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Biomass from trees for bioenergy and biofuels – A briefing paper

Article in Materials Today Proceedings · March 2022

DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2022.02.639


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3 authors, including:

Gyanaranjan Sahoo Asim Chandra Dash

Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology


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Biomass from trees for bioenergy and biofuels – A briefing paper

Gyanaranjan Sahoo a,⇑, Amita Sharma b, Asim Chandra Dash c
Research Scholar, Dept. of Forest Biology and Tree Improvement, College of Forestry, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, Uttar
Pradesh 211007 India
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 474002 India
Regional Research and Technology Transfer Station, Odisha University of Agriculture & Technology, Chipilima, Sambalpur, Odisha 768026 India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Tree biomass may be utilised to produce heat, electricity, and biofuels. Despite the fact that the technol-
Available online xxxx ogy for turning woody biomass into energy has existed in many cases for decades, bioenergy generation
from woody biomass has not been extensively embraced since the cost of woody biomass energy is not
Keywords: viable with old fossil fuels. However, current predictions of future energy usage, as well as proposed
Biofuel renewable energy and climate change laws, imply that forest and farm biomass energy will be used more
Biomass in the next decades. Biomass, which accounts for roughly 11% of the world’s major energy supply, is
mostly made up of organic matter, with a lesser proportion of inorganic compounds comprising a range
Climate change
Forest resources
of intricately linked phases or minerals of various origins. Over 55 percent of the 4 billion m3 of wood
utilised yearly in developing countries is immediately utilised as a source of forest products or carbon
to satisfy the daily energy requirements to be used for warming and culinary. The proximal and ultimate
analyses are commonly used to characterise a fuel’s composition. Concerns about the environmental
effect of fossil-fuel-based energy generation are rising. In this context, replacing fossil fuel-based energy
with bio-energy might be a viable option. The attraction to forest biomass as an energy source stems from
some of its characteristics, such as its global availability and homogeneity, as well as its CO2 emissions
neutrality. However, there are concerns associated with its usage, the most of which are connected to the
long-term viability of forest systems and their products. Due to huge uncertainty regarding future agri-
cultural productivity improvements and land availability for biomass plants, bioenergy’s potential for cli-
mate change mitigation remains unknown. Bioenergy potentials, global food costs, and water shortages
are all expected to be affected by large-scale growth of dedicated biomass. As a result, coordinated
energy, land use, and water management strategies are required. Because biomass contains all of the
components found in fossil fuels, albeit in various proportions, current and emerging technologies can
help us move toward a future based on renewable, sustainable, and low-carbon economies.
Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures.

1. Introduction produce it [33]. Biomass is the world’s oldest source of energy.

It’s been around since the formation of fire and is now the most
The need for biomass is growing across the world, but climate widely used origin of clean energy on the planet. Woody biomass
change, rising environmental constraints, and widespread extinc- is a significant source of renewable energy now, and it is expected
tion of animal and plant species are putting biomass sources at to continue to be a significant part of any future renewable energy
jeopardy. The issue is to balance this growing demand for biomass, portfolio. It is used at a rate of 50 EJ per year, which is only a trivial
which is conscious of all of its benefits in substituting fossil-based portion of its projected worldwide viable apparent (about 350 EJ
products and fuels, with sustainable management, which includes per year) [13]. Furthermore, the bulk of it is utilized to create heat
the conservation and refurbishment of the forest ecosystems that in ineffective reservoirs or fireplaces, which does not fully use bio-
mass resources’ exergetic potential. Biomass is unique among
renewable energy sources in that it may provide a wide range of
⇑ Corresponding author. energy systems (heat, electricity, transport fuel). Biomass is
E-mail address: (G. Sahoo). quickly becoming recognized as a valuable renewable reserve for
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures.

Please cite this article as: G. Sahoo, A. Sharma and A. Chandra Dash, Biomass from trees for bioenergy and biofuels – A briefing paper, Materials Today:
G. Sahoo, A. Sharma and A. Chandra Dash Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

lowering CO2 releases in transportation, engineering, and ménages 1.1. Importance of woody biomass as energy / uses of forest biomass
by substituting fossil fuels. The use of the biomass generated as an for energy
energy source provides a number of other environmental, social,
and economic advantages. Wood, forestry leftovers, agricultural One of the advantages of biomass over other renewable energy
crops, waste from agricultural crops, municipal organic waste, ani- sources is its versatility. Biomass in general, and forest biomass in
mal waste, waste from food processing, aquatic plants, and algae particular, can be converted into electricity, heat, or transportation
are all examples of biomass [7]. fuels. Forest biomass, on the other hand, is mostly utilised to create
Biomass has sparked a lot of current research and development heat and electricity. The conversion of forest biomass into trans-
attention because of its enormous potential for global energy. Tra- portation biofuels still faces a number of challenges that have
ditional fuels like firewood and animal dung fulfil the description, impeded its commercialization. Bioenergy’s current worldwide
but they haven’t been the major focus of developers’ attention in share is still fairly tiny, despite its benefits and the fact that it is
most situations. Wood and other biomass fuels may be turned into the most extensively utilised renewable energy source. In 2015,
contemporary energy ‘‘carriers” like fuel alcohol or electricity. bioenergy and renewable wastes accounted for 9.4% of global
These may be used to replace and mix fossil-based fuels in a vari- energy supply [2]. Solid biofuels accounted for 63.7 percent of glo-
ety of ways, and at a minimal cost of investment. Biofuels may be bal renewable energy supply (liquid biofuels, biogas, and renew-
used for not just typical household purposes like cooking, heating, able municipal waste accounted for 4.3, 1.7, and 0.9 percent,
and lighting, but also for innovative energy uses in industry at a respectively, with the rest coming from other renewable energy
cost comparable to fossil-based technology. Rural employment sources) [2]. Biomass and renewable wastes account for even less
can be another economic benefit of bioenergy production because in OECD countries, where biomass is widely used in modern sys-
it is decentralised and labor-intensive. tems, accounting for just 5.2 percent of total primary energy sup-
Biomass as an energy source is carbon neutral because to the ply in 2015 and solid biomass accounting for 36.1 percent of
bioactive nature of its carbon concentration, as long as the resource renewable energy supply [2].
is handled appropriately. Because biomass is a scarce resource, it While some wood is used for domestic heating, the majority of
must be used wisely and effectively to maximise its potential for wood is utilized for power generation on a bigger scale. Only
reducing CO2 emissions from fossil fuels [7]. Determining the opti- around half of a tree’s wood is used to make lumber, even in the
mal biomass utilisation, on the other hand, is a tough process [31]. most sophisticated mills [20]. As a result, waste wood products
It’s hard because there are so many distinct forms of biomass (from such as sawdust and wood chips are a common by-product of
woody biomass to sludge via waste water using vegetation, indus- industrial sawmill operations and are frequently burnt to produce
trial solid, and so on) that may be converted into a range of end electricity in the wood products sector. By utilizing fast pyrolysis
products (heating oil, transportation fuel, and power) via numer- transformation technology, renewable sources have the potential
ous conversion paths. Because new trees may be formed by to show a significant part in lowering dependency on fossil fuels.
afforestation and appropriate management, woody biomass is a Increased use of biomass-based fuels will also help to protect the
renewable energy source [13]. Forests are the terrestrial ecosys- environment, provide new job opportunities, support long-term
tems that create and store the most biomass, which is why forests growth, and enhance rural health [36,3]. However, in European
have traditionally provided the majority of biomass for energy [8, countries, it is used for domestic purposes. The EU continues to
13, 14,]. Forest biomass is affected by site, stand structure, topog- be the world’s largest source of wood demand for contemporary
raphy, climate, management plan, and disturbances [31,36,29]. biomass power and heat generation. Solid biomass (mostly wood)
The availability and homogeneity of biomass on a worldwide scale energy accounted for around 7.5% of EU gross final energy con-
are two characteristics that make it a fundamental source of sumption and 44% of overall renewable energy consumption in
energy [8,27,25]; more recently, CO2 emissions neutrality has 2016. The majority of biomass was used for heat, accounting for
become an essential element [17,30]. 78% of total renewable heating and cooling consumption; biomass
All forests produce biomass, which is mostly eliminated during provided around 10% of total renewable power generation. Resi-
harvests, however some is removed in smaller amounts during sil- dential biomass energy use was over 40%, industry (especially pulp
vicultural operations (thinnings and prunings). Forest systems and paper) was around 31%, and large-scale power and heat facil-
managed for timber and/or other products and services can be ities were around 29%. Demand is expected to grow until at least
divided into two categories when it comes to biomass removal 2020, although the adoption of energy efficiency laws and more
for energy purposes [25,19]: energy plantations, where all biomass competition from alternative renewable technologies, particularly
is harvested for energy, and forest systems managed for timber in power generation, might cause growth to slow beyond then.
and/or other products and services, where all or part of forest resi- Given the continued growth in demand for wood for energy, future
dues can be removed from stands for energy purposes [25]. EU supply potential projections are uncertain, depending on,
There are still some (primary) logging remnants. Leaving some among other things, the future development of industries that
biomass as a residue on the ground after harvesting can be benefi- compete for the raw material, as well as the potential for increased
cial because it contributes organic matter and nutrients to the soil, use of wood, agricultural residues, and waste wood, as well as the
impacts competing plants and soil microclimate, and has an impact growth of energy crops. The majority of forecasts expect an
on soil physical features, soil carbon concentration, and future for- increase in domestic supply as well as imports.
est production. Brush piles that may serve as habitats are being Solid biomass is more widespread in the energy transformation
demolished, putting biodiversity at risk [8]. However, it’s difficult sector in the United States than it is in Europe, where biomass is
to draw broad judgments about potential consequences since the often used in a modern method. Electric power plants account
effects are so varied and site-specific. Biomass energy systems for 9 percent, combined heat and power (CHP) plants account for
show great promise for carbon reduction because of their tremen- 16 percent, and district heating plants contribute for 5% [5]. In
dous potential to replace fossil fuels in energy generation. Biomass all, the European energy transformation industry uses 30% of solid
reduces emissions and improves carbon sequestration because biomass consumption, compared to around 9% globally. The ascrip-
short-rotation products or woods established on neglected farm- tion method takes into account the fossil goods that biomass may
land absorb carbon in the soil. be able to replace. 1 MJ of biodiesel, for example, can substitute
1 MJ of traditional fossil fuel. The difference between the fossil
CO2 emissions saved owing to the substitution of standard petro-
G. Sahoo, A. Sharma and A. Chandra Dash Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

leum fuels and the fossil CO2 created in biofuel production is the a biological production function coupled with an economic pro-
remediation prospective [34]. This method concentrates on the duction and cost model. The biological production function depicts
biomass conversion process’s mass, energy, and CO2 balance, the relationship between time and the amount of wood that grows
assuming that it has no impact on the outside world (the overall on a hectare of forest area. The biological model might be a bio-
energy system). Rather of dealing with product replacement (for mass model, such as the logistic or Gompertz model, or a more
example, gasoline), the displacement might be measured at the complex model detailing a cohort of trees’ experience through
degree of power generation (e.g., power, flexibility, and warming). time. The species composition and size composition of particular
A bio - refinery route provides energy as a commodity substitutes species may alter as the forest ages. These changes may have sig-
the energy service given by a fossil fuel conversion pathway in this nificant ramifications for the forest’s value and management. A
idea. The attenuation prospective computation takes into consider- precise forest management plan would need to account for such
ation the overall bio-refinery rate route by altering the comparison changes, and a computer simulation model of tree development,
point, allowing for the discovery of biomass conversion paths with such as the STANDSIM (‘‘stand simulator”) model created by the
the greatest fossil CO2 mitigation impact. The attributional tech- Forest Service in Victoria, would be the biological model for this.
nique, on the other hand, prevents a systematic approach at the Because there is a clear limit to the amount of biomass that can
regional level [1,6]. be sustained by a hectare of land, comparable to the environmental
The scientific literature on bioenergy from biomass, both peer- carrying capacity in the fisheries model, the volume of timber must
reviewed and grey, is substantial, reflecting the interests of various expand at a slower pace over time.
organizations in utilizing woody biomass. The sheer number of
material accessible necessitates a summary of current understand- 1.3. Contemplate bioenergy from woody biomass in this perspective
ing [16], despite the fact that the bulk of this information is bene-
ficial. Some have produced syntheses that incorporate estimations In 2008, the United States used marginally much as 2.1 quadril-
of the amount of available or necessary woody biomass and agri- lion (1015) BTUs of wood and energy made from wood (incorporat-
cultural wastes). This synthesis differs from others in that it takes ing pulp production’s black beverage) across all sectors, equating
an economic approach and relies on concepts of finance to forecast to around 8.7 billion cubic feet of forested substantial [14]. To cre-
demand for and supply of woody biomass [5]. Woody biomass is ate ethanol in 2008, for example, 1.4 quadrillion BTUs of corn and
analyzed in the context of production amounts and land use other ingredients were used. The quantity of renewable energy
changes in both the agricultural and forest sectors wherever consumed by wood and wood-derived fuels has been largely con-
possible. stant at little over 2 quadrillion BTUs since 1989. The quantity of
energy generated from air and bioenergy has grown during the
1.2. Woody biomass in the forest – Based bioeconomy same time period, notably after 2000. Woody biomass is typically
regarded an input into three processes in the context of climate
Forest-based industries and the energy production industry are change policy: heat generation, electricity generation, and biofuel
intimately connected, exhibiting both synergy and rivalry [6]. production. Woody biomass may also be utilised to make com-
Chemical pulping by-products are used in the chemical industry pounds that aren’t employed in the manufacture of bioenergy.
and for energy production [18], whereas sawmilling by-products Woody biomass has been used for energy, power, and biodiesel
are utilised for wood pulp (for paper and textile fibres) and in the United States in recent decades as an auxiliary technique
wood-based panel manufacture, as well as for energy production to use wood wastes created during the manufacture of other prod-
[15,18]. One of the most important determinants of primary woody ucts [17].
biomass supply, including woody biomass for electricity, is saw log As a result, woody biomass is likely to become a more impor-
demand (and thus price) [5]. Natural disturbances may also have tant focus of independent operations in which at least a portion
an impact on the availability of primary woody biomass. Primary of the biomass is extracted derived from biological with topmost
sources (removals) of woody biomass are also competed for by priority stock’s purpose of producing bioenergy. Biomass from
energy and material usage (mostly wood-based panels, but also trees has been utilized to create electricity or heat on its own as
wood pulp manufacture, in most instances not sawmilling due to well as in combined heat and power (CHP) systems, commonly
the high cost of saw logs) [18]. This implies that currency fluctua- denoted to as power generation. In Europe [33], heat-only opera-
tions for wood-based products have an influence on the supply of tions utilizing woody biomass are prevalent, with centralized facil-
woody biomass for energy, and that any assessment of sources and ities producing heat and hot water that is supplied to local heating
uses of woody biomass for energy must factor in forest-based com- districts. In the United States, comparatively tiny heat-only woody
panies. Economic analysis criteria are becoming increasingly biomass plants have often been enough to heat sawmills drying cut
important in forestry investment decisions, driving the selection timber and, more recently, to heat schools [23]. Milling residues
of the best projects and, in certain cases, production alternatives (for example, in Vermont) or woody stems gathered as part of
[11]. Up to the time of cutting and stacking wood in the field, an hazard-fuel reduction activities (for example, in Montana) are
economic evaluation of wood output was conducted. commonly used in the former, whereas milling residues (for exam-
Graphic paper use has declined as electronic information and ple, in Vermont) or woody stems gathered as part of the risk-fuel-
communication technology (ICT) has replaced printed media, but reduction strategy activities (for example, in Montana) are com-
packaging paper usage has increased as trade and e-commerce monly used in the latter. In the United States, there is a lot of inter-
have grown. Engineered wood products (EWP), prefabrication, est in taking advantage of the considerable efficiency gains that can
and performance-based common construction standards for Eur- be achieved by using CHP facilities to generate electricity from
ope (EU 2011) have all increased wood’s competitiveness in woody biomass. In several institutional contexts in the United
large-scale building plans [16]. Natural disturbances and reclama- States, woody-biomass-fired CHP systems have been installed.
tion operations, which result in a temporary oversupply of basic The lack of centralized heating districts in the United States, how-
forest residues, and the COVID-19 pandemic, whose full impact ever, poses a hurdle to widespread adoption of CHP units powered
on demand for wood-based goods is still unknown, are two key by woody biomass by the electrical segment. In household and
phenomena now affecting EU forest-based businesses. small commercial buildings, timber furnaces that are exclusively
To assist design an optimal forest management strategy, a bioe- used for heating [10], that burn fuelwood gathered from standing
conomic model is utilised. The model, like the fishery, comprises of timber or wood pellets generated from wood wastes are commonly
G. Sahoo, A. Sharma and A. Chandra Dash Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

utilized to provide space heating utilizing woody biomass [26]. In of dry woody biomass [4]. At this conversion rate, 223,000 oven
electricity-only operations, woody biomass can be utilized as a dry tonnes (odt) of woody biomass would be required to produce
stand-alone fuel source or in conjunction with additional energy 20 million gallons of cellulosic ethanol.
basis. When wood is cofired, it is usually collective with coal. Co- Regardless of the fact that ethanol obtains the greatest atten-
firing woody biomass with fossil fuels such as coal is possible with tion; wood-based methanol production has also been investigated.
current plant technology and only requires minor burner adjust- Others have pushed in current ages for the production of liques-
ments, allowing a direct replacement of a renewable energy with cent elements (including liquid fuels) and black liquor-derived
a fossil fuel [3]. The wood products sector owns and operates artificial emission, a by-product of Kraft pulp manufacturing, for
almost two-thirds of the about 1,000 wood-fired power facilities the creation of energy [19]. Methanol synthesis from woody bio-
in the United States. Rather of being fed into the electrical grid, mass has been demonstrated to be inefficient [35], and most
much of the power created by industry-owned facilities is utilized methanols are now generated using natural gas, despite long-
on-site [23]. term interest. Much of the black liquor waste is now used to create
The most well-known biofuel is bioethanol. Methanol and liq- heat and energy for pulp and paper plant procedures, and pulp and
uid fuels made from vegetable oils (biodiesel, for example) are also paper mills are unsure if they will invest in bio-refinery plants.
biofuels that can be made with present skill. Bioethanol is desired Although biodiesel may be generated from woody biomass, soy-
because it eliminates the need for octane boosters in gasoline, bean oil is the most common source [35].
decreases carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions from cars
by boosting fuel oxygenation, and balances the use of fossil-fuel- 1.4. Feedstocks for woody biomass
derived gasoline [11]. The rise of conflict in corn demand for food
vs. corn demand for energy is one well-documented disadvantage Short-rotation woody crops (SRWC), byproducts from woody
of generating bioethanol from corn. Corn ethanol production crops retained operational (either dispersed or in piles), leftovers
accounted for around a quarter of all corn grown in the United from processing that may or may not have been utilised in multiple
States in 2007 [4]. Aside from the food rivalry, some claim that procedures, and all stocks of biomass feedstocks for use in biofuels
maize ethanol is not a sustainable renewable resource since its and biofuel production are waste wood and removal obtained
production takes more energy than the ethanol itself [24], but through disposal of solid waste operations (comprising those that
others disagree. may be collected during sustainable forest operations) [7]. In the
Cellulosic ethanol production on a commercial scale is a 2nd bioenergy production process, some woody biomass resources
innovation, although corn-based ethanol is a first-generation bio- are available for free or at a very cheap cost. The use of a few
diesel. Ethanol production from maize or sugar cane (or other woody biomass feedstocks for bioenergy might reduce disposal
sugar/starch crops) is less technically challenging (and hence less costs. Other biomass resources, as long as they are collected and
expensive) than lignocellulose production from wood [11,36]. supplied, can be utilised in bioenergy production processes [28].
The present volume of ethanol refining in the United States is 8.5 Milling wastes and black liquor are examples of low-cost biomass
billion gallons per year, with dry milling maize providing the products that have been widespread for energy production (includ-
majority of the production [4]. In 2007, the United States formed ing wood pellets) and other wood products (e.g., oriented strand
around 6.5 billion gallons of ethanol and trade in roughly 440 mil- board, bark mulch). Other types of woody biomass that are difficult
lion gallons [9]. Cellulosic ethanol may be made from lignocellu- to obtain (e.g., non-merchantable stems) or aren’t widely produced
lose using a variety of methods that differ largely in how the (e.g., SRWC) may only become broadly used as a result of increased
cellulose is hydrolyzed (e.g., with concentrated acid, diluted acid, funding in their power generation (e.g., extensive SRWC planta-
or enzymes) into monomer sugars. Since the nineteenth century, tion), benefits brought, rising fossil fuel costs, and/or increasing
pyrolysis has been employed, but enzymatic techniques are typi- bioenergy benefits. Wood, like other kinds of biomass, has histori-
cally the focus of newly discovered technology utilized in new cally been used for energy in traditional applications like open fires
plants (AE Biofuels Inc. 2008). Liquid fuels were made from wood and rudimentary kitchen stoves. These applications are still preva-
in the United States during World War I and Germany and Switzer- lent in many underdeveloped and even developed countries’ rural
land during World War II, contrary to common perception [36]. areas. Timber harvesting waste and leftovers have long been uti-
Although wood pellets are the only important traded product, a lised to produce electricity on-site in sawmills and pulp mills.
portion of the wood utilized for energy is imported. In 2015, net Incentives to utilise biomass for power and heat generation have
imports of wood pellets (i.e., imports minus exports) accounted resulted in a substantially higher uptake of wood feedstocks for
for 3% of the overall resource blend with wood (around those applications in recent years. Up to this point, most woody
16 Mm3). The United Kingdom was responsible for 97 percent of biomass studies have identified four ‘‘categories” of availability.
the EU’s particles imported from abroad (JFSQ). With a 77 percent According to certain studies [20], the woody biomass is ‘‘poten-
share of EU wood pellet imports, the United States was by far the tially available” in all or almost all of its forms. In some research
crucial supplier [34]. [20], the amount of biomass that is ‘‘technically accessible” and
In the United States, there are no commercial-scale biofuels might be utilised is reported. This is usually proficient by multiply-
production plants in operation right now; though, numerous pre- ing the theoretically accessible quantity of woody biomass by a
sentations for business units are either being built or have recently proportion issue that indicates the amount of biomass that can
begun operations. The US Department of Energy funds several of be retrieved by means of existing or anticipated technologies.
the demonstration plants, which use a wide range of raw materials, Merely a few scholars have sought to estimate the amount of
comprising woody biomass (DOE). In 2007, the Department of woody biomass available at a predetermined spot rate. Finally, a
Energy (DOE) provided money to a handful of promotional biofuels supply curve for woody biomass has been calculated in a few stud-
plants capable of producing 130 million gallons of renewable fuels ies, which is a schedule of delivered volumes throughout a price
per year [12]. The vast of these trees will begin producing during range [11].
the next several years. Only one of the 2007 plants used as exam-
ples (capacity of 40 million gallons per year) would use woody bio- 1.5. Forest plants with a shorter cycle
mass as a sole feedstock, while the other two (capacity of 33
million gallons per year) will combine wood wastes with other Short-lived tree crops that are planted in short rotations and
feedstocks. 89.5 L of cellulosic ethanol are produced from a tonne maintained more intensely than timber plantations, are known
G. Sahoo, A. Sharma and A. Chandra Dash Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

as woody crops. SRWC generated on agricultural land was the main tional apprehensions about the absence of facilities for gathering,
focus of all of the investigations reported here. SRWC, on the other conveying, and preserving biofuel.
hand, might be planted on previously used land for forest planta- The use of forest thinning residues for bioenergy production,
tions or naturally regenerated forests. Hybrid poplars (Populus whether for hazard reduction or other management reasons, has
spp.) and willow (Salix spp.) are the most often considered SRWC been widely explored and encouraged. There are a number of other
tree species, but sycamore (Platanus spp.) and silver maple (Acer obstacles to employing small-diameter thinned forest material for
saccharinum L.) have also been measured [32]. bioenergy generation or other commodities, in addition to the eco-
SRWC may be used in the manufacture of pulp and paper, as nomic and technological restrictions described above [14]. For
well as saw wood, bioenergy, and biofuels [29]. During the oil instance, the infrastructure for collecting, transporting, and pro-
embargo of the 1970 s, SRWC was considered a promising biofuel cessing small-diameter material might be restricted. Part of this
source. Since then, and until recently, SRWC has been primarily is due to the decommissioning of certain harvesting facilities as a
focused on providing a fast-growing, high-yield wood supply result of decreasing wood gathering on federal lands. Additionally,
[32]. SRWC rotation periods are normally 6 to 12 years, however the remaining infrastructural capacity may not be well adapted to
they might be shorter (3 years, for example, [1]) if sold for bioen- properly handle small-diameter material. Second, depending on
ergy feedstock or longer (up to 15 years, for example, Stanton market circumstances and, particularly if obtained from federal
et al. 2002) if sold for saw wood. Harvested SRWC stands can sup- lands, harvesting laws and limits, the availability of wood may
ply a range of items, similar to forest land wood harvests, with be unpredictable. To finish, some people and groups are concerned
stems utilised for clean chips for pulp and paper, and limbs and by hazard thinning efforts, which entail tree removal. The issue of
other fragments used for energy [29]. According to some studies hazard-fuel thinning programmes’ efficacy and economic viability
[21], 25% of the material collected from SRWC stands (mostly bark is complicated by the inclusion of big stems. According to Mubar-
and small limbs) may be sold for energy, while the remainder is eka et al. [22], hazard thinning approaches that incorporate the
utilised to create higher-value commodities. SRWC stands that removal of at least some bigger stems are more capable of meeting
have been harvested stump coppicing or planting new cuttings objectives for lowering forest stand vulnerability to wildfire top-
can be used to rejuvenate the tree. Stump coppicing reduces regen- ping and torching. Furthermore, those researchers discovered that
eration costs, but it can raise labour costs if coppice sprouts need to only when bigger stems could be cut and sold for saw timber and
be trimmed. Regeneration by stump coppicing necessitates a dif- pulp did hazard-fuel reduction techniques become revenue neu-
ferent harvest schedule, which may as a result of lost chances to tral. On public property, the fear of removing big stems generally
benefit from genetic changes in new planting material [24]. When shows itself in a restriction on the diameter of any thinning activ-
a stand is harvested for bioenergy production, coppice regrowth is ities. Certain individuals and groups may be concerned if large
more prevalent [9]. In low-cost bioenergy feedstock circumstances, trees are chopped down for conventional wood manufacture on
coppiced willow may become the most popular crop for bioenergy private lands under the guise of hazard reduction or renewable
production [16]. energy generation [8].
Woody biomass (together with other biomass resources) has
long been considered to be energy independent, and the Kyoto Pro-
1.6. Challenges to biomass utilization tocol recognised biomass as such. Conversely, some have recently
proposed that using woody biomass for bioenergy may not be
We explore a sum of communal, organizational, and ground- energy independent if carbon emissions from land use change
work hurdles to prevalent acceptance of woody biomass-based and other activities in the production of woody biomass are
bioenergy production. The five categories of hurdles to bioenergy included in energy consumption computation [10]. Ceccherini
production outlined by [27] include a relatively little information, et al. [7] proposed a scenario in which old forests are destroyed
money, funding, and insurance; circumstances of operation; orga- to produce energy crops as an example of carbon releases not
nizational issues; and perception and acceptance. accounting for in biomass generation. Despite the fact that this
Existing administrative limitations, which are frequently not example demonstrates the need of correctly accounting for carbon
built with bioenergy production in mind, can make the permission discharges in energy generation, none of the experiments pre-
process complicated and time-consuming, with a lack of clarity sented here necessitated such dramatic land use changes to pro-
regarding the preconditions and criteria for bioenergy-specific vide biomass for power generating. Many of the forest woody
issues (e.g., residue removal). Furthermore, conventional plant biomass will come from waste from harvests that would have
approval procedures may not apply to bioenergy, causing misper- occurred otherwise, or from hazard-fuel thinning activities that
ception about the procedure and prospects. The scale of future might enhance forest growth and perhaps reduce wildfire activity
woody biomass use and the events convoluted in providing woody [6]. The energy crop plantings examined in these models are
biomass feedstocks may be influenced by administrative or legisla- mostly on marginal or fallow cropland. In some cases, increased
tive regulations that outline what counts as woody biomass for planting of energy crops may result in land conversion from forest
contributing to renewable energy goals, tax relief, or other compre- to agriculture (e.g., no long-term improvement in crop yield).
hensive climate policies [30]. Researchers are using the FASOM Despite the significance of their consideration of land use change,
model to solve these challenges of restricted eligibility, as seen Ceccherini et al. appear to ignore the urbanisation that would
by the publications listed below. Because many of the regulations occur if fossil fuels were utilised instead of biomass feedstocks
are still being considered, and the delineations of qualifying sub- (e.g., mountaintop removal). Fiscal concerns and carbon life-cycle
stantial are frequently indistinct, it’s hard to assess the impact of emanations will be major challenges when considering ways to
legislative and regulatory limitations on feedstock supply. improve the woody biomass bioeconomy.
In terms of organizational challenges, the effective deployment
of big biomass plants necessitates the participation of various indi- 1.7. Bioenergy has ethical, financial, and huge benefits
viduals and organizations. Identifying an adequate network of bio-
mass providers is a unique issue. This might be achieved via a Bioenergy has long been recognized for its broader societal,
aggregator for bioenergy or by contracting with a large number monetary, and functional benefits. The most major environmental
of independent feedstock producers [36]. For the energy producer, advantage of bioenergy is to combat climate change. When fossil
the former scenario is likely to be more appealing. There are addi- fuels are substituted with sustainably generated biomass fuels,
G. Sahoo, A. Sharma and A. Chandra Dash Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

CO2 produced in generating power is countered by carbon re- ing, and forest sectors. Only a few models are capable of simulating
sequestered from the environment as biomass reserves refill. By the interactions of all three industries at the same time. The impli-
increasing the quantity of carbon stored onsite, reforestation of cations of new climate change policies may be misinterpreted if
agricultural or mining regions, for example, can help to reduce one sector is evaluated in isolation since the forest and agriculture
greenhouse gas emissions [25]. Trees take CO2 and break it down sectors are so interconnected. There are both synergies and rival-
into oxygen and carbon during photosynthesis. The carbon is held ries within the wood-based economy. Forest industry by-
(sequestered) in the tree stem, branches, and roots, and the oxygen products are widely used in the wood-based panel and pulp indus-
is released back into the atmosphere. As a result, replacing treeless tries, as well as in the energy sector. As a result, the energy sector,
landscapes with forested land will result in net carbon accumula- the production of wood-based panels, and pulp manufacturing are
tion in these regions. Improved soil and water quality, as well as all depending on sawnwood supply and compete for the same raw
improved animal habitat with more physiological and behavioural materials. Because of these interconnections, any study of the
variation, are some of the other environmental benefits of refor- sources and uses of woody biomass for energy must take into
estation and afforestation. Because bioenergy production systems account the whole forest-based economy.
emit far lower levels of nitrogen oxide (NO2), sulphur oxide The majority of the negative repercussions of acquiring and
(SO2), and mercury into the atmosphere, localized environmental using woody biomass may be mitigated with careful planning. Fur-
problems such as nitrogen oxide (NO2), sulphur oxide (SO2), and thermore, when forestry methods replace conventional agricul-
mercury emissions can also be mitigated through reduced fossil ture, the majority of negative impacts are almost eliminated.
fuel combustion [6]. The costs of thinning overgrown or sick forest Benefits to the land, water, atmosphere, environment, and commu-
stands can be offset by developing markets for woody biomass in nity are all significant benefits associated with woody biomass.
the WUI, which can enhance forest health and minimize forest fuel Forests filter contaminants from water, making it safe to drink,
loading and fire hazard. Planting and maintaining forests may also and their continuous cover aids in erosion prevention. Woody bio-
aid in the management of fire-intolerant or exotic trees, the mass will have a favourable influence on the environment by
restoration of native ecosystems, and the economic competitive- reducing NO2 and SO2 radiations and increasing carbon sequestra-
ness of wooded land through alternative land uses, all of which tion. Furthermore, afforestation and replanting will help to restore
contribute to the preservation of green space in developing places. environment and biodiversity. The problem of calculating biomass
When used as dedicated energy fuel supply systems, short-rotation as a source of energy has become more challenging as interest in it
woody crops (SRWC) may reduce mineral absorption from recov- has grown. Remote sensing, as compared to forest inventory, is a
ered waste water and other urban and rural wastes, including useful technology that enables for more cost-effective evaluation
the remediation of mined areas, and manage invasive exotics like and monitoring. Although forest biomass represents for a modest
cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica) [36]. Bioenergy can not only offer fraction of world energy production, it is a remarkably diversified
energy security by reducing reliance on imported oil, but it can also renewable energy source.
generate jobs and have economic multiplier benefits in rural areas.
CRediT authorship contribution statement

2. Conclusion Gyanaranjan Sahoo: Conceptualization, Methodology, Soft-

ware, Visualization, Writing – original draft. Amita Sharma: Data
Woody biomass bioenergy generation is expected to play a key curation, Supervision, Validation. Asim Chandra Dash: Writing –
part in long-term climate policy. Woody biomass’s future contribu- review & editing.
tion to renewable energy will be bolstered by expanding its appli-
cation in energy generation. Because different ‘‘categories” of
Declaration of Competing Interest
availability are taken into consideration and different assumptions
are employed in the calculations, recent predictions of the quantity
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
of woody biomass that could be used for bioenergy vary widely.
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
Milling wastes and wood in MSW are the most common materials
to influence the work reported in this paper.
used in the manufacture of bioenergy and other products.
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