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"Presumed Dead In Paradise"



Running Time: 87 minutes, 39 seconds

Prepared by: Elements: Date:

Caption Media Services Digital Media May 23, 2014
4000 W. Alameda
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 333-0333
00:00:09:21 GRAPHIC ON
Presumed Dead in
00:00:15:09 SCHOOLGIRL 1 1 All right, Madison.
You ready for this?
00:00:17:07 SCHOOLGIRL 1 1 Come on. You said
you can do this.
00:00:19:20 SCHOOLGIRL 1 1 If I don't pass this test,
I'm gonna flunk Bio.
00:00:23:16 SCHOOLGIRL 1 We need the key to her office.
00:00:25:16 SCHOOLGIRL 1 The test is in there.
00:00:27:00 MADISON I said I can do this,
not that I would.
00:00:29:15 SCHOOLGIRL 1 Think of it
as your initiation.
00:00:32:18 SCHOOLGIRL 1 New school, new rules.
00:00:37:18 SCHOOLGIRL 1 It's just about show time.
00:00:40:07 MADISON Okay, stay 10 feet
ahead of me.
00:00:43:17 MADISON Stop and turn,
00:00 then press down firmly.
00:00:49:10 MADISON ( sighs )
00:00:58:06 MRS. LINDEL Oh!
00:01:00:10 MADISON - Oh, my gosh!
00:01:01:21 MADISON I'm so sorry.
00:01:03:01 MRS. LINDEL Oh, watch out!
00:01:05:06 SCHOOLGIRL 1 Here, clumsy.
00:01:06:21 SCHOOLGIRL 1 Maybe you can catch
better than you can walk.
00:01:08:20 MRS. LINDEL Thank you, ladies.
Thank you very much.
00:01:11:05 MADISON Sorry again, Mrs. Lindel.
00:01:12:16 MRS. LINDEL Thank you.
00:01:19:13 MADISON Okay, hold still.
00:01:28:23 MADISON Got it.
00:01:30:16 SCHOOLGIRL 1 This better work.
00:01:32:03 SCHOOLGIRL 1 I don't wear Mary Janes.
00:01:40:13 SCHOOLGIRL 1 Then after Aspen,
we're gonna spend New Year
00:01:43:16 SCHOOLGIRL 1 with my sister in
the south of France.
00:01:46:00 MADISON That's cool.
00:01:47:03 SCHOOLGIRL 1 Oh, it's gonna be hell.
00:01:49:15 SCHOOLGIRL 1 One week with my
God-awful family?
00:01:53:09 SCHOOLGIRL 1 Family is the worst.
00:01:55:22 MADISON Yeah, the worst.
00:01:58:01 SCHOOLGIRL 1 Well, at least I won't
be spending my holiday
with a tutor, thanks to you.
00:02:02:15 SCHOOLGIRL 1 You should have seen
Mrs. Lindels' face
00:02:04:13 SCHOOLGIRL 1 when she handed me
my test back.
00:02:06:05 SCHOOLGIRL 1 98%.
00:02:07:05 MADISON Glad I could help.
00:02:08:20 SCHOOLGIRL 1 How'd you learn how
to do that stuff, anyway?
00:02:11:01 MADISON I had to irritate
my stepmom somehow.
00:02:14:00 MADISON ( chuckles )
00:02:15:16 SCHOOLGIRL 1 So what are you doing
for the break?
00:02:17:22 MADISON Oh, I'm actually
going to India.
00:02:23:07 SCHOOLGIRL 1 Oh, that's nice.
00:02:25:10 MADISON Yeah. It's this whole thing.
00:02:27:11 MADISON We do it every year.
00:02:28:11 SCHOOLGIRL 1 I gotta go, Maddy.
00:02:29:21 SCHOOLGIRL 1 My mom's waiting
for me downstairs.
00:02:31:03 SCHOOLGIRL 1 See ya'.
00:02:34:13 MADISON Have a nice break!
00:02:46:23 PA ANNOUNCEMENT Attention, students.
00:02:48:21 PA ANNOUNCEMENT The common room will
be closing in 30 minutes.
00:02:52:02 PA ANNOUNCEMENT All students not
returning home for winter break
00:02:55:11 PA ANNOUNCEMENT should check in with
the administration office.
00:02:58:12 PA ANNOUNCEMENT Thank you, and
00:03 have a happy holiday.
00:03:31:16 MADISON Yeah?
00:03:35:11 MADISON Patricia?
00:03:37:02 PATRICIA Hi.
00:03:38:21 MADISON What are you doing here?
00:03:42:00 PATRICIA I came to pick
you up for break.
00:03:43:20 MADISON I thought I was spending
break here at school.
00:03:47:06 MADISON You told me
you made plans, remember?
00:03:50:08 PATRICIA Well, my plans were
always to be with you.
00:03:52:10 PATRICIA But I wanted it to be
a surprise, so surprise.
00:03:55:04 MADISON Really?
00:03:56:20 PATRICIA Yeah, really.
00:03:58:23 PATRICIA I didn't want you to spend
00:04 the holidays alone
:01:13 again this year.
00:04:08:02 PATRICIA I know that we haven't
00:04 spent much time together
:12:05 since your dad's accident.
00:04:13:10 MADISON Yeah, and whose
fault is that?
00:04:15:07 PATRICIA [ sighs ]
00:04:16:17 PATRICIA You know what?
I didn't come here to argue.
00:04:18:17 PATRICIA I think that we've both
had enough of that.
00:04:21:16 PATRICIA I'd really like
to have a truce.
00:04:23:17 PATRICIA Deal?
00:04:25:23 MADISON Deal.
00:04:30:16 PATRICIA So I've been thinking.
00:04:34:07 PATRICIA Your 18th birthday
is coming up soon
00:04:36:17 PATRICIA and I thought that we should
do something special for
a change, just you and me.
00:04:42:02 MADISON What did you have in mind?
00:04:44:23 PATRICIA You remember that little island
that we used to go to
with your dad?
00:04:47:06 PATRICIA Saint Isabel?
00:04:49:01 PATRICIA A week in a tropical paradise,
I just think it would do us
00:04:52:14 PATRICIA both a world of good.
00:04:54:15 MADISON Seriously?
00:04:56:01 PATRICIA I'm serious, Maddy.
00:04:57:13 PATRICIA Private beaches,
spa days, yoga.
00:05:02:03 MADISON I haven't been to
Saint Isabel in a long time.
00:05:05:07 PATRICIA Neither have I.
00:05:24:06 Dad: Madison.
00:05:26:13 Madison.
00:05:29:01 Patricia: Madison?
00:05:31:10 Dad: Madison?
00:05:34:05 PATRICIA Madison?
00:05:39:04 PATRICIA Madison.
00:05:44:09 PATRICIA Hey, you were talking
in your sleep.
00:05:47:09 MADISON Oh, sorry.
00:05:50:00 PATRICIA Were you dreaming?
00:05:51:11 MADISON Yeah.
00:05:53:09 MADISON Dad.
00:05:55:03 MADISON I've had this one
a million times before.
00:05:57:15 PATRICIA You look just
like him, you know.
00:06:00:03 PATRICIA The same cheekbones.
00:06:04:19 PATRICIA So is there anything
in particular
00:06:07:21 PATRICIA that you're looking
00:06 forward to?
00:06:11:06 MADISON - The fish.
PATRICIA - The fish.
00:06:12:13 MADISON Yeah. They have
really good fish.
00:06:14:19 MADISON And there's also
this pastry shop that Dad
loved right by the water.
00:06:18:04 MADISON I forget the name exactly.
00:06:20:09 MADISON It was Fresbyteria--
00:06:24:17 MADISON Anyway, Dad would always
talk politics with the owner
00:06:27:20 MADISON and I'd go play soccer
00:06 with his kid.
00:06:34:05 MADISON I know I've been tough
to deal with lately.
00:06:36:14 MADISON Is that why
you sent me away?
00:06:40:14 MADISON Because I was
a troublemaker?
00:06:43:10 PATRICIA Is that what
you really think?
00:06:46:01 PATRICIA Madison, I was so broken
when your father died.
00:06:50:15 PATRICIA I didn't know how
to be a mother to you.
00:06:52:23 MADISON So you just sent me away?
00:06:55:18 PATRICIA Well, at the time, I thought
it was the best decision.
00:06:58:06 PATRICIA I'd never been
a mother before.
00:06:59:23 PATRICIA I could barely stay afloat,
let alone be a suitable parent.
00:07:03:17 PATRICIA The least I could do was
00:07 provide you with
:08:04 the best education.
00:07:14:02 PATRICIA Are you okay?
00:07:15:03 MADISON Yeah, fine.
00:07:20:04 MADISON Just gonna run to
00:07 the restroom real fast.
00:07:31:13 MADISON Oh, sorry.
00:07:33:01 TAYLOR No problem.
00:07:49:12 PA ANNOUNCEMENT Ladies and gentlemen,
we have initiated
00:07:51:14 PA ANNOUNCEMENT our descent into
the island of Saint Isabel.
00:07:54:04 PA ANNOUNCEMENT Please ensure your seatbelt
is securely fastened
00:07:56:23 PA ANNOUNCEMENT and your seat back and
tray tables are
00:07:58:18 PA ANNOUNCEMENT in their full upright
and locked position.
00:08:01:02 PA ANNOUNCEMENT All carry-on baggage must
be returned to the overhead bin
00:08:03:14 PA ANNOUNCEMENT or underneath the seat
in front of you.
00:08:06:02 PA ANNOUNCEMENT At this time, we ask that you
discontinue the use of any
portable electronic devices.
00:08:10:04 PA ANNOUNCEMENT We will be coming by to pick up
all remaining cups,
cans and glasses.
00:08:14:01 PA ANNOUNCEMENT Thank you.
00:08:42:00 PATRICIA All right.
00:08:43:02 PATRICIA This should only take a sec.
00:08:44:09 MADISON Can I come with you?
00:08:45:20 PATRICIA I'm only gonna be a minute,
I promise.
00:08:48:01 PATRICIA I'll be right back.
00:08:52:07 MADISON Story of my life.
00:09:21:00 [ knocking on car window ]
00:09:22:05 PATRICIA I got 'em!
00:09:23:12 PATRICIA We're at the beach
00:09 villa up the road.
00:09:41:03 PATRICIA We're here.
00:09:48:06 MADISON This is beautiful.
00:09:51:18 PATRICIA Go on in.
00:10:01:23 PATRICIA Are you glad to be back?
00:10:04:04 MADISON Yes. God, it's been years.
00:10:06:21 PATRICIA Saint Isabel reminds me
00:10 so much of your dad.
00:10:12:12 MADISON Wow, this is nothing like
the shack Dad used to own.
00:10:19:02 PATRICIA Yeah, well, I wanted it
to be different
00:10:20:22 PATRICIA for our time together.
00:10:22:12 MADISON This is so cool.
00:10:24:22 PATRICIA You know what?
I love room service.
00:10:27:03 PATRICIA I think we should
order some and binge.
00:10:28:17 MADISON Really?
00:10:29:22 PATRICIA Anything you want,
as much as you want.
00:10:31:14 MADISON Okay.
00:10:33:09 MADISON [ chuckles ]
00:10:35:23 MADISON Thanks again for bringing
me here, Patricia.
00:10:37:21 PATRICIA It's my pleasure, Madison.
00:10:39:22 MADISON Well, I really mean it.
00:10:43:05 MADISON Look, we've already
been here a whole day.
00:10:44:18 MADISON And we haven't even
had a fight yet.
00:10:46:01 PATRICIA [ chuckles ]
00:10:47:01 PATRICIA That's true.
00:10:48:06 MADISON I'd say we're
00:10 making progress.
00:10:51:19 PATRICIA Well, here's
00:10 to our time together.
00:10:54:23 ( glasses clink )
00:11:27:15 MADISON Patricia?
00:11:29:01 MADISON I'm starving.
00:11 Let's get some breakfast.
00:11:36:03 MADISON Back in a few hours.
00:11:37:21 MADISON Check out these
cool earrings.
00:11:40:04 MADISON Hmm. Well, so much
00:11 for our time together.
00:12:16:22 YOUNG MADISON [ child laughs ]
00:12:20:08 YOUNG MADISON Over here, Andres.
00:12:22:08 YOUNG MADISON I'm open.
00:12:24:06 YOUNG MADISON [ laughs ]
00:12:26:00 YOUNG MADISON Goal!
00:12:29:06 YOUNG ANDRES Madison!
00:12:35:11 YOUNG ANDRES Madison!
00:13:03:04 MADISON Hi.
00:13:04:11 MADISON Do you speak any English?
00:13:06:18 CLERK No.
00:13:08:09 MADISON Do you have this
in any other colors?
00:13:12:11 MADISON No, no...
00:13:13:11 MADISON [ speaking Spanish ]
00:13:16:08 MALE 1 I think I can help you.
00:13:18:04 MALE 1 Which color do you want?
00:13:19:17 MADISON Red.
00:13:20:17 MALE 1 Red?
00:13:22:11 MALE 1 [ speaking Spanish ]
00:13:26:19 CLERK Mm-hmm.
00:13:28:23 CLERK [ speaking Spanish ]
00:13:30:13 MADISON Perfect.
00:13:32:07 MALE 1 Oh, no, no, no.
Please, let me.
00:13:34:08 MADISON Oh, thanks.
00:13:36:12 MADISON You don't have to do that.
00:13:38:04 MALE 1 Well, I don't usually.
But it's my pleasure.
00:13:41:17 CLERK - Gracias.
MADISON - Gracias.
00:13:43:18 MADISON Thanks again.
00:13:45:09 MALE 1 You're welcome.
00:13:48:06 CLERK - Senor?
MALE 1 - Bye.
00:13:50:07 MALE 1 Oh, thank you.
00:13:51:18 CLERK De nada.
00:13:57:16 MALE 2 Hi. You want to join us?
00:13:59:23 MALE 3 - Ola!
- Ola!
00:14:01:10 MALE 2 Come have a drink with us!
00:14:02:19 MADISON Tempting, but no thank you.
00:14:04:01 MALE 2 - Come on.
MALE 3 - This is a nice bike.
00:14:06:00 MADISON What are you doing?
00:14:07:16 MALE 2 Maybe she's too good for you.
00:14:09:00 MALE 3 Maybe both of us will be
too good for her.
00:14:10:06 MADISON Get your hands off of me!
00:14:12:11 BLAKE Hey!
00:14:15:16 BLAKE Leave her alone!
00:14:18:11 MADISON Let him go, please!
Oh, my God!
00:14:21:12 [ grunts ]
00:14:28:12 MADISON Oh, my God.
00:14:30:03 MADISON Are you okay?
00:14:31:08 BLAKE Yeah, I'm fine.
00:14:34:06 MADISON You're bleeding.
00:14:36:01 BLAKE A young woman like you
shouldn't be out here alone.
00:14:40:11 MADISON I can handle myself.
00:14:43:16 MADISON I'm Madison, by the way.
00:14:45:18 BLAKE Blake.
00:14:48:09 BLAKE Welcome to Saint Isabel.
00:14:53:15 BLAKE Still look pretty shaken up.
00:14:55:08 BLAKE Hey, let me take you
back to your hotel.
00:14:58:12 BLAKE We can throw your bike right
on the back of my jeep.
00:15:00:16 MADISON What are you,
like James Bond
or something?
00:15:03:12 BLAKE [ chuckles ]
00:15:05:01 MADISON Hanging out rescuing tourist
girls and solving crimes?
00:15:07:16 BLAKE [ laughs ]
00:15:09:18 BLAKE Uh, let's just say
I'm protecting
a potential investment.
00:15:14:18 BLAKE I'm a guide, actually.
00:15:16:21 BLAKE I run a little
business in town.
00:15:18:21 BLAKE I take tourists on
jungle excursions,
rock climbing, surfing.
00:15:23:13 MADISON I used to come here
years ago with my dad.
00:15:26:02 MADISON It's been years
00:15 since I've been here.
00:15:38:22 MADISON Thanks again for everything.
00:15:41:16 BLAKE You're welcome.
00:15:43:06 BLAKE Lots of excitement
for one day, huh?
00:15:45:10 MADISON Lots of excitement.
00:15:47:10 BLAKE You know, I have to be
back around here
in the early morning.
00:15:51:06 BLAKE I have a surfing lesson with
some tourists from Chicago.
00:15:53:16 BLAKE I could be back around
noon if you want.
00:15:55:04 BLAKE Show you some more
of the island.
00:15:56:17 MADISON To protect your
investment, right?
00:15:59:02 BLAKE Right.
00:16:05:15 MADISON - Yeah.
BLAKE - Yeah?
00:16:06:15 MADISON Yeah.
00:16:07:21 MADISON - See you at noon.
BLAKE - Okay, great.
00:16:09:21 BLAKE I'll see you then.
00:16:11:01 MADISON Cool.
00:16:20:22 PATRICIA Madison, are you okay?
Where have you been?
00:16:23:00 PATRICIA I was just gonna call
the hotel security.
00:16:26:09 PATRICIA Who was that?
00:16:27:19 MADISON Some guy who helped me.
00:16:30:17 MADISON There was a little incident.
00:16:32:17 PATRICIA What do you mean?
00:16:34:07 MADISON Some guys tried to jump me.
But it's fine.
00:16:35:08 MADISON Nothing happened.
00:16:37:01 PATRICIA Look, I really need you to not
go out on your own again, okay?
00:16:40:22 MADISON Okay.
00:16:43:07 MADISON So trying to be
00:16 a mommy now?
00:16:59:13 PATRICIA So how much do you actually
know about this guy?
00:17:02:12 MADISON He's local and he's nice.
00:17:05:00 MADISON And he's just gonna
take me around to see
the island tomorrow.
00:17:07:19 PATRICIA He's way too old for you.
00:17:09:09 MADISON Have you seen my bag?
00:17:10:13 PATRICIA Yeah. It's right here.
00:17:15:19 MADISON Have you been looking
through my stuff?
00:17:17:08 PATRICIA Yes. I was looking
through your stuff.
00:17:18:19 PATRICIA You've been gone all day.
00:17:19:23 PATRICIA You've been off
your medication.
00:17:21:11 PATRICIA And I was worried about you.
00:17:22:18 MADISON I'm not a kid anymore.
00:17:29:10 PATRICIA I can see that.
00:17:31:03 MADISON Please, everyone
has a fake ID.
00:17:34:05 PATRICIA Madison, I know what it's
like when you're young
00:17:36:08 PATRICIA and you meet
a good-looking guy.
00:17:38:03 MADISON You know, Patricia,
it's a little late for you
00:17:39:04 MADISON to be pulling the parent card.
00:17:41:09 PATRICIA I'm just saying you never
00:17 know who you can trust,
:44:20 that's all.
00:18:13:19 MADISON [ sighs ]
00:18:20:07 BLAKE So have you ever been
paddle-boarding before?
00:18:22:05 MADISON Never, but I think
I can handle it.
00:18:25:22 BLAKE Cool. Well, looks like
we've got the place
00:18:28:03 BLAKE all to ourselves
other than the dog.
00:18:30:15 MADISON Yeah. Where is everyone?
00:18:33:14 BLAKE That's why you come here.
No distractions.
00:18:36:10 BLAKE All right. I have
a treat for you.
00:18:39:15 BLAKE Ta-da!
00:18:40:15 BLAKE I made it myself.
00:18:42:13 BLAKE It is papaya and
guava juice mixed with
a little bit of coconut water.
00:18:44:20 BLAKE It'll help
prevent seasickness.
00:18:47:05 MADISON Okay.
00:18:56:10 BLAKE I hope that's legal.
00:18:58:08 MADISON They're mild.
I just...
00:19:00:01 MADISON I take them for my anxiety.
00:19:02:04 BLAKE Why? Does the water
make you nervous?
00:19:04:12 MADISON People make me
nervous sometimes.
00:19:08:14 BLAKE Okay. Here.
I'll need--
00:19:10:08 BLAKE Let me take that back.
00:19:11:11 MADISON - Oh. Here you go.
BLAKE - Thank you.
00:19:14:13 MADISON Okay. I'm gonna go
check out the water.
00:19:19:00 BLAKE All right. I'm gonna start
00:19 unpacking the gear.
00:19:34:02 MADISON What happens if we get
caught in the rip tide?
00:19:36:04 BLAKE Don't worry. We'll stay
clear of the rip.
00:19:39:01 BLAKE Here. Put this on.
00:19:40:15 MADISON I can swim.
00:19:42:09 BLAKE Yeah, I noticed.
00:19:43:15 BLAKE But it can get
00:19 pretty choppy out there.
00:19:47:07 MADISON - Okay.
00:19 BLAKE - Come on, come on.
00:19:51:23 MADISON Oh, this thing
is heavy.
00:19:54:19 BLAKE Oh, that's because you're
used to the flimsy life vests
00:19:56:21 BLAKE they have for
swimming pools and lakes.
00:19:58:04 BLAKE This is an open
water life vest.
00:19:59:20 BLAKE And it's safe up
to a Cat 3 hurricane.
00:20:02:11 BLAKE So you're fine.
00:20:04:00 MADISON Got it.
00:20:22:06 MADISON [ laughs ]
00:20:28:22 BLAKE Madison!
00:20:30:20 BLAKE Follow me out to the break!
00:20:32:09 BLAKE I'll wait for you out there!
00:20:34:04 MADISON Got it!
00:20:46:11 MADISON This is amazing!
00:20:48:06 BLAKE You're a natural, Madison!
00:20:50:21 BLAKE Hey, follow me!
00:20:52:10 BLAKE There's a good spot
for watching dolphins!
00:20:54:23 MADISON Okay!
00:21:07:23 MADISON Blake?
00:21:10:05 BLAKE Over here, Madison!
00:21:15:15 MADISON Slow down!
00:21:18:12 BLAKE Madison?
00:21:19:22 MADISON Blake?
00:21:21:11 MADISON Blake?
00:21:25:15 MADISON Slow down!
00:21:29:15 MADISON I don't feel very-- oh!
00:21:34:21 [ pants ]
00:21:39:11 MADISON Uh!
00:22:07:19 JORDAN Oh, no, the pirate stole
your birthday present.
00:22:10:20 YMADISON Don't be silly, Daddy,
you did this.
00:22:13:07 JORDAN Well, it's a good thing
that they left a map.
00:22:15:06 YMADISON I know where the treasure is.
00:22:17:17 JORDAN That's right.
00:22:25:08 JORDAN Your mother gave that to me.
00:22:27:08 JORDAN She said it was the key
to her heart.
00:22:29:14 JORDAN Now I'm giving it to you.
00:22:32:18 PATRICIA I'm so sorry, Madison.
00:22:35:08 JORDAN Madison!
00:22:36:11 JORDAN Madison!
00:22:37:12 MADISON [ gasping ]
00:22:50:01 MADISON Hello?
00:22:52:21 MADISON Is anybody there?
00:22:58:14 MADISON Ola!
00:23:01:10 MADISON My pills.
00:23:05:18 MADISON Okay.
00:23:07:04 MADISON Nothing to be scared of.
00:23:16:06 MADISON Here we go.
00:23:31:03 MADISON [ panting ]
00:24:19:17 MADISON Oh.
00:24:22:13 [ engine approaching ]
00:24:29:15 MADISON Hey!
00:24:31:10 MADISON Stop, please.
00:24:38:05 MADISON Hi.
00:24:39:07 MADISON Can I get a ride
to my hotel?
00:24:42:07 DRIVER - Yeah.
00:24 MADISON - Thank you.
00:24:54:22 MADISON [ panting ]
00:25:15:19 MADISON Patricia?
00:25:19:16 MADISON I'm back.
00:25:22:09 MADISON Hello?
00:25:23:19 MADISON Hello?
00:25:25:07 MADISON Is anyone home?
00:25:30:11 MADISON Patricia?
00:25:33:21 MADISON Hello?
00:25 Is anyone here?
00:25:46:13 CLERK Hello. Front desk.
May I help you?
00:25:48:15 MADISON Hi. This is Madison
from Bungalow Seven.
00:25:52:13 MADISON Do you know if Patricia Ashland
is out looking for me?
00:25:56:06 CLERK Let me check the messages.
00:25:57:19 CLERK Uh, no, ma'am.
00:25:59:04 CLERK No messages for
Bungalow Seven.
00:26:01:21 MADISON Has anyone called the police
or filed a missing persons
report or something?
00:26:07:10 CLERK Uh, no.
No record of that.
00:26:09:14 CLERK I am sorry.
00:26:12:03 MADISON Okay. Well, if you see her,
can you tell her I called?
00:26:14:13 CLERK Of course.
00:26:16:05 CLERK Did you want me to call
someone for you?
00:26:18:09 CLERK I can call
the police and put--
00:26:20:00 MADISON Wait. Never mind..
She's here. I see her.
00:26:22:13 CLERK Okay.
00:26:27:06 PATRICIA [ laughs ]
00:26:34:23 PATRICIA So what happened?
00:26:36:23 PATRICIA Blake, I want
to know everything.
00:26:38:21 PATRICIA Step by step.
00:26:42:07 PATRICIA Really?
00:26 What do you mean?
00:26:47:21 PATRICIA Careful.
00:26:51:09 BLAKE [ laughs ]
00:26:54:07 PATRICIA Tell me everything.
Tell me what happened.
00:26:56:23 PATRICIA Was it just like
we discussed?
00:27:00:07 BLAKE Even better
than planned.
00:27:01:18 PATRICIA Really?
00:27:03:05 BLAKE Mm-hmm. No signs of
bodily harm, like an accident.
00:27:06:23 PATRICIA [ laughs ]
00:27:08:06 PATRICIA How do you know?
00:27:09:07 PATRICIA Did you see her body
go under?
00:27:10:17 BLAKE Oh, yeah. She went
straight to the bottom.
00:27:12:07 BLAKE You know the weight vest,
the pills you switched out?
00:27:15:16 PATRICIA I mean, maybe the drugs
didn't take hold in time.
00:27:17:15 BLAKE - No, no, no, no.
PATRICIA - Did you check to make sure?
00:27:19:05 BLAKE Yeah. I waited for a while.
And she never came back up.
00:27:22:12 PATRICIA What about the vest?
00:27:24:01 PATRICIA 'Cause you were supposed
to collect the vest.
00:27:25:05 BLAKE The vest?
00:27:26:12 PATRICIA I mean, that's gonna
draw suspicion.
00:27:28:08 BLAKE It's fine.
I handled it.
00:27:29:08 BLAKE I know what I'm doing.
00:27:31:16 PATRICIA What do you mean?
If, like, Madison's body
just washes up on some shore?
00:27:34:16 PATRICIA On some beach for all
these tourists to see?
00:27:36:20 PATRICIA 'Cause that would be great
for low profile, Blake.
00:27:38:17 BLAKE Would you relax?
00:27:40:04 BLAKE I mean, if you're so
concerned about it,
00:27:41:16 BLAKE then why would you even
bring her down here?
00:27:43:22 BLAKE I mean, we could have
pulled this whole thing off
without a body count.
00:27:45:09 PATRICIA I can't relax
00:27:47:08 PATRICIA and I can't file a
missing persons report
until Monday.
00:27:49:20 PATRICIA So until then,
I need to keep everything
00:27:51:19 PATRICIA nice and clean, okay?
00:28:06:09 BLAKE What about her real mother?
00:28:08:04 BLAKE Her aunt?
00:28:09:23 BLAKE I mean, that's the only thing
we need to worry about.
00:28:12:00 PATRICIA Her mom died when
she was a baby.
00:28:13:13 PATRICIA She doesn't have
00:28 any relatives.
00:28:39:19 BLAKE Does she have a boyfriend?
00:28:43:10 PATRICIA She has no one.
00:28:49:20 PATRICIA I'm gonna go to her room
00:28 and get some things, okay?
00:29:45:17 PATRICIA Blake?
00:29:46:17 BLAKE Yeah?
00:29:48:16 PATRICIA They didn't leave us
any fresh towels.
00:29:50:21 BLAKE Honey, you're supposed
to leave the towels
00:29:52:11 BLAKE you want replaced
on the floor.
00:29:53:23 BLAKE It's environmental.
00:29:55:12 PATRICIA Well, I'm gonna call
the front desk.
00:29:57:23 CLERK Front Desk?
May I help you?
00:30:00:12 PATRICIA Hi. Can we have some
fresh towels, please,
in Bungalow Seven?
00:30:04:13 CLERK Of course.
We'll send some right over.
00:30:06:20 CLERK Oh, but you have a message.
00:30:08:21 CLERK A Madison Ashland called
looking for you?
00:30:12:14 PATRICIA What?
00:30:14:16 CLERK Just a few moments ago.
00:30:15:21 [ phone clicks ]
00:30:19:19 BLAKE What's wrong?
00:30:27:22 PATRICIA Madison.
00:30:31:09 PATRICIA Madison, are you okay?
00:30:32:22 PATRICIA I've been so worried
about you.
00:30:34:23 PATRICIA Where have you been?
00:30:36:06 PATRICIA We gotta get you out
of those wet clothes.
00:30:39:09 PATRICIA And get you into a nice warm,
00:30 hot bath, all right?
00:30:45:04 PATRICIA Okay?
00:30:48:23 PATRICIA Don't let her get away!
00:31:39:09 MADISON I need some help!
00:31:43:14 MADISON Habla Englais?
I don't speak Spanish.
00:31:46:11 OFFICER What's the matter?
00:31:48:06 MADISON Someone tried
00:31 to kill me.
00:31:57:08 BLAKE [ sighs ]
00:32:03:19 BLAKE I lost her.
00:32:07:17 BLAKE What are we gonna do?
00:32:11:13 PATRICIA We've gotta move up the plan.
00:32:28:11 DETECTIVE CORTEZ Wow, that's quite a story.
00:32:31:08 MADISON I know, but it's all true.
00:32:34:06 DETECTIVE CORTEZ Look, Miss Ashland,
you don't have any money,
no identification.
00:32:39:08 DETECTIVE CORTEZ No one to corroborate
your story.
00:32:41:05 DETECTIVE CORTEZ Is there anything else
you can tell me?
00:32:43:02 DETECTIVE CORTEZ I need more to go on.
00:32:44:18 MADISON I told you everything I know.
00:32:47:20 MADISON I don't know why
she's doing this to me.
00:32:50:03 DETECTIVE CORTEZ Excuse me.
00:32:51:16 DETECTIVE CORTEZ [ speaking Spanish ]
00:32:53:14 MADISON Is this the detective?
00:32:55:08 FEMALE OFFICER [ speaking Spanish ]
00:32:56:23 PATRICIA There she is.
That's the girl.
00:32:58:11 MADISON - That's my stepmother!
DETECTIVE CORTEZ - You need to calm down.
00:33:01:01 PATRICIA Are you the detective here?
00:33:02:03 DETECTIVE CORTEZ Esos correcto.
00:33:03:20 PATRICIA Well, I'm sorry, detective.
00:33:05:00 PATRICIA But this girl
has been stalking me.
00:33:06:21 PATRICIA She broke into
my hotel room.
00:33:08:14 PATRICIA She's insistent
that we're related.
00:33:10:16 PATRICIA And I'm afraid that she might
be involved with some gangs
or something.
00:33:14:09 MADISON What?
00:33:15:23 MADISON She tried to kill me.
00:33:17:07 DETECTIVE CORTEZ She isn't your stepdaughter?
00:33:20:11 PATRICIA No.
00:33:22:14 MADISON I can't believe you.
00:33:24:10 MADISON I thought you actually wanted
00:33 a relationship with me.
00:33:28:08 DETECTIVE CORTEZ Can anyone else
validate your story?
00:33:30:19 PATRICIA Yes.
00:33:32:00 PATRICIA Madison, can you come
00:33 in here, please?
00:33:39:13 PATRICIA This...
This is my stepdaughter.
00:33:43:09 PATRICIA And she can clarify
anything you need to know.
00:33:47:21 TAYLOR Hi. I'm Madison Ashland.
00:33:50:07 MADISON No, you're not!
I'm Madison!
00:33:52:22 MADISON She's lying!
00:33:58:00 MADISON Oh, sorry.
00:33:59:08 MADISON Wait, wait!
00:34:00:19 MADISON She's in on it too!
00:34:02:04 MADISON I remember seeing her
on the airplane!
00:34:03:18 PATRICIA Anyway, she left this after
we had to chase her out.
00:34:07:18 DETECTIVE CORTEZ - Is this your bag?
00:34 MADISON - Yeah.
00:34:17:05 DETECTIVE CORTEZ Susan Greenburg?
Is this you?
00:34:18:22 MADISON No.
00:34:20:03 MADISON I mean, yeah,
that's my fake ID.
00:34:25:07 PATRICIA Well, looks like
a criminal to me.
00:34:29:19 MADISON I can't believe
you're doing this.
00:34:31:21 MADISON You lying, evil bitch!
00:34:33:11 DETECTIVE CORTEZ - Grab her!
FEMALE OFFICER - Hey, hey, enough. Enough.
00:34:37:00 PATRICIA Is this how you
treat your tourists here?
00:34:38:00 DETECTIVE CORTEZ I'm sorry, ma'am.
00:34:40:08 DETECTIVE CORTEZ But I'm gonna have to see
your daughter's passport
to clear this up.
00:34:43:00 PATRICIA Madison.
00:34:44:21 TAYLOR Here.
00:34:56:06 DETECTIVE CORTEZ Seems official.
00:34:57:16 MADISON No, that's a fake!
I'm Madison Ashland!
00:35:00:01 PATRICIA Look, whoever you are,
I'm sorry.
00:35:03:11 PATRICIA But you've got
00:35 some serious issues.
00:35:06:16 DETECTIVE CORTEZ [ speaking Spanish ]
00:35:07:22 FEMALE OFFICER Si, Senor.
00:35:09:08 MADISON No. What are you doing?
00:35:10:08 DETECTIVE CORTEZ I'm sorry, ma'am.
00:35:12:02 DETECTIVE CORTEZ You and your daughter
are free to go.
00:35:15:07 PATRICIA - What about her?
DETECTIVE CORTEZ - We'll take care of her.
00:35:17:17 PATRICIA Look, I want you to know
that we're not gonna feel safe
until she's been put in jail.
00:35:20:21 DETECTIVE CORTEZ On Monday, I'm gonna be
calling the U.S. Consulate
in the mainland
00:35:23:18 DETECTIVE CORTEZ and they're skilled in dealing
with situations like this.
00:35:26:20 PATRICIA I hope so.
00:35:30:12 PATRICIA Thank you.
00:35:49:03 PATRICIA Shh, shh, shh.
00:35:52:04 TAYLOR But the U.S. Consulate.
00:35:53:16 TAYLOR You think this passport
will hold up?
00:35:55:17 TAYLOR I mean, what if they have
her fingerprints or something?
00:35:58:13 PATRICIA Just keep it together,
Taylor, okay?
00:36:00:00 TAYLOR But the cops
think I'm her.
00:36:01:19 PATRICIA Listen, we talked
about this, remember?
00:36:04:16 PATRICIA There was bound
to be some heat.
00:36:06:12 PATRICIA Look, I would not have
gotten you into this
00:36:08:02 PATRICIA if I did not think that
you could handle it.
00:36:10:17 PATRICIA But you asked for this, Taylor,
00:36 a chance to start again.
00:36:19:03 TAYLOR I didn't mean anything
by it, Patricia.
00:36:21:07 TAYLOR I can keep my cool.
00:36:26:08 PATRICIA Don't worry about
the Consulate.
00:36:27:23 PATRICIA We'll be long gone
by the time they get here.
00:36:30:22 PATRICIA Okay, get in the car.
00:36:49:10 DETECTIVE CORTEZ I'm sorry, ma'am.
00:36:51:08 DETECTIVE CORTEZ But we're gonna have to detain
you at least for the night.
00:36:55:06 DETECTIVE CORTEZ It's for your own safety.
00:36:57:01 DETECTIVE CORTEZ You're a danger to Miss Ashland
and possibly yourself.
00:37:00:18 DETECTIVE CORTEZ I can bring a doctor
to examine you in the morning.
00:37:05:16 MADISON You're locking me up?
00:37:08:10 MADISON Don't I get a lawyer
or something first?
00:37:12:08 DETECTIVE CORTEZ I want to believe you.
00:37:17:11 DETECTIVE CORTEZ Sign her in as
Jane Doe for now.
00:37:20:18 FEMALE OFFICER Yes, sir.
00:37:22:04 FEMALE OFFICER Let's go.
00:37:36:20 MADISON Ow!
00:37:38:21 FEMALE OFFICER Come on.
Come on, get up.
00:37:39:23 FEMALE OFFICER It's not that bad.
00:37:41:10 MADISON Can I at least use
the restroom first?
00:37:44:06 FEMALE OFFICER [ sighs ]
00:37:45:14 FEMALE OFFICER Okay.
00:37:47:00 FEMALE OFFICER It's right over there.
00:37:50:19 FEMALE OFFICER Don't take too long.
00:37:54:00 FEMALE OFFICER [ speaking Spanish ]
00:38:18:23 FEMALE OFFICER [ speaking Spanish ]
00:39:06:11 MADISON Okay.
00:39:09:14 MADISON What?
00:39:16:19 MADISON Invalid?
00:39:19:19 MADISON [ sighs ]
00:39:24:19 MADISON What?
00:39:26:07 MADISON Ugh.
00:39:30:23 MADISON Hmm.
00:39:36:03 MADISON Let's see.
00:39:41:00 MADISON Yes!
00:41:14:17 PATRICIA All right, she's gone.
00:41:15:21 PATRICIA They can't find her anywhere.
00:41:18:01 PATRICIA I can't believe
they let her escape.
00:41:19:17 BLAKE Maybe she's smarter
than you think.
00:41:22:01 PATRICIA Do you have
her fingerprints?
00:41:25:20 BLAKE I think so.
00:41:29:00 PATRICIA We need an actual
fingerprint for this form.
00:41:32:01 BLAKE - I know.
PATRICIA - Not just the photo.
00:41:36:13 BLAKE Watch and learn.
00:42:13:23 BLAKE Perfect.
00:42:16:02 BLAKE [ chuckles ]
00:42:41:20 MALE 4 I'm sorry, Miss.
00:42:42:22 MALE 4 We're closed for the night.
00:42:44:13 MADISON I know, but can I please
just speak to the owners?
00:42:47:00 MADISON I knew them when I was...
00:42:49:14 MADISON when I was younger.
00:42:52:06 MADISON I'm sorry. Can I sit down?
00:42:53:06 MALE 4 Yeah, yeah, of course.
00:42:54:08 MALE 4 Sit.
00:42:58:05 MALE 4 I'm sorry, but
00:43 you don't look well.
00:43:01:21 BLAKE I mean, who is
she gonna talk to?
00:43:04:00 PATRICIA Well, she's running wild
around the island, Blake.
00:43:07:01 BLAKE That's fine, that's fine.
00:43:08:19 BLAKE Everybody thinks she's crazy.
00:43:10:04 BLAKE And, I mean, we have
until Monday,
00:43:12:17 BLAKE which is, what, 36 hours?
00:43:14:07 PATRICIA - Yeah.
BLAKE - Right.
00:43:15:17 TAYLOR You think Madison might
try to kill me?
00:43:17:13 PATRICIA No. I know Madison.
00:43:20:07 PATRICIA She'd rather run than
face her own fears.
00:43:22:17 TAYLOR Guys, we need to find her.
00:43:24:05 PATRICIA Taylor.
00:43:27:03 TAYLOR Faces and Friends,
fraud alert.
00:43:29:22 TAYLOR I think I may
have something.
00:43:32:21 TAYLOR She tried to log
into her account.
00:43:35:08 PATRICIA I thought you already
hacked into it.
00:43:38:02 TAYLOR I did, but now when anyone
tries to access it,
00:43:40:23 TAYLOR we'll be able
to find their location.
00:43:44:03 BLAKE Can you get an address?
00:43:46:10 TAYLOR Working on it.
00:43:53:03 TAYLOR Got it.
00:43:54:19 TAYLOR It's an internet café at
2001 Marco Esquandalas Avenue.
00:43:58:17 BLAKE Okay, okay.
00:44 I'm on it.
00:44:11:06 ANDRES Hello, Madison.
00:44:16:10 MADISON How do you know my name?
00:44:18:02 ANDRES It's on your pendant.
00:44:24:04 ANDRES Here.
00:44:29:22 MADISON This is good.
What is it?
00:44:32:12 ANDRES Chocolatina.
00:44:34:05 ANDRES My father used to make it
for us as kids.
00:44:37:05 ANDRES After long days playing on
the beach with old friends.
00:44:41:23 MADISON Wait.
00:44:46:03 MADISON Only my initials
are on this thing.
00:44:48:04 MADISON How do you know my name?
00:44:52:06 YOUNGER ANDRES Madison!
00:44:54:23 MADISON Andres?
00:44:56:16 MADISON Oh, my God!
00:44:58:16 ANDRES [ speaks Spanish ]
00:45:02:11 MADISON Thanks, Andres.
00:45:04:01 MADISON You really didn't have
to make me dinner.
00:45:06:04 ANDRES When was the last
time you ate?
00:45:09:06 MADISON A while.
00:45:17:19 ANDRES I could hear your stomach
growling from across the room.
00:45:21:13 ANDRES [ growls ]
00:45:22:14 MADISON [ laughs ]
00:45:23:21 MADISON It's been a
couple of days.
00:45:25:18 MADISON I know how crazy this
all must sound.
00:45:29:09 ANDRES It's okay.
00:45:31:12 ANDRES Everyone has problems.
00:45:33:08 ANDRES I don't judge people.
00:45:35:07 MADISON It's just...
00:45:37:01 MADISON Patricia was all the family
that I had left in the world.
00:45:39:14 MADISON After my dad died, she moved
me from school to school
00:45:43:02 MADISON so I couldn't
make any friends.
00:45:44:19 MADISON Then all of a sudden, she wanted
to take me on this vacation?
00:45:47:17 MADISON I thought things were
finally changing.
00:45:49:18 ANDRES Yeah.
00:45:51:13 ANDRES Sounds like she kept moving
00:45 you around on purpose, right?
00:45:58:04 MADISON I should have known better.
00:46:06:22 MADISON So do you believe me?
00:46:12:07 ANDRES It's a complicated story.
00:46:17:04 MADISON I've been talking about
myself this entire time.
00:46:20:10 MADISON I'm sorry.
00:46:22:14 MADISON You lost your
parents too, didn't you?
00:46:27:06 ANDRES It was Hurricane Edward
a few years ago.
00:46:31:04 MADISON That must have been
hard for you.
00:46:34:02 ANDRES It was hard for everyone.
00:46:36:15 ANDRES A lot of people
lost everything.
00:46:40:15 MADISON Well, you must think
I'm a spoiled American.
00:46:44:16 ANDRES [ chuckles ]
00:46:45:18 ANDRES Si, un poquito.
00:46:46:18 MADISON Yeah.
00:46:48:15 ANDRES You just don't understand the
00:46 way things work around here.
00:46:52:22 MADISON Well, this was delicious.
00:46:54:19 ANDRES Gracias.
00:46:55:22 ANDRES [ chuckles ]
00:46:57:14 ANDRES You know, someday this
will be a real restaurant.
00:47:03:23 MADISON I believe you.
00:47:14:21 ANDRES Look, you can stay here.
00:47:18:09 ANDRES But I don't think I'd be a
00:47:22:10 very good witness for you.
00:47:25:01 MADISON Why not?
00:47:31:15 ANDRES My story is complicated, too.
00:47:36:17 MADISON Right.
00:47:38:12 MADISON Yeah, I know it's
00:47 a lot to ask.
00:47:53:15 GRAPHIC ON
Hard to tell.
00:48:03:23 BLAKE Do you remember now?
00:48:09:22 CASHIER Stall number four.
00:48:36:13 ANDRES You can't just live the rest
of your life as a fugitive.
00:48:40:03 ANDRES So what are you gonna do?
00:48:42:18 MADISON Patricia brought me
here to kill me.
00:48:45:20 MADISON But why here?
00:48:48:08 MADISON There's something
I'm not seeing.
00:48:50:02 ANDRES Maybe your father left
you something,
00:48:52:02 ANDRES some money that
you don't know about.
00:48:57:19 MADISON Well, my birthday's tomorrow.
00:48:59:13 MADISON I can't imagine the timing of
all of this being accidental.
00:49:03:10 MADISON If I could just
figure that out,
00:49:05:02 MADISON I could blow Patricia's
story to shreds.
00:49:07:11 MADISON Maybe there's something back
at the villa that could help.
00:49:10:17 ANDRES Now she's gonna be
watching out for you.
00:49:12:20 MADISON I know. I just...
00:49:15:14 MADISON I need you to distract
Patricia long enough
00:49:18:04 MADISON so I can search the bungalow.
00:49:20:01 ANDRES Is that all?
00:49:21:19 MADISON Come on, please?
00:49:26:07 ANDRES I'll help you, but you have
to promise me
00:49:29:14 ANDRES if something bad happens,
00:49 you won't give up.
00:49:36:14 ANDRES Swear on your
00:49 little keychain.
00:49:41:06 MADISON I swear.
00:49:42:06 [ chuckles ]
00:50:12:02 MADISON How are we gonna get them
out of there?
00:50:15:12 ANDRES Leave that up to me.
00:50:17:02 ANDRES Look, take this phone,
wait for my signal.
00:50:22:16 ANDRES [ speaking Spanish ]
00:50:26:20 ANDRES I'm gonna take
them out of there
00:50:28:20 ANDRES and I'm gonna let you know when
they're coming back, okay?
00:50:31:22 MADISON - Okay.
ANDRES - How long are you gonna need?
00:50:33:12 MADISON I'm not even sure what
I'm looking for, you know.
00:50:36:09 ANDRES Just whatever you're going
to do, do it fast, okay?
00:50:40:11 MADISON Thank you.
00:50:41:17 ANDRES You're welcome.
00:51:03:15 PATRICIA Hello?
00:51:04:20 PATRICIA - Hi.
- Blake: Hey.
00:51:07:20 PATRICIA Where have you been?
00:51:10:08 BLAKE Out.
00:51:13:03 BLAKE Anyway, I went to
this internet café.
00:51:15:17 BLAKE And she was here for sure.
00:51:25:02 BLAKE Besides the Faces and Friends
log-in, the only other search
00:51:27:14 BLAKE is for a pastry shop
in old Saint Isabel.
00:51:29:22 BLAKE Does that ring a bell?
00:51:31:04 PATRICIA A pastry shop.
00:51:32:15 PATRICIA Hold on a sec.
00:51:37:13 PATRICIA Yeah.
00:51:38:18 PATRICIA Madison still talks
about that place.
00:51:40:19 PATRICIA Jordan used to take her
there when she was a kid.
00:51:43:21 TAYLOR I can't find the contacts.
00:51:45:11 BLAKE Why is that important?
00:51:52:19 PATRICIA Don't you see, Blake?
She needs an ally right now.
00:51:55:08 PATRICIA She's probably looking for
a friend or something,
00:51:57:05 PATRICIA like that little boy
that she used to play with
when she was a kid.
00:51:59:22 Blake: Yeah, well, I'm here now,
00:52:02:11 Blake: And there is no more shop.
00:52:04:08 BLAKE So whoever owned
this place is long gone.
00:52:06:15 PATRICIA She can't be far.
Just keep looking.
00:52:09:07 PATRICIA Just keep asking
the locals or something.
00:52:12:04 PATRICIA Blake, look, you're the
professional here, okay?
00:52:14:17 PATRICIA I'm just gonna
let you do your job.
00:52:15:21 TAYLOR Patricia!
00:52:17:10 PATRICIA What?
00:52:18:12 TAYLOR Detective Cortez
is in the lobby.
00:52:20:08 TAYLOR He wants to speak with us.
00:52:22:03 TAYLOR Like, now!
00:52:23:14 PATRICIA I gotta call you back.
00:52:25:18 BLAKE Wait. I...
00:52:40:03 ANDRES You don't have
very much time.
00:52:41:23 ANDRES You need to hurry.
00:52:43:02 TAYLOR Okay, so what do
I say to Cortez?
00:52:45:08 PATRICIA Uh, don't say anything
unless he asks you.
00:52:47:16 PATRICIA You just have
to be Madison.
00:52:49:21 TAYLOR Do you think he knows?
00:52:51:05 PATRICIA No, I don't think
00:52 he knows.
00:54:07:08 MADISON Yeah?
00:54:09:16 ANDRES They're in the lobby.
00:54:10:19 Andres: I don't know for how long.
00:54:12:02 ANDRES Did you find anything yet?
00:54:13:16 MADISON No. I need more time.
00:54:17:08 ANDRES Hurry up.
00:54:18:22 ANDRES They're coming to you.
00:54:19:22 MADISON Distract them!
00:54:41:00 PATRICIA Where's my car?
00:54:42:11 PATRICIA Where's my--
00:54:43:22 PATRICIA Where's my blue car, please?
00:54:47:22 ANDRES Hey, I know you
from someplace, right?
00:54:53:16 ANDRES Madison, Madison Ashland.
00:54:56:13 ANDRES It's me, Andres.
00:55 Andres Castillo.
00:55:09:20 MADISON Madison.
00:55:11:11 MADISON Oh my God.
00:55:13:09 ANDRES You do remember me,
don't you?
00:55:15:00 TAYLOR Uh, no. Sorry.
00:55:17:15 ANDRES We used to play
together as kids.
00:55:19:16 ANDRES My father had
00:55 a pastry shop.
00:55:23:19 PATRICIA She's here.
00:55:24:19 TAYLOR Wait. What?
Who's here?
00:55:26:11 PATRICIA Madison. She's here.
She's here right now.
00:55:28:14 PATRICIA Can I get my car, please?
00:55:45:02 MADISON [ panting ]
00:55:55:18 MADISON Andres!
00:55:57:10 MADISON I think I found it!
00:55:58:17 MADISON I think this is it!
00:56:06:07 [ Patricia sighs ]
00:56:07:22 TAYLOR Uh, Patricia?
00:56:09:12 TAYLOR Is she gonna kill us?
00:56:12:09 PATRICIA Ow!
00:56:14:08 TAYLOR I'm too young to die!
00:56 What do we do?
00:56:38:17 PATRICIA No!
00:56:41:17 PATRICIA Damn it!
00:56:53:00 PATRICIA She's got the envelope.
00:56:55:01 TAYLOR What?
00:56:56:06 PATRICIA Go find her!
00:56:57:14 TAYLOR - Me?
00:56 PATRICIA - Go!
00:57:01:22 Blake: Hi, Patricia.
00:57:03:02 PATRICIA Blake?
00:57:05:08 PATRICIA Madison got the envelope.
00:57:08:00 ANDRES Right here.
00:57:19:04 ANDRES What is it?
00:57:20:19 MADISON It's a release form for
a safety deposit box.
00:57:24:17 MADISON And they have my fingerprint.
00:57:26:20 ANDRES For which bank?
00:57:29:16 MADISON Bank of Saint Isabel.
00:57:31:00 ANDRES There are four of those
here on the island.
00:57:33:21 ANDRES So it'd help
00:57 if we knew which one.
00:57:38:21 MADISON It doesn't say.
00:57:40:07 ANDRES What's in the box?
00:57:42:01 MADISON I'm not sure, but these
other papers are
00:57:45:21 MADISON my dad's stock and mutual
fund transactions
00:57:49:00 MADISON from about 10 years ago.
00:57:51:12 MADISON It looks like he cashed out a
bunch of stocks before he died.
00:57:54:12 MADISON But here's the catch.
00:57:56:07 MADISON Whatever's in that box,
I'm supposed to collect at
00:57:58:14 MADISON the bank on my 18th birthday.
00:58:00:17 MADISON Patricia must have thought
that he cashed out all
of his shares
00:58:03:09 MADISON and left them to me.
00:58:05:00 MADISON God, how long has
she been planning this?
00:58:07:23 ANDRES Come on, we have to go.
00:58:10:18 ANDRES Come on, come on.
00:58:24:08 PATRICIA You didn't find them?
00:58:27:16 TAYLOR They must be somewhere
00:58 in the jungle.
00:58:34:10 TAYLOR Well, now what?
00:59:18:22 MADISON What are you thinking?
00:59:20:17 ANDRES Your dad wouldn't just put
a bunch of cash
00:59:24:02 ANDRES in a safety deposit box,
would he?
00:59:26:11 MADISON I don't think so.
00:59:36:10 ANDRES Run!
00:59:38:18 BLAKE [ speaks Spanish ]
00:59:47:18 ANDRES Let's go.
00:59:48:23 ANDRES Go, go, go.
01:00:27:03 BLAKE You've run out of places
01:00 to hide, Madison.
01:00:32:17 BLAKE I know you're here.
01:01:05:09 [ grunts ]
01:01:06:19 ANDRES Run, Madison!
01:01:12:21 [ grunting ]
01:01:25:01 ANDRES Oh!
01:01:42:10 [ shouts ]
01:01:48:14 [ grunts ]
01:02:03:18 MADISON No!
01:02:05:02 MADISON Let me go!
01:02:06:02 MADISON Andres!
01:02:13:04 MADISON - Andres!
01:02 BLAKE - Shut up!
01:02:25:02 Blake: Shut up, shut up!
01:02:28:06 ANDRES Come out!
01:02:31:02 ANDRES I got your gun!
01:02:32:18 BLAKE I got your girl!
01:02:34:11 ANDRES Let her go!
01:02:37:05 ANDRES Blake, let her go!
01:02:40:02 ANDRES If you touch her...
01:02:43:10 GRAPHIC ON
I swear I’m going to
shoot you!
01:02:46:11 GRAPHIC ON
Freeze! Drop the gun!
01:02:48:09 GRAPHIC ON
Put your hands on your
01:02:50:00 GRAPHIC ON
Wait, wait! I didn’t shoot
01:02:50:25 GRAPHIC ON
There’s a man who has a
girl hostage. You have to
01:02:53:10 GRAPHIC ON
Get on the ground!
01:02:54:18 GRAPHIC ON
He has her! He’s going
to kill her! Please! I
didn’t do anything.
Believe me!
01:03:11:06 PATRICIA So you finally got her.
01:03:17:02 PATRICIA Did she
put up a fight?
01:03:19:16 BLAKE You tell me.
01:03:26:22 PATRICIA You don't mind if
01:03 I borrow this, do you?
01:03:33:22 BLAKE If you're gonna kill me, that's
01:03 the gun I want you to have.
01:03:40:11 BLAKE You were looking for this?
01:03:44:20 PATRICIA Oh, my.
01:03:46:15 PATRICIA You deserve a bonus
01:03 for this.
01:03:52:17 BLAKE Let's just finish this.
01:03:59:08 PATRICIA You've always been
01:04 so clever, Madison.
01:04:06:08 PATRICIA Do you even know
what this is?
01:04:08:05 Madison: It's mine.
01:04:14:11 MADISON That belongs to me.
01:04:16:00 PATRICIA It's something that
you don't deserve.
01:04:17:14 MADISON My father gave it to me!
01:04:19:11 PATRICIA Why so entitled, Madison?
01:04:22:02 PATRICIA You act like you're the only
one that he ever loved.
01:04:26:00 PATRICIA He loved me too.
01:04:27:07 MADISON Why are you doing this to me?
01:04:29:09 PATRICIA Because you left me no choice.
01:04:31:08 MADISON What are you talking about?
01:04:32:22 PATRICIA We could have been a family,
Madison, a real family.
01:04:37:07 PATRICIA You know that
that's all I ever wanted.
01:04:40:18 MADISON Oh, my God,
you're delusional.
01:04:43:10 PATRICIA I extended myself
to you so many times.
01:04:46:03 PATRICIA But you just shut me out.
01:04:47:10 MADISON No, you didn't!
You sent me away!
01:04:50:16 MADISON I spent all of
those holidays alone!
01:04:55:04 MADISON But you knew what you were
doing this whole time.
01:04:57:16 MADISON You meant to hurt me.
01:04:59:10 MADISON It was never about what
you thought was best for me.
01:05:02:21 MADISON It was about
your pride, wasn't it?
01:05:08:10 MADISON Because you knew no matter
how hard you tried,
01:05:11:17 MADISON he would never love you
01:05 as much as he loved me.
01:05:19:18 PATRICIA You were an
embarrassment to him.
01:05:22:13 PATRICIA I can't believe
01:05 you share the same DNA.
01:05:31:03 PATRICIA Yes, Taylor?
01:05:42:13 MADISON [ sobs ]
01:05:45:05 PATRICIA Come Monday morning
when the bank opens,
we're gonna be home free.
01:05:49:09 Taylor: Patricia, I'm really worried.
Taylor: I'm starting to get a
01:05:51:00 bad feeling about this.
01:05:52:17 PATRICIA Taylor, I'm on
my way home, okay?
01:05:55:00 Taylor: Oh, just hurry back, please?
I can't take this much longer.
01:05:55:14 PATRICIA Okay.
01:05:57:16 Taylor: I think I'm having
01:05 a panic attack.
01:06:00:20 BLAKE We good?
01:06:03:02 PATRICIA Taylor's hysterical.
01:06:04:17 PATRICIA Don't worry.
I can handle it.
01:06:09:00 BLAKE What do you want me
01:06 to do about Madison?
01:06:14:02 PATRICIA End it.
01:06:16:13 PATRICIA Just remember, before you bury
01:06 her body, send me the proof.
01:06:51:13 [ door opens ]
01:07:01:07 BLAKE Tsk, tsk, tsk.
01:07:06:13 BLAKE Hello, Madison.
01:07:14:14 MADISON You don't have to kill just
because she told you to.
01:07:17:10 BLAKE I'm not afraid of
using a gun.
01:07:19:17 MADISON Patricia convinced
you that it's necessary.
01:07:21:19 MADISON But--but it's not.
01:07:24:19 BLAKE Is that what you think?
01:07:30:17 BLAKE Hmm?
01:07:43:03 BLAKE I don't do what
she tells me to do.
01:07:45:15 MADISON Then why didn't she just
come kill me herself?
01:07:48:14 MADISON She's using you to do
all of her dirty work.
01:07:51:07 MADISON Don't you see that?
01:07:53:01 MADISON She's setting you up.
01:07:55:03 BLAKE Stop talking.
01:07:56:18 MADISON Think about it.
01:07:59:06 MADISON What if my body
accidently gets found?
01:08:02:09 MADISON She's got no
connection to you.
01:08:04:03 MADISON But you've probably got
a record, right?
01:08:07:07 MADISON She can go and tell
the police that, I don't know,
01:08:10:12 MADISON that I was working with you
by blackmailing her
01:08:13:03 MADISON and claiming
to be her daughter.
01:08:14:03 BLAKE All right, shut up.
01:08:15:09 MADISON And then it's your word
against hers
01:08:16:18 MADISON and who do you think
they would believe?
01:08:18:06 BLAKE Hey! Shut up!
01:08:23:06 MADISON She's been planning on
killing me for years.
01:08:26:16 MADISON Do you honestly think
that she met you
01:08:29:05 MADISON and thought that you were
her soul mate?
01:08:31:17 MADISON You're just a part
of her plan, too.
01:08:37:01 BLAKE You're just trying
to save your life.
01:08:38:15 MADISON Hell, yeah, I'm trying
to save my life!
01:08:41:02 MADISON I'm just trying
to live one more day!
01:08:43:12 MADISON ‘ Cause I don't care
about the money!
01:08:46:06 MADISON You can have all of it!
01:08:48:20 MADISON Just keep me alive one more day
or one more week
01:08:54:07 MADISON for when Patricia finally
decides to turn on you.
01:08:56:14 MADISON 'Cause you know that
she's going to, don't you?
01:08:58:09 MADISON You do!
01:08:59:13 MADISON Blake, I'm your
ace in the hole!
01:09:00:23 BLAKE Shut up!
01:09:03:03 BLAKE Damn it!
01:09:07:00 MADISON [ crying ]
01:09:09:06 MADISON No, no.
01:09:26:04 BLAKE It's done.
01:09:28:06 PATRICIA Okay.
01:09:30:09 MADISON [ panting, grunting ]
01:09:42:12 PATRICIA I need to see the proof.
01:09:43:23 BLAKE Jesus, I said it's done.
01:09:45:13 BLAKE I'm not texting you pictures
01:09 over an unsecured phone.
01:09:53:04 PATRICIA It's okay, baby.
I trust you.
01:09:55:11 PATRICIA We're in this together.
01:09:56:11 PATRICIA Just show me in the morning.
01:09:58:10 Patricia: I need you to be on the lookout
01:10 at the bank, though, all right?
01:10:04:18 PATRICIA Blake?
01:10:08:10 Patricia: Blake?
01:10:32:19 MADISON [ grunts ]
01:10:39:13 MADISON [ shrieks ]
01:10:48:14 [ grunts ]
01:11:14:02 MADISON Bank of Saint Isabel, 9 a.m.
01:11:26:23 [ speaking Spanish ]
01:11:26:28 GRAPHIC ON
I’ve told you everything.
01:11:29:21 GRAPHIC ON
You need to find the girl
before it’s too late. The
clock is ticking.
01:11:34:06 GRAPHIC ON
This isn’t the first time
you’ve had run-ins with
the law, no?
01:11:37:02 GRAPHIC ON
They were protest
groups. I was sixteen…
and alone with no one to
look after me.
01:11:43:02 GRAPHIC ON
They were my only
01:11:44:27 GRAPHIC ON
But you were holding the
01:11:47:25 GRAPHIC ON
What am I supposed to
01:11:49:13 GRAPHIC ON
We’re running out of
time! You need to listen
to me.
01:11:51:24 GRAPHIC ON
And why should I believe
01:11:53:20 GRAPHIC ON
Just stake out the bank
and follow Patricia.
She’ll take you to
01:11:58:07 GRAPHIC ON
If I’m lying, you can
keep me here for as long
as you want.
01:12:07:02 PATRICIA Damn it, Blake,
where are you?
01:12:09:20 TAYLOR What? Something's
wrong, isn't it?
01:12:13:04 PATRICIA We have to be smart
about this, Taylor.
01:12:14:23 PATRICIA Whatever happens,
I can handle it.
01:12:17:09 TAYLOR Well, what if he got caught
and told the cops?
01:12:19:20 TAYLOR They'll be waiting for us
at the bank.
01:12:21:16 PATRICIA Now why would he do that?
01:12:23:06 PATRICIA Taylor, you need to calm down.
01:12:24:22 TAYLOR Or she killed him.
01:12:26:18 TAYLOR She killed him and now she's out
there waiting to kill us too!
01:12:30:04 PATRICIA No, no, no.
01:12:31:13 PATRICIA You're overestimating her,
01:12:33:19 PATRICIA And Blake is probably
out celebrating,
getting drunk or something.
01:12:39:02 PATRICIA Come on, let's go.
01:12:51:05 TAYLOR Doesn't Blake have a truck?
01:12:53:01 TAYLOR Where is it?
01:12:58:05 TAYLOR I'm gonna wait here.
01:13:07:00 PATRICIA Blake?
01:13:14:03 BLAKE [ groans ]
01:13:19:06 PATRICIA Where is she?
01:13:27:04 PATRICIA Where is she?
01:13:28:23 BLAKE [ groans ]
01:13:38:14 BLAKE [ gagging ]
01:14:02:02 TAYLOR What happened?
01:14:07:07 PATRICIA They're gone.
01:14 Both of them.
01:14:12:16 TAYLOR What do we do now?
01:14:14:02 PATRICIA First we gotta
get to the bank.
01:14:17:00 PATRICIA Then we gotta
get to the airport.
01:14:19:11 PATRICIA And then after that,
we'll be home free.
01:14:23:07 PATRICIA It'll take 60 minutes tops.
01:14:26:10 PATRICIA First I gotta make a call.
01:14:54:22 TAYLOR Uh-huh, yeah, that's right.
01:14:57:03 TAYLOR The crazy girl everyone's
been talking about?
01:14:59:03 TAYLOR No, I'm from the states.
01:15:01:19 TAYLOR I'm here with my sorority.
01:15:03:16 PATRICIA - She was covered in blood.
01:15:05:20 PATRICIA There's a problem.
01:15:07:05 TAYLOR We saw her in
Saint Isabel somewhere.
01:15:09:08 TAYLOR Her clothes were
covered in blood.
01:15:10:20 TAYLOR It was disgusting.
01:15:13:18 TAYLOR Yes, yes, okay.
01:15:16:06 TAYLOR Thank you.
And just keep a lookout.
01:15:18:01 TAYLOR 'Cause I think
she's dangerous.
01:15:20:04 TAYLOR Okay, bye.
01:16:10:07 TAYLOR I think she's close.
01:16:11:20 PATRICIA That could be anything.
01:16:13:11 TAYLOR Do you think she knows
which bank?
01:16:14:22 TAYLOR Blake could have told her.
01:16:17:10 PATRICIA Let's just get to the bank.
01:16:40:15 PATRICIA Door's locked.
01:16:51:02 TAYLOR Patricia?
01:16:52:12 PATRICIA What?
01:16:53:13 TAYLOR Patricia?
01:17:01:07 GUARD - Good morning.
01:17 PATRICIA - Good morning.
01:17:08:04 PATRICIA - Hi.
CLERK - Good morning.
01:17:10:07 PATRICIA We need to access our
safety deposit box, please.
01:17:13:00 CLERK - Of course.
PATRICIA - Thank you.
01:17:14:17 CLERK Please follow me.
01:17:28:04 CLERK It's been a long time.
01:17:29:14 CLERK Almost 10 years.
01:17:31:11 PATRICIA I know.
Madison's just turned 18.
01:17:34:01 PATRICIA And it's amazing
01:17 how time flies.
01:17:38:05 PATRICIA My husband and I were always
very fond of this place.
01:17:41:16 CLERK I was very sad when
I heard about Senor Ashland.
01:17:45:00 CLERK He was a very good man.
01:17:47:05 PATRICIA Yeah. It was devastating
to all of us.
01:17:49:23 PATRICIA And it was actually
really difficult for us
01:17:53:02 PATRICIA to come down here with all
the memories and everything.
01:17:56:01 CLERK I understand.
01:17:58:01 CLERK Well, hopefully, we can
relieve some of your
hardship today, ma'am.
01:18:02:14 PATRICIA Thank you.
01:18:07:17 CLERK Thank you.
01:18:20:21 CLERK Everything seems
to be in order.
01:18:22:14 CLERK But for the thumbprint,
we'll need to do that here.
01:18:25:14 PATRICIA Of course.
01:18:32:06 CLERK Right here, please?
01:18:42:14 TAYLOR There. I did it.
01:18:46:19 PATRICIA You know, it's been years.
01:18:48:13 PATRICIA I just was wondering if
the thumbprint stays similar.
01:18:51:08 CLERK You'd be surprised.
01:19:01:03 CLERK Very well then.
01:19:02:14 CLERK I'll be right back in
a moment with your box.
01:19:04:13 PATRICIA Great.
01:19:17:13 CLERK Here you are.
01:19:19:01 CLERK We have a private room
where you can open it.
01:19:20:17 PATRICIA Oh, actually,
can we open it here?
01:19:23:02 PATRICIA 'Cause we're in a bit of a rush.
01:19:25:21 CLERK - Of course.
01:19 PATRICIA - Thank you.
01:20:02:03 MADISON [ gasps ]
01:20:16:23 TAYLOR I think it's locked.
01:20:18:11 PATRICIA Yeah, it is. Could you
get my purse, please?
01:20:25:05 MADISON I have the key to that box!
01:20:26:14 CLERK Miss!
01:20:27:17 PATRICIA Well, then you
obviously stole it.
01:20:29:06 MADISON No! My father
left that for me!
01:20:31:16 PATRICIA Look, sir, this woman is
a fugitive and a criminal.
01:20:34:20 PATRICIA And I really think that
we need to call the police.
01:20:36:19 MADISON You have
my thumbprint, right?
01:20:38:15 CLERK Yeah?
01:20:40:22 MADISON Here. Check this.
01:20 If I'm wrong, you can arrest me.
01:20:53:05 CLERK These match, too.
I don't understand.
01:20:56:23 MADISON Here. Feel free to check.
01:20:59:00 CLERK They seem normal.
01:21:00:23 MADISON Now check her hands.
01:21:02:09 PATRICIA Madison, it's okay.
Just stay away from her.
01:21:04:19 MADISON Whoever you are, you're not
gonna get away with this.
01:21:07:21 PATRICIA My daughter has already
verified her identity, so...
01:21:10:18 DETECTIVE CORTEZ Hands on your head!
01:21:12:06 PATRICIA - Thank God!
MADISON - I can explain.
01:21:13:06 PATRICIA Finally.
01:21:14:12 MADISON I can prove that
I'm Madison Ashland.
01:21:16:17 PATRICIA I can't believe that
you're actually listening
to this, senor.
01:21:19:12 MADISON I know you want answers.
01:21:20:20 MADISON We can settle this once
and for all.
01:21:22:14 CLERK Cortez, the prints on
01:21 file match both the girls.
01:21:30:23 CLERK [ speaking Spanish ]
01:21:40:23 DETECTIVE CORTEZ Ma'am, can I please
have the box?
01:21:43:19 PATRICIA But this is my box.
01:21:45:13 DETECTIVE CORTEZ Now!
01:21:49:06 DETECTIVE CORTEZ Thank you.
01:21 Move back, please.
01:21:56:09 DETECTIVE CORTEZ Um...
01:21:58:07 PATRICIA I can't believe
this is happening.
01:21:59:07 DETECTIVE CORTEZ Uh, okay.
01:22:00:19 DETECTIVE CORTEZ $10 million in an escrow
for Madison
01:22:06:03 DETECTIVE CORTEZ to be used
01:22 as she sees fit.
01:22:11:22 DETECTIVE CORTEZ There's one more item.
01:22:14:05 DETECTIVE CORTEZ The key to this
unlocks two hearts.
01:22:20:22 MADISON Here. Take this.
01:22:26:06 MADISON It was my father's pendant.
01:22:39:20 MADISON It's not too late, you know.
01:22:42:09 MADISON You could still
have a decent life.
01:22:44:22 MADISON Why don't you tell us
01:22 what your real name is?
01:22:55:09 TAYLOR My name is Taylor.
01:22:58:17 PATRICIA Please don't.
01:23:00:06 TAYLOR I'm not Madison Ashland.
I was only playing a part.
01:23:06:04 TAYLOR I'm sorry.
01:23:08:10 PATRICIA Madison, please,
you can't do this.
01:23:12:18 MADISON Goodbye, Patricia.
01:23:55:12 CLERK What is it?
01:23:59:11 MADISON A map to pirate treasure.
01:24:19:00 MADISON [ chuckles ]
01:24:24:13 ANDRES What is this place?
01:24:26:13 ANDRES I've never seen it before.
01:24:28:03 MADISON This is the Outworks.
01:24:29:16 MADISON It was actually closed down
when I was a kid.
01:24:35:11 MADISON Come on.
01:24 I think I have an idea.
01:25:00:16 MADISON This is it.
01:25:05:17 MADISON There it is!
01:25:08:20 ANDRES Let's find this treasure!
Oh, my God, what is it?
01:25:12:10 ANDRES What do you want
01:25 to be in there?
01:25:19:16 MADISON Got it.
01:25:43:00 MADISON "Princess, so you've reached
the end of this journey.
01:25:46:09 MADISON And so begins
the start of another.
01:25:48:05 MADISON As you transition
into adulthood,
01:25:50:13 MADISON be sure to cherish all
the blessings you receive
01:25:53:11 MADISON and honor them by giving back.
01:25:55:19 MADISON Because this life
is your journey.
01:25:59:06 MADISON May this pendant serve as
a reminder to you
01:26:02:14 MADISON that the source of happiness
is in the world you create.
01:26:06:07 MADISON Make it one you
can be proud of.
01:26:08:19 MADISON Always, your loving father."
01:27:42:15 END OF AUDIO

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