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For Windows Users:

1. Download JDK and install

2. Go to System settings/control panel-System-Advanced system settings
3. Open environment variables window
4. Select Path from system variables and click Edit
5. Add path to your folder of jdk binaries.
6. Go to JDK folder , then the bin folder and copy the path
7. Add new and click ok:

8. Some operating systems need the Java HOME environment variable as well to run.
9. Go to user variable section and click new here.
10. Variable name will be “JAVA_HOME”
11. Value will be the path until the jdk folder “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-1.8”
12. Click OK, then OK
13. Now you can run java using your command line (cmd)
14. Open cmd and type java -version, and you can see the java version
15. To see compile java file version, type “javac -version”, press enter
16. You can see the java compile version is also same.

Netbeans download:
1. Write in your browser for Apache Netbeans download.

2. Click on downloads or choose the version with LTS (long term support)
3. On next window , you will see the files for binaries , installers, and other files for linux,
mac and windows.
4. For windows, click on the .exe file under Installers and packages.
5. On the next page , just choose the recommended link.

6. Clink on the exe file downloaded, and install the netbeans, follow the instructions.
7. Check for the jdk and netbeans installation location folders while installing netbeans.
8. Leave everything as default and click “Install”.
9. See the installation completion message.

10. Run Netbeans.

11. If you encounter any error, then install the recommended version, try changing the
environment variables settings.
12. If still does not run, then uninstall and reinstall Netbeans, set the path to jdk while
installation, and you should be good to go.
13. Mine is working with Netbeans 21, with JDK11
For MAC Users:
1. How to Install Java on MacOS:
2. How to Install NetBeans on MacOS?

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