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DPP #5
#LP 1 : For the pair of equations λ x + 3y = – 7, 2x – 6y = 14 to have infinitely many
solutions, find the value of λ.

#LP 2 : Find the value of c for which the pair of equations c x – y = 2 and 6x – 2y = 3
will have infinitely many solutions.
#LP 3 : If the system of equations :
2x + 3y = 7
(a + b) x + (2a − b) y = 21
has infinitely many solutions, then find ‘a’ and ‘b’.

#LP 4 : A pair of equation x = m and y=n graphically represent lines which

(A) Intersecting at (n, m)
(B) Coincident
(C) Parallel
(D) Intersecting at (m, n)

#LP 5: Lines 8x --12=0 and x= --13/3 are:

(i) parallel (ii) perpendicular
(iii) coincident (iv) none of these

#LP 6 : If the zeroes of the polynomial x 2 + p x + q are double in value to the zeroes of
2x 2– 5x – 3, find the value of ‘p’ and ‘q’.
[CBSE Board - 2012]

#LP 7 : Verify whether 2 , 3 and 1 are the zeroes of the polynomial ,

3 2
p(x) = 2x -- 11x +17x -- 6 .
[CBSE Board - 2012 , 2017 D]
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#LP 8 : ASSERTION : The HCF of two numbers is 5 and their product is 150 , then their
LCM is 30 .
REASON : For any two positive integers ‘a’ and ‘b’ HCF (a , b) + LCM (a , b) = a X b.
i. Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of
assertion (A).
ii. Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation
of assertion (A).
iii. Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false .
iv. Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true .

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