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English Academy

End term course report

Name: Kiril Filipov Class: Pre-Advanced Teacher: Michelle Evans

End-term test result (A, B, C or D) Attendance

B %
Speaking (6 = Excellent)
Range of vocabulary (Речников запас) 5
Accuracy of grammar (Правилно използване на граматика) 5
Pronunciation (Произношение) 5
Ability to communicate ideas (Умения за изразяване на идеи) 6
Willingness to speak first in class (Желание за взимане на участие в час) 6
Participation in group activities (Участие в занимания по групи) 6
Writing (6 = Excellent)
Range of grammar and vocabulary (Граматичен и речников запас) 5
Accuracy of writing (Точност при писане) 4
Homework (Домашни работи) 5

Would benefit from speaking more in class (Ще е от полза да говори повече в час) Yes

Would benefit from concentrating more in class (Ще е от полза да се конценрира повече в час)

Would benefit by focusing on accuracy (Ще е от полза да се фокусира върху прецизността) Yes
Would benefit from additional vocabulary/ grammar study (Ще е от полза да учи повече
Would benefit from producing more written homework (Ще е от полза да пише повече писмени
Would benefit from improving attendance (Ще е от полза да не пропуска часове)
Is making excellent progress (Има отличен напредък)
Is making good progress (Има добър напредък) Yes
Is making steady progress (Има постоянен напредък)
Is finding the course challenging (Намира курса за предизвикателство)

Additional comments/Допълнителни коментари/: Kiril is becoming a more competent speaker of English. His
range of vocabulary and ability to communicate clearly and effectively is slowly but steadily improving. His written
English is generally good. He is motivated and always participates fully in lessons.

English Academy Varna 48 Preslav Str 052/622351
English Academy
End term course report

Name: Chavdar Chavdarov Class: Pre-Advanced Teacher: Michelle Evans

End-term test result (A, B, C or D) Attendance

B %
Speaking (6 = Excellent)
Range of vocabulary (Речников запас) 4
Accuracy of grammar (Правилно използване на граматика) 5
Pronunciation (Произношение) 4
Ability to communicate ideas (Умения за изразяване на идеи) 4
Willingness to speak first in class (Желание за взимане на участие в час) 4
Participation in group activities (Участие в занимания по групи) 4
Writing (6 = Excellent)
Range of grammar and vocabulary (Граматичен и речников запас) 4
Accuracy of writing (Точност при писане) 5
Homework (Домашни работи) 4

Would benefit from speaking more in class (Ще е от полза да говори повече в час) Yes

Would benefit from concentrating more in class (Ще е от полза да се конценрира повече в час)

Would benefit by focusing on accuracy (Ще е от полза да се фокусира върху прецизността) Yes
Would benefit from additional vocabulary/ grammar study (Ще е от полза да учи повече
Would benefit from producing more written homework (Ще е от полза да пише повече писмени
Would benefit from improving attendance (Ще е от полза да не пропуска часове) Yes
Is making excellent progress (Има отличен напредък)
Is making good progress (Има добър напредък)
Is making steady progress (Има постоянен напредък) Yes
Is finding the course challenging (Намира курса за предизвикателство)

Additional comments/Допълнителни коментари/: Chavdar is a capable student overall. His written English is
stronger than his spoken English, which shows that his grammar base is solid, and that he needs to practice speaking
more. His range of vocabulary is slowly but steadily improving. He is motivated and always participates fully and
seriously in lessons.

English Academy Varna 48 Preslav Str 052/622351
English Academy
End term course report

Name: Elena Nikolova Class: Pre-Advanced Teacher: Michelle Evans

End-term test result (A, B, C or D) Attendance

A %
Speaking (6 = Excellent)
Range of vocabulary (Речников запас) 5
Accuracy of grammar (Правилно използване на граматика) 6
Pronunciation (Произношение) 5
Ability to communicate ideas (Умения за изразяване на идеи) 5
Willingness to speak first in class (Желание за взимане на участие в час) 5
Participation in group activities (Участие в занимания по групи) 5
Writing (6 = Excellent)
Range of grammar and vocabulary (Граматичен и речников запас) 5
Accuracy of writing (Точност при писане) 5
Homework (Домашни работи) 5

Would benefit from speaking more in class (Ще е от полза да говори повече в час) Yes

Would benefit from concentrating more in class (Ще е от полза да се конценрира повече в час)

Would benefit by focusing on accuracy (Ще е от полза да се фокусира върху прецизността) Yes
Would benefit from additional vocabulary/ grammar study (Ще е от полза да учи повече
Would benefit from producing more written homework (Ще е от полза да пише повече писмени
Would benefit from improving attendance (Ще е от полза да не пропуска часове)
Is making excellent progress (Има отличен напредък) Yes
Is making good progress (Има добър напредък)
Is making steady progress (Има постоянен напредък)
Is finding the course challenging (Намира курса за предизвикателство)

Additional comments/Допълнителни коментари/: Elena has a solid grasp of English. Her grammar and range of
vocabulary have improved significantly over the course. Her comprehension of more challenging texts is also very
good. Elena now needs to focus on building her speaking confidence as she most certainly has the ability to
communicate well in English.

English Academy Varna 48 Preslav Str 052/622351
English Academy
End term course report

Name: Radomir Vasilev Class: Pre-Advanced Teacher: Michelle Evans

End-term test result (A, B, C or D) Attendance

A %
Speaking (6 = Excellent)
Range of vocabulary (Речников запас) 5
Accuracy of grammar (Правилно използване на граматика) 5
Pronunciation (Произношение) 4
Ability to communicate ideas (Умения за изразяване на идеи) 5
Willingness to speak first in class (Желание за взимане на участие в час) 5
Participation in group activities (Участие в занимания по групи) 5
Writing (6 = Excellent)
Range of grammar and vocabulary (Граматичен и речников запас) 5
Accuracy of writing (Точност при писане) 5
Homework (Домашни работи) 5

Would benefit from speaking more in class (Ще е от полза да говори повече в час) Yes

Would benefit from concentrating more in class (Ще е от полза да се конценрира повече в час)

Would benefit by focusing on accuracy (Ще е от полза да се фокусира върху прецизността) Yes
Would benefit from additional vocabulary/ grammar study (Ще е от полза да учи повече
Would benefit from producing more written homework (Ще е от полза да пише повече писмени
Would benefit from improving attendance (Ще е от полза да не пропуска часове)
Is making excellent progress (Има отличен напредък)
Is making good progress (Има добър напредък) Yes
Is making steady progress (Има постоянен напредък)
Is finding the course challenging (Намира курса за предизвикателство)

Additional comments/Допълнителни коментари/: Radomir is a motivated and curious student who asks many
questions and clearly works hard on his English outside the classroom. He is developing an excellent grasp of
English. His grammar and range of vocabulary have improved over the course because he grasps new concepts well.
His comprehension of more challenging texts is also beginning to improve. His written English is generally good. He
always participates fully in lessons and has an excellent sense of humour.

English Academy Varna 48 Preslav Str 052/622351

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