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Module One

1. What is the primary characteristic of agile methodology?

a) Sequential development process
b) Long development cycles
c) Iterative and incremental approach
d) Strict adherence to initial requirements

2. How long is a typical iteration in agile methodology?

a) 1 to 4 days
b) 1 to 4 weeks
c) 1 to 4 months
d) 1 to 4 years

3. What is the main advantage of agile methodology?

a) Predictability in project outcomes
b) Minimal customer involvement
c) Emphasis on documentation over working software
d) Adaptability to changing business requirements

Module Two

1. What does the team decide in a scrum sprint planning meeting?

A. What can be done in the coming sprint
B. To learn the current progress of every team member
C. To inspect outcome of the the sprint and determine future adaptations
D. All of above
2. What is the purpose of scrum daily standup meetings?
A. It setups planning for the entire team for success
B. To learn the current progress of every team member
C. To show the customers and stakeholders the work they have accomplished
D. All of above
3. Which of the following is not a Scrum artifact?
A) Product Backlog
B) Sprint Backlog
C) Burn-down chart
D) Daily Standup

Module 3 question

1. What is the role of a scribe in product ownership according to this lesson?

A. Collecting budget information
B. Writing down requirements and passing them to the development team
C. Making budget decisions
D. Managing project timelines

2. What is the main drawback of a proxy as a product owner?

A. Lack of domain knowledge
B. Inability to collect stakeholder feedback
C. Delay in decision-making
D. Limited budget power

3. What distinguishes a business representative from a proxy in product ownership?

A. Ability to make budget decisions
B. Strong domain knowledge
C. Writing user stories
D. Passing information to stakeholders

3. In the context of agile product development, which of the following best describes a
unique responsibility of a business representative compared to a proxy?
A. Setting strategic product goals based on market analysis and user feedback
B. Facilitating daily stand-up meetings to track project progress
C. Managing the product backlog by prioritizing user stories and features
D. Acting as a liaison between the development team and end users to gather requirements

Module 4

1. What does it mean by corporate culture?

A. Dress code
B. Collection of values and beliefs that characterize organization and guide practice
C. Organized from many elements of internal practices and physical environment
D. B and C
E. All
2. What are key success factors for culture transformation
A. You need to be crystal clear about what your target culture is
B. Work on many things at the same time and those things will change the culture
C. Leaders should not behave in those ways, we do not need to engage the leader
D. We don't need to identify the key organizational beliefs, and personal beliefs that
people have.
3. What is continuous improvement?
A. A method for making occasional updates to processes
B. A one-time effort to fix problems
C. A random approach to making changes without a plan
D. A systematic approach to gradually enhance processes and outcomes

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