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Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Learning English

Writing Skills: An Explanatory Research

Student: Ngo Le Thao Vy – 030438220289

Dang Tu Trinh – 030438220261
Cu Thi Ha Vy – 030438220287
Group: 8
Supervisor: Dr. Nguyen Quang Nhat
Word count: 15879 words

July 7th, 2023


AI has the academic potential to reshape English language teaching on a

global scale. Very few researchers have addressed the limitations of idea

generation, critical thinking and creativity when using AI into the teaching

process. This study aimed to achieve the following specific research objectives:

1. To investigate the effectiveness of AI-power tools in improving students’

academic writing studies at HUB; 2. To investigate instructional strategies for

improving learners' professional academic writing skills using AI-powered tools;

3. To offer comprehensive knowledge of how to employ AI-powered tools in

academic writing skills, relating to various AI features. This study conducted three

types of research: test comparison, survey and interview including 40 students

from the Faculty of Foreign Languages in the school year of 2023-2024. Kết quả

cho thấy sinh viên có sự thay đổi về kết quả điểm số với sự sử dụng của AI. Kết

quả khảo sát phỏng vấn cho thấy những yếu tố của… và họ đánh giá cao năng lực

môn viết của họ về… (dựa theo 2 biến) The results showed that students had a

change in their scores with the use of AI. The interview survey results show that

AI elements have positively influenced their writing ability in terms of:…

Keywords: benefits, Artificial Intelligence, writing,

CHAPTER 1 Introduction

1.1. Research background

The 21st century has witnessed the rapid advancement of Artificial

Intelligence (AI) in education thanks to its enhancement on students’ learning.

AI has the academic potential to reshape English language teaching. While AI

continues to surpass, it is diversifying the way we teach and apply language,

ushering in a new era of teaching English in Vietnam. Artificial intelligence (AI)

technology has created many innovations providing personalized feedback to

each student's specific needs and levels, helping to strengthen writing skills in

a targeted way. Through automatic assessment, AI algorithms can analyze

large data sets of writing samples to identify common errors, language

patterns, and optimize the grading process, therefore helping teachers focus

more on teaching strategies and supporting students. By incorporating

Artificial Intelligence into teaching English writing skills, teachers can equip

students with the strong writing skills needed for high academic achievement.

Therefore, the use of AI is increasingly trusted by educators worldwide.

Educators need to constantly modify their teaching methods and master new

technology or platforms to enhance their lessons. In conclusion, with the

application of AI and the multiple advantages of digital learning, both

students and teachers may benefit from a more comprehensive and creative

1.2. Problem statement

A research analysis of literature indicates major gaps in this topic.

First, few researchers have addressed the limitations of idea generation,

critical thinking and creativity when using AI into the teaching process

(Amyatun & Kholis, 2023). Second, biased or erroneous responses from AI

could interrupt the teaching writing process, current solutions to improve the

accuracy of AI are still inconsistent (Hawanti & Zubaydulloevna, 2023). Third,

the inadequate education facilities which lead to the myriad problem that not

all educational institutes could fully utilise AI into the teaching process have

not been dealt with in depth (Jack & Hashim, 2023). Moreover, in order to

rectify this problem, it is essential to investigate mixed-method studies with

qualitative and quantitative data research to determine the benefits of AI on

teaching English writing skills (Jack & Hashim, 2023). Finally, more studies on

empirical evidence should be conducted to investigate the benefits of AI in

teaching English writing skills (Sevara, 2023). Therefore, these experiences

may have the potential to improve teaching productivity and efficiency,

develop students’ writing abilities and demonstrate the effectiveness of using

AI on teaching writing skills.

1.3. Research objectives

This study aimed to achieve the following specific research objectives:

1. To investigate the effectiveness of AI-power tools in improving

students’ academic writing studies at HUB (stated in research questions 1 and

2. To investigate instructional strategies for improving learners'

professional academic writing skills using AI-powered tools (stated in research

questions 2 and 3).

3. To offer comprehensive knowledge of how to employ AI-powered

tools in academic writing skills, relating to various AI features (stated in

research questions 1 and 2).

1.4. Research questions

As this study was conducted to improve the quality of the learning

process, this project aimed to answer two following questions:

1. What Al technologies could be used to teach English writing skills?

2. To what extent have AI technologies been exploited to the

enhancement of learners’ academic writing skills in HUB?

3. What are learners’ perceptions towards the effectiveness of AI in

improving their writing skills?

CHAPTER 2 Literature review

2.1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

2.1.1. Definitions

The definitions of Artificial Intelligence could be diversifyied

depending on the type of literature is reviewed. For example, “Artificial

intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science. It involves developing

computer programs to complete tasks which would otherwise require human

intelligence.” (Ziyad, 2019, p. 3). Secondly, according to (Zhai et al., 2021), AI

is a machine that can replicate the intelligence of humans which can observe,

recognize, learn, and react. Thirdly, Amyatun & Kholis (2023) have stated that

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a kind of technology that aims to integrate human-

like thinking and problem-solving capabilities into machines.

In short, Artificial Intelligence could be demonstrated as in the

following Figure:
A brance of

A machine that Integrate human-

can replicate the like thinking and
intelligence of problem-solving
humans capabilities


Figure 2.1- 1 Definitions of Artificial Intelligence

2.1.2. Elements

Elements of Artificial Intelligence are summarized and adapted from

the study of (Sevara, 2023), (Barrett & Pack, 2023) and (Amyatun & Kholis,

2023) as follow:

Success Artificial
and Instant
Date of a Intelligence


Figure 2.1- 2 Elements of Artificial Intelligence

2.1.3. Theories

Theories of Artificial Intelligence are summarized and adapted from the

study of (Tuomi, 2018) and (Zhai et al., 2021) as follow:



Active Learning

Figure 2.1- 3 Theories of Artificial Intelligence

2.2. Teaching English writing skills

2.2.1. Definitions

2.2.2. Elements

Elements of teaching English writing skills are summarized and

adapted from the study of (Mirani et al., 2024) and (Tuomi, 2018) as follows:


Learners Know The system


Figure 2.2-2: Elements of teaching English writing skills

2.2.3. Theories

Theories of teaching English writing skills are summarized and adapted

from the study of (Babni, 2018), (Khabib, 2022) and (Daffern & Mackenzie,

2020) as follows:

Table 2-1: Theories of teaching English writing skills

Key terms Description

Cognitivism Cognitivism is the theory of learning which emphasizes

that human cognition is a social endowment for

developing intellectually. The underlying assumption of

cognitivism involve the way we think and acquire

knowledge. Implications of cognitivism on the design of

classroom instruction are prominent, since the learners

develop knowledge by receiving, storing and retrieving

information, when needed (Seema Malik, 2021).

Constructivism Constructivism is an approach to teaching and learning

based on the premise that cognition (learning)

is the result of "mental construction." In other words,

students learn by fitting new information together with

what they already know. Constructivists believe that

learning is affected by the context in which an idea is

taught as well as by students' beliefs and attitudes.

Constructivism is a learning theory found in psychology

which explains how people might acquire knowledge and

learn. It therefore has direct application to education.

The theory suggests that humans construct knowledge

and meaning from their experiences (Bada & Olusegun,


Active Learning Active learning as an instructional approach can include

different forms of activation, such as increased physical

activity, interaction, social collaboration, deeper

processing, elaboration, exploration of the material, or

metacognitive monitoring. In addition, the various

activities under the concept of active learning may

involve different forms of instruction and be related to

different cognitive processes (Hartikainen et al., 2019).

2.2.4. Prior studies of the benefits of AI in teaching English writing


Numerous research studies have explored the effectiveness of AI on

developing academic writing progress.

Firstly, AI-power tools can significantly increase students’ learning

efficiency in academic writing.

For instance, Marghany (2023) conducted an experimental research

with 100 English majors participants at Higher Institute for Specific Studies,

Haram. Through his pretest-posttest results showed, the participants who

used Al-power tools performed much better. AI-power tools could improve

students’ academic writing performance significantly and affect students'

writing skills (p-value <0.05). The participants who used Al-power tools
performed much better on the post-test in grammar, spelling, punctuation,

planning and organizing the written essays.

Moreover, Amyatun & Kholis (2023) conducted an experimental study

of AI on 20 students in Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

According to the result of pretest and post-test, AI could enhance learners’

performance in academic writing skills considerably (p-value =0.200). AI has

the potential to significantly enhance students’ writing skills, particularly in

the context of hortatory exposition texts. By offering improved word

suggestions, modifying sentences, and enhancing sentence structure, AI can

help students become better writers.

Finally, Hawanti & Zubaydulloevna (2023) conducted an experimental

study of AI on seventy-three college students of the English Department of

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto-Indonesia. According to the result of

pre-test and post-test, students' anxiety related to learning English writing is

significantly and favorably impacted by utilizing artificial-based technologies.

AI has many valuable features and interactive methods to help students feel

less anxious when writing. Students may receive quick feedback from AI

Chabot, which would keep them interested and motivated. (p-value 0.030 <


Secondly, AI-power tools have a transformative impact on the

students’ awareness in academic writing.

For example, Al Mahmud (2023) conducted an experimental study of

AI-power tools on 78 learners divided into male and female groups at Jeddah

University, Khulais, Saudi Arabia. The pretest-posttest results show that

students had a positive view of AI with regard to improve academic writing

skills. The result indicates that 76.41% strongly agree or agree with this

statement. Therefore, the use of AI is advantageous which inspires students

in the learning process.

Finally, Mirani et al. (2024) conducted an experimental study of AI on

30 high school students around the Kalideres RPTRA. The pretest-posttest and

survey results measure English writing skills and students' perceptions of

using AI in learning writing. The findings of this research show that Artificial

Intelligence technology can be used as a medium in developing writing skills

(75% agreement). We can see that the application of AI in the learning

process can literally improve students' skills in the learning process.

In summary, few studies have been shown the benefits of technology

tools in teaching English Writing skills at HUB. For that reason, this is the main

reason and underpinning for this study to be conducted.

The results of these research studies have proven that AI has a wide

range of benefits for students. It is clearly seen that AI-power tools provided

effective teaching methods by fusing technology and learning. In conclusion,

It can be said without exaggeration that AI-power tools are unbelievably

crucial thanks to their effectivenesses on improving academic writing skills..

2.3. Conceptual framework

The following figure 2.3 demonstrates the concept of conceptual framework:

Elements Teaching effectiveness of
Artificial Intelligence
1. Individual Approach writing abilities
Figure 2.3. Conceptual framework
CHAPTER 3 Methodology

3.1. Philosophical perspectives

This research is conducted based on the paradigm of the pragmatism

method because students’ final performance and students’ perceptions are

constantly renegotiated, debated, and interpreted; therefore, mixed method

is appropriate. Furthermore, this study exploited the ontology of

intersubjectivity because students’ performance is external while students’

perception is multiple. Finally, the application of the epistemology of relativist

has been undertaken because technological knowledge is constantly changed.

3.2. Variables

There are six independent variables in this research study, namely

Individual Approach, Availability and Instant Feedback, Breaking Language

Barriers, Analyzing Success Date of a Learner.

This research study has two dependent variables including the

effectiveness of teaching writing skills abilities and the action for students to

improve their writing skills

3.3. Hypothesis

Null hypothesis (H0): English language students at HUB are unable to

exploit AI technologies on enhancing academic writing skills.

Alternative hypothesis (H1): English language students at HUB

effectively exploit AI technologies on enhancing academic writing skills.

3.4. Research design and research sampling

This study adopted a correlational design. The participants were 40

students (N=40<100) at the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Ho Chi Minh

University of Banking, and their ages ranged from 18 to 22. All the lecturer

in this Faculty (5 male, 35 female) were invited to participate in the study

to have a full understanding of their needs and desires. All of them had

studied English for more than ten years. The participants were fluent in

their mother tounge (Vietnamese), at intermmediate level in English. This

study will be undertaken by interviewing for collecting research samples.

The following table provides information about the participants.

Gender Male Female Total

Second-year students 5 35 40

The experimental class was participated in a school-level project in

2022. The students in this class were taught by lecturers from Faculty of

Foreign Languages. The research subjects was second-year students at the

school, and the research subjects did not participate in the teaching

process at all, playing an independent and objective role in the teaching

and learning process. AI had been applied during the 9-week continuous

teaching process with the approval of the school and students.

3.5. Research methods and Data collection

This study used the following research instruments:

3.5.1. Test comparison

The post-testing was applied in this study. All tests at Ho Chi Minh

University of Banking had been compiled, appraised and evaluated by the city

council and are randomly selected by computer. The tests were graded by

three instructors who were not involved in the study. After the test was

graded and entered into the system, the final results was sent to the research

team via email and the student's name was kept confidential. Finally, research

data from student transcripts were studied by correlational analysis.

3.5.2. Survey

This study adopted a 20-item closed-ended questionnaire which was

compiled and modified by the study of (Khabib, 2022). The questionnaires

were written in English and was commented by a lecturer and 2 students at

the Faculty of Foreign Languages at HUB. The questionnaires were distributed

directly in week nine of the course in a physical class. It took about 15

minutes to finish the questionnaires. Students had the right to reject the

questionnaires and students’ information was completely confidential. Once

responses were collected, the data were coded and analyzed quantitatively by

Microsoft Excel.

3.5.3. Interview

This study used a semi-structured interview. There are--- participants.

Participants are selected based on four criteria: a) Students volunteered to

participate in the interview; b) Students were chosen from different gender

(Male/Female) and geographical background (Rural/Municipal); c) Students

had satisfied the course requirements; d) Students must be in their second-


Gender Grade Geographical

M F H.D. D. Pass Fail Rural Muni.
M x x x x
F x x x x x

H.D. x
D. x x
Pass x x


Each student was interviewed individually in English in the faculty

office at Ho Chi Minh University of Banking. The interview was recorded with

the student's consent, then the data was transcribed into a Word document

and underwent the thematic analysis.

3.6. Reliability and Validity (tự viết)

CHAPTER 4 Results and Findings

Table 4-2: Raw scores of the 2 classes (N=88)

Participant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Experimental 7.5 6.5 9.0 8.2 8.5 7.3 9.3 7.8 8.8 8.5
Traditional 7.2 8.0 9.2 8.6 6.8 9.8 8.3 9.2 9.0 7.5

Participant 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Experimental 9.5 7.0 9.0 8.4 8.8 7.3 6.6 7.2 9.4 8.5
Traditional 8.0 7.8 9.3 7.8 9.3 8.6 7.1 8.5 9.1 8.6

Participant 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Experimental 7.7 6.0 9.0 8.2 7.6 7.3 9.7 9.1 8.2 7.3
Traditional 5.6 7.2 7.2 8.5 6.6 9.4 8.7 7.1 9.2 8.7

Participant 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Experimental 8.2 8.5 9.2 7.5 6.3 9.5 7.3 8.4 6.8 9.1
Traditional 9.0 9.6 8.7 8.1 8.5 7.2 8.3 8.2 7.6 9.2

Table 4-3: Descriptive analysis of post-test results (N=88)

Descriptive analysis of Grades

95% Confidence
Std. Interval for
Mean S.D. Mean Min Max
Lower Upper
Bound Bound
Experimental 8.1 0.97 0.16 7.94 8.26 6 9.7
Traditional 8.26 0.89 0.15 8.11 8.41 5.6 9.8

The findings of the One-way ANOVA analysis are presented in

Table 4-4. The findings demonstrated that there existed a statistically

significant variation between two classes, with F = 16.4 and p-value =

0.0001 < 0.05.

Table 4-4: One-way ANOVA analysis of post-test results


Sum of Mean Sig./p-
df F
Squares Square value

Between 0.50 1 0.50 0.53 0.47


72.50 7 0.93
Within Groups

72.99 7

n S.D.

- AI can be customized for individual users 4.66 0.5

- AI help learners in address the diverse learning
needs of students with varying abilities and 4.73 0.50

- AI can identify and addressing learning gaps more 4.73 0.45


- AI can overcome language barriers in educational 4.73 0.50


- AI can contribute to language learning and 4.68 0.47

communication across diverse linguistic

- AI can benefit educators and learners alike 4.71 0.46

4.76 0.43
- AI can provide instant feedback that outperforms
traditional methods
M S.D.
AI helps me foster creativity and critical thinking in English

writing tasks. 4.78 0.47

I perceive the effectiveness of AI in enhancing English

writing abilities. 4.78 0.47

AI could support me with different proficiency levels in

English writing. 4.83 0.38

I incorporate AI-generated vocabulary suggestions into my

writing to enhance clarity and expression.

4.73 0.50
The level of connection between ideas in my English text

has improved after using AI technology.

4.83 0.44
There is a significant improvement in my use of syntax

and grammatical structures after applying AI technology. 4.68 0.65

I can use diverse and appropriate vocabulary in my writing

after applying AI. 4.88 0.48

AI can assist in learning and retaining new vocabulary

encountered in writing tasks. 4.83 0.4

I feel satisfied when using AI in my writing tasks.

4.73 0.55
I believe AI-driven writing tools can foster student
4.85 0.36
engagement and motivation in writing tasks.

“I find that AI has improved my learning experience a lot thanks

to its availability and instant feedback when I need it.” - student A

“I am very impressed by its effectiveness when applied to

education, so I believe it can break students' English barriers.”- student


“You know, AI can track and analyze study progress data so that

helps my English improve more and more.”- student C

“I think it helps a lot with my learning style and speed has a suitable approach, right?”- student D.

“I find learning English easier because AI gives the best

suggestions and methods for learners like me.” - student E

Responses for question 7 (How would AI influence your

academic writing performance at the end of the course?) showed that

students thought highly of this approach, thanks to the great benefits of

AI and the number of Writing skills they acquired. Examples of student

comments provide illustrations of some of the benefits as follows:

“I think it’s really effective. AI helps me a lot to identify and

correct grammatical errors in my writing…uh… So that I could improve

my writing skills” – Student A..

“AI technologies are useful. I can learn new vocabulary from it. I

think AI can help to practice many skills, not just writing skills.” –

Student B.
“AI suggests ideas for my writings, so that my content become

more profound and concise.” – Student C.

“AI can also be my teacher…uh... What I mean is that AI gives

helpful guidance that improve cohesion in my writing tasks.” – Student


“When I started to use AI in my writing task, I realize that my

performance improves a lot.” – Student E.

CHAPTER 5 Discussion
CHAPTER 6 Conclusions, limitations, and

CHAPTER 7 References



1. What’s your email address?

2. Gender: Male Female
3. Hometown: Rural area Municipality
4. How many academic writing classes have you studied?

1-2 3-4 More than 4

5. What AI tools do you use for your academic writing tasks?

ChatGPT QuillBot Grammarly



Please CIRCLE a number from 1 to 5 that is most closely the same as your
situation. The scale of 1 - 5 represents the following ratings:

1=strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=no opinion; 4=agree; 5=strongly agree.

7. AI can …

a. be customized for individual users 1 2 3 4 5

b. help educators in address the diverse 1 2 3 4 5

learning needs of students with varying
abilities and backgrounds

c. identify and addressing learning gaps

1 2 3 4 5
more efficiently

d. overcome language barriers in educational

1 2 3 4 5

e. contribute to language learning and

communication 1 2 3 4 5
across diverse linguistic backgrounds

f. provide instant feedback that

1 2 3 4 5
outperforms traditional methods

g. benefit educators and learners alike 1 2 3 4 5

h. provide instant feedback that

1 2 3 4 5
outperforms traditional methods


For questions 8, please CIRCLE a number from 1 to 5 that most closely

describes your situation. The scale of 1-5 represents the following ratings:

1=strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=no opinion; 4=agree; 5=strongly agree.

8. How would AI influence your writing performance at the end of the


a. AI helps me foster creativity and

critical thinking in English writing
1 2 3 4 5

b. I perceive the effectiveness of AI in 1 2 3 4 5

enhancing English writing abilities.

c. AI could support me with different

proficiency levels in English writing. 1 2 3 4 5

d. I incorporate AI-generated vocabulary

suggestions into my writing to enhance

1 2 3 4 5
clarity and expression.

e. The level of connection between

ideas in my English text has improved
1 2 3 4 5
after using AI technology.

f. There is a significant improvement in

my use of syntax and grammatical
structures after applying AI 1 2 3 4 5


g. I can use diverse and appropriate

vocabulary in my writing after applying
1 2 3 4 5

h. AI can assist in learning and retaining

new vocabulary encountered in
1 2 3 4 5
writing tasks

i. I feel satisfied when using AI in my

writing tasks. 1 2 3 4 5

j. I believe AI-driven writing tools can 1 2 3 4 5

foster student engagement and
motivation in writing tasks

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