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Subject : English
Class : IX Grade
Material : Report Text
Teacher : Listanti Bidayasari, S.Pd
NAME OF GROUP :____________________
MEMBERS OF GROUP: 1. ___________________ 3. _____________________
2. ___________________ 4. _____________________
Tujuan Pembelajaran:
Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model
discovery learning melalui metode diskusi dan tanya jawab, peserta didik dapat
1. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial teks information report dengan benar
2. Mengidentifikasi sturktur teks information report dengan benar
3. Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam teks information report
dengan tepat
4. Membandingkan beberapa jenis teks information report dengan baik
5. Menyebutkan ide pokok paragraph dalam teks information report dengan benar
6. Menemukan informasi rinci yang terdapat pada teks information report dengan
7. Menyusun paragraf acak menjadi teks report memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar seseui dengan konteks dengan lancar
8. Menulis teks report sederhana dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar seseui dengan konteks dengan baik dan benar

TASK 1 : Match the paragraph and its stucture

Butterflies Physical
Butterflies are beautiful insect in the world. They
include Lepidotera insect family or winged insect
scales family.
The Title
Butterflies are found in most parts of the world.
They can be found in the subtropic until tropic
areas. Butterflies are mostly from Amazon, Brazil.
Diet of
Butterflies can fly so beautifully, because they have Butterfly
beautiful wings. Their body devided into three
parts, namely head, thorax, and abdomen. They
have six legs and a pair of wings which attach to
Classification of
the thorax. A pair of antenna is on its head. the
antenna is used for smelling.

Butterflies like to eat nectar, a sugary fluid that the

Habitat of
plants produce. Almost all butterflies enjoy the
sweet nectar of a brightly colored flower.

TASK 2 : Answer the following questions based on the text!

1. What is butterly?
2. What do butterflies eat?
3. What is the antenna for?
4. How do the body of butterflies look like?
5. What is the purpose of the text?
TASK 3 : Choose the correct verb used in the text!
A Rainbow (is/ are) a beautiful natural phenomenon that (occur/ occurs) in
the sky after rainfall. It is usually in the form of colorful arc (appeared/
appears) in the sky. It (consist/ consists) of seven distinct color, such as red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
Rainbows are (formed/forming) when the sun’s rays pass through
raindrops. The light is (refracted/ refracting), or bent, as it enters the water
droplets, and then it (reflect/ reflects) off the back of the droplets. The light
is then refracted again as it (exit/ exits) the droplets, creating the different
colors of the rainbow.
Rainbows have been the subject of myths and legends for centuries, and
they are often (seen/see) as a symbol of hope and promise. In addition to
their cultural significance, rainbows are also important scientifically, as they
(provide/provided) a way to study light and its behavior.

TASK 4 : Decide whether the statement TRUE or FALSE based on text above!
1. Rainbow occurs in the sky before rainfall
2. Rainbow has eight different colors
3. The different colors of rainbow comes from the refracted light
4. People usually see a rainbow in the morning.
5. There is myths about rainbow asa a symbol of hope

TASK 5: Write a short report text by using the following guidelines!

Title : Cats
Paragraph 1 : General Classification of cats (mammals, Felis Catus)
Paragraph 2 : Description of physical appearance (moustache, legs, tail, fur)
Paragraph 3 : Description of habitat (domestic, home, apartement, outdoor)
Paragraph 4 : Description of diet (Carnivore, variety of fish, small animal like mice or rats)
Paragraph 5 : Descrition of Behavior (active, spoiled)

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