RSG-HS-FRM-0008 Emergency Drill HE04 TIEJUN 23-05-2024

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Emergency Drill Record Form


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General Information
Program/Facility P8 SHURA ISLAND Contractor Tiejun Date & Time
16:00 HRS
Weather / Sea State Wind Temperature

Target Time 10 Minuts Achieved Time 8 Mintuts Avg. No of Participants 20

Location HE04 TOp Of BOH

Drill Scenario
A worker was performing his duties under direct sunlight for an extended period without consuming sufficient water. As a result of prolonged exposure to the sun and
inadequate hydration, the worker experienced dizziness and eventually collapsed. Witnessing the incident, a concerned co-worker immediately raised the alarm and called for
assistance from the supervisor and the Health, Safety, (HSE) personnel in the area.

Upon receiving the call, the site supervisor promptly contacted TIEJUN, the site's male nurse, and requested his presence at the location. Simultaneously, the area's designated
first aider hastened to attend to the injured worker. Recognizing the severity of the situation, the area supervisor also dialed the emergency number for medical assistance,
from the tiejun malenurse and ambulance.

Drill Preparation
A worker performing duties under direct sunlight for an extended period without sufficient hydration began to feel dizzy and eventually collapsed. A concerned co-worker,
witnessing the incident, immediately raised the alarm and called for assistance from the supervisor and the Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) personnel in the area. Upon
receiving the call, the site supervisor promptly contacted TIEJUN, the site's male nurse, requesting his immediate presence at the location. Simultaneously, the designated first
aider for the area hurried to attend to the injured worker. Recognizing the severity of the situation, the area supervisor also called for emergency medical assistance, including
TIEJUN and an ambulance.

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Emergency Drill Record Form

Drill Sequence
Start Time Duration Event / Action Comment
A worker was performing his duties under direct sunlight for an extended period
4:01 PM 1 Min
without consuming sufficient water.
the sun and inadequate hydration, the worker experienced dizziness and
4:02 PM 1 Min
eventually collapsed
a concerned co-worker immediately raised the alarm and called for assistance
from the supervisor and the Health, Safety, (HSE) personnel in the area.
4:03 PM 1 Min

Upon receiving the call, the site supervisor promptly contacted TIEJUN, the site's
4:06 PM 3 Min
male nurse, and requested his presence at the location.
Simultaneously, the area's designated first aider hastened to attend to the injured
4:07 PM 1 Min
Recognizing the severity of the situation, the area supervisor also dialed the
4:08 PM 1 Mint emergency number for medical assistance, from the tiejun malenurse and

Action to be Taken

First aider and the male nurse should wear the gloves before examine the victom.

First aider should treat proffessionally to the effected person.

Effected person should not handle before male nurse came at the spot.

Shift the victom carefully to any location.

All stretcher straps tie-off properly.

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Ambulance clean and maintain properly.

Air Condition properly working inside the ambulance.

Clean the embulance at daily bases.

Make sure that the first aid box is always complete with necessary items.

Maintain the ambulance checklist at daily bases.

Lessons Learned

Was the drill successful? ✘ Yes No

Rev. 00, 30 Apr 2023 Page 3 of 5
Emergency Drill Record Form

Drill Photos

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Prepared by

Usman Safdar H&S Controller 23-May-24

Name Position Signature Date

Reviewed by

Mr Li PM 23-May-24
Name Position Signature Date

Approved by

Muhmmad Zameer H&S Manager 23-May-24

Name Position Signature Date

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