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Analysis of total quality management practices in manufacturing and service


Conference Paper · June 2011


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2 authors:

Faisal Talib Zillur Rahman

Aligarh Muslim University Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee


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Analysis of Total Quality Management
Practices in Manufacturing and Service
Faisal Talib1
Mechanical Engineering Section, University Polytechnic,
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh,
U.P., India
Zillur Rahman
Department of Management Studies, Indian
Institute of Technology, Roorkee,
U.Kh., India
M.N. Qureshi
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology and Engineering,
M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara,
Gujarat, India

Abstract- Quality gurus such as Juran, identified TQM practices do exist and are
Deming and Crosby have advocated applicable to both the sectors except few
various methodologies for business success differences were found and were
and single out some quality practices. presented in this study. The results can
These practices have a positive impact on provide guidance for service managers
business performance in both and quality practitioners aiming to
manufacturing and service sectors. implement TQM. Further, some
managerial implications and future scope
This paper attempts to identify the
of this study are also presented at the end.
TQM practices in two different sectors
and examines the difference between them Keywords- manufacturing industries,
by analyzing their commonalities with service industries, top-management
respect to their implementation as commitment, Total Quality Management,
applicable to both the sectors. The TQM practices,
methodology adopted was critically
examining the literature on TQM
practices followed by manufacturing and I. INTRODUCTION
service sectors. Altogether, 30 published The concept of TQM philosophy and
research studies (15 research studies on its principles is quite old and was introduced
TQM practices in the manufacturing into the USA around 1980, primarily in
industries and 15 on the service response to the severe competitive challenge
industries) were identified that focused on from Japanese companies [1]. Initially, the
TQM principles and practices used by attention was towards manufacturing
them. The finding showed no significant industries with little consideration being
difference in the level of most of TQM given to the service industries largely
practices and broadly the same group of because of the domination of researchers

The First International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and Development, 31 May - 1 June 2011, Thailand

Faisal Talib, Zillur Rahman, and M.N. Qureshi

from the engineering and operations identify a set of common and identical TQM
discipline [2]; [3]. The emergence of TQM practices as applicable for both the sectors
philosophy in service industries has been a for successful TQM implementation.
recent development and is being applied Although, this study shares a similar purpose
from last two decades. The study by Saraph with the previous studies by examining the
et al. [4] comes out with the concept of extent of implementation of TQM and its
applying TQM practices in service industries practices in manufacturing and service
and was the first study in the service sector industries, but it goes beyond the earlier
where a set of identified TQM factors were studies, by examining the difference between
considered in both manufacturing and TQM practices in the manufacturing and
service industries. Further, literature survey service industries individually and than
of manufacturing on TQM is quite comparing them for their commonalities with
encyclopedic, encompassing an respect to their implementation in both these
overabundance of research works [4]; [5]; sectors. While, in the previous TQM studies,
[6]; [7]; [8] while review of the literature on no such type of comparisons were
service reveals that it is young and recent conducted. Accordingly, there is a need to
emerging area in the field of service quality, focus on this issue and therefore, this study
human resource management, and customer tries to fill this gap by conducting an
perception [9]; [10]. These plethora of extensive literature review on TQM practices
studies have often appeased to produce in manufacturing and service industries by
mixed results, but in general TQM has been adopting a detailed research methodology.
credited in providing benefit for
The objectives of the present study
organizations that implement it properly.
are as follows:
This has been proven by studies that have
involved wide-range of surveys, empirical • To identify TQM practices
studies, and case studies [11]; [12]; [8]; [13]; followed by manufacturing
[14]; [15]; [16]. Following the success of industries.
TQM in manufacturing, practitioners and
• To identify TQM practices
academicians have started to study the followed by service industries,
potential of transferring and applying TQM and
principles and practices to service industries
and suggested its applicability in it. Although • To examine the difference
there are some characteristics that distinguish between the identified TQM
service industries with manufacturing practices in manufacturing and
industries like intangibility, co-production, service industries by analyzing
inseparability, and heterogeneity of the them for their commonalities with
outputs of services that may affect the respect to their implementation.
transfer of the TQM principles and practices The above objectives are
to service environment which is in contrast accomplished through review of the
to there in the manufacturing industries that literature on TQM practices in
are more measurable and standardized in manufacturing and service sector. The
their specifications [1]; [17] and thus causes methodology adopted for this study was
difficulties for service providers in literature review of published research
controlling the quality of the service output studies on the current subject focusing on
before delivering them to customers as is dimensions/practices influencing TQM in
normally done with manufacturing products. manufacturing and service industries
It is identified that there are many separately. A total of 30 research
studies on the implementation of TQM publications (15 research studies on TQM
practices in manufacturing and service practices in manufacturing industries and 15
sectors but no study has been conducted to on service industries) were selected from

Special Issue of the International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, Vol. 19 No. SP1, June, 2011

Analysis of Total Quality Management Practices in Manufacturing and Service Sectors

advanced search method and were reviewed. International Journal of Production

All these selected studies have been Research, Managing Service Quality,
published in a range of scientific journals Management Research News, and
such as International Journal of Service International Journal of Bank Marketing.
Industry Management, Decision Sciences, After critically going through these studies
International Journal of Productivity and concerning to the various TQM practices
Quality Management, The TQM Magazine, adopted in manufacturing and service
Academy of Management Review, industries, the survey report is presented in
International Journal of Quality and the tabular form in the next two sections in
Reliability Management, Production and Tables 1 and 2.
Operation Management, Total Quality
Management and Business Excellence,



The First International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and Development, 31 May - 1 June 2011, Thailand

Faisal Talib, Zillur Rahman, and M.N. Qureshi



IV. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS related to degree of performance and

A review of the literature reveals that adoptability of TQM practices as well as a
there are nine TQM practices in two different common group of TQM practices for
sectors i.e. manufacturing and service, based manufacturing and service industries.
on their frequency of occurrences in the The present study showed that six out
extent literature that consists of 15 published of nine TQM practices identified are similar
research papers in each sector, totaling to 30 and common in both manufacturing and
research papers that focused on practices service industries. They are: topmanagement
influencing TQM in both the sectors. From commitment; customer focus and
these 15 research studies, this paper performs satisfaction; human resource management;
a comparison of TQM practices between training and education; employee
manufacturing and service industries which involvement; and supplier management. The
are presented in Table 3. After critically plausible explanation for this result is the
analyzing Tables 1, 2 and 3, many results of higher score of frequency of occurrences of
interest emerged out from the present study these practices in the two sectors. This

Special Issue of the International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, Vol. 19 No. SP1, June, 2011

Analysis of Total Quality Management Practices in Manufacturing and Service Sectors

suggest that the level of TQM practices in industries. This concerns that there exists
both the sectors are not significantly some inconsistencies in these three practices
different except for supplier management in while implementing a TQM program in the
which manufacturing industries show a two sectors separately. The possible reason
significantly higher frequency of occurrences behind this outcome may be the nature of
than service industries (See Table 3). service operations compared to their
Therefore, this group of common TQM manufacturing counterpart. Service
practices could determine the success of a industries are more focused on customer
TQM program in manufacturing and service orientation and customer satisfaction as well
environment and for further research work in as on quality culture and work environment
this area. while manufacturing industries are highly
tangible in nature where quality products and
Furthermore, the reason behind the
measurement performance as well as
less adoption of supplier management as
management of process and use of quality
practice in service industries could be that
tools and techniques plays an important role
many companies feels supplier quality and
in deciding the business performance.
performance is not so crucial for them as
they are mainly dealing with intangible Regarding consistencies, four TQM
services not concerned with the incoming practices stand out in several studies as being
products or raw material as in case of more central for manufacturing and service
manufacturing industry. Therefore, many industries. They are: top-management
service industries do not recognize the role commitment (including leadership),
played by supplier performance and customer focus and satisfaction (including
management in an organization's quality customer orientation and customer
performance and its contribution to customer feedback), human resource management
satisfaction [39]. (including job rotation, internal recruitment,
quality circles, and employment security
In contrast to above results, quality
policy) and training and education (including
information and performance measurement,
learning). They have stronger relationship in
process management, and quality systems
manufacturing as well as in service
represent other three major TQM practices in
industries. This predicts that TQM concept
manufacturing industries while continuous
mainly lies on these four principles and
improvement and innovation, benchmarking,
practices and may be treated as the pillars of
and quality culture/work culture are more
TQM philosophy.
important TQM practices in service

The First International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and Development, 31 May - 1 June 2011, Thailand

Faisal Talib, Zillur Rahman, and M.N. Qureshi

V. CONCLUSIONS their organization by delegating authority

and empowering employees. Hence, by
This paper has successfully presented
focusing on these principles and practices, an
the groups of TQM practices for
organization can build a quality
manufacturing and service industries as well
improvement program that will have a
as a group of common TQM practices
positive influence on business performance.
applicable to both the sectors. Although most
of the practices identified in the two sets are Despite the overall findings produced
similar but few inconsistencies were also in this study, there are still open
found to be present by comparing them. opportunities for further studies. Further
Such differences often in research results to studies on comparing the degree of
frustration, both for researchers designing performance on quality practices and
new studies and practitioners who seek relationship of these identified practices to
advice on how to implement TQM concept quality and business performance can be
in their organizations. These inconsistencies taken by the academicians and practitioners.
may be due to nature of operations,
characteristic of firms, service design,
products and services offered by REFERENCES
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Special Issue of the International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, Vol. 19 No. SP1, June, 2011

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