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Formed Element Major Number present per Appearance in a standard Summary of function Comments

subtypes microliter and mean blood smear

5.2 million (4.4-6.0 million) Flattened biconcave disk; no Transport oxygen and some Lifespan of approximately
Erythrocytes (RBC) nucleus; pale red color carbon dioxide between 120 days
tissues and lungs
(WBC) 7000 (5000 -10,000) Obvious dark-staining nucleus All function in body defenses Exit capillaries and move
Into tissues; lifespan of
usually a few hours or

Granulocytes 4360 (1800 - 9950) Abundant granules in cytoplasm; Nonspecific (innate) Classified according to
nucleus normally lobed resistance to disease membrane-bound granules
in cytoplasm
Neutrophils 4150 (1800 - 7300) Nuclear lobes increase with age, Phagocytic: particularly Most common leukocyte;
pale lilac granules effective against bacteria lifespan of minutes to days
Release cytotoxic chemicals
from granules

Eosinophils 165 (0 - 700) Nucleus generally two-lobed; bright Phagocytic cells: particularly Lifespan of minutes to
red-orange granules effective with antigen- days
antibody complexes. Release
antihistamines. Increase in
Leukocytes allergies and parasitic
Basophils 44 (0 - 150) Nucleus generally two-lobed but Promotes inflammation Least common leukocyte:
difficult to see due to presence of lifespan unknown
heavy dense, dark purple granules
Agranulocytes 2640 (1700-4950) Lack abundant granules in Body defenses Group consists of two
cytoplasm: have a simple-shaped major cell types from
nucleus that may be indented different lineages

Lymphocytes 2185 (1500 - 4000) Spherical cells with a single often Primarily specific (adaptive) Initial cells originate in
large nucleus occupying much of immunity: T cells directly bone marrow. but
the cell's volume; stains purple; attack other cells (cellular secondary production
seen in large (natural killer cells) immunity): B cells release occurs in lymphatic tissue;
and small (B and T cells) variants antibodies (humoral several distinct types:
immunity); natural killer cells memory cycle forms after
are similar to T cells but exposure to a pathogen
nonspecific and rapidly increases
response to subsequent
exposure; lifespan of many

Monocytes 455 (200 - 950) Largest leukocyte with an indented Very effective phagocytic Produced in red bone
or horseshoe-shaped nucleus cells engulfing pathogens or marrow; referred to as
worn out cells: also serve a8 macrophages after leaving
antigen-presenting cells circulation
(APCs) for other components
of the immune system

Platelets 350,000 (150,000 -500,000) Cellular fragments surrounded by a

plasma membrane and containing
Hemostasis plus release
growth factors for repair and
Formed from
megakaryocytes that
granules; purple stain healing of tissue remain in the red bone
marrow and shed platelets
into circulation

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