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Third Trimester

Final examination – Revision worksheet

Academic Year 2023 – 2024

Grade : 4 Section : H / P

Subject : Saudi History & Geography

Student Name: Section: Date:

(Write your full name)

Study material

Arabic Language :Unit 3

Arabic Language :L1 - p. 18

Simple Arabic Phrases (1) :L2 - p. 19

Simple Arabic Phrases (2) :L3 - p. 20

Arabic Numbers :L4 - p. 21

Unit 3 Activities - p. 22
Q1. Answer the following questions.

1. The language of Saudi Arabia is Arabic

2. Is Arabic language different from English? In what way?

Yes, its different. It has a different alphabet and is written in a different


3. In English we write from left to right.

4. In Arabic we write from right to left.

5. Why Millions of Muslims in the world speak Arabic? Give 3 reasons.

1. They read the Holy Qur’an.

2. They perform their prayers.
3. They use arabic to deal with people when they arrive at Makkah .

6. Arabic is not only spoken by Arabs. Correct the statement.

7. How many ways are in Arabic language to greet people? List them down.

There are 3 ways to greet people in arabic language.

1. Ahlan wa sahlan
2. As salaam ‘aalaykum
3. Marhaba

8. How do we say ‘Goodbye’ in Arabic? Ma’ Assalama

9. How do we say ‘Thank you’ in Arabic? Shukran

10. What is the Arabic word for a boy? Walad

11. What is the English word for ‘Bint’? Girl

12. What is the Arabic word for a friend? Sadeeq

13. What is the Arabic word for a female teacher? Moualimah

14. What is the Arabic word for a male teacher? Moualim

15. What is the Arabic word for a school? Madrasah

16. Arabic numerals are invented by Indian mathematicians.

17. Write the Arabic numbers from 0 – 9.

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