0191-TatarDegarsPart1 2

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NLby eH Shoah nyFifyls oF guia PELE Spieler Finutep a GS i Le nets oe ets Jot Pil she PAV L Hu gyda th Bien, Ge gna ip L ore Stuy 6: Lear Luaeduce uve duit ALU v ny tet Y vin Sy ESE Lap trey Sib Fe F dnd ok Suh Ber Budget Mere penn NL ga Myhengik PUES Koltal ne be tcig ai see obi sie Aida ae pe ok. has Nf Poe, toe iS O46 te mle tot Pifcing LUNAS of Si te VL Seg Seg wt ie Lerdtys Fretci CHESS lt SAL # pet ited Sins Jhb S ot 2 £6 byte bevy Lunt h feet Bows pis Pi eu , ie 9 Ye neti EI PO J beat ghatiignk hin didn. A pene nC AL Bovine Lory Lo ane aes And LoS Lert F tole Bb han peer rg Sy Eke. etl Bap pi tne une, The L yes hth Abs fe Ended eI Lebo gin curl lg l -YULtie bdbin pehsinge ple Seale - Brunt gly Kepler soto AS aig Bef bnLt ati yf see te yt ed saptlph IN er ef eipiep Cd Gi Bete Ups be rel afk. eS Lice sar uly SL Joe Lit -Exerirr£ fbi FL pth fons BUF Rel nd Webra? uo! a Ce kre tistele nla deer pope seviednatigdé fe. se yt ~ OM ee Syne be Gt pled A6! WAVE InThs Hb ep ZI yt -belephddndv BO ke Pe Wibeube Je -beiednde, wen SEIS GE IF tot tape Brchvn pe lacs pets EL YL La App gif nL vit Sonat Ei tum inne ake, et Gets DUI PE Ge L ret FE a“ thee LSI GE HE tafe yy ses Abe geied sweet oy aba yf Se Cage Bod bt “US bah BALL Le Bah MN ooagB Sapa Joie po yrwjed a ae Bert BILL CLS on Jun geet. ; vpoee dene ye er gi Sed Pid ceoiande ol Tel rtionk ED chou bcc alg Lb Pr” DEF ob fer thse f Bi bien tribe Ease fF ste pealyrth Le a sen Blew YS Na Mew te Pinger ile BEL SoiF By FEF yogi Ses 2S aw yee be Fen SoZ let SASS re F br hs hsp pln S22 Ob F te yt tag li lele oP Lute FE shel ywyptyie Vet the wb bi BME fd aL BL PF ewe C66 Sr Se it 2 te Se yr Bb PF Woe ne ptlverbun® hershey poited AE tee Bost F gue SO tet Leb rE mype get foie ser MERLE LIP or BPO Tf ay rately cide Tbsina Hid Le on SUL BS guia “Ug LiL uy fi DEBN Po SN See BE Wee waby wt Bel ose Jot os ow Lib pice wk ee Get sme ton cbc nd uke eS ntspand Faye: ded ant uF tag Fue MLL Lyf. an S Leis byte a ad Gv WU ee 2d 8, vkuaigi Le. . pWES PLS MENS ce pier Med ui bf Wart SFuttlylf Wp dedgerdtin. cpt We Ld Pipl aa Heb Bone Sele nde luk in Sil pafertewpiCoifofEu eed saieyne tiie v! ofr byfithiey a ded gbtiad amtgenaiit sd Lelatet hee les Se Bt lE PL PPL tskylf Binh acl fkeyf bib ye HF aLuuipt Ledad otf Vine gery UG vate iy bo uit Ergo hed GEE Nae FE nb Feber Lunt snore s pitied seh Peres tae’ lege BL Peer Sind FONG, Ayrelnisede dor sylt Sebkne wipe Led sank Spgs ree bes Sty fie Fert AYR wef ecsleufruize OF oe PALS Fort Yo WSrgiz ed wiz euia. pte IL EE ee SS eke hee FE uve die” ‘ iw Sr SIDA S Fip sit, €d ete Gyr Wl LG nthe pe Lela ure tP be pie GH ileb aint chdne weyers eyl ere SE pedis A cl (he S65 af Fito K 6A Ha ZoLelypriusg, . Leen ye lve tebe dad ou FB ne wa S uy ek uh at ee Mae SSL sp fib frig 8 PELs ak Butla tf Eve Be wut Fun Be glt- ful Sy At Pe Mh FP eit ELE Yih AFA ibs Heepzliin.ple wy LHLMNS 0 (IPP 6S ule ange writen Lee Lek Kl Seg eouisly hyigs tele “ole we Lo pelGlusle bing? 1@ Lyf ip leit, (sinLd Beant FLW pas STC Jy Fees eedk fen ebieeinsiiutts AS fatSevodle Pi wi hebndil bylf nce Weed wg ced Subp sialy L pingtllfe via eee ihre SEs Gre wll PL eke oil pe udipag se Eu! f Wartae posizase ged Ged 5 beet eiptlbn BEL UBL BE eter Fa! vin Led sd zh ttl of uf ve Beeps Mii ete a LP pL he nbn P ei F i AL gy, Gu ung Five ooFos AP SP he abe Girid yf clea Seta . Pith Goer AiAk @ Meat & be S Sou reZ nuit 216& wv lyreF diuint Boi Sui Lut ey Loa gainii fa tae tt yiFP w WT rivicslontrs 6b eS pop oS Of vd Per dl df a tran yu “Wendy vd Luiz... et et fAISE pest Yond ngiz ois hut PV evine ted h F SHS Shoe Snot Hire ce best Mpluutneroitterer Iai sp df. elendes torbereriem ay rupie fede WrbeS Eb pie yen Bied irs st Wd Lie tee re nine Sui pie re Ley UIE ule Siete Ina A MERE Elf ek certs pence sail he Png Lye tid gi ‘dS HEB ck Se yrash Labi st Ep bLiwiel ge Biri FoR Frid ux, figs, sos S50 189 SF x tak 1 BAL MME inl grrr hI be SP BES Gud tnil OR CUA Sen Ge Lyi yay Fe Site biviend wwtily od FLL apecd Ped es SLivl Solfo rbar Lure vib piles Bode Mu popuiu-Fs-ngot yee Lei pe Mid lh wer SE LSU Inde ak salve ule- nbs ABE Hei fat f preach f td ax PALE ELI MGs ot BY pieiiebsles APS Shere tit bn l eG oigind La Susie fe4 fyi Yh ALPE Hier eS gpl bea bee tld setter 2 a Sep hee hop ris SEC volt zw sigs bv bonged ariel SOIL Lis BEL Sieh EPLE SMugiz lh tin Fest m PLE NEL Peg AEE beg Lins Sere Sad ges HPSS onto gre Sp be fn Srey d 2S or Lik Sin... ge Of on Send S owe ef ie by rbnd Loin... ree Be FP LunteseebheaS Lito b gi oS Bee EHNA Beery Ley be Singh ptt Lee est BP Sehel eel L fintlaye Lipent lew, WBS Sse pe pl ptoti vit Lobb bed ye eds VFL aye ALE Wed hue pt MLv NS s SudngseudbuiAy Curslyidvy Sib vag ety vie Soy ZL WS brop-f Bind Sut Ui gtad, LURING IA PEL yulia Li SE LE sephitghL lS Pieter Fle ot unt! Poe Meas Pre £ JI Lanl ap Hee€ Plane tik lipSalpaeilpreye Ut la Sip Bi Viste G3 rine iris LU Sp tdn Pn Spile &-0u3- Plas Jee 3b ee Wide tei ye SEE SRLIL pei yy Seite ey teers tthe ph Sig leh BL wl Uses Seep IS peel ag a basins hLiLysse€ i afr S ot a stbLiB gs ole Seser Selenite Shs Syler~ ydnwker Jrkepie sab retnaty Le eC Sb Lene gté yur bn cunt Masidheeruntn voi Syl fF Pt Se bamnens Sg bits I Be ASS ref BEE poles gilt i Hopes yg inetd et webb ye of Fa NS yp rlee Cell ssil hi Sep” ole L plain ape eels Be Fe Joy 7 iA Fe be hi AF inboge ebb yer d bonita pba et el fred ag PBL gine iglit ie le wit Fe ip Ei aFuie yi 2h ber & eS rsa HPL ZF Wee Fe € ga Ngee yisi fi wie dag Spt heifer LSE Ee rut NRE whi SpMslecdbd yl Bi Piso poe pl lol vie 2b Seek Li eres of 15° buwolyed al oi Spin- Rahs Prep P lB lye axl BLY webu beirut late Lyle Serine wleolt boeiryyt uth Satie fesp rib NaFuton PbS Shes" atin ioe SIME ESE BR old WF BIA IR Sete Vat as Ig Tene pes peli pond (erussltia eRe ape lth BOY KIA inte, nh nb oe Fionet etd Poe nS ne eS Pp SordnF oetibr ged ust ond epee Sbeui yee phot Brie Se Np Gath F Set Ber fein Sgn ta lzglSysk3 yprtbge LON Tee Serer Le Geri en. 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SPS LUE I pet Mae etige Aco CE beh Bes Stee GS ot GEL ob IL ult nud Bde yis Lutte nts ek aisig Jt SSS bbe unt wes fi Ber Suit FB Bon GAIUS Se bey =F pth Bete Be is shi ga rr PF UF erik be pat Sb Lutdnyip ee Shayla Endizc hse Levin tc poe, hk unl A Se a SER Lin Pee etd ye pring Abas IPL YE Lnyipwetiajeb utter liLzud pbLkvshet, IrPboe WEE Se pevine bse Se pbloeisdin 6 oe OA Sek Sr gig 622 Pu 6S Lvige HEE Ini L yl abe ES lg hese sg Se p6 Soe deine ahi nuke gipeigh ley bone Se nbs Frnt ke ASiaain Po Ser nee SIL Lrlent Ret BF OS Fe foe Ven OL iS rmp Lune pple toed sf ES ice grat SWweB2L gis AG of fbn S-¢ lelese yr yh SY a tbe Sep unlere Fb ef 2 re “i eet A el tf Shier pe E budge tng ee Lerufeig Jew yee Lot Seth pict gin yp Shee Joan thi pe law pASperd Peds ulbnz etn fre gn 3S Eh end 6 i sure algue LN ot Pe LEw ios Ugh fa he cu cdr be Yolen gired ahs. yueye epE Gin Po be Mme SF Wh flewsd Nf Llp GF 6Grne bert tl Aad ye aga MUMS oma ob st Blige” Sbigeuafsifne we yieih Ld WIA Zp Styrs gly SFE Lid yp yer sp Sul eutlie abbey ip Sele Distk sate PEs slap We EA viet alus nbs pC Bek nt SALES DS be ine [Epnecz fue vb F ine “Buds LIV LN ol FU NAPE” ber plE Wide fi suumfin ee Piphae gE erie see el Pind Saw a piel SEn Lent he pruntifiglf Unrbtrck Bech gale tle" Kee sien Lypmek Pure oo! pi Pele l Punts del re Leif. encour Shur dae 2 oLb7 dee Mek gid uly ae PerB Po err ke leb urine ally | wae CS Siar picks LS ie kee ori npel it BE ren Sigil Lue See hi MbnE EO Lgl f YS LULA, wt Gee sp bet fale nb re Gig tls Singlecsgf haf LMG Seut eh ut Chiat PAE pit bile Sptlpenesi be Ende oe pii§id (S.celk tir BEE Ioneedpr gfe ebb ile GP e-< te wiveoe Sido f. SL gy ing Koi in CUA age kh gancai BS pula yl- ful tre vanes otf Jortobrekifgie A AYE Stl hile getier tors ga LA gee LU S Bigistalp Gel he Ligne le ce I Lb sling A Se SS AGB Syed £ Eye Lepre pl . LU Saslrined PSF Sa ii BypSatchi SoivdyeLoee up ialalah Prat oth lets Su? cei, WR sere Beypl Soysbabyeh FSF S SENG pitt ater sue f ry ULL Eb ul fiche bret bre yif... WIE SS... “uel” SES et Pristine Sg aL sn “ee ES Leet i Leb Pig che Sitew st TA Suni K ne pla BF Fives Ese pl tbe ty bes Se up AGES IL SPE YUL ue Ligne Ge peak uly Lie wy Set gah til Sted ~ovigiss Uteline Ce Heir apedh pe . er CAS Se ob Zi Sin Ise I estat Lullaby ssh os er LweF aire eine eh ey. ter MO Se Wiles ubig: LU MLS yt edu ets Lab wt Lt Wendie ro oI Seis Leer Cas orks t Son Bente A nbinea le Ly Ue 7 Biusnlvlay gel Sh pt Ai Jods, te Bh yin L tat ai Sunt é a pa Lp inh patel SEI BL Sul ns ene Beviv Sine A gyre Bok eS ephosg Mend tint (PS Sues abe Sain be ny, Grupo ed Puy shps ele nS Gr seers? 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Boy, bP uc Genpy GES oumaer Wind, Ue ALE SEO pie YYie* Bl SOF SU SLL lg te Ft eed yee vifdus... yes fn -ephy Ly. ce toud boi Sonne “ ca -& er disbe..... bis Jey el Bf 24s VG Lute Yiatid yy ORL fs we Aa Bee pee TU Wy deur Soe day fadya cut uy Ex ner 3p Sle Sydnee GM rey 6 =F br dh vaIfEL LS ui sp Seu, fox 3p Songs Ese eb bP UG INURE" rdw tiyoin Leb bre VE pas £ Sue oe the iF Ste II gH Le Scibires Sy LIF wht WF sin FF PEE ae ILD oot tit “Wb reels uence tube Whe Updesep we rl Se gh le unt x7 ot" me Pose Sn one gld ofa len F nbesor inl Suhel eye RL he LOL aapybbeglt Se -b LLG s 2H G Sea Se JEle os wNlepealyidy sd nye -YevR. bby Heyleezy hb hes aithy Lf sy EP ioagtrin geet sess Bphete WU nleGstiay de Wk aie be 8) ieee sping sf: ndrinienifde me dL vac' CL KS Ltr tial tl LiL aber E23 bo BO Tinh a eS L fn POE AB pwc BE SUB nit GAs Se bA ster we Fe WL EL Brae SOE Mire pl Sfeag SASL RAE i Lge e Plt Ba eliltes hi pbQ ry de Uren lew ihe yur wp site Pod Snb re abe MEK SEE sA Cp KpLn de Eb Base gben€ gl the Lor ipfelyr Bind ie feet yl Pb E Pri pe Nias be oly iF SP LING pre Hise de Be a bi Bebe Ui SLb SD GL SE I Les Ojo E glare oth Se a Sethe ge BL jd el. Ap- Lyncrem el Sng ae Ln Lap Fug FG MC AMY” Ly fax Ube Peet Getbeeyt tr bagiruase oiler yf uni! po tyelcigd Kup ome etl die Syed ae Sen L Setter ed aes of Hage. Rn ra “ES gly dee 2 ey Hi iyndhew Di yee” ender wndsbuvidetude eld weal en Lil& Luye..... aba te niu lef Vive SLMS S Ue ret Seder" pvt ste. Shen geiye ju etlyran ct gd y udndh Leiysivn sl f tie Ley ore ULE NSE ROLE Se rv es LefltaF we Pelee s? SEVERE oh pth ined 6 BLL eile EL edn Posi ® depbuifndnl wees Aghie Joe” Lott er AL Lig Lyle aby ped Vente nei ys Soke Lee eee See bpeudolmu gs” KES ase a LS eh UR. vA wi ib Fti ue Fer Lie UF Sy BEBE ES STE Yt Ss Job ere ted SII Push ap for Buy LoL AWEL ky Sf Srepy Se bitin LiL yl ei deeut hve. Eng Bee -bhy Prbndita ly fe Fun kt, NGA AK Pa bcp feet PE je (HOSE a boil SndnGider els rue List wi bie § nb 264 Heli yise del phMy Prdn Be FL Si yi saa burt Lp bt haie dL berpbelerlt eel Sf k pf Bn Boel oF wink ure ALL Se sronale taagety" wie LR... 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