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The City School

Central Region
Jhelum Branch

Schedule (Head) Test

March 2024


Class: 5______ Obtained

Marks: /50

Time Allowed: 1 hour 10 minutes

----For Teacher’s use

Instructions: Question Max Marks
no. Marks Obtained
Write your full name and section.
Write your answer to each question in
the space provided. 3

Teacher’s Signature S.M Signature

Q1. Answer the following questions after reading the story.

(20 marks)
Mystery of the Broken Pie

The sun was shining on the sparkling grass. It was morning, and the grass
was still wet from the dew. We were excited to see the sunshine after days
of rain! Sydney and I were tired of being stuck inside. “Mom, can we go out
and play?” I shouted. “You and Sydney need to clean your rooms first. I’m
excited to get some fresh air in the house, it’s time for a good spring
cleaning!” Mom answered. Sydney and I looked at each other and groaned.
We wanted to get outside, not be stuck inside cleaning. But we knew we
could go play as soon as we finished cleaning. We decided to make it a
race to see who could clean their room the fastest. But we had to clean up
the right way, otherwise Mom would make us redo it. “3… 2… 1… GO!” we
shouted. I picked up all my clothes and put them in my hamper. I tucked in
my sheets and pulled the comforter over my bed so it looked like a
magazine picture. All of my books went back on the bookshelf, and my toys
and games went back in the closet. “DONE!” I heard Sydney shout from
her room down the hall. “Aw, man, I was just about to shout it out. Good
job, Sydney,” I said. Sydney jumped up and down. “I never finish cleaning
before you, Aiden!” she exclaimed. She looked so excited I couldn’t even
be mad at my little sister. “Let’s go outside,” I said. We walked into the
kitchen, where my mom had all the ingredients out to make her famous
apple pie. “Can we go play now?” I asked Mom. “Sure! I’m just going to get
this pie in the oven and start cleaning. Make sure you stay in the yard, and
if you play nicely, you’ll get some pie in a few hours!” she replied. Sydney
and I played in the yard. We rode bikes, played on the swing set, and made
up adventures to go on. A couple of hours later, we could smell the pie in
the air. “Mmmmm,” Sydney said. “I’m hungry. Let’s go see if that pie is
ready.” When we got in the house, we could hear Mom vacuuming in the
living room. Sydney and I walked to the kitchen to see if the pie looked
ready. Mom had set the pie to cool by the kitchen window. We peered up at
the pie and gasped. It was a mess! The crust on top had holes in it, and the
filling was all over the place. “What happened?” Sydney asked. “Mom’s
pies never look like that!” “I don’t know, but we’d better figure it out before
Mom sees the pie and thinks we did it!” I answered. We ran back outside
and sat down under the tree. “What do you think could have happened,
Sydney?” “Hmmm… maybe Mom dropped the pie when she took it out of
the oven.” Sydney replied. “Is there evidence for that?” I asked. “I don’t
remember, we’d probably have to go back and check around the oven to
see if there’s a mess.” “Let’s think of other possibilities first, then we can go
back and search the scene of the crime. I would say that maybe the cat got
into the pie, but we don’t have a cat, so that can’t be it…” Sydney and I sat
outside for a while, trying to think of ideas. Birds kept flying in and out of the
tree above us. They gave me an idea. I looked toward the kitchen, with the
wide-open window. “Hey, I bet that some birds smelled the pie and wanted
a piece! It’s right by the open window! We should go check for little bird
footprints,” I said. “You’re right!” Sydney exclaimed. “And if there aren’t any
footprints, we can look for other clues while we’re in the kitchen.” We
walked back into the kitchen. Mom was still vacuuming. Sydney and I
tiptoed over to the pie to search for evidence. Next to the pie, we saw the
filling, and one small footprint. “That looks like a bird footprint, right?” I
asked Sydney. She agreed. We heard the vacuum turn off, and Mom
walked into the kitchen. “What are you two doing by the pie?” she asked.
“We came back in from playing outside and wanted some pie, because it
smells delicious. But when we got in here, the pie was a mess!” I said.
Sydney added, “We had to solve the mystery of why it’s broken in pieces,
because your pies are always beautiful. Aiden had an idea that some birds
might have gotten into it! Look, there’s a little footprint!” “Oh goodness,”
Mom answered, “you guys are right. I guess I’ll have to get a screen back
on this kitchen window. Well, what do you guys think about going out to get
ice cream since the birds ate our pie?” “Yay!!!” we shouted, and dashed off
to the car. Solving mysteries sure makes you hungry!

1. How did Sydney and Aiden feel when they saw the messed-up pie? Highlight

evidence from the text that supports your answer. 2 marks




2. Retell the story from the mom’s point of view. 3 marks






3. Why did Sydney and Aiden run back outside after they saw the messed-up pie? How

would the story have changed if they’d gotten their mom instead? 3 marks





4. Do you think Aiden is a good big brother? How can you tell? 2 marks




5. . Create another piece of evidence that could have helped the characters figure out

how the pie got messed up. 2 marks




1. Write down what is the meaning of the given sentences. (2 marks)

Sydney and I looked at each other and groaned. __________________

She looked so excited I couldn’t even be mad at my little sister. __________________

2. Write down three examples of exclamation sentences used in the story. (3





3. From the sentence below write down the dependent and independent clause.

Also write down the name of the type of conjunction used. 3 marks

“We came back in from playing outside and wanted some pie, because it smells


Type of Conjunction: ______________________________________

Independent Clause:



Dependent Clause:

Q2. Write down your opinion on (5 marks)

‘Social media has many benefits.’ How far do you think this is true?

Give reasons and examples to support your view. (80-100 words)
















Q3. Write down a descriptive Writing about (15 marks)

A Floating City (60-80words)
























Q4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate conjunctions to complete each

sentence. Choose the conjunctions from the provided list. (10 marks)

Conjunctions List:

And, but, or, so, yet, for, nor, because, although, while

 She wanted to go to the party, _______ her parents insisted she stay home.

 I would like to visit the museum, _______ I don't have enough time today.

 He wanted to buy a new car, _______ he couldn't afford it.

 Sarah enjoys reading, _______ she spends most of her free time at the library.

 John doesn't like pizza, _______ he will eat it if there's nothing else available.

 It's raining outside, _______ we should bring umbrellas.

 He didn't study for the test, _______ he still managed to get a good grade.

 They could watch a movie _______ go for a walk in the park.

 _______ it was getting late, they decided to continue their journey.

 She wanted to learn Spanish, _______ he preferred to learn French.

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