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Data is the raw, unprocessed facts or

information that hasn't been given
meaning yet. For example, the number
"35" is data, because it doesn't have any
meaning until we know that it's the
temperature in your city
Data refers to raw and unorganized
facts, figures, or observations. It can be
considered the building blocks for
creating information and knowledge.
We can define information as facts or
data that have been processed,
organized, and given meaning. For
example, the temperature in your city
today is a piece of information, because
it has been processed and given
meaning. It's no longer just raw data,
like a number.
Information is a processed form of data
that gives meaning to it. It is the result of
processing, analyzing, and interpreting
data. The information helps people
make sense of data and use it in
meaningful ways.
According to Merriam-Webster
Dictionary, communication can be
defined as the process or act of
exchanging, expressing or conveying
information and ideas through writing,
speaking and gesturing.
We can define communication as the
process of sharing information and
understanding between people. It's
more than just the exchange of data; it
requires interpretation and
understanding on the part of the
receiver. So, for example, if you tell me
the temperature in your city, and I
understand what that means, that's
We Can define knowledge as the
understanding and meaning that comes
from information and data. It's the
knowledge that we gain from processing
and understanding the information we
receive. So, for example, if you know
that 35 degrees is a hot temperature in
your city, that's knowledge.
Knowledge, on the other hand, refers to
the understanding, awareness, or
expertise acquired through experience,
study, or education. It is the result of
combining information with personal
experience and context.
Eg. I have no knowledge of the robbery.
[=I am not aware of/do not know what
She has a lot of knowledge in the field of
engineering. [=she has a lot of
understanding of engineering.]
His thirst for knowledge
[=understanding] makes him an
excellent student.
Now we can see how these concepts
are related.
Information becomes communication
when it's shared between people, and
communication becomes knowledge
when it's understood. And data is the
raw material that we use to create
information and knowledge.
So, let's take a look at some of the key
differences between these concepts.
The main difference between
information and knowledge is that
information is just data, while
knowledge is understanding.
Information is just the facts, while
knowledge is the understanding of those
The main difference between data and
information is that data is just raw facts,
while information is data that has been
processed and given meaning. Data is
just numbers or symbols, while
information is data that has been given
context and meaning.
Now, let's talk about the difference
between communication and
knowledge. The main difference here is
that communication is the exchange of
information, while knowledge is the
understanding of that information. So,
communication is just the act of sharing
information, while knowledge is the
result of that communication.
Some Significance Differences between
data and information
 Data is a group of raw facts
 It doesn't depend on information
 It is unorganized
 It doesn't inherently have meaning
 It doesn't offer a clear enough picture
to make decisions
 Information offer context to these
 It's organized
 It depends on data (dependent)
 Give apparent meaning
 Information can help influence
*Madison Zoey Vettorino
Published: July 11, 2022
*Britannica Dictionary
Knowledge and Information

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