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Teaching and Learning Activity:


Module: Research Methods (HRMM330-1)

Week number (Date): 3 (14 March 2024)
Unit covered: Unit 4 (Chapter 5)


This activity is based on Unit 4 of the prescribed courseware for this module.

The suggested solutions for this activity are seen below.

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Question 1
You have recently been appointed as the senior marketing researcher at ColourHide
Corporation. You have been instructed to investigate the relationship between
notebook design and notebook sales for the last 6 months. To do this, you need to
develop a research proposal for the marketing management team to decide whether
or not to implement this research project. You have since instructed your intern to
develop the research proposal, which will be submitted to the marketing management
Create a general outline of what the research proposal should consist of for your intern
to use as a guide. (18 marks)

Solution: Unit 4, Chapter 5, pp. 82-83

1. Tentative project title. √√
2. Purpose of the proposed research project (problem statement): √ A short
introduction should be given, indicating the general purpose of the research
and describing the general problem under consideration. Specific objectives
are set for the project, and the research hypothesis, or central theoretical
arguments, that will direct the investigation are formulated. √
3. Type of study (research design): √ The research design to be used (exploratory,
descriptive, causal) should be specified. The chosen data sources (primary vs.
secondary) and data-gathering methods (surveys, experimentation, etc.) are
described briefly and justified. √
4. Sampling: √ A description of the overall target population and how it will be
defined is given. The sample size and sampling technique are explained and
justified. The handling of non-response and missing data is discussed. √
5. Data collection method: √ The data collection methods, including the various
types of scales, are discussed here. The validation of the instruments is
discussed, and evidence of their reliability and validity is given. √
6. Personnel requirements: √ This section describes the personnel required for
the research project, indicating exact jobs, time duration, and rate of pay, and
addresses the issues of responsibility and authority. √
7. Cost estimate and time schedule: √ A detailed outline to complete the research
project and an analysis of the research costs is given. √

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8. Analysis plan: √ Information about the editing, proofreading of questionnaires,
coding instructions and data analysis is provided. This section also includes
examples of how the data might be presented in the research project report. √
9. General: √ The general style of the proposal must be business-like, clear and
legible, avoiding all irrelevant information. The researcher must use language
that is scientifically and grammatically correct, and the person being addressed
must be able to understand the language in the proposal. √

The following learning outcome is assessed with this activity:

• Draft a research proposal.

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