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Deceased Name Textbox txtDName

Age Textbox txtAge
Gender Combobox cboGender
Date of Birth DateTimePicker DOB
Race Combobox cboRace
Religion Combobox cboReligion
Marital Status Combobox cboMStatus
Date and Time of Death DateTimePicker DOD
Place of Death Textbox txtPOD
Causes of Death Combobox cboCOD
Insurance Combobox cboIns
If Yes Textbox txtYes
Name of Kin Textbox txtNKin
Age Textbox txtKAge
Relationship Combobox cboRelay
Mobile phone Textbox txtMPhone
Place of Disposition Textbox txtPDis
Section Textbox txtSection
Save Button btnSave
Update Button btnUpdate
Delete Button btnDelete
Reload Button btnReload
Search Button btnSearch
Data Grid View Data Grid View DGV
Kubur Database System

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