy sat on the very top of it instructing winners to only take one present per person.
Chapter 10

Harry smiled fondly at where Draco was sat cross legged on the carpet at Padfoot’s. They
were in the lounge area and the omega was busy trying to construct his present from the
Christmas Tree Maze. It was one of those wooden German decorations that you had to build
yourself. The instructions promised Draco that it was going to be a carousel that, when you
placed a series of hot tea lights at various intervals, would start to rotate.

The younger boy was fresh from the shower, Harry having insisted Draco warm up after they
had returned from Hyde Park. Draco’s skin was still flushed pink and his slightly damp hair
was stuck to his neck and forehead in places. Harry had offered to cast a drying spell,
however after his accident, Draco had become very reticent about the idea of having spells
aimed at him, even if Madam Pomfrey had assured him they were baby safe.

Draco was wearing pyjamas, they were the set that Harry had found in his own maze present
and decided to transfigure so as to fit the omega. Harry hadn’t really liked the idea of Draco
walking around the house in one of his usual nightgowns. The trousers and shirt were made
of a tartan patterned flannel in chequered squares of dark blue and wine red. Much to Harry’s
pleasure, they also looked nice and warm. Although the heating charms at Padfoot’s seemed
to be a lot more effective than those in the Gaedere annexe.

Sirius was sat on the sofa reading a travel book about Bolivia. Remus was leaning against the
mantelpiece, offering Draco advice whenever he reached a confusing set of German

Behind the other man, Harry caught sight of two origami stag beetles buggering each other.

“I take it we’re not going to Ursula White’s Yule party this year either?” Harry grinned wryly
as Sirius let out a snort.

“Stupid cow,” Sirius muttered. “You know five years ago she tried to set me up with her
niece? As if I haven’t been shacked up with a sexy werewolf for the last seventeen.”

Remus smiled softly as his eyes flicked to Sirius.

“Bother!” Draco exclaimed suddenly. Harry glanced round to see the younger boy staring
petulantly down at some carved pieces of wood and odd metal pins in his hands. Draco
looked so put out that Harry half wanted to laugh but he didn’t think the omega would
appreciate that.

“What’s up?” Harry asked, peering over at the piles of components that Draco had spent the
last twenty minutes methodically organising.

“I think I’ve p-put the rotor together wrong,” Draco frowned, his lips coming together in a
pout. “My paddles are wonky.”
“Surely a bit wonky doesn’t matter?” Harry offered cheerfully as Sirius made a clearly
disagreeing noise on the sofa beside him.

Harry glanced up to see Remus stare at Sirius for a moment before winking at Harry.

“That’s right Draco,” Remus began loudly, “you could just angle your axle to compensate.”

Harry bit back a grin as he felt Sirius stiffen next to him. The other alpha was still intently
staring at his book and ignoring everyone, but Harry could see his knuckles had gone white
from tension.

“Do you mean the driveshaft?” Draco asked, looking confused.

“Oh no,” Remus shook his head theatrically “I’m not sure where that goes, maybe on the
outside of the appara-“

“Right!” Sirius exclaimed loudly, causing Draco to yelp and drop the rotor. “That’s it, you.”
Sirius pointed accusingly at Remus, “know full well you’re banned from my garage on
account of knowing sod all about engineering and you,” Sirius shook his head at Harry with a
look of a disappointment, “wonky doesn’t matter? How the fuck do you think it’s going to
spin if all the paddles are the wrong way up?”

Harry shrugged, trying not smile as Sirius jumped up and stalked over to Draco. Draco
blinked up the alpha with wide, nervous eyes. Apart from when they had first met, Sirius
hadn’t engaged with the omega at all.

“Don’t listen to these pillocks,” Sirius told Draco, picking up the set of wooden slats. “We’ll
get this fixed in no time, pass me that glass rod would you?”

Harry and Remus exchanged self satisfied glances as Sirius and Draco began chattering about
the carousel. Despite Sirius being a relatively unknown alpha, Draco seemed to have relaxed
and looked to be enjoying himself as the pyramid’s different levels came together.

A little while later, whilst Sirius and Draco were all smiles, lighting up a selection of candles
and watching their creation spin festively, Harry joined Remus over in the kitchen.

“For all his impulsivity, my Padfoot is fantastically predictable,” Remus told Harry fondly as
he passed him a cup of hot mulled wine, it smelled of nutmeg and star anise. Remus sighed
and took a sip of his own mug. “Has it really been seventeen years? You know it shocked me
when he said that. Sometimes I forget I’m not twenty-one anymore.” Remus glanced over at
Sirius, who now appeared to be in the middle of telling Draco a story about Narcissa putting
spiders in Bellatrix’s cereal. Draco looked equal parts horrified and delighted.

“And sometimes I can’t believe I was actually brave enough to get on the back of that
scoundrel’s motorbike. You should have seen him back then, all leather and cocksure grins.
Thought he was invincible.”

From that description, Harry didn’t really think Sirius had changed much at all.
“Then again,” Remus laughed, stirring his wine with a cinnamon bark stick, “I was always
uncharacteristically brave whenever I was with your dad or Sirius. Something about their
courage was so infectious, as if we could take on the entire world so long as we knew we
were in the right.”

Harry swallowed, shifting his mug in his grip and reaching out to squeeze Remus’ shoulder.

“James would have found it hilarious you were having a baby with the Malfoy boy,” Remus
commented wanly. “Merlin knows he would have enjoyed rubbing that in Lucius’ face.
Lucius was a year below us but he was insufferable even back then. I mean, it wasn’t quite
the distain your dad had for Snape of course.”

“Ah,” Harry winced guiltily. “Um, that’s actually another thing I haven’t mentioned. Severus
Snape is Draco’s godfather.”

“Circe’s tits,” Remus suddenly laughed, causing both Draco and Sirius to stop what they
were doing and peer curiously over at him. “Oh, James would have loved this.”


The next morning Harry had promised he would teach Draco how to bake brownies. As usual
he had awoken with a sleepy, snuffly omega curled up in bed next to him.

On the first day at Padfoot’s, Harry had offered to sleep in the guest room but Draco had
shyly told him that was unnecessary seeing as they had already shared a bed the night before
coming down to London.

Since then, every morning Harry stared up at the ceiling wondering why he was choosing to
inflict such a special brand of torture upon himself. After the snow globe incident, Harry had
tried to maintain at least some semblance of space. So although they were in the same bed,
Harry carefully kept to his side.

The trouble was, he now was in the devastating position of knowing what Draco’s slick
smelled like. When Harry had first caught a whiff of that aroma, his mouth had literally
watered and he didn’t think his dick had ever been that hard in his life. Poor Draco had been
so flustered by the whole affair that at least he hadn’t seemed to notice that Harry had been
sporting a considerable stiffy in his jeans. Even just the memory now of that sweet honeydew
was enough to get Harry’s shaft thickening with blood and his balls feeling heavy and tight.

The intensity of Draco’s distress at the Winter Wonderland, however, had snapped Harry
back to his senses. He had promised Draco he would never take advantage of him and Harry
had wrestled his salivating inner alpha back into submission. It didn’t help that Draco had
then trusted Harry to carry round the bag containing his soiled clothes for the rest of the day.
Harry had been paranoid that one of his friends would catch a whiff, feeling incredibly
possessive and protective of the forbidden scent. Of course Ginny had cottoned on
immediately, sending Harry knowing smirks and waggled eyebrows the entire afternoon. It
had irked him but Harry knew that Ginny would be the last person to take an interest in
Draco. He had been more worried about her unintentionally embarrassing the younger boy.
Harry was already aware that Draco sometimes felt self conscious around the alpha’s friends
and he wanted to protect Draco from any teasing.

Then of course there had been the incident with Zacharias Smith. It made Harry’s blood boil
to even think of it, to remember how the slimy alpha had deigned to lay his hands on Draco.
Harry had been certain that Draco would want to go home straight afterwards, that the omega
would be horribly shaken by what had happened. Certainly Draco’s scent when he had fallen
through the clearing had been a particularly acidic assault on Harry’s nose. However the
omega had quickly calmed in Harry’s presence, his heartbeat steadying and his limbs
stopping their shaking by the time Harry had picked him up and held him close.

Not for the first time, Harry’s teeth had itched with the desire to sink themselves into Draco’s
shoulder, marking him as bonded. Harry felt pangs of possessiveness every time he so much
as looked at Draco now. His inner alpha couldn’t understand the problem, the omega was
already swollen with Harry’s child, why not go the extra step and claim him?

Harry had always expected to bond with someone after years of dating. Maybe after he had
progressed to becoming a mid level auror and was ready to start a family. He tried to imagine
that still happening, of meeting someone else in the future. However, no matter how many
times he pictured it, the person would always morph back into Draco.

Harry glanced to observe the younger boy on the bed beside him. Draco had evidently fallen
back asleep, his face half smushed into the pillow and his other cheek bearing crease marks,
red against his milky skin. The omega’s hair had been growing quite quickly since he became
pregnant and it was spread out around him like a silver halo. In truth, he did look like an
angel, albeit with a small patch of drool on his chin.

Harry could smell the creamy sweet scent again, emanating from Draco’s chest. Although the
padded bralettes had arrived from Amberly’s in the post, it was still more comfortable for
Draco to sleep without them. Harry had assured the omega that he shouldn’t be embarrassed
about leaking overnight and had made certain that he never stared too long at Draco’s
occasionally damp chest.

Harry sighed, feeling himself thicken between his legs as he stood up and walked gingerly
towards the bathroom. He turned on the shower and stood in the blistering hot spray, willing
himself not to sink to the level of jerking off whilst Draco lay innocently sleeping in the next

The wall tiles were contrastingly cool as Harry leaned his forehead against them, reaching
down to squeeze the base of his uncooperative cock. He hissed as the touch brought
momentary gratification.

Unbidden images of pale white skin and spit shined pink lips flashed through Harry’s mind as
he thumped his head in self reprimand. It was no good he decided, if he didn’t beat off now
then he knew from experience he would probably spend the rest of the day on edge. It was
Christmas Eve and Sirius and Remus had gone out for the day to visit some friends. Harry
wanted to enjoy his precious time alone with Draco whilst he could, knowing that the next
week would be a flurry of parties and events filled with other people.

Harry’s fingers slipped soapily up his turgid shaft, the pad of his thumb rubbing across the
thick vein that went down the middle of it. He glanced down as he pulled back his foreskin,
teasing the swollen bulb before closing his eyes and letting his mind drift.

Merlin it was wrong, Harry knew it was wrong but he bit his lip hard as the moving picture of
him fucking into Draco floated across his vision. Dream Draco’s mouth was wide open in a
perfect circle as Harry held the omega’s thin wrists behind his back with a single dark hand.
The omega’s own ivory skin would be shiny with sweat and his small pert breasts would be
bouncing happily with Harry’s thrusts.

“Fuck,” Harry grunted, realizing that his imaginary Draco was also still pregnant. A beautiful
belly carrying Harry’s seed, ripening with the two of them. It looked so good to Harry’s
alpha, the bigger Draco got, the more proof that Harry had filled him properly, bred him just
right. Dream Draco was swollen and whimpering, waves of honeyed slick rolling down
quivering thighs and pooling at their feet.

Harry groaned as he imagined rubbing his hand over Draco’s stomach, caressing him
lovingly before travelling further south to pleasure his small omega prick.

He heard Draco’s shy voice in his mind, what he had said to Harry at Olive’s;

“You could be Daddy…”

“Fuck!” Harry exclaimed, panting loudly as he orgasmed, painting the tiles with ropes of hot
come like a pornographic Pollock. His chest was still rising and falling rapidly as he sagged
against the wall, one arm up to brace himself. The steady stream from the shower was beating
against his hunched shoulders.

Harry drew back and stared at the evidence of his own release before grimacing. He quickly
detached the shower head and sprayed the wall until it was clean. The last thing he wanted
was Draco smelling anything like that when he used the bathroom after Harry.

Harry’s stomach felt uncomfortable as he got out and towelled himself dry, roughly as if in
penance. Merlin, he was the worst. Draco was the sweetest fucking kid whose trust he had
finally earned. Harry sighed as he picked his glasses back up and rubbed the steam from
them. He could get through this but he needed to pull himself together. Draco didn’t deserve
to be lusted over by some drooling knothead.

After taking a deep breath and steeling himself, Harry quickly unlocked the bathroom door
and strode into the bedroom.

“Right, let’s make some brow -“ Harry was cut short by a dramatic squeal. He gaped as he
was met with a flash of Draco’s very white bare buttocks, jiggling wildly as the omega
scrambled to pull the duvet up from the nearby bed and around his nude body.
Harry spun on his heels to face the wall, realizing he should have done that five seconds ago.
“Shit, I’m sorry Draco, I had no idea you’d be changing.”

“You w-were in the bathroom,” Draco spoke behind him, the scents of panic and
embarrassment filtering through the air. “I thought I had time.”

“Right,” Harry nodded, “sorry. I didn’t see anything.” Harry rolled his eyes at himself, there
was no way Draco was going to believe that.

“Y-You can turn around now,” Draco said after a minute. Harry hesitated before looking back
into the room. Draco was now fully dressed in a navy corduroy smock with dark tights and
blue plimsolls.

“You look nice,” Harry said, giving Draco a questioning smile and hoping they could put the
moment behind them.

“Thank you,” Draco replied, his fingers twitching against the smock’s fabric and bunching it
slightly. “I think I s-suit blue.”

“You do,” Harry readily agreed, loving it whenever Draco showed some confidence. He had
recently found that the little omega was more willing to share newfound aspects of his
personality with Harry. There were wonderful flashes of snark or sarcasm, along with a
steadily growing sense of self belief that Harry had been doing his utmost to help nurture.

“I’m really embarrassed,” Draco admitted, his nose scrunching up as he stared at the floor.

“Please don’t be,” Harry frowned anxiously, stepping forwards. “I shouldn’t have been so
long in the shower,” he added guiltily. Poor Draco had probably been awake and waiting to
use the bathroom for ages before giving up and attempting to change in the bedroom.

“You won’t tell anybody will you?” Draco asked, pulling a face.

Harry frowned, he wasn’t quite sure he knew what Draco meant. Was the omega worried
Harry was going to go laugh with his friends about having copped a view of Draco’s arse? It
wasn’t like the younger boy had been doing anything shameful, unlike Harry, Harry thought

“N-Not Ron or Seamus…” Draco added, chewing on his lip.

“Merlin, no,” Harry shook his head vociferously, his worst fears confirmed. “Shit, do I really
seem like that kind of alpha?”

“No,” Draco replied quickly, looking worried. “You’re a good alpha. I’m sorry, I don’t think
you’d ever do that.”

“Good,” Harry said. “You have my express permission to set Hermione on me if I even start
showing signs of being that much of a jerk.”

Draco snorted a laugh, smiling shyly back at Harry.

“She could t-take you?” Draco asked, cocking his head and looking almost teasing.

“You better bloody believe it,” Harry grinned, “Woman knows all my weaknesses and she’s
learned a whole load of fancy spells from all those books of hers.”

Draco raised his eyebrows, “I read a lot too, do you think I could best you one day?”

“Absolutely,” Harry nodded earnestly, “duelling isn’t about size or sex status. Half the time
it’s not even about the strength of your magic. Duelling is speed, control, anticipating and
applying knowledge.”

“I’ll have to l-learn your weaknesses first,” Draco beamed, walking past Harry and into the
bathroom, where Harry could hear the omega start to brush his teeth.

“Yeah,” Harry forced a laugh, realizing that Draco had no idea that he was one.


On Christmas Day, Draco had found himself rather overwhelmed with presents. There was a
huge knitted jumper from Molly Weasley, who he hadn’t even met yet. It was a rich holly
green with a purple ‘D’ in the middle in purl stitch. The older omega had even included a
handwritten note explaining that the wool was threaded with accommodating charms,
meaning that it would grow and shrink depending on the size of his baby bump.

Draco had clutched the handmade garment closely to his face, he could clearly scent the faint
fragrance of another omega’s touch and it was oddly comforting. Molly Weasley smelled like
rosemary and sea salt and it made Draco amusingly think of Sunday roasts.

“Do you like it?” Harry asked from where he was sat on the thick Persian rug by the tree.
Even Sirius and Remus’ Christmas tree was some sort of contemporary art piece that fit in
with the industrial aesthetic of their loft. It was composed of bent wires and hanging light
bulbs in red and green.

“I do,” Draco nodded, trying to hide his blush behind the swathes of green knit. He hadn’t
quite been able to look Harry in the eye since the incident in the bedroom the previous day.
Draco was 99% sure that Harry Potter had seen his naked bottom and unfortunately, due to
lots of strenuous twisting to observe his own behind in the bathroom mirror not ten minutes
later, Draco was also 99% sure that he was sporting a fair bit of cellulite and stretch marks
thanks to his pregnancy, along with some hormonal pimples.

Draco knew that most of the alphas in his year at school were always going on about the
pertness of Damien Tuppence’s bottom. The other omega probably had baby smooth skin and
not a bit of dimpled flesh in sight. Ginny Weasley was a professional athlete, Draco
remembered mournfully, the red head was bound to be svelte and toned. Currently, Draco
was feeling a bit like a stick insect with engorged wobbly bits.
“Sirius, this one’s for you from me and Draco,” Harry was reading the labels of the various
gifts and distributing to the other men.

“From you both huh?” Sirius gave his godson a pointed smirk as Harry’s face made a strange
expression before glaring at the older man.

“I can take it back,” Harry growled as Draco pretended to be very interested in pulling on his
new jumper. Sure enough, the previously circus tent sized sweater began to suck inwards
until it was the perfect fit, snug but not too tight.

“Draco, this one is from Ron and Hermione but they did tell me it’s for the baby and they
hope that’s okay,” Harry explained, passing the younger boy an oddly shaped package. On
the wrapping paper, small plump Father Christmases were diving down chimneys only to get
stuck, their little black boots waggling in the air. Draco opened the gift carefully to reveal a
charmed baby mobile.

“Oh, that’s lovely,” Remus smiled, looking over Draco’s shoulder. “It’s all different animals,
look –there’s a stag.”

Harry shuffled across to inspect the mobile as Draco held it up with a wide smile. It was a
beautiful piece of art, each of the animals was made out of a frosted bluish glass but Draco
could sense unbreakable charms. As he lifted it higher, so each string was able to hang to its
full length unobstructed, the animals began to glow and spin in a circle.

“Wait a moment,” Harry frowned, “there’s an otter too, and a Jack Russell…” he look
quizzically at Draco. “Draco, have you ever mentioned to Hermione what your patronus is?”

“Yes,” Draco nodded, “It’s a peacock.” Draco’s happiest memory had been of the first ever
photograph Bellatrix had found of his mother. In it, Narcissa had been picnicking on a great
lawn, laughing and surrounded by white peacocks. Draco glanced back to the mobile and
sure enough, an elegant peacock was fanning out its tail right behind a large, shaggy dog.

“Are..are these?” Draco’s eyes widened as Harry beamed at him.

“They’re all our patronuses, this stag is mine and yours is there too. I can see Hermione’s,
Ron’s, Molly’s, Sirius’, Remus’, I think that fox is Katie’s when she chooses to make it
corporeal.” Harry explained. “Oh gosh, there’s Luna’s hare!”

Along with those, there were about ten more animals that Harry was pairing up to various
witches or wizards that they knew. Draco bit his lip, emotion taking over him as he realised
there was also a small note still mixed up with the wrapping paper. He recognised
Hermione’s writing;

Dear little Baby, all of us vow to watch over you always.

“Oh,” Draco murmured quietly, his eyes prickling with tears. His baby was always going to
be safe, always going to be loved. Draco had been worrying so much for the last three
months that his child would grow up like he had, without support. Apart from, of course,
what Draco could give them and what Harry would kindly offer. Yet here were about twenty
different people vowing to protect and care for his child.

“I need the loo,” Draco said quickly, putting down the mobile with a faint jingle of glass and
lifting himself up. He felt Remus quickly come to his aid as the beta helped Draco get to his
feet. Draco nodded at him in thanks before hurrying over to the nearest bathroom and locking
the door.

A few minutes later, after managing to collect himself and having used up a fair few sheets of
toilet roll as tissues, Draco walked back out to find Harry leaning against the wall, waiting for
him. The alpha’s eyes were closed and he had a contented look on his face. Upon hearing
Draco, Harry’s green eyes cracked open and he gave the omega a soft smile.

“You alright?” Harry asked, not waiting for an answer before he strolled over and drew Draco
into a warm hug. Draco let out a shuddering breath as he felt Harry’s chin rest on the top of
his head. “There’s still more presents or we can take a break? We’ve got profiteroles that
need eating or I know Remus wanted to go on a walk along the river?”

“I’m okay,” Draco replied, though his voice was muffled as he was squished against Harry’s
own knitted jumper.

Harry gently led him back into the living area and they continued to unwrap the rest of the
gifts whilst Sirius put on some festive music from an old vinyl store he had visited in the

There were lots more gifts that were baby orientated from Harry’s friends, along with a new
purple cardigan for Draco from Katie and a sweet, felt, blue beret from Padma and Felicity.
Hermione, it turned out, had also sent Draco a present just for him in the form of a series of
books on alchemical processes.

Harry went very red when Draco opened the present from him and gasped loudly. It was a
glittering topaz necklace, almost identical to the one that Narcissa had been wearing in the
photograph Draco had shown him.

“To go with your dress,” Harry had mumbled as his godfathers stared wide eyed at the
necklace before whistling loudly.

“Merlin’s balls Harry, you rob the Louvre or something?” Sirius guffawed as Harry rolled his
eyes. “Are we on the run from Interpol now?”

Draco squirmed awkwardly, the necklace did look very expensive. He had honestly expected
Harry to give him something for the baby, so it had come as a shock to realise this was most
certainly just meant for Draco.

“It’s t-too much,” Draco winced, glancing up at a disappointed looking Harry.

“Ah,” Harry winced and rubbed the back of his neck, “you think it’s a bit much yeah? Like
ostentatious? I tried to get one exactly like your mum’s. Fleur Weasley’s uncle works with
antiques in Paris so –“
“No!” Draco interrupted, “It looks just like it, I meant…” Draco chewed his lip, “it probably
cost too much.”

Draco saw Sirius and Remus exchange a look as both men loudly announced they fancied
another Irish coffee before disappearing over to the kitchen.

“Oh, well, don’t worry about that,” Harry grinned ruefully, “like I told you, I don’t spend my
galleons on anything really and I honestly wanted to.”

“It’s stunning,” Draco admitted, running his fingertips over the set stones. “Thank you

Draco felt a little embarrassed at the personalised quidditch gloves he had gifted Harry. Draco
had been scared if had bought anything more then it might inadvertently reveal the depth of
his feelings for the alpha.

“I’m glad you like it,” Harry sighed with relief. “It will look great on you.”

“Oi,” Sirius called from the kitchen, “can we come back now? Only I want to get on with the
day and you know how ratty Remus gets when his parsnips are overcooked.”

“Yeah,” Harry laughed, “We’re all out of presents now anyway.”

“Actually,” Remus cleared his throat, “there’s one more, it’s only small but something Sirius
found the other day. This is for you Draco, from us.”

Draco raised his eyebrows, he had been thoroughly spoiled the entire day and it was getting a
little embarrassing now. The present was small and rectangular and he unwrapped it to find a
sleek steel photo frame. The picture inside showed two figures standing in front of the Great
Lake, one of them in Slytherin robes.

“Is that my dad?!” Draco blurted in amazement. Whilst Bellatrix had retained some
childhood photos of Narcissa, any pictorial representations of Lucius Malfoy that weren’t
damning cuttings from newspapers, were few and far between.

“Yeah,” Sirius huffed. “I’m bloody surprised I kept that to be honest, must have been stuck
behind something.”

“Sirius,” Remus murmured, placing a hand on the other man’s arm.

In the picture, Lucius and Narcissa were holding hands, smiling at the camera and looking
oddly more formal than Draco had ever seen his mother.

“That was the day your father graduated,” Remus told Draco, “it was also the day he
proposed to Narcissa.”

Draco’s eyes jerked back to the photo, his mother was in a pale blue dress, having graduated
the year before, although Draco couldn’t see a ring as the two figures’ hands were
“Thank you so much,” Draco said, looking up at the two men and smiling.

“Like I said,” Sirius huffed, “it’s good you inherited Cissy’s looks and not his.”

The loud clang of the doorbell caused all four men to pause and look round.

“Are we expecting anyone?” Sirius asked as Harry and Remus exchanged guilty glances.

“So, um, Draco I know you were a little worried about him being lonely with you coming
here for Christmas,” Harry began, clearing his throat.

“Who’s ‘him’?” Sirius asked, looking nonplussed.

“How much calming draught has he had?” Harry whispered to Remus, unsubtly gesturing to

“Three cups so far,” Remus sighed, “I also spiked the eggnog.”

“You what?” Sirius frowned, looking incredulous. Draco stared between them all in utter

“Draco’s godfather,” Harry announced, “he normally spends Christmas with Draco but of
course this year…”

“Oh,” Sirius replied, “well why the hell didn’t you say so? I’m not that much of an asocial
blighter. So long as Remus is happy that the lunch will stretch?”

“Oh yes,” Remus replied, his voice slightly strained, “Harry let me know yesterday so I
doubled up on portions.”

“Right then, thank you for all portraying me as some sort of Scrooge who needs drugging to
be an amenable host,” Sirius huffed, shaking his head and walking towards the staircase. “I’ll
go let the poor sod in then shall I?”

“Harry!” Draco stood up excitedly as Sirius left them. “Did you really invite Sev?” It was
true, Draco had been rather concerned about his godfather being at Hogwarts all alone.

“Wait for it,” Remus sighed, closing his eyes.

“You hid his wand, right?” Harry hissed.

“In the cutlery draw,” Remus nodded.

“What’s wrong?” Draco questioned, glancing round anxiously as he heard the large front
door being pulled open.

A second later, a horrified roar echoed through the building.


Draco gasped, clutching at Harry fearfully, his nerves not settled at all even when Harry and
Remus began snorting with muffled laughter.

A moment later, Severus Snape appeared at the top of the stairs, long black dress robes
trailing behind him and a silver brooch in the shape of a sprig of holly pinned to his chest.

“Lupin,” Severus greeted coldly, his eyes narrowing as a still apoplectic looking Sirius
pushed past him and barrelled down on Harry with accusatory hisses.

“Draco,” Severus’ lips finally twitched into a smile as he caught sight of his godson, his face
however turned to one of disgust as he regarded the large knitted jumpers that all the men
were wearing. “I see pregnancy has driven you to join a cult.”

“You’d know all about cults,” Sirius spat, puffing himself up.

“Oh go chase a ball or something,” Severus drawled, suddenly throwing back a large portion
of his robes to reveal something with dramatic flair.

Harry, Remus and Sirius all tensed and Draco could see that two of them had even drawn
their wands.

“I brought mince pies,” Severus announced smugly, holding out the silver, cling filmed
platter as Draco let out a hiccoughed giggle.


On Boxing Day, Draco dressed up in about five different outfits, eyeing himself critically in
the mirror. By the time forty-five minutes had gone by, he was close to tears. Draco had tried
to subtly extract from Harry what sort of thing the Weasleys would be wearing, however
Harry’s response had been vague and terribly unhelpful.

Apparently it was not a formal affair, so Draco didn’t want to dress up too much and bring
attention to himself. In the end, he settled on a ruby red pinafore with a black, long sleeved
turtleneck on underneath. The buckled straps of the pinafore could be adjusted to make extra
room and it was from the maternity section at Amberly’s anyway. He also donned opaque
stockings and polished black brogues along with a black velvet Alice band.

Draco stared at a small tube of tinted strawberry lip gloss that had fallen out of his Christmas
Day cracker, before deciding to dab a little onto his lips using the tip of one finger. Draco
stared at his reflection and couldn’t help but finally feel a little pleased with the result. He
hurried out of the bedroom to where Sirius, Remus and Harry were waiting for him by the
front door and tried not to let his face match his pinafore as both Harry and Remus gave him

The Burrow was a very topsy turvy looking house, with one of the sloping gable ends clearly
only staying up by magical scaffolding. Draco felt himself shrink behind Harry as they
walked through the huge amount of guests squeezed into not the biggest space. Molly
Weasley had introduced herself immediately, sweeping down on Harry and cooing over
Draco’s bump. Draco thanked her graciously for his jumper before Molly began regaling
them with quite frankly terrifying stories of her own children’s births.

“I daresay you might need a little bit of healer help,” Molly smiled kindly at Draco who was
perched on the edge of a seat by the fire. Harry was sat on the upholstered chair’s arm and
had his arm swung casually behind Draco. “What with you having narrower hips than I ever
did,” Molly explained. Draco blushed as he noticed some other party goers listening in on
their conversation with interest.

A little while later, Draco excused himself to go and get another drink of water. Harry was
engaged in a heated discussion with Percy Weasley regarding something to do with
beneficiary trusts. Draco smiled as he saw Ron and Hermione playing with Bill and Fleur’s
young children. A ginger three year old was attempting to mummify himself in a pixie
infested Christmas garland, despite Hermione’s best attempts to distract him with a set of
colourful building blocks. Draco smoothed his hand over his bump and wondered if in a few
years they would be doing the same with his and Harry’s child? Would Draco even be invited
again so as to see it?

“Did you notice though? No bond bite,” a voice came from the kitchen. Draco tiptoed a little
closer and peeked through the gap. He could see a rather stern looking older woman that Ron
had mentioned was his great aunt Muriel. She was chatting to another couple of ladies all sat
round the dining table.

“Well, that Potter boy’s got prospects hasn’t he?” one of the women replied, sipping noisily
on her tea. “He’s going places, wouldn’t want to be tied down too young.”

“Quite brazen of him to bring the omega here,” Muriel scoffed. “You’d think he would have
sent the boy away somewhere.”

Draco stiffened, that had also been his expectation at the start of all this.

“Molly says Harry’s got a heart of gold,” the third woman announced, “besides, young men
will do as they will if you know what I mean.”

“Did you get a look at the boy?” Muriel asked, “A Malfoy.”

“He looked alright,” the third woman shrugged, “Pretty dress.”

“I think he looked smug,” Muriel sniffed. “Knows he’s done well for himself and did you see
the way he clings to Harry? I swear he wouldn’t leave the poor alpha alone even for a

“Probably worried Harry’s eyes might wander,” the second woman laughed, dunking a
chocolate hobnob into her cup.

“Bill’s French wife’s cousin is here,” Muriel declared, “she’s an omega and around Harry’s
age at that.”
“Oh stop, Muriel,” the third woman sighed. “Harry Potter is a fine young man and we
shouldn’t be gossiping about him like this. I’m sure he’ll grow bored of the Malfoy child
soon enough and realise there are better matches out there.”

“Awfully young though isn’t he,” Muriel pulled a face, “I never agreed with that Higher
Education programme at Hogwarts you know, embarrassments like this were bound to
happen. Makes you wonder how many of these ‘indiscretions’ that McGonagall woman
sweeps under the carpet.”

Draco drew away from the kitchen, not wanting to hear any more. He padded softly back to
the living room and found Harry through the crowd. The older man was talking to a petite
blonde woman that Draco could tell was an omega, the two of them were laughing about
something Draco couldn’t hear. The woman was wearing a tight fitting purple dress that
cinched in at the waist and highlighted how incredibly trim she was. Draco absently reached
up to finger the straps of his pinafore, having had the horrible realisation that such a style of
garment was probably only emphasising his immaturity.

“Draco?” Hermione was stood in the hallway, looking at him with a questioning smile.
“Come with me, I want to show you something.”

Draco nodded, looking back at Harry and the other omega one last time before following
Hermione through into a utility room where she opened the backdoor.

“I know it’s freezing out there, so we’ll only stay a minute – here, put this on,” Hermione
passed Draco a large fluffy coat that he could scent belonged to Molly Weasley. He took
Hermione’s outstretched hand and let himself be led into the garden where the air was filled
with crystal flakes.

“Oh,” Draco breathed out softly, “it’s snowing!”

“Snow at Christmas,” Hermione grinned, squeezing his hand as they both looked up to the
whirling swirls of white that were descending on the garden, “must be the first time in years.”

“It’s beautiful,” Draco replied, closing his eyes and relishing the warmth of the friendly beta
and the cold of the snowflakes on his cheeks.

This, he told himself, this was enough.

Chapter 11

Harry groaned as he stretched out his aching limbs. The Ministry had sent up some
specialised auror programme tutors for the spring term and they were definitely not mucking
about when it came to training.

He and Ron were sat on the roof of the Gaedere annexe, wearing large puffer jackets and
sharing a few cans of beer. It was February already and Draco was now five months pregnant.
Harry wasn’t quite sure where the time had gone but whilst he had been horribly busy with
training, Draco too had found much of his time occupied by NEWTS preparation.

“Crikey,” Ron groaned, rubbing his own aching calves, “we’re meant to be going out
tomorrow night for Seamus’ birthday.”

Harry pulled a face in response and looked over across the Great Lake, it was late afternoon
and the landscape was a little misty.

“What? Don’t you fancy it?” Ron asked, raising his eyebrows. Traditionally every year for
Seamus’ birthday they would all apparate down to London and go out to some wizarding
club. The night could get pretty raucous and give everybody blackmail material for at least
the next year.

“Yeah, maybe not,” Harry shrugged, tapping the cold aluminium of his beer can.

“But a whole bunch of people from Fred and George’s year are coming too!” Ron exclaimed.
“You know how fit some of Angelina’s friends are. Remember Gabby Baldan? She’s single

Harry wasn’t sure he did remember Gabby, although he had the vague impression that she
might have been strawberry blonde.

“I think I might just sit it out,” Harry sighed, hoping everyone wouldn’t give him too much
grief about it. “I promised Draco I’d help him revise for History of Magic.”

“You’re choosing studying with a seventeen year old over a night of clubbing and alcoholic
debauchery?” Ron looked completely confused. “Mate, I know for certain that both Gabby
Baldan and Colum Tidewell had the hots for you and they’re both going to be there, single
and imbibing copious amounts of Tequila.”

Harry huffed a laugh, “I think you’re forgetting that said seventeen year old is still pregnant
with my child.”

“Yeah, but…” Ron trailed off, “like not really? I mean of course he is!” Ron quickly added as
Harry pulled a face. “But as in, you’re not together and you never have been. I’m sure Draco
would survive a night on his own.”
“Don’t you think it’s weird though?” Harry frowned, “The idea of me going out on the pull
whilst someone else is carrying my baby? I mean what am I going to do, have a quick fumble
with Gabby in the club loos before coming home and crawling into bed with Draco to feed
the baby magic?”

Ron paled slightly, “Okay, I get why when you put it that way it’s a bit off, but this is an
unusual situation right?”

“So I keep hearing,” Harry muttered, finishing the last of his beer and reaching for a new can.

“Like, I’m sure Gabby or Colum or anyone else at club you think is a bit of alright won’t
mind,” Ron stated.

“Won’t mind that I’ve got a pregnant omega back home?” Harry asked drily, hoping his voice
sounded as unimpressed as he felt.

“Well,” Ron shrugged, “I don’t reckon people will care too much if that’s what you’re
worried about.”

“Maybe they should,” Harry snapped.

There were a few moments of silence before Ron sighed guiltily, “I didn’t mean to upset you

“I know,” Harry replied, the sky was starting to darken as the sun set.

“Just thought you might want to get back in the game,” Ron added, “hey did you hear Ginny
finally dumped Dean? He’s been going on about how he’ll go all out tomorrow, single and
ready to mingle and all that gumph,” Ron laughed.

“Mm,” Harry murmured, not the least bit interested in Dean’s plans for his sexual exploits.
“What about you and Hermione?” Harry said looking up, “Is she going tomorrow?”

“Nah,” Ron swallowed a large gulp of his drink, “you know Mione hates clubs. She trusts me
though,” he added hurriedly. Harry smiled, his friends seemed to have been doing better
recently with Hermione having decided to apply for the one year internship in the States
rather than the five year.

“Looks like I’ll be able to keep her company tomorrow then,” Harry noted, “I’m sure she’d
be up for making flashcards about the first Goblin Revolution with us.”

“You’ve changed,” Ron said, laughing and shaking his head.

“Well we’re graduating in a few months and I’m also going to be a father by then,” Harry
replied wryly. “It was probably about time.”

“You figured out where you’re going to live next year?” Ron asked, leaning back in his deck
chair. Harry knew that Ron was moving in with Fred and George so as to save money. Their
apartment over Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes had a small spare room and a well connected
floo point so Ron could commute every day to the Ministry. Plus, that way, when Hermione
returned from America they would hopefully have enough for a deposit on a place of their

Harry knew he would be welcome to keep staying at Padfoot’s, especially as it was empty for
so much of the year whilst his godfathers travelled, but he also felt like he wanted to branch
out on his own.

“Not sure,” Harry shrugged, “I was thinking of finding somewhere big enough so Draco and
the baby could live with me for a while.”

“What?” Ron frowned, “I thought Draco was getting his own place? Hasn’t Remus been
working on squeezing his inheritance out of the Lestranges?”

“Yeah,” Harry shrugged nonchalantly, “but I’d like to be around at first you know, help look
after the baby – change nappies, that sort of thing.”

“Harry,” Ron sighed, sitting forwards and putting his can down on the small, foldable
camping table between them. “What the hell are you doing with that omega?”

“What do you mean?” Harry huffed, “He’s going to be the mother of my child, I think it’s
only natural to want to be close.”

“Yeah,” Ron nodded, “like ‘a floo call away’ close, not shacking up the same sodding house.
What are people going to think?”

“Quite frankly, I don’t give a rat’s arse what people think,” Harry snapped. “It’s my own
bloody business.”

“And what about Draco?”Ron grimaced, “What the hell is he going to think? First you let
him keep the baby, then you’ve been practically glued to his side, then you nearly killed that
Eighth Year alpha who made a lewd comment about him in the corridor the other day and…
and now you’re saying you might invite him to live with you? You’re messing with the boy’s
head Harry, his omega hormones are already going to be confusing all his senses. You don’t
need to take responsibility like this…you didn’t fuck him.”

“What if I want to?” Harry bit out, groaning as Ron’s eyebrows shot up.

“Then I’d say you’ve become a complete arsehole,” Ron replied slowly after a moment.
“Don’t you think the poor kid’s life is messed up enough already without you using him for
your jollies? What happens after you’ve got it out of your system?”

“No,” Harry, scraped his hand down his face, dislodging his glasses. “It’s not – I didn’t mean
it like that.”

“I think you need to go out tomorrow night,” Ron said quietly, “your alpha’s got to be going
crazy being around an omega that smells like you all the time. You need to get it out of your
system and get your head on straight.”

“Right,” Harry muttered miserably. It had grown fully dark now and he could barely see
Ron’s frown through the shadows. “I’ve got to go, Draco will be waiting for me to take him
to the Hall for dinner.”


Harry fidgeted with the buttons of the burgundy shirt he had bought from Olive’s. The club
was densely packed and sweaty and Neville had returned with a teetering tray of their fifth
load of shots. The lights were neon and strobing in flickering pulses across the dance floor
and charmed decorative bubbles bobbed in the air. If you reached out to burst them you
would be showered in a temporary spray of artificial scent enhancer.

The entire place stunk of pheromones and there were definitely at least two omegas in the
stages of preheat. Ron was already trollied, him and Michael Corner holding an overly loud
and nonsensical conversation about gnome magic.

Harry grimaced as one of Angelina’s beta friends sidled closer to him on the couch, her lips
tinted blue and sticky from Sambuca.

“Do you want to dance?” she asked, flashing Harry her pearly teeth, lit up eerily by the UV

“No, you’re alright,” Harry replied, plastering on a tight smile that he was pretty sure came
across as pained. The girl shrugged before turning to a very eager looking Dean instead. A
few minutes later, they were up and heading into the dancing throngs with swaying hips.

Harry wondered how Draco and Hermione were doing. The omega had seemed a little
disappointed when Harry had explained he was going out. Harry had left whilst Draco and
Hermione were halfway through bullet points on 17th century goblin economic reforms.
Draco had been wearing silk black pyjamas which had served to make him look perhaps even
paler than usual and Harry had been a little worried about the omega’s refusal to eat dinner
that evening. Draco had assured him, however, that it was just a bout of pregnancy nausea.

“You okay Harry?” Neville asked, peering across the semi circle of leather couches.

“Just a headache, Nev,” Harry replied as Colum Tidewell sat down beside them, laughing and
panting from having been dancing for a while. Harry could see Ron’s raised eyebrows as his
friend made some unsubtle encouraging gestures. Harry tried not to tense as he felt Colum’s
thigh press up against his own. The other man was a beta with a tanned complexion, coppery
curled hair and hazel eyes.

“I hear the auror trainers have been working you guys hard,” Colum smirked, his eyes
flickering appreciatively to Harry’s muscles.

“Yeah, they want us to be prepared,” Harry answered. Colum had sat back further in the seat
next to him, arching his neck as he fanned himself with his t-shirt, letting it gape open to
reveal his glistening caramel skin. Colum was twenty-four and worked for the Department of
Magical Creatures, Harry had been informed that he owned his own place in Pimlico and
enjoyed playing amateur quidditch with his local team.

Harry guessed this was the type of person everybody expected him to end up dating. Judging
by Ron’s suggestive looks it was at least the type of person they figured he might go home
with for the night.

“Do you want to get some air?” Colum asked, turning to Harry. “I heard you mention you’ve
got a headache and it’s wicked hot in here.”

“Yeah, alright,” Harry nodded, knowing a bit of fresh air probably would do him good.

He followed Colum out of the back exit of the club and onto a damp cobbled street. “Oh
yeah,” Colum laughed brightly, “that’s better.”

“Aren’t you cold?” Harry frowned, Colum was still only wearing his t-shirt and there was
probably an overnight frost coming.

“Why?” Colum grinned. “Wanna warm me up?”

“I –“ Harry made a frustrated noise and looked away.

“My flat’s not far?” Colum suggested.

Harry looked back at Colum, the beta was tall and fit with strong shoulders and a cheeky
smile. The way he had been dancing showed how well he could move, his body toned and
sinuous. Six months ago, Harry would have said yes in a heartbeat. They would have
apparated back to Pimlico and probably fallen over each other in their haste to disrobe,
touching every inch of sweaty skin they could reach. Colum raised his eyebrows expectantly.

“No, thank you, I can’t,” Harry replied, noting the relief that washed through his own body at
the decision.

“How come?” Colum frowned but still looked amused.

“I need to get back,” Harry explained, “I don’t know if you’re aware but I’m responsible for
an omega at the moment.”

“Oh that,” Colum grinned, “yeah I think everybody’s heard about how Harry Potter knocked
up some kid.”

Harry bristled, shoving his hands into his pockets and clenching his jaw.

“It’s fine,” Colum shrugged, “I get it, who the fuck can afford to be a saint nowadays
anyway? Although did you say you’re responsible for him? That’s got to be annoying, how
many more months until you’re free?”

“Never,” Harry snapped, “considering being a father is sort of a permanent deal.”

“Yeah, but,” Colum looked confused, “you’re not actually with the mother are you? The
Prophet didn’t say anything about bonding?”

“Oh,” Harry laughed but there was no mirth in it, “well if The Prophet told you so then…”

“What is your problem?” Colum huffed. “Your mates told me you were out looking for some

“I’m not,” Harry replied, “sorry you were misinformed. I just came to celebrate my friend’s

“Right,” Colum said, looking unconvinced. “Well I guess I’ll see you back inside then.” With
that, the beta walked past Harry and back into the thrumming noise of the club. Harry
groaned and leant against the nearest wall, hoping to Merlin no one had pissed on it recently,
though in Camden that seemed unlikely.

Harry stared at the blinking lights of the kebab shop opposite when suddenly a blue wisp of
light streaked down the alleyway. A moment later, an otter materialised in front of him,
speaking in Hermione’s worried voice.

“Harry, I think you had better come back to Hogwarts, Draco’s taken poorly.”


“Careful,” Harry murmured softly as he propped Draco back up in the tub so as to stop him
slipping under the water. The omega was undressed, apart from cotton grey briefs and a plain
bralette. Harry gently laid a wet flannel on his forehead. Draco whimpered at the touch and as
the cold drips of water rolled down his red cheeks.

“I know, I’m sorry, but we have to get your temperature down,” Harry sighed, shifting on the
slabs of the bathroom floor. Draco’s eyes were closed and his blond lashes were twitching
against his flushed skin.

After Harry had arrived back to Gaedere, he had found that Hermione had already called for
Madam Pomfrey, who in turn had summoned an omega specialist from St. Mungo’s. Healer
Sweetbridge had performed various scans before informing them that it was a bout of
Frettlering Fever, a common ailment amongst pregnant males.

Whilst not threatening enough to warrant Draco’s transfer to the Hospital Wing, Sweetbridge
had given them detailed instructions on how to control his temperature, an ice bath being one
of them. Apparently the fever was the body’s reaction to when the omega would normally
have been going into heat. She also mentioned that Draco’s symptoms might evolve or
change, anything from disorientation to arousal. Harry had begged the heavens that he
wouldn’t have to deal with the last thing.
“I feel sick,” Draco whined, his head turning to one side and his grey eyes opening to look
pleadingly at Harry.

“Do you think you might need to throw up?” Harry asked in concern, looking around for
some sort of bucket.

“No,” Draco replied miserably, “but everything hurts.”

“Oh sweetheart,” Harry sighed, his chest welling with sympathy. He fucking hated that he
hadn’t been here when Draco fell ill. His inner alpha was in a terrible strop with Harry for the
mistake and now was desperate to try and comfort the suffering omega in any way.

“Y-You smell like marzipan,” Draco’s fair eyebrows knitted together and his nose wrinkled
up unhappily.

Harry cursed himself as he realised that he must still be carrying some of Colum’s cherry and
almonds scent on his clothes.

“I’m sorry, it’s the shirt,” Harry explained, “I was wearing it in the club and there were a lot
of people in there.”

“I don’t like it,” Draco muttered petulantly, starting to shiver in the ice bath.

“I’ll take it off,” Harry promised, quickly standing up and unbuttoning his shirt and jeans.
“I’m going to get Hermione to watch over you whilst I find some other clothes okay? Fuck –
Draco –“ Harry lurched forwards just as the other boy began slipping downwards under the
water, submerging his chin and mouth.

“Shit,” Harry swore as the omega’s eyes fluttered closed again. Harry was bent over the side
of the bath at an awkward angle, trying to make sure Draco didn’t slide down. At the same
time he managed to shuck off his shirt and jeans, sniffing himself to see if any of the scent
causing Draco distress was still lingering on his skin. There was, unfortunately, the very faint
but present hint of almonds. Harry huffed frustratedly - he hadn’t even touched Colum, the
other man must have been wearing an enhancer charm.

“Draco?” Harry said, running his fingers through the omega’s damp hair. “Draco I’m going to
get in with you okay? Please don’t be scared, I just want to wash this off whilst holding you

Draco’s eyes opened momentarily, just enough for him to stare at Harry for a few seconds
before he gave a tight nod. Harry toed off his socks before climbing into the bath and
positioning himself behind Draco’s small frame. This way, Harry could wash off any smells
that weren’t his own, comforting the other boy with his alpha presence, whilst making sure
Draco didn’t fall unconscious.

Harry hissed as his heated body was enveloped by the freezing water, he wandlessly cast
another chilling spell to make sure he didn’t raise the temperature of the bath too much so as
to not be as effective in helping the feverish omega. Harry wrapped his arms carefully around
Draco’s bump before letting the younger boy’s head loll back against his chest.
“Harry?” Draco’s face screwed up in confusion.

“Yeah, it’s me, I’m here little one,” Harry murmured, pressing a small, chaste kiss to the back
of Draco’s scalp. He could taste salt on his lips from the omega’s sweat. “I’ve got you.”

“Am I sick?” Draco asked, lifting up his small, slender hands to place them on his belly. “Is
the baby okay?”

“Everything’s fine sweetheart,” Harry said firmly, making sure that Draco heard and
understood him. “The baby is okay, it’s just you are going to feel a little rotten until we can
get this fever down.”

“Mm,” Draco nodded, seemingly placated. He turned his head to nuzzle sleepily into Harry’s
chest. “Thank you alpha.”

“Oh, Draco,” Harry sighed miserably, lifting his own head back and staring at the stone
ceiling. He hugged the younger boy a little tighter, pressing their bodies together. “I’m so
fucking sorry I wasn’t here. I would have stayed if I’d known you felt this unwell.”

“N-No,” Draco said, his lips moving by Harry’s nipple, tickling the hair there. “Don’t be
sorry. You’re here now, I knew you’d come.”

Harry gave a small smile before casting another charm to check Draco’s temperature levels.
He wasn’t sure how much time passed after that but when Harry opened his eyes again he
could feel Draco squirming in his arms.

“Draco? Are you in pain?” Harry asked, wondering if he had accidentally fallen asleep. The
omega let out a soft moan and Harry froze before carefully readjusting them and looking
down. Draco’s head was arching back, his mouth open and his eyes strangely glazed over.
There was barely any pale grey left in his irises, eclipsed instead by expanding inky black
pupils. Draco’s mouth was open and Harry could see his small, pink tongue moving and
pressing against his teeth.

“Draco?” Harry asked again quietly. He could sense movement and when he looked down he
realised that Draco’s right elbow was rhythmically jabbing into the meat of Harry’s thigh.

“Oh fuck,” Harry stated bluntly as it became horribly apparent what was happening. Even
though Harry didn’t have a clear picture, given that Draco’s bump was in the way, he could
clearly guess that Draco was pleasuring himself. The omega’s breath was coming in small,
damp starts, punctuated by stuttered whines and his arm was jerking erratically. “Oh fuck,
sweetheart, wait. I’ll leave,” Harry said urgently, trying to move as Draco tipped to one side
and let out an upset noise.

Healer Sweetbridge had warned that a Fretterling Fever might mimic aspects of an omega
heat and right now it seemed that was exactly what was happening. Harry realised with
horror that a good portion of the bath water was also now sticky and smelled like honeydew.
Draco was obviously releasing slick and sure enough, their new position meant that Harry
could feel intermittent gushes of warmth where Draco’s arse was pressed against Harry’s leg.
“Shit, shit,” Harry swore, he could now also see that Draco had managed to kick down his
grey underpants so they were floating in a bedraggled heap on the water’s surface.

“I c-can’t reach!” Draco let out a frustrated whine, his jerking arm stuttering and slipping.
“My bump!”

“Draco, shit, look at me – you can’t do this right now okay? I can’t be in the room,” Harry
pleaded. He wondered if Draco had ever experienced a heat off of suppressants before. He
very much doubted that Bellatrix would have allowed such a thing.

“Alpha…” Draco groaned, trying to turn his body so as to get closer to Harry. Harry took a
deep breath, instantly regretting it as his nostrils filled with apple pie and frosted honeydew.
Harry was already rock hard, his body’s natural response to the writhing, slicking omega in
his arms. Harry began to get up out of the bath, careful not to knock into Draco. He
wandlessly cast for the plug to start draining its contents as Draco gave a moan of displeasure
at the alpha moving away, his omega perceiving a rejection.

“It’s okay, it’s okay sweetheart, I’m still here,” Harry murmured, managed to extricate
himself completely before hurrying to get a towel. Harry wrapped the thick purple cloth
around his middle, hoping to conceal his own state of arousal before he leant down to scoop
Draco up and lift him out of the now empty tub. “I’ve got you,” Harry told the struggling
omega who pressed his face against Harry’s scent glands before falling limp in his arms.

Harry looked around desperately, there was no fucking way he was going to risk taking
Draco outside of the locked bathroom in his current state. They weren’t in the one attached to
the Morgana Suite, given that it only had a shower. This meant Harry would have to carry the
omega down the hallway to get back to the private quarters.

“Nngh!” Draco let out another groan, he was clearly attempting to touch himself again and
was close to slipping out of Harry’s hold. Harry winced as he lowered the younger boy
carefully to the ground, hoping the cold of the flagstones might help abate his fever. Harry sat
down behind Draco, bracketing him between his thighs to ensure the omega didn’t just fall
backwards and hit his head.

This new position, however seemed to have allowed Draco to finally get better access to
himself as he let out a sigh of hiccoughing relief. Harry closed his eyes and tried to think
about literally anything else. He could do this, he could get through this if it meant looking
after Draco. He could only hope that Draco’s memory of the night would be hazy enough so
as to not cause him any unnecessary mortification.

Draco seemed to be drawing close to completion, as he was emitting high, punched out
noises. Harry could feel the towel grow sodden as a wet puddle of slick spread out around
them. He looked up, over Draco’s head and froze in shock when he realised they were facing
the large bathroom mirror.

Draco had evidently already noticed as he was staring at Harry’s reflection with a burning
intensity, biting on his reddened lip as his flushed chest heaved. Harry’s eyes flickered
downwards before he could stop himself. Draco’s fingers were wrapped painfully tightly
around his small, swollen prick, jutting out from underneath his bump. Every time he jerked
himself his knuckles would skim the slick puddle on the floor, creating sticky trails that
glistened in the candlelight.

Harry wrenched his gaze away and locked eyes with Draco again, the omega’s mouth fell
open as his entire body started to spasm.

“A-Alpha!” Draco cried as his spine bowed and trembled, little spurts of white droplets
splattering from his pink cock across the bottom of his bump.

“It’s okay sweetheart,” Harry breathed out deeply, shutting his eyes and squeezing Draco’s
trembling shoulders, “I’m here.”
Chapter 12
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Draco awoke feeling like he had been run over three times by the Knight Bus and sat on by a
Hungarian Horntail for good measure. His muscles ached and his throat was dry and parched,
it was almost painful to swallow. He struggled to sit up before he felt warm hands come to his
aid, propping him against a stack of fluffy pillows. Draco let out a sigh of relief in the change
of position, allowing his cramping limbs some relief.

“Harry?” Draco asked, opening his eyes to see the alpha standing over him with a strained

“Hey,” Harry murmured. “Are you back?”

“Where did I go?” Draco frowned in confusion as Harry let out a soft laugh and perched on
the edge of the bed.

“What’s the last thing you remember?” Harry asked kindly. Draco noticed that the alpha was
looking rather haggard, with dark purple bruises under his eyes and his skin somewhat
washed out.

“Hermione and I,” Draco paused thoughtfully. What was the last thing he remembered?
Everything felt like a bit of a congealed blur. “We were revising financial sector reforms…I f-
felt a bit weird…I remember being really thirsty.”

“Yeah,” Harry nodded, “You developed something called Frettlering Fever, don’t worry
everything with the baby is okay,” he added quickly as Draco made a distressed noise.
“Apparently it’s something that can hit pregnant omegas when they would otherwise have
been having a heat.”

“Oh,” Draco blushed, Harry said it so matter of factly, like it wasn’t something that should be
concealed from polite society. Bellatrix had even refused to use the word ‘heats’, instead
referring to them as ‘tri-monthly flushes’. Draco’s eyes suddenly widened as he looked back
at Harry, “I d-didn’t do or say anything did I? It wasn’t like a real heat?”

“Um,” Harry cleared his throat and fiddled with his glasses for a moment. “Fretterling Fevers
are more like an echo of your actual heat,” he said, as if reciting from a text book, Draco
could imagine that the alpha probably had done some reading on the matter. He was always
telling Draco about odd facts he had learned from omega pregnancy manuals, like Draco
should avoid liquorice due to an omega’s fluctuating potassium levels.

“S-So I didn’t…” Draco chewed on the inside of his mouth, he still felt dehydrated and
“You didn’t do anything to worry about or be ashamed of,” Harry sighed, but something in
his expression made Draco’s stomach fall.

“Please tell me,” Draco begged, he didn’t think he could bear all the horrendous hypothetical
images that his imagination was currently conjuring. Harry turned to regard him closely for a
moment before giving a brief, tight nod.

“I had to get you in an ice bath,” Harry began, “to cool your temperature. You were pretty out
of it but I promise I left your underwear on. I was just worried Draco, you were burning up
and the healer said it was the fastest way. You started showing signs of going through a semi-
heat but I swear to you, I didn’t touch you intimately in any way.”

“Okay,” Draco replied, knowing that Harry would never have taken advantage of him like
that. He certainly couldn’t say the same for other alphas though. If Draco had been in some
sort of heat-like daze it was amazing that Harry’s alpha had been able to resist. A small, silly
part of Draco wondered if Harry found his scent disgusting? He supposed he must have
looked ridiculous, splashing around in the bath like some sort of horny hippopotamus.

Draco accepted a glass of water a few moments later from Harry, staring down at the cup and
feeling pretty shoddy about himself. He should be grateful that Harry hadn’t touched him, the
older man knew that Draco didn’t have any experience in that department and had always
been a little nervous around alphas. The last thing Draco wanted was to live up to all the
horrible gossip about himself and become a desperate, flaunting omega, trying every trick in
the book to get Harry to bond with him.

Oh god, what if Harry thought that Draco had purposefully acted that way?

“I didn’t know that could happen!” Draco exclaimed urgently, making Harry jump as nothing
else had been said for the past minute.

“I didn’t either,” Harry shook his head reassuringly, “honestly, the healer said it’s quite rare
and tends to only occur with male omegas. But it’s good you’re feeling better now, you fell
asleep pretty much after – um, after your bath.”

Draco took a gulp of the water and nodded before frowning back at Harry. “Weren’t you out
last night?”

“I was,” Harry shrugged, “but Hermione sent me a patronus to say you were sick.”

“I’m sorry,” Draco murmured, feeling even worse. On top of making a complete fool out of
himself, he had also gone and ruined Harry’s night.

“Don’t worry about it,” Harry reached out to squeeze Draco’s knee over the blankets, “I
honestly was thinking of coming back early anyway. I wasn’t enjoying myself too much.”

“You were at a nightclub?” Draco asked curiously, he had heard some of Harry’s peers
talking about where they were going and laughing about the sort of hijinks that would
probably occur.
“Yeah,” Harry replied, “too many people and too loud – think I’m getting old.”

Draco snorted and laughed as Harry shot him a rueful grin.

“I’m telling you,” Harry continued cheerfully, “I was this bloody close to asking the DJ to
turn it down.”

“Did you dance?” Draco asked, he had never been to a club and had no idea what sort of
things happened there.

“Not this time,” Harry sighed, “but I do like dancing, how about you?”

Draco nodded, “Aunt Bella made me learn ballroom when I was younger.”

“Not sure there’s enough space in a club for that,” Harry chuckled, “but maybe you could
show me one day? I promise not to have two left feet.”

Draco smiled shyly as he imagined being in the middle of a grand ballroom somewhere with
Harry as his partner, the alpha looking down fondly at him as they waltzed across the floor.

“Madam Pomfrey would like you to go for a check up today,” Harry said, “some routine
scans, nothing to worry about. Reckon you could manage some breakfast first?”


After breakfast, where Draco had found himself surprisingly hungry and scarfed down two
helpings of fried eggs, the two of them made their way to the Hospital Wing.

“You d-don’t have to come with me,” Draco glanced at Harry as they entered the bright and
airy ward.

“Do you not want me here?” Harry asked, smiling and quirking an eyebrow.

“No, I do!” Draco insisted quickly, blushing as Harry chuckled. Madam Pomfrey bustled
over to them a moment later and sequestered Draco onto a bed further along.

“There’s your baby,” she announced happily as she ran her wand over Draco’s exposed
stomach, his baggy cashmere sweater rolled up to just below his bralette.

“Oh wow,” Harry said, staring at the 3D image that was hovering in the air above them. “The
head is ginormous – must inherit their brains from you,” he winked as Draco giggled. The
alpha commented on the size of the head every time they had a scan and every single time he
received a frustrated eye roll from Madam Pomfrey.

“They are about the size of one of Hagrid’s turnips,” Madam Pomfrey explained cheerily as
Harry pulled a face and mouthed ‘turnip’ at Draco.
“Oh I’m sorry,” Madam Pomfrey huffed, “should I have chosen a different object to suit you
Mr. Potter? Your baby is the size of a quaffle.”

“Their head certainly is,” Harry whispered to Draco with a wink as Madam Pomfrey let out a
despairing noise and began casting another set of spells.

“Ah, Mr. Malfoy, I can see that your colostrum has fully come in, nothing to worry about,
often happens around the midway point with male omegas. Are you feeling any discomfort
around the breast area?”

“Um,” Draco cleared his throat, his eyes flicking nervously to Harry. “It’s a little…heavy.”

“I see,” Madam Pomfrey frowned critically at Draco’s chest, causing Harry to do the same.
Draco flushed as he tried to pull his sweater down a bit further to cover the lace frill of his
bralette. He knew it was a little silly, Harry had already seen him in his underwear the
previous night. “Well the best thing to do is massage them a bit and let some of the milk
come out.”

“O-Okay,” Draco nodded, avoiding looking at Harry.

“Would you like me to show you how it’s done?” Madam Pomfrey asked. “You’ve got such
sensitive skin, I think it would be best if we could avoid using a pump as much as possible.
Mr. Potter, unless you are going to be assisting young Draco with this, may I suggest you
might wait outside?” Madam Pomfrey asked, looking questioningly up at Harry. “I am aware
that as Draco’s legal alpha I cannot ask you to leave, however –“

“No, of course!” Harry exclaimed, giving Draco a reassuring smile before backing out
through the curtains.


Harry looked out of the Hospital Wing windows, the day was rather pleasingly sunny and any
cloud cover had been burned off already. He could hear Draco and Madam Pomfrey talking
in low murmurs from behind the curtained off cubicle. Harry couldn’t believe how big the
baby was now, it wasn’t even going to be too long before he held them in his arms.

Draco had shyly asked Harry if they could keep the baby’s sex as a surprise and Harry had
happily agreed.

“Madam Pomfrey?”

Harry turned to see a small group of what looked to be Fourth Years piling into the ward, a
couple of them were sporting bloodied lips and one rather strained looking girl was holding
her arm in an unnatural angle. Harry hurried forwards, calling out again for Madam Pomfrey
before he asked the group what had happened.
“Quidditch pile up,” one boy explained, he was wearing Ravenclaw robes and had a thick
trail of mud up one side. “Bernie whacked the bludger and Maisie didn’t see it but Constance
did and she called out but by that time Jodie had flown straight into the back of her because
the snitch was –“

“Okay,” Harry laughed, “I get the picture, why don’t you all take a seat and I’m sure you’ll
be fixed up in a moment.”

“Goodness gracious,” Madam Pomfrey clicked her tongue as she rushed over, “I swear I get
more accidents from these Saturday morning practices than during the entire week put

Harry smiled as he moved out of her way only to see two more students coming in, both with
a hefty amount of mud on their faces. The boy was limping whilst the girl helped him along.

“We took a bit longer,” she explained, looking at the others accusingly, “I think Philip’s
sprained his ankle.”

“Hey, you’re Harry Potter aren’t you?” the Ravenclaw boy asked as he sat up on a bed and
waited his turn. “You’re having a baby with that Seventh Year.”

The boy leant over to peer down the ward as if trying to catch sight of Draco.

“That’s right,” Harry nodded, “we’re here for a scan.”

The boy looked back up at him before breaking into a wide smile, “Congratulations!”

“Um, thank you,” Harry replied, a little taken aback.

“My older sister’s just had her first baby,” the boy announced proudly, “Can you believe I’m
an uncle already? Mandy just says that means I get to spoil ‘em rotten and buy them all sorts
of things I shouldn’t.”

Harry laughed, “Yeah, that sounds like an uncle’s role alright.”

Apparently, Harry had a muggle uncle and aunt in Surrey somewhere, although he had never
actually met them.

“Are you excited to be a dad?” the girl who had broken her arm asked, the colour returning to
her cheeks after a particularly strong episkey.

“I am,” Harry said truthfully, “although I think it might well be me that spoils them rotten and
buys things I shouldn’t.”

The students laughed and a few more offered their congratulations before Harry was finally
shooed away by Madam Pomfrey. He wandered back over to Draco’s cubicle and took a seat
by the curtains.

After about five minutes, Madam Pomfrey was still dealing with various injuries, the ankle
having turned out to be fractured in several places and not just sprained after all. Harry heard
a distressed whine from inside the cubicle.

“Draco?” Harry jumped up. “Are you okay?”

“I can’t do it!” Draco huffed, jerking Harry’s memories traitorously back to when a similar
sentiment was offered in the bathtub the night before.

“Madam P-Pomfrey showed me how but I can’t,” Draco sounded a cross between miserable
and irritated and it reminded Harry amusingly of how much more regularly the omega’s
petulant side had been coming through lately.

“It’s alright,” Harry spoke through the hanging fabric, “I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it –
what exactly are you trying to do?”

There was a moment’s silence before Draco replied, “I’m trying to relieve some m-milk

“Ah,” Harry nodded, “did Madam Pomfrey show you…you know…how to massage

“Yeah,” Draco sighed, “It’s s-so stupid. I leak all the time normally but when I want to get rid
of the milk…”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Harry told him, “this is the first time you’re having to learn
all of this stuff.” Harry took a deep breath, “Do you…do you want me to try and help?”

There was another pause as Harry winced, he had probably sent the omega into another panic

“How?” came back the whispered question.

“I’m not sure,” Harry cleared his throat, “I mean, I have bigger hands than you,” Harry
blinked at his own insanity, what the fuck was he saying? As if to try and prove a point, he
held up his own large hands despite Draco not being able to see them through the curtain.

“Would it be weird?” Draco asked.



Totally weird.

“I don’t think so,” Harry pulled a face, “I mean you are my omega, right now, and I want to
help you with any discomfort however I can. It’s just a massage right? I gave you one of
those on the train.”

Of course, working out knots on a lower back was several thousand miles removed from
offering to rub Draco’s newly swollen breasts, Harry knew that. He glanced back over to
Madam Pomfrey, three more bedraggled looking students had seemingly appeared, along
with a First Year who couldn’t stop sneezing raisins.

“You can come in,” Draco said, so quietly that Harry nearly didn’t hear him.

Harry pulled back the curtain as his eyes went wide, immediately yanking it shut behind him.
Draco was sat up in the bed, bare chested, his usual bralette already removed. Harry had
definitely been expecting the omega to still be wearing his underwear and was stunned that
Draco had been okay with letting the older alpha in here.

Draco’s chest was puffed up with two small breasts crowned by rosy pink nipples. Just like
below his right ear, there was a group of three small freckles on the swell of his right breast in
a perfect constellation line.

“I feel stupid,” Draco said miserably as Harry took a tentative step towards him.

“Please don’t,” Harry replied, “this is natural. You’re pregnant and all of this is to be
expected.” Harry quickly licked his lips, “How do you want me?”

“I don’t know,” Draco frowned, “maybe if I…” he swung his body round so he was sitting
upright, his legs dangling over the side of the bed. “You could sit in front of m-me, if you get
that chair?”

Harry quickly fetched the low, cushioned chair, setting it facing Draco and sitting down so
Harry’s head was level with the omega’s.

“You okay?” Harry asked as he cautiously reached out one hand, stopping a couple of inches
away from Draco’s goosepimpled skin.

“Yes,” Draco nodded.

Harry finally made contact, his hand spreading out across Draco’s right breast, the entire
mound fit perfectly in Harry’s palm and Draco’s skin felt like cool china beneath him.

“Oh!” Draco gasped, before shutting his eyes tightly.

“Are you alright?” Harry asked in concern before gasping himself and looking down.
Translucent milk was dribbling through the gaps in his fingers and running down the back of
his hand. “Hey – it’s working!”

“You’re so much warmer than I am,” Draco hissed, his nose wrinkling, “I think t-that’s why I
couldn’t do it. My hands are cold no matter what I do.”

“That must be it,” Harry nodded. He also guessed that it was something to do with Draco’s
omega recognising the touch of his alpha but he didn’t want to embarrass the boy further.
Draco’s cheeks were already so red as to almost be purple. “Want me to try the other one?”
Harry asked, his eyes flicking down to Draco’s left breast. The nipple there seemed darker, as
if Draco had been worrying it in his attempts to milk.
“Y-Yes please,” Draco replied, finally opening his eyes. He chewed on his lip as he watched
Harry carefully cup the second breast in his other hand. This one didn’t immediately produce
milk so Harry gently began to squeeze both of them, massaging in careful, caressing motions
as his thumbs swept over the painfully erect buds. Both of Draco’s nipples were standing in
stiff, pink peaks before he let out a high pitched whine and trickles of almost clear milk
began dribbling again from his right breast.

“There we go,” Harry whispered, encouragingly. He tried to ignore the fact that he was
completely hard in his jeans and had been since the first moment he had walked through the
curtains. There was no denying it now, just how much Harry’s alpha, and Harry himself,
wanted the boy in front of him.

‘It’s not fair to confuse the kid,’

That was what Ron had said whilst cracking open another beer. Harry glanced up to see
Draco still staring at him, his lips open now and small, relieved breaths puffing into the air
every time some more milk came out. But what if Harry didn’t want to confuse Draco? What
if he just wanted the omega to be his, properly his?

Harry had spent the last few months trying to imagine a future where he was bonded with
someone else, only seeing Draco through the doorway as their child was dropped off at
weekends or something. He hated that idea. Then he tried to imagine another faceless alpha
bonding with Draco, their hands upon the omega’s porcelain skin. Harry hated that even

Draco may be young but Molly and Arthur had bonded at his age. Harry knew it was a little
different as he was older, but surely four years couldn’t be that damning in the grand scheme
of things? Although, would Draco even want to bond with Harry? Harry worried that maybe
the omega simply tolerated him so as to better support their baby.

“Draco, I –“ Harry began as Draco let out another frustrated sound. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

“It’s this one,” Draco glared down at his own chest. Whilst his right breast was looking a
little smaller already, his left remained a pale, swollen globe, heavy with milk that hadn’t yet

Harry refocused his effort, forming a circle around the breast with his fingers and lightly
tugging and pressing.

“Ungh,” Draco whined, looking a little like he was in pain. The omega’s fingers gripped
tightly onto the edge of the bed. “Y-Yes, I think that’s doing something.”

“You’re doing really well Draco,” Harry said earnestly, “So good.”

Harry froze as the younger boy let out a low moan, quite unlike the other sounds he had been
emitting so far. Draco’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open as he stared at Harry in shock.
“I…I – “ Draco gaped.
Harry’s jeans tightened further, he could feel how wet he was with precome and he had to
shift in the seat to ease his own discomfort. He regarded Draco thoughtfully before giving the
boy’s breast another squeeze. “I’m proud of you Draco,”

Draco moaned again, half covered by a choked gasp as he shut his eyes tightly, his knuckles
were now white as he held onto the mattress.

Harry bit his lip, he knew that omegas liked to be praised by their alphas and it seemed that
Draco was particularly affected by it.

“I’m so proud of how well you’ve been handling this pregnancy Draco,” Harry whispered,
quickly casting a wandless muffliato around them. “You’ve been so brave, so good.”

Draco whimpered, tipping his head forward so his long blond fringe covered his face.

“Like right now,” Harry continued, pleased the boy was no longer seemingly in pain as Harry
caressed his breast. “Being so good for your alpha, producing all this milk.”

“H-Harry,” Draco whimpered, his hips shifting on the bed.

“Do you want me to stop?” Harry asked carefully.

“No!” Draco gasped. “P-Please.”

“You’re going to be such a good mother,” Harry murmured, “look at all this milk, fuck Draco
you’re so swollen with it. You’re such a good omega.” Harry grunted as he squeezed his own
thighs together, heavy denim creating friction across his erection. The entire cubicle smelled
like apples, honeydew and milk.

“I-I’m a good omega?” Draco asked, a thread of uncertainty running through his voice.

“Shit, yes Draco,” Harry groaned, “you’re the best omega, look how good you are, letting
your alpha milk your tits for you. I’m so prou-“

Harry gasped as Draco let out a loud moan and a jet of sticky white milk spurted from his left
breast, splattering across Harry’s face.

“Hnngh,” Draco whined, sagging down as finally a steady stream of colostrum trickled out
and over his stretched belly. Harry sat, open mouthed as he felt Draco’s milk drip off the end
of his nose. Some of it was clinging to his glasses and he could taste it on his lips. He ran his
tongue across to collect the droplets, creating warm bursts of honey apple in his mouth.

Draco was panting when he finally looked up, the omega’s face turning horrified as he
registered the mess across Harry’s.

“I’m back!” Madam Pomfrey trilled as she flew through the curtains and bore down on them.
“How’s it going in here – oh my goodness! Well I can see that the massage was successful,
that’s good. You must be feeling a lot lighter Draco.” She continued to bustle about as if
nothing was the matter, as if the entire room wasn’t thick with pheromones and Harry’s
“Would you like a wet wipe Mr. Potter?” Madam Pomfrey asked without looking at him. “Or
maybe a cleaning charm? I can assure you you’ll become quite adept at them once the baby

Harry nodded dumbly as the older witch waved her wand before passing him a wipe for good
measure. Draco was still staring at Harry, his eyes huge and wet as if he was going to cry.
Harry’s first instinct was to run away, maybe go and drown his shame in the Three
Broomsticks. However, as the first watery droplet spilled down Draco’s cheek, Harry made
up his mind.

“Actually, Poppy, would you mind giving us a moment?” Harry cleared his throat and stood
up, making sure that his face was now clear.

“Oh,” Madam Pomfrey looked a little surprised, she paused before nodding and exiting the
cubicle. Harry could hear her scolding some Fourth Year for changing the colour of their
friend’s sling.

Harry quickly sat down on the bed beside Draco and drew the omega tightly into his arms.

“Why are you crying sweetheart?” Harry sighed, “Are you upset with me?”

Draco shook his head, his nose brushing against Harry’s chest. Harry gently stroked the
younger boy’s hair, marvelling at how it still felt like silk whilst Harry’s was coarse and

“Draco, I think we should talk,” Harry said quietly as the shaking of the omega’s shoulders
began to gradually subside.

“Don’t s-send me away,” Draco said, looking up at Harry with pleading eyes. “Please. I know
I said I d-didn’t want anything but please don’t send me away.”

“Why would I send you away?” Harry frowned down at him.

“W-When the baby’s born,” Draco explained, “please let me stay with you. I won’t be any
trouble. I won’t b-be upset when you bond with someone.”

“Draco,” Harry said firmly, causing the younger boy to tense. “Do you really think I would
bring home a mate whilst also living with you and our child? Like some sort of harem?”

“No,” Draco whispered, shaking his head, “I’m s-sorry, of course you wouldn’t. I’ll go
somewhere else, I p-promise. I’ll never bother you, I –“

“Draco,” Harry repeated, a little louder this time as the younger boy fell silent. “You’re
misunderstanding me. I don’t want to bring home a mate because I’d like to mate with you.”

Draco jerked his head up, nearly knocking into Harry’s chin, his eyes were wide and

“If you’ll have me,” Harry smiled, sweeping back the younger boy’s sweaty fringe and
pressing a small kiss to his forehead, “I would like to be your alpha even after the baby

Draco stared at him for a few moments longer before sighing miserably, sagging down in
Harry’s arms. It wasn’t exactly the reaction that Harry had been hoping for.

“You’re just being honourable,” Draco muttered. “You’re doing ‘the right thing’ because I’m

“No,” Harry huffed, pressing his finger under Draco’s chin and forcing the omega to look up
at him again. “When I first found out about the spell and decided to let you keep the baby,
that was me trying to do the right thing. Siphoning you my magic and making sure you ate
alright for those first couple of months, that was me attempting to be honourable.” Harry
paused, “But I can assure you Draco, everything I’ve felt since then has been because I want
you, not just our child, but you as well. I would never offer to bite someone out of duty,
you’re forgetting who raised me.” Harry grinned at Draco, whose previously shuttered off
expression seemed to be opening up to something resembling wary hopefulness.

“However,” Harry said nervously, “you would have to want me too.”

“I do!” Draco exclaimed loudly before blushing and letting out a small whine, burying down
into Harry’s arms.

“Good,” Harry replied, his face stretching into a wide grin. Draco was still undressed and
Harry brought up his hand to rub gently down the omega’s back, his fingers dipping into the
notches of his spine.

Eventually, Draco emerged back up as Harry helped the omega shift into his lap.

“We’d really be bonded?” Draco asked, frowning as he stared at Harry, their noses almost

“Yeah,” Harry replied, “you’d be my omega and I’d be your alpha.”

“Like Mrs. Weasley and her mate!” Draco exclaimed brightly.

“Just like them,” Harry laughed, “You want seven kids then?”

Draco flushed before grinning shyly.

“Good thing we started early in that case,” Harry smiled, cupping the back of Draco’s head
and slowly bringing their mouths together. Draco let out a small, contented noise as their lips
met, moving against one another. Draco seemed to melt against Harry, his hands pressing
against the alpha’s chest as the older man carefully deepened the kiss, not taking any more
than Draco was willing to give.

The younger boy let Harry lick along the seam of his mouth, parting his lips enough to delve
his tongue inside, hot and searching. Draco’s own tongue pressed against him, sloppy
inexperienced movements that set Harry’s heart on fire and made his bones ache with want.
Finally, they drew back, Draco’s body heaving for breath as they leaned against each other.
Harry closed his eyes and smiled as the omega’s chest began to vibrate with low, soft purrs.

His omega.


Chapter End Notes

Did you think this fic was going to be vanilla? No, 'tis breast milk flavoured. Bon
Chapter 13

“I suppose one of the benefits about bonding with Draco whilst he’s still under your legal
alphaship is that you won’t have to get permission from the Lestranges,” Hermione said
thoughtfully, sucking on the end of her straw.

Her, Ron and Harry were sat around a small corner table in the Hogshead, it was a quiet
Monday afternoon and Draco was safely in his double Potions class back at school.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Ron asked, nursing his pint.

“Ron,” Harry sighed, this was about the third time his friend had asked since Harry had told
them of his plans the previous evening.

“I’m just asking! Although I guess as an alpha you can always change your mind, Draco’s the
one getting bitten.”

“Ronald!” Hermione snapped, looking shocked, “That is a terribly outdated mindset and
quite frankly I’m appalled to hear you say something like that.”

“But it’s true!” Ron protested. “I’m not saying I agree with it Mione but it’s a pretty
permanent decision for a kid to make.”

“Firstly,” Hermione muttered darkly, “Molly was the same age as Draco when she was

Ron frowned as if that was something he hadn’t quite realised.

“And secondly, keeping his pregnancy was already a massive decision. Draco is mature
enough to know what he wants and if he wants to be with Harry then you’re going to have to
get off your stupidly high hippogriff and accept that.”

“Blimey,” Ron stared at his girlfriend before turning back to Harry and looking apologetic.
“Yeah, alright, sorry mate. You know I support you.”

“Have you told Remus and Sirius?” Hermione asked in a strange parallel of when they had
first found out about the baby.

“Yeah,” Harry nodded, “they didn’t sound too surprised though, I reckon it was pretty
obvious at Christmas how I felt.”

“You going to have a proper wedding?” Ron questioned, “Mum’ll always let you use the
Burrow if you like.”

“That’s kind,” Harry smiled, some of the tension at sharing the news with his best friends
slipping away. “I think we would rather just get bonded sooner rather than later though.
Although it would be a nice idea to have a celebration.”
Hermione excused herself to go to the loo a little while later as Ron sent Harry a shifty look.

“What?” Harry rolled his eyes and braced himself.

“You, um,” Ron cleared his throat, “you fancy him then?”

“Yes Ron,” Harry couldn’t help but laugh, “I happen to fancy the person I just asked to bond
with me.”

“Yeah alright,” Ron chuckled, “I just meant it’s a bit of a surprise that’s all. He’s not your
usual type and I guess I never figured you’d end up with an omega. He looks like a strong
wind might blow him over half the time.”

“Not whilst he’s pregnant,” Harry said wryly.

“So what’s it like?” Ron hissed, glancing round to check Hermione wasn’t coming back yet.
“You know, with an omega?”

“Ron, do you seriously think I’d tell you?” Harry replied as Ron smirked and sat back.

“Knew it, you haven’t slept with him yet,” he announced cheerfully. “Seamus owes me a

Harry tried to push down the wave of irritation he felt at the idea of his friends talking about
his and Draco’s sex life.

“Seamus said it wasn’t like you to wait when you want something,” Ron carried on

“Well, Draco’s different,” Harry snapped. “He’s quite…”

‘Sheltered,’ Harry finished at the same time Ron suggested, ‘Clueless?’

Harry glared at him as Hermione returned and Ron leaned over to kiss her with a smug look
on his face.

The thing was, they were both right. Harry knew that Draco was inexperienced and whilst he
didn’t want to rush him, bonding bites always took better if they were administered during a
mating. Harry wanted Draco to feel comfortable, yet on the other hand, his inner alpha was
practically chomping at the bit now. Every time Draco smiled or looked Harry’s way, the
older man felt like he was drowning in the desire to mount the perfect little omega carrying
his pup.

Draco had been revising in the common room the other day, Harry intently watching as the
younger boy nibbled on the end of his quill, small pink tongue sticking out in concentration.
Harry hadn’t even noticed that he had been emitting alpha pheromones until Luna had
politely opened a window. Harry had guiltily looked back to Draco who had smiled shyly
from under his lashes.
Surely Draco must know that Harry was aroused by him? It wasn’t like Harry was even
attempting to hide it any more.


Despite having put away a sizeable portion of chips back at the pub, Harry still felt ravenous
come dinner time. Luckily, the house elves had cooked up a veritable feast. Harry was
pleased that Draco’s appetite had come back in full force and he watched with amusement as
Katie helped pile the omega’s plate with vegetarian cottage pie and boiled carrots.

“I’m so bloody done with winter,” Katie shivered as both of the Great Hall doors swung open
to let in Hagrid, along with a biting gust of cold air. “It needs to be spring already, I’m telling
you, the moment I see the first bluebell, I’m wearing shorts.”

“Your legs will t-turn blue as well!” Draco told her.

Harry smiled before glancing over to the staff table. Hagrid sat down and gave him a jaunty
wave, whilst Snape was eyeing him dubiously as if he highly suspected that Harry was ‘up to
something’. Then again, Snape had pretty much looked at Harry that way for the past eleven

“Nick says we should go somewhere nice this summer,” Katie sighed, rolling up the sleeves
of her cardigan so they didn’t hang into her plate full of gravy. Harry realised that Katie must
have bought herself a new one as this cardigan was almost identical to the one she had given
Draco for Christmas, only it was bright blue. She looked like some sort of Sesame Street
character and with Draco beside her in a smaller but no less fluffy version; the overall effect
was quite humorous.

“Where will you go?” Hermione asked, reaching across Harry to grab the nearest pitcher of
pumpkin juice.

“Maybe Greece,” Katie hummed thoughtfully, “Nick’s got an aunt in Thessaloniki. Then
again, I quite like the U.K. during the summer, it’s the winters I can’t stand, so perhaps we
should postpone it for when we can both get time off work.”

“Where are you going to be working?” Harry asked, realising he didn’t know about quite a
few of his fellow Gaedere peers’ plans for after their courses finished.

“Oh I have an internship in product design for Caulderwells,” Katie announced proudly.
Harry recognised the company name; they were one of the leading manufacturers of
cauldrons and potions equipment.

“That’s awesome,” Harry nodded.

“Yeah,” Katie beamed, “Professor Zeborn, my Magical Metallurgy lecturer, suggested the
programme to me and it sounds really interesting.”
“Did you see Caulderwell’s new ruthenium line?” Draco asked Katie, tugging gently on her
sleeve. Harry zoned out somewhat as the two of them began excitedly discussing metallic
properties. He hadn’t even realised there was a Magical Metallurgy course offered by
Hogwarts. Before Draco had come along, Harry supposed he had perhaps been rather insular
with the people he actually interacted with and cared about.

The thing about having grown up already semi-famous and then becoming quite popular on
top of that, was that Harry had always been rather hesitant to get too involved with people he
didn’t already know very well. He glanced down the table, whilst he had lots of friends and
was never short of social engagements, maybe it wouldn’t be the worst idea in the world to
start branching out and showing more of an interest in other people’s lives.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Hermione whispered, nudging Harry’s shoulder lightly.

“Am I a self absorbed arsehole?” Harry blurted out under his breath. Hermione froze for a
moment, staring at his questioning expression before snorting a loud laugh. “Oh thanks,”
Harry muttered, “that’s reassuring.”

“I’m sorry Harry, but really, where’s that come from?” Hermione snickered, “it’s not like you
to have an existential crisis over cottage pie at half six in the afternoon.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Harry smiled sheepishly. “I was just wondering about all the times you’ve
accused me of being closed off. How many instances have I shut someone down who was
trying to get close to me, when maybe they just wanted to be friends?”

“Oh Harry,” Hermione smiled fondly, “you’ve been the person you needed to be. So many
people have ulterior motives, we’ve found that out the hard way. I don’t think you’re an
arsehole no, in fact I think you’re perfectly lovely.”

Harry glanced across to Draco, the younger boy was gesturing animatedly at Neville and
Katie whilst they discussed some sort of semi sentient plant that had recently been discovered
in Brazil.

“Draco’s lovely,” Harry murmured softly. “Despite how people have treated him, he’s still so
willing to talk to everyone.”

“Whilst it’s true and I think he’s a good influence on you,” Hermione paused, “you are
romanticising slightly. Draco can be just as closed off as you can be – although with him it’s
due to his fear and shyness. It’s only once he’s decided someone is safe that he becomes
comfortable enough to talk to them.”

“I guess you’re right,” Harry replied, “maybe we’ll be good influences on each other then?”

“I reckon so,” Hermione smiled. Draco turned towards them, evidently having heard his
name, he looked at Harry curiously.

“You still hungry?” Harry asked, gesturing to Draco’s now empty plate.

“Oh, no,” Draco shook his head, looking a little embarrassed.

“I like it when you eat,” Harry hurried to reassure him, “I mean, I don’t want you to feel ill
but it’s good to know you’re getting enough sustenance.”

“There’s strudel for pudding today,” Draco told him, “I wanted to save some space.”

“Ah,” Harry laughed in understanding as large plates of apple and cherry pastries appeared
along with jugs of thick custard.

“Hey – hey Draco,” Seamus called across the table, “I’ve been working on a balloon animal
charm that I think your kid might like – watch this!”

Harry frowned as Seamus flicked his wand and murmured something, causing a large globule
of the buttercup yellow custard to bubble up and escape from a nearby jug.

“Oh, this will not go well,” Hermione muttered, rapidly casting her own cooling charm over
the previously hot custard as it began to expand and pulsate.

“Ye of little faith,” Seamus snorted, “I’ve been practising this all week.”

Draco eyes were wide and amazed as Seamus levitated the amorphous blob over the table
where it went shiny and taut, stretching into the recognizable form of a sausage dog.

“Hey! That’s actually pretty good!” Ron exclaimed jovially.

Harry narrowed his eyes as he saw Seamus grit his teeth, a small bead of sweat rolling down
his temple as he focussed his wand. As subtly as he could, Harry cast a wandless impervious
charm over Draco and Katie and then himself and Hermione.

“Now for my next trick!” Seamus announced as the custard balloon bulged and began to
transform into a giraffe. The creature’s neck continued to extend, however, becoming like
string cheese, whilst the giraffe’s belly expanded ominously.

“Um, mate?” Ron began hesitantly when there was suddenly a loud pop and a balloonful of
custard exploded across the table, drenching several of the nearby diners in sticky dollops.

Harry quickly checked to see that Draco was completely dry. Katie was laughing and
clutching at the grinning omega whilst Hermione very loudly began to lecture Seamus about
the laws of transmutative magi-physics.

“Was that your impervious Harry?” Katie asked as her and Draco looked across at him. “It
smells like cinnamon.”

“Yeah,” Harry grinned, winking at Draco. “Figured I’d save your cardigans, I reckon custard
would be tricky to get out of that type of fabric.”

“So thoughtful, your alpha,” Katie whispered to Draco, the omega flushed, glancing up at
Harry shyly with a pleased expression.

“Seamus, might I suggest that you simply buy the baby a teddy bear?” Luna stated looking
surprisingly content for someone who had cold custard dripping down her nose.
“I’ll get it right,” Seamus grumbled, his face paling as he noticed Filch approaching them
whilst aggressively wielding a mop.

“Here,” Harry said to Draco, cutting a large slice of strudel and offering it across the table, “I
don’t know if you’ll want custard with it after that.”

Draco beamed at him, taking the plate as their fingers brushed. Harry wasn’t sure if the scent
of caramelised apples was coming from the dessert or the omega but he liked to think it was
the latter.


That evening, Harry walked out of the Morgana Suite bathroom to find Draco was wearing
his strappy silk nightgown again. The creamy fabric appeared almost golden in the
candlelight and his hair was down and curling at his nape.

“You look like an angel,” Harry grinned as Draco blushed. The omega looked pleased though
as he slid into the bed nearest the wall.

“How are you feeling?” Harry asked, getting in beside him. Harry was wearing green cheque
pyjama bottoms but had chosen not to put on his usual t-shirt. Before sharing a bed with
Draco, Harry had tended to prefer sleeping in boxers or nothing at all.

“Good,” Draco smiled, pulling the covers up to his chin and snuggling down in the blankets.
Harry always made sure to cast a warming charm on the bed now, which was another reason
why he was forgoing a shirt. As an alpha he naturally ran much hotter than Draco did, but the
omega ‘s comfort was the natural priority.

Harry figured he must have drifted off at some point because the next thing he knew was
Draco lightly shaking him awake. Harry blinked groggily, noticing that the fire had fully died
down to just glowing embers. “What’s happening?” Harry sat up, immediately concerned
something was wrong.

“The baby!” Draco exclaimed, looking slightly shocked.

“Huh?” Harry began to panic.

“It’s kicking!” Draco gasped, his hand splayed across his belly. Harry looked down and
stared at Draco’s bump for a moment as he stabilised himself.

“Wait, really?” Harry blinked.

“Yes,” Draco said, grabbing Harry’s hand and placing it over the cool silk nightgown. Draco
frowned as they waited for about twenty seconds before Harry felt a definite thump against
his palm.
“See!” Draco beamed triumphantly at Harry as the older man laughed. Harry brought his
other hand up so as to cover more of Draco’s bump. A moment later, there was another
slightly smaller twitch as they both giggled, Harry leaning down to rest his forehead against

“Brilliant,” Harry sighed happily, lifting one of his hands away to gently cup Draco’s face.
“That’s our baby.”

“Mm,” Draco nodded, rubbing his stomach. “A very big turnip.”

Harry grinned as the baby kicked again and Draco let out an ‘Oof!’

“That one hurt,” Draco pouted, “I think they’re excited to meet their daddy.”

“You reckon?” Harry asked, stroking his thumb against Draco’s cheek. “I think if they’re
already throwing a strop they might be more like their papa.”

Draco’s mouth fell open as he gaped at Harry. “I don’t throw strops!”

Harry laughed fondly before leaning in to rub their noses together, “Don’t you? You should,
it’d be cute.” He repositioned himself on the bed, nuzzling his face against Draco’s belly.
“Hello Baby, I can’t wait to meet you.” Harry glanced up to where Draco was peering down
at him curiously. “You’re going to be a very lucky baby you know? You’ve got the world’s
most beautiful papa and your daddy is going to be a complete pushover when it comes to you

Draco let out a small huff, stroking his slender fingers through Harry’s mop of black hair.
Harry smiled and pressed a loving kiss right in the middle of the bump. He could smell
Draco’s scent projecting happiness and contentment as the room filled with apple pie.
Wanting even more, Harry began to pepper Draco’s belly with kisses, even as the omega
started to giggle and try to push him away.

“Harry s-stop – it tickles!” Draco squealed as Harry grabbed his slim hips in order to hold the
younger boy still.

“In a good way?” Harry asked, quirking his eyebrow as he looked up at Draco.

“In a ticklish way you b-brute,” Draco replied, undoubtedly trying his very best to look cross.

“I’m sorry,” Harry said, affecting a solemn expression. “How about here?” he pressed another
kiss to the side of the bump as Draco squirmed. “Here?” he leant round to peck the curve of
Draco’s waist. “Maybe…” Harry breathed out slowly, letting go of Draco’s hips so the omega
could move away if he wanted. Harry locked eyes with Draco whilst bowing his head even
lower, to where the silky nightgown was bunched on his lap. “Here?” Harry asked.

Draco inhaled sharply, his eyes flicking nervously away for a moment before he reached
down and cautiously began lifting up his gown. Harry swallowed thickly as he watched the
silk slide up Draco’s legs, revealing more and more of his pale thighs. Draco hesitated for a
moment before hiking the skirt up completely to his belly, exposing his lower body to the
cool room.

Harry moved back slightly so as to get a better view. Draco was kneeling, his head turned to
one side submissively as he held his nightdress bunched up for Harry’s viewing pleasure.
Below his swollen belly, Draco’s omega cock was stirring slightly from a nest of light blond
curls. Little pink balls hung behind, the skin taut and shiny, pushed forwards by the meat of
Draco’s thighs and the manner in which he was sitting.

“You’re beautiful sweetheart,” Harry stated calmly, marvelling at how such a sweet,
wonderful creature was placing so much trust in him. “Would you like me to touch you?”

Draco’s breath wavered as he slid his eyes back to Harry, keeping his head angled. Draco
opened his mouth before closing it again as if he wasn’t sure what to say.

“Would it help if I told you what I would like to do to you?” Harry asked before Draco
nodded. “Well, first I’d like to scent you, I think it might help you feel more comfortable.
Then I would love to hold your cock in my hand, just like I did with your breasts. I want to
massage you and get you nice and swollen, maybe take you in my mouth –“

Draco gasped, looking wide-eyed at Harry. “I d-don’t think alphas do that,” he blurted out
before visibly cringing.

“Oh?” Harry asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement.

“Sometimes,” Draco shifted, “I heard the other omegas in Slytherin talking…they said alphas
d-don’t do that for omegas.”

“Well I’d like to,” Harry replied casually, “and I think you might like it too.”

“Will I,” Draco’s eyes flicked quickly to Harry’s own crotch, “will I do it back?”

“Only if you wanted,” Harry frowned, “sex shouldn’t be about what you think you should do,
it’s about feeling good with your partner.”

“I’ve never seen your body,” Draco admitted, looking more than a little flushed. “Not that
I’ve seen any alpha’s body, just –“

“It’s okay,” Harry laughed, “I know what you’re trying to say. You’re right, it does seem a
little unfair. Would you like me to take off my trousers?” He reached down to the drawstring
of his bottoms whilst looking questioningly at Draco. Harry paused, not wanting to commit to
anything without the omega’s express approval. It took a few moments before Draco licked
his lips and nodded quickly.

Harry slid off the bed before tugging his pyjama trousers down, revealing his own semi hard
cock. He heard Draco make a strangled noise before joining the younger boy back on the

“You’re so big,” Draco said as he blinked owlishly at Harry.

“Don’t be scared,” Harry murmured, reaching out to stroke through Draco’s hair. “I’d never
hurt you.”

Harry nuzzled into Draco’s neck, swiping his tongue delicately over Draco’s scent gland
before groaning. A thick honeyed apple was released into the air but the element of frost was
there too, sharpening the tang and making Harry burn with want. He lathed up Draco’s throat
in kitten licks, making sure to imprint his own scent in every dip and groove of the omega’s

Draco keened beneath him, cool fingers coming up to grip at Harry’s biceps, tugging him
even closer. Harry grinned as Draco sat up on his haunches, angling his head so as to place a
kiss on Harry’s cheek, before rubbing their faces together.

“Careful,” Harry warned as Draco drew away with cheeks reddened from stubble rash, “I’m
not as soft as you.”

“I like it,” Draco smiled, biting his lip.

“Still,” Harry said, “perhaps I should shave in order to spare your smooth skin in future.”

“No,” Draco frowned, “I d-don’t want you to. You look handsome like this.”

“You don’t think I’d be handsome clean shaven?” Harry laughed as Draco pouted. Harry
wrapped his arms around Draco’s waist and lifted him up before laying him down gently on
the bed. “I’ll have to keep you away from Charlie Weasley then – his beard’s massive now.”

“S-Stupid,” Draco huffed. Harry was pleased though, the omega seemed to have relaxed and
the tremble that had previously been shivering through his body had subsided as he reached
up to paw at Harry’s chin. “I just like yours.”

“Mm,” Harry replied happily, running his calloused fingers up the inside of Draco’s thigh.
The silken nightgown had slipped back down and Harry took great delight in slowly pushing
it back up. Eventually, Harry’s hand wound its way around Draco’s prick, lightly squeezing
and tugging.

Draco let out a surprised moan before writhing on the sheets, his feet slipping in their attempt
to find purchase. Harry loved how he could wrap his entire hand around it, completely
enveloping Draco’s cock in the heat of his palm, even Draco’s dick felt slightly cool to the

“Look how perfect you are,” Harry sighed, swiping his thumb down to gently graze Draco’s
tight balls. He kept massaging Draco’s erect member as Harry stretched his body up to bring
their lips together. Within seconds, Draco’s mouth fell open, his body going rigid and
spasming as he came.

Harry’s eyes widened as he felt little jets of come spurt past his fingers, how was Draco this
responsive? Harry had barely touched him.
“Fuck, I’m so lucky,” Harry groaned, kissing the omega again, licking his way hotly into
Draco’s lax and receptive mouth. Harry’s hand didn’t stop massaging and pulling, milking all
the aftershocks of Draco’s orgasm out of him. Eventually, it became too much and Draco let
out a whine of discomfort, clearly over sensitised as he weakly tried to push Harry away.

“You alright sweetheart?” Harry asked as Draco’s eyes cracked open. For a moment, Harry
was worried Draco would be embarrassed at having come so quickly, not that Harry minded,
he thought it was bloody fantastic how well the omega’s body responded just for him.
However, as a lazy, sated smile spread across Draco’s face, Harry realised that Draco
probably had no idea what was normal in terms of sex, this being his first real experience
with such affairs. Harry was grateful for that, not because he cared about purity or any of that
rot, but rather that he could be the one to show Draco that anything was okay, so long as it
felt good and they were comfortable with each other.

“Mm,” Draco nodded, he looked down as Harry’s own hard length pressed against his thigh.
“S-Should I…I mean may I…” he smiled sheepishly.

“You may,” Harry laughed fondly, “but I don’t think I’m done with you quite yet.” Harry
made sure Draco was watching him as he brought up the hand still covered by the omega’s
release and diligently began to clean it with his tongue.

“You!” Draco gasped, staring transfixed as Harry sucked each of his digits into his mouth so
as not to miss a drop. His omega tasted perfect, salty and sweet and Harry’s inner alpha
howled in pleasure. Harry shifted on the bed, looking down to find himself kneeling in a
distinct wet patch. Draco sat up, blushing down at the clear puddle of slick that had soaked
through the sheets.

“We should have put a towel down,” Harry laughed, “although with how wet you get I don’t
think it would have made much of a difference.”

“Is...” Draco’s nose wrinkled up, “is it not normal?”

Harry had never known an omega to produce quite this much slick, although he certainly
wasn’t complaining.

“It’s perfect,” Harry said firmly, before gazing curiously at Draco, “may I see?”

Draco pulled a confused expression before realisation dawned across his features, along with
a cherry red blush. “O-Oh, you…” Draco cleared his throat, glancing down at the soiled bed

“Would you present for me?” Harry asked, his voice so low as to almost be a rasp. “Don’t
worry, I’m not going to mount you, I promise. I just want to see you.”

Draco chewed on his lip before nodding, still averting his eyes as he rolled over. Harry had to
help him slightly due to the weight of the baby bump. However, soon they found a
comfortable enough position as Draco rested his head on his arms and tilted his hips so as to
present his arse to Harry.
Harry groaned at the mouth-watering sight before him, reaching down to squeeze the base of
his own throbbing prick. Waves of slick were spreading down the backs of Draco’s pale
thighs and his buttocks jiggled slightly as Harry moved on the bed, making the mattress dip
and bounce.

“You’re mine, Draco,” Harry growled, feeling instinct taking control of his limbs.

“Yours, Alpha,” Draco breathed back before letting out a small squeak as Harry reached up to
spread the younger boy’s cheeks apart, revealing a light halo of golden hair around his dark
pink hole. As Harry drew closer, another thick globule of slick was released, dripping messily
down to the sheets.

Draco whimpered as Harry blew a gentle breath of air across the omega’s hole, the wrinkled
furl contracting and gaping in turn.

“Sweetheart?” Harry asked, his voice already hoarse with desire. “You remember I said I
wanted to take you in my mouth? Well, how would you feel about me using my mouth here?”

“Isn’t that dirty?” Draco asked, turning round slightly and frowning at Harry, he looked
completely perplexed and Harry simply wanted to gobble him up.

“Not at all,” Harry shook his head, “you washed before bed and I really want to taste your

Draco let out a strangled noise before turning away and settling his forehead back on his
arms. “How…how can you just say those things?”

“Because I want you to know what I’m feeling,” Harry replied, his thumbs digging in and
massaging the meat of Draco’s parted buttocks. “I want you to know what you do to me.”

“Okay,” Draco replied quietly, but he lifted his head up enough just to send Harry a small
reassuring smile.

Harry leaned in, sticking out his tongue and licking a long stripe up Draco’s crack, eliciting a
loud cry from the omega. Draco’s back arched and Harry grinned as he found himself
presented with a face full of Draco’s dripping hole. Harry happily obliged, diving in to feast
on Draco’s arse like a starving man. He laved the dark whorl lovingly before poking his
tongue inside, pressing at Draco’s walls as the younger boy began to writhe on the bed with
hiccoughing sobs.

“H-Harry oh!” Draco mewled, the strength in his arms giving out and half collapsing against
the sheets, held up only by Harry’s strong grip on his hips. Harry drew back momentarily to
see Draco’s face, half smushed into the pillow and clouded red as his open mouth let out a
needy keen.

Harry resumed his task with enthusiasm, Draco’s slick was like ambrosia feeding his own
arousal until he felt like he might burst. Harry groaned as he laid himself down against the
bed, allowing himself to rut against the friction the sheets provided, whilst continuing to eat
Draco out. Harry’s thick tongue wiggled and thrust in and out of Draco’s hole whilst the
omega squirmed and thrashed, trying to lift his hips back further, seeking his own mindless

“Fuck, that’s it sweetheart,” Harry rasped, moving to gently nip at Draco’s left buttock,
delighted to find more faint constellations of freckles. “Move for me, show me what you

“A-Ah,” Draco panted as Harry grabbed his shoulders, lifting him back up and onto Harry’s
lap. Draco’s cock was hard again, bobbing underneath his belly, the tip connected to his
bump by a sticky trail of precome. Harry could feel his own erection become covered in
Draco’s slick, his needy hole so tantalisingly close.

Draco began trying to take off his nightgown, weakly scrabbling at the straps before Harry
shushed him gently, helping the omega lift up his arms and pulling him free of the creamy
silk. Immediately, Harry plastered his naked chest against Draco’s back, their skin slipping
together with sweat. His hands snaked round Draco’s sides, cupping and kneading his small
breasts as the younger boy moaned, throwing his head back against Harry’s shoulder.

“Look at you, Draco. Merlin, you’re so good, letting me take care of you like this,” Harry
whispered hotly against the blushing shell of Draco’s ear. Harry’s right hand trailed further
down to splay across Draco’s stomach. “Carrying my baby, you’re going to be the sweetest
mother and I promise Daddy will always look after you.”

Draco sucked in a sharp intake of breath as more slick gushed out of him. Harry groaned as
he felt the warm liquid coat the swollen head of his cock, running down his shaft and pooling
in his dark thatch of hair.

“You like that little one?” Harry half whispered, as if afraid to break the spell in the otherwise
quiet room. “You like that Daddy will take care of you? Always make sure you’re safe and

“N-No,” Draco squirmed, shaking his head in protest. “Y-You’re the baby’s daddy, I –“

“I can be yours too,” Harry growled, nipping the top of Draco’s ear as the omega let out a soft
yelp. “If you want me to be.”

“You’re m-my alpha,” Draco exhaled happily as Harry’s hand travelled further down and he
rolled his thumb and index finger up the omega’s cock.

“I am,” Harry replied, relishing how it felt to hear Draco call him that. “And you’re my
omega, my baby boy.”

Harry tilted Draco so he was cradled to the side in Harry’s arms, lying him down on the bed
so Harry could enjoy the sight of his body in entirety. Draco breathed hard as Harry
continued to massage his small prick, his large grey eyes staring at Harry’s face.

“Can I c-call you the other thing as well?” Draco asked tentatively, his blossom pink tongue
darting out to wet his stretched lips.
“Yes,” Harry insisted fiercely, leaning down to kiss Draco hard and encouraging so that when
he drew back the omega was breathless and dazed.

“May I touch you, Daddy?” Draco asked, his eyes flicking to Harry’s purpled cock, straining
with arousal, having been denied release for so long now.

“Merlin yes, Draco,” Harry gasped as the omega moved away from Harry’s own
ministrations and instead wriggled across the bed so that his face was inches from Harry’s
prick. Harry looked down as Draco cautiously ran his index finger up the shaft, tracing the
thickened vein. He glanced nervously up as if expecting Harry to tell him what to do but the
older man smiled back, cupping his hand round Draco’s head and stroking his hair. Harry was
more than happy to give Draco time to explore and figure it out at his own pace.

Draco swiped his fingers across the bulb of Harry’s cock, staring avidly at the mixture of the
alpha’s precome and his own slick that coated his hand. The tentative touches continued,
Harry locking down his inner alpha and remaining glued to the bed so as not to jerk up and
scare Draco. Finally, Draco leaned in and pressed a careful kiss to the tip, his tongue darting
out to press into Harry’s slit. The older man groaned, deep and rumbling as Draco looked up
for approval.

“It feels good,” Harry said breathlessly, carding his own fingers across Draco’s scalp. “Do
you think you could try to suck it?”

Draco’s eyes widened before he giggled, “Like a lolly?”

“Yeah,” Harry chuckled, “imagine your favourite flavour.”

Draco blushed but didn’t answer as opened his mouth wide and stretched his lips around the
purpled head. It was obscene, Harry thought as he gazed down, the way saliva was escaping
from the corners of the omega’s mouth, running down his chin as Draco pulled back off and
then tried again.

“Ah – sweetheart, careful with your teeth,” Harry hissed, quickly squeezing the back of
Draco’s neck as the other boy blanched and jerked back.

“I’m sorry!” Draco exclaimed, his voice already sounding scratchy and Merlin if Harry didn’t
just want to wreck him completely.

“Don’t be,” Harry shook his head, “this is the best I’ve ever felt.” He realised as soon as he
had said it that he wasn’t even lying. Nothing could ever compare to this feeling that was
threading underneath his skin at Draco’s touch.

Draco ducked back in, eventually fitting more of the shaft in his mouth but quickly choking
when he attempted more. Harry gently showed the younger boy how to use his hands as well,
suckling beautifully on the tip whilst cool fingers slid up and down Harry’s pulsing shaft.

Harry moaned in pleasure, tipping forwards and running his hands down Draco’s arched
back. He was delighted to find that he could still reach the omega’s arse, wasting no time in
rubbing insistent circles around the slick soaked hole.
Draco let out a stuttered whine, his mouth still full of Harry’s cock as Harry pushed in a digit,
slowly and only to the first knuckle. Draco’s walls contracted around him, squeezing the
intrusion as if his body wasn’t sure whether to suck it further up or push it back out.

“Ah,” Harry grinned, “so this is where you’ve been storing all your body heat.” He laughed
as Draco glared up at him. The younger boy’s petulance quickly dissolved, however, as Harry
began to thrust his finger in and out of the omega’s writhing body. As Draco lurched
forwards, more of Harry’s cock was forced into his mouth but as he jerked back, Harry’s
finger slipped deeper into his body.

Draco’s mouth fell open as he began to moan loudly, Harry cock slipping past his sticky lips
and batting against his chin.

“That feel good sweetheart?” Harry asked, pistoning his fingers in and out of the younger
boy. “You like having Daddy inside you?”

“A-Alpha!” Draco cried, his face a wet and blotchy mess as he desperately tried to continue
stroking Harry’s cock, his small hands slipping and jerking erratically. Harry growled as
Draco stopped moving, right on the edge of Harry’s own orgasm. However, he couldn’t
begrudge the younger boy as a second later, Draco screamed hoarsely, slamming himself
back onto Harry’s fingers as he came for the second time across the bed sheets.

Harry thrust in one last time before pulling out his fingers and pushing Draco down onto the
sheets, gasping and whining. Harry straddled the omega’s face, reaching down to take
himself in hand and barrelling towards orgasm with hard, angry strokes. Harry snarled as he
felt himself begin to come, spurting ropes and ropes of thick, white come across Draco’s face.
Draco coughed as a substantial amount landed in his mouth, the slender column of his throat
convulsing as he tried to swallow it all.

Harry hissed as he felt a bulbous knot form at the base of his dick, swelling rapidly as he
continued milking himself, drenching the trembling omega beneath him in his scent and seed.
When he could hold himself up no longer, Harry collapsed boneless on the bed, tugging
Draco in close and wiping his face clean, placing apologetic kisses across his pink stained

“Are you okay sweetheart?” Harry asked, pressing his lips carefully against each pale eyelid
before Draco finally opened his eyes again. Harry frowned as he noticed Draco was shaking,
he quickly sat up and ran his hands down Draco’s arms before reaching for the blankets to
cover him. “Draco?” Harry started to panic, had he gone too fast? Had he hurt the omega in
some way?

“I’m okay,” Draco whispered, but his eyes were shining.

“Little one, please tell me what’s wrong,” Harry pleaded. “Whatever it is, I’ll fix it.”

“You d-didn’t bite me,” Draco murmured as Harry sagged in understanding and quickly
gathered the younger boy up in his arms, holding him close and nuzzling into his hair.
“Oh darling, I will. I just thought it might be a bit overwhelming for us to bond during your
first experience,” Harry frowned, feeling angry at himself. “I promise I want to bond with
you okay?”

“You w-weren’t disappointed then?” Draco narrowed his eyes suspiciously as Harry’s heart
fell. He should have known Draco’s omega might take his failure to bite as some sort of

“Fuck no,” Harry replied, “I wasn’t lying when I said that was the best I’ve ever felt and we
didn’t even knot.”

That was probably the wrong thing to say as Draco immediately looked anxiously down at
Harry’s still swollen cock.

“Not because I didn’t want to,” Harry rushed to explain, “but again, I thought you might like
a little more time before we did that.”

“Okay,” Draco nodded, suddenly looking very sleepy. Harry felt a little guilty, it was
probably the middle of the night and the poor omega was still very pregnant.

“I’m going to cast some cleaning charms on you darling, will you let me?” Harry knew
Draco had been nervous about wands pointed at him since the corridor incident.

“Yes Alpha,” Draco nodded, his eyes slipping closed as Harry’s heart swelled with adoration.
Unfortunately, nothing Harry did seemed to quite get rid of all the slick, so he was forced to
carry a grumbling Draco over to the sofa whilst he changed the bed sheets. After that, he
pulled a thigh length t-shirt over Draco’s shoulders, figuring the omega might prefer not to be
naked when he woke up.

Harry then tucked him carefully into bed, making sure no part of Draco touched the cold
stone wall before crawling in himself and dimming the candles again.

“Thank you sweetheart,” Harry murmured, drawing Draco into his arms and letting the
omega nuzzle into his chest.

“Mm,” Draco snuffled before falling quiet. Harry listened to the rise and fall of the younger
boy’s body for some time before he too succumbed to sleep.
Chapter 14

Draco peeked at his aunt from over the top of the café menu. They were in a small, relatively
new establishment off a side street in Hogsmeade. Draco hadn’t actually told Harry that he
would be meeting with Bellatrix that afternoon. The alpha would have undoubtedly insisted
on coming too and Draco had thought it best to avoid his aunt and Harry interacting as much
as possible. The last thing he wanted was for any wands to be drawn.

Currently, Harry was out on the pitch enjoying a game of quidditch with the rest of Gaedere
House. The older man had left Draco revising for Charms in the Morgana Suite. Draco hoped
Harry wouldn’t be angry with him after he discovered what had happened but it wasn’t like
Harry had ever tried to control Draco’s movements.

Plus, Draco had thought selecting Hogsmeade as a rendezvous point might make his aunt less
inclined to be as venomous as she could be in private.

“You stink,” Bella pulled a disgusted face, “how can I even think about choosing food when
you’re oozing eau de brothel?”

Draco stiffened and blushed, his grip on the menu tightening as he tried to decide between
poppy seed cake or a slice of Battenberg. The latter was usually his favourite, however for
some reason Draco had gone right off the smell and taste of almonds recently, perhaps it was
a pregnancy thing.

“I guess he isn’t bored of you yet,” Bella continued, flagging over a waiter and ordering for
the both of them without giving Draco a choice anyway. “I see I was right though.”

Draco frowned quizzically at his aunt. She was looking wholly smug as she gestured to
Draco’s exposed neck. “He hasn’t bothered to bond with you.”

Draco sat back, slipping his menu in between the salt and pepper shakers. If he was being
truly honest, Draco did feel a little self conscious about not having Harry’s bond bite yet,
despite smelling like him. He did, however, believe Harry when the alpha explained to Draco
that he just wanted to give the younger boy time to adjust.

“He’s going to,” Draco mumbled as Bella let out a wry laugh.

“Oh you’ve changed your tune then – what happened to ‘I’ll do this on my own, I don’t
expect anything from the father’ – pssh, typical omega.”

“It’s not that,” Draco retorted crossly, “we’ve just gotten to know each other better now.”

“As I thought,” Bella clapped her hands together, “He was a total stranger when you tumbled
into bed with him.”

“I didn’t –“Draco began before snapping his mouth shut. He couldn’t let Bellatrix goad him
into revealing anything that could harm Harry or be used against them. Thankfully, she
seemed to have forgotten about Draco’s explanations of the spell back in October.

“Face it Draco,” Bellatrix sighed, rearranging her face into a seemingly more sympathetic
expression. “You will never get that boy’s bite. However I have promising news.”

Draco raised his eyebrows as his aunt fell silent for a moment, the waiter had returned to their
table and delivered their food. Draco looked miserably down at his broccoli soup, his aunt
had always tried to curb his love of sweet treats. Bellatrix believed that omegas were prone to
negative effects from too much of a good thing and shouldn’t be spoiled.

“We had the Sourbolls over for tea last week,” Bellatrix continued as Draco tensed. “Enjoyed
a lengthy discussion with young Atherol.”

Draco could barely hide his contempt, Atherol Sourboll was a solid fifteen years older than
Bellatrix herself.

“He mentioned you, of course he had heard about your…condition and spoke at length on
what a shame it was,” Bellatrix eyes went slightly misty as she probably envisioned the grand
plans she had had for Draco’s future. “Apparently though, he could be persuaded to overlook
your little slipup. Turns out he really was quite taken with you that Beltane – you remind him
of his first wife.”

Draco shuddered, pushing the bowl of green soup away from him, pretty sure he couldn’t
even stomach a spoonful of it now.

“I don’t really see why it matters what Mr. Sourboll thinks of me,” Draco stated.
“Considering I’ll probably never see him again.”

“Don’t be deliberately obtuse,” Bella snapped before frowning suspiciously. “Why aren’t you
stuttering? Normally I can barely get three articulate words out of you.”

Draco bristled, leaning back to try and get the waiter’s attention again for the check. This had
been a mistake, for one stupid moment he had thought he owed it to his aunt to meet up with
her and hear what she had to say. Now, however, he could see she was never going to change
and all he wanted to do was return to the castle, safe in the knowledge that Harry most
certainly didn’t run in the same social circles as the Lestranges and Sourbolls of the world.

“Atherol would even take in your bastard sprog,” Bella hissed, her eyes flickering
dangerously to Draco’s belly. “Can’t you see what a second chance you’ve been given here? I
knew inheriting Narcissa’s looks had to be worth something in the end.”

“I’m already getting bonded!” Draco snapped back angrily. His aunt visibly recoiled, he had
never raised his voice like that at her before.

“That half-blood will never bite you,” Bella declared, as if delivering some sort of divination
prophecy. Perhaps she thought she was, her eyes were wild enough and parts of her black hair
had come loose in a tufted mane. Maybe her failed resurrection ritual from the previous
summer had finally sent her stark raving mad. “How many times has he mounted you now?
What exactly is he waiting for?!”
“June fifth,” a dark and furious voice announced from behind Draco, causing Bella to fall
silent and snap her gaze up. Draco squirmed as the pervasive alpha scent of bonfire and
cinnamon saturated their area of the café.

Gingerly, Draco turned round and looked up. Harry had clearly washed and changed from his
quidditch practice, now wearing heavy black robes, his hair shiny and tousled off his face. He
looked huge compared to Bellatrix and he towered domineeringly over the table before laying
a gentle hand on Draco’s shoulder.

“I’m waiting for June fifth, it’s Draco’s birthday and also the day after his final NEWT. I’m
organising a marriage ceremony. I’d invite you come but it’s friends and close family only,”
Harry told Bellatrix, each word falling heavily as a blow to her crumbling conniving.

Draco stared at his alpha in surprise, he hadn’t realised they were going to have a proper
wedding ceremony as well as a mating. Bellatrix looked between the two of them for a
moment before letting out an angry hiss, flying to her feet and storming out of the café.

Harry watched her go before walking round to take her vacated seat, looking over curiously
at Draco.

“Are you angry I met with her?” Draco asked hurriedly.

“No,” Harry shook his head, still looking thoughtful, “are you angry I kept the ceremony a

“A little,” Draco blurted out accidentally before his eyes widened. Harry however, just let out
a low laugh, reaching across the table to clasp Draco’s hands in his own.

“I’m sorry sweetheart. The truth is, I only decided I would quite like a proper ceremony
today and when I heard what Bellatrix was saying I wanted to wipe that smug look off her
face,” Harry replied, stroking his thumb across the back of Draco’s hand.

Draco nodded, chewing his lip for a moment, “I would like a wedding ceremony Harry.”

“Yeah?” Harry looked up brightly.

“Mm,” Draco nodded, “I think it would be nice, but…” Draco trailed off unsurely, wondering
if he would come across as needy or pressuring if he asked for what he truly wanted.

“You want to be bonded sooner?” Harry finished, looking at Draco in understanding. Draco
nodded, pulling his hands away from Harry’s and fidgeting with the hem of his sweater.

“I know it’s silly,” Draco shrugged.

“It’s not,” Harry shook his head, “I want you to feel secure Draco and even if that means we
bond right now I’ll be happy to do it. Bellatrix is wrong, I’m not stalling or trying to avoid
doing it.”

Draco smiled shyly up at him, “I don’t think the other customers would like it very much if
we bonded here.”
Harry blinked in surprise before letting out a loud snort of laughter as Draco grinned at him.

“You’re right, I’m much too possessive for that,” Harry smirked, “I want you all to myself
behind closed doors and away from prying eyes.”

Draco blushed but felt pleased as his stomach let out an embarrassingly loud gurgle.

“Sounds like our baby’s hungry,” Harry laughed before peering into the soup bowl and
pulling a face. “You don’t like broccoli?”

“I didn’t order it,” Draco explained.

“Right,” Harry said before calling over the waiter and politely asking for the dishes to be
taken away, assuring that he would still pay for them. Harry ordered himself a cappuccino
and a slice of banana loaf before looking across to Draco.

“What would you like sweetheart?” he asked as Draco felt himself swell with happiness.

“The lemon and poppy seed please,” Draco said, “wait – also a chocolate muffin, actually
could I have a Florentine?”

“How about we get them all?” Harry smiled indulgently, “We can always wrap up what you
don’t eat now and save it for later.”

The waiter walked away as Harry leaned forwards to press a kiss on Draco’s cheek, “you’re
going to need the energy,” he growled, low and promising as Draco’s gut flared with arousal.

Draco glared at Harry before looking round the café, “Don’t make me start smelling weird,”
he hissed.

“Never,” Harry replied, looking affronted before winking and adding, “you only ever smell


Draco pushed open the door to the Potions rooms, peering around in the shadowy space.

“Uncle Sev?”

“In here,” Severus’ voice called out from one of the antechambers. Draco walked over,
entering to find his godfather hunched over a large pewter cauldron, his lips moving
wordlessly as he counted the number of stirs.

Draco waited patiently, glancing with interest at the various parchments and tomes that were
spread across the desk. Finally, Severus looked up, a thin, black eyebrow arched.
“Surely you haven’t run out of the feverfew already?” Severus asked. Draco shook his head,
he still had two vials left of the anti nausea potion his godfather had concocted specially for
him. Draco’s morning sickness had started to hit around mid February and sadly ignored its
own nomenclature, striking at all hours of the day and night.

“No, I was just wondering if you might take a look at these?” Draco nervously held out the
forms before Severus gestured for him to take a seat.

“This is an apprenticeship application,” Severus frowned curiously down at the papers,

flicking through them with the tip of his wand. “For Potions?”

“Just for an assistant’s role,” Draco explained hurriedly, “I could do most of the training at
home, only going into the apothecary a few times a month.”

“Which apothecary?” Severus asked, his expression still unreadable.

“Nettlebed’s,” Draco swallowed tightly, “It’s on Tadpole Lane, a few streets over from
Diagon Alley.”

“I know it well,” Severus nodded slowly, “and you…wish to work there?”

“Just as a p-part time assistant,” Draco explained, “they’re offering apprenticeships to those
with the right grades, the owner is big on inventing new elixirs and I thought…” Draco
trailed off, biting his lip.

“You are going to have a baby,” Severus stated, although not unkindly, “do you really think
you would have time for this?”

“The apprenticeship wouldn’t start until December,” Draco fidgeted. He knew that on the
days when he had to go in to the shop that there would be plenty of Harry’s friends willing to
watch over their child for a few hours. Draco’s mind flashed to the welcoming enthusiasm of
Molly Weasley. It also helped that she was another omega, meaning Draco’s senses already
perceived her as safe.

“How would Potter feel?” Severus asked, “You tell me that you are going to actually bond
with that hooligan. Have you asked him about this?”

“Of course,” Draco nodded. Harry had actually been the one to find the apprenticeship
posting, after Draco had mentioned he would love to one day get to work in that area. The
idea of further education and even a job had seemed like such a ridiculous notion when living
under Bellatrix’s roof. However, now, everything Draco wanted seemed so tantalisingly

“Harry thinks I should do it,” Draco mumbled, trying not to bristle at Severus’ surprised look,
after all, his godfather didn’t know Harry as well as Draco did. “But I would need a reference
from my current Potions Master.”

“And that would be me,” Severus concluded, a small smile playing upon his lips. “I see.”

“You don’t think I’m good enough?” Draco asked, looking up with irritation.
“Don’t be absurd Draco, it doesn’t suit you,” Severus sniffed coolly, “I see that Potter’s
inflammatory attitude is catching after all.”

“You don’t have to write it if you don’t want to,” Draco huffed, he knew he was acting
petulantly and that had never been a good tactic when persuading his godfather of something.
But all of Draco’s dreams seemed balanced on a knife’s age and he was terrified of them
slipping away.

“A lot of the more traditional alphas don’t approve of their omegas seeking employment,”
Severus hummed thoughtfully, “believing it to reflect badly on their ability to support and
provide for the household themselves.”

Draco rolled his eyes and wriggled further back in the chair to try and better support his
aching back, “Harry says I’m p-probably richer than him, and when Remus’ legal petition
goes through, I’ll get my full inheritance!”

“Does he now?” Severus enquired, looking amused again. “Are we to see a complete reversal
of societal norms then? Is Potter going to be staying at home eating grapes whilst packing
you off to the workhouse?”

Draco snorted a laugh, “No, Harry is going on to the advanced auror programme. He says we
can both work and it will be okay, besides I told you – my role would only be part time.”

“I see,” Severus nodded. “Well in that case I suppose I had better write you a reference.”

“Really?” Draco squinted up at the older man, things were rarely so easy with Severus Snape.

“And when baby Severus comes I’m sure you’ll figure out babysitting,” his godfather
concluded as Draco let out a loud laugh.

“No deal! Harry would kill me!” Draco grinned as Severus tutted loudly and pretended to
throw the application in the bin.

“I suppose not,” Severus sighed, “I’m guessing your unruly alpha has already picked out a

“He hasn’t actually,” Draco frowned, “we said we would decide when the baby arrived, see
what they suited.”

“Well if they’re anything like you as an infant I would imagine the moniker ‘squashed
mango’ wouldn’t go amiss,” Severus stated drily as Draco’s mouth fell open in indignation.

“I w-wasn’t an ugly baby!” Draco protested, although he didn’t actually have any evidence to
prove otherwise.

“I can assure you that you were,” Severus drawled, “luckily the years have been kind to you.”

Draco beamed, swinging his legs against the chair.

“I’ll give you the completed forms back next lesson,” Severus informed him. “For now,
please make yourself scarce. I need to don gloves and goggles for the next stage of this
experiment and I will not be responsible for explaining any mishaps to that alpha lout of

“He’s not a lout,” Draco rolled his eyes, “he’s just protective. It’s a good thing Uncle Sev, you
should be happy I’ve found someone who loves me.”

Draco blushed as he realised what he had said, his godfather pausing whilst weighing out

“Love, yes,” Severus spoke, his voice was soft and almost wistful, “what a terribly powerful
thing.” He glanced over at Draco, “and it can lead to such miracles.”

Draco gently cradled his bump as he watched a strange cloud of emotion pass over his
godfather’s eyes.

“Right,” Severus snapped loudly a moment later, clearly back to his old self. “I’m about to
mix hydra bile and giant’s toe so unless you want to turn up to your wedding ceremony bald,
I suggest you leave me to work in peace.”

“Okay,” Draco smiled, hopping down off the seat and making his way towards the door.
Before he left, he looked back at his godfather again. The other man had already donned his
protruding black glass goggles and was humming to himself as he tugged on dragonshide

Draco left him to his experiments as he hurried back to the Gaedere annexe for his scheduled
revision session with Hermione.


The evening weather seemed contentedly mild at first, however the barometers were all
pointing decidedly to storms. Sure enough, at around eight pm, the faint pitter-patter of rain
began to echo on the annexe’s slate roof. The wind picked up quickly afterwards, grabbing
fistfuls of droplets and lobbing them against the window panes.

Draco huddled into his blanket, looking out through the wrought iron fenestration. It was too
dark to see anything, but when the lightning flashed it illuminated recognizable shapes such
as the Great Lake or the tops of the quidditch pitch goals.

Harry and some of the other older students were out helping Hagrid stable the pregnant
thestrals away from the ravages of the thunderstorm. Draco winced as a particularly loud
clash echoed across the landscape, rumbling like a Hebridean Black. He cast another tempus
and chewed on his lip anxiously, Harry had left about an hour ago and Draco really hoped the
alpha wasn’t still in the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest with the elements as they were.
Suddenly the door blasted open and Draco let out a small cry of surprise, jerking his head
round. Harry was standing in the doorway, absolutely drenched and with a good deal of mud
caked to his trousers and even his sleeves.

“Shit, sorry,” Harry winced, “didn’t mean to slam it that hard.”

“Are you okay?” Draco asked, attempting to lever himself down from the sill and cross over
to the older man.

“Stay where you are sweetheart,” Harry raised a hand, “I’m fine, just got into a minor
disagreement with a deceptively deep puddle.”

Draco snickered as Harry grinned, taking off his glasses and wiping his hand across his dirty

“Ugh,” Harry groaned, seeing the mess he was making of the floor. “I’m going to shower.”

“Did it go alright with the thestrals?” Draco questioned as Harry began shedding his
outermost layers and leaving them on the exposed flagstones by the door, away from the very
expensive looking rugs.

“Yeah eventually,” Harry snorted, “although turns out that pregnant mares have quite a
temper on them.” Harry paused and glanced up at Draco with a smirk, “You’re basically an
angel in comparison.”

Draco laughed, “I doubt I’m quite as b-big as they are, don’t thestrals normally birth twins?”

“Perhaps,” Harry sighed, crossing over to the ensuite bathroom. “You should get into bed,
you’ll get cold by the window.”

“I’m okay,” Draco shrugged, holding up his blanket and wrapping it tighter around himself.

Harry disappeared in to the bathroom and Draco could hear the creak of the shower pipes
turning on. He waited a few more minutes, watching the bright flashes before deciding to get
down after all. His body was starting to ache having been stuck in one position for an
extended period of time.

Draco padded over to the bed, tugging off his slipper socks and looking around him. With the
raging storm outside, the bed just didn’t feel quite right that night. Draco could sense himself
growing rather irritated with how flat the duvet was, how tightly the sheets were tucked
underneath the mattress.

He huffed and stood back up, cradling his bump as he walked over to the wardrobe and
pulled it open. Inside was a stack of all the extra bedding that Harry had procured for him.
This along with a sizeable amount of Harry’s own clothes, given that the alpha was basically
living full time in the Morgana Suite with Draco now.

Draco tugged at several folded blankets, causing the tower of bedding to collapse around
him. He tutted and started picking it all up, brushing off any dust from the floor before piling
everything onto the bed. Next, he found himself dragging down Harry’s shirts from their
hangers, even rummaging through the older man’s underwear drawer for a handful of clean,
folded boxers and briefs.

Draco blushed a little at the idea of Harry finding him clutching the alpha’s underwear, so he
quickly tucked the pile underneath the pillow on the bed. They were out of sight but the
placement still allowed their comforting scent to saturate the area. Draco moved the bedding
and clothes around a few times but nothing quite satisfied him. He stood impatiently with his
hands on his hips staring at it before diving back in with a plan.

The cylindrical bolster cushions he used to create columns, from which Draco draped sheets
and shirts. To avoid collapse, he wound more blankets around the base. It took a great deal of
effort but when Draco stepped back to observe his first nesting attempt he found himself
frowning. For some reason it looked rudimentary and amateurish. Draco was sure it was silly
to think that there was a superior art of nesting but he was getting slightly teary and frustrated
as the whole endeavour was starting to highlight his long held insecurities over being a sub-
par omega.

“Draco?” Harry called out, opening the bathroom door in a cloud of steam. The older man
was still clearly mid shower as there were shampoo bubbles in his hair and he had hastily
wrapped a towel around his waist. “I could smell distress, what’s happening?”

“I’m useless!” Draco mumbled, throwing himself down onto the nearest chair.

“Oh darling,” Harry sighed, glancing to the bed, “are you making a nest?”

“No,” Draco pouted, “I’m making a m-mess.”

“Draco,” Harry said calmly, walking over and crouching down in front of the omega. “Talk to
me, what about it is making you unhappy?”

Draco chewed the inside of his cheek, fidgeting with his hands before Harry laid his larger
one over them, stilling his fingers. “It,” Draco sighed, “it doesn’t look like the other omegas’
ones, in Slytherin.”

“Well, why would you want it to?” Harry asked, looking genuinely confused. “It’s not their

“It’s just,” Draco felt Harry’s other hand curling reassuringly around the back of his neck. “I
never had anyone to teach me…I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“Hmm,” Harry hummed thoughtfully, glancing back at the attempted nest. “Well, what’s the
purpose of building a nest for an omega?”

Draco frowned as Harry gave him an encouraging expression. “It’’s just something we

“But why?” Harry continued, clearly wanting Draco to think this through.

“It’s meant to feel safe,” Draco suggested.

“And do you feel safe?” Harry asked, “In these chambers with me? In our bed?”

“Of course,” Draco frowned. “But it’s also meant to be a scent pool.”

“And I can see that you’ve already got a good number of my clothes on there,” Harry nodded,
“so surely it smells like a mixture of the two of us?”

“I guess, yes,” Draco looked back up at the bed. “I just…it’s not pretty like theirs were.”
Draco blushed when he realised that it was embarrassment he was feeling. He just knew if he
had attempted to build something like this in the Slytherin dorm he would have been laughed
at. Everyone had thought him so uppity they would have probably found his attempt with the
columns pretentious, and the fact he couldn’t even get it to work anyway just undermined the
whole endeavour.

“And yet your nest is going to also house your alpha and your baby,” Harry smiled. “Surely
that’s a plus point for it?”

“I suppose,” Draco grinned ruefully.

“But if you want it prettier then let me help,” Harry stood up decisively and reached for his
wand. “We can use magic right?”

“I don’t know,” Draco wrinkled his brow, he hadn’t even thought about using his wand to
help with the nest. “I think so, a lot of omegas don’t because of the smell but your magic just
smells like you.”

“Right then,” Harry nodded his head, “you be the architect and I’ll be the builder.”

“Oh, okay,” Draco said quietly, biting his lip on a pleased smile. He had never heard of an
alpha helping an omega with their nest before. Providing scent for it sure, but to actually be
bothered with the trivial details of making it? That was certainly not something Draco had
imagined an alpha would concern themselves with.

Draco let Harry lift him up off the seat before walking back over to the bed. He felt hot now
after having moved so many things about and shed himself of his lavender cardigan. He
jumped in surprise as Harry let out a loud wolf whistle. He turned around to see the older
man laughing.

“Sorry, that’s something muggle builders do – figured I’d really try to get into the role,”
Harry explained. Draco shot him a glare as Harry quickly hurried over to give the omega an
apologetic kiss on the forehead.

“I want it to be roomier,” Draco announced, studying the nest foundations. “I couldn’t make
it bigger without it falling down but with me b-being pregnant and you being so big I don’t
think we’ll fit.”

“Bigger, right,” Harry nodded, waving his wand as the bolster pillows began to lengthen like
playdough sausages rolled under your palm.
“And I’d like a roof of some sort,” Draco added, “but…” he paused and looked at Harry, “I
know you don’t like small spaces.”

“That’s no problem,” Harry replied, casting a spell that opened up one of the kingsize sheets
and domed it upwards like a parachute.

“Oh,” Draco breathed softly, “that’s perfect.”

“Like the Duomo in Florence,” Harry beamed proudly. “We’ll be the Brunelleschis of nest
building before you know it.”

Together they continued to modify the nest with Draco giving instructions until it looked
exactly how he had always wanted. He hesitated at the edge of the bed, he could sense
Harry’s magic all around him, holding the nest together with trails of cinnamon.

“Don’t worry,” Harry said, noticing his caution, “it won’t collapse.”

Draco smiled to himself as he crawled into the nest, it felt divine. Harry had even cast some
softening charms on the fabrics and everything was pillowy and warm. Draco wriggled round
so he was lying down facing the alpha, one of Harry’s shirts wrapped around his bump.

“Gorgeous,” Harry smiled. “I’ll just rinse myself and then may I join you?”

Draco nodded shyly, having an alpha in his nest for the first time was something he had only
let himself dream of in moments of romantic self indulgence. He sighed happily, running his
fingertips against the duvet as he heard the shower start up again.

After dimming the candles, Draco let his hand slip up and down his side. He was enjoying
the sensory experience of the nest and the smooth silk of his nightgown felt chilled and
slippery in comparison. He bit his lip as his hand rested on his hip bone before gliding
forwards into the dip of his groin, very lightly brushing his soft cock.

After a minute, he carefully fingered the hem of his gown, slipping his hand underneath and
gently cupping himself. Draco remembered how different Harry’s touch had been, warmer
and rougher skin. He flushed as he recalled the way Harry had massaged his prick, making it
stiff and aching. Draco pressed feather light touches to his balls, the scent of alpha was
permeating throughout the nest, saturating all the sheets. Draco closed his eyes tightly as he
moved a finger back further and found he was already wet and sticky.

The noise of the bathroom door made Draco still, but he kept his hand where it was, the very
tip of his index finger breaching his hole. Harry entered the room, silhouetted at first by the
light of the bathroom, but after he turned it off, Draco could see that the alpha was naked.

Harry’s body was large and muscular, brown and still damp from the shower. Wiry black hair
curled across his chest, leading down in a thick trail past his belly to where his cock and balls
hung heavy between his legs. Draco swallowed tightly, Harry’s prick had seemed quite
intimidating at first but at the same time it made Draco swell inside with need. Draco realised
that Harry wasn’t moving anymore and when he jerked his eyes back up to the alpha’s face
he could see that the older man was staring back at Draco, his expression dark and hungry.
“Alpha,” Draco whispered as Harry snapped into action, striding across to the bed, his pupils
large and inky.

“May I come in?” Harry asked, his voice already a low growl as he clearly forced himself to
wait by the side of the bed. His entire body seemed to be vibrating.

For a moment, Draco revelled in the wondrous fact that he could say no, that he knew with
certainty that Harry would listen and go sleep on the sofa. However, Draco didn’t want that at
all so instead he smiled, bringing his hand up to Harry’s cheek and nodding.

Harry crawled into the nest, his large arms bracketing Draco as the alpha bent over him,
staring down at Draco’s face with enough intensity to make him shrink slightly.

“You’ve been touching yourself,” Harry rasped, causing Draco to shiver.

Draco nodded tentatively, feeling himself slick further, the scent of his own sweetness mixed
in with the comforting pool of the nest was causing his head to go fuzzy.

“Did you get impatient waiting for Daddy, little one?” Harry growled, ducking down to nose
against Draco’s hairline before licking a stripe up the column of Draco’s gulping throat.

“Y-Yes,” Draco replied, whining as Harry lowered his hips so the thick jut of his now erect
cock pressed a tacky line along Draco’s belly. “Wanted you here Alpha.”

“I’m here now,” Harry stated, bringing their lips together in a wet kiss, his tongue pushing
into Draco’s mouth. Harry chuckled as he drew back and wiped away a trail of saliva on
Draco’s chin with his thumb. “Messy boy.”

Draco pouted at Harry who seemed rather amused by the reaction. “Did you want something
from me sweetheart?” Harry asked, running his hands up Draco’s sides and tugging the
nightgown with him, exposing the omega completely.

“Yes,” Draco gasped as Harry’s hands cupped Draco’s breasts, squeezing them carefully.
Harry ruched the silk up further so it piled over the lower half of Draco’s face, preventing
him from seeing what was happening. Draco’s mouth fell open, tasting and wetting the cream
silk as he felt a roughness across his nipple. Harry was licking Draco’s breast, sucking at the
bud and flicking it relentlessly.

Draco moaned before Harry pushed more of the silk into his gaping mouth with his fingers.
Draco immediately sucked on the digits through the fabric, laving them with his own tongue
and hollowing his cheeks.

“What was it you wanted?” Harry asked huskily, drawing back from Draco’s chest but
staying close enough that his breath tickled the wet skin, causing goosebumps to break out.
“Tell me what you wanted from me?”

Draco found the nightgown being pulled out of his mouth and for a brief moment over his
eyes before Harry tugged the garment off completely, throwing it to one side of the nest.
“I – I want you,” Draco gasped as Harry appeared beside him and licked the shell of Draco’s

“Oh?” Harry whispered, his breath hot and ticklish. “You want my tongue?”

Draco keened as Harry let out a laugh, the alpha’s hand snaking down, bypassing Draco’s
hardened prick and instead caressing his balls. “You want my fingers?”

Draco groaned, the touches were wonderful, incredible but it wasn’t quite enough. Here, in
their nest, Draco knew he needed more. He was nervous though, the idea of being with
someone for the first time was already overwhelming enough and now his brain was trying to
process the sensations of the nest, his alpha and being pregnant simultaneously.

“You want my cock?” Harry asked, quirking a thick eyebrow as Draco felt the rigid weight
press against his thigh, the wet head slipping on Draco’s skin.

“Ye-“ Draco snapped his mouth shut before finishing, blushing so red it felt like burning.

“Ah,” Harry tutted, shaking his head, “don’t be shy. If you want it, you can ask for it. You
know I’ll give you anything you ask for.”

Draco pursed his lips, whimpering as Harry climbed back on top of him, erection jutting into
Draco’s abdomen whilst his lips fixed round a leaking nipple. Draco arched his back
painfully as Harry fingers left his balls and began rubbing hard at his slick soaked crack,
passing back and over his hole. Draco could feel the wrinkled furl opening and closing,
fluttering with need. Harry was starting to suck so insistently Draco raised himself onto his
elbows and stared down as the alpha released the swollen red bud, abused and sensitive from
his touch.

Draco grunted with effort as he reached down, Harry quickly grabbing a pillow to slide under
the younger boy to stop him falling back or pitching to the side. Draco wrapped both of his
hands around a hairy, dark forearm before tugging the hand back towards his entrance.

“Yes,” Harry hissed, his eyes lighting up. “Show me sweetheart.”

Draco let out a small noise as Harry closed his hand into a fist before sticking out two thick
fingers, allowing Draco to guide them into himself. Eventually the strain became too much
and Draco collapsed back against the fluffy pillows, sweat dripping down his temple as
Harry’s digits breached him.

Draco found himself spreading his legs further, pulling his own knees apart as far as they
could comfortably go. He wondered if he would remember this with shame, acting so
wantonly? Somehow he doubted it, Draco was safe with his alpha and he knew Harry was
enjoying the display of desire and arousal.

Harry began to thrust into Draco with his fingers as more slick pooled beneath his buttocks.
The older man went back to licking Draco’s breasts, his obsession with them showing in the
way he suckled tightly in time with his pistoning digits.
Draco cried out, threading his fingers through Harry’s black hair, pulling hard enough to hurt.
It felt amazing but Draco’s body and inner omega was craving more. Now that he knew this
was his alpha, he wanted to be taken and mounted, to be loved and bitten.

“H-Harry,” Draco whimpered as the older man looked up, breathing heavily but not slowing
down his fingers even for a second.

“You want something else?” Harry asked, knowingly, a wicked glint in his green eyes. “Tell

“I want,” Draco gasped as Harry went even deeper with his thrust, rubbing mercilessly at
Draco’s contracting walls. “I want your cock!” Draco half screamed before whining, turning
his face into the pillow. Harry quickly slid his other hand under Draco’s cheek, tugging him
out of his hiding place and kissing him hotly.

“Fuck, Draco. You want my cock baby? You want your alpha’s cock?” Harry asked quickly,
his words almost a slur with excitement and approval. “It’ll be so good sweetheart, I promise
I’ll make you feel good. I’d never hurt you Draco, I love you.”

Draco moaned as Harry placed damp kisses across his brow and cheeks, there was a rising
heat swirling in his groin and he didn’t know what to do with it but he was sure Harry would
make it better.

“I love you too,” Draco replied, mewling at the loss of Harry’s fingers as the alpha
repositioned them.

“On your knees,” Harry explained, helping Draco to move about, “I’ll support your weight
but it will be best this way for your first time.”

Draco nodded, even though Harry probably didn’t see the motion, occupying himself with
gently rearranging the omega. Draco steadied himself on all fours before allowing Harry to
lift him up in a way that meant there was no uncomfortable strain.

“Don’t be scared,” Harry stroked down Draco’s back and younger boy could sense the alpha
pushing out calming pheromones. “You know I’ll be careful and stop if you want me to.”

Draco scrunched his eyes shut and tensed himself, feeling slightly disappointed as Harry let
out an amused sigh and wrapped his arms around Draco’s middle, hugging him.

“Little one?” Harry asked, “I’m happy to wait, but I don’t want you anything other than
relaxed before I enter you.”

Draco slowly opened his eyes again, biting on his lip as he focused on letting the rigidity
across his shoulders dissolve. Harry’s touch was so comforting and Draco still felt swollen
and hot with arousal. His scent glands were throbbing in his neck, itching to be bitten and
claimed and there was a deep ache inside him that wanted nothing more than to be filled.

“There we go,” Harry breathed, pressing a tender kiss against Draco’s shoulder, “that’s my
Draco felt Harry move backwards on the bed, holding the omega’s slender hips steady. He
whined with anticipation as he felt the thick blunt head of Harry’s cock press against his
twitching entrance. Harry squeezed him tightly, pressing reassuring patterns into Draco’s skin
with calloused fingers. The older man leant down to kiss up Draco’s spine, licking in between
the notches.

Draco knew that even though it was his first time it shouldn’t hurt due to his omega nature,
unless of course the alpha was careless or overly rough. Harry however, was clearly taking
his time to worship Draco’s body, seemingly more preoccupied with the omega’s pleasure
than his own. It also always helped if the omega had already accepted the alpha’s scent and
Draco knew he had fallen in love with Harry’s many months ago.

Slowly, Harry began to push in. Draco gasped as the massive girth spread him wide. They
stopped for a moment to allow Draco to shift his legs further apart, Harry helping and
massaging his buttocks. Draco could feel Harry parting the globes of his arse so as to better
watch himself enter the younger boy. Draco shivered, thinking of what Harry must be seeing,
his hefty, blood swollen shaft impaling the omega.

Draco knew he was producing a large amount of slick, it was running down the back of his
thighs and causing squelching noises every time Harry inched forwards a bit more. Draco
couldn’t even bring himself to feel embarrassed though, his entire body was alight with the
fact that his alpha was inside him. And by the sound of the noises Harry was making, the
alpha was pleased with how Draco’s body felt.

Eventually, Harry seated fully inside Draco, his wiry hair pressing against the sensitive skin
of Draco’s buttocks.

“Fuck, Draco,” Harry grunted, “you’re so tight. Feels amazing.”

Draco preened at the praise, letting out a long, stuttering moan as Harry let go of his arse and
plastered his front along Draco’s back. Draco’s head tucked up against the alpha’s chest as
Harry squeezed his breasts and tentatively moved his hips. Both of them gasped at the initial
thrust and Draco felt his own prick spurt out a glob of precome.

"Are you alright little one?" Harry asked softly, caressing Draco's sweat damp skin.

"Yes," Draco replied breathlessly, he could tell that Harry was being so gentle with him, so
loving. He revelled in the sensations of Harry's warm, rough hands cupping his chest, the
alpha's throbbing cock filling Draco's arse, moving carefully backwards and forwards in tiny
increments. Draco's omega was purring happily at having been finally mounted by his alpha.
He bit his lip and closed his eyes before rolling his own hips forwards, causing Harry's length
to slip backwards, dragging hotly against his walls. Harry let out a strained noise as Draco
grunted at the fizzles of ecstasy he could feel deep within him.

“Merlin I’ve wanted to be inside you for so long sweetheart,” Harry murmured.

“Y-You have?” Draco asked as Harry edged in again, letting out a low moan.
“You want me to tell you what I thought about?” Harry asked, his voice sounding like he was
grinning wickedly and Draco flushed as he tipped forwards with another whine.

“How I pictured you spread open on all fours, reams of slick spurting from your pink hole?”

Draco gave a strangled gasp, allowing Harry’s fingers to pull his chin back up, his back
curving lower and causing his passage to tighten around the intrusion.

“How I wanted to get my cock inside you whilst I fondle your swollen tits, make that little
omega prick of yours bounce as I fuck you hard.”

“Oh f-fuck,” Draco whined, squeezing his eyes tightly shut and trying to focus on not coming
too soon. He knew Harry wouldn’t mind but Draco wanted to hold on to this current thread of
pleasure for as long as possible.

“You’re so beautiful Draco,” Harry whispered, starting to thrust in and out, “you’re so perfect
for me, I’m going to take care of you always.”

“Yes,” Draco keened, opening his mouth as Harry brought a hand forwards, allowing Draco
to bite and suck on his fingers. “Yours alpha, I’m always yours.”

“Gonna have so many more babies with you,” Harry grunted, angling his cock upwards and
hitting Draco’s insides in a way that sent fireworks off inside of him. “Make you always like
this, swollen with my seed.”

“Nnngh,” Draco gurgled, Harry was thrusting powerfully into him now, supporting the
omega’s chest so as to not let him fall. Draco’s body was slipping up and down the sheets
with every jerk but he was so safely cradled by the alpha that he didn’t even need to worry
about hurting himself.

“Daddy’s got you,” Harry told him as Draco’s fingers scrabbled on the blankets, his hips
were being lifted up with the thrusts. Draco’s own turgid prick slapped wetly against the
underside of his belly. Draco looked down between his arms, his bump concealing most of
what was happening from view but his breasts were bouncing wildly up and down as Harry
fucked into him.

Draco whined pitifully as Harry plunged in and out of his hole, gaping now and dripping with
slick. Omega instinct had kicked in and Draco could feel his body trying to cling to Harry’s
shaft, suck it up deeper still. Draco bit his lip hard enough to taste rust, but he couldn’t stave
off his own orgasm any further, crying out loudly, wailing as he felt himself come, his cock
shooting across the bed and his balls tightening against his perineum.

Harry swore above him but didn’t sound angry as Draco moaned, his eyes lolling about in his
head. Draco mewled anxiously as Harry pulled out of him, leaving him empty. The orgasm
was nowhere near enough, Draco’s body was expecting a knot, to be tied together with his

“Shh,” Harry said gently, rolling Draco over onto his back and crawling on top of him. “It’s
Harry kissed him softly, the tenderness a juxtaposition to the reckless abandon of his previous
fucking. “I just thought you might want to change position after coming.”

Draco nodded lazily in agreement but evidently didn’t move his head quite right as Harry
chuckled fondly, stroking the side of Draco’s cheek. The alpha lifted up Draco’s legs, holding
his slender feet in the air and exposing Draco completely. Even after everything, Draco still
found it within himself to blush as Harry stared down at Draco’s puffy and gaping hole.

“Alpha,” Draco pouted, “need you.”

Harry seemed to snap out of his daze, pushing back inside Draco. This new angle caused
Draco to groan and throw his arm over his face, it was deeper and somehow now on every
thrust, Harry was rubbing the most sensitive part of him.

The older man plunged his cock into Draco, harder and deeper each time. It was only when
Draco opened his eyes again that he realised Harry had leaned down into him, their faces
close together.

“Harry,” Draco mumbled, rubbing their noses before catching the alpha’s mouth in a kiss.

“Sweetheart, I –“ Harry gasped and Draco could start to feel the older man’s knot forming, a
steadily swelling bulb at the base of his shaft. It caught on Draco’s rim, causing him to hiss
from overstimulation and turn his head to the side.

Harry took the opportunity to mouth at Draco’s dominant scent gland, scraping the skin with
blunt teeth.

“Harry,” Draco repeated, his speech was slurred and he could feel his eyes start to glaze over.
His own cock was hard again, pulsing and throbbing almost painfully. “P-Please – bond me.”

Draco wasn’t sure how much time passed before sharp fangs descended into his skin,
piercing the flesh. He could hear himself scream although he hadn’t even realised he had
opened his mouth, the sound a high and desperate wail as he found himself tripping into
another orgasm before the world went dark.


Harry carefully ran his hand down Draco’s front, cleaning up the come splatters wandlessly.
His wand was too far away on the bedside table and Harry hadn’t wanted to risk moving for
it whilst still tied to the omega.

If he hadn’t read about how omegas sometimes passed out after bonding he would have been
beside himself with worry by now. He dreaded to think of what might have happened if he
had been forced to call for Hermione. Even the thought of it had Harry reaching for one of his
larger shirts to drape over Draco’s nude form, protecting him from non-existent prying eyes.
The bond was starting to take effect, Harry had already thought that Draco smelled like his
due to the pregnancy, but now the intensity was tenfold. Thankfully the flow of blood had
already subsided and all that was left was an angry red mark, sore and puffy on the omega’s
scent gland. Hopefully it would heal into a clean silver scar below the three dark freckles.

Another effect of the bond that was starting to materialise was that Harry could sense Draco’s
emotional state, even more than he normally could from scents. Despite still being
unconscious, Harry knew that Draco was feeling safe and satisfied. Harry wondered just how
far the bond would go, if he would be able to sense if his omega was suffering from a
nightmare or even a slight pang of discomfort. The idea pleased Harry greatly, that he might
always be able to make sure his partner was happy and untroubled.

Draco woke up gradually and it took a good few minutes before his eyes focussed and he
seemed to become properly aware of the surroundings.

“Harry,” Draco murmured, looking up at the older man with so much adoration that it made
Harry’s chest swell.

“Hello little one,” Harry smiled softly, stroking the side of Draco’s face and vowing to get the
younger boy in a soothing bubble bath as soon as they were able to move.

“Oh,” Draco’s eyes widened and his mouth formed a circle of surprise as he wiggled his hips
and realised that Harry was still inside him.

Harry grinned apologetically, “It doesn’t hurt does it? It should go down in a few minutes

“No,” Draco shook his head but looked pleased, “I was worried I wouldn’t…” he trailed off
with a blush. “That I fainted t-too early and wouldn’t get to…”

“I understand,” Harry smiled, feeling a surge of affection and happiness. He leaned in to kiss
Draco on his reddened lips. “We’re together now, always.” Harry glanced down at Draco’s
bump, stroking circles over the top of it, “Our family.”

“Aren’t you tired?” Draco frowned, looking at the way Harry was carefully holding himself
up so as to not let any weight fall on the omega.

“A little,” Harry admitted with a laugh, “but it’s the best feeling in the world.”

Draco flushed and beamed before tapping at Harry’s biceps. “Why don’t you turn us over?
You can lie down on the bed and I’ll be on top.”

Harry frowned, “I’m not sure if that would be comfortable for you.”

“Just try?” Draco asked, his eyes pleading. Harry huffed, he was never going to be able to say
no to anything this omega wanted. God forbid their child inherited Draco’s pout as well.

Harry very carefully rolled them over so their positions were reversed. In the end they settled
with Draco’s buttocks and back supported by Harry bending his knees up like the back of a
seat. Harry sighed with relief as he sunk down into the soft bedding, not even minding how
drenched and sticky it was.

Draco looked incredible on top of him, his ivory skin was still clouded red in patches and his
blond hair was darkened by sweat, curling and sticking to his neck. From this angle, his
bump looked even bigger than it was and there were pearly lines across his abdomen that
were a testament to how beautifully he was growing.

“Where do you want to get married?” Harry asked as Draco blinked at him.

“Oh, um, I don’t mind,” Draco replied. Harry rolled his eyes, he was pretty sure that Draco
hadn’t actually liked the idea of getting married in the Weasley’s back garden. He didn’t think
it was anything to do with it not being grand enough and more to do with the fact that Harry
had previously been involved with Ginny.

Harry thought that was understandable, especially as Molly had already put her foot in it
slightly by talking about how she had already been thinking about decorating the garden for
Harry’s eventual coupling over a year ago. This, having been before Draco was even in the
picture, had led to the omega unhappily assuming it to mean that Molly had originally had a
different bride in mind.

Harry had tried to explain to Draco that probably wasn’t the case as Ginny had never even
officially been Harry’s girlfriend. Plus, Molly had always somewhat adopted Harry as an
extra member of the family, much to the suffering eye rolls of Sirius who found the entire
household a little too loud.

Even so, Harry didn’t want a single bit of their ceremony to not be how Draco wanted it, so it
was imperative he try to get the omega to confidently voice his opinions.

“How about on the second deck of the Knight Bus?” Harry suggested, trying to look as
innocent as possible. He could feel Draco tense but the younger man still managed to smile

“P-Perhaps, if that’s what you want?” Draco replied. Harry knew he was going to have to
push a little harder.

“Ooh, what about Hagrid’s Hut?” Harry said brightly as Draco’s eyes widened warily. “I
reckon we could string some fairy lights up around the guttering.”

“It…it’s right next to the compost heaps,” Draco whispered.

“Yeah – environmentally friendly! After the reception everyone can just dump their leftovers
on the pile,” Harry nodded enthusiastically. Draco was looking a little pale as he shrugged.

“I – I guess.”

“Oh wait!” Harry snapped his fingers, “I’ve got it – Sirius’ garage! I mean he won’t let us
move the motorbikes but I’m sure we could charm them into pretty colours for the day? Plus
we could put flower arrangements in all the spare helmets.”
There it was, Harry grinned. He could feel Draco’s horror through the bond and tried not to
let himself laugh.

“I-It’s quite tight with all the vehicles,” Draco stammered, “I don’t know if there would be
enough room for –“

“The guests right?” Harry nodded sagely as if he was thinking it over. “Perhaps you’re right,
maybe we could get the guests to sit on the bikes instead of chairs?”


Harry blinked as Draco looked horrified for a moment before clapping his hands over his

“I –I –“ Draco began before Harry could bear it no more and he let himself collapse into a
delighted peal of laughter.

“Oh Merlin, your face sweetheart,” Harry rasped, clutching at his own chest as Draco gaped
at him, his cheeks reddening.

“You – you were teasing me?!” Draco screeched suddenly, a fury of small flying fists
descending against Harry’s stomach, eliciting a winded ‘oof’ of surprise from the alpha.

“Mercy!” Harry laughed, hissing as Draco managed to yank out some of his happy trail. “Ah
– ah, mercy, I’m sorry Draco. I just wanted to get your honest opinion.”

Draco made another affronted sound, scrambling about on Harry’s lap before they both let
out distressed shouts as the movement tugged at the knot.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Harry rushed to say, levering himself up and holding Draco still.
“Don’t move sweetheart, you’ll hurt yourself.”

Draco glared daggers at Harry whilst the older man attempted to make himself look suitably

“A patio,” Draco huffed, crossing his arms over himself.

“A patio?” Harry frowned.

“Yes,” Draco nodded, “where I would like to get married. Somewhere with a stone p-patio,
the ones that have balustrades and gardens behind and…” he trailed off.

“Like the one in the photo with your mother,” Harry concluded in understanding. “I’m sure
we can find somewhere like that. People must rent out country wizarding homes for
weddings all the time.”

Harry decided the beating, and the current smarting of where his pubic hair had been ripped
out, had been worth it as Draco gave him a sweet, hopeful smile.

“Oh,” Draco murmured, looking down, “I think I can move now.”

Harry shifted and sure enough, his knot had finally gone down. Very carefully he rolled them
back over so he could slip out of Draco’s very reddened and puffy hole. Harry stared in
amazement as Draco took a sharp intake of breath, Harry’s own come gushed from Draco’s
entrance, spreading across the bed.

“Fuck,” Harry murmured in wonder, “we might need to redo the nest.”

Draco made a noise of distressed protest as Harry laughed and resigned himself to a very
sticky sleep, perhaps the bubble bath could wait until morning after all.
Chapter 15
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Harry sat on the stone bench by the herb gardens, watching as May-bugs flocked to a nearby
patch of wild cow parsley. The white frothy heads of the weeds were bowing under the
collective weight of the surge of spring insects.

It was an unusually warm day for late May and Harry had found it pleasant enough to wear
only a t-shirt. The Hogwarts herb garden was a fair walk from the school’s main buildings,
although with the castle being so huge and dominating on the landscape, it never really
seemed far away.

“I see Professor Sprout has planted more fairywand this year,” a low and slippery voice came
from behind Harry as he sighed. Severus Snape and Harry had been meeting with more
begrudging regularity as Draco’s due date approached. Snape had taken it upon himself to
research in great detail the best potions to support and aid in labour. Male omegas often
found the process quite traumatic and Harry wanted more than anything to avoid any
unnecessary pain or discomfort for his mate. Today, however, they were further meeting
regarding the matter of Draco’s inheritance and legal affairs. Harry glanced across the lawn to
see that Remus had also arrived and was giving his godson a small wave as he approached.

“You know those beetles are also called cockchafers,” Snape commented absently, staring at
the clusters of May-bugs as Harry tried not to choke.

“Sorry I’m late,” Remus announced cheerfully, drawing Harry into a quick hug before taking
a seat opposite the bench on a stone bollard. Harry stood up to try and offer Remus a more
comfortable option but the other man dismissed him with a smile. “So I have good news,”

“You’ve finally found a flea spray that works?” Severus asked with a curious, raised

“Watch it,” Harry growled angrily.

“Oh I gave up on that long ago,” Remus replied breezily, “But Sirius has a nice bottom so I
decided to put up with it.”

Harry snorted a laugh and settled back down, remembering that Remus was more than
capable of defending himself.

“Oh yes,” Snape pulled an expression of distaste, “I had forgotten that your other half was
also predisposed towards the canine form.”

“Quite,” Remus grinned toothily, “It’s Bedlam at our place when the postman arrives.”
“So!” Harry said loudly as Snape snapped his mouth shut on whatever blistering retort he’d
had ready. “You said there was good news?”

“Yes,” Remus nodded, his eyes softening, “Draco is going to be given full access to his

“That’s brilliant!” Harry beamed, “Cheers Remus.”

“I doubt that’s the whole truth,” Snape sniffed, crossing his legs and causing a bony knee to
protrude through his black robes like some misshapen lump of coal. Harry frowned and
glanced back to his godfather who was eyeing Snape wearily.

“Well it’s the truth as far as Harry and Draco are concerned,” Remus informed them.
“Technically you see,” he turned to Harry, “the inheritance will be under your guardianship,
and only your signature will allow Draco to make withdrawals.”

“That’s bloody stupid,” Harry spat angrily.

“I know,” Remus agreed, “but I think we’ll have to wait until the formidable Hermione
Granger gets into the Ministry before we can expect any big changes to such an antiquated
system. However, what you could do is authorise Draco to withdraw all of his inheritance
from Primrose and Profitts –“

“From where?” Harry screwed up his face.

“Primrose and Profitts,” Snape repeated. “The historically pureblood’s financial institution of
choice when it comes to trust funds, dowries and inheritances.”

“I see,” Harry replied in a scathing voice. There was no way he wanted Draco’s money to be
kept with such a company.

“Like I was saying,” Remus continued, “you could authorise him to take his inheritance out
of that and instead open a more accessible account at Gringotts. Then all you would need is
to sign once on an annual release form and Draco could do whatever he wanted with his
money. Or, for a small fee, you can extend the financial freedom to last five or ten years.”

“We’ll do that,” Harry nodded enthusiastically, “It’s Draco’s money and should be under his

“You may rue the day,” Snape smiled dryly, “when he spends it all on ruffles and lace.”

“Draco’s not like that!” Harry snarled, turning on the Potions professor. “And even if he
wants to spend the entire fortune on clothes then he can – it’s his money and I’ll still support
him with mine and –“ Harry trailed off as he realised Snape’s expression had changed, he was
still smiling but there was something a lot less practised and forced about it.

“You were testing me,” Harry grunted angrily. “Don’t you think it’s a bit late for that? We’re
already bonded.”
“I have potions that can dissolve such a bond,” Snape replied quickly, his voice hard again.
“And if I ever get so much of a whiff that Draco is unhappy –“

“Severus, enough,” Remus spoke quietly and calmly but both Harry and Snape fell silent.
“Any fool can see how much Harry adores Draco and in turn how much that boy loves Harry.
I would be willing to form an unbreakable vow with you right now assuring that Harry will
never mistreat his family.”

Snape eyed Remus for a moment before inhaling slowly and nodding, “that will not be
necessary, I’d hate to think what such a spell could do to your mutated werewolf genes. I
wouldn’t want to be responsible for the next Fenrir Greyback.”

Harry grimaced, he had heard of the crazed werewolf who fought on Voldemort’s side during
the War. He wanted to snap at Snape again but caught Remus giving him an almost
imperceptible shake of his head.

“How are the wedding plans going, Harry?” Remus asked a moment later as the mood lifted.
A gentle breeze trundled across the garden, bringing with it the scents of anise and fennel.

“Good,” Harry cleared his throat, “Did you, um, did you bring the contract I asked for?”

“What contract?” Snape frowned.

“It’s to do with the venue,” Remus smiled, drawing his briefcase up onto his lap and
rummaging through it for a blue binder which he passed over to Harry.

The original date of the wedding, the fifth of June, had actually proved a little too soon for all
that Harry had wanted to set up. Instead, it had been moved to the fifth of August, meaning
that Draco would have already given birth and had some time to recover. Harry couldn’t quite
believe that in only a couple of months he would have both a child and a husband.

“Thank you,” Harry said before glancing up at Snape, “you said you wanted to give Draco

“Yes,” Snape replied, reaching into his robes and bringing out two small vials of colourless
liquid. “One is a stabilisation elixir for omegas about to give birth, I found the recipe in an
old manuscript but it’s been tried and tested many times.”

“Thanks,” Harry replied, he knew that without Snape’s many potions and remedies Draco
would have been in a lot more discomfort throughout the pregnancy. As it was, the omega
had seemed in good spirits for the most part.

Healer Sweetbridge had been coordinating with Draco’s godfather regarding the birth and a
special area of the Hospital Wing had been set up as per her instructions. Harry knew that
when the time came, at least Draco would be in good hands.

“I need to get back,” Harry told the two men, “I’ve got a meeting with Professor Tung.”

“You go ahead,” Remus smiled, “I think I might take advantage of Professor Sprout’s
generosity and harvest some of this fabulous rosemary and mint for mine and Sirius’ Sunday

“You’re not heading back to Patagonia?” Harry frowned, he could have sworn that was where
his godfathers were currently travelling.

“Oh we are,” Remus said brightly, “We’re staying with a lovely family called the Prices, did
you know there’s a sizeable Welsh community in Patagonia?”

“I see,” Harry grinned, “well I’ll catch you later then.”

He nodded goodbye to the two men before strolling back up towards the castle. Harry paused
when he realised he had forgotten to ask Snape which vial contained the stabilisation potion
and which the feverfew elixir. He knew Draco would probably be able to figure it out but it
didn’t hurt to be certain. He jogged back down towards the walled herb garden, pausing by a
topiary box shrub of a phoenix as he heard Snape and Remus still conversing.

“I just wanted to check, that’s all,” Remus was saying, in his best diplomatic tone of voice.

“Well you needn’t concern yourself with it Lupin,” Snape snapped. “The fact that Draco
conceived via a spell will have no influence at all on the infant, or anything else for that
matter. The spell performed its purpose and now it is over.”

“And what was the purpose?” Remus asked thoughtfully.

Harry frowned and suppressed his scent as he drew closer. He knew Remus had been aware
that Draco’s pregnancy had not been a natural one, but he hadn’t known that Remus had
already figured out about Snape’s spell.

Snape sighed, although it didn’t sound annoyed, just tired. “When I composed that spell, I…I
wasn’t in the best of places.”

“I doubt anyone could ever claim that standing beside Voldemort was the best of places,”
Remus hummed neutrally.

“You know that’s not where my loyalties lay,” Snape bit out coldly.

“I know,” Remus replied simply, “I wasn’t implying as much, rather that standing beside him
as a traitor must have been even harder.”

“Potter was a fool,” Snape scoffed and it took Harry a moment before anger set in as he
realised Snape was referring to his father. “He was taking unnecessary risks, throwing
himself, and by extension, Lily, into danger at every given opportunity. Never one to shy
away from playing the hero or grabbing the spotlight.”

“I fear you never did quite understand James,” Remus sighed, “Glory was never his goal. He
only wanted to protect his family.”

“Well he went the wrong way about it then didn’t he!” Snape spat.
Harry clenched his teeth, moving to take a step forward when he realised that Remus was
looking at him. Of course the werewolf had still been able to scent that he was there. Remus
held out his hand so as to tell Harry to stay. Snape was still sitting on the bench with his back
to Harry, but his shoulders were a tense and shaking line.

“We could argue about James Potter until the hippogriffs come home,” Remus murmured,
“but you were telling me about the spell?”

“I didn’t want her to die,” Snap croaked out, his voice slightly hoarse. “I would have done
anything to save her. Hate me all you want Remus and I know you and that ungrateful yob
Black do hate me, but I loved her.”

“So you created a spell?” Remus asked, his eyes were now back on Snape as Harry watched
the two men converse.

“I knew she loved Potter,” Snape stated coldly after a few moments silence, “I knew I
couldn’t change that. But I just wanted something, I wanted some part of her.”

“That’s what the spell does,” Remus concluded, his eyes widening with realisation. “It allows
you to keep some part of the beloved in your life.”

“Yes,” Snape bit out miserably. “But spells like that never work how you want them to.
Fickle genies listening to ill formed wishes. Draco had no idea the spell would cause him to
get pregnant with Harry’s child, but the magic sensed his loneliness, his desire for a family,
and so that’s what it gave him. It gave him a part of Harry to keep.”

“Severus,” Remus paused, his voice almost a whisper. “Did you ever use the spell?”

Harry held his breath, his eyes boring into the back of Snape’s dark head.

“I did,” Snape replied. “Before the final battle.”

“But Lily died,” Remus murmured.

“And yet,” Snape stated, his voice seething with misery and bitterness, “I got to keep a part
of her in my life.”

“Harry,” Remus gasped softly as Harry felt himself rooted to the spot, his blood hot then

“A mother’s love,” Snape spoke woodenly, “they say a mother’s love saved him, but would
that not be an insult to every other mother who has lost their child – that their love was not
enough?” Snape paused, his head hanging between his shoulders. Remus’ eyes took the
opportunity to flick nervously up to Harry’s.

“Her love was more than enough to choose to sacrifice herself,” Snape continued with a sigh,
“as was his father’s. They died that day to save their son, it’s true. However, it was the spell
that cemented the emotion into a shield, rebounding a killing curse from the most powerful
dark wizard of our time.”
“And that day you were offered a position at Hogwarts,” Remus breathed out softly, “where
Harry Potter would spend eleven years of his life.”

“I got to keep a part of her in my world,” Snape stated, his voice was taut with misery and
came out as a sob.

“You’ve been so cruel to him,” Remus commented quietly, dragging his eyes away from
Harry and back to the seemingly broken man in front of him. “Harry has always complained
to Sirius and I about how you’ve treated him.”

“He’s not her,” Snape hissed, “It’s not the part of her I wanted to keep!”

“But like you said,” Remus commented sadly, “we don’t get to choose the results of such
spells and you Severus, loaded your own grief and resentment onto the shoulders of an eleven
year old boy.”

“He’s so much like his father,” Snape said, his voice seeming to find strength again as he
wearily sat back up against the stone bench.

“What a shame for you that the selfish spell you created decided to save parts of both of
them,” Remus remarked wryly.

“That selfish spell is the reason Harry now has a mate and child,” Severus let out a jolted
awkward laugh.

“Harry did not ask for such things and it could have turned out dreadfully,” Remus told the
other man. “We are all fortunate that Draco is such a sweet boy and Harry is such a kind
man,” Remus finished his sentence looking back at Harry. There was a fierce pride and love
in the beta’s brown eyes as Harry looked back at him through his own tear filled ones.

“I am grateful for the spell’s existence,” Remus concluded, “it saved my adopted son and
now it has given me a grandchild but it should end now Severus. You need to destroy the
spell, lest it end up in innocent hands again, or worse, calculating hands.”

“I’ve already done so,” Snape announced with a strained exhaustion.

“Good,” Remus replied, “now I hope all of us can move on from such things, put resentments
and former enmities behind us.” Remus paused, “Lily would want you in her grandchild’s
life, Severus.”

Snape gave a small strangled sound as Remus stood up and walked out of the garden, resting
his hand on Harry’s shoulder before leaving across the lawn.

“You can come out now Potter,” Snape sighed, “you’ve always been useless at hiding your

Harry fixed the man with a vicious glare as he crossed over to stand in front of the bench.
Harry felt much larger than normal as he folded his arms over his chest and towered over the
seemingly shrunken beta before him. Snape looked older and paler than usual, swamped in
his billowing robes with a defeated slump to his posture.
“I don’t care what you think of me Potter,” Snape stated. Harry noticed that two fighting, or
perhaps mating, May-bugs had fallen into Snape’s lap, jousting at each other with amber
feathery fronds. Snape seemed either unaware of, or apathetic towards, the aggressively
sparring scarabs upon his person. “I just don’t want Draco to pay for my past mistakes.”

Harry raised his eyebrows in surprise, “A bit late for that, don’t you think Professor? You’re
the one that left that journal somewhere Draco could find.”

“He’s not a child,” Snape replied coldly, “I would have thought you would be the last person
to wish him to be perceived as one. I have a multitude of old spell and potions journals and
had forgotten which one contained that spell. I had also underestimated Draco’s loneliness
and discontent, provoking him into using an unknown spell on himself.”

“He won’t be lonely anymore,” Harry stated firmly, “I love him.”

“Yes,” Snape sighed without inflection as he gazed up at Harry with beady, almost black
eyes. “And I am glad for it. Draco inherited none of his father’s pompous manipulation and
deserves to be cared for in the way he so craves. I trust you will take good care of him.”

“Why are you speaking as if you’re never going to see him again?” Harry frowned, feeling
irritated by Snape’s characteristic cryptic intonation and phrasing.

“I had supposed after hearing what I just told Lupin, that you might prefer me not to be in
your future husband’s life,” Snape stated. His voice was grim and resigned rather than
challenging, as if Snape had already accepted Harry’s decision.

“I would never tell Draco who he could or couldn’t spend time with,” Harry replied
frustratedly. “You’re his godfather and he loves you.”

Snape inhaled sharply and Harry could see his bony fingers tensing as his hands clutched
together. At some point, the beetles must have flown off, for the other man’s lap appeared
bare again, clad in thick, almost dusty, robes.

“I don’t claim to understand what happened sixteen years ago,” Harry said carefully. “All I
know is that my parents loved me and they died to protect me, and everybody else, from a
genocidal maniac and they were successful in that endeavour. My godfathers adopted me and
gave me the best childhood I could have hoped for and now I have a mate who couldn’t be
more perfect if he tried and soon I’ll be a dad myself.” Harry paused for breath, “All I’ve
learned today is that you were in love with my mother. Well, from what Sirius has told me, so
was half of Hogwarts.”

Snape let out another unbidden bark of laughter.

“You,” Harry cleared his throat, “you were friends with her?”

“Yes,” Snape’s gaze fell to his knees as he nodded. “She was my best friend.”

“And yet you still gave me a fucking P for my Potions O.W.L. coursework?”
Snape jerked his head up in surprise and Harry loved that he had finally unbalanced the
normally stiff professor.

“I mean seriously,” Harry rolled his eyes, “I got Es and Os in every other subject.”

“You mixed up Thistlemilk and Bowtruckle bile!” Snape snapped.

Harry smirked as Snape seemed to catch himself arguing about something so ridiculous from
seven years ago.

“Just like your father,” Snape stated venomously.

“Thanks,” Harry nodded, “and thank Merlin for external examiners eh? Bumped that mark up
to an A”

“Quite,” Snape muttered before adding something that sounded like ‘incompetence’ under his

“Well, like Remus said,” Harry declared, stretching his neck lazily from side to side, “let’s
leave the past in the past.”

“Maybe,” Snape said quietly, “maybe you are a little more like Lily after all.”

“You saying my mum was magnanimous?” Harry grinned.

“She stayed friends with me,” Snape nodded. “Even though I made some…mistakes.”

“Did they involve being a giant tosser?” Harry asked, cocking his head innocently as Snape
glared at him.

“Didn’t you have a meeting with Professor Tung?” Snape snapped, standing up and brushing
himself down, two alarmed and chittering beetles falling out from the folds of his robes.

“Oh bugger,” Harry said, casting a quick tempus. “Yeah, I’ve got to dash, but before I go,
which of these vials is feverfew?” Harry asked, holding up the tubes for Snape to inspect.

“And you wonder why I gave you a P in Potions?” Snape drawled, clearly back to his old self
as he regarded Harry with an expression of amused derision. “You realise you will have to
pass a Potions proficiency test for your annual Auror license?”

Harry rolled his eyes, “Yeah, well lucky me I’m going to be married to a future Potions
Master so he can help me swot up.”

“Potions Master?” Snape raised his eyebrows, “I don’t think an omega has ever held that
official title before.”

“They will,” Harry replied fiercely.

“I see,” Snape smiled, the corners of his thin pale lips curving upwards. “Well then, I’m sure
you can get your future Potions Master to explain to you why any First Year with half a brain
would be able to recognize the difference between a feverfew draught and a gurdyroot

“Right,” Harry muttered darkly, pocketing the vials and wholeheartedly reconsidering his
stance on letting Snape remain in their lives.

“Good day Mr. Potter,” Snape smiled again, it was actually becoming a little unnerving, as he
turned to stalk out of the herb garden before pausing. “Oh and you may want to check your
hair, I believe there are several cockchafers using it as a nest.”

Harry couldn’t help the yelp of alarm he let out before frantically scrubbing at his scalp as
several May-bugs toppled onto the grass and buzzed unhappily at him.


Draco waddled down the school corridor. The last three months had absolutely flown by in a
complete exam panic. He hadn’t even had much free time to spend doing fun things with
Harry due to revision demands. This was another reason why having the bond had been so
brilliant, Draco felt reassuringly connected to his alpha no matter where they were or what
they were doing.

Plus, having the bond bite had finally made the more vocally critical students leave Draco
alone, although Harry’s fierce displays of protectiveness had certainly done the trick as well.
Draco knew that most of his peers had believed Harry would never bother to bite him and
were now desperately trying to figure out how Draco had achieved it.

Draco could only roll his eyes, he was far from the scheming mastermind they perceived him
to be. However, his Slytherin side had to admit, he did feel a little gleeful every time he
caught the curious and jealous expressions of people like Damien Tuppence and Venetia
Dawson whenever they saw his scar.

Harry had claimed Draco as his in every possible way, even going so far as to buy him a
delicate white gold engagement ring. The alpha had then imbued the band with a host of
protection spells, passed down through the Black and Potter families.

Draco had been a little concerned that the ring might not fit on his swollen pregnancy fingers,
but Harry had assured him that it contained the same adaptable stretching and shrinking
charm that Molly Weasley had used on Draco’s Christmas jumper.

“There you are!” Katie grinned as she jogged towards Draco. She was wearing a loose white
blouse and blue and white striped linen shorts. “You’re going to be late for your own birthday

“I was talking to Professor Vector,” Draco replied.

“Why?” Katie scrunched up her face, “Your last NEWT was yesterday, you do realise the
beauty of that is not having to talk to your teachers anymore.”

Draco laughed and shook his head, “I was worried about one of the answers I gave on the
Arithmancy paper, I used the Porrage-Colson formula but Hermione said that –“

“Draco!” Katie held up her fingers, pressing them against Draco’s lips. “What was the one
piece of advice I gave you regarding your exams?”

Draco smiled and gave a muffled reply through Katie’s hand, “Never compare answers with
Hermione Granger.”

“Exactly,” Katie nodded, “Lots of new formulae have been introduced since Hermione sat the

“But –“ Draco began as Katie mock glared at him and he giggled and fell silent.

“Draco Malfoy I am going to ask you three questions, consider it your final exam,” she stated
imperiously. Draco nodded and grinned.

“Right,” Katie began, “Do you think you did well on the paper – yes or no?”

Draco opened his mouth to talk but upon seeing Katie’s expression simply allowed himself to
nod again.

“Second question, did Professor Vector tell you that in fact it was perfectly fine to use the
Porrage-Colson formula and you should stop worrying about it?”

Draco relaxed his shoulders with a sigh before nodding again as knowing triumph registered
on Katie’s face.

“Third and final question,” Katie paused, “were you aware that your alpha has spent the
entire day baking a birthday cake for you that has no fewer than four tiers and yet he won’t
allow any of us a single sniff until you’ve arrived?”

Draco’s eyes widened as Katie smiled smugly at him.

“H-Harry made me a cake?” Draco asked excitedly. The House Elves had used to bake him
cakes when he was little but eventually Bellatrix had informed them not to bother anymore as
there was only Draco to eat it.

“He did,” Katie replied, reaching out to take Draco’s hand and falling into place beside him
as they began to walk down the corridor. “How are you feeling today? Bloody hot isn’t it?”

“I’m okay,” Draco replied, it was admittedly rather sweltering for early June and he was
wearing pale dungarees over a striped pink, long sleeved T-shirt. “I’d like to change though,
can we go back to the annexe first?”

“Of course,” Katie replied, nudging Draco’s shoulder carefully, “I’ve got a new sundress that
I want to wear but I thought it might be a little short to have on whilst running about the
castle looking for you.”

“I’m sorry you had to do that,” Draco cringed, he had forgotten he’d promised to meet Katie
at the west exit at noon.

“Pregnancy brain I’m guessing,” Katie smirked as Draco blushed. “Plus you’re forgiven on
account of being so ridiculously huge. You can definitely tell it’s Potter’s baby in there, you
poor thing.”

Draco smiled and rubbed his belly with his free hand, he didn’t mind how big his stomach
had grown. In fact he was pretty sure he was going to miss his bump when it was gone.
However, he was rather desperate to meet his baby and be able to see his feet again. It had
got to the rather embarrassing point of having to ask Harry to help Draco put underwear on.
Then again, the alpha certainly hadn’t seemed to mind, although often the underwear came
straight off again as soon as it had gone on.

“You smell happy,” Katie remarked, her eyes sparkling with mirth, “apple pie all round.”

By the time they got back to Gaedere House, Hermione had sent a Patronus telling Katie that
the crisis was averted as she had managed to cast a cooling stasis over the food, which
apparently had calmed Harry down considerably. Draco felt guilty as he hadn’t realised the
older man was anxious for him to arrive.

“Katie…” Draco fidgeted with the strap of his dungarees, “Could you help me with my

“Oh, of course sweetpea!” Katie exclaimed, a pleased flush colouring her cheeks. “I’ll just
grab my dress and come to your room in a moment.”

Draco nodded happily as he opened the door the Morgana Suite and tottered over to the
wardrobe. He pulled out a broderie Anglaise dress in a pale blue cotton. It had delicate
flounces on the shoulders and elbow length puffy sleeves. He knew that Harry hadn’t seen the
dress before as he had ordered it online from Olive’s after his inheritance had come through.
Olive had even included a beautiful pair of sandals and a long periwinkle ribbon which Draco
used to tie his hair in a small plait.

“Oh that’s lovely,” Katie announced, coming into the room a moment later in a very short,
pleated sundress with embroidered flowers.

“You look b-beautiful,” Draco smiled at her.

“Thank you hen,” Katie replied, coming over to hold Draco’s hands with a slightly furrowed
brow. “Are you feeling nervous about something?”

Draco knew the older beta was probably referring to Draco’s stutter and lisp which were
slightly more pronounced today than they usually were around his friends. “I’m okay,” Draco
replied truthfully, “I think it’s left over stress from exams, I really wanted to do well.”

“You have,” Katie smiled softly, “we’re all so proud of you Draco.”
Draco sniffed and nodded, tipping himself forwards as much as he could into Katie’s warm
hug. There was a knock on the door a moment later before Hermione poked her head round.

“So it turns out this heat wave is a worthy opponent for even my cooling charms,” Hermione
announced, looking a little put out, “anyway, we’ve moved the food under one of the oak
trees but I thought I’d come and get you before Harry sweats himself dry.”

“Sorry!” Draco exclaimed, hurrying to unclip his dungarees whilst Katie and subsequently
Hermione came over to help him into the blue dress.

The three of them filtered onto the lawns a few minutes later, walking down towards the
Great Lake as quickly as Draco’s state would allow. Draco gasped as they crested over a
small mound and saw what was waiting for them. The little grove under the trees had been
decorated with balloons and an enchanted banner reading “Happy Eighteenth Draco!” was
hovering above a food laden table.

In the middle, sat a gigantic cake covered in different shades of frosting. On one tier,
miniature green sugar dragons raced around, toasting decorative marshmallows with puffs of
flame. On another, Draco could see magically blooming lilies and narcissi being visited by
honeybees that looked like they had been fashioned out of pieces of toffee popcorn.

There were about fifteen guests, including Luna, Neville, Padma, Felicity, Ron, Hermione,
Katie, Seamus and more. Draco realised he had stopped moving to gape in shock as Harry
hurried towards him, cradling Draco’s face in his large hands.

“Draco?” Harry asked, sounding anxious.

“I think you broke him,” Katie snorted, leaning down to plant a sticky kiss on Draco’s cheek
before wandering over to her boyfriend Nick.

“This…is for me?” Draco blinked, looking up at Harry who was still frowning down at him
before the alpha’s face relaxed.

“Of course little one,” Harry beamed, drawing Draco into a brief hug and whispering,
“Happy Birthday love,” in his ear.

Draco tried his best not to cry as Harry and Hermione led him down to greet all the guests
and receive a pile of presents and cards that Ron dutifully gathered together and placed in an
assortment of canvas bags for them to take back when it was over.

“You made me a cake!” Draco exclaimed, extracting himself from Harry’s arms and
waddling over to the table.

“Yeah,” Harry grinned sheepishly, “Mione and Luna helped me with the charm work – oh
hey, watch this,” Harry leaned in and whispered something to the fondant dragons before
they zoomed up to the very top tier and blew fiery breaths across the eighteen, tall silver
candles there.

“Make a wish!” Ron instructed, peering over Draco’s shoulder.

Draco closed his eyes and wished for the health and happiness of his baby, before he shuffled
closer and blew as hard as he could. There was a jubilant cheer as Draco blinked to see he
had managed to extinguish all of the candles at once. The dragons were now settling down
onto the icing and retiring their charm.

“Which flavour do you want?” Harry asked, picking up a large knife and a paper plate.
“There’s apple, ginger, chocolate, honey, vanilla and rhubarb, which I know sounds a bit like
a weird mix,” Harry spoke a little louder and pointedly as Ron snorted and hid behind his
hand, evidently having already commented on the flavour choices.

“Those are all the things I’ve c-craved since being pregnant,” Draco said in astonishment,
catching Harry blushing as he busied himself with the knife.

Eventually, Draco settled on a mix of small slices from each layer.

“Hey Draco, would you like me to take a picture of you and Harry?” Katie asked, coming
back over, “Nick’s lent me his camera and I thought we could recreate that nice photo of your
mum and dad on their engagement day, it looks like it was taken right about here – that’s the
same tree right?”

Draco glanced back in surprise to realise that the party had been set up just by the familiar
scenery of the photograph Sirius had given him. There was a thick trunked oak tree and the
Great Lake was sparkling in the background.

“Plus, you’re wearing a blue dress – just like you mum was!” Katie beamed.

Draco glanced to Harry, he wasn’t sure how the alpha would feel about it considering Lucius
Malfoy had been in the picture. Harry, however, was nodding enthusiastically. “You’re right
Katie – I reckon this is the same spot, I wish I could claim to have planned it that way.”

Draco smiled as Harry took his hand and led them down to the waters edge, keeping their
fingers tightly linked as they posed for the clicks of the camera.

A little while later, Draco found himself sitting on a deck chair in the shade, watching the
other guests set up a game of magical croquet. He could smell Harry all around him, along
with the people he felt safest with. Draco closed his eyes for a moment and let himself doze a
little, full of cake and love.

Draco smiled as he felt gentle fingers trace the outline of his bond bite. He cracked open his
eyes to see Harry standing beside him, gazing down at the younger man with a look of such
raw and open affection, that it made Draco feel exposed in turn.

“Did you enjoy yourself?” Harry asked softly, crouching down beside Draco’s chair so that
their faces were level.

“Yes,” Draco replied enthusiastically. The food Harry had made had been delicious and he
had loved watching everybody laugh and have fun together. Even though his stomach was
cramping now, it was still worth it to have sampled all of the different cake layers.
“Just a little taster before our wedding,” Harry grinned, rubbing his nose against Draco’s,
“only by then hopefully you’ll be able to dance.”

Draco smiled shyly, imagining getting to dance with his alpha in front of everybody.

“Oh Harry this was lovely!” Luna declared, coming to sit beside them and collapsing into a
free deck chair. She fanned herself as she beamed over at them, “Happy Birthday Draco, I do
like that dress you’re wearing, it’s such a shame it’s spoiled now.”

“Spoiled?” Harry frowned, peering over at Draco’s dress.

“Yes, when Draco’s water broke,” Luna nodded thoughtfully, “about two minutes ago. I
thought I’d come over and check if you needed any help getting up to the Hospital Wing?”

“M-My what?” Draco stammered, his heart lurching in his chest as Harry’s eyes widened
dramatically and he shuffled round to the front of Draco’s chair, peering between his legs.

“H-Harry?!” Draco asked in a panicked tone of voice.

Harry’s head reappeared a moment later, his cheeks flushed and his brow looking decidedly
damp. “There’s a big wet patch,” Harry murmured, “Draco – I –“

“It’s nothing to worry about,” Luna smiled, “it’s not like contractions have started.”

Draco clutched at his belly, realising that his stomach cramps might not be from
overindulging on cake after all.

“Oh dear,” Luna laughed upon seeing Draco’s expression. “Well then, I suppose we had
better be getting to Madam Pomfrey.”

“Draco,” Harry hissed, leaning forwards and holding Draco’s face in his hands, he gazed at
the omega in wonder for a moment before kissing him squarely on the mouth and whispering,
“I think you’re having the baby sweetheart.”

Draco felt himself start to shake with nerves and adrenalin as Luna called out for the others to
start helping them. Draco could hear Ron swearing loudly before Hermione rushed over with
a very diplomatically controlled expression, clearly not wanting to alarm Draco futher.

“Harry,” Draco murmured, gripping tightly onto the alpha’s wrist. “I – I’m scared.”

“Oh my love,” Harry’s own tension bled away as he smiled at Draco, stroking his cheek,
“don’t be. I’m here okay, I’m not going anywhere, I’ll be right by your side for everything.”

“Promise?” Draco asked anxiously, he could see someone’s iguana patronus scurrying off
away over the grass towards the castle.

“I promise Draco,” Harry said firmly, “I’m your alpha and your mate, I’m here for you,
always. I know you can do this. You’re going to get to meet our baby sweetheart, you’re
going to be a papa.”
Draco stared at Harry for a moment before shyly replying, “and you’ll be a daddy,” under his

“Yes,” Harry answered forcefully, nuzzling into Draco’s neck and scenting him with calming
pheromones. “Let’s go have our baby.”


Draco’s labour lasted a gruelling sixteen hours and by the end, Harry’s hand was blossoming
with bruises from the omega’s surprisingly tight and relentless grip. As he had promised,
Harry didn’t leave Draco’s side, stroking his back and giving him words of encouragement
and support as Healer Sweetbridge and Madam Pomfrey fussed about underneath the towel.

When finally their daughter was brought into the world, Draco was close to unconscious and
Harry had to crawl up onto the bed so as to support both his omega and the wailing pink baby
in his arms.

“She’s healthy,” Healer Sweetbridge announced, looking both pleased and relieved. Draco let
out a murmur of response before tipping his head heavily onto Harry’s chest, his breathing
evening out. It seemed that the omega had been hanging onto to consciousness long enough
to ascertain that his baby was alright.

“It’s perfectly normal,” Madam Pomfrey noted, tilting her head towards Draco, “he just needs
rest and your magical energy.” At some point, Pomfrey had lost her hat and her brown hair
now stood in erratic frizzy curls, some of it plastered against her damp cheeks. Harry thanked
both of the women, he felt exhausted himself and couldn’t even begin to fathom how Draco’s
small body had gone through such strain.

He looked down to his arms when his daughter let out a spit bubbled gurgle. A small hand
reached from beneath the swaddling cloth and closed around Harry’s index finger.

“Hello Lyra,” Harry smiled, starting as a splash of moisture dropped down onto his baby’s
face. He realised a moment later that it had come from him, as another teardrop rolled down
his nose. Harry chuckled tiredly at himself, removing his glasses and wiping at his eyes as
Lyra made another gurgling noise. “Your poor papa is having a little rest,” Harry told his
daughter, “you took your time coming out you know?”

Lyra blinked at him with a pale eyes, wriggling a little under the oversized yellow cap that
Madam Pomfrey had tucked over her tuft of dark hair.

Harry felt Draco shift a ffew minutes later and moved so as to let the omega sit up against

“She’s here,” Draco breathed reverently, reaching out as Harry gently manoeuvred Lyra from
his arms and into Draco’s cradled hold.
Harry smiled contentedly as Draco pulled open his loose hospital gown to reveal a swollen
breast with pink nipple. Draco carefully guided Lyra towards the bud before she latched on
and happily began to suckle. Draco let out his own sigh of satisfaction, leaning against Harry
and pressing a kiss to the alpha’s shoulder.

“She’s so tiny and perfect,” Harry commented, stroking Draco’s damp hair, careful not to
snag any with his fingers.

“She didn’t feel tiny coming out of me,” Draco grouched as Harry rumbled a laugh, wincing
apologetically as Lyra paused in her nursing to stare at him. Harry had had no idea that a
newborn could look so indignant.

“Oh Merlin,” Harry sighed, “Ten minutes old and she already thinks her dad’s uncool.”

“Wait until she’s a teenager,” Draco smiled, rubbing the tip of his finger against Lyra’s pudgy

“I love you Draco,” Harry stated quietly. The muffliato on their section of the ward must have
finally fizzled out as Harry could hear Madam Pomfrey busying herself with changing one of
the beds. “Thank you for having our baby.”

Draco didn’t respond right away but Harry could see thin tear tracks down his own white
cheeks. When Draco did speak, his voice was wobbly with emotion. “I love you Harry.”

“Well,” Harry grinned, “this is going to make it a lot easier to remember birthdays in our

Draco snorted, shaking his head as Lyra finished feeding and he dabbed gently at her mouth
with the corner of the cloth. “Isn’t it the sixth yet?” Draco asked, looking out of a window
through which the sunrise was only just starting to creep.

“Oh bugger, yeah,” Harry laughed, “well at least it’s only the day after yours – still easy to

“I’m not complaining!” Ron’s loud voice came from somewhere down the other end of the
ward. Harry grinned and rolled his eyes at Draco. “I was just asking how long it takes to have
a baby!”

“Ronald, I swear if I ever get pregnant you are not allowed within ten feet of the delivery
room,” Harry could hear Hermione snap as he and Draco tried to suppress their giggles.

“How about I go and get us all another coffee?” Katie’s voice piped up cheerfully.

“Shall we put them out of their misery?” Harry whispered questioningly to Draco, who
nodded before grabbing Harry’s hand.

“Harry,” Draco murmured, biting his lip. “Do you think we could maybe have more than one
Harry smiled, kissing Draco on the forehead. They had already decided that Hermione and
Ron were going to be godparents but Harry had had a feeling Draco might also want to ask
Katie. “Of course,” Harry told him before pulling back the curtains and sticking his head out.

“So, you noisy lot want to come meet your new goddaughter then?”

There was resounding response of excited squeals and Ron’s groan of relief as everybody
hurried forwards.

“Wait,” Harry said quickly, jerking back to Draco and quickly tying the front of his hospital
gown together and concealing his previously exposed breasts. Draco smiled shyly at him
whilst raising a blond eyebrow.

“I mean,” Harry cleared his throat, “of course if Lyra wants to feed again –“

“It’s okay alpha,” Draco grinned, “I like that you’re so possessive.”

Harry sagged in relief as his friends all came bundling into the room, cooing over a gurgling
Lyra and offering their heartfelt congratulations. Harry and Draco shared a knowing smile
together as he helped the omega sit up further, their daughter safely in Draco’s arms.


Chapter End Notes

I used she/her pronouns for Lyra because that’s what Harry and Draco decided to use
until Lyra is old enough to let them know which ones are preferred. ‘Lyra’ is a
constellation name and also the letters come from a mix of Lily and Narcissa.
Only one more chapter to go.
Chapter 16
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

On the fifth of August, Harry dressed in an inky black suit and crisp white shirt. He managed
to tame his hair into something formal and allowed Luna to pin a sprig of white bouvardia
flowers to his button hole. The wedding had been set up at the old stone wizarding house that
Harry and Sirius had found in their venue search. The house itself was rather bare, having not
been lived in for several years, but the gardens were lush and expansive. It had been
constructed in a pale grey stone with large light windows and crawling ivy across the sills.

Over the last few months, Harry had managed to arrange for landscapers to come in and
charm the hedges and flowerbeds into full glory. There was even a sizeable pond with a
fountain and ducks. Different coloured lilies floated in the water whilst brightly dappled koi
fish meandered lazily in the depths, hiding from the August sun under emerald clouds of

As per Draco’s sole request, there was a vast stone patio with ornamental balustrade. It was
on this that Harry had arranged for the chairs and flower arch to be set up for their ceremony.

Harry waited nervously at the foot of the arch, along with Ron, Sirius and Remus standing
behind him. In the front row, Hermione sat with Lyra in her arms, wrapped in a lilac Liberty
Print silk scarf. Katie was leaning over and shaking a small rattle that Neville had made from
a pacay tree, one he had been growing himself for the past ten years. Harry’s daughter had
never stopped gurgling and was happily babbling all throughout Luna’s cello instrumental.

“Maybe he’s done a runner,” Sirius remarked brightly in Harry’s ear. “Finally realised he can
do better than someone who leaves the toilet seat up and thinks that savoury muffins are

“Sirius,” Harry growled, his eyes flitting between his smirking godfather and the still closed
patio doors. “I have apologised about the courgette muffins but this is my wedding and –“

“Courgette, Harry,” Sirius stated sombrely, “who the fuck puts courgette in a muffin?”

“Someone who clearly wanted their wedding day ruined,” Harry muttered, shifting anxiously
in his new dress shoes which felt altogether too tight. In fact, his entire suit felt too tight and
he pulled the shirt collar away from his throat.

“Calm down, he’s already mated to you,” Sirius scoffed. “Then again, apparently old
Snivellus has a potion –“

Before Harry could launch himself at his godfather, the patio doors cracked open. The guests
fell silent and Luna happily started up on the cello again.

“There we go,” Sirius grinned, reaching up to squeeze Harry’s shoulder.

Harry stared, open mouthed, as Draco appeared, his arm linked around a very haughty
looking Snape. Draco was wearing the pale peach, silk dress from Olive’s along with the
necklace that Harry had bought him for Christmas. The lustrous thin fabric clung elegantly to
every dip and curve on Draco’s slender body, shimmering with his movements.

The omega’s hair was done up in an elaborate style, gossamer wisps framing his face.
Draco’s exposed décolletage and arms were smooth and ivory. There was some sort of pale
gloss across his full lips and apart from Lyra, Harry had never seen a sight more beautiful.

“Bloody hell,” Ron announced loudly, causing a ripple of laughter to go through the
assembled guests.

Draco flushed and hid his grin in his bouquet, which was composed of delicate summer
flowers such as sweetpeas, lisianthus and freesias. Snape still managed to send a piercing
glare as Harry heard Ron gulp from somewhere behind him.

Eventually, Draco reached the altar where he peered shyly up at Harry.

“You look like an angel,” Harry blurted out, wincing as Sirius sniggered before Remus batted
him across the head.

“Thank you,” Draco smiled with a rose coloured blush. “You look very handsome Harry.”

The ceremony passed in a wonderful blur of heartfelt words, laughter and the pervasive scent
of apple pie. After the ritual, a grand buffet table was revealed, along with sliding glass
doors, opening to a spacious, wood floored room inside the house, decked out ready for

Harry joined hands with Draco, guiding him across the floor as they waltzed to the music.
Draco was clearly classical trained and Harry had to apologise a few times for nearly
stepping on the omega’s toes. Draco, having ditched his heels, was now pale and barefooted
as he swayed and twirled. Fairies hovered about with firefly lanterns and Harry laughed and
nodded for Draco to look as Professor McGonagall attempted to do an ambitious spin with a
rosy cheeked Arthur Weasley.

“This place is wonderful,” Draco sighed happily as Harry finally led them off of the dance
floor. Harry took the omega’s hand as they strolled further into the house, quickly checking in
with Molly who was cooing over a sleeping Lyra. She shooed them away, reminding Harry
that she was babysitting that evening and they needed to enjoy themselves.

“How did you find it?” Draco asked as they walked out into the main hallway and looked up
the oak staircase to a gallery landing.

“Sirius did,” Harry cleared his throat, “here, let me show you the rest of it.”

Draco looked surprised but allowed Harry to lead him up the stairs and around the rest of the
house. They ended up in what was presumably the master bedroom with a stone balcony
looking out onto the gardens and mingling guests below. Harry could hear the low trills of
music and the clinking of champagne glasses. He snorted as he caught sight of Ginny
Weasley tugging her girlfriend Angharad behind a particularly dense bush.

“So, do you like it?” Harry asked, turning back round to see Draco smiling dreamily up at the
patterned ceiling. An aged fresco of constellations adorned the exposed surface, dry powder
pigments in hues of blue illustrated astrological charts overlaying alabaster stars.

“It’s perfect,” Draco nodded. “This has been the most wonderful evening, thank you Harry.”

“Actually,” Harry swallowed, fidgeting with the sprig of flowers in his button hole. “This
house, it’s um, it’s a wedding gift.”

“What?” Draco frowned, looking quizzically at Harry.

“I mean,” Harry coughed, “It’s your wedding gift, from me.”

“Y-You bought me a house?” Draco’s eyes went huge and his mouth fell open.

Harry nodded, feeling even more nervous than he had done earlier. “I wanted us to have a
home, somewhere nice for Lyra to grow up and I thought you’d like this place. It’s got a
Potions room and herb gardens and there’s a patio and plenty of fireplaces for floo
connection. I’ve already got the paperwork ready to get us linked up to the Ministry and
Padfoot’s and…” Harry trailed off.

“Harry,” Draco said before bursting into violent sobs. Harry cursed himself, he had known it
was a risk buying a house without Draco’s opinion but he had so badly wanted to it to be a
nice surprise. He had spent months carefully extracting from Draco, Katie, Hermione and
even sodding Snape what Draco’s ideal future would look like.

“Oh little one,” Harry said, rushing over to scoop Draco up into his arms, “Please don’t cry
my love, whatever it is, I’ll fix it. Please, we don’t have to live here, it’s not a problem I

“I – I love it,” Draco sniffed loudly as Harry summoned a handkerchief and passed it to the
still weeping omega. Draco blew his nose before tilting his tear stained face up at Harry.

“I’ve ruined your makeup,” Harry frowned, knowing that was probably the least of his
worries right now, “Wait….you love it?”

“I love it!” Draco exclaimed, laughing messily before blowing his nose again. “Harry is this
really our home?”

“Oh thank fuck,” Harry groaned, collapsing down onto the floor with relief as Draco crawled
into his lap and began peppering the older man’s face with kisses. “Are you sure sweetheart?
You’re not just saying that?”

“I love it,” Draco stated firmly, licking urgently across Harry’s lips as the alpha let out a
surprised moan. “I love you, you silly, wonderful, man.”
“Yeah?” Harry grunted appreciatively as Draco kissed him again, his tongue pushing into
Harry’s mouth. Harry ran his hands up Draco’s arms, thumbing at the thin straps of the dress
before pulling them down. Draco groaned, shrugging out of the top of the dress as the ruched
silk flopped down to his waist, exposing his pale upper body. Draco was wearing stick on
nipple pads to catch any leaks and Harry carefully peeled them off so he could caress his
omega’s body in its entirety.

“Oh fuck, sweetheart,” Harry gasped as Draco moved to suck and nip down Harry’s throat,
slender fingers scrabbling at the alpha’s shirt buttons.

“This is our home,” Draco repeated, his voice still full of disbelieving wonder and emotion.

“Sweetheart, careful of your dress, I haven’t had these floorboards sanded yet and oh…”
Harry swallowed thickly as Draco stood up and pushed his dress off completely, revealing
that he hadn’t been wearing anything underneath it.

“Knickers kept showing through the silk,” Draco explained, fidgeting a little shyly. Harry’s
breath caught as the moonlight filtered in through the windows, kissing Draco’s exposed pale
skin. Slowly, the omega dropped back down to his knees, crawling on top of Harry and
settling on his lap.

“Draco,” Harry murmured, reaching out to hold either side of Draco’s waist as the younger
man began to undulate, rotating his hips in small, maddening circles atop of Harry’s straining
crotch. Draco was biting at his lip, tipping his head back. “My perfect mate,” Harry sighed
happily, he threaded his fingers through Draco’s hair, gently pulling the strands free. Various
bobby pins and a peach ribbon fell to the floor as Draco’s silver locks spread down across his
shoulders. His hair was still intertwined with sprigs of flowers, giving him the appearance of
some sort of ethereal forest nymph.

The omega’s breasts were slightly less swollen than they had been due to Lyra regularly
feeding. However they were still gently curved out from his chest, pink nipples peaking as
Harry ran his fingers across them, pinching teasingly.

Draco groaned before frowning down at Harry’s trousers, hurriedly attempting to undo the

“Let me,” Harry said, grabbing Draco’s wrists in a single hand and noticing the way the
omega’s pupils dilated. Harry kept his grip tight whilst undoing his fly with his other hand,
opening it up and pushing down his underwear only enough to pull out his thick cock.

“Look what you do to me, angel,” Harry whispered as Draco stared hungrily at Harry’s blood
swollen prick. Harry’s shaft was pulsing and the veins stood out rigidly, leading up to his
throbbing bulb, the foreskin already wrinkled down as the dark slit gaped and leaked
precome. Harry let go of Draco’s delicate wrists, manoeuvring the omega round so as to
bring his round bottom up to Harry’s face.

Harry grunted as he felt Draco’s tongue darting out and licking at the head of his cock, soft
lips mouthing messily at the glans. He took a moment to gather himself and refocus his own
effort, carefully prising apart Draco’s buttocks to reveal his hole. Draco’s scent had gathered
thickly at his entrance, slick already weeping out and dribbling onto Harry’s chin. Quickly,
not wanting to waste a drop, Harry lapped it up, laving his tongue against Draco’s wrinkled
pink whorl. The golden hair darkened with saliva and Draco let out a stuttered moan, his
breath hot on Harry’s hard shaft.

“Are you going to suck me angel?” Harry asked, squeezing the omega’s hips and blowing
onto Draco’s hole, causing it to twitch and the younger man to shudder.

“Y-Yes Daddy,” Draco mumbled, wrapping his mouth around Harry’s cock and moving his
head slowly down. Draco still struggled to take all of the alpha into his mouth but Harry
loved every earnest attempt. Hollowed cheeks massaged his dick as Draco’s tongue pulsed
and moved as if still unsure what to do with itself.

“So good sweetheart,” Harry murmured, caressing Draco’s lithe body before dipping his own
face forwards and probing his tongue into Draco’s slicked hole. The omega tensed before
shuddering, jerking his hips back in an effort to get his alpha deeper inside him. The blowjob
became sloppier as Draco’s lips fell lax, the younger man letting out whining, huffing sounds.

Harry kissed and sucked Draco’s hole, bringing his hand round to fondle the omega’s tight
little balls and prick. Harry grinned wolfishly as he felt Draco’s pulse in his small cock,
throbbing every time Harry’s tongue darted into his arse.

“N-No,” Draco whined in protest as Harry drew back and began to reposition them. Harry
paused, rubbing his fingertips lightly across Draco’s wet perineum.

“Do you want to come on my tongue then little one? What is it you’d like?”

Draco looked over his shoulder, his cheeks were sweaty and flushed, his silky hair turning
curly at the ends. “C-Can we…do we have time…”

“Draco,” Harry smiled, “this is our wedding and our house. I’m sure the guests will entertain
themselves if you’d like me to fuck you properly.”

Draco’s eyes darkened and widened, his spit shined lips dropping open. Harry could feel his
arousal and desire through the bond, the air throbbing with his needy scent.

“Is that what you’d like?” Harry asked, grinning, reaching up to move them around, Harry
still almost fully clothed in his suit whilst Draco sat exposed and naked atop of him. The
omega’s chest was rising and falling in puffed pants of air. Harry sat up further, pressing his
mouth against Draco’s ear and whispering hotly.

“You want Daddy to make love to you in our new bedroom? Fill you up with my thick cock,
have you ride me right here on the floor?”

Draco whimpered, closing his eyes tightly as a gush of warm slick pulsed stickily from his
hole, saturating Harry’s lap. “You’ll always remember this,” Harry promised, nipping at
Draco’s lobe, “whenever you walk past this spot, you’ll know it was where you let your alpha
knot you so naughtily, with all those people just downstairs.”
Draco shivered and whined, pawing at Harry’s shirt and dislodging his flower button hole.
Tiny white petals stuck to Draco’s damp hands and then his cheeks as he hid his face with his

“I – I want,” Draco whined, “I want you to make love to me, Husband. In our n-new home.”

“Fuck,” Harry swore, surging up to pull Draco into a deep, urgent kiss. He helped the omega
tip forwards, lining up his entrance with Harry’s cock before allowing Draco to set the pace.
Draco’s face tightened then went blissfully lax as he sheathed himself on Harry’s dick. Harry
lay back against the rough wood, staring up at the angelic omega. Draco opened his grey
eyes, locking with Harry’s before giving him a bright, adoring smile.

Harry gasped as Draco levered himself up, his hands gripping the older man’s sides before
falling back down into the alpha’s lap. Both of them grunted as Draco began to bounce up
and down on Harry’s cock. Harry bit the inside of his cheek hard enough to taste blood so as
to stop himself from thrusting his own hips up. This was the first time Draco had been
confident enough to ride him, to set the pace and Harry wanted to relish every second of it,
every small, happy noise the omega was making.

“Merlin, you’re so wet,” Harry gasped delightedly as slick ran down his shaft in waves of
sweet honeydew. “So wet for me sweetheart.”

“For you, Daddy,” Draco agreed, leaning down to nuzzle their noses together. Harry sat them
both back up, wrapping Draco in his arms and helping the younger man to move without
becoming tired. Every time he fell back on Harry’s cock, Draco let out a high pitched moan.
Harry flicked his thumbs over Draco’s pebbled nipples, staring in rapt appreciation as
Draco’s cock bounced rhythmically.

Draco’s moans and whines became louder in volume, causing Harry to cast a muffling spell
before allowing himself to make the same level of noise, grunting animalistically every time
his throbbing length ploughed back into his pliant and welcoming mate.

Harry shifted his hips, marvelling at the contrast between his fabric covered body and
Draco’s bare form. The friction had already caused red clouded patches across the omega’s
creamy skin. Harry ducked down to kiss where he could and Draco wailed at the change in
angle. Harry felt the omega’s walls contract and pulse.

“That’s it baby boy,” Harry groaned, clasping Draco tighter to him and licking a stripe up his
flushed cheek, he could taste the faint salt of tears. “You can scream for me if you want.”

“Alpha!” Draco shouted, immediately acquiescing.

“You want it harder?” Harry asked, he could feel his voice sounding harsh and rough, his
alpha turning wild and possessive. “You want your husband to fuck you harder little one?
Make you scream? Make you come so hard all over your naked little body?”

Draco whimpered, nodding erratically as his head tipped back, allowing Harry to eagerly
mouth at the scar of their bond bite, tracing it with his tongue, tasting cinnamon and apples.
“Think you can cream for me Draco?” Harry asked, barely conscious of the words that were
even slipping unbidden from his lips. “Can you cream yourself for Daddy?”

Draco screamed, the sound trailing off into a wrecked sob as Harry drew back to watch spurts
of white come fly from his omega’s cock, splattering across Draco and Harry’s fronts in ropes
of little glistening pearls. Harry snarled ferociously, driving himself up into Draco’s hole for a
final set of pulsing thrusts before his knot inflated, so rapidly as to almost be painful as they
were tied together.

The two of them collapsed against the floorboards, Harry careful not to let Draco’s skin touch
the wood and be pierced by any splinters. Instead he cradled the still whimpering omega onto
his chest, bundling Draco in his arms as the world continued to expand and contract, the
room slowly spinning.

Eventually, Harry recovered himself enough to sit up, peeling Draco stickily back enough to
check that the omega was okay. Draco grinned lazily up at him, his ash grey eyes still
somewhat glazed. An indeterminable amount of time later, both of them hissed as Harry’s
knot finally softened enough to let his prick slip messily from Draco’s hole.

Harry grunted as copious amounts of slick and come puddled across his trousers. Maybe
Draco had had the right idea with actually undressing first. Although Harry wasn’t sure about
how happy he would be with Draco putting his dress back on to mingle with other people,
given that it was only lying a few feet away from them and would surely be drenched with
the scent of their coupling by now.

“You okay my love?” Harry asked, stroking Draco’s hair and chuckling as a mass of soggy
petals fell out.

“Yes,” Draco nodded sleepily, “but I want Lyra.”

“Okay,” Harry sighed, figuring out how to proceed. A moment later, however, Draco reached
across to the folds of his dress, pulling out his hawthorn wand.

“So underwear was too visible but you still managed to conceal your wand?” Harry asked,
raising a thick eyebrow as Draco flushed and bit his lip on a smile. The omega twirled his
wrist and Draco’s patronus appeared. An elegant white peacock who seemed to eye Harry
rather disdainfully before strutting through the still closed doorway with Draco’s request to
ask Katie to bring up spare clothes and leave them outside the room.

“You even brought a change for me?” Harry asked curiously as Draco went even more red.

“Katie suggested it,” Draco shrugged, “she thought…seeing as it’s our wedding night…”

“Say no more,” Harry grinned, “I don’t think anyone could begrudge me not being able to
keep my hands off my new husband after seeing him walk down the aisle like that.”

Draco laughed as Harry gently helped the omega to his feet, leading him through a side door
and into a grand looking marble bathroom. “One thing I did do, is get the water hooked up
already,” Harry announced, gesturing to a massive bathtub that was nestled up against the
window, looking out over the gardens. Fairy lights were twinkling in the trees and the eco
friendly paper lanterns that Luna had brought were evidently being set off, dancing across the
night sky in hues of gold and orange.

Harry helped Draco to turn on the taps, along with one specially installed for bubble bath,
when there was a tentative knock on the door. Harry left Draco in the bathroom, happily
swishing the growing bubbles with his fingers whilst Harry tucked himself back into his
trousers and gingerly cracked open the bedroom door.

Hermione was standing on the other side, with Lyra gurgling contentedly in her arms. Katie
was already disappearing down the stairs, having brought up the bag of clothes. She let out a
peal of laughter, however, as she glanced back and saw the state Harry’s suit was in. Harry
cringed slightly but figured he could probably put up with the inevitable teasing later.

“I’m supposing you’ve enjoyed your wedding then,” Hermione remarked dryly, pinching her
nose with one hand as Harry carefully extracted Lyra from her.

“Yeah,” Harry grinned as Hermione rolled her eyes and smiled back at him. “It’s been
brilliant. Do you reckon the guests will mind if we don’t come down for another half hour or

“If you are using that extra half hour to wash then I think the guests would insist upon it,”
Hermione huffed but looked amused. “Anyway, Sirius has just cracked open some bottles of
aged whisky he found in Grimmauld Place’s wine cellar so I daresay everyone will be nicely
distracted if you need even longer.”

“Thanks Mione,” Harry beamed, blowing her an air kiss as he didn’t think the beta would
appreciate him actually touching her right now.

“Go back to your husband,” Hermione smiled, “I’ll see you in a bit.”

Harry closed the door and looked down at Lyra, she was giggling happily as he placed a
sloppy kiss on her rosy cheek before carrying her over to the bathroom. Draco was waiting,
already in the bath with outstretched hands as Harry delivered Lyra to him.

“Is this bubble bath baby safe?” Draco asked, glancing up as Harry began disrobing.

“Of course,” Harry nodded, “by the time I’m finished, everything in the house will be baby
safe, or at least baby proofed.”

Draco nodded, looking pleased as he cooed at Lyra, unwrapping her silk shawl before
cradling her gently to his chest and drawing across the water to look out of the window. “It’s
so beautiful here Harry, I’m so happy.”

Harry got into the tub and looked over at where Draco was watching a lantern rise with
glittering eyes.

“I’m glad,” Harry smiled softly, crawling over to rest against the side of the tub and drawing
his husband and baby back against him. Draco sighed serenely as Harry pressed a loving kiss
to the top of his scalp.

“Oh,” Harry piped up, suddenly remembering something. “I haven’t even told you about
Sirius and Remus’ wedding present yet.”

“What is it?” Draco asked curiously, peering round at the alpha.

“Well,” Harry grinned, “they’re sleeping in their coop right now at the bottom of the garden
but tomorrow I can introduce you to our peacocks.”

“We have peacocks?!” Draco asked, his eyes widening excitedly.

“Yup,” Harry nodded, “well, one of them is a peahen but I think you’ll like them, they’re
very beautiful, if a little stroppy.” Harry cleared his throat with amusement as Draco
narrowed his eyes in a momentary glare.

“I can’t wait to see them,” Draco sighed, leaning up to kiss Harry’s chin before turning his
attention back to Lyra who was giggling at a maniacal looking fairy hovering outside the

“Harry, why does one of our fairy lights have a bottle of whisky?” Draco frowned as the fairy
continued to huff and puff, heaving the large dusty bottle further up into the air. “Oh!” Draco
gasped as brightly coloured jets of spells fired upwards, the fairy deftly weaving out of the
way as Harry recognised Sirius’ shouts of outrage below.

Harry chuckled as he quickly cast a shield around the struggling but determined creature,
allowing it to reach the roof with its prize.

“Your godfather won’t be pleased,” Draco remarked but he sounded amused.

“Remus will deal with him,” Harry grinned, thinking of how after seventeen years, his
godfathers were still absolutely enamoured with each other. He looked fondly down at Draco,
watching as the omega fussed over Lyra, carefully wiping the bubbles from her skin. With a
rising swell of absolute contentment Harry knew he and Draco would be the same, ten,
twenty, fifty years from now, growing old together in this house with family and friends
surrounding them.

“I love you Draco,” Harry murmured, cradling his husband and daughter a little tighter in his

“I love you too Harry,” Draco whispered a moment later, almost drowned out by the crackle
and pop of the magical fireworks Seamus had begun setting off outside.

“I’ll love you always.”

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for reading and being kind. I wrote this as I have been feeling terribly down
and I appreciated your kindness and support immensely. I hope you enjoyed it and are
Please drop by the Archive and comment to let the creator know if you enjoyed their work!

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