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Instructions for A7: Research Application Paper #3 Criterion 2.

1: Consumer of Research
A7 Overview: A7 is a culminating scholarly paper designed to demonstrate basic knowledge of the following topic areas: Quantitative Research Techniques and Designs Qualitative Research Techniques and Designs Reporting and Contextualizing Research for Social Change

A7 is submitted to the ePortfolio and assessed by the A7 rubric, which can be found in the Rubrics section under Course Home in your course. For instructions on submitting to your ePortfolio, view the ePortfolio section under Course Home in your course. A7 Presentation Guidelines: Use the template from the Walden Writing Center to guide your writing and presentation of this assignment: Be sure to include the following as indicated: Title of Paper: o A7: Research Application Paper #3 The Level 1 headings within the paper: o Quantitative Research Techniques and Designs o Qualitative Research Techniques and Designs o Reporting and Contextualizing Research for Social Change

A7 Instructions: A7 is a scholarly essay that responds to three topic areas. The response for each topic is assessed by the explicit knowledge-base description of key concepts or questions related to the topic area. Responses are expected to range from 7501,250 words (35 double-spaced pages for each topic). The prompts for the three essay topics are as follows:

Heading: Quantitative Research Techniques and Designs Select one quantitative article that you reviewed for the first Research Application Paper (RAP #1). Considering the feedback from your Course Instructor, you will respond to the following prompts. Using scholarly terminology, explain the quantitative components of the selected study:

Describe the quantitative methods used. Terms that you may use to describe quantitative methods include research question, hypothesis, variables, definitions, population and sample, variables, instrumentation, reliability and validity of instruments, etc.

Describe the quantitative design used. Terms that you may use to describe quantitative design include non-experimental designs, causal-comparative, correlational, quasiexperimental designs, experimental designs, single subject research designs. Describe the quantitative analysis used. Terms that you may use to describe quantitative analysis include terms and concepts such as type of data collected, pie charts, frequency graphs, sampling error, generalizability, standard error of the mean, significance, steps to take in analyzing data, and type of inferential statistical test used.

For details on how this will be assessed, refer to section 2.1C on the rubric for A7. Heading: Qualitative Research Techniques and Designs Select one qualitative article that you reviewed for the second Research Application Paper (RAP #2). Considering the feedback from your Course Instructor, you will respond to the following prompts. Using scholarly terminology, explain the qualitative components of the selected study:


Describe the qualitative design used. Terms that you may use to describe the research design include historical research (e.g., narrative, biography), grounded theory, ethnography, phenomenology, case studies, content analysis, etc. Describe the qualitative methods used. Terms that you will use to describe qualitative methods may include interviews, observations, protocols, documents, assignments, focus groups, etc. Describe the strategies used for analysis of qualitative data. Terms and concepts that you may use include credibility, dependability, transferability, data coding, data description, identification of themes, hypothesis testing, reporting and interpreting data, etc.

For details on how this will be assessed, refer to section 2.1D on the rubric for A7.


Heading: Reporting and Contextualizing Research for Social Change Select one article (either qualitative or quantitative) that you reviewed for either RAP #1 or RAP #2. Considering the feedback from your Course Instructor, you will respond to the following questions. Using scholarly terminology, describe the reporting and contextualizing of your selected article:

Describe how the author(s) synthesize the results, identify implications for practice, and make recommendations for further research in terms of drawing conclusions from their research. Describe the audience the author(s) were trying to reach. What other journals might consider publishing this article?

Describe how this article might facilitate some form of social and/or institutional change. For details on how this will be assessed, refer to section 2.1F on the rubric for A7.

Please note that complete instructions on preparing and submitting your A7 can be found in Module 7 of the course Applied Research in Education.

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