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Yesterday, Sarah went to the supermarket. She parked her car in the parking lot and went inside.

While she was shopping, she noticed a man who seemed to look suspicious. He was acting
nervously and kept looking around.

Sarah saw the man grab some items and tuck them under his jacket. She realized he was trying to
shoplift. She quickly went to find a store employee and told them about the man. The employee
thanked her and went to confront him.

When the employee approached the man, he tried to hide behind a display but was caught. The
employee asked him to show what he had taken. The man started to beg and attempted to put
through an excuse, but it was clear he was lying.

The employee called for security. As security arrived, the man couldn't hold back anymore and
spilled out the truth about what he had done. A yelling voice from another customer drew more
attention, making the situation even more tense.

The man was taken to the office to wait for the police. Sarah felt relieved that she had done the right
thing. She finished her shopping and left the store, happy that she had helped to stop someone from

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