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Firstly, we went to Heartland, the organization which prior about the farm,

lands, and the development of our environment.

Discussing Heartland, at first, I thought they would just talk about the farms,
the soil, and the plants. Yet in fact, Mr speaker talked about the importance
and the improvement of our environment including self-improvement of us.
And he made me realize things such as the importance to our lives, specially
the young lads. And encouraged us to question ourselves. It is obvious that
Sayar taught us some important things.
Secondly, we went to Golden Future Organization, which prior to the social
movements and activities for disabled and it is led by the disabled. Another
fact is that it is a nongovernmental organization which clearly have no problem
By visiting this organization, I realized the society isn’t taking enough
responsibility to the disabled people. And people need a lot to learn from them
as we lack of giving helps to them; and as we should make sure things are
convenient and fitting for them. Also, I see they are not really fit in to the
society as long as we make them feel that they are weak and rejected. We
should aware that they need help not because they are weak but because our
lack of educational experiences about them. At the most basic level, I have
learned that the disabled people are way more stronger and powerful in the
part of mentality.
After visiting two organizations, as we all know we went back to Synergy
then waited for the two major leaguer, Ma Thu Thu Aung and Ko Yè Yint. Then,
we met them and discussed about things that are going on in our lives and
their lives. They shared about some of their life experiences including work
experiences. In fact, they're good story tellers and I've learned some valuable
things from them.
That day, 11th May 2022 is an absolute unforgettable day. Indeed, I learned
many precious things on that day. Thanks to our teacher May Hninn and
Teacher Sai Kyaw Htun

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