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Dadra & Nagar Haveli

BY:- ROLL NO. (26-30)
Through this art integrated project we will understand
more about the Warli or Varli art that is practised by
the warli tribe of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Dadra and
Nagar Haveli is one among the 8 UTs. Silvassa is the
administrative headquarter of Dadra and Nagar Haveli
.Many languages are spoken here like hindi, gujarati,
marathi etc. This art was originated around 3000 BC .
This art is famous for it’s painting styles. This look is
similar to Batik and often depits the sun and moon,
which are the essential deities of the Warli Tribe.This
art form symbolizes the balance of the universe.
Steps of Construction:
1. A circle with radius 6 cm is drawn taking O as centre
2. Point P is marked at 10 cm away from centre of circle.
3. With the half of compass mark M which is the midpoint of OP.
4. Draw a circle with centre M, taking radius MO or MP which intersects the given
circle at Q and R.
5. Now join PQ and PR. These are the tangents of the circle.

∴ In △OPQ, OQ⊥QP
and in △OPR, OR⊥PR
Hence, both △OPQ and △OPR are right angle triangles.
Applying Pythagoras theorem to both △s, we get:
and OP2=OR2+PR2
∴ PQ=PR=8 cm
In a land far away was the small village of Valli. Surrounded by forests and lush
greenery, the people lived in an abundant land. Spring was approaching and the
village was hustling and bustling with the preparations of the upcoming annual rose
festival. But this year was like no other. This year a new chieftain was to be chosen.
The current chieftain had two sons, twins, and they both would take part in battle of
strength to show who is better and will be able to better protect the village in the time
of adversity.The twins were both completely different, both in looks as well as
behavior. While Lavanya was the best know scholar in the whole village, his brother
Chaitanya was the most fierce warrior. They were best friends in spirit and their bond
could never be broken. They were both dreading the day of the battle. Never had they
thought that one day the person they both cared for most will be forced into
becoming their foe. A few days passed and the day of the battle had arrived. The
festival was in full swing and the excitement & eagerness of the people could be felt
buzzing through the air. As everyone gathered around the battle ground, there was
complete silence. The exquisiteness of the dawn’s light had not yet lanced to the lush,
green sward. Because of this, hoods of black shadow hung in the groves.
Both the brothers walked into the field, swords in hand , determination in their eyes with a ting of sorrow and fear.
And thus the battle began. Both move quickly, light on their feet, like a lioness hunting her prey. Their swords
connect, sound of metal clanging could be herd from miles. Blood spills, swords flying, blocking, protecting and in
some way trying not to hurt each other. Some where amidst the fight swords were abandoned and fists were now
the choice of weapon. Chaitanya had his brother now pinned under him and just had to give him the final blow.
But he looked in Lavanya’s eyes and he knew that he could't do it. So he does the only thing he could. He offered
his hand. He offer’s his hand to his brother who looks at him with the expression of bewilderment and admiration.
Lavanya accepts the offered hand and gets up. They look into their fathers eyes expecting anger and
disappointment but are flabbergasted to see him smiling and ecstatic. They look around in puzzlement when they
hear the villagers cheering for them. Noticing their confusion, their father steps forward and explains that they
were being tested, to ensure that family comes before anything for them. After the whole ordeal they continued
with festival, everyone knowing that this was the most memorable night of their lives. In the years to come, with
the mind of Lavanya and strength of Chaitanya, the village became so prosperous that it expanded into a city, and
not just any city, the most well known in the country.
Lesson:- In unity there is strength. Keeping a family together is like building a puzzle. It may be hard to gather all
the pieces, but once gathered, they fit together seamlessly. We cannot be separated in interest or divided in
purpose. We stand together until the end.
History of warli art :
◦ Maharashtra's folk painting is known as Warli Painting. The largest
tribe found on the northern outskirts of Maharashtra's capital Mumbai
inspired the name 'Warli
◦ The painting's name is derived from the people who have continued a
painting tradition that dates back to 2500-3000 BC.
◦ The Warlis are indigenous people who live primarily along the
Gujarat-Maharashtra border.
◦ The center subject of a chaukat or chauk is surrounded by scenes
depicting fishing, hunting, farming, dances, animals, trees, and festivals
in these ritualistic paintings.
◦ Palaghata (goddess of fertility) is depicted with the Goddesses,
whereas those spirits who have taken human form are depicted among
the male gods.
Tucked neatly between the states of Maharashtra and Gujarat, Silvassa is the capital of the
Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli.
Silvassa lies in a region that is home to the Warli Culture. The Silvassa Tribal Cultural
Museum is located in the heart of the town and offers an insightful glimpse into the life and
culture of the indigenous tribe.
The daily occurrences that the tribe experience are depicted in the warli paintings.
The majority of Warli art focuses on humans dancing in spirals and open-ended circles
.Initially, only Warli women known as Savasini painted the Warli paintings; however, as time
went on, men began to paint the Warli paintings as well.
Paintings by Warli can be divided into four categories:
The Gods - The Warli paintings in this category are inspired by the Warli tribe's historical
folklore. The tribesmen demonstrate their belief in their history through this warli art.
The People - The people's good and bad deeds are depicted in these warli paintings.
The Creatures - These Warli paintings portray a variety of animals that lived in the area. In
Warli art, the tiger is a well-known animal.
Rights and Rituals – The Warli paintings illustrating rights and rituals are the most
prominent of all the genres. This category depicts joy, happiness, celebrations, and day-to-
day activities.
The simple pictorial language of Warli painting is matched
by a rudimentary technique. The ritual paintings are usually
created on the inside walls of village huts. The walls are made
of a mixture of branches, earth and red brick that make a red
ochre background for the paintings. The Warli only paint
with a white pigment made from a mixture of rice flour and
water, with gum as a binder. A bamboo stick is chewed at the
end to give it the texture of a paintbrush. Walls are painted
only to mark special occasions such as weddings, festivals or
harvests. They make it with a sense that it can be seen by
those who would take birth in future.
The stark combination of white on red is still prevalent, though
other colors and more sophisticated painting tools are used now.
Once the Warli artists began to use fabrics and cloths, they adapted
thinner brushes and a wider color palette including henna, indigo,
earth red and brown. Though natural dyes remain prominent,
artificial paints may be used to increase the life of the clothing.
It was a wonderful learning experience for all of us
while working on this project. We got to learn a lot
about India’s diverse culture of Dadra and Nagar
Haveli. It is a Portuguese colony. Dadra and Nagar
Haveli has immense natural beauty. The tribal
museum at Silvassa is a good place to get an insight
into the history and culture of the state. It’s warli art
is a very famous form of art in India. These paintings
are mainly done to represent a sense of
togetherness. By all this informative project we hope
you got an overview about the culture and heritage
of Dadra and Nagar Haveli.
Thank You!!

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