HRMM330-1-Jan-Jun2024-T&L-Week 1-Solution-FB-V.2-21022024

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Teaching and Learning Activity


Module: Research Methods (HRMM330-1)

Week number (Date): 1 (29 February 2024)
Unit covered: Units 1 & 2 (Chapters 1 & 2)

Last week's activity was based on Units 1 & 2 (Chapters 1 & 2) of the prescribed
courseware for this module.

The solution to this activity follows below.

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Question 1: (6 Marks)
Considering that marketing information is crucial for organisations to develop products and
strategies to keep pace with the changing environment, describe the critical purposes of
marketing research.
Solution: Unit 1, Chapter 1, p. 11

Good research should be characterised by:

• A clearly defined research problem, which is stated in terms that leaves no room for
ambiguity; √
• A detailed description of the research methodology so that anyone is able to replicate
the study; √
• A properly planned procedural design of the research to ensure that the results of the
research are as objective as possible; √
• Data analysis methods that are able to reveal the significance of the collected data
and are appropriate for the type of study undertaken; √
• Research conclusions that are limited to the findings identified in the data analysis,
and honestly identify any shortcomings in the research design; √ and
• An adherence to appropriate ethical standards to ensure that the respondents are not
mentally or physically harmed. √
The following Learning Outcome is assessed in this question:
Unit 1, Chapter 1
Describe the scope of marketing research in the context of the scientific method and the
characteristics of good research

Question 2: (6 Marks)
Outline the obligations of a research sponsor or client during the research process.

Solution: Unit 2, Chapter 2; pp. 33-34

• Ethical business dealings: √ Business ethics that relate to the individual making a
purchase and the individual selling the product also apply to research. If the client has
already selected the firm to conduct the research, it would be unethical for them to
receive or look for bids from other firms. They should also not accept bids from

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research firms that do not have a chance of being selected to do the work. The client
is obligated to make payments regardless of the outcomes of the research. √
• Relationship with the research suppliers: √ The research client should encourage
the researcher to be honest, truthful, and objective in the research process. They
should provide the researcher with the necessary information and access to key
individuals. The research should also be done to be used for a specific purpose. √
• Honesty: √ The conclusions gathered from the research should not be changed in any
way so that they are not in line with the actual data collected. √

The following Learning Outcome is assessed in this question:

Unit 2, Chapter 2
• Determine the rights and obligations of the sponsor

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