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A Thesis Proposal Presented to

the Faculty of the Graduate School
Lourdes College, Cagayan de Oro City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Arts in Education major in Teaching Physical Education


December 2023



Contemporary physical education encounters challenges when it comes to

nurturing proficiency and interest among students in sport skills that is evident in

disciplines like Sepak Takraw (Firmansyah et al., 2022; Adrian & Heru, 2021). The

demanding nature of executing these skills and the associated risk of injuries often

discourage students from participating in Sepak Takraw resulting in reduced

engagement and interest in this sport (Panganiban et al., 2019; Firmansyah et al.,

2022). As educators and researchers, it is essential to explore other possible activities

that promote inclusivity and provide opportunities, for skill development particularly for

students with low motor skills (Batubara, 2020; Breed & Spittle, 2020).

Hoop Takraw appears as a potential alternative to Sepak Takraw due to its

similarities in gameplay, with teams utilizing the same rattan ball used in Sepak Takraw

while exhibiting comparable foot abilities to handle the ball, but instead of volleying the

ball over the net of the court, the players must shoot the ball into a hanging hoop to

score (Sepaktakraw.co, 2019).

Hoop Takraw is not subsequently a new sport event in the Philippines. In fact,

the Philippine Hoop Takraw team's triumph in acquiring a gold medal in the 2019

Southeast Asian (SEA) Games underscores the sport's potential and appeal (Go, 2019).
However, the recent team's loss in the 2023 SEA Games, highlights the possible

challenges in sustaining and advancing this sport (Fuertes, 2023).

Additionally, the difficulties in gaining widespread recognition of the game can

lead to difficulties in identifying and nurturing possible talented athletes, which could

significantly impact the national team's success (Junior et al., 2019). As a result,

investigating Hoop Takraw as an alternative for Sepak Takraw is an interesting option to

encourage the development of new approaches to enhance accessibility and skill

acquisition (Ruslan et al., 2019). However, because of the game’s mechanics, the

researcher aims to combine related Southeast Asian traditional games to teach and

master the competency of the sports skills. This research intends to investigate the

possible integration of Southeast Asian traditional games, notably Chinlone from

Myanmar and Da Cau from Vietnam (Aung-Thwin, 2020; Tan, 2017).

Chinlone on the other hand is a unique traditional game from Myanmar. Unlike

other team sports, chinlone is a non-competitive game played in a circle. The objective

is to keep a rattan ball off the ground using various parts of the body except for the

hands. Chinlone is known for its artistic and acrobatic movements requiring a high level

of coordination balance and concentration (Vamplew, 2021). According to Aung-Thwin

(2020), playing chinlone improved participants' motor skills including hand-eye

coordination footwork, body control and teamwork. This suggests that chinlone can be

utilized as an intervention to enhance sports skills in individuals that leads for a good

game performance.

Da Cau also known as shuttlecock kicking is a traditional Vietnamese game that

involves kicking a feathered shuttlecock with various body parts except for the hands. It
is typically played in pairs and requires a combination of flexibility balance and precision

(Tan, 2016; Hoang Nguyen, 2020). Research by Xu Wen and others (2021), highlighted

the positive effects of playing da cau on physical fitness including improved

cardiovascular endurance and lower body strength. Furthermore, da cau was found to

enhance cognitive skills such as focus attention and decision-making (Tangella, 2023).

This suggests that da cau can be utilized as an intervention to promote both physical

and mental well-being that sheds light to possible development of game performance.

Exploring diverse game options like chinlone and da cau extends beyond mere

differentiation, significantly impacting teaching and coaching effectiveness. Aligned with

paradigms emphasizing cross-cultural exposure and transferable skills acquisition,

these games uniquely facilitate skill transferability, enabling learners and athletes to

broaden their skill sets (Hoyer & Henriksen, 2018). In the ASEAN context, the inclusion

of chinlone and da cau becomes particularly intriguing, as it aligns with the region's

cultural diversity and heritage, providing a platform for individuals to engage with and

appreciate different traditions while concurrently fostering holistic skill development.

Despite the recognized positive impact of Southeast Asian traditional games like

chinlone and da cau on game performance, there is a notable gap in research. Limited

or no studies specifically investigate how these traditional games enhance overall game

performance. This gap highlights the need for research to fully comprehend the

advantages and prospective uses of chinlone and da cau in improving game


The significance of this study is to introduce a more inclusive game than Sepak

Takraw to increase the level of participation among students, particularly those with low
motor skills. The research also aims to investigate the differences in two pedagogical

strategies for enhancing game performance among Grade 10 students: group-based

game training through chinlone, which relies on effective collaboration, communication,

and modeling, and paired-based game training through da cau, which emphasizes

direct interaction and skill acquisition.

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions: to investigate

how the participants in each group perform in the pre-test and post-test in terms of the

use of the two game-based training chinlone and da cau, to examine whether the

participants in each group differ significantly in their performance in the pre-test and

post-test, and to analyze whether the two groups of participants differ significantly in

their performance increment.

In addition, the findings of this study will shed light on the introduction of Hoop

Takraw to the students, potentially contributing to the greater growth of the

aforementioned sports in the country. With a better comprehension of this paper, PE

teachers will be knowledgeable on which training strategies are more effective in the

development of the game performance.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

This study assumes that the interventions, chinlone and da cau, are effective in

enhancing Hoop Takraw game performance. Also, the researcher anticipates that both

are comparably effective. With these assumptions, Social Constructivism Theory

(Vygotsky, 1978), Dyadic Training Protocol (Shebilske, et.al., 1992), and Game-based

learning theory (Gee, 1950) were utilized for support.

Hoop Takraw game performance signifies an individual's capability to excel in the

Hoop Takraw game. An exceptional game performance involves outstanding skills,

agility, teamwork, and strategic thinking. It encompasses the precise execution of

techniques such as spiking, blocking, and serving, along with effective communication

and coordination with teammates.

Collaborative learning theories, such as Social Constructivism (Vygotsky, 1978),

highlight how individuals acquire new skills and knowledge through interaction,

discussion, and collaboration with others. In chinlone, players form a circle and work

collectively to keep the ball in the air using their feet, knees, and head. This fosters a

collaborative environment where participants learn from each other, share techniques,

and collectively improve their skills through observation, imitation, and mutual

encouragement. The social interaction and collaborative nature of learning in chinlone

might facilitate skill acquisition and teamwork essential for Hoop Takraw game


On the other hand, Dyadic Training Protocol (Shebilske, et.al., 1992) highlights

the unique dynamics and advantages of skill acquisition when practiced between two

individuals. In the case of two-player da cau, the focused interaction between two

players allows for heightened attention, immediate feedback, and concentrated skill

refinement. This theory posits that learning in a dyadic setting fosters rapid skill

development due to the direct and immediate nature of interaction. The concentrated

practice enhances hand-eye coordination, timing, and precision in striking the

shuttlecock. Therefore, the application of the Dyadic Skill Acquisition Theory in the

context of two-player da cau suggests that this focused skill learning environment could
significantly contribute to individual skill enhancement and ultimately translate into

improved performance in Hoop Takraw.

Moreover, James Paul Gee's (1950) Game-based Learning Theory emphasizes

the utilization of game mechanics to enhance learning experiences. Applied to Hoop

Takraw, this theory underscores the potential of integrating chinlone and da cau as

interventions to augment skill development. By leveraging elements from these

traditional games, Game-based Learning Theory aims to create immersive and

engaging learning experiences that foster improved skill transferability, team

coordination, and strategic thinking essential for Hoop Takraw mastery.

Additionally, Transfer of Learning theories (Barnes, 1964) suggest that skills

learned in one activity can be transferred to similar tasks. Both chinlone and da cau

emphasize coordination, agility, and timing, which are essential for Hoop Takraw.

Therefore, these interventions can exhibit comparable effectiveness due to their shared

emphasis on these fundamental skills that lead to a good game performance of the


Figure 1

Schematic Diagram Showing the Variables and the Timeline of the Study

Hoop sepak Hoop sepak

GROUP A game Chinlone game
performance performance
GROUP B Hoop sepak Hoop sepak
game Da cau game
performance performance

Pretest 6 weeks Posttest

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to determine the effectiveness of chinlone and da cau in

enhancing the Hoop Takraw game performance.

Specifically, it aims to address the following questions:

1. How do the participants in each group perform in the hoop takraw game

performance before and after the interventions?

2. How do the participants in each group compare in their Hoop Takraw game

performance before and after the interventions?

3. Do the participants’ increment of the Hoop Takraw game performance

significantly differ?


Problem 1 is hypothesis free. On the basis of Problems 2 and 3, the following null

hypotheses will be tested at .05 level of significance:

Ho1: The participants in each group do not significantly differ in their Hoop Takraw

game performance before and after the interventions.

Ho2: The participants’ increments of the Hoop Takraw game performance do not

significantly differ.

Significance of the Study

The results of this endeavor shall be useful to the school and sports community

in several ways:

Students. This study offers innovative approaches like chinlone and da cau for

students learning Hoop Takraw, enhancing skill development and deepening their

understanding of the sport.

Athletes. For Hoop Takraw athletes, the research provides insights into

alternative training methods using games such as Chinlone and Da Cau, aiming to

improve skills and overall performance.

Physical Education Teachers. The study's relevance extends to physical

education teachers, introducing innovative pedagogical approaches. It serves as a

blueprint for effective teaching methodologies in Hoop Takraw and other sports,

enabling instructors to diversify strategies and foster enhanced skill development.

Coaches. Coaches can benefit from the study's insights, gaining access to

alternative methods for enhancing athletes' performance in Hoop Takraw. By

incorporating chinlone and da cau into training regimens, coaches can diversify

strategies, potentially improving overall team performance and creating a more dynamic

learning environment for athletes.

Curriculum Developer. This study's findings have the potential to influence

sports education curriculum development by emphasizing the integration of traditional

games like chinlone and da cau into skill acquisition processes. Curriculum developers

can use this insight to enrich sports education programs, promoting cross-cultural

understanding and providing diverse training approaches for students and athletes.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is limited to the evaluation of hoop takraw game performance and the

effectiveness of Southeast Asian traditional games, chinlone (group training) and da cau

(paired training) in improving sports’ game performance.

The research uses random sampling method to select two diverse groups of 60

male Grade 10 students from St. Mary’s Academy of Tagoloan as participants. While

the study acknowledges physiological differences between genders in determining

game performance, the study is only limited to male participants due to the newness

and unfamiliarity of the sport locally.

Participants will be divided into two groups: Group A will engage in a 20-minute

training session incorporating chinlone, while Group B will undergo a similar duration of

training focused on da cau. Borg's Perceived Rate of Exertion (RPE) score will assess

the exercise intensity experienced by both groups throughout the six-week intervention

period. The intervention will span a duration of six weeks.

The utilization of alternative materials or game equipment during the intervention

may significantly impact the study's results. The standard height of the Hoop Takraw

rims, initially set at 4.75m, is adjusted to 4m to match the students' capacity. Variations

in the game field, considering the newness of the game to the participants, can also

significantly affect the study's outcomes.

Definition of Terms

The following terms used in the study are defined operationally:

Chinlone. Thi is a traditional sport from Myanmar (formerly Burma) that

emphasizes teamwork, coordination, and skill. It involves a group of players keeping a

woven rattan ball in the air using their feet, knees, and other body parts without letting it

touch the ground. Chinlone is not competitive in the same sense as Sepak Takraw;

rather, it focuses on a cooperative and artistic display of ball control among participants.

Da Cau. Also known as Vietnamese shuttlecock kicking, da cau is a traditional

Vietnamese game that involves keeping a shuttlecock-like object airborne using various

body parts, primarily the feet, without letting it touch the ground. Players aim to maintain

a continuous kicking rhythm, showcasing agility, balance, and skill in controlling the


Hoop Takraw. This is a sport that shares similarities with Sepak Takraw. It

involves players using their feet, knees, head, and other body parts to kick a ball and

score points by shooting it into a suspended hoop or basket. It utilizes a rattan ball,

similar to Sepak Takraw, but the objective is to aim and shoot the ball into the hoop

rather than over a net as in Sepak Takraw.

Hoop Takraw Game Performance. Refers to the skill, efficiency, and

effectiveness demonstrated by individuals or teams while playing the sport,

encompassing aspects such as techniques, coordination, and strategic decision-



This chapter presents the related literature to support on the development of this

research. This will also help to understand better the purpose of this study.

Hoop Takraw

Hoop takraw, also known as Thai Basketball, is a traditional recreational game

played in Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand and Myanmar that is noted to be one

of the variations of Sepak Takraw. The game is played with five players standing in a

circle and kicking a rattan ball, which is interwoven with hoops, to each other while

trying to keep the ball off the ground. The ball is made of split rattan strips and has 12

pentagon holes and 90 intersections. While players are aiming to prevent the rattan ball

from dropping into the net while navigating it through interwoven hoops and over the net

into the opponent's court (Heriansyah, et al., 2021).

Moreover, players must develop strong kicking skills, precise ball control,

coordination, flexibility and agility to master the game's dynamics (Slamet, 2023).

Furthermore, effective teamwork and communication are pivotal for strategic

coordination during play. These skills are crucial in enabling players to control the ball

and outmaneuver their opponents. Ultimately, excelling in hoop sepak demands

consistent practice, rigorous training, and a deep understanding of the game's

techniques and dynamics. The game requires a combination of agility coordination and

flexibility (Sukmatan, et al., 2021).


Chinlone, also known as cane ball, stands as Myanmar's traditional non-

competitive sport involving a team of six players passing a hand-woven rattan ball within

a circle without using their hands (Vamplew, 2021). The main goal of the game is to

maintain the ball's continuous movement without letting it touch the ground,

encouraging creativity and expression.

It is an inclusive game played by individuals of all ages and genders, focusing on

entertainment and graceful coordination rather than competition. Chinlone is known for

its artistic and acrobatic movements requiring a high level of coordination, balance, and

concentration. Key skills include kicking precision, ball control, teamwork,

communication, and strategic play within the circle.

Moreover, playing chinlone hones various skills crucial for excelling in the sport.

Firstly, it cultivates strong and accurate kicking abilities, essential for keeping the ball

aloft and creatively passing it among teammates without hands. Additionally, mastering

ball control demands coordination, agility, and quick reflexes to maneuver the ball

adeptly among players (Tangella, 2023). As a team-oriented activity, chinlone fosters

effective communication and teamwork, vital for coordinating movements and sustaining

the game's flow (Newman et al., 2017). Moreover, the game provides a cardiovascular

workout, requiring running, jumping, and swift movements that contribute to enhanced

physical fitness. Beyond physical benefits, chinlone is believed to bolster mental control,

requiring presence of mind and creativity, often being seen as an art form as much as a

sport (Tangella, 2023). These skills critical for success in chinlone are developed
through consistent practice, training, and a profound comprehension of the game's

techniques and dynamics.

However, there are no studies that employed Chinlone as an intervention aimed

at enhancing sports game performance. Chinlone, a traditional sport deeply ingrained in

Myanmar's culture, offers a unique platform for developing a spectrum of crucial athletic

skills. Through this study, the focus lies in uncovering and harnessing the specific skill

sets nurtured by Chinlone—such as strong kicking precision, adept ball control,

teamwork, and communication—that may contribute significantly to overall sports

performance development. This novel approach not only sheds light on the potential of

traditional sports in enhancing athletic abilities but also seeks to expand the

understanding of how unconventional methods can be instrumental in refining sports


Interestingly, the group dynamic in chinlone is unique and contributes to the

sport's effectiveness. Players support each other in keeping the ball in motion, and the

game fosters teamwork, communication, and coordination. The group dynamic in

chinlone helps to promote unity, friendship, and the sharing of experiences among

players. Consequently, the group dynamic in chinlone is an essential aspect of the

game, as it promotes teamwork, communication, and mental concentration, while also

fostering skill development and unity among players which significantly contributes to

the overall game performance.

Da Cau

Da cau, also known as jianzi, is a traditional shuttlecock game that is popular in

Vietnam and China. What makes da cau unique is its combination of athleticism,
artistry, and community (Tan, 2016). Players use their feet to keep the shuttlecock in the

air, and the game is known for its emphasis on agility, focus, and quick reflexes. It is

played both casually, with players showcasing creative and dramatic moves, and

competitively, with formal rules and a net similar to badminton (Hoang Nguyen, 2020).

The game has a strong community following, with street competitions and a supportive

environment for players to enjoy and excel in the sport.

When playing da cau, several skills are developed, including physical agility,

coordination, and focus. The game promotes physical activity and mental well-being,

making it a captivating spectacle for spectators and an enjoyable activity for participants

of all ages (Xu Wen et al., 2021). Players use their feet to keep the shuttlecock in the

air, requiring high focus and quick reflexes. Additionally, the game fosters teamwork and

skill development among participants, as it is often played during festivals, rituals, and

events, bringing communities together (Tangella, 2023). The combination of athleticism,

artistry, and community makes da cau a unique and enriching sport.

Despite the extensive body of literature investigating diverse sports interventions and

training methods, Da cau, recognized as shuttlecock kicking or Vietnamese kick

volleyball, remains conspicuously absent from empirical scrutiny concerning its potential

contribution to skill enhancement and performance optimization within athletic domains.

In fact, no studies on da cau as an intervention aimed at enhancing sports game

performance can be found in published literature. This research gap presents an

unexplored avenue, offering an opportunity for pioneering investigations aimed at

unraveling the impact of Da cau on critical facets of sports, such as coordination, agility,

skill development and elevate overall game performance.

Da cau is played in pairs or teams, with up to four players on each side. This

aspect of the game promotes teamwork and coordination among the players. The

objective is to keep the shuttlecock in the air using various body parts, except the

hands, to propel it over a net or between teams, scoring points when opponents are

unable to return the shuttlecock. The game's emphasis on collaboration and

synchronized movements enhances the players' ability to work together and

communicate effectively, contributing to the development of interpersonal skills and

mutual understanding (Hoang Nguyen, 2020). Additionally, the physical coordination

required to play in pairs or teams fosters a sense of unity and mutual support among the

players, making da cau an effective activity for promoting social interaction and



This chapter presents the statement of research methodology that will be used in

this study as well as the research design, respondent of the study, data gathering

procedure, scoring procedure and statistical treatment.

Research Design

The study employs a quasi-experimental design to examine the effects of

integrating Chinlone and Da Cau in improving Hoop Takraw game performance. This

design allows for a comparative analysis between two distinct groups, providing insights

into the effectiveness of the interventions (Reichardt, et al., 2023). While not as

controlled as a true experimental design, the quasi-experimental approach enables the

examination of causal relationships between the interventions and skill enhancement in

a real-world setting.

Participants and Sampling Procedure

The statistical society of this research consist of 60 Grade 10 male students from

St. Mary’s Academy of Tagoloan, randomly selected and divided into two groups. Group

A, consisting of 30 students, will be introduced to Chinlone to enhance Hoop Sepak

game performance, while Group B, another 30 students, will be introduced to Da Cau

for the same purpose.

Research Instruments
The main research instrument employed in this research is the Game

Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI) of Oslin and others (1998), which is a

multidimensional system designed to measure game performance behaviors that

demonstrate tactical understanding, as well as the player's ability to solve tactical

problems by selecting and applying appropriate skills. The GPAI provides analyses of

individual game performance components (e.g., decisions made, skill execution, and

support) and/or overall performance (e.g., game involvement and game performance).

The GPAI employs a rating system from 1 to 5 and will be administered by trained

evaluators who will observe Hoop Sepak matches involving the students. These ratings

are based on observable behaviors such as communication, strategic decision-making,

skill execution, and overall engagement in the game.

Validity and Reliability of the Research Instruments

The Game Performance Assessment Instrument has been rigorously validated to

ensure its validity and reliability; (a) The observer reliability was calculated with the

event-recording method. Forty-eight percent of the inter observer agreement (IOA)

measures were very high (.80). (c) The validity of the GPAI was achieved through face

validity, content validity, and construct validity. According to the construct validity, in

66% of the cases the results of the GPAI components can be distinguished between

students ranked high or low in game play by their teachers (Oslin et al., 1998).

Scoring Procedure

The GPAI 1–5 Likert-like method of Mitchell et al. (2006) will be utilized as the

scoring procedure of this study. The following are shown in Table 1 below:
Table 1

Game Performance Assessment Instrument Scoring Rubric

Score Criteria
5 Very effective performance
4 Effective performance
3 Moderately effective
2 Weak performance:
1 Very weak performance:

Data Gathering Procedure and Ethical Consideration

The research will involve conducting Hoop Sepak gameplay sessions to assess

the game performance of each participant using the GPAI. This assessment will be

applied in both the pre-test and post-test phases to measure participants' performance

levels before and after the intervention. Subsequently, a thorough analysis will be

undertaken to identify patterns in student performance, providing a more in-depth

understanding of their competence in Hoop Sepak. Data collection will adhere to

stringent ethical guidelines, with a focus on prioritizing participants' rights, ensuring

confidentiality, and safeguarding their well-being. Ethical standards will be upheld

throughout the data collection procedures, respecting participants' privacy and rights. All

collected data will be treated with confidentiality and utilized exclusively for research


Implementation of Intervention

The intervention involves dividing participants into two groups. Group A receives

20-minute chinlone training sessions, while Group B undergoes da cau training

sessions of the same duration. Borg's perceived rate of exertion score was utilized to

gauge and standardize exercise intensity for both groups, facilitating a comparative

assessment of exertion levels between the distinct training methodologies. This

intervention was administered thrice a week over 6 consecutive weeks, ensuring

consistent and prolonged exposure to the respective training sessions for the study.

This six-week intervention aims to assess the impact of these traditional games on

enhancing Hoop Takraw game performance.

Statistical Tools

Descriptive statistics will be used to present a comprehensive summary of

collected data, detailing the central tendencies and variability among players' game

performance levels. The paired sample t-test method facilitates an examination of the

effectiveness of interventions or training by comparing pre- and post-treatment

performance within the same group. Moreover, the independent sample t-test allows for

the assessment of differences in Hoop Takraw game performance between distinct

groups, enabling comparisons. These statistical methods collectively aid in uncovering

patterns, evaluating improvements, and distinguishing skill disparities among players,

contributing significant insights into game performance development in Hoop Takraw.

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