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For Quantitative methodology (Survey )

Research Descriptive research design if the title suggests survey study and
design: correlation of trends, characteristics and relationship between two


Experimental / quasi-experimental design in case to associate casual

relationship between two or more variables

Research Quantitative survey strategy


Research Deductive approach as it justify hypothesis by collecting numerilogical

approach data

Research Positivism philosophy as it rationalises objectives with reality facts

philosophy independent of perceptions with research participants views

Sampling Simple random sampling or non-probability sampling 50-150 sample

method size

Data collection Survey with research participants, formin Google form questionnaire
and collecting data

Data Analysis Statistical methods including normal statistical pie chart interpretation or
SPSS or Correlation regression (Any 1 method should be taken)

Ethical Written consent form should be distributed among participants to

considerations approve their participation with no disclosure of personal information of

Survey Total questions= 20 (If no is not mentioned on mailbody or in research

questionnaire proposal)
Close-end questions with multiple choice opinions (Likerts scale can be
used with other options)
For Qualitative methodology (Interview/Case studies/Systematic literature/Secondary
data collection)

Research Descriptive research design/

design: or
Action research design (If mentioned in proposal)/
Ethnographic (If mentioned in proposal)

Research For interview research: Interview-based qualitative strategy

strategy or/
For secondary case studies/literature/systematic secondary data:
qualitative case studies or secondary literature based research strategy
should be selected

Research Inductive approach as it supports theoretical development on specific

approach collected secondary literature

Research Interpretivism philosophy


Data collection Secondary journal article collection form Google scholar or other
databases, or / Literature based case studies/ Interview interprtetaion/
Both interview and secondary research data with inclusion and exclusion
criteria based on year, keywords, language, journal types
For systematic secondary data collection tool Prisma will be used

Data Analysis Thematic analysis ( In case for interview, different themes will be
identified based on study’s key objectives and keywords and a detailed
thematic discussion will be done)

Ethical Proper citation of each article should be done for secondary data as
considerations credibility to authors should be given to justify their research with data
protection act guidelines.

In case for Total questions =10

Interview Participants = 5 min- 7 max
based Open-end questions with blank options (No mcqs)

For mixed method ( Quantitative and qualitative methodology) (Survey or Both

Survey and interview or survey and secondary data collection or literature systematic

Research Descriptive research design/Exploratory research design (Should be

design: determined based on research objectives)

Research Combinning both quantitative and qualitative strategies as research

strategy strategy where survey will be used to evaluate quantitative approach and
interview/secondary data collection will be used to analyse qualitative
strategy of the study

Research Mixed research approaches will be used as inductive approach to justify

approach qualitative data and deductive approach to justify quantitative data

Research Pragmatism approach


Sampling Any specific sampling method for quantitative data collection such as
method non-probability sampling (No sampling will be used for qualitative
except interview method)

Data collection For quantitative data, 20 mcq (Close-ended) questions with a likert
scale option will be prepared in Google Form distributed virtually
among research participants collected through sampling.
In case of qualitative data collection, different research journals,
articles, company reports and newspaper articles will be collected from
different databases including Google Scholar, Research gate and so on.
An inclusion and exclusion criteria will be developed based on 4 key
parameters i.e. Year, Language, Keywords, and Database type.
Interview method can be done as qualitative approach with sample
size of 7 and a semi-structured questionnaire containing 10 open ended

Data Analysis Statistical analysis for quantitative survey including pie chart, and
graphs interpretations or /SPSS / Correlation regression analysis
Thematic analysis for qualitative data (Secondary thematic analysis or /
interview interpretations)

Ethical Written consent form and no discolsure of personal info about research
considerations participants (For survey based quantitative method)
Proper citation will be given to give credit to the data and studies
collected for secondary qualitative thematic analysis.

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