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(Autonomous Institution-UGC, Govt. of India)

Permanently Affiliated to JNTUH, Approved by AICTE,
Accredited by NBA and NAAC with A grade– ISO 9001-2015Certified
NIRF India Ranking 2018, Accepted by MHRD, GOVT. of India


1. Explain various application in python? Advantage of python.
2. Explain how to set python environment to system?
3. Discuss the features of Python and flavors of python programming language.
4. Differentiate existing programming and python programming.
5. Differentiate between Compiler and Interpreter in detail? Examine their impact on
6. What is REPL?
7. Discuss Identity and Membership operators in Python.
8. Explain different python Applications.
9. What is the use of Indentation Explain with an example.
10. Underline the advantages of object oriented programming over structured programming
11. Why do we need in Anaconda for data science? Give accurate answer
12. Write the steps involved in Installation of Python in Windows and Linux
13. Write about define a variable, naming rules for a variable and assign values into variables
14. Explain Membership and Identity operators with example.
15. Explain different python Applications.
16. What is the use of Indentation Explain with an example.
17. Write about Jupyter Notebook environment.
18. Where Interactive Mode Programming differs with Scripting Mode Programming?
19. Identify Specific naming rules used in python along with syntax?
20. Analyze the Features of Python with its Applications, in detail?
21. Write a Short notes on i) Identifiers ii) Variables iii) Comment line and iv) Indentation
22. Write the indentation rules followed in Python?

1. What are the roles of pass keyword?
2. Explain about python operators.
3. Illustrate Control Statements with examples
4. Enumerate any twenty keywords in python?
5. Explain briefly on various variable reference semantics in Python with examples?
6. Explain Arithmetic, Comparison & Logical operators in Python?
7. Describe the Data types in Python?
8. Explain the various input and output methods in python.
9. Define while loop with else. Write a python code to find the sum of n numbers.
10. Write about Immutable data types in Python.
11. Write a python script to check whether the given string is palindrome or not.
12. Write a program that asks the user to enter a word and prints out whether that word
contains any vowels.
13. Write about Slicing and Indexing in Python.
14. Discuss conditional statements in Python.
15. Write about Loops in Python.
16. What is the Role of Membership Operators
17. Write a program that asks the user to enter two strings of the same length. The program
should then check to see if the strings are of the same length. If they are not, the program
should print an appropriate message and exit. If they are of the same length, the program
should alternate the characters of the two strings. For example, if the user enters abcde
and ABCDE the program should print out AaBbCcDdEe.
18. Students appeared for an examination in 3 subjects. They will pass the examination if
they secure at least 40% of Maximum marks in each subject. Maximum Marks in each
subject is 100. Write a Python program to find the percentage marks in all the three
subjects and verify whether the student Passed Failed in the examination by using
Conditional Operator.
19. Develop a Python Program to verify whether a given number is an Armstrong Number or
Not? Write any 3 Consecutive Armstrong Numbers?
20. Examine the Role of various Operators in Python Programming, with supporting
21. Explain the Forward Direction Slicing with +ve Step and Backward Direction slicing ing
with -ve Step with Examples, in detail?
22. How to remove elements from a set?
23. List out the basic data types of python programming?
24. Write a program that asks the user to enter a word and prints out whether that word
contains any vowels.

1. Compare Set and Dictionaries.
2. Define a List and explain methods in List dang structure.
3. Write about Frozen set and list methods in Set Data structure
4. Write about Dictionary Data Structure and explain its methods.
5. Write a program that removes any repeated names from a list so that each item appears at
most once. For instance, the list [] would become [1,2,3,4,0].
6. Define a function and write about Function arguments in Python.
7. Define Mutable and Immutable in Python with suitable examples, write Python code for
Mutable and Immutable Objects?
8. Distinguish among i) Contrast List, ii) Tuple, and iii) Dictionary Range with Analysis?
9. Consider a List of your own and Write a Python Program to sun and multiply all the
items of the list.
10. Illustrate the following in detail i) Frozen Set ii) Difference of Two Sets iii) Intersection
of Two Sets and iv) Difference between discard() and remove()
11. Write a python program to get a list of names from keyboard and display the list in sorted
12. Explain on Lists and Dictionaries in Python with suitable examples?
13. Explain the methods on Tuple with examples?
14. Write a python program for multiplication of two 3 x 3 matrix?
15. Use dictionary to store antonyms of words. E.g.- ‘Right’: ‘Left’, ‘Up’: ‘Down’. Display
all words and then ask user to enter a word and display antonym of it.
16. Write a Python program to multiply all the items in a list.
17. Write a Python program that prints the intersection of two lists.
18. Explain different types of dictionary methods with example each.

1. Define a function and write about Function arguments in Python.
2. Explain File Handling Operations in Python.
3. Explain Exception Handling in Python
4. Write a program that reads a file consisting of email addresses, each on its own line. Your
program should print out a string consisting of those email addresses separated by
5. Apply python function on Factorial Value
6. Write about Lambda Functions in python
7. Discuss about scope of a variable.
8. Write a Python class to reverse a string word by word.
9. Create a Text File using Python?
10. Clarify how to handle exception in Python on "TypeError" with supporting code?
11. How could you look into a try-except block?
12. Present a Python Program to display Fibonacci series of 25 elements for the given
elements 1 and 3, by using Python Functions?
13. A Demonstrate File handling Techniques in Python and apply them for write mode to
store the information into a file.
14. Elaborate the Concept on i) try ii) except and iii) finally
15. Describe various methods of Inheritance in Python with supporting code?
16. Highlight the Importance of Python Lambda Functions, in detail?
17. How function works in python?
18. Explain on Lambda Functions in Python with examples?
19. Explain various file handling mechanism in python?
20. Write a function in python how to count no. of lines in a text file?
21. Explain various built-in string function in python?
22. Analyze different arguments that can be passed to functions with suitable examples.
23. Elaborate the concept of exception handling in Python.

1. Write about Regular Expressions and command line arguments in python.
2. Write about import statement.
3. List types of Inheritances in Python.
4. Explain OOP's Concepts in Python.
5. Write about sys, random, date and time modules.
6. Visualize the impact of Constructor in Python?
7. Create GUI application by using Tkinter module on Listbox
8. Design a Python Program by using any Two Python modules of your choice
9. Why Tkinter package is used?
10. Explain the various ways of importing modules from packages.
11. Explain how to override methods in python?
12. Define Class and explain multiple inheritances with an example in
13. Python?
14. List and explain Tkinter extensions?
15. What is class? Write about inheritance in Python with suitable example
16. Illustrate the concept of method overriding with suitable example.

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