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GMAT® Official Guide 2019 Verbal Review

5.7 Sample Questions

Each of the sentence correction questions presents a sentence, part of or all of which is underlined.
Beneath the sentence you will find five ways of phrasing the underlined part. The first of these repeats
the original; the other four are different. Follow the requirements ,of standard written English to choose
your answer, paying attention to grammar, word choice, and sentence construction. Select the answer
that produces the most effective sentence; your answer should make the sentence clear, exact, and free
of grammatical error. It should also minimize awkwardness, ambiguity, and redundancy.

"SC01545 SC14890
189. With respect to most species of animals, they are 191. The interior minister explained that one of the village
evenly divided in right- or left-handedness, unlike planning proposal's best characteristics was their not
humans. detracting from the project's overall benefit by being a
burden on the development budget.
(Al With respect to most species of animals, they
are evenly divided in right- or left-handedness, (Al one of the village planning proposal's best
unlike humans. characteristics was their not detracting
(Bl With respect to right- or left-handedness, most (Bl one of the village's planning proposal's best
species of animals are evenly divided, unlike in characteristics were its not taking
humans. (Cl one of the best characteristics of the village's
(Cl Unlike humans, most species of animals are planning proposal was that it did n1 >t detract
evenly divided with respect to right- or left- (Dl a best characteristic of the village planning
handedness. proposal was, it did not take
(Dl Unlike in humans, most species of animals with (El among the village planning proposal's best
respect to right- or left-handedness are evenly characteristics, one was, it did not detract
(El Unlike humans, with respect to right- or left- 192. Like ants, termites have an elaborate social structure
handedness, in most species of animals it is in which a few individuals reproduce and the rest are
evenly divided. serving the colony by tending juveniles, gathering food,
SC07435 building the nest, or they battle intruders.
190. Using digital enhancements of skull fragments from
five prehistoric hominids dating to more than 350,000 (Al are serving the colony by tending juveniles,
years ago, anthropologists argue that these human gathering food, building the nest, or they battle
ancestors probably had hearing similar to that of (Bl are serving the colony in that they tend juveniles,
people today. gather food, build the nest, or battle
(Cl serve the colony, tending juveniles, gathering
(Al anthropologists argue that these human
food, building the nest, or by battling
(Dl serve the colony by tending juveniles, gathering
(Bl anthropologists argue, so these human
food, by building the nest, or by battling
(El serve the colony by tending juveniles, gathering
(Cl anthropologists argue, these human ancestors
food, building the nest, or battling
(Dl these human ancestors, anthropologists argue,
(El these human ancestors are argued by
anthropologists to have

*These numbers correlate with the online test bank question number. See the GMAT Verbal Review Online Index in the back of this book.

5.7 1tence Correct Sample Questions

SC0!519 SC05367
193. Global warming is said to be responsible for extreme 195. Native to South America, when peanuts were
weather changes, which, like the heavy rains that introduced to Africa by Portuguese explorers early
caused more than $2 billion in damages and led to in the sixteenth century they were quickly adopted
flooding throughout the state of Cali fornia, and the into Africa's agriculture, probably because of being
heat wave in the northeastern and midwestern United so similar to the Bambarra groundnut, a popular
States, which was also the cause of a great amount of indigenous plant.
damage and destruction.
(Al when peanuts were introduced to Africa by
(A) which, like the heavy rains that caused more Portuguese explorers early in the sixteenth
than $2 billion in damages and led to flooding century they were quickly adopted into Africa's
throughout the state of California, agriculture, probably because of being
(B) which, like the heavy rains that throughout the (Bl peanuts having been introduced to Africa by
state of California caused more than $2 b仆lion in Portuguese explorers early in the sixteenth
damages and led to flooding, century and quickly adopted into Africa's
(C) like the heavy flooding that, because of rains agriculture, probably because of being
throughout the state of California, caused more (C) peanuts were introduced to Africa by Portuguese
than $2 billion in damages, explorers early in the sixteenth century and were
(D) such as the heavy flooding that led to rains quickly adopted into Africa's agriculture, probably
throughout the state of California causing more because they were
than $2 billion in damages, (D) peanuts, introduced to Africa by Portuguese
(E) such as the heavy rains that led to flooding explorers early in the sixteenth century and
throughout the state of California, causing more quickly adopted into Africa's agriculture, probably
than $2 billion in damages, because they were
SC02548 (El peanuts, introduced to Africa by Portuguese
194. Hundreds of species of fish generate and discharge explorers early in the sixteenth century and
electric currents, in bursts or as steady electric fields having been quickly adopted into Africa's
around their bodies, using their power either to find agriculture, probably because they were
and attack prey, to defend themselves, or also for SC03552
communicating and navigating. 196. It stood twelve feet tall, weighed nine thousand pounds,
and wielded seven-inch claws, and Megatherium
(A) either to find and attack prey, to defend americanum, a giant ground sloth, may have been the
themselves, or also for communicating largest hunting mammal ever to walk the Earth.
and navigating
(B) either for finding and attacking prey, (Al It stood twelve feet tall, weighed nine thousand
defend themselves, or for communication pounds, and wielded seven-inch claws, and
and navigation Megatherium americanum, a giant ground sloth,

(C) to find and attack prey, for defense, or (Bl It stood twelve feet tall, weighing nine thousand
communication and navigation pounds, and wielding seven-inch claws,
Megatherium americanum was a giant ground
(D) for finding and attacking prey, to defend
sloth and
themselves, or also for communication
and navigation (Cl The giant ground sloth Megatherium americanum,
having stood twelve feet tall, weighing nine
(E) to find and attack prey, to defend themselves,
thousand pounds, and wielding seven-inch claws, it
or to communicate and navigate
(D) Standing twelve feet tall, weighing nine thousand
pounds, and wielding seven-inch claws,
Megatherium americanum, a giant ground sloth,
(El Standing twelve feet tall, weighing nine thousand
pounds, it wielded seven-inch claws, and the
giant ground sloth Megatherium americanum

GMAT® Official Guide 2019 Verbal Review

SC04083 SC01579
197. Studying skeletons unearthed near Rome. DNA 200. Recently declassified information from military satellites
evidence was recovered by scientists. who were able in orbit thousands of miles above the Earth show the
to deduce from this that an epidemic of malaria struck planet continually bombarded by large meteoroids that
in the empire's waning days. explode with the power of atomic bomb blasts.

(A) Studying skeletons unearthed near Rome, DNA (A) show the planet continually bombarded by
evidence was recovered by scientists, who were (Bl show continual bombarding of the planet by
able to deduce from this
(Cl show a continual bombardment of the planet
(B) In studying skeletons unearthed near Rome, DNA from
evidence was recovered by scientists, who were
(Dl shows continually that the planet is bombarded
able to deduce from this
(C) Scientists recovered DNA evidence from
(El shows that the planet is continually bombarded by
studying skeletons unearthed near Rome, being
able to deduce from this
201. The themes that Rita Dove explores in her poetry~
(D) Skeletons unearthed near Rome allowed
universal, encompassing much of the human condition
scientists to recover DNA evidence, and they
while occasionally she deals with racial issues.
were able to deduce from it
(E) Scientists studying skeletons unearthed near (A) is universal, encompassing much of the human
Rome recovered DNA evidence from which they condition while occasionally she deals
were able to deduce (B) is universal, encompassing much of the human
SC01594 condition, also occasionally it deals
198. Butterflies come in more than 17,000 species, (Cl are universal, they encompass much of the
displaying a wing pattern unique to each one. human condition and occasionally deals
(A) displaying a wing pattern unique to each one (Dl are universal, encompassing much of the human
condition while occasionally dealing
(B) displaying a unique wing pattern in each
(E) are universal, they encompass much of the
(C) each uniquely displaying a wing pattern
human condition, also occasionally are dealing
(D) each of which displays a unique wing pattern
(E) each of which uniquely displays a wing pattern 202. Child development specialists believe that. in confining
SC04652 babies much of the time to strollers, high chairs.
199. A March 2000 Census Bureau survey showed that playpens, and walkers, muscle development can be
Mexico accounted for more than a quarter of all inhibited.
foreign-born residents of the United States, the largest
share for any country to contribute since 1890, (A) that, in confining babies much of the time to
when about 30 percent of the country's foreign-born strollers, high chairs, playpens, and walkers,
population was from Germany. muscle development can be inhibited
(B) that, in their confinement much of the time to
(A) the largest share for any country to contribute strollers, high chairs, playpens, and walkers,
(B) the largest share that any country muscle development can be inhibited in babies
has contributed (Cl that confining babies much of the time to
(C) which makes it the largest share for any country strollers, high chairs, playpens, and walkers
to contribute can inhibit muscle development
(D) having the largest share to be contributed by any (Dl that babies, if confined much of the time to
country strollers, high chairs, playpens, and walkers
(El having the largest share to have been can inhibit muscle development
contributed by any country (El that strollers, high chairs, playpens, and walkers
can, if babies are confined to them much of the
time, result in muscle development being inhibited


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