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Assignment 2a: Crowd

funding pitch plan


TRAN NGOC TRUNG - 103536566
DO DUC HA - 103426942
NGUYEN DUC TUAN - 103442582
NGUYEN PHAN ANH - 103434725
I. Introduction
The objective of this report is to solve a social problem for a Crowdfunding pitch plan. This
report aims to address water pollution. Water plays a vital role in our life. But the consumption
and the disregard for clean water have become a severe issue, affecting the planet's health and
human well-being.

II. Crowdfunding Pitch Concept

Definition of Crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding is the practice of raising modest sums of capital from a large number of people.
Uses social media and crowdsourcing tools for Crowdfunding to connect investors and
entrepreneurs, potentially increasing entrepreneurship by widening the pool of investors
beyond owners, relatives, and venture capitalists (Smith 2021).

What specific issue are you hoping to resolve?

The problem statement, "how might we design and promote changes the current situation that
solves the polluted water problem." According to Unicef, Vietnam has the world's fifth-highest
level of water pollution, behind China, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand. Particularly in
Hanoi, several rivers such as To Lich, Bay Mau, and a part of Westlake have become more
polluted, causing the water's color to change from blue to black. It is probably because city
residents dump wastewater straight into the river (Nhất 2020).

Recently, West Lake water in some areas has turned dark moss green, dirty, and cloud. The lake
surface appears to contain a lot of garbage, dead fish floating. This seriously affects the water
environment at West Lake, but the air here is always full of fishy odors.

Environmental research experts said that at present, the values of biodiversity in West Lake
have been declining markedly. The survey results on the composition of floating plant species in
West Lake showed the most significant reduction in species from 115 species (1996) to only
about 60-70 species.

The cause pointed out by scientists is that the water environment in West Lake has become
increasingly polluted in recent years, especially in the dry season. Pollution is a factor that
seriously affects the living environment of species in rivers and lakes and the live environment
and surrounding landscape of humans (CHÂU 2021)
What is your proposed solution?
Solution: Raise awareness of residents in Hanoi
Action: We will create a fan page to update the information and the knowledge about the
environment, especially the polluted water. On this page, we also make some games or even
some campaigns for the followers.
One of the plan campaigns is to create a contest to find a person with the best solution for
water pollution in West Lake.
Firstly, the organizing committee creates a post on the fan page to inform the information and
rules about the competition.
Round 1: It's up to each entrant to publish a post on their Facebook timeline about an action
they've taken to protect the environment, including a hashtag of the competition (it may be an
action like saving the clean water, sorting their rubbish, or planting more trees at home or
work). Then, the organizer will select 50 lucky entrants who had the highest reaction on their
post to go to round 2.

Round 2: In this round, each participant will design a project to solve West Lake's
contamination issues. The organizing committee will choose ten people or teams with the best
solution to the next round. In boost camp, they will have a chance to work with some
environmental researchers, people in business, Investors.

Round 3: In this section, we will create a boot camp. In boost camp, they will have a chance to
work with some mentors who are environmental researchers. And then, each participant will
present their project to a panel of judges. The organizer and judge will then choose the winner.

Who are you pitching this to?

• Students are studying in all high schools or universities in Hanoi. Especially many schools
near West lake like UNIS, Chu Van An Secondary School, Tay Ho High School...
• Individuals or organizations that have been directly impacted by water pollution. Such
as people living nearby water contamination areas, restaurants, hotels as well
• People taking part in lake activities include bicycles around West Lake and those who
kayak on the lake.
• High-class people living in Ciputra
• Foreigners who have awareness about the importance of the environment where they
are living.
• Influencers who can engage a massive community to join the competition.

Why should people donate? What's in it for them?

Donating will bring activists, activist groups, non-profit organizations, influencers, and the
media to your cause. Donors will want to give because water pollution and a lack of clean water
are major worldwide issues. Ignoring the matter simply leads to normalization of human rights
violations and sanctioning these wrong and immoral behaviors.
One of the most important keys is awareness to solve the problem fastly. If the news, video on
media, the social network is quite traditional. I hope that giving them a real experience is a new
way to raise their awareness.

III. Networks and Community

1. Who is your tribe? Provide three personas that show the kinds of people in your tribe.

As we all know, water is essential to people. Lake water is currently the most reliable source of
water for many people all around the world. Many of them have built businesses and lifestyles
around these bodies of water. Despite huge ethnic variations, our intended donors all have a
shared goal in protecting these rivers from pollution. In Hanoi, rivers such as To Lich, Ba Mau,
and a portion of Westlake have gotten more polluted, changing the color of the water from
blue to black, and it damages the citizens in many ways. Now, our personas will portray people
who rely on water in different methods to capture the diversity of our users.

1. Nguyen Binh An – a businessman:

Age: 35 years old

Lives in : Thuy Khue, Tay Ho, Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Work: accountant manager

Hobby: pedal duck in west lake

Personality: Kind-hearted, well respected, hard-working

Family: Married, one single kid

Income: 175 million VND a year

"Pollution sure has ruined my joy."

Binh An enjoyed pedal ducking from a young age. Now he has turned 35, a real adult, but he
still maintains his childhood hobby, he goes pedal dipping once every week, and he seems to
enjoy it. But recently, the west lake appears to be more polluted than before. He noticed that
every time he goes pedal ducking, the smell of the lake seems to worsen over time. He realized
that he doesn't enjoy a hobby like the old-time because of the pollution and is very frustrated.
Determined not to let this happen further, he insisted on seeing the cleaner here and asked about
the situation. He acknowledged that people are polluting this lake, the situation has become
destructive, the lake is more polluted than ever. He tried to warn people by cooperating with the
cleaner and putting up posters and everything, but it didn't work.
2. Pham Bao Long – a Restaurant owner

Age: 35

Lives in: Ngoc Thuy, Tay Ho, Viet Nam

Work as: Restaurant owner

Personality: Health-conscious, kind-hearted, disciplined, friendly

Family: Married, has two children and an older brother

Income: 200 million VND a year

"The west lake is becoming more and more polluted. It sure is very annoying and affects my
business a lot."

Long just turned 35 last week, and the restaurant is his only source of income. In recent years,
Long's restaurant near the west lake has been struggling with water pollution. The sale
percentage, supply source, and food quality dropped noticeably, and the quality of the
environment. It has been a big concern for him. The continuous confrontation of contaminated
seawater has toxified the atmosphere here at the west lake, and guests certainly didn't like it.

Furthermore, cooperators are beginning to complain about Long's restaurant takeaway of their
fishes are rotten and unable to eat. He's worrying that if this problem extends, it could be the end
for their restaurant. He has planned a campaign to clean the water to continue his restaurant
business, but the new plan is in the early stages. and there are still many difficulties

3. La Phong Loan – a citizen

Age: 38

Lives in : Xuan Dinh, Tay Ho , Hanoi, Vietnam

Work as: fruit seller

Personality: health-conscious, kind, hard-working, careful, highly awareness

Family: Married, two children and a younger sister, living with parents under the same house

Income: 50 million VND

"Honestly, I cannot stand this pollution; it is worsening my living condition."The loan is a

married woman who has had two children; she's living under the same roof with her sister and
parents. Everything is fine and dandy with her everyday life until they move near West Lake, one
of Vietnam's most beautiful yet most polluted lakes. Since they moved into the new house, the
water has never been the same, and it is dirtier than the old place, which is very bad for Loan and
her family. As a housewife and a caring woman, Loan cannot stand it and has joined hands with
many cleaning campaigns, but it sure wasn't enough. Also, the toxic smell of the West Lake
always irritates Loan as each time she goes out, she has to cover her nose or wear a mask
because its smell is too bad. This problem pretty much damages Loan and her family's health,
especially her two children.

2. Why would people in your tribe give support to your solution project?

These three types of people will support our crowd – fun Crowdfunding cause it would benefit
them a great first, An will have a raise in salary and have more friends; this is will not only make
An work more complicated, but he will be happier because there will be many people working
with him. Second, Long will revive his company and finally gain benefits after dealing with the
problem. Eventually, Loan and her family's living conditions would increase, there will be no
more smell and dirty water, her family could look toward seeking a happier and more vital life.

3. How will you reach them? Provide a network map:

4. Who are the influencers to whom you can reach out?

We can contact Greta Thunberg (@gretathunberg), she is an 18 years old Swedish environmental
activist; she was named to time's list of the 100 most influential people in 2019, as well as
speaking at the 2018 United Nations Climate Change Conference and being nominated for the
Nobel Peace Prize from 2019 to 2021. In addition, calling for her help to make the water less
polluted would be a great idea as she is very famous in this particular environmental field.
We can also reach out to Immy Lucas, a.k.a Sustainably_vegan; she frequently refers to herself
as "imperfectly sustainable," recognizing that conscious living is mostly about learning and
honesty. She acknowledges that not all of her advice will apply to everyone. Instead, she argues
for minimal impact, with the attitude that you shouldn't feel guilty if you don't manage
everything; instead, focus on doing your best by identifying tiny ways to improve your behavior,
which will significantly influence over time!

IV. Funding Goal and Rewards

1) What is your goal amount to raise? What is your tipping point?

Financial projections for the crowdfunding campaign aim to raise an approximate amount of
100.000.000vnd with the tipping point of 30.000.000vnd

2) Who are your first five donors?

- InterContinental Hanoi Westlake, built entirely on the water of West Lake, is one of the
most famous hotels in the West Lake area, it is also one of the top choices of celebrities when
they visit Hanoi capital. However, they have also suffered some effects from the limited seafood
dishes on the menu due to the lack of quality assurance of food safety and hygiene - a
consequence of water pollution in West Lake.

WWF Vietnam: one of the leading conservation organizations in Vietnam, advising on

solutions and assisting the government and partners in addressing national development
challenges. WWF Vietnam was established to conserve the region's biodiversity and build a
sustainable future for its people.

- CHANGE: In Ho Chi Minh City, a non-profit group is working to tackle critical

environmental issues in Vietnam. Alter was founded in 2013 to support and promote
environmental preservation and conservation via education and creative communication to
change behavior and motivate the Vietnamese community to collaborate.

- AFEO: a non-governmental body. Its members are the engineering institutions and
organizations of ASEAN countries with the following main objectives: Promote goodwill and
mutual understanding; build and develop an ASEAN baseline standard for the engineering
profession to allow engineer mobility within ASEAN nations.

- Việt Nam Sạch & Xanh (VNSX): a Vietnamese organization is aiming at environmental
protection activities, raising awareness about waste and indiscriminate littering. Focus on
littering because it is believed that this is the most fundamental factor leading to other
environmental problems and is the foundation of the educational program on environmental
3) What will be your rewards and reward structure?

The award is set to help people have a specific goal for their actions and efforts and gratitude for
their environmental protection.

- In the first round, every participant who has registered and completed all the tasks will
receive a gift of a recycled bookbag product - a completely environmentally friendly product
from sponsor Green Point and a clue to the next round's task

- In the 2nd round, after completing the tasks in this round, players will still be provided
with one final clue to help them get to the final round.

- In the final round, after the player has officially completed all the challenges and claimed
the victory, they will receive a ticket for the field trip with the organization worth 13.000.000

Offering a high prize value means attracting a large number of participants, and the campaign
leads to an increased campaign effect; not only that, but investors can also participate and
sponsor the campaign. Organization size, award structure, and at the same time, their presence
can also increase brand recognition. In return, they will be featured in newspapers, and mass
media used to promote the campaign as sponsors from Crowdfunding for social purposes. Here
is contributing to the sanitation of water sources to create a healthier living environment.

4) How do your rewards cater to each of the three personas?

An will receive a well-deserved reward from the program for his hard work; not only that, but
An's efforts to propagate pollution are also a factor that helps to reduce the amount of waste in
the river, but also contributes to the reduction of waste - part of building a healthier living
environment for the people around.

The loan will be rewarded for trying to join hands to clean up the surrounding environment,
which is an act of great significance because it comes from the people's consciousness - the most
significant factor for all pollution.

Long will be rewarded for his efforts in finding solutions to water pollution - a problem that
directly affects his work. For a restaurant owner, perhaps combining with other units and
organizations will be a way to reduce the introduction of polluted water.
V. Story Board for Crowdfunding Pitch Video
VI. Appendix: Ideation evidence
VII. Appendix: Team Charter
1. Team Name: Awesome Knights

2. Team Membership: 7

Name: Email: Phone Strengths and Skills Influencing style

Number: (Primary &
Trần 0912712002 1. Strengths: Social, Visioning and
Ngọc Friendly, Leadership directing
Trung 2. Skill: Critical-thinking,
analyzing the problem,
and working effectively
in a team.
Vũ Phan 0352662937 1) Strengths, Friendly,
Anh Funny Visioning and
2) skill: directing
academic writing,
Nguyễn 0327873378 1)Strengths: Social, Visioning and
Quốc friendly directing
Tuấn 2)Skill: Teamwork,
analyze the problem
Đỗ Đức 0366169664 1)Strengths: speaks Visioning and
Hà fluently collaborating
2)Skill: academic writing

3. Team Goals:

Our team goals are:

• Get to know our teammates better
• Find as many practical answers to social problems as possible.
• Building up knowledge about social entrepreneurship

4. Team Expectations and Agreements

All team members pledge to be high performing and to function as an effective team by
• Finish up all your committed work before the deadline
• Listen to other's opinion
• Respect everyone

We anticipate team members to do the following during team meetings and tutorials with team time:
• turn on the camera and mic
• be on time

We require team members to do the following for every assigned work:

• Work for the assignment properly
• respect and listen to each other
5. Team Contribution and Rationale

Each Team Assignment Completed Requires your team to complete the following table listing the team
members who contributed – and the agreed level of contribution by all team members. (If all team
members contribute equally, it is assumed the level of contribution would be listed as 100%)

Team Member Name Level of Contribution (0-100%) Comments

Trần Ngọc Trung 100
Nguyên Quốc Tuấn 100
Vũ Phan Anh 100
Đỗ Đức Hà 100

How does your team agree on how to identify team members' degree of contribution?

Level of Agreed Meaning of Contribution (actions, behaviors, outputs)

100% good attitude, hard-working, listen to other team members, attend all meetings
with contribution,
75% good mood, hard-working, listen to other team members but attend meetings
without contribution
50% hard-working, listen to other team members
25% attend meetings only
0% do nothing

6. Team members statements of working together

Team Member Name: Statement of working together in the team:

Trần Ngọc Trung Work hard and responsibility
Vũ Phan Anh Hard-working. respect each other ideas
Đỗ Đức Hà Some time lazy but still finish deadline on time and respect each other
Nguyễn Quốc Tuấn Respect each other ideas and contribute to the team
1. Smith, T 2021, Crowdfunding, viewed 8 November 2021,

2. NHẤT, C 2020, Tình trạng ô nhiễm nguồn nước tại Hà Nội, viewed 8 November, 2021,

3. CHAU, P 2021, viewed 8 November 2021, <


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