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Copyright © IFAC Power Systems \lodeUing

and Control Apphcattons, Brussels, BelgIum 1988


K. J. Astrom* and R. D. Bell**
*Deparlmelll of AlllvllIalic CUlllral, LllIld Ill sllllllt- of Ta/lIIulvg\' ,
S-221 00 LWIl/, Swedfll
**School aJ .Halitnnlllies alld Physies. ,\Iacquarie L'llh'fl"sity,
,\'orth Rwle , S ell' SOlllit Wale.> 2213, AlIslralia

The input power from the fuel is denoted by P. The total steam
volume is given by
This paper describes a simple nonlinear models for a drum-
boiler. The models are derived from first principles. They can (2)
be characterized by a few physical parameters that are easily ob-
tained from construction data. The models also require steam where Vd.um is the drum volume, V", the volume of water in
tables for a limited operating range, which can be approximated the drum, V. the riser volume and am the average steam-water
by polynomials. The models have been validated against exper- volume ratio. The total water volume is
imental data. A complete simulation program is provided.

The right hand side of equation (1) represents the energy flow
to the system from fuel and feed water and the energy flow from
1. Introduction the system via the steam. Since all parts are in thermal equilib-
ria the state of the system can be represented by one variable
There are many models of drum-boilers in the literature. See which we choose as the steam pressure. Using steam tables the
the reference list. The models described in this paper are de- variables e.. e"" h, and h", can then be expressed as functions
rived from first principles. They are characterized by a few pa- of steam pressure. Similarly T can be expressed as a function
rameters only which can be obtained from first principles. The of pressure by assuming that T is equal to the saturation tem-
models are validated by comparison with extensive plant data. perature of steam which corresponds to p.
A key feature of a drum-boiler is that there is a very efficient This model represents the dynamics due to input power
energy and mass transfer between all parts that are in contact well. When the feed water flow or the steam flow is changed it
with the steam. The mechanism responsible for the heat trans- is, however, necessary to also take into account that the water
fer is boiling and condensation. A consequence of this is that and steam masses are also changing. This can be accounted for
it is a very good approximation to assume that all water steam with a global massbalance.
and metal is in thermal equilibrium. This means that the total
energy can be represented by a global energy balance. The va-
lidity of this approximation has been shown by many modeling ( 4)
The paper is organized as follows. A first order model is The dynamics which describe how the drum pressure is influ-
presented in Section 2. This model is obtained from a global enced by input power, feed water flow and steam flow is well
energy balance for the total plant . The model has one state captured by equations (1) and (4).
variable which is chosen as the drum pressure. This model has The derivative of the total water volume (dV",t/dt) can be
the same structure as the model presented in Astrom and Ek- eliminated between equations (1) and (4) . Multiplication of(4)
lund (1972). The parameters are, however, obtained from first by h", and subtracting from (1) gives
principles. To model the drum water level it is necessary to
account for the shrink and swell phenomena. Thi. i. done in d ( ) [dh. dh", dT]
hedt e,V" + e,V"Tt+e",V"'Tt+mcPTt
Section 3. A third order model i. obtained. Thi. model has (5)
drum pressure, water volume and steam quality in the risers = P - qJ", (h", - hJ"') - q,h e
as state variables. The model exhibits a complex behaviour in
spite of being of low order. Simulation of step responses are The condensation enthalpy he = h. - h", has also been intro-
presented in Section 4. duced. If the boiler is provided with a good level control system
the total water volume (V,.,) and the total steam volume (V.,)
do not change much. Equation (5) can then be simplified to

2. A First Order Model (6)

Because ofthe efficient heat and mass transfer due to boiling and where
condensation all parta of the system which are in contact with
the steam will be in thermal equilibria. It is therefore natural to de. dh. v: dh", dT.
describe the plant with global mass and energy balances as was en = h cV., dp + ".V.,Tp + e.. ""Tp + mcpTp
done in Astrom and Eklund (1912). The global energy balance
can be written as Apart from steam table data it i. thus sufficient to know total
.team and water volumes and total metal mass . The model (6)
;Ur".h.V., + "",h",V,., + mcpT] = P + q,,,,h,,,, - q.h. (1) i. identical to the model in Astrom and Eklund (1912). No-
tice however that in this case the parameten are obtained from
where" denotes specific density, h enthalphy, V volume and q construction data. Also notice that the term
mass flow . The indices ., w and fw refers to steam, water and
feedwater respectively. The total mass of the metal tubes ia m,
the specific heat ia cl' and the average metal temperature ia T.

124 K. J. Astro lll a nd R. D . Bell

111 111
can be interpreted as the total condensation flow. It is observed
that the terms dh,/dp and dh.,/dp are key quantities in pre- am = o
a(z.€)d( = -Zr 0
dicting the energy and mass transfer between steam and water. z
These terms also appeared in the drum-boiler model of Morton = -1 <
a(z)dz (11)
z. 0
and Price (1977) .

-- ew e.,
- e. [1 - (U", -e,",)Z,. l (1 + -e-,-z.
"., - e, )]

We can now obtain the following equation for the drum level
3. Shrink and Swell
For some control tasks e.g. drum level control it is neceuary
l = V., + amV. (12)
to model the dynamics of the drum level. This is more difficult
because of the shrink and swell effect. To describe this it is where A is the wet surface of the drum. This equation tells that
necessary to account for the distribution of steam and water the drum level is composed of two terms , the total amount of
and the transfer of mass and energy between steam and water. water in the drum, and the displacement due to changes of the
The steam-water distribution varies along the risers. Partial steam-water ratio in the risers . The model has the same basic
differential equations are needed to describe this properly. To form as the water level model in Bell and Astrom (1979). Thi.
keep a finite dimensional model we will assume that the shape model was, however , developed heuristically and not from first
of the distribution is known. The assumed shape is based on principles .
solving the partial differential equations in the steady state.
This gives a linear distribution of the steam-water mass ratio Downcomer Flow
along the risers . We will therefore assume that the ratio varies The flow through the downcomers (qck) can be obtained from
a momentum balance. In natural circulation boilers the flow
is driven by the difference between the densities of water and
where € is a normalized length coordinate along the risers and z. steam. A momentum balance gives
is the steam-water mass ratio at the riser outlet. The transfer of
mass and energy between steam and water by condensation and (13)
evaporation is a key element in the modelling. When modelling
steam and water separately the transfer must be accounted for where k is a friction coefficient. The riser flow q. can be calcu-
explicitly. This can be avoided by writing joint balance equa- lated from equation (8). We get
tions for water and steam. The global mass balance for the riser
section is

where q. is the total mass flow out of the risers . The global 4. Simulations
energy balance for the riser .ection i.
The equations derived in Section 3 will now be summarized.
d d
dt'(",h,amV.) + dt'(".,h.,(l - am)V.) = The state equations are given by (I), (4) and (8) . The state
variables are chosen as drum pressure p, water volume in drum
P + qckh., - z.q.h, - (1 - z. )q.h., = (9)
V., and average steam quality a t riser outlet z • . Equation (I),
P + qckh., - z.q.h e - q.h., (4) and (8) can then be written u

The flow out of the risers (q.) can be eliminated by multiplying

equation (8) by -(h.,+z.h e) and adding to equation (9) . Hence

d d (15)
dt'(",h,amV.) - (h., + z.he) dt'(",amV.)
+ dt' (e.,h.,(l - am)V.) - (h., + z.he)
d where
dt' (e.,(l - am)V.) = P - Z.heqck

This can be simplified to

he(l - z')d~(e,amV.)
+ ".,(1- am)V. dh.,
dt (10)
- z.hcft (e.,(l - am)V.) + ",amV. d~, = P - Z.heqck
ell = (e,h, - 9.,h.,) V ' -
Drum Level
To calculate the drum level it i. necessary to know the average
steam-water volume ratio in the rilers (am) . We have

z = ---=-;;...,.,,.---..,. e23
= ( ", - "., ) Vd' -
",a + ".,(1 - z) z.
Solving thil equation for a we get

a = a(z) = ".,z
", + ("., - ",)z
AJlume that the Iteam-water 1IlAI' ratio illinear along the riser
&I exprelled by equation (7). The average Iteam-water volume
ratio in the riters is
Simple Drum-boiler Models 125

To execute the simulation equation (15) haJ to be solved for the increases because steam is generated in the risers. The total
derivatives of the .tate variables. The right hand side of (15) amount of steam in the risers increases because of the increased
contain input variables P, q/", and q.. and functions of the state steam generation. The steam quality in volume ratios increases
variables. Notice that downcomer flow qde is given by equation initially but it will later decrease because of the compression
(13) . A detailed description of the simulation is given in the effect.
code in the Appendix. The drum level increases rapidly at first but the rate of
increue decreases. The downcomer flow matches the .team
Parametera fraction volume ratio. There is an instantaneous increue of
The model is characterized by the variables the riser flow at the beginning of the step. The riser flow will
Vdrum drum volume then decrease at the same rate as the downcomer flow. Figure 2
V. riser volume shows the response to a step change in steam flow. The global
Vde downcomer volume effect is that the pressure and the volume will respond like in-
m total metal mass tegrators . There will, however, be a swell effect because of the
cp specific heat of metal initial evaporation of steam.
k friction coefficient
and the functions ".(p), "",(p) , h.(p), h",(p) , T.(p). h/",(p)
which are obtained from steam tables . Quadratic approxima-
tions to the .team tables are given in the program listing in the
5. Conclusions
Appendix. This paper has presented simple models for a drum boiler sys-
tem. The models capture the major dynamical behaviour. They
Equilibrium Conditions
are derived from first principles and require only a few physical
Equilibrium conditions are obtained from (15). Hence parameters that are easily obtained from construction data and
steam tables . The behaviour has been shown by simulating step
(17) responses to fuel and steam flow changes. Reasonable result.s are
obtained even for the difficult problems of predicting circulation
P = q.(h. - h/.,) (18)
flow and drum water level shrink and swell. The model can eas-
(19) ily be augmented by equations for turbine and electrical output
The equilibrium value of the drum pressure can be determined given in Astrom and Eklund (1972, 1975) or Bell and Astrom
from equation (18) since h. and hI'" depend on the pressure. (1979) to produce a simple model for a complete boiler-turbine
alternator system. A strong feature is that the model capture
Dynanlic Response the essence of the steam generation in a heated pipe. It has also
been used successfully to model steam generation in a nuclear
Responses to step. in fuel flow and steam flow are given in plant. It can also be adapted to model once-through boilers .
Figures 1 and Figure 2. The simulations illustrate the dynamic
features that are captured by the model. Figure 1 shows the
response to a step change in fuel flow . The pressure responds
like a pure integrator. The total amount of water in the drum

Drum pressure

o 20 40 60 80 o 20 40 60 80

14f~ :::~
13.5~ 1460~
o 20 40 60 80 o 20 40 60 80

0.11 Ste~am
fraction mass

0.096 0.428

0.092 f-. --L.--,. _ _. . - - - _ - , - _ - - "

0.424 ,
o 20 40 60 80 o 20 40 60 80

FllnR 1. Reoopo.... '0 & .top in fuel flow.

126 K. J. Astr6m a nd R. D. Bell

7.5 ~Drum



7. 1 1.42
i i
o 20 40 60 80 o 20 40 60 80
Wate r volume

::~, :::IDO~
o 20 40 60 80 o 20 40 60 80

043Se ?
0.093 Steam fraction mass

O.®I ~, o 20 40 60 80
o 20 40 60 80

Figure 2 . Response t.o a step in .team flow .

EKLUND, K . (1971) : "Linear drum-boiler-turbine models,"

6. References TFRT 1001 , Department of Automatic Control, Lund Insti-
tute of Technology, Lund , Sweden.
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tion and verification of low-order boiler models," IEEE Trans
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trol, 16, 145-169. IEEE COMMITTEE, "Dynamic models for steam- and hydro-
turbines in power system studies," IEEE Tram. Aut. Contr..
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drum-boiler model," Int. J . Control, 22, 739-740. KWAN, H . W . and J .H. ANDERSSON (1970) : "A mathematical
model of a 200 MW boiler," Int. Journal of Control, 12 ,
BELL, R .D . and K.B. LEE (1974) : "Linear models for Liddell
Power Station," Report, School of Electrical Engineering, 977-998.
University of N.S.W. Australia. McDoNALD, J . P., G.H. KWATNY and J .H . SPAIlE (1971) :
"A nonlinear model for reheat boiler-turbine generation
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systems ," Proc. JACC, 227-236 .
large boiler-turbine plant," IFAC Symp. on Auto. Cont . &
Protection of Electric Power Systems, 469-475 . MOIlTON, A .J . and P .H . PRICE (1977): "The controllability
of steam output, pressure and water level in drum boilers,"
BELL, R .D., N .W . REES and T . DONE (1978) : "Nonlinear
and linear models of a 500 MW boiler-turbine system," Proc. 1. Mech. Eng., 75- 84.
Report, School of Electrical Engineering, University of NICHOLSON , P .T . (1983): "Boiler-turbine modelling and sinm-
N.S.W . Australia. lation," M.E. thesis, University of N.S.W ., Australia.
BELL, R .D . and K .J . ASTIlOM (1979): "A low order nonlin- REES, N.W ., R .D . BELL and K .B . LEE (1974) : "Modelling
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TFRT 7162, Department of Automatic Control, Lund Insti- School of Electrical Engineering, University of N.S.W.,
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BELL, R .D . and K .J . ASTIlOM (1987) : "Simplified models TBOMPSON, F .T . (1964) : "A dynamic model for control of
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Control, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden. Pittsburg.
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boiler modeIing, The Mitre Corp, Bedford, MA.
BLOETBE, W .G . and P .M . ANDEIlSON, "Application of a
low·order boiler model to transient stability studies," IEEE
Trans. Aut. Contr..
BUILGEI., W .A . (1978) : "Evaluation and comparison of three
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CBIEH, K .L. , E.1. EIlGIN, C . LING and A. LEE (1958): "Nonlinear third order model tor druIII-doVDcolll8r-
"Dynamic analysis of a boiler," Trans. ASME, 80 . riser
"luthor K J 1BtrolD 870806
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INPUT pov qtw ttw qs
Department of Automatic Control, Lund Institute of Tech-
nology, Lund, Sweden.
SUTE P Vw xr
DER dp dVw dxr
Simple Drum-boiler Models 127

"pow Pover from fuel [MW] "Circulation flov

"qfv Feedvater flov [ltg/a] a1 • 2*(rv-rs)*Vr*am/k
"tfv Feedvater temperature [deg C] qdc • sqrt(sl)
uqs Steam flov [ltg/s] qr- qdc-(am*drsdp+ (1-am) *drvdp) *Vr*dp+ (rv-rs)
"<11 Drum level [m]
"am Steam quality volume ratio "Total condensation flov
Hqc Condensate flov (total) [ltg/s] qc • (rs*Vst*dhsdp+rv*Vvt*dhvdp)*dp/hc
Itqcr Condensate flov (risers) [kg/a]
"Condensation flov in risera
"p Drum pressure [MPa] qcr = (rs*am*Vr*dhadp+rv*(l-am)*Vr*dhsdp)*dp/hc
"Vv Drum vater volume [m*m*m]
IIxr Steam quality at riser outlet "Equations for derivatives of state variables
Vst ~ Vdrum - Vv + am*Vr
"Properties of steam and vater in saturated state Vvt • Vv + Vdc + (l-am)*Vr
all = Vst*(hs*drsdp rs*dhadp)+Vvt*
hs = aOl+(all+a21*(p-l0»*(p-l0) (hv*drvdp+rv*dhvdp)
dhsdp = all+2*a21*(p-l0) e12 = hv*rv-hs *rs
aOl: 2 . 728E6 e13 = (hs*rs-hv*rv)*Vr*damdx
all : -1. 792E4 bl • pov*le6+qfv*hfv-qs*ha
11.21 : -924 . 0 e21 z Vst*drsdp+Vvt*drvdp
e22 = rv-rs
rs = a02+(a12+a22*(p-l0»*(p-l0) e23 z (rs-rv)*Vr*damdx
drsdp = a12+2*a22*(p-l0) b2 = qfv-qs
a02 : 55.43 e31 = «l-xr)*hc*drsdp+rs*dhsdp)*am*Vr+
11.12 : 7 . 136 (rv*dhvdp-xr*hc*drvdp)*(l-am)*Vr
822 : 0 . 224 e32 = 0
e33 • «l-xr)*rs+xr*rv)*hc*Vr*damdx
hv - a03+(a13+a23*(p- l0»*(p-l0) b3 = pov*le6-qdc*xr*hc
dhvdp = a13+2*a23*(p-l0)
a03 : 1 . 408E6 "Solve linear equation for derivatives of state
a13 : 4 . 565E4 vector pl z e21/ell
a23: -1010 . 0 e221 • e22-e12*pl
e231 ~ e23-e13*pl
rv - a04+(a14+a24*(p-l0»*(p-l0) b21 = b2-b1*pl
drvdp = a14+2*a24*(p-10)
a04 : 691. 35 p2 = e31/ell
a14 : -1.867 e321 • -e12*p2
a24 : 0.081 e331 = e33-e13*p2
b31 = b3-b1*p2
ts = a05+(a15+a25*(p-l0»*(p-l0)
dtsdp = a15+2*a25*(p-l0) p3 • e321/e221
11.05 : 311 . 0 e332 • e331-e231*p3
&15 : 7 . 822 b32 • b31-b21*p3
a25: -0.32
dxr • b32/e332
"Properties of vater in subcritical state dVv • (b21-e231*dxr)/e221
dp • (bl-e12*dVv-e13*dxr)/ell
"hd = hv+(a06+a16*(p- l0»*(td-ts)
" dhddp = dhvdp+a16*(td-ts)-(a06+a16*(p-l0»*dtsdp I'Parameters
"cp - a06+a16*(p-l0) adrum: 20
11.06: 5900 vdrum : 40
11.16: 250 vr: 37
vdc: 19
"rd· rv+(a07+a17*(p-l0»*(td-ts) It: 0.01
" drddp • drvdp+a17*(td-ts)-(a07+a17*(p-l0»*dtsdp
"drddt - a07+a17*(p-l0) "Initials
"a07 : 2.4 p : 7 . 576
"a17: 0 . 2 VV:13.621
hfv • hv+(a06+a16*(p-l0»*(tfv-ts)
hc - ha-hv END
hr • xr*hs+(l-xr)*hv

"Drum level
dl • lr+lv

".lverage ateam quality volume ratio

a2 • rl/(xr*(rv-rl»
a3 • 1+xr*(rv/rs-1)
am • rv/(rv-ra)*(l-a2*ln(a3»
damdx • rv*a2*(ln(13)/(xr*(rv-ra»-1/13/rl)

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