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A flash of light brought Arushi back to consciousness. She tried to recognise the faces hovering over her, but her
vision was blurred. She felt nothing below her waist, except for a sharp pain on her nape. She was in a hospital, but
she didn't know why. All she could remember was the little girl, Bhavna Saraogi, who needed her help with
Valvuloplasty, a rare case of MITRAL STENOSIS. Arushi was in a hurry to reach the hospital, she quickly drove
out of her apartment.

Tossed between these turbulent emotions she had left home in her new HONDA CITY on Friday, the 23rd of April
thinking how fast she could reach the hospital for Bhavna's valvuloplasty. As she swerved to take a right turn at
the crossroads, a speeding truck loaded with slabs of marble hit her car from the left ramming the vehicle into a
vacant shop for sale. The door on the left squished her inside the car. Her head lurched back and forth hitting it
hard on the steering wheel.

She heard voices asking her to count from 1 to 10 slowly, as the anaesthesia put her to sleep. The lights in the
operating room dazzled as Dr Sumer Kapoor prepared to do his 50th craniotomy. As he looked into the brain, he
noticed clots limiting the blood flow down the main artery. The surgery was time-consuming, and any mistake
could send Arushi into a permanent vegetative state. Sumer could not afford that. The patient lying on the table
before Dr. Kapoor was critical with multiple injuries and severe head trauma.

Who was Arushi Bose? Why was she here in this hospital, and what did Dr. Sumer Kapoor have to do with her?
To find the answers, we have to time travel about a decade back.

Love just happened to them under the sun, and it happened based on only one common interest, 'medicine.' They
had an incredible understanding, almost as if they shared a mind. One look into Arushi's large hazel eyes made
Sumer go crazy.

Suddenly at 2 a.m., she would go biking for fresh air after a whole night's study, or sometimes she would just pack
her bags and her medicine kit and leave for a remote village some twenty kilometres away from the city to attend
the sick who couldn't pay for their treatment.

Little did he realise that fate would bring them to such a juncture in life after a whole decade, and in such a
situation where he would have to operate that genius's brain to get her back on her feet again. He felt lost, and
helpless. In these ten long years, his love for Arushi only increased by folds, as looked upon her frame on the table
before him, tears glistened in his eyes as he kept thinking how he could get her back.

After 15 hours of surgery when Dr. Sen stitched ARUSHI and released her from the OR. Sumer stood under the
shower crying like a child in distress. Both he and Arushi had dreamt of a perfect life with each other, a life that
would have no woes or miseries.

But everything was shattered. Summer prayed to see her sitting on the bed, smiling as if assuring him that
everything was going to be alright but to his utter dismay! His 50th surgery seemed to have failed. The attending
doctors in Arushi’s surgery were called for in an emergency. When Sumer walked in all he saw was the monitor
above her head that showed a stable heart but a vegetative brain.

Arushi had slipped into permanent brain death! Nothing was left to be retrieved. He left the hospital that day and
no one has ever heard of him to date. People have their explanations about Dr Sumer Kapoors disappearance.

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